Tales from the retail world...

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Diamond Member
Jun 16, 2005
Originally posted by: fbrdphreak
If I were his manager, I would have apologized, but defended his actions and proceeded to make the person happy.

Agreed. There are problems with how retail works, but a big factor in those problems are the assinine expectations, behavior, and general lack of descency and common sense on the part of many customers.

I worked a LOT of retail when I was younger, and I pretty much treated everyone the way they treated me. I can be a helpful angel, or I can be a bitter, spiteful, sabotaging little son of a bitch. Treat me like I'm sh*t, and you'll find that your bananas were turned to liquid during the bagging process. Act like a condescending jerk while I'm helping you with a camera purchase, and I'll punt that little fscker from one end of the stockroom to the other. Disrespect my opinion and advice, especially after you've asked for it, then I'll suddenly develop Idontgiveafsckingshitwhatyoudoimouttahereitis.

For folks like Garet Jax, you need to understand a few things: retail employees have no skills. It's that simple. They weren't hired because of their uber 1337 education or their awesome customer service. They were hired because they can read at a somewhat acceptable level, have a social security number (unless you're in a Wal*Mart), and can presumably be taught to operate the basic functions of a cash register. That's all they were hired to do, that's all they were trained to do, and that's all they are paid to do. Lastly, they could truly give a sh*t if the store "loses your sale". Frankly, they'd rather you just GTFO and get out of their hair. They're paid the same regardless.

They were NOT hired to be your personal bitch. There were NOT hired to be an outlet for your aggression or to act as a verbal punching bag so you can go home feeling like there is at least one person in this world who's life is as miserable and depressing as yours.

If you don't know what you want, then fire up that fscking computer at home and research it. Don't pop in to the store on December 24th at 8:59 looking for a goddamn education. Don't muster a hard-on just because you saw a product slightly shifted over the obviously-incorrect pricetag.

And for fsck sakes, if you take nothing else away from this, remember one thing: if someone else is speaking, shut your stupid ignorant mouth.

If a salesperson is talking to another customer, STFU.
If a salesperson is answering your question, STFU.
If a salesperson is on the phone, STFU.

Generally speaking, you should simply just STFU. If you poll the airwaves for silence just one moment before you start yapping and barking at people, and don't hear anything, then you don't necessarily have to STFU. But if what you say is going to be rude, condescending, arrogant, and/or stupid, then again you should STFU.

Remember that the person on the other side of the counter is a person. Ideally, they should be striving to be the best they can be at their job, right? Get real and crawl out from under your rock. The sooner you come to grips with the fact that they don't give a damn about their job and are only there out of desperate necessity, the sooner you can start fostering nice - albeit temporary - relationships with these people. If you want a pleasant experience with these folks, then OFFER a pleasant experience to these folks. Most of them will return the favor real-time as long as you're not a spooging dickhead to them.


Diamond Member
Oct 17, 2002
I remembered this thread and how much joy it brings into my life... so I bumped



Platinum Member
Oct 12, 2002
I definitely treat retail employees differently now that I'm out of retail work.

I used to work at an electronics retailer, and had a customer that tried to be funny.

"Hey, where are your electronics?"
"What kind are you looking for?"
"Just kidding! HAHA!"

Also, some customers tried to get me to help them in another department by using the finger motion of "come here." I thought that was quite rude, although a lot of people seemed to do it.

I just ignored them or looked past them. People can be such jerks.


Jun 11, 2004
Ah the joys of managing a Blockbuster Store, where to begin...

Just this past week, someone threatened to kill me if I didn't credit off a game that his son never returned. I've never heard so much profanity in my entire life rounded up into a single conversation. The game was in the drop box the next day.


A couple months ago, a black guy called me a racist because I told him he needed a license/card in order to rent. "I guess you don't see a lot of black people around here, do you?", he said.


I told a kid who came in without a card or ID that he couldn't rent without one or the other. He came back with his father who launched a verbal tirade towards me. I told him if he couldn't keep his mouth in check, he'd have to leave. Then he asked me if I wanted to take the matter outside. I told him if he didn't leave that instant, I was going to call the cops.


Some guy tried to sneak into the store after close, via the exit door. I told him to get the hell out, but he kept asking my employee to let him rent. I told him not to ask him, it's not his call. Finally he left, but not before threatening to break my legs


Pretty much on a weekly basis I get threatened one way or another. I always love the "I'll have your job!" comments, or "I'm never coming back!" Guess what? They're back in a week or two. People who cause such scenes at a VIDEO STORE need to be t-boned by a mack truck. People think retail is such an easy task, but most people don't know the half of it.


May 19, 2003
It's funny. I worked retail at CompUSA (go 5th Av. store!) and I hated how rude people were. I swore I would never act like those @sshole customers.

Now, 7 years later, I am back to being just as bad as any customer, lol...


Diamond Member
May 20, 2000
My first job, at age 16, was a sacker at Kroger's in Houston. We used to drink all the beer, wine that was in damaged cartons stacked up in the back.
We'd also hurl bailing wire at soda cans to see how many we could stick the wire through.
Great fun.



Platinum Member
Mar 12, 2006
Originally posted by: Dominionion
I believe everyone should spend some time in retail. It'll give you perspective and make you a better person. Now, when I see someone being impatient with a clerk or rude to a waiter/waitress, I think to myself "They didn't work retail". When you take crap, get spoken down to, and deal with people trying to scam you for chump change for hours on end, and then you have to turn to the next customer with a clean plate and give them cheerful service. It takes a high level of professionalism to achieve that. And if you haven't achieved that level (let alone had to try), don't berate someone for failing what you couldn't do.

Quoted For Emphasis


No Lifer
Feb 13, 2001
it's complicated, but I am polite to just about anyone that serves me. I tip very well, at least $5 for anything if even just a lunch, group meals are 20-25% for anything that measures up to decent service and I judge that on the price per plate. I never expect to be waited on beck and call in a $10 entree restaurant, I expect I may wait a bit for a refill here and there...my barber I toss $10 for a 10min haircut and I am there about 2 times a month. Excessive maybe at times, but when I become a repeat customer; my experience is SOOOOO much better. Some of the worse servers have remembered my decent tip the last time, then commented about a lesser tip the next when I got crap service. I will speak out to them when I hear those little tidbits and I am not quiet about it. If someone has something to say, say it....don't talk under their breath.

However; and it's becoming more and more regular...staff in retail/restaurants seem to think they are the customer or above serving someone. My wife sets up retail stores, so while not directly dealing with customers she has to deal with attitudes of both staff and customers.

Stories she has are messed up, staff kicking merchandise under a rack, throwing it in the trash, destroying items, telling customers basically they don't help, etc.

Restaurants while not retail have the same problem. We needed some water once to clean up a mess someone made on their shirt. Waitress said 'yo ain't my table, I ain't getting no water up in here.' WTF??? Maybe she was new...who knows, we complained though...it wasn't some steak and shake, it was about $20 an entree...not high end, but not that level of service either.

I am editing an email for my wife now to send off to her management about certain staff members. I hate her working in the field...but she enjoys it. She makes next to nothing she did as a project manager/lead code developer.



Senior member
Dec 16, 2005
it took me 3 days to read this whole thread all 31 pages.......what a way to get thru the day...


Senior member
Aug 15, 2005
Random best buy tales...

Customer comes into store carrying an older model HP computer. He proceeds to set it down on our counter deliberately so that the front of the tower is facing me. i greet him and ask what seems to be the problem. He simply says it no longer powers on and wants to know if his warranty is still good. I tell him I'll plug into our test bed real quick and see if i can figure it out. As soon as i turn it, i see a snake sticking our of the power supply. It's a small 2-3 foot garter snake, half of which is rigormortised, the other half is completely melted across the PCB. I asked him if he happened to notice the foot of reptile sticking out of the back of his computer, and he pretended to act shocked. He was nice about it, but there was no way that was covered by his now 2.5 year lapsed warranty.

The Penguin, that's what we called him. He was a 5 foot tall 300lb man who came in once or twice a month. He always wore a full length black trench coat, and had long greasy hair passed his shoulders, except for the top of his head which was bald and caked with..well dirt. Oh and he SMELLED. I mean there was literally a 30 foot area around him which you could almost see a green bubble of stench. He never spoke to anyone, mainly because any part of the store he visited was completely emptied in seconds, but he always bought at least $100-200 worth of DVD's.

We had a cool homeless guy who would come into the store about an hour or so before close each night for a few months. He would go to the mall and beg all the food places for leftover cookies, tacos, chicken, whatever. He always came back with no less then enough food for 5 people. He would sit in the video game section and we would hook up whatever video game he felt like playing while we chowed on the free food.

So this very well dressed, middle aged uppity lady comes into the store looking to return the laptop she bought 8 months previously. She tells us that it's defective and doesn't work, and she wants to return it for a full refund. We explain to her the return policy and that we simply cannot return a laptop, but that it is covered by the 1 year manufacturer's warranty. So we calmly ask her what exactly is the fault with the notebook. She starts crying uncontrollably and tells us that it won't open any files and that her job needs her to be able to well...use files. After about 30 minutes of trying to calm her down we determine that she doesn't have Office installed, or any viewers. We show her Office XP and offer to install it for free if she decides to purchase it for MS's $200 price tag. She goes into a flippin rage and begins stomping and screaming at the top of her lungs. She starts grabbing screwdrivers, floppy disks, and whatever else is in range and throwing them at the wall as hard as she can. We back the hell off and threaten to call the cops. She looks at us all cock-eyed, tilts her head to the side, grabs her notebook, slams it onto the ground and begins jumping up and down on it while screaming profanities and all sorts of threats about where we can stick the laptop. We're all too dumbfounded to really do anything but just look on with our mouths agape. She throws the receipt at me, makes a half-hearted attempt to straighten her dress, and tells me i can keep the POS. I've never seen someone just lose it like that for no real reason...but we got her o tape telling me i could keep it, so my manager let me salvage what i could and i sold the workable parts for a few hundred. =)


Diamond Member
Oct 16, 2003
Originally posted by: murphy55d
I worked overnight in a Wal-Mart Supercenter for 3 and a half years, one time, a large woman in one of the electric Mart-Carts decided to relieve herself in front of the milk cooler doors. Didn't get up, just kept on going in the scooter, leaving a nice little trail behind her.

This is why I will never take a step into a Wal-Mart. The only thing dumber than the employees are the skanky shoppers


Golden Member
Nov 9, 2001
I wasn't working there but I was in line and witnessed the ordeal:

I'm buying my books at the campus bookstore when I see this guy mad dashing by me for the exit, dropping his basket of books before he exited. I see a bunch of security chasing after him. He got halfway on his bike before he got dragged to the cement. Apparently this guy had been stealing bikes all over campus and they spotted the guy on the cameras. They waited for him to try and steal some backpacks.


Diamond Member
Sep 26, 2001
Being a store manager at McDonalds, I have run into the dumbest employees and customers and countless stories.

I think one of the dumbest thing an employee ever asked me was if she can do direct deposit if she didn't have a bank.


No Lifer
Feb 13, 2001
Originally posted by: CTrain
Being a store manager at McDonalds, I have run into the dumbest employees and customers and countless stories.

I think one of the dumbest thing an employee ever asked me was if she can do direct deposit if she didn't have a bank.

swung by taco bell to pickup a crunchwrap for my wife (she really liked it, the thing was heavy for $1.99).

anyway the three in front of us were two pretty hot chicks and some eminem looking guy. The staff was making visible and audible comments on them, one mentioned "WTF are you harassing me when I am ordering food?" The guy at the register literally pushed himself up off the counter and looked right down her shirt.

I wanted to leave / say something...my wife wanted to try that crunchwrap.


Apr 6, 2006
So I work at Dairy Queen...

Oh where to start?

In my experience, working in a fast food place tends to breed a certain sort of hatred.

It's probably not pc, but we can peg at least 2 items an order based on race. Hispanics order Bananna splits or Pineapple Malts, Africans tend to order peanut buster parfaits etc.

But you especially hate fat people. HATE them.

Once upon a time, I was a normal person, if I saw someone who was overweight, I'd think "Hmm... Poor guy/gal" if I was feeling nice...

Here's an example:

I'm working drive-thru, and this guy in a 2 ton diesel truck pulls up. It's loud as fvck and of course, jerk-face doesn't shut off his engine. It may sound like I'm making a mountain out of a mole hill, but those mic's are good. I can hear people talking to their children and hear their children order in the back seat... He orders two quarts of ice cream. Now normally when someone orders something like this, one of our "homepacks" we put a lid on it, and bag it up. We make these and the guy pulls around. He was so big that his steering wheel was leaving an indentation in his stomach. His belly quite literally flowed around the bottom 1/3 of his steering wheel. So of course, I take his money and hand out his items.
"Would you like a sack sir?"
"No, but give me a spoon."


Then there are the people who come through drive-thru and ask you to throw away their trash.
"What sir, you'd like me to throw away your greasy Burger King bag? It'd be my pleasure!"

But the worst ones are the ones who don't even ask. After you take their money they just set their trash on the window ledge.

Does this metallic ledge LOOK like a trashcan to you?
One guy always does this. EVERY time he comes through. I turned my two weeks notice in the other day. Next time he comes through it's either going to be knocking the bag to the ground, putting it back in his car, or saying "Excuse me sir, if you'd like to use one of our trash cans you can drive 10 feet and use the one right near the outside tables, less than a foot from the curb."

So I was working about 40-45 hours one week when I was back in school. Not only that, but I was in a musical and our male lead had suffered a mental break down and yours truly got to be the Beast. And I had about 5 days before opening night to learn the part. Stress? What? I'm running on multiple pots of coffee and little sleep.

So I'd gotten off work after 10 hrs. and gone to Walmart to find a little gift for my gf. So I get the little squishy pillow and am walking past the electronics aisle, where I see no less than 5 morbidly obese kids watching/playing on the consoles. I then watched as an older woman, probably mid-40's tried to move her cart through this little pod of orcas. She actually BUMPED against one of them before he would move! I just about lost it. I managed to make it out of the store when I called my friend and left a rant on his voice mail. Which he later sent in to a radio station...



No Lifer
Feb 13, 2001
dude, with a rant like that you clearly our the Dairy Queen.

interesting none-the-less


Senior member
Sep 22, 2004
I worked at KMart in the layway department and people would always try to rip the place off by putting crap in other crap, hoping noone would see. When I would call them on it, they would make up ridiculous stuff like, oh i think thats a manufacturer reward, or I dont know how that got in there, but I guess I'll take it. Yeah, more like you wanted the product, but would prefer not to pay for it, and when was the last time a manufacturer stuffed 10 new DVD's into a comforter?
Occasionally I would notice they were concealing stuff and purposely not find it in front of them, and you could see them smile a little as I passed it, thinking they pulled one over on me. As soon as I moved the merchandise into the back I would take out whatever they were trying to steal. When they came to pick up their crap, they would be so excited and can rarely control their selves and often end up looking for what they were trying to steal right in front of me...they always made good faces when it wasn't there.

The scooters that are made for handicapped people were always occupied by the morbidly obese. These people always smelled terrible, like spoiled milk. Too lazy to walk, so they use a device meant to help out handicapped people so they can be lazier and be void of any excercise that might make them not as slobbish. Ugh.

Another classic is the price tag switcher. But most of them are complete morons. I've rang up 300 dollar TV's that rang up as a 5.99 phone. Are you kidding me? At least take the tag off of another tv. Wow sir, thats a great deal on that phone, but it sure is huge! Do you need help loading it into your vehicle? These people would always act so confused when I would tell them that I had to call to check the price, because it was ringing up as something else. 'Huh, wonder how that could happen...prolly just a computer error...can we hurry this up? I dont want to be around the store long enough for the police arrive' And when I inform them the true price, it suddenly isnt a good enough deal anymore.
They tell you thah you cant outright tell a customer hes stealing, your supposed to be subtle about it. Like if you see them take a walkman, ask if they need batteries to go with it. But come on, if i see someone do that or even the price tag switchers, I just tell them they are an idiot and to knock it off. Its amazing how these people aren't all in jail if they live like this everyday.
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