Terri Schiavo

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Feb 3, 2001
Originally posted by: Darkhawk28
Republicans are now officially the party of big spending and big government. Enjoy the hypocrisy, Repukes.

Hey, we knew this 3 years ago, what does it have to do with Terri Schiavo?

Feb 3, 2001
Originally posted by: CycloWizard
Originally posted by: DragonMasterAlex
Because he's a Christian fundie, pure and simple. He thinks it's his PLACE to force his views on others. You see, he is more qualified than Terri or her husband are to make the decisions that affect their lives. What can't you get about that?

They don't HAVE to prove ANYTHING to YOU, to the court or to God. The fact is that they were a MARRIED couple, she's now in a permanent, vegetative state from which she will NEVER recover. If you respect marriage AT ALL you must respect that as a married couple, a "Blessed Union", the couple is effectively ONE. If part of the couple cannot speak, the other is the voice.

Respect Marriage for *once* you damned hypocrite.
I strongly suggest you learn wtf you're talking about before you run around insulting Christians. Your bigoted ignorance is astounding. The spouse does not automatically have power-of-attorney of healthcare. Of course, you would have known this, had you read up on the history of the case in the least, as this is the primary issue at hand.

As a matter of fact I HAVE read about it and I understand MARRIAGE quite well. It is ABSOLUTELY her husband's place to make these decisions for her when she is unable to do so for herself. If there is a bigot here you had better find them, because it most assuredly isn't me. And I'll thank you very much to state your opinion all you want, but I'll continue to insult Christian HYPOCRITES at every damn turn they deserve it (which is pretty damn OFTEN the past several years!)



Diamond Member
Dec 22, 2000
Originally posted by: DragonMasterAlex
Originally posted by: Darkhawk28
Republicans are now officially the party of big spending and big government. Enjoy the hypocrisy, Repukes.

Hey, we knew this 3 years ago, what does it have to do with Terri Schiavo?


Big government = being in our bedrooms and in our family's health decisions.
Feb 3, 2001
Originally posted by: element
Originally posted by: DragonMasterAlex
Originally posted by: umbrella39
Originally posted by: Kremlar
I don't know WHO should make the decision. In my mind, that's the tough decision here and I don't know what should be done.

However, I don't agree with the method of death, and don't think anyone should kid themselves by thinking she won't feel anything.

Makes me want to make a living will however...

I don't agree with it either. I have read on other boards how people are saying we don't starve dogs to death when we want to put them down. I agree. She should be given a lethal dose of a very happy soothing narcotic that will paralyze every muscle in her body and she would pass in matter of minutes. Not days or weeks.

Trouble is, that's *illegal*. Remember Kavorkian? See, if the law were more realistic and allowed for these *extreme* exceptions, she could be given a lethal dose of something and that WOULD be far more humane. I agree the starvation idea sucks ass, but it's the LAW, not the Husband, who is forcing that scenario.


I agree, if she is to be put to death it should be in a more humane way. It seems like we treat criminals on death row better than this lady. If the choice has to be between starving to death or keeping her alive I think I'd have to choose life. Starving someone to death just seems too cruel. She's not completely unconsious, she has got to feel that right?

I still would not pursue leaving her in this condition. What I WOULD do is use the case as a reason to lobby for congress to repair the faulty legislation that leads to a scenario where a Vegetable in her condition can't be put down humanely.

Feb 3, 2001
Originally posted by: Darkhawk28
Originally posted by: DragonMasterAlex
Originally posted by: Darkhawk28
Republicans are now officially the party of big spending and big government. Enjoy the hypocrisy, Repukes.

Hey, we knew this 3 years ago, what does it have to do with Terri Schiavo?


Big government = being in our bedrooms and in our family's health decisions.

OK, fair enough



Senior member
May 18, 2004
Originally posted by: umbrella39
I saw that replayed last night, too. I had never seen it before. It showed beyond any logical non-ideologue thinkers doubt, that he loves that woman more than life itself and that he and not her parents, are acting in her best interest. He should be honored, not dragged through the mud by a the people who are holding on to their right wing talking points like greedly little children. Great post.

Thanks for the positive feedback.

The man clearly has a level head on his shoulders. He understood long, long ago that the woman he married was gone. The only thing he could hold on to was the goal of seeing her wish fulfilled.

What disgusts me is the hypocrisy. The modern Republican Party has always been about states rights. However, a recent shift has been for federal guidelines and standards. Now they want to take a family matter and move it into the same courts used to try international drug lords and multinational corporations? Phoey! These are also the same people that constantly comment on the power and strength of the family bond, and who immortalize the relationship between a married man and woman? What good are these bonds if these same bureaucrats undercut that sanctity? Phoey!

I think the real problem is that ?social conservative? and ?Republican? are contradicting terms. A true Republican holds that personal and economic freedoms are highly important doctrines. Oppression and government bureaucracy are social evils that should be fought. Basically, they have a ?hands off? approach to government. Social conservatives, on the other hand, tend to use religious doctrine in their life. They believe that there should be rules and laws that follow and enforce religious teachings: no same-sex marriage, no abortion, no adultery, no working on Sundays, etc...

So the question we have to ask ourselves is how do these two completely differing ideologies mix? They don?t. As soon as you become a socially conservative Republican, you stop being a Republican. You?re something else in sheep?s clothing. Now, it makes perfect sense for the hypocrisy.

Originally posted by: Riprorin
Terri never signed any directive or living will and there is no evidence that she foresaw her present situation.

Unless somebody keeps a personal diary, a significant portion of that person's views and wishes are never going to make it onto paper. However, it doesn't mean that this person hasn't shared their view with others.

Terri told her husband after watching something on TV involving someone else in a PVS that she didn?t ever want to be like that. She repeated the same statement in front of others, too. It may have been conveyed spur of the moment, without great forethought or planning, but it was stated regardless. To dismiss it just because it?s not on an official document, signed, sealed and registered is foolish.

Originally posted by: Riprorin
The "compassionate" leftists here want to take away her feeding tube so she dies of starvation and dehydration. What a joke.

It?s a question of which is the lesser evil. You claim that life, no matter how degraded it is, its preferable. Many others feel the same. To others, this is not the case. They feel that living life like that is a perversion of nature, that it is a living nightmare. It?s a burden upon others, even if those people are willing to accept the burden.

Preferably, many of those same compassionate liberals feel that Terri should be euthanized. Unfortunately, the same people who wish to keep her alive have banned euthanization for humans, claiming its murder. So by following those rules, the only other method is starvation.

Starvation and dehydration, as you point out, are bad things. However, people in comas, PVS and many other diseases which do not respond to those conditions in the same way as you or I, do not feel hunger pains; they do not feel an unquenched thirst. They simply become weak, dizzy and disoriented. They eventually pass away quietly; it?s not so different from hypothermia.

The areas of brain that respond to these symptoms are missing in Terri. So she will not become dizzy; she will not become disoriented. She will simply slow down.

My grandfather, who died of starvation due to cancer of the esophagus, did so very peacefully. It was very upsetting, but he was in no pain; just some mild discomfort. He was fully aware and sharp as a tack up to the very end. He died quietly in his sleep.

Originally posted by: Riprorin
MYTH: Terri is PVS (Persistent vegetative state)
FACT: The definition of PVS in Florida Statue 765.101:
Persistent vegetative state means a permanent and irreversible condition of unconsciousness in which there is: (a) the absence of voluntary action or cognitive behavior of ANY kind. (b) An inability to communicate or interact purposefully with the environment.

Florida has a very narrowly defined statute, which is understandable given that laws need absolute clarity. Many medical journals use a more broadly defined definition of PVS. The Florida statute uses consciousness versus unconsciousness as a base prerequisite; medical journals and guides use items such as self-awareness and mental capacity.

So what you should really be saying is "Myth: Terri is in a PVS as per Florida Statue 765.101, which defines PVS in the State of Florida".


Platinum Member
Aug 10, 2000
Originally posted by: ShadowBlade
Originally posted by: KK
I agree that it's hopeless to keep her alive. And also if they are going to pull the feeding tube, they need to use a lethal injection.



You'll be called a godless commie leftist murderer by "you-know-who"


Golden Member
Mar 1, 2004
She has been in this state for over 15 years. She lives if you can call it that in the town next to mine and it is just making me sick to hear her parents talking about how she may come out and talk again. Mom, Dad I have been a Veggie for 15 years not spoken a word to anybody and you think I will wake up and talk. Please wake up. I can't even ponder how the Govt can even get in to this. It is between the Husband and the Parents. It had nothing to do with George W. or his Lil Bro Jeb. There are many many Dr.'s who will tell you in no uncertain terms that what her mom and dad are saying won't happen. Just let the poor woman die in peace. I have to love the people who have been comming to her Hospice house bringing Bread and Water. This is the main reason that I will be making a living will if i get to be like her please take me out back and shoot me.

Will G.


Diamond Member
Dec 14, 2000
I really dont understand the fuss, its her family's decision. MY grandpa had a clot in his lung and went brain dead. Waited a few days. Went through a mri or something like that and he was putting out 1/4 of what a normal brain did. Pulled his air and he almost died but kept breathing for 8 days. Sucks, but why keep them all vegged out. Its gross.


Diamond Member
Dec 14, 2000
Originally posted by: lebe0024
Fine, I'll take it out. But, I think it's a very dishonorable thing for him to do. Vows aren't called vows for nothing. And marriage isn't sex. And I can't see how love for his wife would lead him to that.

His wife is vegged. Shut up. Pull the water and let her be gone in 3-4 days.


Moderator<br>Love & Relationships
Aug 29, 2004
This is pulled out of one of the reponses from the link vmens posted:

Hello, I?m a nurse anesthetists and work in Birmingham, Alabama. I live in the Bible belt, born and raised a Christian and I consider myself VERY conservative on politcal issues.

What Cerbrocrat has said, and what Jeremy has just said above me in a more technical sense, is right on point. This woman?s brain is SEVERLY damaged; the cerebral cortex is almost completely gone.

There is not a medication, therapy or experimental science that will ever change her condition. Like an arm or leg that has been amputated, the body can live without parts of the brain, but it will never regenerate. The only problem with my analogy is that although a person can actually function without an arm or leg, that?s not the case without a brain. There?s no such thing as a cortex prosthesis. She will be this way for the rest of her life.

I make my political and religious stance for a reason, that this is not a political issue; even if it has been made into one. This whole argument is about one single point, whether she would have wanted to live like this. Her husband (and some others) has said that she would not; her family says that she would. If all of you honestly were true to yourself, I would be willing to wager that at least 90% of you would say you wouldn?t want to live this way. Every person I have talked to, even the ones who have objected to letting Mrs. Schiavo die, have said they personally wouldn?t want to live like that. I know of dozens of family, friends, and co-workers who have just recently or are about to put this very thing into writing. Attorneys may end up the big winner when this is all said and done, but I digress.

The point here is that so many people would never want this for themselves, but somehow they want it for Terri and assume Terri would want to live like this. To me this is crueler than letting her die. I believe it is for the family?s own selfish reasons not to let her go, not the husband. If the husband wanted to be selfish, he would have been better suited to take the money and run 14 years ago, divorced her, walked away and just let here parents think he was an a$$. The money is all gone now, only about 50 grand remains, so what is his motivation at this point? To be the most hated person in America? It just doesn?t make sense unless he truly believes there is no hope for her and he knows she wouldn?t want to live this way.

I was asked today by a gentleman, ?If it were your daughter, would you let her go.? I said yes and he responded with, ?well, then you don?t love her.? I said, ?Sir, it is because I do love her that I would want her to go home and be with the Lord, not suffer here on earth.?

As a parent it is only human nature to want your children to outlive you; I know I want mine to outlive me. But people have to put aside their own selfish wants to realize what is best for their child, and what that child would truly want in a situation like this.

So put aside all the conspiracy theories, the selfish motivations, the moral and emotional arguments and ask yourself, would you want to live like this??and then ask yourself, do you honestly think Terri would?

Interesting POV. I suspected as much, but I didnt think I'd see anyone spell it out so articulately.


Senior member
Feb 16, 2004
If Rip is ever drooling in a hospital bed with most of his brain gone, let this thread act as his living will that he wants to be sustained as long as science will allow


Dec 23, 2000
I really don't mind either way..

But if the parents and her sister are willing to take care of her, why not allow them to?

The husband has another family and thats fine, if the people taking care of her still want to have her around, brain damaged or not, let them..

Not sure on the facts either, but doesn't the husband benefit when you finally dies?


Sep 10, 2001
Originally posted by: joshw10
If Rip is ever drooling in a hospital bed with most of his brain gone, let this thread act as his living will that he wants to be sustained as long as science will allow
Did you ever stop to think that might be what he wants? You're so arrogant as to think that your own personal views on life sustenance are the only valid ones? Maybe you should try thinking before you so readily mock someone else for their own views, since you're obviating the fact that he's probably thought about this issue a lot more than you have.


No Lifer
Sep 21, 2002
Originally posted by: ToeJam13
Last night, CNN showed a rebroadcast of Larry King Live with Michael Schiavo. The original taping was done in 2003. It filled in a lot of the blanks left out by the media.

Brain scans were done long ago on Terri. Those scans showed that after her heart attack, large portions of her brain died. The brain material then began to dissolve away and spinal fluid backfilled the areas. As such, huge portions of Terri?s brain are gone.

Michael has had several doctors diagnose that rehabilitation is out of the question. They have diagnosed her with Persistent Vegetative State (PVS). PVS need not be a drooling living corpse that just stares into nothingness; it also includes people who move, moan, scream, smile, blink and show other rudimentary body motor functions.

Several charges of neglect have been lobbed at Michael. However, according to court testimony, Michael was extremely involved in the care of his wife, almost to the point of being hostile with the nursing staff. Terri has not once suffered from bedsores; she has an OB-GYN as well as an oral hygienist.

Additional charges of neglect have been charged since Michael denies all forms of rehabilitation. Michael claims that he has had three independent doctors perform swallow tests on Terri; all tests have shown that she is unable to swallow on her own and is unable to be re-taught to swallow on her own. Speech and recognition therapy would be pointless due to the loss of higher brain functionality.

Nurses at her hospital have testified that Terri moans, blinks and smiles during all times of the day. Nurses have testified that they have never seen any form of cognitive thought from Terri. The only exception is one nurse who said that Terri attempted to wave and say ?hello? to her. However, the judge ruled that this nurse had a grudge towards Michael due to his strict and harsh demands he placed on nurses caring for his wife, and that this was merely a form of retaliation (backed by her fellow co-nurses).

Michael?s attorney states that many of the videos publicly available on the Internet of her wife are staged. Terri?s parents will videotape her for hours, repeating the same phrases and motions repeatedly with no response from Terri. However, after enough attempts, Terri will randomly go into one of her ?smiling modes?. As such, you should view all video with extreme prejudice. (Think of the adage: you throw enough monkeys into a room with a piano and one of them will eventually play Mozart.)

Lastly, charges of cruelty have been lobby at Michael Schiavo for his method of allowing his wife to die: starvation and dehydration. However, doctors have stated that most of Terri?s major centers for dealing with hunger and thirst are gone. As such, she is not so dissimilar to cancer patients who have no appetite and must be forced to eat. With only her brain stem and lower motor functionality in tact, Terri will not feel the effects of having sustenance withheld.

Most of the charges against him have been done so by Terri?s parents. However, Terri?s parents are counseled by a group of doctors and lawyers who have ties to right-to-life groups. As such, these counsel are prejudicial against Michael?s mission and will distort the truth to fit their means. Worse, they may simply be so blinded by hope and faith in God that they are simply disregarding sound medical advice.

Regardless, this battle has simple turned into a ?doctors versus faith? war. Unfortunately, faith typically involves emotion. This is why right-to-lifers are so unwavering in their view of this event, why they so sincerely believe that Terri is suffering. They are using their heart and not their head.

Politicians have been using this as a stage to gain political points with right wing voters. Terri is little more than a pawn in a bigger game. The Florida courts have been privy to much evidence. The Florida legislature and governor have been privy to emails, letters and calls from political crusaders. The US Supreme Court denied hearing the case because the justices were wise enough to see that the Florida judge was sound in his decision. The US Congress and president are just riding the political tidal wave for all the points they can win with their right-wing constituents.

This is why as of this week I will not longer call myself a Republican. I have already sent for literature on making donations to my local Libertarian party. For other Republicans out there upset over the actions of their party with this issue, I urge you to do the same.

the facts

its sad that rip and others keep insinuating ms is an evil man for not divorcing her. as if it is somehow a moral good to disregard the wishes of your beloved spouse to not be left in such a state. to placate the deluded and rather selfish wishes of some deluded family members who don't seem to care what kind of so called life their daughter really is really living.

not to mention the hipocirsy of those that are hacking away at medicaid and of course malpractice lawsuits which help support her massive bills


Jul 25, 2002
A Vast Right Wing Conspiricy . . . How the Bush's and their GOP Party Meddling brough this to the Federal Level

Hillary told you so . . .


When a judge set last Friday as the deadline for removing Terri Schiavo's feeding tube, Ken Connor, a Florida trial lawyer and prominent Christian conservative who represented Gov. Jeb Bush of Florida on this issue, decided to appeal to a higher power, Congress.

He turned to an old acquaintance, Representative Dave Weldon, a Florida Republican and doctor, in a long-shot effort to persuade Congress to intervene. Convicted murderers have more chances to appeal to the federal courts than patients who are incapacitated, Mr. Connor argued.

"Don't we want to accord the same protections to the handicapped and disabled that we do to death row inmates?" he asked.

That was three weeks ago. The plans hatched by Mr. Connor and Dr. Weldon eventually snowballed into Congress's marathon weekend session, resulting in the recall of more than 260 members of the House from their spring vacations to try to preserve the life of one brain-damaged woman who has spent 15 years unable to speak, feed herself or move much more than her eyes.

Their success was the culmination of a two-year campaign by social conservatives who had been building support for the cause, along with the diligent efforts of Ms. Schiavo's parents and brother. Senator Mel Martinez, a newly elected Republican of Florida who is Mr. Connor's former college roommate, also played an influential role.

Senate Democrats were helpful as well. Some were reticent about opposing the Schiavo measure because of the highly charged emotions surrounding it. But Senator Tom Harkin, the Iowa Democrat who is an author of the Americans With Disabilities Act, pressed hard for the measure and helped to assuage the states' rights concerns of other Democrats, and the Senate Democratic leader, Harry Reid of Nevada, ultimately supported the bill as well.

Equally important were the last-minute decisions of two of the most powerful Republicans on Capitol Hill - the Senate leader, Bill Frist, and the House leader, Tom DeLay - each of whom threw the full weight of their offices behind the effort.

On Friday, as the leaders of both chambers scrambled to try to stop the removal of Ms. Schiavo's feeding tube, Mr. DeLay, a Texas Republican, turned his attention to social conservatives gathered at a Washington hotel and described what he viewed as the intertwined struggle to save Ms. Schiavo, expand the conservative movement and defend himself against accusations of ethical lapses.

"One thing that God has brought to us is Terri Schiavo, to help elevate the visibility of what is going on in America," Mr. DeLay told a conference organized by the Family Research Council, a conservative Christian group. A recording of the event was provided by the advocacy organization Americans United for Separation of Church and State.

"This is exactly the issue that is going on in America, of attacks against the conservative movement, against me and against many others," Mr. DeLay said.

Mr. DeLay complained that "the other side" had figured out how "to defeat the conservative movement," by waging personal attacks, linking with liberal organizations and persuading the national news media to report the story. He charged that "the whole syndicate" was "a huge nationwide concerted effort to destroy everything we believe in."

The day before, Senator Frist, the Tennessee Republican whose past includes a career as a heart-lung transplant surgeon and whose future might include a run for president, addressed the same group by telephone. Even though the Senate's daylong budget debate kept him at the Capitol, he told the group that he had already talked to a neurologist who had examined Ms. Schiavo. Dr. Frist said he had serious questions about her diagnosis.

"I promise you that I will not leave tonight or tomorrow until we do everything we can and ultimately save the life by preventing the starvation of Terri Schiavo," he said, according to the recording.

Ms. Schiavo is not the first brain-damaged patient to become the subject of national debate. In 1976, a New Jersey court ruled in favor of the removal of a respirator from a brain-damaged women, Karen Ann Quinlan. In 1990, the Supreme Court ruled in the case of Nancy Cruzan that a feeding tube could be withdrawn.

But in Ms. Schiavo's case, unlike those, her condition divides her family. Her parents and her brother, Bobby Schindler, dispute statements by her husband, Michael Schiavo, about her wishes and her doctors' diagnosis that she is in a persistent vegetative state. Her family doggedly publicized her case, disseminating homemade videos over the Internet and elsewhere that appear to show Ms. Schiavo smiling and responding to family members - helping to build sympathy for her.

That effort continued on Monday evening, when the Family Research Council posted on its Web site a recording of a moaning woman it said was Ms. Schiavo responding to her father's voice on Friday afternoon.

In 2003, her plight became a cause in conservative and anti-abortion circles thanks partly to Governor Bush, who ordered doctors not to remove her feeding tube and picked Mr. Connor, a former president of the Family Research Council, to represent him.

By last summer, Ms. Schiavo had become so celebrated among Christian conservatives that her brother was a guest of honor at a rally for Catholics at the Republican National Convention in New York.

Eventually, the National Right to Life Committee worked with Dr. Weldon to sponsor a broad bill that would grant some incapacitated patients certain rights to appeal to federal courts. Two weeks ago, Dr. Weldon asked Mr. Martinez to join him. Mr. Martinez, an ally of Governor Bush's and a former member of President Bush's cabinet, called Mr. Connor the next day.

"Man, why didn't you tell me about this?" Mr. Martinez recalled saying.

At the same time, Dr. Frist had been watching the case from afar. On March 12, he was in Florida to headline a Republican fund-raising dinner, where he ran into a Republican state lawmaker, Daniel Webster, who told him "the only way to slow this down would be at our level," Dr. Frist said Monday.

By this time, Dr. Frist had already reviewed court affidavits and a videotape of Ms. Schiavo, and was troubled, he said. "We're making a decision to pull a tube this week without a clear-cut diagnosis, or what in my mind was a clear-cut diagnosis," he said.

Then, Wednesday morning, Mr. Martinez said, Governor Bush called and delivered the news from Florida's end. "He told me, it is not going to happen here, you need to do what you can."

What followed, over the next several days, was a pointed back-and-forth between the House and the Senate, with friction among Republicans. In the House, Mr. DeLay immediately introduced a version of the Weldon bill. House Democrats declined to try to block the measure, said Representative Barney Frank, Democrat of Massachusetts, because they did not expect the Senate to act.

But Dr. Frist instructed his staff to write a "private relief" bill, directed only at Ms. Schiavo. It passed Thursday with the agreement of Senate Democrats, but only after the House had adjourned. At one point, Dr. Frist said, he called the House speaker, Representative J. Dennis Hastert of Illinois, to tell him "there was absolutely no way," the broader House bill could pass. Dr. Frist also warned the House Republican leadership that he would not agree to adjourn the Congress until the Schiavo matter was resolved - a parliamentary move that, he said, "kept the lights on and the door open."

As tensions festered among Republicans, Democratic aides passed out an unsigned one-page memorandum that they said had been distributed to Senate Republicans. "This is an important moral issue and the pro-life base will be excited that the Senate is debating this important issue," the memorandum said.

Dr. Frist and other Republicans denied having seen the memorandum, and Dr. Frist said he "condemned it as soon as I heard about it."

By Saturday, it became clear that the only option was for the House to approve some version of the Senate bill. Dr. Frist, in New Hampshire for a political event, called Mr. Reid, who was in Jerusalem, to make some minor changes. Ultimately, the House backed down, accepting cosmetic changes to the Senate bill it had opposed, clearing the way for the measure to be approved. The final vote came early Monday, just past midnight.

Barry Lynn, executive director of Americans United for Separation of Church and State, which taped the Family Research Council meeting, said he was appalled. He called the effort "a cynical political ploy" to play to the Republicans' conservative Christian base.

As the debate closed on the House floor, the man who started it all, Dr. Weldon, appeared to have mixed emotions. He said he worried that by limiting the bill to Ms. Schiavo, the Congress had left it vulnerable to legal challenges.

"This," he said, "is what I basically didn't want to do."


Golden Member
Jan 12, 2001
thank God the Judge has handed down a verdict of reason

now we'll watch as Bush and his fundamentalist juggernauts show us what diehard religious fundamentalist zealots they really are and rally to circumvent the law to force the feeding tube back into Terri. the same Bush who signed a Texas law, as Governor, to remove feeding tubes from those that cannot pay for their health care.

c'mon Bush - show the world what a hypocrite you are

and we'll watch terri's family drag this through court on another appeal where ANOTHER same verdict will come down - remove the tube and preserve the sanctity of marriage.


Senior member
Nov 10, 2004
Originally posted by: ToeJam13
Last night, CNN showed a rebroadcast of Larry King Live with Michael Schiavo. The original taping was done in 2003. It filled in a lot of the blanks left out by the media.

Brain scans were done long ago on Terri. Those scans showed that after her heart attack, large portions of her brain died. The brain material then began to dissolve away and spinal fluid backfilled the areas. As such, huge portions of Terri?s brain are gone.

Michael has had several doctors diagnose that rehabilitation is out of the question. They have diagnosed her with Persistent Vegetative State (PVS). PVS need not be a drooling living corpse that just stares into nothingness; it also includes people who move, moan, scream, smile, blink and show other rudimentary body motor functions.
Only one problem,guys like Rip and other RW fundies don't watch anything but FOX NEWS and listen to ilk like Rush Limbaugh. They spoon feed these people EXACTLY what they want them to hear and NOTHING else. Of course those same people wouldn't DARE look on GOOGLE for the real facts.

This same type of scenerio goes on DAILY is the USA,mine and my wifes family had to let my brother-in law die about ten years ago when a disease and its related effects caused him to be brain dead. I guess we could have kept him hooked up against HIS wishes,spent hundreds of thousand of dolllars for nothing but a lifeless body which, like Schiavo was ONLY being kept functioning through intrevention.

Thankfully our families aren't ruled by this RW religious zealot bunch that permiaties the Republican party. We turned the machine off,let him die in peace and have NEVER regreted the decision WE made for a second.
Feb 3, 2001
Originally posted by: joshw10
If Rip is ever drooling in a hospital bed with most of his brain gone, let this thread act as his living will that he wants to be sustained as long as science will allow

Which seems kind of strange for a guy who's *convinced* of the existence of heaven. Perhaps he's not so convinced that *he's* gonna get in



Platinum Member
Aug 10, 2000
Originally posted by: phillyTIM
thank God the Judge has handed down a verdict of reason

now we'll watch as Bush and his fundamentalist juggernauts show us what diehard religious fundamentalist zealots they really are and rally to circumvent the law to force the feeding tube back into Terri. the same Bush who signed a Texas law, as Governor, to remove feeding tubes from those that cannot pay for their health care.

c'mon Bush - show the world what a hypocrite you are

and we'll watch terri's family drag this through court on another appeal where ANOTHER same verdict will come down - remove the tube and preserve the sanctity of marriage.

You can believe they're feverishly judge shopping at this very moment. Whether or not they can find a fundie before it's too late is yet to be seen.
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