Terri Schiavo

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Diamond Member
Oct 15, 1999
Originally posted by: jjsole
The real tragedy is that the Schiavo family and manipulative opportunistic politicians have created a rare circumstance where most of the people in the country are going to be glad that a good person has died.

the next mystery for the media to solve after she's dead is to figure out who was more brain dead, Terri or the US Congress. No need to question the President, everyone already know he's brain dead.


Jun 3, 2003
Originally posted by: exdeath
Originally posted by: mordantmonkey
Originally posted by: exdeath
All these stories are surfacing from people who have been in such a state for 20+ years and then came out of it...

they're talking about comas. she isn't in a coma and she isn't going to "snap out of it".

I beleive these were cases of vegetable states with no hope of recovery, or so they said.

Here is a hint my friend....When parts of your brain turn to liquid goo it will not regenerate and you will not "come out of it". These people who have been in comas or the mis-label/-diagnosed "vegatated states" and who came out of it did not have major parts their brain become liquefied goo. Sorry it just doesn't work that way.


Senior member
Dec 22, 2004
Originally posted by: tss4
Originally posted by: HeaterCore
Whose morality? Yours?

Morality isn't the province of the courts. Insofar as government should be involved in morality, it is the legislative branch's job -- the elected representatives of the people -- to convert morality into law. Where, as here, that law is applied strictly by the courts, and there is no Constitutional objection to the law, there's no morality issue. Period. You have no right to impose your brand of morality on Terri Schiavo, just as I have no right to impose mine on her or you.

Learned Hand on Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr.:

?I remember once I was with him; it was a Saturday when the Court was to confer. It was before we had a motorcar, and we jogged along in an old coupe. When we got down the Capitol, I wanted to provoke a response, so as he walked off, I said to him: ?Well, sir, goodbye. Do justice!? He turned quite sharply and he said: ?Come here. Come here.? I answered: ?Oh, I know, I know.? He replied: ?That is not my job. My job is to play the game according to the rules.??

So why are you complaining? The courts actually stayed out of this one. The legislative branch made the laws that allow for Terri Schiavo's husband to act as her gaurdian. He epxressed that she had conferred to him that her will (her moral choice) would be to not live like this. The courts simply upheld the legislative law that allowed for terri's husband to make that choice. They didn't counter any laws here. The conservative (or maybe the religous right would be a better description) was attempting to have the courts actually rule COUNTER to what the law (written by the legislature) says. You need to keep in mind that the legislative branch has not passed any law other than that, that allowed the federal courts to look at this. That's all they've done. To do any more would make it to obvious that this a direct breach into the private affairs of citizens by big government and the republican party is not that suicidal. So the courts have not decided the morality of this issue, laws written by the legislature (elected by the people) did.

Ahh, I see your confusion. I was replying to the "u still think this sh$% is all political? What about morality?" comment from earlier up, which was apparently so ridiculous it generated three or four responses in under five minutes. I was pointing out that the courts have done their jobs, as you suggest. From now on it's the quote button, I guess...



Dec 12, 2003
It's interesting how the Republicans want to keep one vegetable alive, while at the same time they are more than willing to kill limitless numbers of Iraqis.
They seem unwilling to solve the important problems facing the nation and continually strive to deflect from those problems all the while pursuing legislative efforts to further strip personal liberties.
Scary times.

BS! Who the hell determines what constitutes dignity? Oh, let's even read the dictionary's definition of dignity for all of you who're throwing a term around without seeming to know the definition: dig?ni?ty \"dig-ne-te\ n, pl -ties 1 : the quality or state of being worthy, honored, or esteemed 2 : high rank, office, or position 3 : formal reserve of manner, language, or appearance
(c)2000 Zane Publishing, Inc. and Merriam-Webster, Incorporated. All rights reserved

So people who do not live your so-called quality of life (i.e., disabled) are without dignity? They're worthless? Without honor? Without esteem? Or are you picking definition two? What rankings do we have here? Do you feel superior to her existence? Or are you picking definition three? What formality do any of you practice? Are not you all usually the first to rebuke elitism?

Stop the BS! Do you decide morality for people, while saying the government shouldn't? I'm sick and tired of hypocrites! :| We're supposed to believe and with sufficient evidence that the patient was a devout religious person, yet you sit there and mock religion. Nice! How many of you have even cared to ask what this woman's life was like, who she was, what her belief system was, and how she perceived moral issues in order to get a general idea about her? No, as usual, you have all ignorantly and cowardly taken a position and stuck to it without room for persuasion; nor have you any interest in being well-informed and reading the materials yourself from the direct proceedings. You all prefer the cliff notes; don't you? You all prefer to link to sites that favor your points of view and claim that they're more credible while discrediting other sites with opposing views; don't you? Shame on you all! :disgust:


Diamond Member
Oct 15, 1999
Originally posted by: DearQT
BS! Who the hell determines what constitutes dignity? Oh, let's even read the dictionary's definition of dignity for all of you who're throwing a term around without seeming to know the definition: dig?ni?ty \"dig-ne-te\ n, pl -ties 1 : the quality or state of being worthy, honored, or esteemed 2 : high rank, office, or position 3 : formal reserve of manner, language, or appearance
(c)2000 Zane Publishing, Inc. and Merriam-Webster, Incorporated. All rights reserved

So people who do not live your so-called quality of life (i.e., disabled) are without dignity? They're worthless? Without honor? Without esteem? Or are you picking definition two? What rankings do we have here? Do you feel superior to her existence? Or are you picking definition three? What formality do any of you practice? Are not you all usually the first to rebuke elitism?

Stop the BS! Do you decide morality for people, while saying the government shouldn't? I'm sick and tired of hypocrites! :| We're supposed to believe and with sufficient evidence that the patient was a devout religious person, yet you sit there and mock religion. Nice! How many of you have even cared to ask what this woman's life was like, who she was, what her belief system was, and how she perceived moral issues in order to get a general idea about her? No, as usual, you have all ignorantly and cowardly taken a position and stuck to it without room for persuasion; nor have you any interest in being well-informed and reading the materials yourself from the direct proceedings. You all prefer the cliff notes; don't you? You all prefer to link to sites that favor your points of view and claim that they're more credible while discrediting other sites with opposing views; don't you? Shame on you all! :disgust:

I think any person with even the smallest amount of dignity should atleast be able to feed themselves


Senior member
Dec 22, 2004
Originally posted by: DearQT
BS! Who the hell determines what constitutes dignity? Oh, let's even read the dictionary's definition of dignity for all of you who're throwing a term around without seeming to know the definition: dig?ni?ty \"dig-ne-te\ n, pl -ties 1 : the quality or state of being worthy, honored, or esteemed 2 : high rank, office, or position 3 : formal reserve of manner, language, or appearance
(c)2000 Zane Publishing, Inc. and Merriam-Webster, Incorporated. All rights reserved

So people who do not live your so-called quality of life (i.e., disabled) are without dignity? They're worthless? Without honor? Without esteem? Or are you picking definition two? What rankings do we have here? Do you feel superior to her existence? Or are you picking definition three? What formality do any of you practice? Are not you all usually the first to rebuke elitism?

Stop the BS! Do you decide morality for people, while saying the government shouldn't? I'm sick and tired of hypocrites! :| We're supposed to believe and with sufficient evidence that the patient was a devout religious person, yet you sit there and mock religion. Nice! How many of you have even cared to ask what this woman's life was like, who she was, what her belief system was, and how she perceived moral issues in order to get a general idea about her? No, as usual, you have all ignorantly and cowardly taken a position and stuck to it without room for persuasion; nor have you any interest in being well-informed and reading the materials yourself from the direct proceedings. You all prefer the cliff notes; don't you? You all prefer to link to sites that favor your points of view and claim that they're more credible while discrediting other sites with opposing views; don't you? Shame on you all! :disgust:

No, shame on anybody who thinks it's any of their damn business butting into this in the first place. Who cares, other than her family and those involved in the decisionmaking process, what her belief system was or "how she perceived moral issues?" What a nation of busybodies we've become!

Budget falling apart, international reputation in tatters, economy shaky, and, oh yeah, a virulent amoral ideology trying to kill us, and we go apoplectic about this and Janet Jackson's tit.



Administrator<br>Elite Member
Oct 9, 1999
Originally posted by: rickn
I think any person with even the smallest amount of dignity should atleast be able to feed themselves
And how what would you do with those who are very aware, intelligent quadriplegics who want to remain alive, but are unable to feed themselves?

A serious part of Terri Schiavo's brain has deteriorated into soup. I feel the deepest sympathy for her, her husband and her family. Dealing with the end of life in such cases is always traumatic. I wish all of them peace with themselves and their memories of her.

In this case, I agree with the majority of Americans who believe she should be allowed to expire. I also agree with the majority of Americans who believe the politicians are grandstanding for the religious right, and I hope they get their asses burned for it.


Jun 11, 2004
Originally posted by: DearQT
You all prefer the cliff notes; don't you? You all prefer to link to sites that favor your points of view and claim that they're more credible while discrediting other sites with opposing views; don't you? Shame on you all! :disgust:

LOL. Nice rant. Cept the sites we link are actual news sites and links to court documents. As opposed to bogus sites that just so happen to be owned and run by members of the Schindler team.

I found another one last night:


Lots of people use this as another of the "truth" sites. Like Dr. Nobel Liar.

The only "medical journal" he could get published in is his own website he registered in 1995. MedForum RIP even linked it as fact that he was the BOMB!

Now Zimp, is actually registered to a Pamela Hennessy.


If that name sounds familiar, it is because she is the Schindler Family Spoksperson. In fact, up until a few hours ago, she was linking a PDF that was Terri's actual hospital discharge summary. It was quickly taken off the site when someone pointed out it was on there and was using it as proof she did not have Bulimia.

Problem is, is that is highly illegal and against Terris right to privacy. Why would the Schindler Family Spoksperson go to such great lengths to get "the truth" out there?

So do tell.... if these people are telling the truth, why are they trying so hard to make sure that people like you that use right wing blogs as their news source, find the "info" you are looking for when making your judgments?

People like me go to real news sites and find court documents.

The Schindler team knows that if they dump enough sh!t out on the internet, people like you will find it and lap it up.

Are you full yet?


No Lifer
Oct 13, 1999
Originally posted by: Harvey
I also agree with the majority of Americans who believe the politicians are grandstanding for religious right, and I hope they get their asses burned for it.


Can dream but unfortunately it is clear the American Sheeple are too far gone.


Golden Member
Jun 4, 2003
Have you seen that "specialist" Fox shows has been running? He claims to be a doctor, a doctor that was nominated for the peace prize, and a doctor that treated Terri. LIER on all accounts except for being a doctor. He is (or was) a doctor until his ethics and practices were questioned and the board took or threatened to take his license. Fox news...LIERS, CHEATS and GOO BRAINS!!!!


Dec 26, 2001
Originally posted by: Harvey
Originally posted by: rickn
I think any person with even the smallest amount of dignity should atleast be able to feed themselves
And how what would you do with those who are very aware, intelligent quadriplegics who want to remain alive, but are unable to feed themselves?

A serious part of Terri Schiavo's brain has deteriorated into soup. I feel the deepest sympathy for her, her husband and her family. Dealing with the end of life in such cases is always traumatic. I wish all of them peace with themselves and their memories of her.

In this case, I agree with the majority of Americans who believe she should be allowed to expire. I also agree with the majority of Americans who believe the politicians are grandstanding for the religious right, and I hope they get their asses burned for it.

Me as well.


Jan 29, 2004
Originally posted by: Drift3r
Originally posted by: exdeath
Originally posted by: mordantmonkey
Originally posted by: exdeath
All these stories are surfacing from people who have been in such a state for 20+ years and then came out of it...

they're talking about comas. she isn't in a coma and she isn't going to "snap out of it".

I beleive these were cases of vegetable states with no hope of recovery, or so they said.

Here is a hint my friend....When parts of your brain turn to liquid goo it will not regenerate and you will not "come out of it". These people who have been in comas or the mis-label/-diagnosed "vegatated states" and who came out of it did not have major parts their brain become liquefied goo. Sorry it just doesn't work that way.

I'm just quoting what I've heard. I don't know if vegetated state requires the brain to be liquid or not, of if these were misdiagnoses; I am not implying that a liquefied brain can recover!

But I pretty much look at it like a PC. You have this hard drive that is completely destroyed, and even if you replace it, the contents and damage is still irreparable. Brain cells have actually been found to regenerate, but of course, they are 'blank' and will never function where they did before. Often times the parts of the brain that are lost include the essential parts of the human 'BIOS' ROM that allow us to learn and interact, etc. This would be the high level autonomous mental systems that drive our curiosity, desire to learn and retain information, and what distinguishes us from animals.

In Terri's case, we have a busted hard drive with 95% bad sectors and a dead XP, and all that she can manage do get going is a hacked version of a DOS 2.11 boot sector that people are trying to interpret as her ?being there?. For all intents and purposes it 'works', but by what standards? That really depends on if you define life at the mental level or the biological level.

If you smash a circuit or a chip and apply power to it, pieces of it may still attempt to function and appear to be doing something, but those are just a few random isolated transistors that are doing all they know how to do: switch on and off, and maybe even small functional units will still attempt to vocalize or move something. But the system as a whole will never work again to any realistic purpose.

This is pretty much how I view the Terri situation?



Jan 29, 2004
Originally posted by: arsbanned
It's interesting how the Republicans want to keep one vegetable alive, while at the same time they are more than willing to kill limitless numbers of Iraqis.
They seem unwilling to solve the important problems facing the nation and continually strive to deflect from those problems all the while pursuing legislative efforts to further strip personal liberties.
Scary times.

I think both should die, but at least the vegetable isn't part of religious cult that wants to kill me.

Of course that cult has far more reaching and more dangerous regions than just Iraq ...


Administrator<br>Elite Member
Oct 9, 1999
Originally posted by: exdeath
Of course that cult has far more reaching and more dangerous regions than just Iraq ...
Like the Whitehouse and Congress. :|



Jan 18, 2003
Pull the plug on her.

Look... I sympathize with the family. I know its incredibly hard to lose a loved one. But what kind of life can Terri possibly lead?

Sometimes you just need to let go.


Diamond Member
Aug 10, 2001
Originally posted by: exdeath
Originally posted by: Drift3r
Originally posted by: exdeath
Originally posted by: mordantmonkey
Originally posted by: exdeath
All these stories are surfacing from people who have been in such a state for 20+ years and then came out of it...

they're talking about comas. she isn't in a coma and she isn't going to "snap out of it".

I beleive these were cases of vegetable states with no hope of recovery, or so they said.

Here is a hint my friend....When parts of your brain turn to liquid goo it will not regenerate and you will not "come out of it". These people who have been in comas or the mis-label/-diagnosed "vegatated states" and who came out of it did not have major parts their brain become liquefied goo. Sorry it just doesn't work that way.

I'm just quoting what I've heard. I don't know if vegetated state requires the brain to be liquid or not, of if these were misdiagnoses; I am not implying that a liquefied brain can recover!

But I pretty much look at it like a PC. You have this hard drive that is completely destroyed, and even if you replace it, the contents and damage is still irreparable. Brain cells have actually been found to regenerate, but of course, they are 'blank' and will never function where they did before. Often times the parts of the brain that are lost include the essential parts of the human 'BIOS' ROM that allow us to learn and interact, etc. This would be the high level autonomous mental systems that drive our curiosity, desire to learn and retain information, and what distinguishes us from animals.

In Terri's case, we have a busted hard drive with 95% bad sectors and a dead XP, and all that she can manage do get going is a hacked version of a DOS 2.11 boot sector that people are trying to interpret as her ?being there?. For all intents and purposes it 'works', but by what standards? That really depends on if you define life at the mental level or the biological level.

If you smash a circuit or a chip and apply power to it, pieces of it may still attempt to function and appear to be doing something, but those are just a few random isolated transistors that are doing all they know how to do: switch on and off, and maybe even small functional units will still attempt to vocalize or move something. But the system as a whole will never work again to any realistic purpose.

This is pretty much how I view the Terri situation?

i recognize the sincerity of that post but computers are not quite the same.
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