TB 1.4 OC issue.


Feb 12, 2001
Here is some results that indicates that to get high speed out of them you have to check you have a quality powersupply.


Mounted in Asus A7M voltage modifed
Generic PC2100 DDR RAM
Running 1.95 vcore
Enermax 431w ps
Stable 1650+

Mounted in Epox 8KTA3+
Compuwiztech 256 Mb RAM
FOP sink+80mm fan
1.85 vcore
Standard 300w PS
75% stable 1500
No way 1523...blue screens all the time.

And now in mine:
Epox 8KTA3+
Compuwiztech 256 Mb RAM
Thermoengine with 60mm Delta
1.85 vcore
Enermax 431w PS
So far stable 1600 Mhz(1 hour with full load and done some online gaming at the same time)

Tried both high and low fsb settings with all computers, they make 150 fsb but just for sure I tested several settings.
Spoken with "the man the myth" Compuwiz by mail, he hasn´t been able to run any AHYJA above 1500 stable...he uses Enlight 300w PS.


Admin Emeritus Elite Member
Oct 9, 1999
Ok, I am buying some new PSU's.

The chips I have and can currently get no more than 1.5GHz out of is:

as an example. I have several from this batch. I will report back in a day or two.

This chip should have as good a shot as any.

We may be getting to where you just simply cannot skimp on the PSU, if you expect to ever get anything over 1.5GHz.

Caper, thank you for sharing. I have been seeing other such reports and feel now that there is something to it.

BTW, these will post at up to 1.7GHz, but as soon as they get to where they would normally start loading windows, I get a Disk I/O error.


Feb 12, 2001
No problems with sharing, I really hope that this get those AYHJA of your´s flying.
One of the very best traders I have done buissness with has to get some high speed TB´s
I see forward to your follow up post.


Admin Emeritus Elite Member
Oct 9, 1999
Ok, the Enermax 431 is in, and she's flying along at 1.6GHz. That is 100MHz more than on the Abit with the Enlight 300Watt. Now, part of that is the Abit, and part the PS, to be fair. Anything more starts a registry rebuild. Actually anything more than 1.75v will crash at 1.6GHz too, so voltage is doing nothing to help the cause.

So on IWill KK266 with the new Enermax and modded Taisol CGK760092 with Delta Black Label,

11.5 x 140
1.75 Vcore

That's all folks, no more for this chip, regardless of voltage.

You need this kind of PSU, I am convinced. :Q


Platinum Member
Mar 8, 2001
wow...impressive research you guys have done. Compuwiz...what HSF are you using? Taisol? So basically...i suppose a 300 W Antec P/S won't do the trick either i guess. Does this mean that raising the voltage settings on your mobo doesn't make a difference either?? Cuz i've seen many guys post more stable and higher marks with higher voltage. I have an epox-8k7a and it'll let me take it as high as 2.2v...kinda hot but do you think if i got a new P/S...that i won't need to run the voltage so high in order to maintain stability at higher temps?

This one is for compuwiz...how do you protect your HD when OCing will raise the PCI Bus...??? I just ruined a HD..my old one a few days. It just went dead...i think it was cuz my PCI bus was too high for my HD.


Admin Emeritus Elite Member
Oct 9, 1999
heffe734, instability will tear up a registry. I am now using a ghosted second partition, so if I trash it, I make a quick restoration.

Some drives take the higher PCI speed better than others, but it will be 1/4 of your fsb, generally at anything over 124MHz fsb....you have no controll over this.

300 watt PS's do not cut it for these birds. I think that is a safe statement at this point.


Apr 2, 2001
i wouldnt oc my 1.4 if i get it but it looks like the cores getting tapped out . poor AMD did the intel thing withthe 1.13, gotta get a new core out fast


Admin Emeritus Elite Member
Oct 9, 1999
Oh, and heffe734, I am using the Taisol CGK760092, but with a Delta Black fan.


Elite Member
May 24, 2000
"i wouldnt oc my 1.4 if i get it but it looks like the cores getting tapped out . poor AMD did the intel thing withthe 1.13, gotta get a new core out fast"

They already do...the Palamino is slowly becoming available in 1ghz, 1.2ghz, and 1.4ghz flavors....



Elite Member
May 24, 2000

So, it looks like the PS is the culprit at these high speeds. I had a feeling when we were discussing it the other day..good to know. I only use Enermax 430W anyway, so I should be good to go with my MP when I get it, although I have a feeling they might not be affected as much. I guess AMD recommends a 400W PS for a 1.4ghz Thunderbird for a good reason..


Senior member
Oct 9, 1999
So 300W power supplies are not good enough for overclocking to 1.6GHz? I have an Antec PP303X 300W power supply. Is this not sufficient enough? What is the reasoning for requiring a 400W or higher power supply?


Elite Member
May 24, 2000
It involves the amount of current the Athlon needs at speeds of 1.4ghz+...they draw alot. A 300W power supply may be able to support a ton of peripherals and a fast CPU just fine, but a CPU needs a constant, steady current from the PSU, at the higher speeds, the PSU just can't supply all the power consitently to the core. The total wattage gives you an idea of what the PSU can do at max output, but it's more important how it delivers the power over time...not just peaks. Think of it this way..when you go over 1ghz with a Athlon, a 300W is almost a must. Sure, there are systems that run fine on a quality 250W and a few peripherals, but a 300W is what really should be used. Soooo...when the CPU's went past a ghz, the 250W PSU that had been fine or overkill before, suddenly weren't enough as the speeds kept ramping up. So, the 1.5ghz level could just be the point were a 300W just isn't good enough anymore. Before these new stepping 1.4ghz's and 1.33ghz, most people were not going much over 1.5ghz without some serious overclocking equipment like voltage mods, extrme cooling/water cooling, etc. Now that we are getting past that 1.5ghz level, we are starting to see problems with lower rated PSU's as their output level has been exceeded. It's probably for just such a reason that AMD suggests a 400W PSU for the 1.4ghz Athlon....

Sorry if I din't explain that well..


Junior Member
Jun 12, 2001
I had a Sparkle 300W psu and with my 1.2 athlon installed the voltages wavered back and forth, especially the 3.3. Also, vCore bounced back and forth and lockups were a pain in the ass. I purchased an Antec 400w PSU and every voltage is rock solid, with only +12 wavering to +11.95 under load... vCore stays at 1.808 constantly

and its got a temp controlled fan, which when coupled with my taisol makes for a quiet nights sleep.


Junior Member
Mar 10, 2001
Hi there. I have a PowerMan 300 watt psu (nothing special), 3Com 905B NIC, Sound Blaster Live! Value, Creative GeForce2 GTS 32 MB, a Creative DVD Inlay DVD decoder card, 30 GB WD 7200 RPM harddrive, Creative 6x DVD ROM, HP 2x CD Burner (I know, the burner is pitiful), 256 MB Crucial PC2100 RAM, Asus A7M266 (modified to let the original Swiftech MC462 fit and voltage mod), and AXIA 0105 1.33 ghz Athlon. I'm currently running at 1628 at 2.016v, rock solid stable, havn't crashed yet. Before I did the voltage mod I was running at 1562 at 1.85v, again, rock solid. Right now I may be hitting a wall with my ram, as I'm running at 148x11, with 2-2-2 timings. I'm trying to decide whether or not to do the multiplier mod to see if I can't get a little more out of my chip. Anyway, the point of all this is that everyone's problems aren't necissarily related to the power supply not being able to provide ample current, but more likely its related to having a hsf that can't handle the heat put out by a tbird running at high voltage and high speeds (1600+). Also, AMD has made no such mistake in releasing the 1.4 ghz as Intel did when releasing the 1.13 P3. If anyone is having problems running the 1.4 at 1.4, its most likely because they are using inadequate cooling. I realize that not everyone is willing to spend the amount of money I spent on a hsf, but you should spend some and at least get an Alpha/GlobalWin or heck, go ahead and get a Mellinium. And as far as Palimino's being released at speeds lower than 1.5 ghz, those are the Athlon MP (multi-processor) parts, and are intended for server/workstation implementations (the Athlon MP 1.2 ghz part is priced higher than the Athlon 1.4 ghz part). Anyway, if you want to read a pretty good article on why good cooling is important, read this: http://www.overclockers.com/tips486/


Platinum Member
Feb 3, 2000
I am testing a 1.4 @ 1.6 using a 300W PSU right this minute. I am using 1.85V which reads at 1.90 actual, and getting temps in the low 50s. I will let you all know.


Senior member
Oct 19, 2000
I got one of the bad chips.
Tbird 1.33 gHz
a week 19 9 chip
But the good news is It is stable at 1586 132x12
However I have found out if I even run it at 133x11 it is fine most of the time but 134x11 it locks up with no mouse detected and won't boot into windows. Seems like the usb bus can't stand to pressure at 134. Just some personal info incase someone else is having a similar problem. By the way my sx1040 is doing fine. It came with the 412 antec ps.


Admin Emeritus Elite Member
Oct 9, 1999
Davegod75, your PSU should be fine, but 400W should be the minimum requirment for anyone striving for over 1.5GHz. This is now a fact. I have spent more time with various boards, and the Enermax has helped gain 50-100MHz, where the Enlight, as well as Sparkle's were not getting the job done, in the 300 Watt rating.


Golden Member
Oct 9, 1999
hmmm.....I think I'll just get a 500 watt ps and be done with it....

hmmmmmm.....if you need at least 400/31 watts to get a tbird at 1.5/1.6ghz, I wonder what you would need for two tbirds...ewwww


Diamond Member
Jun 27, 2000
cool...when i try 1610..it's locks up shortly after starting prime 95

also..when i oc to that number it will run fine but when i reboot i get nothing. No monitor initialization etc. Is that a voltage or powersupply problem.


Senior member
Oct 19, 2000
Well at 1601 at 1.88 volts during very stressful ut I got 50c. At 1586 and 1.84 I could get up to 47c. With sisoft burnin wizard I only ever got to 41c. Still figuring out what I will be happy at. Right now it looks like 1550-62 at 1.84. Realistically I was hoping to get 1.5 out of it and I did get stable at 1601 (although I thought the temps were getting to the extreme.) Anything over 1500 I consider gravy especially since I got the "BAD" chip. I guess I need to try one of the cpu intensive testers out there to finallize a comfortable zone. By the way I am using a swiftec mc462a rev1 and have four case fans in the sx1040. I did see 1601 so I can still brag at that now I'll try to lose as little as possible and bring the temps down. HTH


Senior member
Oct 19, 2000
| 6/14/01 | 11:27:20 PM | 1600 MHz | 113 F | 78 F | 1.87 V | 4753 RPM |
| 6/14/01 | 11:26:50 PM | 1600 MHz | 113 F | 78 F | 1.87 V | 4821 RPM |
| 6/14/01 | 11:26:20 PM | 1600 MHz | 114 F | 78 F | 1.87 V | 4753 RPM |
| 6/14/01 | 11:25:50 PM | 1600 MHz | 114 F | 78 F | 1.87 V | 4821 RPM |
| 6/14/01 | 11:25:20 PM | 1600 MHz | 114 F | 78 F | 1.87 V | 4821 RPM |
| 6/14/01 | 11:24:50 PM | 1600 MHz | 114 F | 78 F | 1.87 V | 4821 RPM |
| 6/14/01 | 11:24:19 PM | 1600 MHz | 114 F | 78 F | 1.87 V | 4753 RPM |
| 6/14/01 | 11:23:49 PM | 1600 MHz | 114 F | 78 F | 1.87 V | 4821 RPM |
| 6/14/01 | 11:23:19 PM | 1600 MHz | 113 F | 78 F | 1.87 V | 4821 RPM |

This is the log for my machine from mbm. After about an hour of ut it finally locked. I have 2 more notches I could go up on the voltage and it would be stable, but the temp starts getting pretty hot. Like over 50c. These temps are about 45c. GOt the t shirt now I think I'll just drop back to 1.86 and run it at 1550. For a bad chip I'm well pleased. GOt an abit kt7a raid, antec sx1040, and the 1.33 ayhja 9 chip at microbarn for right at $500. Add another $85 for the mc462a and it is pretty sweet. Any way another 6 months will be Christmas


Oct 18, 1999
anyone here use an enermax's 350 watts psu? I got my 1.33(thx compuwiz) axia up to 1.46, with no prob. anyone think i shout upgrade my 350 to 431?
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