Tales from the retail world...

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Diamond Member
Jan 14, 2003
Originally posted by: Aquila76
I worked at Pizza Hut when I was in high school. This one guy came in looking like he was gonna explode and asked for the bathroom. I told him where it was and he went off running. On his way there he shoved one of the waitresses out of his way and didn't even stop to say sorry. Apparently the one toilet in the bathroom was in use, so he slammed into the stall door so hard that it broke at the lock and then proceeded to throw out the guy that was in there already. If it hadn't been in Lowell, we probably would have called the police; but seeing how it was, they would have never come for something like that. We gave the guy who was interrupted free pizza for a month. As for the 'kamikaze crapper' as we called him, he just ran right back out after he was done like nothing happened.

LOL : Kamikaze Crapper. Never had one of those, but lord knows i've had a few moments where i probalyl was the kamikaze, though i didn't knock down waitresses and interupt peoples time in the can.

SVT Cobra

Mar 29, 2005
I used to do professional detailing in people's driveways...i would bring the whole sha-bang in a van...

Anyway i am waxing this ladies really nice brand new chevy camero, i had just finished the one side and was changing buffer pads when the lady comes out and starts freaking out at me cursing and yelling about how i ruined her car. She started to say she was sueing and blah blah blah blah, until I explained to her what i was doing...

For those of you who dont know waxing leaves a haze, and for pure brazillian wax, it looks yellow on bright colored paint....

man she was embarrased..


Diamond Member
Nov 4, 2002
Originally posted by: labgeek
So this one time a guy comes in and starts asking a bunch of computer geeks advice about using Quikrete for his driveway... Wait that wasn't in retail, that was here.

THanks man...


Feb 23, 2001
Originally posted by: PawNtheSandman

And my last one for today which was the most serious. We are about 30-40 minutes away from Lake George which is a popular get away spot in the summer. I help a woman with some sheets of panneling. She pays and I wait for her to pull up her car. She pulls up in a minivan. Not a problem right? Wrong. Picture your regular minivan. 2 seats, then a row of 2 seats then a row of 3 seats. The 3rd row of seats was stacked to the roof with crap like boxes and luggage. 3 childeren under 12 were cramped in the row of 2 seats. The passenger front seat had a cat in a kitty carrier on it. And there was also a dog somewhere in the back seat with the kids. She wanted the 5 sheets of panneling tied to the roof which I warn her about. She doesn't care, so I tie it up. She tells me "I'm going up to lake george now and it is raining up there. Can you put this tarp over the panneling so it doesn't get wet. So I tie the tarp down and send her on her way.

4 hours later an angry man rushes in the store asking everyone for the guy who helped his wife with panneling. Eventually he found me and wanted to strangle me. He got a manager, came to me and proceded to start chewing me out. I'm an idiot, a moron, and I nearly killed his family. The manager is confused and asked what happened. The man said his wife was driving on the interstate up to their summer house in Lake George. It began to rain. A wind gust came blew the tarp off, then the panneling slipped out a few seconds later causing a 3 car accident which "nearly killed my family". So this guy continues to chew me out, my manager out, threatening to sue, etc. I then expalined to him and my manager that the van was a death trap to begin with. I gave my description of the vehical. How she couldn't see out the rear window. 3 kids in 2 seats. A dog roaming around freely, etc. Turns out the woman was doing 70 on the interstate. Of course the panneling would get caught under the wind and blow out. But they tried pinning their ignorance on us which never happened. From then on, the store had a policy that only customers can tie items to their roofs of cars and were not responsable for anything that happens.

I thought most home improvement stores have a policy like that - I've seen some stupid sh|t leaving the lot at Home Depot.

I'd personally have refused to do what you described for my own peace oc mind.


Golden Member
Feb 12, 2001
I don't really remember the dumb customers, not worth the mental anquish of that memory resurfacing... BUT, i do remember how i quit my last retail job. Sorry if the setup is a little long, but i feel its nessecary for the ending:

I had worked at a Coffee/Cafe place since it opened, well over a year... one of 5 of the original 20 employees, including managers. So we get a new asst mgr, she was allegedly booted from another of the chains stores because of the ridiculous employee turnover... no one liked her.

Day one she starts riding this kid who seriously didn't deserve it (outreach/rehab kid, naturally he wasn't the quickest, but he never messed up) because his pants were too baggy and didn't meet dress code requirements... i could go on an endless list of things like that she would harp on, but needless to say no one else besides her noticed or cared including customers, the Regional and the GM. She's one of those, the store is losing money and employees left and right... but i'm more concerned with the minute tiny details of the corporate handbook than actually doing my job, which was making sure the schedules get done and stock gets ordered properly (she constantly over-ordered and under-ordered, which if you've worked in any resturant/cafe you know how that screws you, and screwed peoples schedules - IE even with 2 weeks prior notice, and other available employees to work she'd still schedule people when they said they couldn't work or wanted a day off, this is PT work).

So after a few days of her harrassing my fellow compatriots I call her on it. I say, "Hey, a little friendly advice. You're new here, why don't you take it easy the first few weeks until people get used to you being around." No attitude, pretty straight forward, I just wanted her to cool it so work would become tolerable again. Being one of the golden boys of the Regional, who just happened to be making only 50c less than her an hour (which couldn't have helped, i made $9.50 for making cappacino, selling bread and cashiering) she instantly turns her attention to me.

At the time i had longish hair, about mid neck length. I always kept it in a tight ponytail at work, and it wasn't an issue as i didn't work on the food line... BUT all employees save mgrs are required to wear hats according to the good book.

I'm a lil over 6' and wearing the hat while constantly having to look/bend down made it difficult to pay attn to the customers... on top of which, it gets hot as we bake all day and i work the barrista, wearing a hat with my long hair = teh annoying. Who wants to see the guy working behind the counter sweating and wiping his forehead anyways? So i didn't wear it, none of the customers ever complained... the GM, Regional, and other Asst Mgrs didn't care... but this chic would hound me ever day i worked with her... I have to point out she had boob length hear that she didn't pull back, she would let half come down the front half the back AND she would hop onto the sandwich/salad line when it was busy... WTF is she hounding ME about. Regardless I just shrugged it off as I was quitting soon, I had actually already put in my 2 weeks since I got a better job on campus but i stayed past those 2 weeks to help them out as they were short staffed at the time and had been good to me.

Now comes the fun part, they had been scheduling me week to week and I was on the last day of the schedule for that week... it was slow, and super bowl sunday. She's in all kinds of a tizzy this morning for some reason, which isn't helping my mild hangover and my regret of agreeing to work on super bowl sunday... i left my apt while my roommates were firing up the grill and tapping the keg... Then she gets into it about me not wearing a hat, goes on and on and on even asking to have a "private moment" where she attempted to chew me out about it. I'm a big boy now, I know I don't have to take this crap... ESPECIALLY from this women MAYBE five years older than me at a RETAIL job.

SO, I ask her if she REALLY wants to make a big deal out of this (this has been going on for about 4 weeks)... she of course responds in the affirmitive. I walk upstairs, ask my fellow coworkers if they can handle the rest of the shift w/o me and if they want to see something funny... they sense it, "hell yes." She walks up the stairs, and I just LAY into her... I start tossing a few bagels and pastries around (no big mess as i know who'll have to clean it up) while I tell her how bad a mgr she is, why everyone hates working with her, how disgusting it is about how she keeps her hair on the line, -insert long list of annoyances- and then the peice d'resistance... I inform all the customers that their coffee and pastries contain various fluids and matter from myself (they didn't, just for effect) and explain to them WHY i felt the need to take such drastic measures, namely the asst mgr. Then because I had just watched Office Space, I do the Jennifer Aniston I quit scene verbatim ("This is me expressing myself"), tell her to mail my last paycheck, grab a bearclaw and a cookie and walked out the door to the applause of coworkers, shocked old ladies, and an approving grin from one of the regulars.

I know it was excessive, immature, and caused the asst mgr and some customers discomfort... BUT I also know that I will never again have the chance to so fantasically burn a bridge with a workplace... nothing beats letting that sh!t boil over and know that there are absolutely NO consequences. I went home, told my roommates the gravy train of bagels and cookies were at an end... a moment of silence for the loss... then i was led to the patio for a keg stand and Johnsonville Bratwurst... what a good fvcking day.

As for eejets in the retail world, what are you gonna do? cry about it? its a job, you don't want to put up with tards get a better job or go hungry. My story and 2c.


Diamond Member
Jul 11, 2004
Originally posted by: Insomniak
Me (cashiering): "Will this be all for you this evening?"
Customer: "Are you for sale, sweety?"
sonz70: "I'm for rent!"


Diamond Member
May 21, 2004
When i worked at CompUSA i had a guy that threw a hand full of DVD movies at the back of my head when I didn't stop everything I was doing and help him with a cable. I did all i could not to kill the guy...police took him though!


Golden Member
Nov 18, 2004
Lol i was bored when i made this thread..didn't imagine the attention it would attract..hmm i should be given a special avatar...yes that sounds appropriate


Dec 26, 2000
When I worked at Wal-Mart, I worked in the dairy department. We started at 10pm, and the first thing we'd do is rotate and stock the egg wall. I can't tell you how many times people came up and asked us,, "where are the eggs?", WHILE WE'RE STANDING RIGHT IN FRONT OF THEM.

We also got a ton of "where is your beer?". For those of you who don't live in Pennsylvania, you can only buy beer at distributors here. I suppose this isn't so dumb as they could have been from out of state.

We also had a guy banned from the store for jerking off in his car.

We had the 6am cross-dresser every morning. Not an attractive site.

We had who we referred to as, "The Culligan Man". A homeless black man who rode a bike all over town, he'd strap bottles of water to his bike. He was missing a few bolts. One time he was laughing uncontrollably outside the front doors, we thought he was going to get some chicken bones out and do some crazy dance. Not racist or anything, it was just odd.

Returns are always funny. Since it's Wal-Mart, the electronics people are morons. People would return video cards with the box full of sand. Or an old 2800 modem inside, instead of a video card. The people who worked in the dept were supposed to check to make sure the right item was returned, since the old women at the service desk were clueless, but they were just as dumb as they were.

I have so many more, i just cant think of them all.


Golden Member
Nov 18, 2004
i remember one eventful morning...the morning nintendo gameboy SP debuted...
now you see, electronics has a rule that what's in lockup...gets purchased right there. no walking around the store first.

i showed up to work before the store opened and i see a huge line of people waiting for these sp's. The store opens and i did my usual take my sweet ass time getting coffee and walking up to the area. What do i see when i arrive? My superior frantically handing everyone a SP like she was under fire. and shes a pretty tough chick..one of the rocker types.. People started walking away and I just saw thousands of dollars being stolen..so naturally i took charge..

"WOW, nu uh! Get on back here everyone. Those will be rang up here before you leave this dept."

"But she said ...."

"Im here now..things have changed. Come on back and we'll ring you up"

needless to say 4 or 5 ppl gave them back to us cause they had no intention of buying them..and i saw her slowly start to breathe again lol.

one of those..you had to be there things..but it was funny nonetheless


Diamond Member
Jul 5, 2001
Originally posted by: slag
Originally posted by: So
Originally posted by: slag
Originally posted by: So
Originally posted by: slag
Originally posted by: Black88GTA
I used to work at Advance Auto Parts.

Retard: uh, my car won't start.
Me: What's it doing? Not turning over, making noises, completely dead?
Retard: It just won't start.
Me: Uh..OK, what kind of car is it?
Retard: Uh, I don't know. It's black and has two doors.
Me: I can't even begin to help if I don't know what you drive...
First off....it's obvously NOT my job to diagnose a car's problems. You PAY a MECHANIC by the HOUR for that. I will do it if it's something obvious, or offer suggestions..but wow. Anyway, the manager is in the back, and comes out...the guy gives him the same sh!t.

I used to get tons of those.

..."what kind of car is it?"
" 's a Dodge."
"Dodge what? truck, car, what year??

I swear, trying to get people to tell you WHAT THEY DRIVE is like pulling teeth. Some people are morons of the highest degree.

And don't even get me started on when I was a porter at a Chevy dealership. OMG.

And on the flip side as a customer, I love it when I ask for an auto part for my car *96 maxima* which has exactly 1 USA engine configuration. They never fail to ask me the stupid questions like "se, gxe or gle" manual or automatic, etc. This is after I tell them I am looking for an oil filter, fuel filter, etc, something related to the ENGINE and has nothing to do with the transmission on the car or the trim level.

Hell, one time (yesterday) I had a guy ask me if it was 4wd or 2wd.

Because they don't own and have never looked at your damn car. They know it is a nissan and they are trying to find the dmamn thing in a looup table for a part number. HTH would they know that there was only one engine config? I can understand if you're talking to a mechanic, but you're talking to a 16yr old hs student at an auto parts store.

no, i always steer clear of the 16 yr olds. I always talk to the older guys who i have seen there for the past couple years.

Try again.

1. We're talking retail, they're MOSTLY 16year olds, even at auto parts stores.
2. see #1. Even the old dudes aren't mechanics and may not have been working there for long, aren't expected to know much about cars, they just need $ and are paid to sell sh!t.
3. See #1 & #2.

Excuses excuses. Whatever happened to having a little pride in your work? I worked 8 years in retail in high school and college and always learned about the products I sold, whether it was in electronics, hardware, sporting goods, etc.

Your excuses are just that, excuses. The freaking computer screen tells you all you need to know about the car. You mean to tell me I'm the first person in the world who asked them for a part on a 4th gen maxima? Give me a break. Even my 4 yr old with the attention span of a gnat would remember after 2 or 3 people came in with a 4th gen maxima that it only has 1 engine configuration. Its baffling, really, how these people remember how to drive their car, how to tie their shoes, etc.

have you ever been inside an auto parts store and watched them lookup anything on the computer?

the computer prompts them for these answers, why would you expect anyone working retail to know as much about your car as you the owner does

do you realize how many different car configurations they are?

stop being a smartass and answer the computer's prompts


Senior member
Aug 7, 2000
Originally posted by: MaverickBP
Originally posted by: sonz70
Originally posted by: MaverickBP
Originally posted by: Shanteli
When I was in HS working at EB I had some lady and her son come in wanting to buy SimCity2000...she whipped out her checkbook and I had to tell her we required a check guarantee card or a card with a visa logo on it...she glared at me and threw her cards in my general direction on the counter. I just did the whole pissed-off stare at her head while she was looking down filling out her check. After she was done I had to write some numbers down on the check while her son started whispering something to the mother. Out of the blue she snatched the check out of my hand, ripped it up in front of me and went off

Lady = "Is that how you treat a customer" rant.

I stood there pleading ignorance because I actually didn't do or say anything...if I stare or glare there is nothing really legally wrong with that. Anyway...in the middle of the mother's rant the kid interjected

Kid = "yeah you were looking at my mom all funny"

Me = "And you can just shut your face...you're not even tall enough to look over the counter so what do you know?" (11 years old or so).

Kid = "Screw you"

Lady = "Don't talk to my son"

So the mom grabs the kids hand and starts walking towards the exit.
Kid turns and as a last word says

Kid = "Go back to China"

Interesting thing is that he and his mother were obviously not white...if I had to guess it would be Indonesian or Burmese...ironic...but yes he got lucky...I am Chinese

Me = "What? Fck you! Get your poor @ss back on a boat and back to your island country".

Lady turns around in fury and starts yelling in some foreign language while pointing at me.

I jump the counter and get in her face and start yelling right back.

Me = "What you saying you turkey btch...etc. etc."

I was working in the mall so yeah it started a huge scene...and I guess my manager saved the day because he saw the crowd while walking back from lunch and ran over to split me and the mother apart. The mom was pretty pissed and just walked away. I got sent home for the day...but before that I went through the mall hunting for that lady. Thinking back it was good that I didn't find her cuz I woulda beat the sh1t out of her kid...I was so damn pissed...and that would have been bad...juvenile court system and everything. Retail blows.

your talking about how you wanted to beat a lady and beat some little 11 year olds ass? you can be banned now

They deserve it.

if there was ever an excuse to beat a woman or a little kid..that sure as hell aint it

obviously you are white. Direct racial comments = @ss kicking....I don't care what the circumstance. I had no beef with the lady although I prob would have pushed her aside to get to the kid, but the kid needed to be taught a lesson. If not by me then by someone else in the near future. I would have just beat him...when he turns 16 and tells the wrong black guy to "go back to africa" he'll end up more than just brusied up so I would have been doing him a favor.


Golden Member
Nov 18, 2004
Originally posted by: Shanteli
Originally posted by: MaverickBP
Originally posted by: sonz70
Originally posted by: MaverickBP
Originally posted by: Shanteli
When I was in HS working at EB I had some lady and her son come in wanting to buy SimCity2000...she whipped out her checkbook and I had to tell her we required a check guarantee card or a card with a visa logo on it...she glared at me and threw her cards in my general direction on the counter. I just did the whole pissed-off stare at her head while she was looking down filling out her check. After she was done I had to write some numbers down on the check while her son started whispering something to the mother. Out of the blue she snatched the check out of my hand, ripped it up in front of me and went off

Lady = "Is that how you treat a customer" rant.

I stood there pleading ignorance because I actually didn't do or say anything...if I stare or glare there is nothing really legally wrong with that. Anyway...in the middle of the mother's rant the kid interjected

Kid = "yeah you were looking at my mom all funny"

Me = "And you can just shut your face...you're not even tall enough to look over the counter so what do you know?" (11 years old or so).

Kid = "Screw you"

Lady = "Don't talk to my son"

So the mom grabs the kids hand and starts walking towards the exit.
Kid turns and as a last word says

Kid = "Go back to China"

Interesting thing is that he and his mother were obviously not white...if I had to guess it would be Indonesian or Burmese...ironic...but yes he got lucky...I am Chinese

Me = "What? Fck you! Get your poor @ss back on a boat and back to your island country".

Lady turns around in fury and starts yelling in some foreign language while pointing at me.

I jump the counter and get in her face and start yelling right back.

Me = "What you saying you turkey btch...etc. etc."

I was working in the mall so yeah it started a huge scene...and I guess my manager saved the day because he saw the crowd while walking back from lunch and ran over to split me and the mother apart. The mom was pretty pissed and just walked away. I got sent home for the day...but before that I went through the mall hunting for that lady. Thinking back it was good that I didn't find her cuz I woulda beat the sh1t out of her kid...I was so damn pissed...and that would have been bad...juvenile court system and everything. Retail blows.

your talking about how you wanted to beat a lady and beat some little 11 year olds ass? you can be banned now

They deserve it.

if there was ever an excuse to beat a woman or a little kid..that sure as hell aint it

obviously you are white. Direct racial comments = @ss kicking....I don't care what the circumstance. I had no beef with the lady although I prob would have pushed her aside to get to the kid, but the kid needed to be taught a lesson. If not by me then by someone else in the near future. I would have just beat him...when he turns 16 and tells the wrong black guy to "go back to africa" he'll end up more than just brusied up so I would have been doing him a favor.

lol so ud push the adult aside and whoop a childs ass...pathetic

and yes i am white. your point? does that mean i know nothing of racialism? i grew up in compten(sp?) and englewood. you try being white and living there. i know more about racism then you'll get from watching your saturday morning cartoons kid.


No Lifer
Feb 13, 2001
Originally posted by: Shanteli
obviously you are white. Direct racial comments = @ss kicking....I don't care what the circumstance. I had no beef with the lady although I prob would have pushed her aside to get to the kid, but the kid needed to be taught a lesson. If not by me then by someone else in the near future. I would have just beat him...when he turns 16 and tells the wrong black guy to "go back to africa" he'll end up more than just brusied up so I would have been doing him a favor.

damn man you are the hardest on ATOT...you his daddy?

here is a little tidbit of advice, those people probably had more money than you'll ever see and as such you were just a pawn to them to get what they wanted, a video game.

However I am not defending it, but minorities and whites equally alike make ordering fast food, getting a refill and trying to rent a freaking movie daunting. Yes I do let them have it if I am inconvenienced.

I can picture the scene...you see a checkbook and think 'damn I have so much more money than that check writer because I have a debit card'....I rarely use checks, never for non-bill purchases. However, not everyone writing them is trying to float a balance 3 days.

You have to realize the time required to buy a $60 game when you have to now whip out your whole financials is sort of screwed up to those making big money...#1 they are thinking who is going to use a check to steal a video game and #2 they believe you peg them as someone that does....this is why all big business has sensitivity training.

You do realize she has grounds to sue EB now do to your actions...

I am laughing still you got into a mental sparring match with a baby.



Senior member
Aug 7, 2000
Originally posted by: MaverickBP
Originally posted by: Shanteli
Originally posted by: MaverickBP
Originally posted by: sonz70
Originally posted by: MaverickBP
Originally posted by: Shanteli
When I was in HS working at EB I had some lady and her son come in wanting to buy SimCity2000...she whipped out her checkbook and I had to tell her we required a check guarantee card or a card with a visa logo on it...she glared at me and threw her cards in my general direction on the counter. I just did the whole pissed-off stare at her head while she was looking down filling out her check. After she was done I had to write some numbers down on the check while her son started whispering something to the mother. Out of the blue she snatched the check out of my hand, ripped it up in front of me and went off

Lady = "Is that how you treat a customer" rant.

I stood there pleading ignorance because I actually didn't do or say anything...if I stare or glare there is nothing really legally wrong with that. Anyway...in the middle of the mother's rant the kid interjected

Kid = "yeah you were looking at my mom all funny"

Me = "And you can just shut your face...you're not even tall enough to look over the counter so what do you know?" (11 years old or so).

Kid = "Screw you"

Lady = "Don't talk to my son"

So the mom grabs the kids hand and starts walking towards the exit.
Kid turns and as a last word says

Kid = "Go back to China"

Interesting thing is that he and his mother were obviously not white...if I had to guess it would be Indonesian or Burmese...ironic...but yes he got lucky...I am Chinese

Me = "What? Fck you! Get your poor @ss back on a boat and back to your island country".

Lady turns around in fury and starts yelling in some foreign language while pointing at me.

I jump the counter and get in her face and start yelling right back.

Me = "What you saying you turkey btch...etc. etc."

I was working in the mall so yeah it started a huge scene...and I guess my manager saved the day because he saw the crowd while walking back from lunch and ran over to split me and the mother apart. The mom was pretty pissed and just walked away. I got sent home for the day...but before that I went through the mall hunting for that lady. Thinking back it was good that I didn't find her cuz I woulda beat the sh1t out of her kid...I was so damn pissed...and that would have been bad...juvenile court system and everything. Retail blows.

your talking about how you wanted to beat a lady and beat some little 11 year olds ass? you can be banned now

They deserve it.

if there was ever an excuse to beat a woman or a little kid..that sure as hell aint it

obviously you are white. Direct racial comments = @ss kicking....I don't care what the circumstance. I had no beef with the lady although I prob would have pushed her aside to get to the kid, but the kid needed to be taught a lesson. If not by me then by someone else in the near future. I would have just beat him...when he turns 16 and tells the wrong black guy to "go back to africa" he'll end up more than just brusied up so I would have been doing him a favor.

lol so ud push the adult aside and whoop a childs ass...pathetic

and yes i am white. your point? does that mean i know nothing of racialism? i grew up in compten(sp?) and englewood. you try being white and living there. i know more about racism then you'll get from watching your saturday morning cartoons kid.

If you find that idea pathetic it's your opinion.

Nice assumption but my point is exactly that...you know nothing about racisim. Being a white minority in LA is nothing compared to being the opposite in some other part of the country. Being called a cracker would not have the same effect on you as any of the other respective racial comments would have on minorities. Now is this some sort of jusification of an act of violence? No. But it merely explains the anger that led up to the confrontation.

You started the crapping. I'm done here.


Diamond Member
Sep 9, 2003
Originally posted by: BooGiMaN
Originally posted by: slag
Originally posted by: So
Originally posted by: slag
Originally posted by: So
Originally posted by: slag
Originally posted by: Black88GTA
I used to work at Advance Auto Parts.

Retard: uh, my car won't start.
Me: What's it doing? Not turning over, making noises, completely dead?
Retard: It just won't start.
Me: Uh..OK, what kind of car is it?
Retard: Uh, I don't know. It's black and has two doors.
Me: I can't even begin to help if I don't know what you drive...
First off....it's obvously NOT my job to diagnose a car's problems. You PAY a MECHANIC by the HOUR for that. I will do it if it's something obvious, or offer suggestions..but wow. Anyway, the manager is in the back, and comes out...the guy gives him the same sh!t.

I used to get tons of those.

..."what kind of car is it?"
" 's a Dodge."
"Dodge what? truck, car, what year??

I swear, trying to get people to tell you WHAT THEY DRIVE is like pulling teeth. Some people are morons of the highest degree.

And don't even get me started on when I was a porter at a Chevy dealership. OMG.

And on the flip side as a customer, I love it when I ask for an auto part for my car *96 maxima* which has exactly 1 USA engine configuration. They never fail to ask me the stupid questions like "se, gxe or gle" manual or automatic, etc. This is after I tell them I am looking for an oil filter, fuel filter, etc, something related to the ENGINE and has nothing to do with the transmission on the car or the trim level.

Hell, one time (yesterday) I had a guy ask me if it was 4wd or 2wd.

Because they don't own and have never looked at your damn car. They know it is a nissan and they are trying to find the dmamn thing in a looup table for a part number. HTH would they know that there was only one engine config? I can understand if you're talking to a mechanic, but you're talking to a 16yr old hs student at an auto parts store.

no, i always steer clear of the 16 yr olds. I always talk to the older guys who i have seen there for the past couple years.

Try again.

1. We're talking retail, they're MOSTLY 16year olds, even at auto parts stores.
2. see #1. Even the old dudes aren't mechanics and may not have been working there for long, aren't expected to know much about cars, they just need $ and are paid to sell sh!t.
3. See #1 & #2.

Excuses excuses. Whatever happened to having a little pride in your work? I worked 8 years in retail in high school and college and always learned about the products I sold, whether it was in electronics, hardware, sporting goods, etc.

Your excuses are just that, excuses. The freaking computer screen tells you all you need to know about the car. You mean to tell me I'm the first person in the world who asked them for a part on a 4th gen maxima? Give me a break. Even my 4 yr old with the attention span of a gnat would remember after 2 or 3 people came in with a 4th gen maxima that it only has 1 engine configuration. Its baffling, really, how these people remember how to drive their car, how to tie their shoes, etc.

have you ever been inside an auto parts store and watched them lookup anything on the computer?

the computer prompts them for these answers, why would you expect anyone working retail to know as much about your car as you the owner does

do you realize how many different car configurations they are?

stop being a smartass and answer the computer's prompts

You mean to tell me I'm the first person in the world who asked them for a part on a 4th gen maxima? Give me a break. Even my 4 yr old with the attention span of a gnat would remember after 2 or 3 people came in with a 4th gen maxima that it only has 1 engine configuration.

Well, allow me to retort. :roll:

First off, do you have ANY IDEA how many customers come in on your average nice Saturday, let alone the entire time one works there? Each one with a different year, make, and model of vehicle. There are literally THOUSANDS of variations of passenger cars and trucks - some with 4+ different engine configurations for that model alone. Not to mention different engine types - SOHC, DOHC, pushrod, rotary, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 10, 12 cylinders...and let's not forget possible transmission configs. 3 or 4 speed automatic, 3-4-5 speed manual, etc. Many vehicles would have engines that were IDENTICAL except for cylinder head design (again, SOHC or DOHC). Many cars would have engines available only one model year, or that were switched halfway through. A part that fits a 3.0 v6 on a '94 model year car , for example, may not fit in the '95 version - even though exterior styling was unchanged, and the engine was only changed slightly from the previous year.

And why do you think the trim levels are listed in the computer? I mean, if all of the parts were the same, why even bother putting it in there in the first place? Trim level can be an indicator of engine options, among other things. A base model may not have had certain engines available on it, that an uplevel model would have included as options. And the parts people are not mind readers - often we get some dumbass in there who says "I just need engine parts" and ends up looking for a bunch of other crap as well - which, in some cases, is trim-level specific. So, the parts person who entered the trim level at the top of the menu just to get to engine configs has to do it all over again because the moron didn't specify it originally - wasting everyone's time.

And if any of us were to "guess" at a part and say "oh yeah, it'll fit" and god forbid, we were wrong - you'd be the first person back in there to bitch at us for selling you the wrong thing. "Well, why the hell didn't you look it up on yer little computer there, rather than sell me the wrong thing and have me waste all my time?" they would say. And we did get some of those, where they were sold a part and found out it didn't fit (usually turned out they supplied us with the wrong vehicle information.)

And you have the gall to blame the guy getting paid $7.50 /hr when he doesn't remember every single possible engine/transmission combination and restyle years for every single vehicle sold in the United States and Canada in the last 50 years? You sound like the very asshole customer that everyone who's replied to this thread is ranting about. Is it that fcking hard for you to answer the damn questions? Honestly, it takes 5 seconds and makes everyone's lives a lot easier.

Maybe you'll keep this in mind next time you go into a parts place. I used to hate customers like you. People like you should spend ONE WEEK behind a counter - I guarantee you'd treat the "parts monkeys" with a bit more respect after that experience.


EDIT: that was directed at slag But I think that should have been obvious.


Apr 19, 2005
Originally posted by: MaverickBP
Originally posted by: Shanteli
Originally posted by: MaverickBP
Originally posted by: sonz70
Originally posted by: MaverickBP
Originally posted by: Shanteli
When I was in HS working at EB I had some lady and her son come in wanting to buy SimCity2000...she whipped out her checkbook and I had to tell her we required a check guarantee card or a card with a visa logo on it...she glared at me and threw her cards in my general direction on the counter. I just did the whole pissed-off stare at her head while she was looking down filling out her check. After she was done I had to write some numbers down on the check while her son started whispering something to the mother. Out of the blue she snatched the check out of my hand, ripped it up in front of me and went off

Lady = "Is that how you treat a customer" rant.

I stood there pleading ignorance because I actually didn't do or say anything...if I stare or glare there is nothing really legally wrong with that. Anyway...in the middle of the mother's rant the kid interjected

Kid = "yeah you were looking at my mom all funny"

Me = "And you can just shut your face...you're not even tall enough to look over the counter so what do you know?" (11 years old or so).

Kid = "Screw you"

Lady = "Don't talk to my son"

So the mom grabs the kids hand and starts walking towards the exit.
Kid turns and as a last word says

Kid = "Go back to China"

Interesting thing is that he and his mother were obviously not white...if I had to guess it would be Indonesian or Burmese...ironic...but yes he got lucky...I am Chinese

Me = "What? Fck you! Get your poor @ss back on a boat and back to your island country".

Lady turns around in fury and starts yelling in some foreign language while pointing at me.

I jump the counter and get in her face and start yelling right back.

Me = "What you saying you turkey btch...etc. etc."

I was working in the mall so yeah it started a huge scene...and I guess my manager saved the day because he saw the crowd while walking back from lunch and ran over to split me and the mother apart. The mom was pretty pissed and just walked away. I got sent home for the day...but before that I went through the mall hunting for that lady. Thinking back it was good that I didn't find her cuz I woulda beat the sh1t out of her kid...I was so damn pissed...and that would have been bad...juvenile court system and everything. Retail blows.

your talking about how you wanted to beat a lady and beat some little 11 year olds ass? you can be banned now

They deserve it.

if there was ever an excuse to beat a woman or a little kid..that sure as hell aint it

obviously you are white. Direct racial comments = @ss kicking....I don't care what the circumstance. I had no beef with the lady although I prob would have pushed her aside to get to the kid, but the kid needed to be taught a lesson. If not by me then by someone else in the near future. I would have just beat him...when he turns 16 and tells the wrong black guy to "go back to africa" he'll end up more than just brusied up so I would have been doing him a favor.

lol so ud push the adult aside and whoop a childs ass...pathetic

and yes i am white. your point? does that mean i know nothing of racialism? i grew up in compten(sp?) and englewood. you try being white and living there. i know more about racism then you'll get from watching your saturday morning cartoons kid.

I call this as being pure bs, if you had lived there, you would be able to spell it.
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