Teachers pay is a disgrace.

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Diamond Member
Mar 4, 2001
Originally posted by: tec699
By the way, the teachers who taught me my profession(at least the basics, since I've learned far more on my own from working than I ever did in school) make between 60k and 100k. And not only do they get summers off, but they only have to teach like 2 hours a day.

You just love to make generalizations. If a teacher is making 60k a year I guarantee you he or she is working in the summer. As I stated earlier they may not be in a classroom but they are working at another job and I bet they are putting in 40 hour work weeks.

Reading your post it seems that you must have had 0 friends in high school, so you take your hatred for public schools out on your past instructors. In fact, you probably have 0 friend now.

Not all educators teach for just 2 hours a day. The people I know that teach are hard working individuals that take their profession very seriously.

And the people who taught him his profession are MUCH more dedicated workers than the teachers you are referring to and take their jobs more seriously. They most likely have TWICE the education.

Only real teachers teach 2 hours a day. Then they go do 8+ hours of research after class, thery also generate numerous articles a year and are plublished in well respected journals every few months.

Some may do consulting on the side and pull in 200K+ a year, but pay is something like $60-$150 depending on which university you teach at and what subject you teach.


Diamond Member
Nov 19, 2000
Originally posted by: DT4K
Originally posted by: jamerdean
Originally posted by: KevinH
If you're working the summer at another job, then you factor that income. When peopled say teachers have the summer off, they mean...they get paid X dollars while not having to work the summer. In these cases...it's DEAD RIGHT!. If you're going to complain about teacher's pay, then you ONLY factor in the pay relative to the time spent at that job.


in texas, teachers are paid for 7.5 hours a day and 187 days a week. I am a teacher and my 3 months off during summer is actually 2 months and 3 weeks of that will be spend taking professional development workshops that I have to pay for just to keep my certificiation. PLease if you must bash pay scales, at least be educated about it.

It's all semantics really. You can say they are paid for the summer or not. It doesn't make any difference. The teachers I know are on salary and get the same paycheck amount every month, even during the summer.

The point is that teachers average $44,000 for 187 days of work when many other professions, like mine, require 240 days of work per year for a similar amount of pay.

Exactly. That's not a difficult concept. Maybe I should've thrown a few numbers out there ot make it clearer. Sheesh...I shudder to think that this novel ideal of pay per work/unit went right over jamer's head.


Platinum Member
Oct 9, 1999
someone mentioned sweatshops: if they were underpaid, they wouldnt work there. but they have to work there.

What? No one has to work anywhere. A sweatshop is a slang term with a negative connotation. A sweatshop is just like any other business - The bottom line is, if you think the pay is too little to work in a "sweatshop" or to be a teacher, then don't do either. However, if you want to work their, it's your choice. I can't stand it when people decide on other's behalf what is "enough" money or what standard someone else should live under.

teachers choose to teach in spite of the low pay. they go in knowing that the pay is low, but theyll still do it. why? because they want to help someone. that is more valuable than pay. its not just about the pay. it's not all hard facts, there are other aspects.

First of all, that's not true. I have personally had two teachers. One teacher taught for salary and couldn't wait to retire, the other had a millionaire husband and taught b/c she just liked to teach. But that's irrelevant, even what you say is true... you make a good point that you don't even realize. Whether or not it's about the pay or not, it's the person's decision. If they want to be a teacher for whatever reason, then that's fine. But you cannot start dictating that someone is getting paid too much or too little, it's their decision.

"enough" i would say is enough to pay rent and have some left over and not have to worry about living check to check. "enough" to pay lots of attention to the kids instead of worrying about car payments.

Ok, now this is by far the silliest thing you have said. I asked you to give me an objective way of measuring how much money teachers are paid. (I offered you supply/demand... an objective standard that is determined by the employee and employer, a mutual agreement, an exchange between the customer/employer with money/salary for a service/work/teachings done by a teacher, a method that is not only proven, it is used every time you go out to purchase goods and services).

Instead you gave me a subjective, hypothetical, emotional appeal that provides nothing more than a possible plot summary for a remake of "8 Mile"

Your statement concludes that, "Teachers live from check to check. And they also need some [a subjective quantity $1?, $100?, $50,000?] money left over. You also conclude that, "Those that worry about car payments [in this case Teachers] cannot pay attention to their kids."

So in other words, you give us no standard for determing salary. You do, however, give us a humorously convincing argument for why you shouldn't be a teacher.

in regards to the above bold, i'd like to think that teachers are more than just a occupation. it is more than just a job. i know that is wishy-washy, but there is no quantitative way to put it. i know that the US is all about money, but really, there is something special about teachers.

This serves no puprose in what we're discussing, but thanks for your opinion on what you think of teachers.

Xenon14, how old are you and what do you do for a living? do you have any kids? i'm not trying to flame or anything, but i just want to know where you are coming from.

I'm 21. I'm a full time student, and I currently internning in the city (NY)... I live in NJ. My compensation is Zero $/hour and it costs me $20 a day to commute to the city. So don't tell me that teachers aren't getting paid enough. No one forced me to work for free (and w/ the commute it comes out that I pay to work). No one is picketing outside my office saying I'm in a sweatshop busting my balls for no pay. And I wouldn't expect you or anyone else to do so. I chose to work there for free, and I'm glad I did.

You wanted to know where I'm coming from... I actually hail from Russia. I came to the States when I was 7. Where I was from, Pay was decided by government not by employer/employee agreements. What the government thought you should get paid, you got paid. Had my parents stayed in Russia, I would've never in my life been able to afford a car or any luxury most teachers take for granted. In fact, my parents came to the states with $600 in their pockets (the most amount of money you could take with you at that time). And now my parents are pretty well off; house, cars, paying for my and my sister's college tuitions, etc.


Jan 2, 2000
Originally posted by: jamerdean
Originally posted by: KevinH
If you're working the summer at another job, then you factor that income. When peopled say teachers have the summer off, they mean...they get paid X dollars while not having to work the summer. In these cases...it's DEAD RIGHT!. If you're going to complain about teacher's pay, then you ONLY factor in the pay relative to the time spent at that job.


in texas, teachers are paid for 7.5 hours a day and 187 days a week. I am a teacher and my 3 months off during summer is actually 2 months and 3 weeks of that will be spend taking professional development workshops that I have to pay for just to keep my certificiation. PLease if you must bash pay scales, at least be educated about it.
Maybe this summer, but you don't have to do that every summer. I seriously doubt that you even have to do those workshops ALL summer. That's likely a choice, not a requirement.
Doesn't matter if you consider yourself paid for the summer or not. The national average teacher salary is 44k....so if that is only for 187 days, then that means teachers are VERY WELL paid.
Plus, any teacher who works in the summer should add that to what their respective school system pays them.
If they need to work in the summer to pay bills, I suggest they lower the bills.....teachers know what they will make before they ever take the job.
Teachers complaining about pay is like water skiers bitching about getting wet. What the hell did you do it for?


Senior member
Dec 7, 2001
Originally posted by: Xenon14
You do, however, give us a humorously convincing argument for why you shouldn't be a teacher.
i fail to see how that plays into your argument. please dont belittle me.

in any case, i think empirically, teachers are not paid too little. in cold harsh america, they are appropriately paid.

i guess i should rephrase my standpoint as: i feel teachers deserve to be paid more. i think they SHOULD be paid more, but i know they arent going to be any time soon. personal opinion only. also personal opinion: there is more than math and science facts that go into decision making.

finally, i'm curious, so can you give some examples of occupations that are considered underpaid and overpaid? which professions have imbalanced suppy/demand and should have the pay changed?


Platinum Member
Oct 9, 1999
Originally posted by: rainypickles
Originally posted by: Xenon14
You do, however, give us a humorously convincing argument for why you shouldn't be a teacher.
i fail to see how that plays into your argument. please dont belittle me.

in any case, i think empirically, teachers are not paid too little. in cold harsh america, they are appropriately paid.

i guess i should rephrase my standpoint as: i feel teachers deserve to be paid more. i think they SHOULD be paid more, but i know they arent going to be any time soon. personal opinion only. also personal opinion: there is more than math and science facts that go into decision making.

finally, i'm curious, so can you give some examples of occupations that are considered underpaid and overpaid? which professions have imbalanced suppy/demand and should have the pay changed?

There is no such thing as an underpaid or overpaid position, unless it's forced labor/slavery.

Consider this:

Person A offers $10 to cut the lawn. You think that for cutting the lawn you deserve $15, so you pass on the offer. I would cut that lawn for $10, so I take on the job. When I take on the job it is mutually understood that I am willing to get paid $10 and Person A is willing to pay the $10. That applies to Doctors, Teachers, and Sweatshop workers.

Edit: There can be an overpaid position. If Person A is willing to pay $10 to cut the lawn, and I would still cut the lawn for $9, technically if I take the job, the employer would be overpaying me by $1. But there's no such thing as underpaying, b/c at the point I feel i'm getting underpaid (as the case would be if Person A offered $8 to cut the lawn) I wouldn't cut the lawn.


Diamond Member
Dec 9, 2001
Originally posted by: tec699
Originally posted by: alphatarget1
let me repeat: your 4 year degree isn't NEARLY comparable with an engineering/math/science degree. That's why I have so much respect for good math and science teachers but not the other fields.

How is teaching challenging compared to engineering? You teach the same sh!t over and over again, sure there might be kids that don't want to learn but it's NOTHING compared to complex engineering/science problems. My ex's dad teaches econ and he gives out tests on teacher's edition books, and he had his TAs/my ex to correct tests, how FREAKING HARD is that?

Believe it or not, I do want to make a difference one day when I get sick of engineering and become a math/physics teacher. I'm not going to be one of those incompetent ones that b!tch and moan for money when they are protected by corrupt unions and complain about pay.

Another person who doesn't know what he's talking about and the ignorance amazes me. Have you ever taught in a public school before? If the answer is no then please keep quiet. You can't even compare engineering and teaching. Two totally different fields.

Also, you say that you have a lack of respect for other fields. I would love to put you in a room with special ed students who are behaviorally and emotionally disturbed. I know for a fact that you wouldn't last 1 week. Those students would have you literally in tears and they would have you running in circles. If getting told to go f*ck yourself every 5 minutes sounds like fun then come on in! That's a rough crowd.

Your missing the point. Teaching is more than academics as it's also classroom management. You can have a degree from Harvard but if you don't have the students respect and don't know how to get your point across then your going to be a horrible educator. There are some smart individuals that think teaching is easy. I'm talking A+ students and guess what? They can't last for more then a few months because thier classroom management skills are severly lacking.

YOU ARE missing the point. The point is that:

I never compared engineering and teaching in terms of the work engineers and teachers do. The fact is that probably ANYONE can teach given a certain amount of knowledge and persistance. Engineering is harder, that's why engineers get paid more and they work more. Teachers work much less than the average person so why should they get paid the same?

I'm not going to waste my time on you and your attitude of "teachers are so great we should all get paid 100k a year". Get over it. Guess what? when i have kids I'd either live in an excellent school district or send my kids to private school.

EDIT: some harsh comments deleted...


Diamond Member
Dec 9, 2001
Originally posted by: jaydee

Teachers in my district get a raise no matter what.
Unparalleled job security (the only way to get fired after 5 years is to pretty much molest a kid).
Nearly 4 months of vacation per year starting year one (2.5 months in the summer, 2 weeks each for Christmas and Easter, plus random holidays that no one else gets off like Presidents day).
Fairly stable working hours 7am-3pm.
It really doesn't matter where you get your degree, or what your GPA is (unless you really suck).
Always is and will be a job market.
Can find work anywhere in the country.
Outstanding benefits package

May or may not get a raise/bonus based on performance
If you suck, you get fired. If there's a downturn in the economy, you may lose your job.
Usually a week of vacation a year to start and maybe up to 3 weeks after 10-15 years.
I don't know many (in any) engineers that work less than 45 hours a week consistently.
To get a great job, your chances are significantly better if you go to a private $35k per year school or lucky enough to live in a state with a good public program (UM, PSU, UNC, ect.) and work you butt off to get good grades and perhaps go to grad school.
Job market fluctuates significantly.
Almost mandatory to live in, around a city or face a long commute.
Usually a good benefits package if you work for a large company, but this will fluctuate as well.

Ya, they get paid more, but you know what? Money != happiness. If you hate the city life, are always worried about your job being outsourced to Asia, and only get to see your kids an hour before their bedtime each night, which job would you prefer?

I'm not seeking pity for all the engineers out there, there's nothing I'd rather be. My point is, there's hardly an occupation out there that's perfect, I wish people would stop complaining about teachers pay, like it's the only job out there that has a downside to it. It's called real life.



Dec 19, 2002

we're wasting TOO MUCH FREAKING MONEY on special ed kids. In fact, why do they get more attention and why do we spend more money on them than regular kids (AKA employing your a$$)? OH crap, we have ADA and all that bullshit that goes way over the line and I don't know how the special ed stuff goes but I'm assuming it's the same. I'm working on ADA stuff everyday so I know what i'm talking about

ADA- Attention deficit disorder
ADHD- Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder

-there is a big difference between the two.

The reason we spend so much money on special ed students is because of IDEA

At that time special ed students were put in basements and in separate classrooms because of their disabilities. This law and it's revision in the late 90's makes it so that every child who has a disability will receive an adequate education that is comparable to a student without disabilities. So in essence if you have a child that is deaf, the school must accommodate this child by any means possible. This could be in the form of aids, technology, etc.. Can this get expensive? Yes it can but I'd rather accommodate special ed students and have them academically succeed and lead fulfilling lives rather then have them be excluded from the regular ed classrooms.

just a thought.


Diamond Member
Dec 9, 2001
Originally posted by: tec699

we're wasting TOO MUCH FREAKING MONEY on special ed kids. In fact, why do they get more attention and why do we spend more money on them than regular kids (AKA employing your a$$)? OH crap, we have ADA and all that bullshit that goes way over the line and I don't know how the special ed stuff goes but I'm assuming it's the same. I'm working on ADA stuff everyday so I know what i'm talking about

ADA- Attention deficit disorder
ADHD- Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder

-there is a big difference between the two.

The reason we spend so much money on special ed students is because of IDEA

At that time special ed students were put in basements and in separate classrooms because of their disabilities. This law and it's revision in the late 90's makes it so that every child who has a disability will receive an adequate education that is comparable to a student without disabilities. So in essence if you have a child that is deaf, the school must accommodate this child by any means possible. This could be in the form of aids, technology, etc.. Can this get expensive? Yes it can but I'd rather accommodate special ed students and have them academically succeed and lead fulfilling lives rather then have them be excluded from the regular ed classrooms.

just a thought.

I was talking about Americans with Disabilities Act.


Dec 19, 2002
Americans with Disabilities Act.

This is a work related act that was put into effect by congress because of discrimination that disabled people were facing when applying for employment. This act really has nothing to do with the public school system. The acts that matter are:

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