Ted Koppel tells Hannity and Fox News are bad for America.

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Nov 29, 2006
It still amazes me every time I see Trump gather up his supporters at his one of his rallies and watch them go berserk over every lie, half truth and falsehood he tosses at them. When I see those folks cheer Trump on I notice there's this fantasy-like aura that emanates from his events, and how a feeling of awe sweeps over me when I see how thoroughly propagandized and indoctrinated they are that they would still endear themselves to Trump even after all of the negatively tinged controversy he's embroiled himself in and the outright disruption of the governing of the nation he's caused simply from being himself.

Unpresidential is the kindest description of his behavior that I can think of. When he refused to shake Merkel's hand as a simple gesture of unity and mutual respect, that was it for me. The way he postured himself in that seat that was placed as far away from Merkel as possible reminded me of an obstinate child refusing to sit on his aunty's lap for a picture taking session. The look on his face was simply amazing to behold.

Wow, Took you that long? He lost respect from me the first time i saw his face when i was like 10 id imagine
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Diamond Member
May 3, 2005
It still amazes me every time I see Trump gather up his supporters at his one of his rallies and watch them go berserk over every lie, half truth and falsehood he tosses at them. When I see those folks cheer Trump on I notice there's this fantasy-like aura that emanates from his events, and how a feeling of awe sweeps over me when I see how thoroughly propagandized and indoctrinated they are that they would still endear themselves to Trump even after all of the negatively tinged controversy he's embroiled himself in and the outright disruption of the governing of the nation he's caused simply from being himself.

Unpresidential is the kindest description of his behavior that I can think of. When he refused to shake Merkel's hand as a simple gesture of unity and mutual respect, that was it for me. The way he postured himself in that seat that was placed as far away from Merkel as possible reminded me of an obstinate child refusing to sit on his aunty's lap for a picture taking session. The look on his face was simply amazing to behold.

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Apr 10, 2000
lol this whole conversation and forum is based on ideology. Anyone taking Moon seriously needs their head examined.

Let's see what he left has created and what zombies follow.

Gender is fluid
Multiple genders is normal
Political correctness
Marijuana states
Killing an unborn baby is normal
Government is your religion and feel good place to help people
Adults need to be on their Mommy and Daddy's insurance

Wow this list is going to continue. I'll just stop here as this conversation is boring already.
Nobody else wants to rip apart this list of stupid fuckery? Ok, guess it falls to me.
1. Why should gender not be fluid? Why do you feel that others must conform to your opinion of what gender should be. Sex is based on one of two alleles known as X or Y, gender however involves social and cultural aspects. And our culture has begun accepting a non-binary definition for gender. Did you know it's resulted in fewer LGBT teens committing suicide? Forcing people to conform to your narrow view is not admirable, it is in fact terroristic.
2. See above response.
3. What's wrong with political correctness? All it is is considering how what you say and do might affect others. Basically, it's not being an asshole for no reason. I get that based on your post here you actually enjoy being an asshole so perhaps I won't reach you on this one.
4. It's remarkable how the group of people who get offended if you say "Happy Holidays" instead of "Merry Christmas" and declare a war on Christmas because of it and who think not allowing them to force their religion on others could try to call someone else "snowflakes". The President ran a campaign steeped strongly in white nationalism and misogyny, people are gonna be a bit less than happy that he won. Especially when he lost the popular vote by a pretty significant margin. And now it's looking more and more likely that he or someone high up in his campaign committed actual espionage against this nation. So I guess actually liking a fair election system makes one a snowflake. I guess I'd rather be called a snowflake than be a traitor like our President.
5. What's wrong with marijuana being legal for responsible adults? Seriously, alcohol is illegal and it's safer than that. For someone of a party that is supposed to be about small government, wouldn't restricting consenting adults access to narcotics be pretty big government?
6. Killing and unborn ... those words don't work well together. That which is not alive cannot be killed. Also, this goes back to the small government thing and allowing people to have autonomy over their own bodies. If someone is dying, needs an organ transplant, and you're a blood type match should the government be able to forgo your bodily autonomy and force you to donate an organ?
7. Government has a function to ensure equal access in a society and normal function of society. Considering you've already shown you believe government should be able to restrict access to marijuana, restrict a woman's bodily autonomy, and force specific gender identity; seems like you think government should be more forceful than anyone on the left does.
8. With an increase in members of society getting bachelor's and post graduate degrees, you have a more educated and more effective society. This has the drawback of delaying the time in which people join the ranks of the working class. With how much health insurance has become tied to occupations, allowing people stay on their parents health insurance until 26 has a net benefit. Also, one is allowed to keep their adult spouse on their insurance, why not their adult children? Additional insurance premiums are still being paid. In many cultures having multiple generations live in the same house is very normal. I'm sure you believe a parent should force their child out of the home at gun point one minute after they turn 18 however.

You wanna post some more of your dumbass beliefs that have no basis in facts but only basis in your narrow-minded opinion based on feelings that I can destroy for you?


Diamond Member
Oct 24, 2005
Nobody else wants to rip apart this list of stupid fuckery? Ok, guess it falls to me.
1. Why should gender not be fluid? Why do you feel that others must conform to your opinion of what gender should be. Sex is based on one of two alleles known as X or Y, gender however involves social and cultural aspects. And our culture has begun accepting a non-binary definition for gender. Did you know it's resulted in fewer LGBT teens committing suicide? Forcing people to conform to your narrow view is not admirable, it is in fact terroristic.
2. See above response.
3. What's wrong with political correctness? All it is is considering how what you say and do might affect others. Basically, it's not being an asshole for no reason. I get that based on your post here you actually enjoy being an asshole so perhaps I won't reach you on this one.
4. It's remarkable how the group of people who get offended if you say "Happy Holidays" instead of "Merry Christmas" and declare a war on Christmas because of it and who think not allowing them to force their religion on others could try to call someone else "snowflakes". The President ran a campaign steeped strongly in white nationalism and misogyny, people are gonna be a bit less than happy that he won. Especially when he lost the popular vote by a pretty significant margin. And now it's looking more and more likely that he or someone high up in his campaign committed actual espionage against this nation. So I guess actually liking a fair election system makes one a snowflake. I guess I'd rather be called a snowflake than be a traitor like our President.
5. What's wrong with marijuana being legal for responsible adults? Seriously, alcohol is illegal and it's safer than that. For someone of a party that is supposed to be about small government, wouldn't restricting consenting adults access to narcotics be pretty big government?
6. Killing and unborn ... those words don't work well together. That which is not alive cannot be killed. Also, this goes back to the small government thing and allowing people to have autonomy over their own bodies. If someone is dying, needs an organ transplant, and you're a blood type match should the government be able to forgo your bodily autonomy and force you to donate an organ?
7. Government has a function to ensure equal access in a society and normal function of society. Considering you've already shown you believe government should be able to restrict access to marijuana, restrict a woman's bodily autonomy, and force specific gender identity; seems like you think government should be more forceful than anyone on the left does.
8. With an increase in members of society getting bachelor's and post graduate degrees, you have a more educated and more effective society. This has the drawback of delaying the time in which people join the ranks of the working class. With how much health insurance has become tied to occupations, allowing people stay on their parents health insurance until 26 has a net benefit. Also, one is allowed to keep their adult spouse on their insurance, why not their adult children? Additional insurance premiums are still being paid. In many cultures having multiple generations live in the same house is very normal. I'm sure you believe a parent should force their child out of the home at gun point one minute after they turn 18 however.

You wanna post some more of your dumbass beliefs that have no basis in facts but only basis in your narrow-minded opinion based on feelings that I can destroy for you?

Go SJW you're winning

I won't even bother with your blithering stupidity. Your point on gender being fluid is just epic fail and stupid it's not even funny. You just proven my point on "feels". Epic awesomeness, A+ for effort.


Aug 5, 2000
Wow, Took you that long? He lost respect from me the first time i saw his face when i was like 10 id imagine

Heh, until that moment I was still holding out a sliver of hope for the guy that he would at the least observe decorum and not embarrass the whole nation on worldwide media with his childish behavior. That fucker really did it that time.

Absolutely shameful. If 'ol "Blood and Guts" George S. Patton saw that unfold in front of him, he would'a put Trump over his knee and give that brat a right respectful ass whooping with that riding crop of his. And this time he wouldn't have to apologize for it.
Feb 16, 2005
Go SJW you're winning

I won't even bother with your blithering stupidity. Your point on gender being fluid is just epic fail and stupid it's not even funny. You just proven my point on "feels". Epic awesomeness, A+ for effort.
nah, you're just sore cause you got taken to the woodshed. It's ok snowflake, it really is.
Reactions: DarthKyrie


Apr 10, 2000
Go SJW you're winning

I won't even bother with your blithering stupidity. Your point on gender being fluid is just epic fail and stupid it's not even funny. You just proven my point on "feels". Epic awesomeness, A+ for effort.
I appreciate that you proved I was 100% accurate in my #3 point about you. It is your right to be a raging asshole, most of us just choose to be productive members of society instead. It's also fully possible (and based on your posts incredibly likely) that you're just too stupid to function as a productive member of society. If that's true, I'm sure the community on ATP&N could figure out an effective adult education location you could go to and hopefully learn the basics most of us learned in elementary school. And for reference, choosing not to be a fucking dick to people simply because they're different isn't being a SJW, it's being capable of basic decency.

There we go, I chose to speak to you in your own language of being an aggressive asshole, did I reach you better?

Edit: And yeah, my post about how we shouldn't treat LGBT teens in this society in a way that drives them to suicide was stupid... Like seriously what goes on in your mind? Do you giggle at disabled people, laugh at the deaths of LGBT people, lament the days when you could use the N-word? I am genuinely curious how the mind of someone who enjoys being terrible works.
Last edited:
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Azuma Hazuki

Golden Member
Jun 18, 2012
Gender identity, as distinct from chromosomal sex and phenotypical sex, is somewhat fluid. This does not mean, as certain groups think, that it has nothing to do with the underlying biology; instead, it is an epiphenomenon of your genes, your hormonal environment in utero, epigenetic factors, and the society you live in.

Some cultures have "third gender" groups that nonconformers we would call transgender or otherwise gender-variant would fit into, like the Hijra in some parts of India, or certain native Americans' "two-spirited" groups. I'd probably have been assigned to one of these, because the cultural lens of those groups would see me as something like "a woman who also has the desires of a man."

Does this make more sense? Statistically speaking, gender identity matches phenotype matches karyotype, which is to say, someone with XX chromosomes will usually appear female as an adult and conform to society's idea of what femininity is. However, like an distribution, there are outliers.
Reactions: DarthKyrie


Feb 6, 2002
Fox News lying again to cover for Trump? Didn't they just get in trouble for peddling a fake story by Judge Napolitano??

I thought when Rachel Maddow overhyped a true story people demander her career be over.
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Apr 17, 2002
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Jan 8, 2001
Please correct me if I wrong, but I thought Koppel said something similar about MSNBC. Koppel was one of my favorite TV journalists. I don't think he's against opinion in new - just that there should be a very clear distinction. On that point, I would agree (FWIW, I mainly watch MSNBC for TV news). Also, thank God for top quality newspapers and new Magazines.


Nov 11, 1999
Gender identity, as distinct from chromosomal sex and phenotypical sex, is somewhat fluid. This does not mean, as certain groups think, that it has nothing to do with the underlying biology; instead, it is an epiphenomenon of your genes, your hormonal environment in utero, epigenetic factors, and the society you live in.

Some cultures have "third gender" groups that nonconformers we would call transgender or otherwise gender-variant would fit into, like the Hijra in some parts of India, or certain native Americans' "two-spirited" groups. I'd probably have been assigned to one of these, because the cultural lens of those groups would see me as something like "a woman who also has the desires of a man."

Does this make more sense? Statistically speaking, gender identity matches phenotype matches karyotype, which is to say, someone with XX chromosomes will usually appear female as an adult and conform to society's idea of what femininity is. However, like an distribution, there are outliers.

Forget it. Zstream is having an insecure emotional reaction, pretty much all the time, so reason has no effect upon him. You're just icky & that's that, end of discussion.
Reactions: DarthKyrie


Diamond Member
Oct 9, 1999
You would hope that people are Intelligent enough to know the difference between opinion and news..
Too many Fox Viewers do not know the difference but Kopple says it best..
The viewers prefer ideology over Facts..

What did Koppel have to say during the other 44 minutes and 13 seconds of the interview that they cropped off. Seems pretty funny that all the anti Hannity grunts are crowing about Koppel putting a verbal beat down on Hannity over opinion shows and then supports his argument with Gasp! an opinion. Seems to be a cherry picked clip and kind of a bad one at that.


Diamond Member
Feb 5, 2017
What did Koppel have to say during the other 44 minutes and 13 seconds of the interview that they cropped off. Seems pretty funny that all the anti Hannity grunts are crowing about Koppel putting a verbal beat down on Hannity over opinion shows and then supports his argument with Gasp! an opinion. Seems to be a cherry picked clip and kind of a bad one at that.
Might be cherry picked but it was said and Hannity is visibly upset by it.


Elite Member
Mar 10, 2006
What did Koppel have to say during the other 44 minutes and 13 seconds of the interview that they cropped off. Seems pretty funny that all the anti Hannity grunts are crowing about Koppel putting a verbal beat down on Hannity over opinion shows and then supports his argument with Gasp! an opinion. Seems to be a cherry picked clip and kind of a bad one at that.

You're basically repeating Hannity's argument, and Hannity's argument was incredibly dumb. Koppel was not saying that opinions were bad, he was saying that the replacement of real news shows with opinion shows was bad. The clip was great, because Koppel was 100% right. People like Hannity and O'Reilly may have made news more entertaining but they've also made it useless.
Reactions: DarthKyrie


Jun 12, 2005
Ted Kopple gives his opinion about opinion based commentators. Hmmm. Does that also mean his opinion isn't worth squat? I think it does.


Jun 12, 2005
You're basically repeating Hannity's argument, and Hannity's argument was incredibly dumb. Koppel was not saying that opinions were bad, he was saying that the replacement of real news shows with opinion shows was bad. The clip was great, because Koppel was 100% right. People like Hannity and O'Reilly may have made news more entertaining but they've also made it useless.

Well maybe because Hannity and O'Reilly are not News shows. They are commentary shows about the news of the day. The MSNBC and CNN are just as guilty if way more so than Fox's actual News Shows like Bret Baier, Shepard Smith and Chris Wallace. I am of the opinion that you have to take what you can from many sources.

Azuma Hazuki

Golden Member
Jun 18, 2012
> You're just icky & that's that, end of discussion.

Yeah? I bet he has loads of "XXX lesbian pr0n" in his browser history, the hypocrite.
Reactions: DarthKyrie


Elite Member
Mar 10, 2006
Well maybe because Hannity and O'Reilly are not News shows. They are commentary shows about the news of the day. The MSNBC and CNN are just as guilty if way more so than Fox's actual News Shows like Bret Baier, Shepard Smith and Chris Wallace. I am of the opinion that you have to take what you can from many sources.

Right, and Koppel's point was that people treat them like news shows, which is a bad thing. I don't care who you think is the worst offender, Hannity, Maddow, O'Reilly, etc, are a big part of the problem.
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