[SyFy Friday] Killjoys Season 4 Starts July 20th

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Jun 19, 2006
It would be hard to appreciate the series without having seen season 1. Season 2 basically picks up where season 1 left off, and you'll miss the important character introductions. Which is not to say that it's impossible, but you'll find yourself wondering who these people are.

As for watching season 2, it's a pretty strongly serialized season. You really need to start from the beginning of the season, since one episode leads directly into the next.

Thanks good call. Was able to find the back episodes for free on the SyFy website. As long as you have a Fios/cable subscription all their videos are free to watch. Have to say I am enjoying Killjoys more then Dark Matter.

I don't like watching TV or movies on my laptop so I tried to play the shows through the Smart TV built in browser, came up with not enough memory error. They use a custom OS for smart TVs? And wonder how easy it would be to add more ram.


May 7, 2002
Killjoys: "Guns on stun, and tunes for fun!" and lol at the POV gun action.
That is one way to take down that wall... didn't see this coming.
Nice double-cross at the end, and those were all sixes?
Dark Matter: Wesley. ...It had to be Wesley.
How the heck did they use the blink drive (still a stupid name) to go to a place they have never been in before? I mean, how did they know it wasn't already occupied or had other cargo in there? Yes, she said it was sealed off, and large enough, but, not if it was empty, and if it was sealed off, how did they unseal it? Bah, plot holes.

Nanofusion to save Two? I suppose the loyalty routine will kick in the next episode.
The nanooctopus thing was supposed to do what? A spy of some sort? Though, I guess we will know about this later.
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Mar 11, 2000
A lot of heavy stuff in this episode of Killjoys but none of it really grabbed me. And it just seems unnecessarily convoluted and often just forced, which is a big reason why I stopped watching The Expanse.

Dark Matter is more engaging for me so I checked out their comparative ratings vs Killjoys.

To my surprise, the ratings of Killjoys and Dark Matter are almost identical. Dark Matter has a small advantage overall, Killjoys has a very slight advantage in the 18-49 demographic.


Diamond Member
May 15, 2015
I thought the killing at the end was too easy. That character could have been useful in a variety of capacities so it was a shame to drop kick her off the show. And where is Qreshi justice. Don't these people have any laws - to even govern themselves? That seems pretty absurd.

But I guess they're developing the story along the line of the the Sixes and Khlyen. So it looks like it will be Khlyen against the Qreshi nobility and they army of Sixes.


Elite Member, Moderator Emeritus
Oct 9, 1999
This week on SyFy Friday: But first, we kill all the lawyers doctors!

Dark Matter S02E09: After last week's AU adventure, we're back in the prime universe this week. Nyx is back and has wasted no time advancing to "grappling" with Four (for a quiet man, Four is a terrible liar). Meanwhile it's feeling a lot like Devon really is dead, or at least has been cast off as the occasional guest character.

But the focus of the story is poor Two, whose nanites are shutting down. And in an example of living by the sword and dying by the sword, if the nanites die, so does she. I appreciate that this wasn't just sprung on us and that there was at least a little foreshadowing towards this episode. None the less, it does seem like the writers had to pull something out of their aft compartment to come up with a reason for why Two would need to visit Dwarf Star Tech again. In that respect the actual problem of the week feels a bit forced, since it's resolved now and forever in a single episode.

But in any case, what we get is a solid heist episode. Break in, steal the nanites, break out. Meanwhile we get some (incredibly convenient) backstory on how Two came to be, via the only person she didn't kill in her break-out all those years ago. The plot moves about as you expect, which isn't a complaint, just that nothing about the A-story comes out of left field. Of course one can't forget the guest star for this episode, Mr. Rook (Wil Wheaton), who is perhaps a bit typecast, but he does smug bastard oh so well. You just want to hug the guy, and then punch him. I also really liked the jump drive gambit to break in; BSG has done this better, but the basic idea is just a lot of fun.

The big question mark for this episode isn't even Two - whose problems are resolved - but rather just what Rook did to Three. It looks like Rook is attempting to steal the Blink Drive tech, and to do so he put some kind of alien (or synthetic) mind control monster inside of Three. If nothing else this underscores the value of the Blink Drive - it's going to continue to be a plot point I'm sure - but more importantly this is the first non-humanoid life we've seen on the show. is it actually some kind of alien? Or just another one of Dwarf Star's nifty inventions (personal shield!)? Though I must say the Raza is interestingly equipped, having a retina duplication kit in the vault right when the crew needed it. (Side note: I'm curious who the two technicians were that Two made friends with. I'm betting they're either crew members, or there's a good inside joke there)

Finally, for a Two-focused episode, Four sure got some much-needed plot time here. His little monologue about loyalty and friends is interesting, and it brings Zairon into focus. In the AU, Ryo used the Blink Drive to take control of the planet and win the war. However in this universe, Zairon is losing the war and it looks gloomy for his home planet. I don't assume Four will actually leave, but it will be interesting to see how his character develops from here. Zairon is still trying to kill him, after all.

Other observations: The Android stealing Five's hot chocolate was a riot. That's one of those amusing little scenes that may eventually be meant to lead to something deeper, but for now it's an important moment of lightheartedness that keeps the show from getting too grim. Also, I want more of Three wearing his incredibly obvious spy glasses.

Killjoys S02E09: Can I just say that I dislike How We Got Here style openings? They spoil the episode, and they take focus away from the plot. Instead of enjoying it, you're constantly waiting for the story to catch up with the opening scene.

Anyhow, with this being the second to last episode of the season, everything has indeed gone to hell. I did not expect to see the Old Town Wall come down before the very end of the season, so that was a surprise. In fact this whole episode moved rather quickly, and it has to due to the 10 episode seasons. Which is a bit unfortunate, as it prevents certain threads from being played out over a longer time span.

I'm glad that Dutch and D'avin got to see Party Town while rescuing Johnny and Pawter. It avoids wasting time explaining the situation, and it means we get to see what Party Town was like the day after without it feeling unnecessary. Unfortunately Jelco has already started poisoning the town, so everything is in motion.

Speaking of which, Jelco is an interesting character. I wish he had just a bit more screen time leading up to this episode. Still, the previous episode did a good job establishing his card carrying villain status by having him kill one of The Nine and frame Pawter for it. Which is why his antics in this episode work; he can be deadly, but as a bureaucrat he needs a well formulated plan to do it. If and when things go sideways, he's powerless. Which leaves him stuck negotiating, relying on his status as the designated prick. Hopefully we'll get to see him next episode and see the Level 6 plan from his perspective, but if not I'm sure we'll have fun with him next season.

Overall this episode moved very quickly, so there's almost too much to cover. But I have to say I did not expect the solution to the wall problem to simply be "throw bodies at it." That seems like a genuinely poor design for a containment field. But now we know what the Company was up to: they are indeed culling the herd in an attempt to product a Level 6 army. To what end? Good question. And now there are the repercussions of that plan becoming unraveled.

But the star of this episode is of course Pawter, who it appears has been run over by the bus. After being underutilized in season 1, the writers have done a fantastic job of using her character in this season, and the actress has completely sold it. Which is all the more reason I'm peeved that they killed her. Yeah, the death flag had been raised after the prior episode. Still, I feel like it's something of poor form to kill a doctor; it's killing a good person as a cheat to show how serious the situation has become. And SyFy, for some reason, really has it out for doctors this year, apparently.

But before she goes, we get to see just what Pawter is willing to do for Westery; what she's willing to sacrifice. I suppose it was inevitable that she'd have to do something dark given the amount of time the show has spent harping on her good character. Still, to see her essentially sacrifice Angry Town residents to bring down the wall is a major leap for her character. And admittedly, some good sci-fi drama fodder (when do the needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few?). She did what she had to do, including making the hard choices and sacrificing something of her own to save Westerly. It's a shame, had she not died she clearly has all the makings of a good ruler, something The Nine is badly lacking.

We also see Pawter's feud with Delle come to a head here. She (wo)mans up, makes the sacrifice, and beats Delle. And in return, Delle proves that she's not to be messed with. She's not just a sneaky noblewoman, but she's a cold blooded killer who won't accept losing. Delle killing Pawter makes sense here, and definitely ramps up Delle's threat level. At the same time it means The Nine's/Delle's next move will be all the more interesting. They had a long term plan in motion, one that Pawter has apparently completely and utterly broken. So what was the point of that plan, and what do they do to the Quad now that the plan has been foiled? No doubt we'll find out next week.

Finally, we also get a Johnny-centric love triangle of sorts here. Dutch really is lost without Johnny, it seems, which is why she took the events of the last couple of episodes so hard. To hear "love" out of her mouth is a bit odd - their relationship has never been depicted as either party desiring intimacy - but I'm sure there will be some delicious season 3 ramifications out of that. But poor Johnny: he proposed to Pawter, and now she's gone. Somehow through all of this he's going to have to process all of that.

Other observations: This show doesn't shy away from the innuendo, and that's part of its charm. Still, I'm really surprised that not only were they able to get such a juvenile line like "have my Dutch and eat my Potter too" on the air, but that it actually worked so well (seriously, in context it's hilarious). Meanwhile I'm loving the extended use of Lucy this season. Having her get into an AI war with the company AI Julian was hilarious. "Julian, it's on." "Oh. Oh dear."


Diamond Member
May 15, 2015
But the focus of the story is poor Two, whose nanites are shutting down. And in an example of living by the sword and dying by the sword, if the nanites die, so does she. I appreciate that this wasn't just sprung on us and that there was at least a little foreshadowing towards this episode. None the less, it does seem like the writers had to pull something out of their aft compartment to come up with a reason for why Two would need to visit Dwarf Star Tech again. In that respect the actual problem of the week feels a bit forced, since it's resolved now and forever in a single episode.
The new nanites are upgrades so that may play into future episodes.


Elite Member, Moderator Emeritus
Oct 9, 1999
This week on SyFy Friday: There are two kinds of characters in this world: those that we kill off, and those that we threaten to kill off.

Dark Matter S02E10: I have to say, I'm a bit disappointed in this one. As a bottle episode it was fine, but having everyone go wacko for the second time this season due to neural links feels a bit derivative. I do give the cast credit though for the acting; what it lacked in plot it held the line on acting and character moments.

I am however annoyed with threatening to kill off the Android. 1) She's awesome. 2) She's a main cast member, and they already pulled that stunt one this season with One. If you're going to kill off cast members all the time for shock value (or threaten to do so) then I'm out. This episode would have been better if it was your more standard sci-fi negative space wedgie episode rather than once again having some portion of the crew at each other's throats.

Meanwhile I'm interested in seeing where this Four story is going. Not that I expect he'll do a mind-swap and go evil, but they took the time to cast a personal nemesis for him and we've only actually seen her once. There's obviously more to do with his character this season, and we'll get to (hopefully) see how he saves his home world.

Other observations: Ahh, Canada in the winter (again). And the Android even has built in headlights. Who knew? Finally, I think this episode (by proxy) settles one of the greatest debates in nerdom: who would win in a battle of wits, Data or The Doctor?

Killjoys S02E10: This was the season finale and it did not disappoint. We got plenty of the obligatory action (not to downplay it) and even a good bit of Lucy action. However what I'm far more excited about is the plot.

It has taken all season, but we finally know what the hells Level Sixes are, where they came from, how Khlyen is connected to all of this, and what the forthcoming invasion was. I know not everyone is a fan of plot dumps - and the first 15 or so minutes of this episode is definitely a plot dump - but it's satisfying to know all of these things. That the plasma is a sentient entity that calls itself the Hullen, that they are invading the Quad to get more of it and assimilate the residents, that the Nine are complicit in all of this in trying to save their own hides, and that all of this is being led by Khlyen's insane Hullen daughter, Aneela (aka Evil Dutch). Now all of the series' major running plot threads have come together in a glorious fashion.

Even though this episode neatly wraps up a lot of things and isn't a hard cliffhanger - clearly meant to be the end of the show's first big arc - I like that it doesn't lose sight of the fact that it's Killjoys. So even in the middle of this insanity, Dutch & Co get to pull off a heist of an ultra-secure bank, which doesn't exactly go as planned, but it never forgets to have fun with the premise. I mean we get a Willhelm Scream and Fancy the Six as a human shield?

One thing the episode didn't address, and which I expect it will at the start of the next season, is the RAC. It's made clear that the RAC is really meant to be an advance scouting force for the Hullen, but of course only the Hullen members know that, while everyone else in the lower levels just does their job. It seems like there has to be consequences of some kind that will come to fruition, at least within the Quad.

Speaking of the Quad, with its supply of plasma gone, it's safe, for now. Though I fully expect the Hullen will eventually invade later on in the series, perhaps as the endgame. In the meantime, all of a sudden it's not the end of the world and The Nine are going to have to suffer the consequences for their scheming, if not also for the lack of foresight for what happens when the world doesn't end. I must admit I didn't see it coming when Johnny killed Delle. And truthfully I'm not sure I buy it. The writers clearly left themselves some wiggle room on the question of whether she died. She was an excellent foil for Dutch, but on the other hand she clearly isn't Hullen, so she's very mortal.

Overall the board has been cleared. The series has some new plot threads to carry it: mainly, kill Aneela and stop the Hullen. But that will take time, and the show can't stop being about killjoys. Otherwise a number of major characters have been killed off - and Fancy is now a regular asshole again, yay! - so the show has a clean slate to work with for next season.

Other observations: Mark my words, "I'm a ship, John. I don't have [x]" is going to become Lucy's catchphrase. They've used it multiple times this season now, and it's always hilariously executed.


Diamond Member
May 15, 2015
I didn't think we got a plot dump. The idea that there were critters in the plasma was developed in at least one previous episode - at least I thought so. They were the explanation for why sixes were immortal and somewhat batty and emotionless. OK the plasma was the explanation but obviously the plasma had to be at least a living if not sentient entity for that to happen. The sentient part was definitely a revelation though.

For Dark Matter, I think that the Mikkei combine is going to become an important part of the story line. So far they've just danced around the conflict between the corporations and Four's role as Mikkei's heir. I think his "dream" has now spurred him into taking the memory download to find out who he really is and that will inevitably lead to his taking back his position. We saw this in the alt universe and I think as it was there so it will be here.


Jul 9, 2000
Finally, I think this episode (by proxy) settles one of the greatest debates in nerdom: who would win in a battle of wits, Data or The Doctor?

No this doesnt! The Doctor could definitely out wit Data. You could lie to Data's face and he'd believe it. Data is gullible and naive like a child. He's big revelations in human nature are things a 5 year old learns. And if The Doctor was in this situation, he would just use his mobile emitter and kill everyone. The Doctor's mobile emitter makes him one of the toughest guys in Star Trek by far. Well, not omnipotent energy based aliens tough, but he's right below that.


Apr 8, 2001
Great end of season show for KJ, with the exception of the gut gunshot cause that has a return appearance written all over it. At least it let cyborg chick make another cameo.

DM seems to be having several build-ups, going to be interested in what they manage to get done with by end of the finale.


Elite Member, Moderator Emeritus
Oct 9, 1999
I didn't realize this last week, but the airing schedule for Dark Matter is going to get weird.

With Killjoys done, SyFy is airing 2 new episodes of DM this week. But rather than bump up the show to Killjoys' 9pm slot and run 9-11, they've instead opted to air the second episode at 11pm, so the block is now 10-midnight. And Killjoys' slot is being filled by a movie that's running from 7-10.

The number of networks that run new scripted shows at 11pm can be counted on one hand. By most metrics it would be counted as a burn-off slot. And if SyFy hadn't already renewed Dark Matter, that's exactly what I'd assume: that they're burning off the series. But it's been renewed, so why are they airing the season's penultimate episode so late into the evening?

I had thought maybe SyFy was doing an inversion of the usual "double up on the season finale" gig they sometimes do, where they air the last two episodes back to back. Except in this case they throw in an additional, early airing of the penultimate episode. But no, S02E12 only has 2 airings scheduled over the next two weeks: 11pm Friday, and the 1am Saturday repeat. So if you don't catch (or record) this late episode, you're going to miss it ahead of next week's season finale. For the week of the finale, the 9pm slot is being taken up by a second hour of Z Nation, which returns for its third season that night.

So I've got nothing. I have no idea why SyFy is burning off the penultimate episode of the season like this. Either everyone is DVRing the show anyhow, or SyFy has gone even madder than usual. Meanwhile, be sure to tune in for the 50th anniversary of Star Trek on Thursday, which will be airing on BBC America.


Apr 8, 2001
They've done that to other shows this season so this isn't the first time.


Elite Member, Moderator Emeritus
Oct 9, 1999
This week on SyFy Friday: Spend your late night with the crew of the Raza... if you dare!

Dark Matter S02E11:This was a touching episode. Given Three's status as the guy who always tries to pretend he's more heartless and tougher than he is, pairing him up with Five for an episode was obviously going to happen sooner or later. The whole thing is a bit cliche - including his efforts to get Five to leave - but it was still enjoyable to watch.

The B-plot with the rest of the crew wasn't anything amazing, by comparison. But really it was there to support the A-plot and to setup the next episode. Otherwise the inspector has proven more curious and deeper of a character than I first expected. Somehow I get the feeling he's going to extend beyond the end of this season, so hopefully we get to see some more of that depth play out.

Other thoughts: Ahh, the challenges of filming in the Canadian wilderness in the winter. It's hard not to notice it, but clearly it snowed between shooting days, as we go from a dry forest to a snowy forest, and then melted very quickly. The crew obviously did what they could to account for it in how the episode was edited together, but that's always going to be an environment-forced goof.

Dark Matter S02E12: Bits and parts of this season have been building up to Four taking back his memories. so the outcome isn't surprising. However I am a bit surprised that the show immediately made the jump from him asking the Android for help, to everyone having adapted to him having his memories back and exploiting it. It's a bit jarring, but at the same time this episode already had so much going on that I can't imagine fitting anything else into it.

The highlight of this episode is of course the Blink Drive shenanigans. While the show obviously has a limited budget for CGI, just seeing the Raza jump around and screw with everyone is fantastic. It so perfectly illustrates how no one is prepared for the idea of combat when there are no front-lines. Also, those Ziron cruisers were gorgeous; I really hope we get to see them again.

Overall, while I was reasonably sure Four would finally expose the crimes of his step-mother, I wasn't sure until the end whether he'd get the throne back. He does, of course, and then immediately goes evil. I guess Five was right: those memories really are dangerous. The rest of the crew is going to have to do something to separate Ryo from Four, as otherwise he's become a bit of a madman.

Meanwhile, perhaps I'm the only person that feels this way, but everything between Four and Misaki is just odd. She's a character that's been in a couple of episodes now, but only with very minimal screen time. Until this episode we didn't know anything about her, and even in this episode she only really got enough screen time to setup that ending. It makes it hard to really buy into the idea that they were childhood friends; the idea hasn't had enough time to gestate to be revealed in this fashion. Four/Ryo also seems a bit old for her; had I not checked IMDB, I would have guessed a 10 year difference in age. So imagine my surprise when I saw that Ellen Wong (Misaki) is actually the older of the two at 30, while Alex Mallari Jr. (Four) is 28. She looks young for her age and he looks older.

Finally, give it up for Five, who gets to be the big damn hero, rescuing Four's brother. "Hi, your majesty. My name is Five, and I'm here to rescue you." That and the Android once again indulging her fondness for hot chocolate were both a riot in an otherwise serious episode.
Reactions: Charmonium


Diamond Member
May 15, 2015
having Ryo go full evil was surprising given what he said to Portia/Two before leaving that one time - about before she was ruthless from being insecure but now she was compassionate and he liked her better that way.

Since there was no reason for him to lie about that, my guess is that killing everyone at the end was a bit of theater he felt was necessary for whatever future plans he has in mind. It really was pretty heartless to kill his brother and I want to say that was staged in someway sort of like the death of One (as we see in the previews), but I don't believe that it was. However I think that needs to be explained somehow.


May 7, 2002
having Ryo go full evil was surprising given what he said to Portia/Two before leaving that one time - about before she was ruthless from being insecure but now she was compassionate and he liked her better that way.

Since there was no reason for him to lie about that, my guess is that killing everyone at the end was a bit of theater he felt was necessary for whatever future plans he has in mind. It really was pretty heartless to kill his brother and I want to say that was staged in someway sort of like the death of One (as we see in the previews), but I don't believe that it was. However I think that needs to be explained somehow.
Yeah, the bro killing seems to paint him as a tyrant now.

Another thing that bugs me was how five could "hide" in the stairwell, and nobody even looked in that directions both times they passed by it.
What kind of idiotic guards are these guys?

Seems the Seers were part of the Zairon Empire? But, if that was the case, how were they losing the battles?
Now that they were (all?) executed, don't they lose a big advantage, and how come they didn't see that coming?

Season Finale is next week, let's see if they try to fix the loose ends...


Mar 11, 2000
1) Thanks ViRGE for telling us about the weird scheduling. I would have missed part 2 otherwise.

2) I did not expect the extent of the mayhem at the end of that second episode. I expect some of that, but not all of it. Wow, what an asshole.

However, it was a good turn of events for the plot arc, and was an intelligent piece of writing. In retrospect, going by examples of dictatorial rule in similar empires, what he did was the norm so it should not have been unexpected in that context. Nonetheless, we had been conditioned by the show's previous episodes to expect otherwise. Perfect setup for the outcome, and an outcome that's hard to find fault with given the circumstances despite being in my view somewhat unexpected.
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Jul 9, 2000
Four killing everyone makes sense, as there are no potential usurpers left. And he took care of the seers too. It was practical, and consistent with what we know of him, even before he got his memories back. My only complaint is that this whole scenario seems like something that should happen in the last season of the series. He can't be emperor and still be a member of the Raza, unless the reason they did it now is the actor will be a part timer next season.


Elite Member, Moderator Emeritus
Oct 9, 1999
Another thing that bugs me was how five could "hide" in the stairwell, and nobody even looked in that directions both times they passed by it.
What kind of idiotic guards are these guys?
Well they already got the bad guys. What else do they have to be on the lookout for?

Seems the Seers were part of the Zairon Empire? But, if that was the case, how were they losing the battles?
Now that they were (all?) executed, don't they lose a big advantage, and how come they didn't see that coming?
The Seers are not part of the Ziron empire. However they were selling their services to the Ziron (specifically the step-mother), as part of a lager ploy to get Nyx back. The battles were being lost presumably because their talents were not being used on the battlefield, but instead in securing the throne (looking in instead of looking out). But it also stands to reason that Ziron is just outmatched in a conventional war, which is why the Blink Drive is so important to Ryo's plans, as it gives Ziron an immense technological advantage.

As for why the Seers were blindsided, they have to know where to look. They had no reason to look at what Five and the Android may be doing, underestimating their value and abilities.

1) Thanks ViRGE for telling us about the weird scheduling. I would have missed part 2 otherwise.
Someone has to be the resident sci-fi TV nerd. For a tech forum, OT isn't nearly nerdy enough these days.


Diamond Member
May 15, 2015
Is there a connection between the Mikkei combine and Zairon or am I just making assumptions because they both seem to have Japanese ancestry? I can't remember their ever going into this. I made a half hearted attempt to check the wikia but didn't see anything.
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