Texas, once again, Trying to Cut Planned Parenthood off from Medicaid

Dec 10, 2005
in a critical step in a longstanding fight, Texas formally said on Tuesday that it was ending Medicaid funding of Planned Parenthood, a move the group said could affect 11,000 patients.
The termination notice, signed by the inspector general, Stuart W. Bowen Jr., cited violations that found Planned Parenthood was unqualified to provide medical services “in a professionally competent, safe, legal and ethical manner.”

The notice cited “extensive undercover video” obtained from a Planned Parenthood center in April 2015. The secretly recorded videos purported to show officials trying to illegally profit from the sale of aborted fetal tissue and discussing the issue with abortion opponents who posed as representatives of a biomedical firm. Planned Parenthood has said that the videos were deceptively edited and that the group did nothing illegal or unethical.

It's pretty ballsy to cite those videos as one of the reasons to terminate funding considering 1) the allegations have been found to be false time and time again, and 2) Medicaid funding does not go towards abortion services. I guess some people have no problem setting policy based on fantasy.
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Platinum Member
Aug 9, 2001
Yet another reason that I am glad that I only lived in Texas for 6 months. The stupid is extremely strong down there.


Sep 6, 2000

It's pretty ballsy to cite those videos as one of the reasons to terminate funding considering 1) the allegations have been found to be false time and time again, and 2) Medicaid funding does not go towards abortion services. I guess some people have no problem setting policy based on fantasy.

Fantasy describes much of the Democratic platform, from "climate change will kill us all" to the idea that "inequality" is the moral evil of our time.
Dec 10, 2005
Fantasy describes much of the Democratic platform, from "climate change will kill us all" to the idea that "inequality" is the moral evil of our time.
Let's try to stay on topic instead of spinning off into recriminations.


Jun 4, 2004
Fantasy describes much of the Democratic platform, from "climate change will kill us all" to the idea that "inequality" is the moral evil of our time.

So this has what to do with the topic?


Diamond Member
Jan 3, 2001
So this has what to do with the topic?

It seems like he is stating that the belief that everyone is equal is a fantasy and in the context of this thread that would infer that he believes what is happening down in Texas is ok because they are not equal. Best I could translate.


Nov 20, 2005
Also after Texas forces you to have your meth-addicted rape baby, it must suffer.

Sick fucks down there.

Texas is very focused on incentives. The answer to the question "what should a poor mother do if she is forced to have a child she can't afford?" is basically "don't have sex unless you can afford a kid." The mother who already made that mistake is irredeemable in the eyes of Texas, her only purpose going forward is to be a warning to those who come after her of what not to do. The kid is collateral damage in the never ending war against perverse incentives. Texas would doom tens of thousands of kids to poverty if that meant there isn't a single welfare queen living off the government.

The mentality in Texas is really just to write people off. I remember a few years ago I was watching a football game with a feed from New York and I was amazed by how many GED commercials there were. Here in Texas there are no GED commercials, because Texas figures if you didn't finish high school and go to college why waste the time trying to give you a half ass high school degree when at best you will dig ditches. The still ingrained Wild West mentality means no second chances, because I guess after a mid town shootout your only options were dead or alive.


Golden Member
Jun 28, 2011
I wish the state would quit wasting their time with this crap that makes them look ridiculous. But I know way too many people that cheer this crap on for them to stop.

Texas is very focused on incentives. The answer to the question "what should a poor mother do if she is forced to have a child she can't afford?" is basically "don't have sex unless you can afford a kid." The mother who already made that mistake is irredeemable in the eyes of Texas, her only purpose going forward is to be a warning to those who come after her of what not to do. The kid is collateral damage in the never ending war against perverse incentives. Texas would doom tens of thousands of kids to poverty if that meant there isn't a single welfare queen living off the government.

The mentality in Texas is really just to write people off. I remember a few years ago I was watching a football game with a feed from New York and I was amazed by how many GED commercials there were. Here in Texas there are no GED commercials, because Texas figures if you didn't finish high school and go to college why waste the time trying to give you a half ass high school degree when at best you will dig ditches. The still ingrained Wild West mentality means no second chances, because I guess after a mid town shootout your only options were dead or alive.

At the risk of being labeled a horrible person I will say that I agree with this line of thinking. Personally I don't care about the abortion issue. If someone wants one then fine but they have to be able to pay for it out of pocket. if they cannot afford a kid, or the abortion to remove the parasite, then they should have taken precautions to keep from having one in the first place. Otherwise let them suffer so that the next person may think twice about the consequences of their actions.

And as a recipient of a GED in Texas I can say that they do exist but the benefits of getting one are pretty much zero. I worked my way up to Assistant Project Manager with mine before I got my company to pay for another useless piece of paper, Associates in Construction Management. It is only slightly better than a GED in that people don't get that look of "Who let the poor person in the building?" when they find out about it but it doesn't open any more doors. In their defense the people that were in the same GED class as me were mostly idiots. I stayed for one class then said I would be back for the test in a few weeks, wound up in the 99th percentile whereas the class as a whole had a 40% passing rate.

So back on topic, yes if people fail at life they better hope they haven't burned their bridges with friends and family because they are going to need their help they shouldn't look to the gov to fix their problems. I guess I am living in the correct state.


Diamond Member
Oct 5, 2009
13 year old raped by dad and is pregnant? She should pay! Screw her! Don't get raped then. She needs to be an example for all the other 13 year olds out there who are thinking about letting themselves get raped.

Oh and once the kid gets here because she couldn't afford an abortion? Screw him too. We aren't taken care of that child. What is this a welfare state? She needs to pay for him too. Get a job already 13 year old.

Ridiculous mentality
Dec 10, 2005
Lol. 13 year old raped by dad and is pregnant? She should pay! Fuck her! Don't get raped then.

Ridiculous mentality
Regardless of the ridiculousness of that sentiment that seems to come across in many of the anti-choice arguments, it's pretty much a specious misdirection for this topic. In Texas, IIRC, rape and incest are the only cases where Medicaid funding can be used for abortion services. Regardless of that, Planned Parenthood provides many more services than just abortion services and abortions make up a very small percentage of why people visit them in the first place.
Reactions: MajinCry
Dec 10, 2005
At the risk of being labeled a horrible person I will say that I agree with this line of thinking. Personally I don't care about the abortion issue. If someone wants one then fine but they have to be able to pay for it out of pocket. if they cannot afford a kid, or the abortion to remove the parasite, then they should have taken precautions to keep from having one in the first place. Otherwise let them suffer so that the next person may think twice about the consequences of their actions.
It's not just the mother that's suffering because of having a kid before being financially ready or having one to many kids when on the financial edge, it's the children that often suffer as well. Inter-generational poverty is a real thing and its quite hard for people to claw their way out. It's also a drain on state social services, so it's kind of a counter-productive policy.

The idea that these people will serve as an example is kind of stupid anyway, as it's quite clear to see that these "examples" are not doing a very good job of dissuading other people from making similar mistakes.
Reactions: MajinCry


Elite Member
Aug 21, 2003
It's not just the mother that's suffering because of having a kid before being financially ready or having one to many kids when on the financial edge, it's the children that often suffer as well. Inter-generational poverty is a real thing and its quite hard for people to claw their way out. It's also a drain on state social services, so it's kind of a counter-productive policy.

The idea that these people will serve as an example is kind of stupid anyway, as it's quite clear to see that these "examples" are not doing a very good job of dissuading other people from making similar mistakes.

Those children shouldn't have chosen to be born to poor families with decision making issues. I mean if the egg and sperm were at all responsible for themselves they would have decided not be become a zygote. Clearly a moral failing on their part.
Reactions: Brainonska511


Golden Member
Jun 28, 2011
13 year old raped by dad and is pregnant? She should pay! Screw her! Don't get raped then. She needs to be an example for all the other 13 year olds out there who are thinking about letting themselves get raped.

Oh and once the kid gets here because she couldn't afford an abortion? Screw him too. We aren't taken care of that child. What is this a welfare state? She needs to pay for him too. Get a job already 13 year old.

Ridiculous mentality

I wasn't looking to write a novel detailing every circumstance. In the case of rape obviously the woman did not choose for that to happen and thus should get assistance to remedy the situation. Preferably paid for by confiscation of the rapists assets but if they have no assets then I am fine with the state being involved.

It's not just the mother that's suffering because of having a kid before being financially ready or having one to many kids when on the financial edge, it's the children that often suffer as well. Inter-generational poverty is a real thing and its quite hard for people to claw their way out. It's also a drain on state social services, so it's kind of a counter-productive policy.

The idea that these people will serve as an example is kind of stupid anyway, as it's quite clear to see that these "examples" are not doing a very good job of dissuading other people from making similar mistakes.

And that kid grows up with the knowledge that any kid they have will be cared for by the state thus lowering their concern over the situation. Maybe if these kids grew up in complete poverty they would understand that having children before you are ready is a bad idea. I'm sure there are plenty of morons out there that wouldn't get the message though.

My grandparents on both sides of my family grew up very poor. My grandmother had to wear actual potato sacks to school. My father started working when he was 13 to help feed the family. Through hard work all of their children and grandchildren are much better off than they ever were. Maybe I am a bit biased due to my family actually pulling themselves up instead of sitting around holding out their hands.


Jun 9, 2016
I wasn't looking to write a novel detailing every circumstance. In the case of rape obviously the woman did not choose for that to happen and thus should get assistance to remedy the situation. Preferably paid for by confiscation of the rapists assets but if they have no assets then I am fine with the state being involved.

And that kid grows up with the knowledge that any kid they have will be cared for by the state thus lowering their concern over the situation. Maybe if these kids grew up in complete poverty they would understand that having children before you are ready is a bad idea. I'm sure there are plenty of morons out there that wouldn't get the message though.

My grandparents on both sides of my family grew up very poor. My grandmother had to wear actual potato sacks to school. My father started working when he was 13 to help feed the family. Through hard work all of their children and grandchildren are much better off than they ever were. Maybe I am a bit biased due to my family actually pulling themselves up instead of sitting around holding out their hands.

It's worth noting that you're basically the upper echelon of what poofyhairguy was talking about. The smartest resident of the trailer park so to speak.


No Lifer
Oct 10, 1999
Politicians getting between Patient and Doctor.... talk about onerous Regulation.


Golden Member
Jun 28, 2011
It's worth noting that you're basically the upper echelon of what poofyhairguy was talking about. The smartest resident of the trailer park so to speak.

Thanks for the backhanded compliment. I never lived in a trailer park but all my grandparents did for a while at least.


Jun 9, 2016
Thanks for the backhanded compliment. I never lived in a trailer park but all my grandparents did for a while at least.

Just btw, "so to speak" aka "in a manner of speaking" implies what it refers to is idiomatic.
Dec 10, 2005
And that kid grows up with the knowledge that any kid they have will be cared for by the state thus lowering their concern over the situation. Maybe if these kids grew up in complete poverty they would understand that having children before you are ready is a bad idea. I'm sure there are plenty of morons out there that wouldn't get the message though.
Sorry, but it doesn't work that way. What you're suggesting is a 'feel good' measure (for yourself) so you can wipe your hands clean of the situation and it will continue to fester. The cutting of Medicaid services to Planned Parenthood in Texas will only exacerbate the problem as people lose access to affordable healthcare.
Reactions: MajinCry


Diamond Member
Oct 5, 2009
Regardless of the ridiculousness of that sentiment that seems to come across in many of the anti-choice arguments, it's pretty much a specious misdirection for this topic. In Texas, IIRC, rape and incest are the only cases where Medicaid funding can be used for abortion services. Regardless of that, Planned Parenthood provides many more services than just abortion services and abortions make up a very small percentage of why people visit them in the first place.
Fine. Just just delete the stuff about rape and keep everything else the same. Still pretty much texas' ridiculous position. If you want to throw in the raving support for the death penalty as well in there someplace it only makes it more ridiculous.

The standard texas congressmen position is this
"Every life is precious and we should always give life a chance to succeed even against the mothers wishes.

But once life is here, we really actually don't care that much. In fact, poor kids and disabled kids that are actually here are probably less precious to us than fertilized eggs that potentially could be here. In fact, we are going to cut 350 million from their social service budget so that now they can't get physical therapy, learning services, speech therapy and etc

and will do so with absolutely no research or forethought on the effects of this. However, we will continue to waste millions on frivolous and unconstitutional legislation that will be tied up in the courts ad nauseam. You see, we really care about making sure every one of those fertilized eggs makes it to birth, but we really don't care if after they arrive they have access to food, or healthcare or even... haha a quality education. That's why we are near the very bottom in education and literacy statistics in the country despite being one of the most resource heavy states given our huge oil reserves and corporate presences and what not.

We have a lot issues with small collections of cells being destroyed and if they are destroyed we ask they be buried like the human beings they are. We have actively passed legislation to protect the dignity of these fertilized eggs and embryos. But our criminals, here mostly for petty non-violent crimes overall will be kept in inhumane, overcrowded, conditions even though we know they are to be free men eventually and we have no problem executing quite a few of them with electricity, hanging, drugs, and toxic gases.

Life is precious said Jesus. We really believe that. "
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Reactions: MajinCry


Golden Member
Jun 28, 2011
Sorry, but it doesn't work that way. What you're suggesting is a 'feel good' measure (for yourself) so you can wipe your hands clean of the situation and it will continue to fester. The cutting of Medicaid services to Planned Parenthood in Texas will only exacerbate the problem as people lose access to affordable healthcare.

Meh, it works that way for me. Shielding people from the "pain" of their actions doesn't do much to stop them from repeating those actions. As for the cutting of Medicaid services I already said that was stupid and I wish that the state wouldn't do such idiotic crap.


Platinum Member
Jul 28, 2015
If Texas gave a shit about "human lives", they:

Would have no military bases
Actively prosecute those that want to join the military
Actively prosecute those that joined the military
Provide a universal basic income to ensure needs are met
Have hyper-funded public services (healthcare, Planned Parenthood, council housing)
Crack down on pollution and environmental destruction
Desegregate the Native Americans; they're humans too, after all
Fund teaching self defense
Have quality public schools, of all levels of education

By and by, such isn't in place. It's the standard fare that Bill Hicks 'n' George Carlin eviscerated yonks ago, that the Americans still pine and endeavour for.
Dec 10, 2005
Meh, it works that way for me.
Bully for you. I'm sure that's comforting to the rest that never are able to escape the clutches of intergenerational poverty or are forced to grow up in it due to losing the genetic lottery.
Shielding people from the "pain" of their actions doesn't do much to stop them from repeating those actions. As for the cutting of Medicaid services I already said that was stupid and I wish that the state wouldn't do such idiotic crap.
It has nothing to do with shielding people from their choices. It's about trying to create equality of opportunity, so those that have the will to succeed can actually succeed instead of tying an anchor around their legs and criticizing them for being unable to tread water or swim to shore.


Jan 14, 2013
More and more lately I have been thanking my lucky starts for living in a blue state next door to NYC, a mecca of blue awesomeness
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