SuSE 10.3 roxors my boxors


Jan 5, 2007
I'm mot that huge of a fan of windows crashing into the background or burning up or whatever, i frankly couldn't care less about the visual effects.

On a scale performance is ten and looks is 0 for me, yet i do find the improvements in KDE to be quite the thing i have been looking for in a GUI.

If you like OpenSuSE, try the latest update from factory, it's as stable as 10.2 and much much better, it's pretty much everything that OpenSuSE should have been.

Of course, it you insist on using beryl or compiz, and the various ways of including them that will work too, but be warned, starting a gtk app while running beryl and KDE will give you ulcers when the kernel acpi modes turns your performance down, beryl will not report the syscall to KDE and KDE will not report the syscall to the system.

So use kwin if you want to know what it is like to run a desktop like a desktop should be.

I hear Ubuntu is copying half of this, that would make Ubuntu going from Debian to SuSE half of the trip, i'm not really liking that, but i guess that Canonical has plans for Impi, their money making distro.


Elite Member
Sep 14, 2001
I hear Ubuntu is copying half of this, that would make Ubuntu going from Debian to SuSE half of the trip, i'm not really liking that, but i guess that Canonical has plans for Impi, their money making distro.

Saying that Ubuntu is copying SuSe because they plan on releasing Fiesty with Compiz setup out of the box too is outrageous and makes no sense. That's like saying SuSe copied Fedora because Fedora got their distro released with Xorg first.


Jan 5, 2007
Originally posted by: Nothinman
I hear Ubuntu is copying half of this, that would make Ubuntu going from Debian to SuSE half of the trip, i'm not really liking that, but i guess that Canonical has plans for Impi, their money making distro.

Saying that Ubuntu is copying SuSe because they plan on releasing Fiesty with Compiz setup out of the box too is outrageous and makes no sense. That's like saying SuSe copied Fedora because Fedora got their distro released with Xorg first.

That WOULD have been outrageous, if that is what i had said.

It's free software, don't get me wrong, it has nothing to do with Beryl or Compiz at all, it has more to do with Mark Shuttleworth asking developers outright to come over to the ubuntu camp because of Novells involvement with MS, maybe he did not realize it at the time, but the biggest distribution in therms of users is still SuSE and the only approved distro in all of EU's governments is SuSE.

What i'm saying is that Ubuntu and Canonical don't give a damn about Debian or OpenSuSE, they will use different parts of it and implement it into their LTS which in for years will be Impi. Have you noticed that the packages they have taken and improved have had no equivalents for Debian? Some of them are SuSE packages improved to fit their distro but the code has never been kicked back there either.

Ubuntu is all about Canonical and their dev's are well paid and don't give a flying about neither Debian nor OpenSuSE.


Elite Member
Sep 14, 2001
It's free software, don't get me wrong, it has nothing to do with Beryl or Compiz at all, it has more to do with Mark Shuttleworth asking developers outright to come over to the ubuntu camp because of Novells involvement with MS, maybe he did not realize it at the time, but the biggest distribution in therms of users is still SuSE and the only approved distro in all of EU's governments is SuSE.

While I do think that mail of his was in bad taste, who cares? The agreement was bad enough for Jeremy Allison to quit, I'm actually surprised that more haven't left already. Or maybe he did realize that and thought he could take some wind out of their sales by stealling some of their devs making their deal with MS be a double-loss.

What i'm saying is that Ubuntu and Canonical don't give a damn about Debian or OpenSuSE, they will use different parts of it and implement it into their LTS which in for years will be Impi. Have you noticed that the packages they have taken and improved have had no equivalents for Debian? Some of them are SuSE packages improved to fit their distro but the code has never been kicked back there either.

Ubuntu has to give a damn about Debian, 90% of the work put into their distro is taken from Debian for free. Ubuntu only has a handful of devs so if Debian goes under Ubuntu's workload will go up 1000x. I really doubt they're stealing anything from OpenSuSE, infact I can't think of anything from there worth stealing, do you have any real proof? There have been some patches done for Ubuntu that haven't made it back into Debian yet, but if I had to guess I'd say that the majority have. Can you name something substantial that's in Ubuntu that isn't in Debian yet?

Impi is a partner of Ubuntu with Shuttleworth owning a majority share but they're not the same company.


Jan 5, 2007
Originally posted by: Nothinman
It's free software, don't get me wrong, it has nothing to do with Beryl or Compiz at all, it has more to do with Mark Shuttleworth asking developers outright to come over to the ubuntu camp because of Novells involvement with MS, maybe he did not realize it at the time, but the biggest distribution in therms of users is still SuSE and the only approved distro in all of EU's governments is SuSE.

While I do think that mail of his was in bad taste, who cares? The agreement was bad enough for Jeremy Allison to quit, I'm actually surprised that more haven't left already. Or maybe he did realize that and thought he could take some wind out of their sales by stealling some of their devs making their deal with MS be a double-loss.

What i'm saying is that Ubuntu and Canonical don't give a damn about Debian or OpenSuSE, they will use different parts of it and implement it into their LTS which in for years will be Impi. Have you noticed that the packages they have taken and improved have had no equivalents for Debian? Some of them are SuSE packages improved to fit their distro but the code has never been kicked back there either.

Ubuntu has to give a damn about Debian, 90% of the work put into their distro is taken from Debian for free. Ubuntu only has a handful of devs so if Debian goes under Ubuntu's workload will go up 1000x. I really doubt they're stealing anything from OpenSuSE, infact I can't think of anything from there worth stealing, do you have any real proof? There have been some patches done for Ubuntu that haven't made it back into Debian yet, but if I had to guess I'd say that the majority have. Can you name something substantial that's in Ubuntu that isn't in Debian yet?

Impi is a partner of Ubuntu with Shuttleworth owning a majority share but they're not the same company.

Since i can't learn how to quote on this damn forum i will do as i do in usene, bottom quote.

First, i care, and i care for a reason, Mark saw the splint being sown in the Open source community and went for it like a rabid dog.

I assume that the fact that not ONE debian package has been kicked back with improvements is just coincidence?

You do realize that Compiz, the new Ubuntu menus and 500 minor things regarding beagle and a lot of other things all come from Novell?

Are you familiar with Cairo at all? Or Beagle?


Elite Member
Sep 14, 2001
First, i care, and i care for a reason, Mark saw the splint being sown in the Open source community and went for it like a rabid dog.

That's your opinion, in my opinion he saw Novell make what he believe was a really stupid move and figured that some of the OSS developers they pay would realize this and want to leave so he offered them a place to go.

I assume that the fact that not ONE debian package has been kicked back with improvements is just coincidence?

Not one? Many Ubuntu patches have been integrated into Debian packages. Hell initramfs-tools started out as an Ubuntu package.

You do realize that Compiz, the new Ubuntu menus and 500 minor things regarding beagle and a lot of other things all come from Novell?

Last time I checked Novell didn't own Compiz, hell they don't even host the repository, mailing lists or anything related to Compiz as far as I can tell. Novell did the initial work on XGL before it was released but most distros are going to go with AIGLX because it integrates with Xorg better.


Jan 5, 2007
Originally posted by: Nothinman
First, i care, and i care for a reason, Mark saw the splint being sown in the Open source community and went for it like a rabid dog.

That's your opinion, in my opinion he saw Novell make what he believe was a really stupid move and figured that some of the OSS developers they pay would realize this and want to leave so he offered them a place to go.

I assume that the fact that not ONE debian package has been kicked back with improvements is just coincidence?

Not one? Many Ubuntu patches have been integrated into Debian packages. Hell initramfs-tools started out as an Ubuntu package.

You do realize that Compiz, the new Ubuntu menus and 500 minor things regarding beagle and a lot of other things all come from Novell?

Last time I checked Novell didn't own Compiz, hell they don't even host the repository, mailing lists or anything related to Compiz as far as I can tell. Novell did the initial work on XGL before it was released but most distros are going to go with AIGLX because it integrates with Xorg better.

Yeah, is the original repo, but nah, SuSE doesn't have anything to do with that.

They did the "initial work"? yeah, kinda like how porche did the initial work on the 911?

But of course, all is well in the Debian world, don't want to show a splinter there, even though the next Ubuntu will come with even MORE BLOBS than the last versions have had.



Jan 5, 2007
Originally posted by: Nothinman
First, i care, and i care for a reason, Mark saw the splint being sown in the Open source community and went for it like a rabid dog.

That's your opinion, in my opinion he saw Novell make what he believe was a really stupid move and figured that some of the OSS developers they pay would realize this and want to leave so he offered them a place to go.

I assume that the fact that not ONE debian package has been kicked back with improvements is just coincidence?

Not one? Many Ubuntu patches have been integrated into Debian packages. Hell initramfs-tools started out as an Ubuntu package.

You do realize that Compiz, the new Ubuntu menus and 500 minor things regarding beagle and a lot of other things all come from Novell?

Last time I checked Novell didn't own Compiz, hell they don't even host the repository, mailing lists or anything related to Compiz as far as I can tell. Novell did the initial work on XGL before it was released but most distros are going to go with AIGLX because it integrates with Xorg better.

Just checking, you are a Debian freak, right? Well i'm a Slackhead, we can ague til our heads fall off from pure exhaustion, better to just agree to disagree.

I still love SuSE 10.3 and that's coming from a Slackhead so maybe you should try it just to see what it's about, between the OpenSuSE, Packman and Guru you have a tad over 20k packages to choose from, some you won't be familiar with but try using KDE (and as a true Debian Freak you hate using KDE just like i hate using Gnome as a Slackhead but still try Etch even though it gives me the shivvers) with default settings, i can't guarantee you'll like it, but feel your way around it in the Yast center and KDE control center, take your time to set it up the way you want it, you can tweak just about everything.

It's very cool and you can have it any way you please, OSX style, Gnome style, still takes less reasources than Gnome style. (ok, ok, i just threw that last one in to end the debate about it being a hog, it's so lightweight that there are not one, not two but 8 guides on how to make gnome use Kwin as the WM on ubuntuforums. and no, Nothingman, i don't get it either, metacity is just fine... lol..

Dont come down on me like i bruised your ego though, i did not, i just stated what i believe to be true, besides, compiling gnome is for Dropline kids.


Jan 5, 2007
Originally posted by: Nothinman
First, i care, and i care for a reason, Mark saw the splint being sown in the Open source community and went for it like a rabid dog.

That's your opinion, in my opinion he saw Novell make what he believe was a really stupid move and figured that some of the OSS developers they pay would realize this and want to leave so he offered them a place to go.

I assume that the fact that not ONE debian package has been kicked back with improvements is just coincidence?

Not one? Many Ubuntu patches have been integrated into Debian packages. Hell initramfs-tools started out as an Ubuntu package.

You do realize that Compiz, the new Ubuntu menus and 500 minor things regarding beagle and a lot of other things all come from Novell?

Last time I checked Novell didn't own Compiz, hell they don't even host the repository, mailing lists or anything related to Compiz as far as I can tell. Novell did the initial work on XGL before it was released but most distros are going to go with AIGLX because it integrates with Xorg better.

Just checking, you are a Debian freak, right? Well i'm a Slackhead, we can ague til our heads fall off from pure exhaustion, better to just agree to disagree.

I still love SuSE 10.3 and that's coming from a Slackhead so maybe you should try it just to see what it's about, between the OpenSuSE, Packman and Guru you have a tad over 20k packages to choose from, some you won't be familiar with but try using KDE (and as a true Debian Freak you hate using KDE just like i hate using Gnome as a Slackhead but still try Etch even though it gives me the shivvers) with default settings, i can't guarantee you'll like it, but feel your way around it in the Yast center and KDE control center, take your time to set it up the way you want it, you can tweak just about everything.

It's very cool and you can have it any way you please, OSX style, Gnome style, still takes less reasources than Gnome style. (ok, ok, i just threw that last one in to end the debate about it being a hog, it's so lightweight that there are not one, not two but 8 guides on how to make gnome use Kwin as the WM on ubuntuforums. and no, Nothingman, i don't get it either, metacity is just fine... lol..

Dont come down on me like i bruised your ego though, i did not, i just stated what i believe to be true, besides, compiling gnome is for Dropline kids.


Diamond Member
Jul 14, 2000
Originally posted by: Slackware

I assume that the fact that not ONE debian package has been kicked back with improvements is just coincidence?
"Coincidence" is not the word I would use. I would call it more "grossly inaccurate." The Debian devs can use any of the packages or patches from Ubuntu; in fact, I believe Shuttleworth encourages this. It's just up to the Debian devs what they want and what they don't want. The distros have different goals for themselves, so not everything Ubuntu does is going to be candy for the Debian devs.

You do realize that Compiz, the new Ubuntu menus and 500 minor things regarding beagle and a lot of other things all come from Novell?

Are you familiar with Cairo at all? Or Beagle?
Are you familiar with "open source" at all? You seem to be completely missing the point of the GPL.

Dont come down on me like i bruised your ego though, i did not
In regards to Nothinman, I can at least agree with this statement. I don't think you even came close. Nice try though. bye bye.


Senior member
Oct 19, 2004
i do wish that 10.2 had waited the extra month for a couple of key apps/techs such as Digicam 0.9, Kernel 2.6.19, compiz 0.3.6. 7.2 final, koffice 1.6.1.


Elite Member
Sep 14, 2001
Yeah, is the original repo, but nah, SuSE doesn't have anything to do with that.

Well considering that doesn't even exist I find that hard to believe.

But of course, all is well in the Debian world, don't want to show a splinter there, even though the next Ubuntu will come with even MORE BLOBS than the last versions have had.

No, the next Ubuntu release will have the same number of blobs, the only difference is that they'll be enabled by default.

Just checking, you are a Debian freak, right? Well i'm a Slackhead, we can ague til our heads fall off from pure exhaustion, better to just agree to disagree.

The difference is that you haven't said anything that has any foundation in reality yet, besides your opinion of Shuttleworth's letter.


Diamond Member
Jul 14, 2000
Originally posted by: R3MF
i do wish that 10.2 had waited the extra month for a couple of key apps/techs such as Digicam 0.9, Kernel 2.6.19, compiz 0.3.6. 7.2 final, koffice 1.6.1.

I always think that, too, about any distro I use, but then you just have to realize, if they keep putting off a release until the next great thing is finalized, a release would never happen because there is ALWAYS something new on the horizon.

That's what's comforting about Fedora and Ubuntu's 6-month release cycle... you only have to wait 6 months for that next neat thing.


Elite Member
Sep 14, 2001
i do wish that 10.2 had waited the extra month for a couple of key apps/techs such as Digicam 0.9, Kernel 2.6.19, compiz 0.3.6. 7.2 final, koffice 1.6.1.

If they actually wanted to do any real QA it would have been more than a month, would you really have wanted them to release with the data corruption bug found right after the release of 2.6.19 and wasn't fixed until a few days after Christmas?


Dec 6, 2002
did this kernel problem affect Sabayon, which has also been released with vanilla 2.6.19 kernel versions?


Apr 10, 2001
just installed open suse 10.2

damn this thing is slick

Now to figure out hwo to get to the factory updates


Apr 10, 2001
Originally posted by: magomago
You mean 10.3 Goose?


I still can't find any files on those repos that allow for a 10.3 upgrade

<--just installed a 10.x suse release for the FIRST TIME EVER. The past two ISOs I downloaded were corrupted, and the last time I ran suse was 7.3 or something.

even @ 10.2 I am VERY impressed. The menus are fantastic.


Apr 10, 2001
I'm really REALLY liking SUSE right now.....could leave windows altogether if I get a few things straightened out


Apr 10, 2001
Right now helix-banshee is crashing all the time, and randomly firefox will jsut "disapear," but other than that I REALLY like.



Jan 15, 2007
SuSE was my favorite distro until I decided to become all emo and switch to FreeBSD (j/k). I think that SuSE is probably the most user friendly distrobution, even over Ubuntu. I had issues with Ubuntu detecting my PCI graphics card but SuSE recognized it and correctly configured X. Of course, Ubuntu doesn't come on a DVD .


Apr 10, 2001
I gotta say, getting the newest version of Banshee (mono-based media library) was a ROYAL PITA, but it's very nice.

Overall, I like suse a LOT
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