[SyFy Friday] Killjoys Season 4 Starts July 20th

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Elite Member, Moderator Emeritus
Oct 9, 1999
Is there a connection between the Mikkei combine and Zairon or am I just making assumptions because they both seem to have Japanese ancestry? I can't remember their ever going into this. I made a half hearted attempt to check the wikia but didn't see anything.
If there is, I've never noticed it.
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Dec 3, 2013
Binge watched season 1 of DM yeasterday, I started to get into it after about the 4th one.

Pretty good stuff

Killjoys will be in the future.


Elite Member, Moderator Emeritus
Oct 9, 1999
Don't forget: Dark Matter S2 season finale tonight.


May 7, 2002
Wait, which timeline are we in, I see more cleavage, so that should be the 'evil' version of Two...


Apr 8, 2001
5 looking pretty cute cleaned up...and then there is two.....

And that should be cliff-hangery enough.
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Elite Member, Moderator Emeritus
Oct 9, 1999
This week on SyFy Friday: Everyone gets to play dress-up!

Dark Matter S02E13: For as good as this season has been overall, I was disappointed with this episode. And that is for two reasons.

1) The cliffhanger. I can appreciate having one, but these massive cliffhangers suck. They're an incomplete story and an obvious audience fake-out. And that's because...

2) The lack of resolution. Despite being the season finale, this episode doesn't really resolve any major season 2 plot threads. Everything just kind of falls into place and then blows up. It doesn't feel like this season had a complete arc, unlike say Killjoys S1, which still ended on a cliffhanger, but did so while wrapping up a fair bit of stuff.

Which is not to say that the episode was bad by any means, but it needed to deliver on plot in a big way, and it didn't. On the plus side, seeing everyone dress up all corporatety (given their status as anti-heroes at best) is hilarious. And I'm always up for blink drive shenanigans. Plus it was legitimately interesting to see how all of this was going to go sideways.

Also, the dialog was great as always. Especially the exchange after everyone dresses up, where Three complains about the whole thing.

Two: Look, when we're done I promise you we'll pull a heist. Okay?
Three: Seriously?
Two: You can even choose the target: bank job, tools, whatever. But first, we save the galaxy.

On the other hand, the plot is a letdown. We just skip any immediate conclusion to what happened on Ziron, and a series of unfortunate events just cause everything to fall into place. Meanwhile the Inspector, after professing to wanting to stop a corporate war in S02E11, turns all Javert on Six at the end for reasons. And finally, as much as I like seeing Nyx fight, the fight at the end was gratuitous; it was practically soap opera logic at that point. Also, Four is now officially a doody-head, and while it drives the plot I'm not a huge fan of purposely breaking up the crew to create drama.

So help me Bob, if they actually kill off another main character (2, 3, 5, 6, Nyx, Android) by the end of the season 3 premiere, I'm going to drop this show out of principle.


Diamond Member
May 15, 2015
IIRC, this is pretty typical of Jay Firestone - who was also involved with Lost Girl. You really needed to watch the last epi of one season and the first of the next together to really get a sense of continuity.

But on the plus side, the finale did set up the next season pretty nicely. We know that there's going to be multilateral war involving the corporations, Zairon and probably others to be named. We know there is a race to develop the blink drive which will probably be a major focus of the season although I think that the Raza crew will ultimately have get and keep that edge for a while. Humanized androids and robotisized/nanobotisized humans seems like it's going to be a notable subplot together with the various ethical dilemmas that raises.

I think one of the most interesting things will be to see what kind of person Ishida turns out to be.


Mar 11, 2000
Fsck. That was the finale?!?!? I was thinking there was going to be one more episode, given the several cliffhangers.*

Oh well, I guess I'll have to wait. But I actually really liked that episode. And I agree. They need to get that drive back.

*Of those cliffhangers, a few of them aren't really. But some are.


Elite Member, Moderator Emeritus
Oct 9, 1999


Feb 3, 2005
It's equally as weird watching the show. It's John, but it's not. But that's okay, Conviction is going to get canceled anyhow.
Is it bad? It's not a show I would normally watch, but I was thinking about checking it out because I like Hayley Atwell.


Elite Member, Moderator Emeritus
Oct 9, 1999
Is it bad? It's not a show I would normally watch, but I was thinking about checking it out because I like Hayley Atwell.
Getting a bit OT here, but...

The writing itself is the weakest point. They've lined up a good stable of actors, but the plots are sub-par procedural fare. Right now its poor ratings aren't a mistake.

As for Atwell, she's a very talented actress. However seeing her play an American party girl is, uh, weird? It's admittedly a bit of typecasting, but normally she gets roles with classier characters.


May 7, 2002
Syfy’s Killjoys will launch their next mission on Friday, June 30 at 8/7c.

Dark Matter will kick off its own Season 3 on Friday, June 9, with back-to-back episodes starting at 8pm, before moving to its regular 9 o’clock slot.
Won't be long now...
please don't suck...
please don't suck...


Jun 19, 2006
I liked both but Dark Matter was a tad better. Mostly because of Zoie Palmer, she plays a mean andriod (mean as in good.)
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Golden Member
Nov 4, 2009
Forgot about this thread. I'm really happy I have a DVR as most shows air when I can't watch.
I hope vIrge is still around to do commentary.


Elite Member, Moderator Emeritus
Oct 9, 1999
Good news everyone!

The holiest of nerd holy periods has once again begun! I am of course talking about SyFy's 13 weeks of space action shows, aka SyFy Friday.

Dark Matter is back tonight (Friday the 9th) to start its 13 episode 3rd season with a 2 hour (2 episode) premiere. Meanwhile Killjoys' 3rd season is 10 episodes long, and will start on June 30th.

Dark Matter Season3 trailer

Killjoys Season 3 trailer

Dark Matter S03E01 & S03E02:

1) In the aftermath of the explosion, the Raza crew fights to survive and works to recover a deadly drive.

2) It's friend vs. friend as the Raza works to recover a deadly drive; Five's past is revealed.

Strangely, SyFy is not running their usual overnight repeat block this week. So the next chance to catch these episodes on SyFy won't be until Thursday.

I hope vIrge is still around to do commentary.
I'm not going anywhere. Undomesticated equines could not remove me. Though if you want to do me a favor, you guys could speak up a bit more this year so that I'm not talking to myself quite so much.
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Elite Member, Moderator Emeritus
Oct 9, 1999
This week on SyFy Friday: Dark Matter - it's not just starship fuel!

Dark Matter S03E01: In terms of time passed, this episode immediately picks up from where the season 2 finale left off. But as the writers seem to have neatly put away most of the pieces from S2 in the station-ending explosion, I'm not sure this helps S2's closure at all.

Instead, the writers are immediately setting up the pieces for S3. Though we don't get to really see it, the Corporate War has started, despite our anti-heroes' best efforts, as Ryo's stunt pushed things to motion even after the Ferrous Corp bomb was taken care of. So I expect that to be the backdrop for a lot of this season. Which if it gets us more Torri Higginson, I'm all for. Truffault is fun in her cold hearted bitchiness, and it's good to see Higginson on screen after the screwjob that was Stargate Atlantis. Having her, Five, and the Android all defending the ship was meant to be a bit of fan service, I suspect, but it was plenty amusing.

Otherwise, this episode has an interesting structure. Everyone is scattered in the aftermath of the explosion; Five & Truffault have the Raza, Two and Six have the Marauder, and poor Three gets to play prisoner. I was tempted to subtitle this week as "Russian Roulette: let's see who dies", because everyone was placed in mortal danger in a different way. And yet they all lived.

I'm not sure this counts as an especially action-heavy episode, but I enjoyed the chatter in the downtime. Especially Two and Six, and again with Two and Truffault. The underlying theme of the show is who these people are now that they don't have their memories, and sometimes the show handles that topic in a very diffused sort of way. So I like that portions of this episode addressed the subject more directly. Ryo is no longer Four, and the others have become better people, even if it means playing life on hard mode. Having Two doubt her past decisions came a bit out of nowhere, perhaps, but it worked well. Especially with Truffault telling her not to second-guess herself. That's a good use of both the actress and the character.

Finally, there's the elephant in the room: the death of Nyx. I said last season I would stop watching the show if they killed off any more main characters, and while time heals all wounds, I'm still not very pleased with the situation. This show is unplesantly flippant about how it kills off Raza crew members. One, Devon, and now Nyx are just dead. They never get a proper send-off. Though this episode comes as close as the series has even gotten, with Two's hallucination of Nyx. But it's not a proper funeral or the like. Good characters are dying at much too high of a rate.

Digging through IMDB, I see the actress is a regular on a Netflix show. So I can only imagine that her fate at the end of season 2 was because the writers didn't know if they'd get her back for season 3, allowing them to kill her off for good. I can understand the situation, but it still doesn't make it okay. If you have to kill off a character because they won't (or can't) commit, then at least let them go out in style. Nyx got none of that.

But on a lighter note, I liked the "family" moment near the end. The Android wearing an apron over her techmo-futuristic body suit is an amusing touch, and after all the strife of the last season, it's nice to see all of the (remaining) characters together as a single, cohesive unit. (Complete with aprons and completely impractical but adorable hats). However I'm left to wonder if this really is the entirety of the crew for the rest of the season/series. We're down to 4 humans and a Android, which for an ensemble show can be limiting in telling stories.

Dark Matter S03E02: This is unquestionably a Five episode. Which is great, because the actress is fantastic, she has an interesting backstory, and how can you not love the green hair?

Between the first episode and this episode, there can be no doubt that Ryo has gone too far and become a full-on villain. His treatment of his own subjects is absolutely terrible, and while he doesn't actively try to kill the Raza crew, his repeated efforts to screw them over is doing him no favors. But perhaps more interesting is that he seems to be in way over his head on the home front, and doesn't even know it. His efforts to duplicate the Blink Drive have ultimately failed, and meanwhile Misaki has killed the woman he cares about, in violation of his orders. The Corporate War may buy him some time to win the war, but as the intro to this episode not so subtly laid out, there's more to being the Emperor than wars and technology. Before he went on the lam in the first place, it was his inability to manage and work with the Court that led to his downfall, and he seems to be following the same trajectory once again. Mark my words: someone's going to kill him (and we have plenty of options at this point), or he's going to have to get his Ryo memories wiped once again. He won't last as Emperor.

Meanwhile it's great to get a bit more backstory on Five. It's unfortunate that it's somewhat sad (though admittedly, that's been the case for all of the crew), but it's still enlightening. She's clearly always been capable of more than being a street urchin, and now we see that someone recognized that in her before the events of the series. An honest-to-goodness father figure, too, one that could have helped her become a proper engineer (and better than him). In fact in light of what we saw, I'm a bit confused as to why she left him in the first place; we were looking at a memory, so we know he didn't rat her out or anything. So why leave? This is probably the weakest point of writing for the episode, as it seems very contrived in order for the next mystery to be delivered by memory yet never accessible again. The obvious question now is who her sister is. Creepy Lady (Alicia Reynaud) from S2 is still out there, and given her familiarity with Five, that seems the obvious answer.

And it may be typecasting Ellen Wong, but damn if she doesn't play the crazy (ex) girlfriend role perfectly. I'm still not entirely sure what her underlying dysfunction is, but she's making it a point to backstab or threaten people who she thinks are in Ryo's way.

Oh, and of course we have the Blink Drive. The MacGuffin of MacGuffins, it can either be the item someone is on a quest for that makes up an episode's plot, or it can be the negative space wedgie that kicks off the plot to begin with. Or in the case of this episode, it's both. Having everyone stuck on a station in a collapsing part of space was a neat idea, and I'm glad that the Raza crew has their precious MacGuffin back. Though I think it's interesting that the writers are putting it away for now, as while it was borderline overpowered, it wasn't ridiculously so in the Raza's hands. It was nice that they had an advantage, since otherwise they're pretty much alone in the universe, with everyone having it out for them for one reason or another.

Finally, the conclusion to this episode is a bit weird. The neural probe hasn't been a plot point for a bit now, and I don't think bringing it back was handled very well. It was a clever way to figure out where the Blink Drive was, but I get the impression that the writers felt like they had created too powerful of a plot device? So having Five's other memories permanently segregated off at the very end like that came off as being a haphazard solution. Perhaps if the episode wasn't trying to do quite so many things at once, it could have let that plot point bloom a bit more.


Diamond Member
May 15, 2015
Wasn't the bomb Ryo's doing? Everyone is just blaming Ferrous Corp.

I thought it was a little bit of a stretch to have the blink drive be able to transport an entire space station. I know there aren't any rules for this sort of thing but I thought it was odd.

That said, I did like the use of collapsing null space as a plot device. I was a little surprised that Three just shot the scientist and no one had any problems with this. I liked that they handled it that way but it sort of broke from the theme of whinging and agonizing over killing folks last season. Hopefully we're going to see more of this bad assery.

I also like the use of the consciousness transporter. Too many times this sort of tech gets introduced for one episode and then it's forgotten about. Kudos to the writers for not falling into that trap since this was certainly a situation where Ryo would have wanted to be on the station.


Elite Member, Moderator Emeritus
Oct 9, 1999
Wasn't the bomb Ryo's doing? Everyone is just blaming Ferrous Corp.
The explosion is his doing. But only because the Raza stopped Ferrous from doing it first. They still tried (and almost succeeded) in killing everyone, so the treachery has not been nullified.

I was a little surprised that Three just shot the scientist and no one had any problems with this. I liked that they handled it that way but it sort of broke from the theme of whinging and agonizing over killing folks last season. Hopefully we're going to see more of this bad assery.
It's definitely an anti-hero show. And Three is the most anti (and least hero) of them all. He's the one that will blow down doors or go for the objective first; but admittedly he's good at it, and none of the other crew could have taken a shot like that and succeeded. (On which note, I like his genre savviness; playing with the edge of the bubble of nothingness)


May 7, 2002
Just finished watching this, and I just hope it gets better.
Some parts felt too rushed, and other parts felt like it was taking too long.
At least they got the blink drive back, which of course means that one of them will be ransomed off for it.


Golden Member
Nov 4, 2009
I thought S02E13 was better than you originally proposed but after seeing S03E01, I have to agree for different reasons.
I was lost from the get-go. S02E13 was not memorable enough. Plot points were not poignant enough. (Is that the right word?). I was lost for the first half the episode. I wish I had seen S02E13 again only to recall what was going on and who did what. Here is how bad it was for me.
- I thought the android 1. Had something to do with the girls death. 2. That she had a new "personality" due to the run-in with the other androids and now has her own dark-side. 3. I had no trust in her going into S03E01.
- I had thoughts on Four. Four is not four anymore as you noted but not in super bad terms with the Raza crew. I was not under impression that he was outcast. They did help him get into power after all, right? And gave him a "I respect your decision" send-off.
- What happened to the "other timeline"? I seem to remember a craft hitching a ride. And for some reason, I thought it a possibility that Four is from the other timeline.
- Does the Ferrous corp know that it didn't blow up the station? Who knows what?
Clearly, I'm a bit confused.
S03E02 was much smoother ride in my mind. No huge plot leaps.
- The Five backstory was nice. Dad could come back into the picture.
- I too liked how the God-Killer aka Plot Device, hum, I mean Blink Drive is handled. There, but just out of reach most of the time. I learned a new word. "MacGuffins".
- "Creepy Lady (Alicia Reynaud) from S2 is still out there." Who? My google search was not as immediate gratification as was "MacGuffins". lol
- Four may be a terrible leader as you seem to indicate but that leads me to Two.
- Trigger warning. Possible misogyny on my part? Two is not a guy. If a guy thought as Two did, I'd be pretty sure I'd say he's a terrible leader too. Two is conflicted as a girly vs a brute bad-ass. Which brings me to Six
- Six is sooo annoying. Grow a pair dude. Every episode I think he's going to cry. "Like a girl" See what I did there? I just want to kick him out an airlock and I'm a wimpy guy.
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