SweClockers: Geforce GTX 590 burns @ 772MHz & 1.025V

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happy medium

Jun 8, 2003
repost from "official" thread.

OK guys, I want you to pay attention to this video.

The reviewer in this video has his gtx590 at 809 core (30% overclock) memory at 2128 (20% overclock) , @ 1.05 volts (max afterburner voltage) running at 86c. Pulling over 500 watts, just like the 6990 did in the Anandtech review, so no surprises there.
Driver version 267.71.


It is VERY OBVIOUS that using the older driver was the problem. It not bad vrm's , overheating, or any other of these BS fanboy excuses.

In fact the same reviewer that blew up his gtx590 THEN used the right driver and the card ran fine.

"The Swiss team tried again using the 267.71 drivers, which has the overcurrent protection built in and the GTX590 didn't fry itself."

The mistake that Nvidia made was packing the older drivers in with the gtx590 to some reviewers.

Bottom line?
Always use the latest drivers when reviewing a brand new card and for Nvidia, don't send the card to reviewer with the wrong drivers!

I now look forward to some real overclocking reviews like the one in the video I linked above.

edit: I found a good one..
Gtx590 overclocked vs 6990 overclocked using a 2600k @ 5.0 ghz.



edit 2 : now back to my vacation. see ya around.


Diamond Member
Jul 13, 2008
Was the mod callout removed from his post? Because the post above the way it is currently is not a mod callout (at least, I don't see how it is). Anyway, the post above is not safe for work and should be removed (by you hopefully). I clicked on it and said "Crap!" and closed out of it immediately. Not cool. If you are wondering why I clicked on it - because I thought the bolded text was his signature (I don't read them) and when I went to quote his post to say NSFW, I found the mod comment... Just as a FYI... The whole ---------------- makes it look like a signature. Secondly, if the picture was not appropriate, I would have expected the link severed or removed. Anyway, just giving a regular forum members perspective.

Additionally (unless some part of the post was removed and so I can't see it), I don't understand how it was a mod callout - I thought keysplayr wasn't to be considered a mod on these sub forums.

I found a good one..
Gtx590 overclocked vs 6990 overclocked using a 2600k @ 5.0 ghz.



Those links appear to be broken.

Edit: I've notice the ones on the review thread are working, so maybe you could fix these ones.
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May 22, 2007
repost from "official" thread.

OK guys, I want you to pay attention to this video.

The reviewer in this video has his gtx590 at 809 core (30% overclock) memory at 2128 (20% overclock) , @ 1.05 volts (max afterburner voltage) running at 86c. Pulling over 500 watts, just like the 6990 did in the Anandtech review, so no surprises there.
Driver version 267.71.


It is VERY OBVIOUS that using the older driver was the problem. It not bad vrm's , overheating, or any other of these BS fanboy excuses.

In fact the same reviewer that blew up his gtx590 THEN used the right driver and the card ran fine.

"The Swiss team tried again using the 267.71 drivers, which has the overcurrent protection built in and the GTX590 didn't fry itself."

The mistake that Nvidia made was packing the older drivers in with the gtx590 to some reviewers.

Bottom line?
Always use the latest drivers when reviewing a brand new card and for Nvidia, don't send the card to reviewer with the wrong drivers!

I now look forward to some real overclocking reviews like the one in the video I linked above.

edit: I found a good one..
Gtx590 overclocked vs 6990 overclocked using a 2600k @ 5.0 ghz.



edit 2 : now back to my vacation. see ya around.

it wouldn't pull 500w if ocp was enabled, so technically that overclock/voltage combo would be impossible in that app. I think that rubycon has it right, there should be some sort of hardware failsafe/cutoff that kicks in regardless of ocp's presence or lack thereof. The engineers knew or should have known that this could/would happen in this scenario, why didn't they ensure that it couldn't happen? especially during launch reviews, which will be used by a very large % of potential gtx 590 buyers? The best thing that can be said about the gtx 590 launch for nvidia is that it's a super low volume part anyway, and the gtx 580 is still the fastest single gpu card on the market.

happy medium

Jun 8, 2003
it wouldn't pull 500w if ocp was enabled,

I did and can watch the whole review. It was enabled in the video he used the latest drivers, watch in the video , Afterburner shows you the driver version and max voltage.

This, that, mabe or coulda, shoulda. The old drivers ARE the problem , at this point anyone who says otherwise should not post. Totally ridiculous, does the evidence have to jump up and blow up in you face? j/k


Diamond Member
Dec 25, 2008
it wouldn't pull 500w if ocp was enabled, so technically that overclock/voltage combo would be impossible in that app. I think that rubycon has it right, there should be some sort of hardware failsafe/cutoff that kicks in regardless of ocp's presence or lack thereof. The engineers knew or should have known that this could/would happen in this scenario, why didn't they ensure that it couldn't happen? especially during launch reviews, which will be used by a very large % of potential gtx 590 buyers? The best thing that can be said about the gtx 590 launch for nvidia is that it's a super low volume part anyway, and the gtx 580 is still the fastest single gpu card on the market.

The cards are looking to be faultily engineered for overclocked conditions. If your choice in driver can put your card at risk of exploding that is pretty telling. That alone is a terrible flaw.

I've overclocked, overvolted and pushed my 480s all over the place. And these cards are furnaces. I got lockups, artifacting, bsods, crashing etc. I back off the settings and try again, the cards are just fine.

Five independent reviewers had cards blow up after overclocking.

You buy this sort of card to push it, not tread lightly and throw a measly 50mhz on it. I don't get the apologists, so nvidia released a turd, not the first time and it's not the last. Really, I think the biggest mistake nv has made lately is not the exploding 590, but the $2,000,000 they paid Crytek to put their logo on the startup of a console port!

Think it's time to get acclimated to the new video card landscape, since the release of the 5870 and continuing till now it looks like nvidia is no longer the defacto top dog. It's a fairly even playing field these days between AMD and nvidia.

I can't believe AMD is going to have held the fastest video card position from September 2009 up until 28nm cards come out late this year, and possibly even onwards depending on how that turns out.

Their CPUs may be crap, but their GPUs are doing very well.
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Diamond Member
Oct 19, 2010
Most 6990 can go over 1,000mhz core though.... sure its noisy as hell then, but so is a 590 probably when you oc that like mad.

I would like to see a overclock review, of a 6990@1,000+ mhz core vs 590@<stable air oc here>.
From what I gather, a 6990@1,000 is beating 2 x normal 580 cards in SLI (stock mhz) by a decent bit.

So to equal that you would have to get your 590 running atleast @772mhz+ rates on the core.
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Jan 12, 2005
Most 6990 can go over 1,000mhz core though.... sure its noisy as hell then, but so is a 590 probably when you oc that like mad.

I would like to see a overclock review, of a 6990@1,000+ mhz core vs 590@<stable air oc here>.
From what I gather, a 6990@1,000 is beating 2 x normal 580 cards in SLI (stock mhz) by a decent bit.

So to equal that you would have to get your 590 running atleast @772mhz+ rates on the core.

Its looking like they are silent when overclocked at the moment (after the first pop and crackle).


May 22, 2007
the 4&#37; oc'd gtx 590 that anandtech reviewed was only 2db quieter than the stock 6990 vs 7 db quieter for a stock gtx 590. clearly any overclocking at all on any sandwich from either team this round is best accomplished via WC.


Diamond Member
Oct 19, 2010
the 6990 with the AUSUM button pressed is at 65 dB, same as the normal 6990 rates.
a 590 is like 58 dB at normal rates, and goes up to 63 dB when overclocked.

2 dB differnce, that makes the 590 quiet?

Im just going by Anandtechs testing here, as its the only ones I can remember off the top of my head.

the 590 is quiet at stock rates, overclock it and its just as noisy.

also from thermal images, you can tell their is like a 20 degree differnce between the cards in how hot they get (the 590 is the really hot one here, so part of why its quiet, is because it runs really hot). (sensors lie depending on how you place them, or how you off set them, which is up to each of the developers)

So the best way of knowing how hot a card gets? take a thermal picture, those CANNOT lie.
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Feb 26, 2001
It is VERY OBVIOUS that using the older driver was the problem. It not bad vrm's , overheating, or any other of these BS fanboy excuses.

It's VERY OBVIOUS the hardware is exploding, and fan boys are simply people spouting off at the mouth with lengthy posts that don't prove their points in the least. Shut off already, if I didn't know any better I'd say you're paid by nVidia.

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Senior member
Mar 16, 2011
As several others have pointed out, the power delivery circuitry in the GTX590 is running optimally for it's intended purpose (stock clocks). I'm not so sure if Nvidia's QA thoroughly tested it's parts to make sure it would handle such high o/c's. It's possible they did, and they were forced to release prematurely due to HD6990. For whatever reason, I don't see a recall happening on NV's part, but I do see a part refresh coming soon a la GTX590a or GTX595 - whatever.

Shame on Nvidia for releasing a part when it clearly was not ready for the enthusiast market. I mean c'mon, you knew it was going to get overclocked.

happy medium

Jun 8, 2003
Never again shall I hear the superiority of nVidia! NEVER AGAIN!

Hahahahah give it a rest.

The overclocking programs (other than MSI afterburner) are giving the cards to much voltage.
Its not bad cards or Nvidia's fault, or even the drivers.
The Asus smartdoctor and other software overclocking programs are killing cards certain cards with over the recommended 1.05 volts.

End thread/



Senior member
Mar 16, 2011
Hahahahah give it a rest.

The overclocking programs (other than MSI afterburner) are giving the cards to much voltage.
Its not bad cards or Nvidia's fault, or even the drivers.
The Asus smartdoctor and other software overclocking programs are killing cards certain cards with over the recommended 1.05 volts.

End thread/


From your link, and quoted:

So, there's a few things to note :-
- Do Not increase voltage above 1.05v, even if the option is there to go higher. We've only heard as high as 1.000v has been tested.
- Ideally NVIDIA would prefer you don't increase voltage at all on reference cooling, but have recommended no higher than .963v.
- This doesn't reflect all NVIDIA GTX 590 products, nor the quality. Throwing almost +300mv on any card with air cooling will more than likely compromise the card's health.***
- The issue doesn't seem to be related to any particular driver release.
- Do Not increase voltage above 1.05v, even if the option is there to go higher. We've only heard as high as 1.000v has been tested.

I highlighted the bolded part to further emphasize what Rubycon and myself have been echoing. It's a hardware issue.

*** I agree with what he is saying here, but why are the cards dying with less than that much voltage being applied to them?


Diamond Member
Feb 22, 2010
Hahahahah give it a rest.

The overclocking programs (other than MSI afterburner) are giving the cards to much voltage.
Its not bad cards or Nvidia's fault, or even the drivers.
The Asus smartdoctor and other software overclocking programs are killing cards certain cards with over the recommended 1.05 volts.

End thread/

hehe it was a joke, if you track my previous post down in the Official review thread I said that it was probably a software issue so I beat you to the punch. .

happy medium

Jun 8, 2003
I highlighted the bolded part to further emphasize what Rubycon and myself have been echoing. It's a hardware issue.

You and Ruby are both wrong.

Its a tweaked bios from ASUS and on top of that, a software overvoltage program with the wrong voltage limits preset.

Bios= software
Asus smartdoctor = software

I don't even own a gtx580 and I know not to pump more then 1.15volts into them.
The only way to do more than 1.15v is to have that setting in the bios or a hacked bios.

I have not seen any official proof/reviews that any of these cards are blowing up using less than 1.1 volts, have you?


Diamond Member
Dec 25, 2008
From your link, and quoted:

I highlighted the bolded part to further emphasize what Rubycon and myself have been echoing. It's a hardware issue.

*** I agree with what he is saying here, but why are the cards dying with less than that much voltage being applied to them?

Shoddy power circuitry. The cards are not capable of delivering enough power to push the, card much beyond stock. Somewhere in the story of this flaw is likely the reason nvidia didn't push this card more and conceded the crown to the 6990.

happy medium

Jun 8, 2003
Popped at 1.025.

Ok OK Ok thats one out of thousands.
You don't think other cards have done that?

Do you relize this topic is being amplified by 1000x by one guy who threw too many volts into one card? On top of that you have about 20 or so AMD marketers in these threads keeping these threads and this subject matter alive?

Badboy you are smarter then that. :thumbsup:

I'm kinda glad I was banned, Talk to you in a few days when this crap is on the second page and the damage needed to be achieved is done. :thumbsup:

This is approach is not productive, it is inflammatory and prone to incite escalation of a precarious and volatile situation.

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1) No trolling, flaming or personally attacking members. Deftly attacking ideas and backing up arguments with facts is acceptable and encouraged. Attacking other members personally and purposefully causing trouble with no motive other than to upset the crowd is not allowed.
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We also intend to encourage respect and responsibility among members in order to maintain order and civility. Our social forums will have a relaxed atmosphere, but other forums will be expected to remain on-topic and posts should be helpful, relevant and professional.

We ask for respect and common decency towards your fellow forum members.
Super Moderator
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Golden Member
Aug 2, 2001
Ok OK Ok thats one out of thousands.
You don't think other cards have done that?

Do you relize this topic is being amplified by 1000x by one guy who threw too many volts into one card?

6 reviewers had their cards die on them.
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