Tales from the retail world...

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Jan 25, 2008
Years back I worked in electronics at Target. Had some of the weirdest questions...and people would take a copy of Madden basically no matter what.

Someone would come in an ask if we had any oscillating fans.

"Not this time of the year, sorry"

"Oh, okay. I'll take Madden '05 then"

"Wait, what?"


Dec 17, 2001
Originally posted by: Kalmah
Originally posted by: randomlinh
Originally posted by: Kalmah
customer: "where are your ipods" (while standing in front of them)
me: "right here"
customer: "what, over there?" (pointing over an isle to the other side of the store)
me: "no, you are looking right at them"
customer: "oh, these are ipods?"
me: "no, that is an armband for an ipod"
customer: "are you even going to try to help me?"
me: "that's what I'm doing right now"
customer: "so tell me about the ipods"
me: "what do you need to know about them?"
customer: "whatever you can tell me"
me: " they store music on internal flash memory usually as mp3s, but they also support wav and a few other formats. The amount of songs you can store will depend on the codec and the bitrate you use. At a decent bitrate in mp3, they sound just about as good as wav that is more than 10x the size. There are nanos and videos.........."
customer: "what does that mean?"
me:" what does what mean?"
customer: "what you said"
me: "uh.. what I said... is.. exactly what I ment... wha..?"
customer: "ok, thanks" (walks away)
I'd argue you failed here... the customer obviously didn't know jack squat about technology. As soon as you said "flash" you lost the customer.

I agree, I did fail. Low pay and store politics heavily affect such decisions though. When the place that I work keeps douching me over every other week I sometimes just don't care.

Get hired in one department
managers add another department to my 'area of duty' without increasing pay..
then another...
then another...
Then the store makes a new position called the 'product flow team' who are suppose to stock shelves and make price tags.. then when this PFT doesn't get all their tags out at night, I can't leave until <b>I</b> do them while the guys that are suppose to do them go home..
When I'm helping customers I'm not putting out enough tags
When I'm putting out tags I'm not helping enough customers
When I'm stocking shelves I'm not watching for theft.
When somebody steals It's my fault.
when the store makes sales goals, managers get bonus on their checks..
Managers get ugly when store goals are met because they get greedy and want more..
I get told that I am on the edge of being fired...
the next day I get praise for being the best sales associate on the team..
I can't go home because the product flow team sat around in the warehouse instead of doing tags so now i have to do them...

..... I don't f'ing care.


um quit?


Platinum Member
Mar 1, 2005
Alright, I may as well add one of my stories.

I worked at Office Max back in my senior year of high school mainly as a way for paying for all the stuff I wanted to do to my car, but that's mostly besides the point. The entire management that worked there was beyond awesome (besides the store manager) and we all had found out that they (corporate) were going to be closing around 200 Office Max stores, and well, we were one of them. Upon hearing such news, the productivity of everyone went from an already abysmal state of apathy to downright just not caring because honestly, why would it matter, we were all getting laid off anyways.

My best memory was the one that people always bring up whenever we reminisce about the job since it was so 'not me'. I'm normally the kind of person that will do what he has to, but try and shortcut it if possible, kind of like the saying 'work smarter, not harder'. Anyways, on this particular day, I was working with my best friend along with a bunch of the other cool kids who were gainfully employed by O'Max. Some lady came up the register with a tag and asked us to get one of those computer chairs that require no assembly and you just basically 'unfold'. Well, needless to say, since the company who made this chair obviously had no problem making this behemoth chair weigh about 50 lbs (including packaging and the huge box), I decided to show an equal compassion (more in the form of hatred rather then weight) toward the chair, since I was sick of almost breaking my neck every time I got one. The reason for that was that the store decided it would be awesome to stack them up at the highest point of where we kept all the furniture, while they were clearly one of the more bought furniture items in the store. Just getting to the point where to could grab the chair was a harrowing journey on an unstable (stabilizer bar was broken) huge metal rolling stair case like contraption. Once I was at the top and actually found the chair buried under countless other brands that were of course all off by a single digit in the item number, I was able to somehow balance it on my shoulder in a way that I could keep one hand on the step ladder rail and the other gripping the box so I could still get down the step ladder without having the chair tumble away from me and down about 20 feet.

That whole thing took around 5 minutes, and when you're waiting that long in line, it seems a whole lot longer. So I made my way back to the register and upon arriving I realized that there was no easy way to let the box down. The sides of the box had advertisements on it for how awesome the chair was and how it required no tools to assemble, along with a myriad of other mind numbing facts that only a brain dead human could appreciate with any sort of genuine enthusiasm. These advertisements were on a plastic-like paper material that was glued to each side of the box, so trying to grip it just with the palms of your hands where you relied on friction was damn near impossible. Therefore, I was at a cross-roads of either going that route and risk dropping it off my shoulder or just bend my knees and kinda let it slide off my shoulder and onto the floor (the box was big enough where it wouldn't have to fall far at all).

Well, with my infinite wisdom coupled with my newly created mantra of 'who cares, the store is closing anyways', I decided to take neither route and just did a windmill dunk with it into the ground. The lady looked mortified after my Jordan-esque like chair dunk and the only thing I could think of to say at the time was 'Don't worry, it's fine'. Of course, she didn't really knows the excess amount of packaging that was used to secure the chair, and maybe the partial tear on the side of the box as a result of my maneuver did not alleviate her concern for the structural integrity of it. Either way, my friend saw the whole thing along with some other people and they thought it was the funniest thing ever. Whether or not she returned it to the store I'll never know, but computer chairs all over the world lost my respect that day.


May 30, 2002
That is a well written story RedArmy.

But I think the content blows.

Hell, the things I would do if I knew my store was getting closed would be just a tad different. Like, telling customers to fuck themselves when they act like shitheads..because they tend to do that an awful lot.


Jul 26, 2002
Alright, I guess I'll contribute. I've got far to many stories, let me just pick one from recent memory.

So I'm working at T-Mobile doing my thing right. Crackhead lady walks in, obviously on some sort of drugs.

Me: Hey, how's it going? Anything I can help you find?
Her: I want to pay
Me: Pay your bill? Ok, the payment kiosk is right over there, it'll accept cash, credit or check.
Her: I don't know how.
Me: Its pretty straight forward, (walks over to the machine) just touch the screen here and follow the on screen prompts.
Her: *Stares at screen for a few moments*
Me: Just touch it
Her: *Stares at screen while fumbling with her hands*
Me: Here *Touches screen* see, just touch the screen. Now choose your language.
Her: *Touches English*
Me: Now enter your cell phone #
Her: *enters 5 digits then looks confused* *hits cancel before I can interject*
Me: Ok here, lets try again. You have to enter your area code
Her: *enters 3 obviously wrong digits then goes for the cancel button again*
Me: No wait, you can just hit the back arrow, see....
Her: This is F'n ridiculous I just want to pay my bill.
Me: Here, whats your phone #? *enters it in* and the last 4 of your social? *enters it in, waits patiently*
Me: Ok, your account could not be found, are you sure you are the main account holder and you gave me the last 4 of yoru social?
Her: Yes, damnit this si fucking ridiculous...
Me: *sigh* ok fine come over to the computer, whats your phone # again?

So I pull up her account, only to find out she was giving me the wrong social.
Me: What was the last 4 of your social again?
Her: Either 9411 or 2632.
Me: Its under the last 4 of YOUR social, whats yours?
Her: Either 9411 or 2632...
Me: *Bashes head against wall* Can I just see your ID?

So I go ahead and process her payment... but she has a question....

Her: Whats the phone # to the store?
Me: What store?
Her: The store over there *points*
Me: What road, what store?
Her: On ridge road, over there?
Me: Are you talking about the T-mobile store on ridge road? Which one?
Her: Where's the store on ridge road?
Me: Which store are you talking about?
Her: The one on ridge road
Me: There are quite a few, you are talking about a T-mobile store right?
Her: The one by sonic
Me: I'm not sure where the sonic is on that road, are you talking about a corporate store?
Her: I don't know the one where they have phones
Me: There are a lot of stores on that road, indirect dealers and corporate stores.
Her: I don't fucking know, the one where I *mumbles off*
Me: I don't know which store you are talking about, there are a lot of sto-
Her: I just want to know the # to the damn store.
Me: Ok fine, the answer to your question is no. I don't have the #
Her: You don't have the #?
Me: *Rips off scanner, bashes customer in the face with it. Customer head falls on table. Wrap customers head up with the cord to the scanner and drag her stupid ass outside the store. Leaves her to rot*

That was one of my good customers that night.


Platinum Member
Mar 1, 2005
Originally posted by: Excelsior
That is a well written story RedArmy.

But I think the content blows.

Hell, the things I would do if I knew my store was getting closed would be just a tad different. Like, telling customers to fuck themselves when they act like shitheads..because they tend to do that an awful lot.

See, while I would've been more then happy to do that, we were taken over for a while by a temp agency and we were promised severance pay if we stayed up until the very end.


Senior member
Apr 26, 2007
Originally posted by: RedArmy
Originally posted by: Excelsior
That is a well written story RedArmy.

But I think the content blows.

Hell, the things I would do if I knew my store was getting closed would be just a tad different. Like, telling customers to fuck themselves when they act like shitheads..because they tend to do that an awful lot.

See, while I would've been more then happy to do that, we were taken over for a while by a temp agency and we were promised severance pay if we stayed up until the very end.

That was damned fantastic severance pay, might I add...


Diamond Member
Apr 19, 2007
Working at a computer store:

Customer: "Do you sell printers?"
*venkman (standing in the printer section) Looks left, sees Inkjets, Looks Right sees Lasers, looks back and sees multifunction printers.*
venkman: "No"


Platinum Member
Mar 1, 2005
Originally posted by: dpert1
Originally posted by: RedArmy
Originally posted by: Excelsior
That is a well written story RedArmy.

But I think the content blows.

Hell, the things I would do if I knew my store was getting closed would be just a tad different. Like, telling customers to fuck themselves when they act like shitheads..because they tend to do that an awful lot.

See, while I would've been more then happy to do that, we were taken over for a while by a temp agency and we were promised severance pay if we stayed up until the very end.

That was damned fantastic severance pay, might I add...

Wasn't it double what we were supposed to get or something like that?


Dec 12, 2002
I worked at a cemetery as a grave digger, no joke. But I have a few stories about people trying to steal....stuff.

One that I recall was people trying to steal these big expensive marble rocks, over 1000pounds.

got some nastier stories too...haha.


Diamond Member
Aug 29, 2006
well since the thread ain't gonna die...

back in college, I worked at a Circuit City is South Florida selling cell phones. Lady comes in, looks around, makes her way over to me, then starts speaking 1000 words a minute in Spanish to me. Umm, maam, I'm sorry, but I don't speak Spanish. She continues. Maam, I'm sorry, but I don't speak Spanish. She huffs a bit, switches to English, wastes my time another few minutes, and leaves.

About an hour later, get called into the manager's office. He tells me he received a complaint from a very angry customer who says I "refused" to speak Spanish to her... she knew I could speak Spanish and just plainly refused to do so.... err, ok. I could have probably asked her for a cerveza or directions to the bathroom, but that's as far as my schooling took me. Gotta love the crazies.


Golden Member
Jul 31, 2002
I worked at a fairly large Midwest grocery chain for 5.5 years through HS and part of college. When I worked in the dairy department every Saturday my boss and I would spend the morning stocking the sat shipment which was usually 3 pallets or so. One day we came in and I noticed one of the pallets was completely covered in chocolate milk this made no sense at all since milk is shipped completely separate from everything else. Apparently one of the (idiot) night people had thrown this busted milk jug on the pallet as they moved it to our area.

We had one guy come in and take a crap in the stock area, close to the bathroom, apparently he could not find it in time, luckily I was not their for that occasion. After reading this thread I see that its a much more common thing than I had thought.

Every day I worked someone would ask me where the eggs where then they stood about 4 feet from them, this was one thing that got to me.

What amazed me throughout my time there was how much price and advertisement means to people, we would advertise Totinos pizza for 10 for $10 and they would fly off the shelf, the normal price was $1, I always found this funny. That and people getting bitchy cause we where out of the sugar that was on sale that week, I'm sorry but if you really need a bag of sugar that bad just pay the extra $.20 is it going to break you?

One day I was working frozen when I got a phone call, some guy had bought a pizza that didn't have the baking instructions on it. He didn't like it when I told him we didn't sell that brand... seriously WTF do people think "I'll call a random grocery store and they can help me!"

One day a lady came in really early, picked up a ton of groceries, I rang them up and she proceeded to write the check, asked if she could write it for $20 over, I said yes. So she writes me a check for $10 over and not $20, I tell her and she still expected me to still give her $20 back, of course her check came up as bad when I ran it through the system so she left with nothing. People think they can get away with murder.


Diamond Member
Jul 23, 2005
I once saw a man at a grocery store stuffing single cans of cold soda down his pants. I didn't understand what he was trying to accomplish...


Diamond Member
Oct 2, 2003
Just last week after a rush I was talking to my sales manager when a guy walks up.. his face red, veins protruding from his skull, ready to start swing fists and cry like a little biatch at the same time.

customer:" I just want to let someone know.. that YOU lost money! I was going to buy a laptop but your turned me down for the credit card! Somebody is going to hear about this!"

manager: "I'm sorry to hear that.. bla bla bla.. we have no control over the credit cards. They are through Chase bank."

customer:" Well you know!!!?? I have enough money in my account... I could write a check!! But because YOU turned me down I'm going to go down the street and pay $50 more for it somewhere else!"

manager: "I didn't turn you down.. Chase did... like I said.
I can call the bank to find out for you why they made the decision that they did.."

customer:" I'm never coming here again! Your service is shit! Good luck staying in business!"
(runs out like a little lovely human douchbag sh!tface)



Jul 14, 2000
Originally posted by: tRaptor

One day I was working frozen when I got a phone call, some guy had bought a pizza that didn't have the baking instructions on it. He didn't like it when I told him we didn't sell that brand... seriously WTF do people think "I'll call a random grocery store and they can help me!"

i work at my dads dry cleaning plant part-time, and while most of the customers arent too bad, at least twice a week we get someone who comes to pick up at our shop but had taken them elsewhere to be cleaned.

and weve spent *hours* looking for clothes a customer had at home because they insisted we had it. sometimes people are absolutely ridiculous.


Diamond Member
Dec 7, 2006
Originally posted by: virtueixi
Manager made me walk this crackhead out of the pharmacy, I had to touch her arm and everything. She could barely walk straight. I was 17 at the time, now I would have told him to f off. I was only getting paid $6 an hour.

i worked in a closed warehouse doing silk screening and on a saturday the manager left the front office (no signage, just a door) unlocked. crackhead bum walked in and started asking for change, wouldnt leave and ended up putting the managers head thru the drywall. thats when i ran into the front office, grabbed them both and pushed them out the front door. manager landed safely, bum went over a bush and rushed me. i tossed him into the brick wall to the side of the door and told him to GTFO. he threatened me while walking backwards for about a block. weird day. not retail, but popped into my head with the crackhead story.


Diamond Member
Dec 7, 2006
Originally posted by: RegularK
Originally posted by: BobDaMenkey
I work at an old school game store. Board Games, card games, and a few electronic stand alone devices.

One such stand alone is terribly popular because it inflicts pain on the loser. It's called Lighting Reaction. The last person to hit the button on their handle gets a shock after the light turns green.

Someone in my store sold it to this lady. The lady came back the next day furious that we sold her a game that could hurt her son, and wanted to return it. I then explained to her our return policy.

We accept NO returns on ANY electronic game. Any return MUST BE in RESALEABLE condition (NO RIPS ect to the packaging). The game was functioning perfectly, and half of the packaging inside the clear plastic box was missing. I told her we couldn't take it back, and next time she should read the large warning lable on the front of the box.

An hour and a half later, her husband came into the store. He was screaming and yelling at us about how we were breaking the law ect and other stupid crap. He wanted us to take it back and give them their money back. We said no can do. I got the regional manager on the phone (This is on a sunday) to explain to him why. He wouldn't listen, and was slamming his hand on our glass counter top. We told him to take off. He said he was going to call the local news station about how our company was horrible and wouldn't let customers return games and how we sold dangerous games to little kids.

Needless to say it's been one of the funnier topics at my store for a good while. If he had carried on much longer security would have been called so we could laugh even more, as the little old man tried to get this pissed off guy out of the store.</blockquote>

I hate people like that, and the thing that sucks the most is they usually end up getting what they want AND MORE. If I was in charge, I'd say "NO SOUP FOR YOU!"

about 2 years ago, we did a job that required a 60ft antenna tower. we werent the general contractor, but the tower company was subbed out by us. the contracts explicitly state that the funds come from the general, not us. lady did the tower wrong and had to redo parts of it, and at the end of the job there was retention due to it. the general was holding her money until the tower was completed, so she came to our office and started yelling in the front area. the owner came out and tried to explain the problems and calm her down, but she started getting more mad and agressive, stepping into his face more and more. raised her hand at him as soon as i got to the front area, right before she swung i stepped in front of her and started talking to her. im 6'3" and about 250 at the time, boss is about 5'10" and 150ish and she was about 5'4" and kind of thick. she looked up at me, lowered her arm and started backpedaling, explaining why she was upset. i talked to her calmly, agreeing that the situation sucked the whole time walking towards her until she had backed up outside. by the time she realized she was outside, she looked around and tried to go around me, when i reminded her that she wasnt welcome in the lobby. boss gave me a bonus for that and added a "security" hat to my collection hehe. i used to bounce for a couple local bars and private parties, so i wasnt really worried about her being dangerous or something. the office staff and management apparently hasnt had to worry about stuff like that before. i probably have a lot more stories like this, but cant remember right now...


Diamond Member
Apr 20, 2006
I worked the night shift at a hotel just last year. Some guys were being loud (there's always someone) so I asked them to quiet down. No big deal. Then I had to ask them again (I very often have to ask twice), unfortunately, they tried to pretend it wasn't them, and I don't take shit like that lightly. I heard them down the hall and when I knocked on the door I could VERY clearly hear them rustle around and set up to look like they were sleeping.

After they were done a guy answers the door and looks like he's sleeping right there. I very blatantly say "Don't pretend you were asleep, I could hear you down the hall." At this point his eyes open up to fully awake and he goes "Get the fuck out of here, assface." So I smile and turn away and head back to the front desk. I call the cops and let them know someone needs escorted out. While waiting for them to show up the guy comes down to the desk to tell me that I don't talk to guests like that, etc then says they will be quiet now. I tell him it's too late and that they'd better pack their things because they were leaving soon.

Cops came, escorted the group out. I briefed my manager and when the guy called the next day she told him that I was perfectly right to do what I did and there is never any excuse to swear at an employee who is just doing their job.


Diamond Member
Dec 7, 2006
wow, bitter much?

Originally posted by: tRaptor

One thing I really love is that everyone thinks that you are in charge of the dam store. I'm sorry, I just stock the %*# shelves, please stop yelling at me casue we are out of something, its not my fault you decided to wait till the day before christmas to come shopping.

maybe after a few tries at getting answers, there is no recourse but to complain to the face of the company, which is the people working at the damn store. bug your bosses about the things people are always bitching about may get things changed for the good of all.

Originally posted by: tRaptorOther things that drove me mad where people that would ask me stupid questions. Like the people that would walk right past a department and then ask me questions about it. Its like GET A CLUE why dont you ask someone that is clearly working in that area.

Note: come on into the store and ask me to find something, dont bother to remember ANYthing about it, not the name, now what color the box is, nothing. Dont worry I will sure be able to help you find it.

maybe someone asking you something about a different dept wandered aimlessly without getting help from that "clearly" working employee, and they needed to find any employee to at least get a response. ive run into this at many stores. i wandered around plumbing at a home depot for 15 minutes looking for an employee, waving and calling to the ones that scurried past. after 15 minutes i started asking if anyone worked there in the dept, someone please come help me. twice i had to go to the cust service desk and request help, and i finally waited 20 min for the manager to come down so i could tell him how long i had been waiting and asking for help. after he found the person that was supposed to be there, i told him what i needed, waited for him to get it and told the manager i wouldnt be needing it and left. jackass

Originally posted by: tRaptorNote 2: Women, please stop sending your husbands into find stuff, they are men, they are stupid, they really have no place in the grocery store. If you are going to send them in, please dont write your stupid list in fancy cursive writing, i sure has hell cant read it and neither can they. Also, put the smallest most obsure thing on the list and dont tell the brand or anthing, your husband will have a hell of a time with that one.

as a man that raises 3 kids alone, has always done the shopping in the house as well, fuck you and the high horse you think youre on.

Originally posted by: tRaptorNote 3: We will stop carying something if it dosent sell. I'm sorry, i know that this simple business concept must be very hard for you to understand.

and, as a consumer, it is my asking for that product again that may bring it back. if enough people miss it and ask for it, would the store start carrying it again? taco bell did. they stopped serving iced tea. every time i went there afterwards i would reply with iced tea when they asked me what i would like to drink. they would say they still didnt carry it. after 6 months of this and many other customers asking for it, they realized that while it didnt sell as well as soda, it was still worth keeping available. i was never a dick about it, but i think that asking for products that are discontinued isnt rude or out of line.

Originally posted by: tRaptorNote 4: Checks are the devil, i could elaborate on this, but I'm sure you understand wtf I am talking about.

i used to write checks for everything. i had it all filled out before i got to the cashier, and when i had the total there were always groceries left to be bagged and i always beat the bagger. i dont think i ever sat behind someone writing a check after their bags were done being filled. maybe its just lazy cashiers that hate checks since they have tro push 2 extra buttons and feed it through a machine to print out all that stuff cashiers used to write on the back.

Originally posted by: tRaptor
Note 6: YES I KNOW THAT IT IS: busy/cold/hot/slow/raining/loud/quiet/insert just about anything here.

wow, too busy/ cold/ asshole/ lonely to engage in a little small talk at the register? glad i dont go through your lines at the store, id probably do all those things just to piss you off.



Diamond Member
Dec 7, 2006
Originally posted by: So
Originally posted by: slag
Originally posted by: So
Originally posted by: slag
Originally posted by: Black88GTA
I used to work at Advance Auto Parts.

Retard: uh, my car won't start.
Me: What's it doing? Not turning over, making noises, completely dead?
Retard: It just won't start.
Me: Uh..OK, what kind of car is it?
Retard: Uh, I don't know. It's black and has two doors.
Me: I can't even begin to help if I don't know what you drive...
First off....it's obvously NOT my job to diagnose a car's problems. You PAY a MECHANIC by the HOUR for that. I will do it if it's something obvious, or offer suggestions..but wow. Anyway, the manager is in the back, and comes out...the guy gives him the same sh!t.

I used to get tons of those.

..."what kind of car is it?"
" 's a Dodge."
"Dodge what? truck, car, what year??

I swear, trying to get people to tell you WHAT THEY DRIVE is like pulling teeth. Some people are morons of the highest degree.

And don't even get me started on when I was a porter at a Chevy dealership. OMG.</blockquote>

And on the flip side as a customer, I love it when I ask for an auto part for my car *96 maxima* which has exactly 1 USA engine configuration. They never fail to ask me the stupid questions like "se, gxe or gle" manual or automatic, etc. This is after I tell them I am looking for an oil filter, fuel filter, etc, something related to the ENGINE and has nothing to do with the transmission on the car or the trim level.

Hell, one time (yesterday) I had a guy ask me if it was 4wd or 2wd.


Because they don't own and have never looked at your damn car. They know it is a nissan and they are trying to find the dmamn thing in a looup table for a part number. HTH would they know that there was only one engine config? I can understand if you're talking to a mechanic, but you're talking to a 16yr old hs student at an auto parts store.</blockquote>

no, i always steer clear of the 16 yr olds. I always talk to the older guys who i have seen there for the past couple years.

Try again.

1. We're talking retail, they're MOSTLY 16year olds, even at auto parts stores.
2. see #1. Even the old dudes aren't mechanics and may not have been working there for long, aren't expected to know much about cars, they just need $ and are paid to sell sh!t.
3. See #1 & #2.

i dont think ive seen a high schooler working a parts counter in an auto parts store for a decade or so... and from when i was a high schooler, the gearheads from auto shop were the only ones that even applied at the auto parts stores. when you went in, you could ask them how to fix something and they would tell you. 16 or not, they were gear heads. even now, i understand the questions, since ive written programs like the one auto zone uses. lots of filter to get thru to find what they want.


Diamond Member
Mar 4, 2000
Originally posted by: ViviTheMage
I worked at a cemetery as a grave digger, no joke. But I have a few stories about people trying to steal....stuff.

One that I recall was people trying to steal these big expensive marble rocks, over 1000pounds.

got some nastier stories too...haha.

Are you James from Survivor?


Diamond Member
Sep 13, 2000
Here's mine. Not retail but close...

I was 16 working at an upscale restaraunt carving meat for poeple. The meat was a large 65 to 80lb. baron of beef. Huge peice of meat. Everyday someone would come up to me and ask what kind of meat it was. So one day after being asked dozens of times I started telling people it was owl. Imported owl from the North West.. I told an elderly lady that it was owl, she looked me in the eyes and puked. All down the front of the stupid chef uniform....
The people actualy beleived me. Very depressing when you see how easily people can be lied to.

Served me right I guess.
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