[SyFy Friday] Killjoys Season 4 Starts July 20th

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Golden Member
Nov 4, 2009
Dark Matter:
Okay. I've missed one show I think. What happened to the guy that broke out of jail with them that was communicating with the woman that wanted 5?
Is it me or is the new doctor just a junkie only?


Elite Member, Moderator Emeritus
Oct 9, 1999
Dark Matter:
Okay. I've missed one show I think. What happened to the guy that broke out of jail with them that was communicating with the woman that wanted 5?
They left Varro (sorry, I forget the character's actual name) on the station. His plan was to skip out anyhow since he thought he had the card, so it was a mutual breakup that worked out for the best for both groups. Though I agree that they didn't do a good job making it explicit that they left him on the station.

Is it me or is the new doctor just a junkie only?
Well he's clearly also a capable medic, as he did patch up Six and properly analyze the mind swap in episode 3. But yeah, NuOne is a wee bit of a junkie...

He said he was dead-dead, but since alternate one exist maybe he could have an opportunity to revisit the show at a later time. Which all sounds increasingly like FUD given what alternate one goes through just a couple episodes later.
Apparently he's dodging the question on whether Corso is dead, as opposed to confirming it like One's death. "Oh, there are other ways, beyond "timey wimey"." So perhaps we'll see Corso again?
Last edited:


Dec 3, 2013
The thread gives me a few more things to check out, I'll have to take a look at em.

I had not watched either one yet.


Diamond Member
Jun 22, 2004
Didn't think 2 would kill him, I thought she wanted to know who was behind it all, but, is he actually dead, or another clone?

I honestly thought that they were going to mind wipe Corso so they could rewrite him with One's personality. That way they could bring One's storyline back in. Seems weird that it would end with no real resolution about his wife's murder or what's going on with his company.


Jul 9, 2000
Corso could have been using the transportation tech that they used in Season 1. And this show is run by Stargate guys, so I wouldnt be surprised if we had a Baal situation and its always a Corso clone in some form or another. It did seem like Corso in this episode wasn't as tough as the previous versions. And if they are going to bring on more Lost Girl actors, it should be Ksenia Solo.


Elite Member, Moderator Emeritus
Oct 9, 1999
This week on SyFy Friday: it's all about relations.

Dark Matter S02E06: We finally get a background episode for Nyx and an explanation (of sorts) for why she's such a good fighter: she has ESP and can in fact see what's going to be coming her way. That they made it a natural ability is a bit weird; despite being a science fiction universe, the only super powered beings we've seen so far are either androids or mechanically augmented in some fashion (Two).

In any case, this was probably the weakest episode of the season. It was good that Nyx got a story, and it's a good enough story. But the strength of the episode hinged on how much the viewer cared about the fate of her brother. At least as far as I'm concerned, he was a disposable character to begin with, so there's a lack of attachment to make the rest of the episode stick.

Meanwhile I appreciate that they're taking the long road on reintegrating Six and not fully trusting him right off the bat. At the same time I can't shake the feeling that Roger Cross was either working on another project at the same time, or get pseudo-demoted to Recurring. But at least it makes for a good time with Three as the two of them sort out their issues. Since Four doesn't talk much, those two end up being the big talkers among the men.

And as a consequence to last week's Android shenanigans, she shut off her human upgrade. Which seems a bit sudden, but I can work with that. As I said last week, the slightly belligerent Android is a humorous character in and of itself, so I am glad her stock personality is back. Though I think the actress may have had a cold; she sounded off/raspy there. Oh, and new duds!

Finally, poor NuOne (I think his name is actually Devon?) continues his long slide into addiction. We're nearly half-way through the season, and even before this episode he's had the least focus. Right now he's practically a background character, so I hope he gets a focus episode soon.

Killjoys S02E06: This episode was uneven, but at the end of the day it moved the overarching plot forward, which is probably the most important thing to do. Given that the show only gets 10 episodes/season, this is the episode that feels like too many things had to be crammed in there due to a lack of time. The entire first half on the Asteroid Ship really just seemed like a reason to drip feed us a little bit more about Dutch's history. Given how mysterious she otherwise is, that's nice to have, but at the same time I feel like we didn't actually get a ton in this episode.

Meanwhile it's nice to see Lucy get out of the ship now and then. I'm still not sure if that was Lucy's voice actress playing a physical role (and getting dubbed over early), or another actress getting dubbed over by the Lucy VA. But more importantly, Johnny got to make out with his Monrobot Lucy, which is exactly as awkward and hilarious as it sounds like. The whole setup with the gynoids was basically an excuse to do this, but it works.

But on a serious note, we finally have a teeny, tiny bit more information about the supposedly forthcoming invasion. So it sounds like it's not the RAC or some other human faction that's threatening to invade the Quad, but rather a proper alien menace? Very interesting. But of course I'm sure they'll wait until S02E10 to show us the supposed invaders.

Finally: in case anyone missed it, a peach has another meaning; so of course here it's a metaphor for sex. Everyone gets lucky here to some degree or another. D'avin and Sabine may have gone on just a little too long though; there's a tease, and then there's TV-14 LSV porn, which this was a solid case of the latter. I dare say it starts getting uncomfortable after a point. But a point there is, as Sabine starts leaking copious amounts of green plasma. Now the million-joy question: is she a Level 6, or some other kind of augmented human? Khlyen is the only high-level RAC agent that seems to give a hoot about the Quad, so it would be very strange for him to send a Level 6 after D'avin, knowing how he reacts to plasma.

The implication from Dutch's earlier talk with Alvis is that there may be more to the plasma than just Level 6s. Which coincidentally does a great job fleshing out the scarbacks: they weren't originally crazy religious zealots who cut themselves for worship, but rather crazy religious zealots who cut themselves to prove that they weren't infected with the plasma.

Finally, with everyone getting nookie for the night, it's occurred to me that they've toned down the series since season 1. Most season 1 episodes were TV-MA and made it a point to show off Hannah John-Kamen or other actresses. However all of the season 2 episodes have been TV-14, and this is the first real instance of T&A all season long. It's not a SyFy production (rather it's an import), but given that they put it in the 9pm slot, I have to suspect they specifically requested the producers tone it down.


Elite Member, Moderator Emeritus
Oct 9, 1999
This week on SyFy Friday: Down the rabbit hole we go.

Dark Matter S02E07: After last week's rare miss, this episode takes off with a bang. I had been wondering where David Hewlett had been all season, and boy did we get our answer. He's a bit typecast, but damn if he doesn't do neurotic bastard so well.

I'm having a hard time deciding what the A story of this episode was. Was it the heist, or Nyx and Devon whining about addiction and being outsiders? I say that because this episode came off as a little unfocused as a result; neither subject received quite as much attention as it seems like it should have. And after the first act, I admittedly don't know why David Hewlett was there.

Anyhow, I wasn't expecting a resolution to the Card of Mystery this soon, so the fact that we get it here is a welcome surprise. The heist itself was fun, and I liked how they subverted expectations by making it easy to get in and get the device - leaving Three and Four with nothing to initially do - and then making the challenge getting out. On the other hand I don't think the episode fully sold how dangerous Reynaud is supposed to be. Yeah, she had some clones beat up, but she wasn't able to stop the Raza even knowing where it was, and never did execute the neural kill. It seems like Five should have been in more danger than what actually happened. On the other hand, she did get to "kill" Three and Four, and it's a bit disturbing how easily she did it.

And now our anti-heroes have in their possession a Wormhole Drive Blink Drive - the only Blink Drive - which lets them go from one point to another instantly. But of course it doesn't work right, so there's next week's episode. My money is either on them ending up at a random place, or we get a mirror universe story of some kind.

As for the Nyx/Devon story, last week I said we needed a Devon focus episode. We kind of, sort of got it? As has been hinted, he's a junkie whose addiction led to him getting a patient killed some time in the past. The show has never treated him as a main character, and even in this episode that didn't happen. So I'm not sure why he's there, other than to keep Nyx company.

But that problem, much like his character, would appear to be short lived. This season has developed a thing for (trying) to kill characters on a regular basis and I'm getting a bit tired of it. Either Devon is really dead and all of this was pointless, or it's yet another unnecessary fake-out as circumstances will evolve that result in him being saved.

Finally: I think the Android may have something going on for Three. Which is every bit as creepy as it sounds like.

Killjoys S02E07: We pick up where we left off last week: sex. Kinky sex, apparently. All the while D'avin is a sex god whose mojo in the sack can temporarily turn Level 6s human again (watch out Fancy Lee!).

I had thought that Sabine might be an outside of some kind - an invader- and it looks like I was wrong. She was just a Black Root agent hunting down Khlyen and trying to get at him through the crew of Lucy. However they didn't count on D'avin having anti-6 powers, or Sabine going for him. This also adds some all-important context to why her being happy at the end of the last episode was such a big deal. But now the killjoys have all sorts of 6-ish problems. including Sixes in Old Town, and Sabine has been recovered by the Black Root, and she knows about D'avin's powers.

This isn't a top-tier episode, but I give the writers credit for giving the viewer sufficient reason to care about Sabine. For what's damn-near a one-off character, they hammer the point home very effectively that she's been a green goo slave for the last 60 years now, and why being freed - however temporarily - is important to her. Unfortunately all of this is clearly starting to wear on D'avin.

Meanwhile this also adds another layer to the whole overarching plot, as this means the RAC infiltration goes back at least 2 generations (just how long does it take to invade a galaxy, anyhow?). And Khlyen is actually some sort of L6 renegade? It's not clear what the deal is there, as it seems like he's been loyal up until he broke D'avin out of Red 17 at the start of the season. I'm also not clear what's going on with not-Dutch (the one we see in the memory), as now Dutch needs to go kill her?

And poor, poor Johnny. He just wants to help Old Town. Now he's been taken captive by Jelco (a reversal of the start of the season with Pawter) and a very, very angry Dutch is going to have to come spring him from jail. Jelco's clearly a powerful figure, but his lack of a consistent presence hasn't helped the character. None the less, I am curious as to why he's the gatekeeper, and if he knows the full history behind the wall. If the wall wasn't developed by the company, then it sounds like it wasn't just meant to keep Old Town in. Rather it's sounding like a protective shield of some kind.

Finally: Ah, Canada in the winter. Given that Toronto is under a heat advisory as of late, the irony melts quickly. Also, for some reason Johnny being "Weenie" Jaqobis is absolutely hilarious.


Aug 24, 2008
So I am guessing the level 6's in killjoys are infiltration units of some kind of this alien race as they use them as a way to get inside the races they plan on taking over to make their invasion easier plus the wall talk is probably how they plan on wiping out planets full of pesky humans.

Either that or the aliens tried once and failed because of the scarbacks, as we saw with the vision and the research they did of the old text showing the reason why they cut themselves, and are going this way to try another route as we saw in the previous episode where the guy was taken by them before hundreds of years ago so they could learn about humans easier.


Apr 8, 2001
Seems there are subdivision with level 6, some official and some not.

On the plus side, davin can screw it out of you. On the negative side, most of the sixes have been male


May 7, 2002

I don't get this, at first, I thought it fell from the sky like that, but, when she entered it, all the shelves were at the right angle... so, it was meant to stand like that?


Mar 11, 2000
Killjoys continues the downward spiral... in the writing. At this point I'm only watching because there is not much else on during the summer.

I continue to like Dark Matter, but the new characters I can do without. In fact I'd hope that the
doc actually dies
but I'm not expecting it.


Diamond Member
May 15, 2015
I think everybody is suddenly subscribing to the G.R.R Martin school of character development. Plant the seeds, create an interesting back story, love and nurture your characters . . . . and then chop their heads off.

Seriously though, tv dramas can never really create any serious amount of tension if everyone has plot armor. So that means you have to constantly introduce new people. Z Nation did that a lot the first season before they settled into a recurring cast. And they still kill of a main character from time to time.

In terms of D'avin f***ing the goo out of you, I'll be interested to see if they ever explain the exact . . . ummmm, "mechanism."


Elite Member, Moderator Emeritus
Oct 9, 1999
I don't get this, at first, I thought it fell from the sky like that, but, when she entered it, all the shelves were at the right angle... so, it was meant to stand like that?
Yes, it's supposed to stand like that. A cube on its edges just looks cooler.

I think everybody is suddenly subscribing to the G.R.R Martin school of character development. Plant the seeds, create an interesting back story, love and nurture your characters . . . . and then chop their heads off.

Seriously though, tv dramas can never really create any serious amount of tension if everyone has plot armor.
I beg to differ. You can still write great stories even if the audience knows./expects the heroes to win. Make it about how they're going to win and at what cost. TNG's The Best of Both Worlds is a fantastic two-parter even though you knew that Picard's Borgification would have to be undone by the end.

Killing characters off regularly, by comparison, is simply for shock value.


Elite Member, Moderator Emeritus
Oct 9, 1999
This week on SyFy Friday: Skimpy clothes!

Dark Matter S02E08: Yay, an alternate universe story! These are almost as much of a sci-fi trope as time travel stories, but it doesn't change the fact that they are fun.

Our intrepid anti-heroes find themselves in another universe, as their Blink Drive was on the blink. And of course, it just so happens that this universe is exactly like the prime universe, with one critical exception: Five wasn't on the Raza to save Six and set into motion the mind-wipe. As a result we get to meet AU Portia, Boone, Corso, and the rest of the criminal crew. (Boy, this season has really liked to play with the original/evil personalities)

Plot wise, a good chunk of this is by the numbers. One crew is good, one crew is evil. A scheme is hatched involving posing as the evil counterparts, etc. So it's perhaps not super original. But it's fun, and they do take a less conventional twist on the plot by splitting up the crew. And Truffault pulling a "preemptive double-cross" is amusing in its own right. To this day I'm still bummed at what happened with Torri Higginson on SGA, because she's so good at playing the boss.

As for the AU Raza's crew, it's cool to see that they brought back some of last season's characters to flesh it out, as the whole setup precluded just having Evil One through Evil Six. In this case we have Evil Boone and Evil Portia, the latter who is of course wearing more revealing clothing to show that she's evil (also, maybe it's just me but I think the actress is pitching up her voice a bit). Meanwhile we also have Wexler and Tash from episodes 10 and 11, which are especially good choices as that two-parter was all about a heist performed for OG Truffault, so there's some very notable symmetry here. And rounding out the crew is either Evil One or Evil Corso (the episode purposely leaves that unaddressed), who despite having the actor put on a bus, keeps coming back to raise hell. Sadly, there's no proper bearded counterpart here; OG Wexler already had a beard, so under normal rules that doesn't count.

As I mentioned earlier, the supposed fracture point for this episode was that Five was never on the Raza, meaning the crew was never turned good(ish), and kept up their merc ways. The season-long arc for the show has been the impending corporation war, and the AU Raza seems to have sped this process up a bit by doing evil throughout the galaxy. As a result while it's not a pure time travel episode, it's clearly meant to give us a peek at what may come later in the season. In which case we're looking at a lot of death and a lot of worlds declaring their neutrality.

The MacGuffin for this episode is of course the Blink Drive. OG Raza conveniently burns out their drive, requiring that they steal AU Raza's to get back home. All of this implies that the AU Raza is the only ship in that universe as well to have a Blink Drive, but that's not the case; the text backstory for Evil Emperor Ryo's profile indicates that his planet's ships also have the drive, so OG Raza wasn't making off with the only drive in the galaxy. Either way, I'm genuinely surprised that the writers are letting the OG Raza keep a working drive, as I kind of expected that this one would burn out as well to avoid power creep.

Meanwhile, the OG Raza brings back a straggler with them... If that's not Evil Corso/One, I'm going to be disappointed. Actually, I really hope it turns out to be Evil One, as it would be much more interesting to find out what the character's true non-wiped personality was. After all, he's not a merc, he's just out for revenge.

Finally, the episode very briefly addresses the end of the previous episode. Nyx reports Devon as gone, and no one has found him. I still don't buy that he's dead - if he is, then the entire character arc failed - but I guess we'll see.

Killjoys S02E08: Dutch took Johnny's actions about as well as one might expect: very poorly. But it gives the series a narrative excuse to split up the characters into the Johnny/Pawter & Dutch/D'avin (i.e. Team Awesomeforce) groups before inevitably bringing everything together.

Exploding eyes! D'avin's power over Level 6s continues to be amusing. At risk of being overpowered, but amusing all the same. It's a grotesque yet useful way to show what happens if he tries to use it offensively.

Overall, all of the series threads are starting to near their conclusion. The A-story of Dutch and D'avin revisiting a now abandoned Arkyn doesn't move the main story too much farther ahead, but it finally gives us some solid answers to the original Scarback monks and their fight on that moon centuries ago. I won't recap the plot details, but whatever the hells is going on has been in motion for over two hundred years at this point. And the Dutch-alike we saw in the flashbacks is in fact Khylen's daughter, whom he now wants Dutch to kill. So this episode delivers in the creepy factor.

Meanwhile the B-team is tracking down the mystery of the wall. As part of this story they actually address something that's been bothering me for a while now, which is why Old Town isn't crumbling under hunger. And we get the answer: contraband food from good ole' Carl, the poor Company security guard that got locked in with the prisoners. On which note, the fact that it's the gluten and not the rat meat that Carl objects to is far more hilarious than it has any right to be.

In any case, we now know the true function of the wall: it just doesn't keep people in, but it drugs them as well (leading to a blissed out Pawter running around in used hooker clothes). I have to admit I didn't see that coming. Though it looks like we're going to have to wait a bit longer to find out why the Company/Nine want to do this. Meanwhile Jelco has once again doubled-down on evilness; it would be enough to kill off part of the population of Old Town with poisoned food, but he killed one of the Nine as well. Ultimatlely this all a Delle Seyah Kendry plot and he's merely carrying out her orders, but he sure takes pride and pleasure in his work.

For a bit I was worried that this episode would be one giant death flag to Pawter - whose character has been amazing this season - but it looks like that has been averted, at least for a little while longer. Now instead we're going to have to see what the fallout is from her being framed in killing another head of the Nine. Assuming she doesn't get to quickly clear her name, I'm going to miss the Pretty Pretty Princess thing. Also, she and Johnny are getting along way too well for this to last.

Finally: Pree singing. Between that and high-as-a-kite Pawter's "what a beautiful day" comment, this show really does a fantastic job setting up the atmosphere of the setting.

There are only two episodes left of the season, so I'm assuming everything is going to rapidly come to a head tarting next week. And we'll find out how the wall, level 6s, and the invasion are all related.


May 7, 2002
This week on SyFy Friday: Skimpy clothes!

Dark Matter S02E08: Yay, an alternate universe story! These are almost as much of a sci-fi trope as time travel stories, but it doesn't change the fact that they are fun.
Why is it the "evil" Two shows off more cleavage than the "good" Two?

I also rather they would have made this episode 2 hours, too much was crammed into one.
BTW, the gun sound effects on the security video made it sound like it was a toy gun.

Killjoys S02E08:
There are only two episodes left of the season, so I'm assuming everything is going to rapidly come to a head tarting next week. And we'll find out how the wall, level 6s, and the invasion are all related.
I really hate these cut down seasons.
Is the wall supposed to be radiating a pulse, or, is it actually the food source that drugs them up?


Apr 8, 2001
Thought both were pretty good without showing or doing anything special. Although I will say, for killing off a character, one has managed to be in almost every episode still.


Elite Member, Moderator Emeritus
Oct 9, 1999
Why is it the "evil" Two shows off more cleavage than the "good" Two?
In a word: Evil is Sexy. If you aren't going to give someone a mirror universe beard, then this is the next most common example. (And then you have Enterprise, which did both )
Is the wall supposed to be radiating a pulse, or, is it actually the food source that drugs them up?
Radiating a pulse. Basically it creates an electric drug field.


Mar 11, 2000
This week:

Dark Matter 8/10 - I'm looking forward to the next episode.
Killjoys 6/10 - Meh.


Dec 5, 2000
Why is it the "evil" Two shows off more cleavage than the "good" Two?

I also rather they would have made this episode 2 hours, too much was crammed into one.
BTW, the gun sound effects on the security video made it sound like it was a toy gun.

I really hate these cut down seasons.
Is the wall supposed to be radiating a pulse, or, is it actually the food source that drugs them up?
I assumed it was the wall because they didnt have the food source yet.


Jul 9, 2000
The Dark Matter Mirror Mirror episode was severely lacking in goatees. Also, I'm thinking Evil 1 was the one on the shuttle. That guy is going to be the Baal of Dark Matter.


Jun 19, 2006
Been watching Dark matter and its pretty good, the android is well played.

I've been recording S2 Killjoys although I have not watched a single episode yet. Do I need to watch season one first? I am missing S2 1 and 2 and its not on their on-demand, Will it matter if I start at S2 episode 3?


Elite Member, Moderator Emeritus
Oct 9, 1999
Been watching Dark matter and its pretty good, the android is well played.

I've been recording S2 Killjoys although I have not watched a single episode yet. Do I need to watch season one first? I am missing S2 1 and 2 and its not on their on-demand, Will it matter if I start at S2 episode 3?
It would be hard to appreciate the series without having seen season 1. Season 2 basically picks up where season 1 left off, and you'll miss the important character introductions. Which is not to say that it's impossible, but you'll find yourself wondering who these people are.

As for watching season 2, it's a pretty strongly serialized season. You really need to start from the beginning of the season, since one episode leads directly into the next.


Apr 8, 2001
There's a lot of stuff set up in kill joys in earlier episodes that you'd miss by skipping. Both running gags as well as season arcing themes.
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