Sweden Today (Blandland?)

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Mar 11, 2004
Holy shit, a picture of two rich guys seen together from, what, 25 years ago? How many times did Slick Willy fly on this guy's plane to his rape resort?

Less than Turmp did. Plus Epstein had all access to Turmp's world so he probably just brought the girls to Trump to rape. Hell, he probably got Turmp some young girl to rape in the White House as his inauguration gift.

I'm not racist, so the entire corner stone or your argument is false. Facts are facts.

Facts are indeed facts, and the facts are you were duped, because you're racist.


Elite Member
Apr 14, 2001
Yet another fucking thread that, when confronted with facts, the OP slides away and attempts to change the subject.

The basis of this thread, the video, is intentionally factually incorrect. Demonstrably so as I have provided direct evidence none of it's claims are true or are being dramatically overblown.

The question is now this. When will the right-wingers here finally admit their party and ideology has been hijacked by white supremacists who intentionally spread demonstrably untrue propaganda to undermine racial diversity?


Jan 12, 2005
So I'll go through this slowly for you:

You were duped by a racist video and narrative put out by a racist group spreading falsehoods about the current status of Sweden's crime, economy, social services and job market blaming ALL the issues on Sweden having had recent immigration of people with other than white skin.

These issues are minimal, if not nonexistent.

I posted ALL the required objective data to debunk the claims in this video. Showing the ONLY reason this video makes these claims is to disparage immigration of non-whites.

Yes, facts are facts. Your video has no facts. Why would a video filled with claims contrary to facts about non-white immigrants exist? Racism. Why hype up issues that don't exist and then blame them entirely on non-white people? Racism.

Complicity to racism is racism. So either you're too fucking stupid to realize you;re spreading racist propaganda, or you know, and support the cause.

Facts aren't racism. The video posts facts, increases in violent crimes (murder rates up 40% since 2012, rape up 20% in less than a year for women), increase in female genital mutilation, a national emergency because of grenade attacks, etc. This is FACTUAL information. But one cannot even discuss it because of the left's war on truth that doesn't agree with their narrative. You're the one spreading propaganda. You are ignorant.


Mar 17, 2008
Facts aren't racism. The video posts facts, increases in violent crimes (murder rates up 40% since 2012, rape up 20% in less than a year for women), increase in female genital mutilation, a national emergency because of grenade attacks, etc. This is FACTUAL information. But one cannot even discuss it because of the left's war on truth that doesn't agree with their narrative. You're the one spreading propaganda. You are ignorant.
I am pretty sure the left will discuss it. Just not with you.


Sep 6, 2000
The question is now this. When will the right-wingers here finally admit their party and ideology has been hijacked by white supremacists who intentionally spread demonstrably untrue propaganda to undermine racial diversity?

Why the fuck should we care about racial diversity? That’s your fetish not ours. Constitution demands equal protection for minorities, not attempting to attain whatever random number you have in mind as the “proper” amount of diversity.
Reactions: Greenman


Elite Member
Apr 14, 2001
Facts aren't racism. The video posts facts, increases in violent crimes (murder rates up 40% since 2012, rape up 20% in less than a year for women), increase in female genital mutilation, a national emergency because of grenade attacks, etc. This is FACTUAL information. But one cannot even discuss it because of the left's war on truth that doesn't agree with their narrative. You're the one spreading propaganda. You are ignorant.

No, the video does not present facts. I created a very comprehensive post with links proving their "facts" were either non-existent, misleading or overblown from Sweden itself even.

You have yet to address that.

You believe a youtube video over the official numbers and explanations from Sweden. Who's ignorant?


Elite Member
Apr 14, 2001
Why the fuck should we care about racial diversity? That’s your fetish not ours. Constitution demands equal protection for minorities, not attempting to attain whatever random number you have in mind as the “proper” amount of diversity.

You shouldn't. But your leaders do. And have convinced you it is bad. That's what the lies in this video are designed to do. Reenforce that belief system.

Obtuse much?
Reactions: DarthKyrie
Nov 25, 2013
Here ya go.

This is how Swedish crime statistics work

"It is easy to misinterpret crime statistics, and this is especially true when it comes to making international comparisons. Here are the reasons why.

Crime in Sweden – the difficulties in making international comparisons

Sometimes, simplistic or inaccurate information can be read about crime in Sweden. It is easy to misinterpret crime statistics, and this is especially true when it comes to making international comparisons. Here are the reasons why.

There are no international standards
Crime statistics are influenced by both legal and statistical factors, and by the extent to which crime is reported and registered. These factors can vary from one country to another. There are no international standards for how crime statistics should be produced and presented and this makes international comparisons difficult.

Three important factors to remember

1. Swedish statistics record all reported events as crimes even if some of them are later found not to have constituted criminal offences.
2. Several offences of the same kind against a single victim will be
counted in some countries as a single crime. By contrast, in Swedish crime statistics every offence occurring under these circumstances is counted separately.
3. In Swedish statistics, attempted offences are in most cases counted together with completed crimes.

The legal factors that influence crime statistics include the way offences are defined in the relevant legislation, for example, as well as the rules and guiding principles that obtain for the work of the police and prosecutors.
The statistical factors that exert an influence include the principles that determine when a crime is recorded in the statistics. In some countries an event is only recorded in the crime statistics if, after investigation, it can legitimately be considered a crime or where there is sufficient evidence that a crime has been committed. Swedish statistics, on the other hand, record all reported events as crimes even if some of them are later found not to have constituted criminal offences.
Counting crime
Every country has its own principles about what is to be recorded as a criminal act. In some countries, if several offences are committed on the same occasion, only the most serious of these will be recorded. In Sweden, every offence committed on a single occasion is recorded in principle.
Methods of counting crime also vary from one country to another. Several offences of the same kind against a single victim will be counted in some countries as a single crime. By contrast, in Swedish crime statistics every offence occurring under these circumstances is counted separately.
The statistical classification of different types of incidents also varies. This is true of attempted offences, for example, which are in Sweden counted together with completed crimes. In a number of other countries, attempted offences are either recorded separately or ignored for statistical purposes.
Willingness to report crime
Crime statistics are also influenced by public willingness to report crime, and by the efforts made by the police to deal with reported crime in the light of the way they prioritise different types of offences. This too may vary from country to country, making international comparisons more difficult.
The Swedish Crime Survey (a survey of self-reported victimization) constitutes a valuable indicator of exposure to crime (for example in relation to the official crime statistics), as a means of describing perceptions of safety (or fear of crime) or confidence, and also as a national reference point for other surveys."


Crime and statistics

Brå has the important task of reporting on crime trends in Sweden. We produce statistics based on reported offences and other aspects of the judicial system, as well as national surveys on victimisation and safety.

The Swedish Crime Survey
The School Survey on Crime
The Politicians' Safety Survey

Reported offences
Reported hate crime
Processed offences
Persons suspected of offences
Processed offences linked to a suspect
Persons found guilty of offences
Prison and Probation



Elite Member
Nov 24, 1999
So I'll go through this slowly for you:

You were duped by a racist video and narrative put out by a racist group spreading falsehoods about the current status of Sweden's crime, economy, social services and job market blaming ALL the issues on Sweden having had recent immigration of people with other than white skin.

These issues are minimal, if not nonexistent.

I posted ALL the required objective data to debunk the claims in this video. Showing the ONLY reason this video makes these claims is to disparage immigration of non-whites.

Yes, facts are facts. Your video has no facts. Why would a video filled with claims contrary to facts about non-white immigrants exist? Racism. Why hype up issues that don't exist and then blame them entirely on non-white people? Racism.

Complicity to racism is racism. So either you're too fucking stupid to realize you;re spreading racist propaganda, or you know, and support the cause.
You know what they say. You can always tell a bigot, but you can't tell him much. A fool convinced against his will is of the same opinion still. Bigotry can't exist without blindness. They go together like hand and glove.
Reactions: greatnoob


Jan 12, 2005
Warning, this is a Paul Joseph Watson link which will trigger snowflakes. But, there are a lot of truthful bits he brings up.

What youre actually saying here is that you know that hes an arsehole plus that most of what hes saying is bollocks but youre going to post it anyway because you think that it might annoy people?

And then you whine that social media companies dont let people like you post what you want!


Elite Member
Nov 24, 1999
Facts aren't racism. The video posts facts, increases in violent crimes (murder rates up 40% since 2012, rape up 20% in less than a year for women), increase in female genital mutilation, a national emergency because of grenade attacks, etc. This is FACTUAL information. But one cannot even discuss it because of the left's war on truth that doesn't agree with their narrative. You're the one spreading propaganda. You are ignorant.
Here you demonstrate what you can't see to those who can. When you say facts aren't racism you imply that what you are talking about are facts as you see them and racism as you see it. But what is the value of somebody's opinion about facts and racism who is blind? Here are some other facts. Neuroscientists have shown that self identified conservatives see reality in an altered way called rationalizations in order to protect their egos from fearful and ego disturbing facts. They engage in low level thinking to do this and peer review science has proven this to be more true of conservatives than liberals. These phenomena are mirrored by comparisons via brain scans of two areas of the brain that govern just that kind of thing.

This, for example,makes you sound funny when you talk about doing the heavy lifting or who is ignorant and propaganda dependent. You are obviously projecting. You see facts via implications that produce fear and that, fear itself, is something conservatives are weaker at handling rationally than liberals. You are punching at shadows your mind makes on it's inner image wall. It's not real. You are the one who has turned facts into racism simply by implying they are not. It is very important for you to view facts as non racial because it is YOU who sees them racially and they scare you for that reason. You fear Islam, for example, and this makes you a prime target for data that says Islam can be interpreted as a threat. You won't see anything but your own assumptions. You could wake up but then there is the job of dealing with what you really fear.
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Reactions: DarthKyrie


Elite Member
Apr 14, 2001


Elite Member
Nov 24, 1999



This says the claims in your video are racist propaganda. Why? Because the Swedish government is saying the increase in crime is not substantial. nor caused by mostly immigrants.


Who to believe? Known white supremacists? Or the Swedish government?

Ideally we say we will believe it when we see it but the facts belie such optimism. We actually see what we believe at a feeling level and have no idea what we feel.


Elite Member
Apr 14, 2001

So the first result, wikipedia says this:

Figures from the 2013 Swedish Crime Survey (SCS) show that exposure to crime decreased from 2005 to 2013.[4] Since 2014 there has been an increase in exposure to some categories of crimes, including fraud, some property crime and especially sexual offences (with a 70% increase since 2013) according to the 2016 SCS.[5] Violence (both lethal and non-lethal) has been on a downward trend the last 25 years.[6] The figures for fraud and property damage (excluding car theft) are in contrast with the numbers of reported crimes under such categories which have remained roughly constant over the period 2014–16.[7] The number of reported sexual offences clearly reflect the figures in the 2016 SCS, and car related damages/theft are also somewhat reflected.[8][9] The number of convictions up to 2013 has remained between 110,000 and 130,000 in the 2000s — a decrease since the 1970s, when they numbered around 300,000 — despite the population growth.[10] Consistent with other Western countries in the postwar era, the number of reported crimes has increased when measured from the 1950s; which can be explained by a number of factors, such as statistical and legislative changes and increased public willingness to report crime.[11]

And explains the rise in reported sex crimes the same way Sweden does, with this:

A long-standing tradition of gender equality policy and legislation, as well as an established women's movement, have led to several legislative changes and amendments, greatly expanding the sex crime legislation.[62][63] For example, in 1965 Sweden was one of the first countries in the world to criminalise marital rape,[63] and Sweden is one of a few countries in the world to criminalizing only the purchase of sexual services, but not the selling.[64]
The rate of exposure to sexual offences has remained relatively unchanged, according to the SCS, since the first survey was conducted in 2006, despite an increase in the number of reported sex crimes.[65] This discrepancy can largely be explained by reforms in sex crime legislation, widening of the definition of rape,[66][67][68] and an effort by the Government to decrease the number of unreported cases.[67][69][70][71] In SCS 2013, 0.8 per cent of respondents state that they were the victims of sexual offences, including rape; or an estimated 62,000 people of the general population (aged 16–79). Of these, 16 per cent described the sexual offence as "rape" — which would mean approximately 36,000 incidents of rape in 2012.[65]

By no objective metric is your video "factual." None.


No Lifer
Jul 12, 2006
Holy shit, a picture of two rich guys seen together from, what, 25 years ago? How many times did Slick Willy fly on this guy's plane to his rape resort?

lol, this dumbfuck throws out a supposition pretending to be an argument, is countered with actual photographic evidence in contention of the supposition, then goes insane with another strawman while tossing out the actual photo evidence with the type of argument that would form the base criticism of his first stupid supposition.

Folks: this is literally how fascism spreads in a mass culture of brainwashed morons. The complete contempt for honest, informed discourse.

This quisling Slow hasn't had a stone of honesty to stand on for 3 years now with his brainless claims, yet he champions on with the same unambiguous self-assurance in his rightness that an admitted pedophile would by claiming that impoverished girls are getting a better life working as sex slaves for wealthy industrialists.
Reactions: greatnoob


Elite Member
Apr 14, 2001
More crickets.

What will it take to make a person realize they've been lied to... and admit as much???


Oct 15, 1999
You know what they say. You can always tell a bigot, but you can't tell him much. A fool convinced against his will is of the same opinion still. Bigotry can't exist without blindness. They go together like hand and glove.
I heard that was Norwegians.


Elite Member
Jun 12, 2001
Can you address the many points and examples he brings up in the video?
The real question is why couldn't you address any of those many points and examples?
Trolling comments about "triggered snowflakes" (BTW seriously, brah, get some new material) are hardly personal commentary or written argument.
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