Take back the Party!


Diamond Member
Feb 8, 2001
Sometimes it takes just one man, one voice. Someone to stand up and join the fight and rally those who have lost their way.

It doesn't take the strongest or the smartest or the most educated. It is almost always someone who is among the least powerful and least accomplished who stands in the breach and leads.

They may talk funny and they may use regionalisms in their speech, they may be unassuming and no one ever paid much attention to them as they were always the quiet one. But when a time of need comes someone like that damns the torpedoes and says it is time we take the fight to the enemy.

It doesn't take a lot of vision to see that if we want real change and real hope we will need to cut through the self-serving "business-as-usual" and the "go along - get along" politics which have earned our incumbent politicians absurdly low approval.

Who would have thought an accountant from upstate New York, in a first run for public office, seeking to fill a vacant Congressional seat, would be the one to cut through the wash of noise and dissemblance and be the one of those voices so many have been waiting to hear?

Take back the Party!

Take back the Party!


New York Post

October 25, 2009

The 23rd Congressional District in upstate New York is locked in an election battle that echoes far beyond Watertown. When the local Republican party nominated Assembly member Dede Scozzafava, some conservatives balked, objecting that her positions (on gay marriage, abortion and spending) are too liberal. Local businessman Doug Hoffman decided to run as the Conservative Party candidate to oppose both the Democrat, Bill Owens, and Scozzafava in the November election. Hoffman tells The Post why the Republican Party needs to return to its base.

At this time, three months ago, I was wrestling with a decision. A decision as to whether or not to run in a special election to fill the seat vacated by the new secretary of the Army, John McHugh. If you had told me 90 days later I would be penning an op-ed piece for the New York Post, I would have laughed in disbelief. I would have laughed even louder had you told me that I would be receiving endorsement and support from political leaders like Fred Thompson, former Majority Leader Dick Armey, or Sarah Palin. Or appearing on broadcast media with national audiences, as their hosts peppered me with questions about the future of the GOP and our nation.

You see I?m not a professional politician; I?ve never sought elected office. I grew up poor in Saranac Lake, in the heart of the Adirondacks. My siblings and I were raised in a single-parent household by our mother. We worked to help her pay the mortgage. But, like so many others in this great land, I worked hard, got a good education, did a six-year stint in the military, married, landed a good job with a ?big eight? accounting firm and started living the American dream.

It?s funny what can happen in America, when you are able to dream and have the courage to follow your dreams. At 27 I was hired as controller of the organizing committee for the 1980 Winter Olympics in Lake Placid. Three years later I bought the accounting firm that employed my mother. Now I have six offices spread across the northern reaches of New York and a dozen other small businesses in the Adirondacks that employ my wife, children and hopefully someday, my grandchildren. I am living the American Dream.

The reason I?m running for office is to ensure that others share the same opportunities.

Sadly, that dream is quickly becoming a nightmare. Unemployment grows, our economy is in crisis, and our elected officials seem out of touch with reality. Government in Albany is a disgrace; it?s the most dysfunctional in the nation. New York has six statewide elected officials, only two of them have been elected by the people. Three of the remaining four hold office as a result of the scandals, sexual and financial, that forced a governor and a comptroller to resign.

It?s just as bad in Washington. The Obama administration suffers from the illusion that the way you solve problems, both social and economic, is to throw money at them. In the meantime, Congress fiddles while our economy burns. They lack common sense.

They don?t seem to get it that increased spending leads to higher taxes and fuels a projected $9 trillion deficit. That earmarks and pork-barrel spending might be beneficial to their political careers, but are devastating to the taxpayers who foot the bill. They are oblivious to the fact that tort reform, cutting of waste, and the introduction of free-market solutions are the ways to lower the cost of health care. That Obama-care will only lead us down the slippery slope to socialized medicine.

They are addicted to spending. When they run low on funds they simply create a new tax or raise an old one.

Taxes, the deficit, red tape and regulation are breaking the back of the nation, mortgaging the future of our children and grandchildren.

Americans have had enough and are vocalizing their anger in town hall meetings and on the streets of Washington. They are mad as hell and they?re not going to take it anymore!

That?s why I am running. I am one of them!

Freedom is what Americans want. Economic freedom to reap the rewards of the free enterprise system, personal freedom from the intrusion of big government in our lives, freedom from the nanny state that is being forced upon us.

I?m a lifelong Republican running as the nominee of the New York State Conservative Party. I didn?t leave the Republican Party, the party left me. The GOP bosses in New York and Washington felt the candidate needed to be as liberal as possible. They picked a professional politician, with a voting record more liberal than 46 Democrats in the New York state legislature. They threw principles out the window. Their candidate has voted for increased spending, higher taxes, gay marriage and abortion. She supports ?Card Check? (EFCA) and is supported by trial lawyers, gay activists and Big Labor. In 2008 she ran on the line of the radical left Working Families Party, ACORN?s political party in New York.

The battle I wage is not a lonely one. Like-minded citizens in the district, the state and the nation have joined me in this fight.

It is a battle that has been joined by current and former elected Republican officials, conservative activists and members of the ever-growing Tea Party and 9/12 movements. And if the GOP picks liberal candidates for the midterm congressional elections next year, they may find that there are a lot more people out there like me who won?t go along. We are not going to win by becoming more like the Democrats. We?re going to win by standing up for our beliefs.

It?s principle over party.

It?s a fight for the heart and soul of the Republican Party. It?s a fight for fiscal responsibility and the return of common sense to those who govern us.

This is a fight for our children?s future. It?s a fight for America.


No Lifer
Jul 20, 2001
The traditional pillars of the Republican party have been greed and mean spirited stupidity. Which value did Dede Scozzafava fail to uphold?


Diamond Member
Feb 8, 2001
Originally posted by: ironwing
The traditional pillars of the Republican party have been greed and mean spirited stupidity. Which value did Dede Scozzafava fail to uphold?

After reading your question I went to the ever reliable WWW and I found this list of dyed-in-the-wool, die-hard Republicans. After clicking though to read the short bios of every single last one of them, I could not see Dede ever being amongst them.

Republicans - Heroes



Diamond Member
Feb 8, 2001
Originally posted by: PJABBER
Originally posted by: ironwing
The traditional pillars of the Republican party have been greed and mean spirited stupidity. Which value did Dede Scozzafava fail to uphold?

After reading your question I went to the ever reliable WWW and I found this list of dyed-in-the-wool, die-hard Republicans. After clicking though to read the short bios of every single last one of them, I could not see Dede ever being amongst them.

Republicans - Heroes

And then I clicked through to the things the Republicans advocated and accomplished -

Republicans - Accomplishments

and I could not see Dede ever advocating any of them.


Diamond Member
Jul 6, 2000
Originally posted by: PJABBER
Originally posted by: ironwing
The traditional pillars of the Republican party have been greed and mean spirited stupidity. Which value did Dede Scozzafava fail to uphold?

After reading your question I went to the ever reliable WWW and I found this list of dyed-in-the-wool, die-hard Republicans. After clicking though to read the short bios of every single last one of them, I could not see Dede ever being amongst them.

Republicans - Heroes

That is goddamn hilarious that the GOP pretends they are the same kind of Repulican that Lincoln was.


Elite Member
Nov 24, 1999
I paid no attention to the name so I will just use T for turkey:

T: At this time, three months ago, I was wrestling with a decision. A decision as to whether or not to run in a special election to fill the seat vacated by the new secretary of the Army, John McHugh. If you had told me 90 days later I would be penning an op-ed piece for the New York Post, I would have laughed in disbelief. I would have laughed even louder had you told me that I would be receiving endorsement and support from political leaders like Fred Thompson, former Majority Leader Dick Armey, or Sarah Palin. Or appearing on broadcast media with national audiences, as their hosts peppered me with questions about the future of the GOP and our nation.

M: Isn't that just sweet. Three months ago he was just another asshole like me.

T: You see I?m not a professional politician; I?ve never sought elected office. I grew up poor in Saranac Lake, in the heart of the Adirondacks. My siblings and I were raised in a single-parent household by our mother. We worked to help her pay the mortgage. But, like so many others in this great land, I worked hard, got a good education, did a six-year stint in the military, married, landed a good job with a ?big eight? accounting firm and started living the American dream.

M: Damned if I can't hear an orc boo hooing here somewhere.

T: It?s funny what can happen in America, when you are able to dream and have the courage to follow your dreams.

M: Oh Boy does this ever tug at my Mom and Apple Pie good old America Strings. Let me get a hankie.

T: At 27 I was hired as controller of the organizing committee for the 1980 Winter Olympics in Lake Placid. Three years later I bought the accounting firm that employed my mother. Now I have six offices spread across the northern reaches of New York and a dozen other small businesses in the Adirondacks that employ my wife, children and hopefully someday, my grandchildren. I am living the American Dream.

M: I'm a fucking hard working dude man. I'm a real achiever. Of course I embezzled a lot of money to do it and cheated on my partners to do it but you know how it goes.

T: The reason I?m running for office is to ensure that others share the same opportunities.

M: Aren't I just a fucking saint?

T: Sadly,

M: Get out your hankies.

T: that dream is quickly becoming a nightmare. Unemployment grows, our economy is in crisis, and our elected officials seem out of touch with reality. Government in Albany is a disgrace; it?s the most dysfunctional in the nation. New York has six statewide elected officials, only two of them have been elected by the people. Three of the remaining four hold office as a result of the scandals, sexual and financial, that forced a governor and a comptroller to resign.

M: Forget the hankies it's time to rage rage rage. It's the worst here in the world.

T: It?s just as bad in Washington.

M: Scratch that it's the worst here, it's just as bad in Washington.

T: The Obama administration suffers from the illusion that the way you solve problems, both social and economic, is to throw money at them. In the meantime, Congress fiddles while our economy burns. They lack common sense.

M: The same delusion shared by all the worlds leading economists, by the way.

T: They don?t seem to get it that increased spending leads to higher taxes and fuels a projected $9 trillion deficit.

M: I don't seem to get that if the economy shrinks and shrinks from lack of spending we will to the way of Japan in the nineties and have a couple of decades of stagnation and recession.

T: That earmarks and pork-barrel spending might be beneficial to their political careers, but are devastating to the taxpayers who foot the bill.

M: Never mind it's only a small part of spending and the minute I get there I will be working my ass off to get mine so you'll re-elect me.

T: They are oblivious to the fact that tort reform, cutting of waste, and the introduction of free-market solutions are the ways to lower the cost of health care.

M: Another shibboleth because it's a small fraction of the real problem.

T: That Obama-care will only lead us down the slippery slope to socialized medicine.

M: Socialized medicine, OHFG. The dreaded socialized medicine. I did tell you, didn't I that just a few months ago I was a worthless nobody who didn't know shit from beans?

T: They are addicted to spending. When they run low on funds they simply create a new tax or raise an old one.

M: Am I getting anything across to you simple minded twits. They are addicted.

T: Taxes, the deficit, red tape and regulation are breaking the back of the nation, mortgaging the future of our children and grandchildren.

M: I running to save your children you idiots.

T: Americans have had enough and are vocalizing their anger in town hall meetings and on the streets of Washington. They are mad as hell and they?re not going to take it anymore!

M: This is because our testicles are shrinking.

T: That?s why I am running. I am one of them!

M: I certainly am, a brain dead spouter of empty words chalk full of emotional implications, propaganda, and absolutely otherwise meaningless.

T: Freedom is what Americans want. Economic freedom to reap the rewards of the free enterprise system, personal freedom from the intrusion of big government in our lives, freedom from the nanny state that is being forced upon us.

M: Give me deregulation or give me death, oh wait, give me deregulation so I can kill kill kill.

T: I?m a lifelong Republican running as the nominee of the New York State Conservative Party.

M: I am a lifelong congenital idiot, and member of the party of death.

T: I didn't?t leave the Republican Party, the party left me. The GOP bosses in New York and Washington felt the candidate needed to be as liberal as possible. They picked a professional politician, with a voting record more liberal than 46 Democrats in the New York state legislature. They threw principles out the window. Their candidate has voted for increased spending, higher taxes, gay marriage and abortion. She supports ?Card Check? (EFCA) and is supported by trial lawyers, gay activists and Big Labor. In 2008 she ran on the line of the radical left Working Families Party, ACORN?s political party in New York.

M: Help me see if I can pack in some more buzz words, please. It's us decent folk against evil incarnate.

T: The battle I wage is not a lonely one. Like-minded citizens in the district, the state and the nation have joined me in this fight.

T: Together we can become the marching morons.

M: It is a battle that has been joined by current and former elected Republican officials, conservative activists and members of the ever-growing Tea Party and 9/12 movements. And if the GOP picks liberal candidates for the midterm congressional elections next year, they may find that there are a lot more people out there like me who won?t go along. We are not going to win by becoming more like the Democrats. We?re going to win by standing up for our beliefs.

T: It's a battle joined by the same old assholes as have always been in the party of death

T: It?s principle over party.

M: Our latest self delusional lie we are training ourselves to spout.

T: It?s a fight for the heart and soul of the Republican Party. It?s a fight for fiscal responsibility and the return of common sense to those who govern us.

M: That shriveled up piece of blackened flesh and turd we use to allow millions of Americans die without heal care access.

T: This is a fight for our children?s future. It?s a fight for America.

M: Fight so the Zombies can win.

In this whole worthless piece of shit of a speech not one word of common sense, intelligence or thinking appears anywhere. It is a piece of filthy rhetoric and garbage totally devoid of content, a screed, a raving of propagandistic bull shit.



Sep 5, 2000
Originally posted by: PJABBER
Republicans - Accomplishments

and I could not see Dede ever advocating any of them.

wow thanks for posting that. The last 30 years look pathetic. I stopped look though could of been pathetic before that. Operation iraqi freedom is a republican accomplishment? If taking a dump is a accomplishment then kudos to you and yours.


Sep 5, 2000
Originally posted by: Moonbeam
In this whole worthless piece of shit of a speech not one word of common sense, intelligence or thinking appears anywhere. It is a piece of filthy rhetoric and garbage totally devoid of content, a screed, a raving of propagandistic bull shit.

classic lmao...

MotF Bane

No Lifer
Dec 22, 2006
Originally posted by: PJABBER
Originally posted by: PJABBER
Originally posted by: ironwing
The traditional pillars of the Republican party have been greed and mean spirited stupidity. Which value did Dede Scozzafava fail to uphold?

After reading your question I went to the ever reliable WWW and I found this list of dyed-in-the-wool, die-hard Republicans. After clicking though to read the short bios of every single last one of them, I could not see Dede ever being amongst them.

Republicans - Heroes

And then I clicked through to the things the Republicans advocated and accomplished -

Republicans - Accomplishments

and I could not see Dede ever advocating any of them.

You're as bad as Craig.


Diamond Member
Mar 7, 2000
Originally posted by: MotF Bane
Originally posted by: PJABBER
Originally posted by: PJABBER
Originally posted by: ironwing
The traditional pillars of the Republican party have been greed and mean spirited stupidity. Which value did Dede Scozzafava fail to uphold?

After reading your question I went to the ever reliable WWW and I found this list of dyed-in-the-wool, die-hard Republicans. After clicking though to read the short bios of every single last one of them, I could not see Dede ever being amongst them.

Republicans - Heroes

And then I clicked through to the things the Republicans advocated and accomplished -

Republicans - Accomplishments

and I could not see Dede ever advocating any of them.

You're as bad as Craig.

Surely you jest, sir.


Diamond Member
Jul 6, 2004
Blogs/opinion pieces need to be stopped here in order to stop the constant spam of super partisans/shills.


Diamond Member
Nov 12, 1999
I'm glad Mr. Hoffman has decided to leave the Republican party. Like him, I am also dissatisfied with the direction the party has turned. But that's where our similarities end. Mr. Hoffman is correct when he states:

Freedom is what Americans want. Economic freedom to reap the rewards of the free enterprise system, personal freedom from the intrusion of big government in our lives, freedom from the nanny state that is being forced upon us.

I completely agree with this quote, but unfortunately Mr. Hoffman doesn't, especially the bolded part when in the very next paragraph he derides the GOP candidate for her stance on "gay marriage and abortion."

Pardon me, but isn't gay marriage and abortion an issue of the intrusion of big government? I fundamentally believe that all people in committed relationships should have the same rights as those bestowed upon married folk. Yes, it is silly to call homosexual couples "married" because by the very definition of marriage they cannot be, but whatever. And as much as I detest the thought of abortion, including my personal belief that it is murder, it is merely my personal belief and I can accept the fact that people believe differently. Doesn't mean I like it, but the bottom line is that abortion is legal.

It seems to me that Mr. Hoffman is all for government intrusion in our lives. That makes him either a hypocrite or a dunce. Either way, the Republican Party is better off without him. I wish he'd take a few neocons with him too...............


Diamond Member
Nov 12, 1999
Originally posted by: shadow9d9
Blogs/opinion pieces need to be stopped here in order to stop the constant spam of super partisans/shills.

Go home and cry to momma. [/Ash]


Oct 10, 2006
Originally posted by: shadow9d9
Blogs/opinion pieces need to be stopped here in order to stop the constant spam of super partisans/shills.

Might as well shut down the forum if that's your objective.


Diamond Member
Apr 16, 2003
Funny how the term "Republican base" always conjurers up thoughts of non freedom loving groups for me. The militias that think ordinance and camo are the answer to taxes, government regulation, etc.. The religious nut jobs that demand this be a "Christian nation" with laws that support Christian viewpoints exclusively. The big business organizations and lobbyists who demand to be unregulated to rape and pillage the economy and use any tactic to crush competition. The secessionists who claim to need a government that only supports the needs and desires of the few.

And any Republican that does not fall into line and kiss all of their asses is undesirable. And all of this current BS about spending would have a lot more credibility if these people had had something to say when GWB was going through money like shit through a tin horn. (Of course Bush's spending on things like wars of adventure were just jimdandy because so much of the money flowed into the coffers of big business. But let the Democrats suggest spending something on the average people, and it's "Oh my God! We must condemn and stop this tragedy.")

IMHO, the "Republican base" amounts to a bunch of intolerant and greedy bastards, and I salute any Republican who refuses to bow to them.

And for those that are unfamiliar with me or my posts, I am neither a Democrat or a Republican. I just call 'em like I see 'em.



Oct 17, 1999
Originally posted by: PJABBER
Originally posted by: ironwing
The traditional pillars of the Republican party have been greed and mean spirited stupidity. Which value did Dede Scozzafava fail to uphold?

After reading your question I went to the ever reliable WWW and I found this list of dyed-in-the-wool, die-hard Republicans. After clicking though to read the short bios of every single last one of them, I could not see Dede ever being amongst them.

Republicans - Heroes

Do you really think the Republicans listed on your link would be welcomed in the party of Rush Limbaugh? Personally I doubt Jackie Robinson and Clara Barton be members of today's GOP.


Oct 17, 1999
Originally posted by: jackschmittusa
Funny how the term "Republican base" always conjurers up thoughts of non freedom loving groups for me. The militias that think ordinance and camo are the answer to taxes, government regulation, etc.. The religious nut jobs that demand this be a "Christian nation" with laws that support Christian viewpoints exclusively. The big business organizations and lobbyists who demand to be unregulated to rape and pillage the economy and use any tactic to crush competition. The secessionists who claim to need a government that only supports the needs and desires of the few.

And any Republican that does not fall into line and kiss all of their asses is undesirable. And all of this current BS about spending would have a lot more credibility if these people had had something to say when GWB was going through money like shit through a tin horn. (Of course Bush's spending on things like wars of adventure were just jimdandy because so much of the money flowed into the coffers of big business. But let the Democrats suggest spending something on the average people, and it's "Oh my God! We must condemn and stop this tragedy.")

IMHO, the "Republican base" amounts to a bunch of intolerant and greedy bastards, and I salute any Republican who refuses to bow to them.

And for those that are unfamiliar with me or my posts, I am neither a Democrat or a Republican. I just call 'em like I see 'em.

You forgot the Neocons who are always pushing the US into another war.


Diamond Member
Feb 8, 2001
It is really something to see the variety of attacks that popped up overnight against the stupid, war-mongering, racist, anti-gay-family, raping and pillaging Mr. Hoffman.

After all, all he did was start off poor in a poor part of New York State and built a living for himself and his employees. But he just couldn't hide in a cave as he would be encouraged to by the Democrat, and go-along/get-along Republican, partisans here and there. He saw a need to step in and do something not a single one of the attacking posters have done in their lives - put his success and reputation on the line in the hope of giving back more than he has contributed thus far to his community.

So he now joins the ranks of Michele Bachmann, Joe the Plumber, Sarah Palin, Jackie Robinson and Clara Barton in the struggle for freedom. Like them, he will not find it easy.

He is not part of some politically correct, cud-chewing mass movement or kow-towing unionized special interest group, so he will be demonized.

While his ideas are simple ones, they are the same ones that it seems to me, from reading the references that I posted, his predecessors held to be true. And look at all of the pain that they endured before they prevailed.

Mr. Hoffman is likely not a saint like Mr. Carter, nor is he likely a man-god as Mr.Obama is held to be (I just saw 300, quite the fun movie,) nor is he likely an accomplished grifter or mass murderer. He is likely no special hero at all, though in these times I rather think auditing accountants are.

He is now the man or the woman that faces overwhelming fire and, perish or survive, does that small part which inspires others to follow.

For that I admire and applaud him.


Diamond Member
Mar 9, 2002
Originally posted by: Siddhartha
Originally posted by: jackschmittusa
Funny how the term "Republican base" always conjurers up thoughts of non freedom loving groups for me. The militias that think ordinance and camo are the answer to taxes, government regulation, etc.. The religious nut jobs that demand this be a "Christian nation" with laws that support Christian viewpoints exclusively. The big business organizations and lobbyists who demand to be unregulated to rape and pillage the economy and use any tactic to crush competition. The secessionists who claim to need a government that only supports the needs and desires of the few.

And any Republican that does not fall into line and kiss all of their asses is undesirable. And all of this current BS about spending would have a lot more credibility if these people had had something to say when GWB was going through money like shit through a tin horn. (Of course Bush's spending on things like wars of adventure were just jimdandy because so much of the money flowed into the coffers of big business. But let the Democrats suggest spending something on the average people, and it's "Oh my God! We must condemn and stop this tragedy.")

IMHO, the "Republican base" amounts to a bunch of intolerant and greedy bastards, and I salute any Republican who refuses to bow to them.

And for those that are unfamiliar with me or my posts, I am neither a Democrat or a Republican. I just call 'em like I see 'em.

You forgot the Neocons who are always pushing the US into another war.

"But.. But.. Wars are good for business!" - anonymous 'pub


Nov 25, 2001
Originally posted by: PJABBER
So he now joins the ranks of Michele Bachmann, Joe the Plumber, Sarah Palin, Jackie Robinson and Clara Barton in the struggle for freedom. Like them, he will not find it easy.
He joins the ranks of huge douche bag partisan windbags? Oh gee, that sounds great!

"Struggle for freedom..." LOL! You realize we already HAVE freedom, right? :laugh:



Diamond Member
Feb 8, 2001
Originally posted by: DealMonkey
Originally posted by: PJABBER
So he now joins the ranks of Michele Bachmann, Joe the Plumber, Sarah Palin, Jackie Robinson and Clara Barton in the struggle for freedom. Like them, he will not find it easy.
He joins the ranks of huge douche bag partisan windbags? Oh gee, that sounds great!

"Struggle for freedom..." LOL! You realize we already HAVE freedom, right? :laugh:

Jackie Robinson was a baseball player, Clara Barton founded the Red Cross, and Joe the Plumber is a... plumber?

Elected in 2006, Congresswoman Michele Bachmann is the first Republican woman to be elected to the U.S. House of Representatives from Minnesota. Bachmann and her husband, Marcus, live in Stillwater where they own a small business mental health care practice that employs 42 people. The Bachmanns have five children, Lucas, Harrison, Elisa, Caroline, and Sophia. In addition, the Bachmanns have opened their home to 23 foster children, which has inspired Congresswoman Bachmann to become one of Congress? leading advocates for foster and adopted children.

I think you know Sarah Palin. More from her yet to come.

Check out the threads throughout this forum and see if you can count how many lefty posters inevitably demand that those who post opinions contrary to the radical lefty line be banned.

Freedom has to be won each day. It is only the price that changes.
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