Tell me more about PUBG and Guild Wars 2


Diamond Member
Mar 26, 2005
So I am looking to get into these two games but not sure if I should.

What's the current state of PUBG? Do you HAVE to have friends to do well? I am a loner. Will I have a good experience playing solo, or will I get slaughtered over and over again until I ragequit?

What about Guild Wars 2? What's it's current state? I had plenty of fun in Guild Wars 1 back in the day. It was great both solo and with allies, that is until farming was killed and achievements came into play. PvP sucked, because unless you were in a good guild, you always lost. I remember grinding the "elk emote" Rank 3 in IWAY teams... Now that was some serious BS...

Hows GW2 now? Is it any better? Worse?



Golden Member
Aug 27, 2011
PUBG is basically a solo experience, a free for all. I haven't played GW2 in years but it isn't the same game as GW1, it's far closer to a cheap WoW knockoff. Was fun to level a class or two but that was about it.


Golden Member
Dec 25, 2000
I have no experience with PUBG so I can't comment on that. Guild Wars 2 on the other hand, I have a bit of experience with. If you want to try it, go for it. You can play for free with some limitations but it will give you an idea of the game. It's a very nice looking game and it plays well but if you were a huge fan of GW1, it probably won't measure up to the original.

Each weapon has a set of skills. You can't change those......they are set and that's it. You can dual wield with some classes and that might be useful. You have some utility skills than can be worked around but it's nowhere near the build capabilities of GW1. They add in dodging and jumping to the mechanics and it's well done. There are plenty of maps to try out and several different races. There are tons of other things I could say but that would just go on and on.'s definitely worth a try.....just don't expect it to topple GW1 if you have a lot of fond memories of it. Not a bad game.......but just doesn't measure up to the first one to me. Just my .02. Give it a try and see what you think.


Sep 22, 2007
PUBG is fun BUT hard as a solo player. I've made it into the top 15 a few times but can't seem to get much higher. If you have a friend or two, duos or squad play can be a blast and is easier to play - of course, my brother and one of his friends are world-class gamers so that helps.

I'm generally pretty good at FPS games and always have a high K : D ratio, but I am struggling in PUBG. Of course I've only had the game for a few days so I'll probably get better.


Dec 5, 2000
Talk about 2 completely different types of games!

PUBG is tough, probably because everything is basically completely random.
You might drop and find good loot or crap loot.
You might drop with 10 other people or by yourself.
People can be ANYWHERE on the map, camping in houses, in bushes, etc. You have to keep your head on a swivel and even then have to be lucky you don't get sniped from long distance, or get ambushed walking into a house.
There is solo play where you go up against 99 other people, so it can be difficult. I just got my first solo win after 77 hours.
Playing in a group is much more fun, but also has its challenges. I've got 3 wins in squads.

I played GW2 for a little bit but didn't like it. Didn't have anyone to play with and you pretty much need friends for MMOs or it's no fun.


Platinum Member
Oct 19, 2006
all i see from PUBG on youtube is people getting into vehicles and getting themselves killed in stupid ways. and bugs, it should've been called BUGP instead.


Dec 5, 2000
all i see from PUBG on youtube is people getting into vehicles and getting themselves killed in stupid ways. and bugs, it should've been called BUGP instead.
it's still early access, but the vehicle handling does suck.


Sep 22, 2007
all i see from PUBG on youtube is people getting into vehicles and getting themselves killed in stupid ways. and bugs, it should've been called BUGP instead.

I only have around 20 hours in, but I don't think it is really THAT bad in terms of bugs. I do think movement is a bit kludgey and sucks, but otherwise it isn't bad. I do see occasional lag spikes which sucks, but those might be ISP related because a friend who plays on the same ISP sees them too. I finally broke down and turned down all the graphic settings based on what my brothers and friends told me, and I did find I could see enemies MUCH better. Right now, I've been on 2 or 3 winning duos and won my first squad game last night. I haven't won solo yet but have finished in the top 10-15 3 or 4 times and did make it to #2 on one game, only to lose on a bad decision on my part to rush the guy with a shotgun instead of my AK. I win that game if I used my AK instead and I'm STILL pissed about it, because that was like the second day I had the game.


Golden Member
Jul 6, 2004
PUBG is just a rehash of DayZ and all the king of the hill clones, As so many stated its so random you can have a great game (and be a average player) and have a crap game and be a great player. I think that's a reason its quite popular right now, anybody can have a good game on occasion. With that said its not a bad game, its actually quite fun at times, but its one of those games that will have you mad as hell or glad as can be at times. And like all these games in 6 months it will be forgot by all but the hardcore fans and the next one will come along.

GW2 is a MMORPG, not a shooter.. and as a Free2Play its one of the very best. But this type of game is getting really hard to like as there are so many even when it was brand new it still felt like you had played the 20 before it and it was pretty much more of the same. it has pretty nice graphics, it has the huge amount of time sinks WoW is famous for (as in if you want stuff to do, you never run out). As some stated (poor wow clone, i don't agree, its a great clone, but Wow is differently more polished) its a WoW clone (which is a Clone of EQ).. so dont let the clone thing bother ya.. Its a very polished free 2 play game. It wont hand hold you quite as much as WoW does, and while WoW has taken the real complex builds/talent tree's,skill tree's, glyph builds and simplified to the point of boredom, GW2 still lets you build a character that can be weak or strong depending on your choices. I found GW2 like most MMORPG, really good for the first 20 levels, then it starts to show the lack of long term planning, it can be easy to get lost on where to go, what to do, while WoW hand holds you right up to max level. If oyu got cash WoW is simply the way to go, if its free2play GW2 is one of the top 5 choices for sure.. Rift would be up there too. I am not sure but i think GW2 requires a one time purchase of the game still? Rift is 100% free i believe to start?

I liked both games, but long term GW2 will be around awhile its passed its prime and has a stable player base., and I would guess so will PUGB, but PUGB will in the next 6 months have the next big thing come along and the player base will leave for it. And as stated,, ones a shooter, ones a RPG, they are both online and multiplayer.

Fallen Kell

Diamond Member
Oct 9, 1999
Yes, you still need to purchase the base game for GW2, as well as any expansions (there is technically only 1 released so far, but the second one comes out this month or next month).

I loved GW2 when it first came out. The premiss was great in such that the main grind was designed to be simply for style/fashion. You had 5 levels of rarity on items (common=white, fine=blue, masterwork=green, rare=yellow, exotic=orange), with all items of a tier having the same stat bonus as any other in that tier. So then it came down to simply getting the specific stats you wanted and how the item looked. Leveling up the character really just kind of happens as you explore and take part in "random" map events (map events are not to be confused with "heart locations", which are more akin to tasks/quests, but these are not big drivers of experience, just map completion).

Unfortunately in came power creep and grinds. Soon legendary weapons (really just extremely rare dropping lvl 80 exotic weapons) had additional stats given to them to make them more powerful. Then ascended rings and back items were added (a new level of rarity and stats, but just for ring locations and back). Then ascended amulets, then earrings, then weapons and armor (with the legendaries being bumped in stats to the ascended tier), and crafting skills bumped from max of lvl 400 to 500 with the ascended....

In other words, it became an ever increasing grindfest to stay with current max stat power levels, which was completely against the initial design of the game (that the only grind was for looks).

Don't get me wrong, it is still a good game and can be a lot of fun. Just don't expect to be able to join some of the best clans or do some of the end-game content without a serious investment in time (or money) to equip just one character (which might get nerf'ed having you then need to re-equip him with different stats to fit the new meta). I have 3 sets of exotic armor/accessories for one of my characters that I needed because of the constant changing/nerf'ing and that was before they introduced ascended gear.
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Nov 18, 2007
you still need to purchase the base game for GW2
At one point it was free, when the first expansion came out. Seems it's still free and they hope you buy the expansions. I bought all the original GW games and really enjoyed it. With the open world of GW2, I couldn't get into it as much. I didn't bother getting the expansions.


Oct 9, 1999
IMO GW2 fun times are over, i played it for years but stopped a few years ago, to much of a grind now IMO. And they are to strong with the nerfs, With all the added tiers of items now it takes so long to grind out for a full set i could only take so much of getting nerfed into uselessness and having to start the gear grind all over again i finally just gave up.


Diamond Member
Feb 27, 2013
GW2 is dead, no point grinding, not even worth it IMO. Play FF14 instead.
PUGB is soo popular even Trump is playing it.


Diamond Member
Feb 18, 2001
If you want to try a FP version kinda like PUBG ... try Fortnite Battle Royale.

Up to 100 players, parachuting out of the back of a fly school bus, onto a small island ... only one can survive! It's kinda cartoonish and not nearly as realistic looking as PUBG ... but did I mention that it was free?


No Lifer
Jul 12, 2006
Yes, you still need to purchase the base game for GW2, as well as any expansions (there is technically only 1 released so far, but the second one comes out this month or next month).

I loved GW2 when it first came out. The premiss was great in such that the main grind was designed to be simply for style/fashion. You had 5 levels of rarity on items (common=white, fine=blue, masterwork=green, rare=yellow, exotic=orange), with all items of a tier having the same stat bonus as any other in that tier. So then it came down to simply getting the specific stats you wanted and how the item looked. Leveling up the character really just kind of happens as you explore and take part in "random" map events (map events are not to be confused with "heart locations", which are more akin to tasks/quests, but these are not big drivers of experience, just map completion).

Unfortunately in came power creep and grinds. Soon legendary weapons (really just extremely rare dropping lvl 80 exotic weapons) had additional stats given to them to make them more powerful. Then ascended rings and back items were added (a new level of rarity and stats, but just for ring locations and back). Then ascended amulets, then earrings, then weapons and armor (with the legendaries being bumped in stats to the ascended tier), and crafting skills bumped from max of lvl 400 to 500 with the ascended....

In other words, it became an ever increasing grindfest to stay with current max stat power levels, which was completely against the initial design of the game (that the only grind was for looks).

Don't get me wrong, it is still a good game and can be a lot of fun. Just don't expect to be able to join some of the best clans or do some of the end-game content without a serious investment in time (or money) to equip just one character (which might get nerf'ed having you then need to re-equip him with different stats to fit the new meta). I have 3 sets of exotic armor/accessories for one of my characters that I needed because of the constant changing/nerf'ing and that was before they introduced ascended gear.

Legendaries were around since launch, and they don't drop. They involve a long money or crafting and collecting grind to acquire them. They are about flashy, though, as at the time of release, they had the same stats as exotics, but once ascended was introduced (the stat creep and an additional tier of gear), legendaries were upgraded to match that level of stats. The one benefit that legendaries add is that the stats aren't fixed, so you can change them on the fly with each item....and there is now legendary armor, too. with HoT (first expansion), a new tier of legendaries were added that now require crafting of the precursor weapon (usually the hardest to obtain part of the original crafting recipes for the initial legendaries)--and this function was also added back as an option to the original legendary skins. (this is a real grind though; it isn't just: imma go craft it)

Apparently, GW2 has had a F2P model for about a year now. You can play up to level 80, but do need to purchase if you want to join most of the endgame stuff. I forget what it unlocks. Path of Fire is out now (just over 1 week old), and is quite good. They added mounts (don't really care about that--but some of them are fun to work with and it is a good QoL improvement) but the new maps are superb. It's a great pickup for any long-time GW1 fans that miss the old game (Crystal Desert and Elona Dervishes, sadly).

leveling is also ridiculously easy now as there are so many free level and xp items that drop regularly. It is very, very easy to get all exo gear now and isn't very expensive, as it is also very easy to start accumulating decent money now. You can do pretty much all in-game content (except the higher fractal tiers where ascended stuff is required to slot in infusions) with full exotic gear. Anyone that claims different is a noob.

Yeah it was significantly more difficult to do all this stuff back when you were playing, but the balance has changed (and I'm not sure if the quick leveling is a good thing, tbh. So many instant-80 players complain that they don't know how to play the class that they never actually played.)
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No Lifer
Jul 12, 2006
GW2 is dead, no point grinding, not even worth it IMO. Play FF14 instead.
PUGB is soo popular even Trump is playing it.

weird. I started playing GW2 again about 4 months ago, and it's as active as it was 3 years ago.
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