Texas Schools May Have Cheated:12-19-04 Who is surprised? This is the M.O. of the RRR FLL's


No Lifer
Oct 13, 1999
12-19-2004 Texas Schools May Have Cheated

DALLAS - Dozens of Texas schools appear to have cheated on the state's redesigned academic achievement test, casting doubt on whether the accountability system can reliably measure how schools are performing, a newspaper found.

An analysis uncovered strong evidence of organized, educator-led cheating on the Texas Assessment of Knowledge and Skills at schools in Houston and Dallas, along with suspicious scores in hundreds of other schools, The Dallas Morning News reported.

Jim Impara, a former state assessment director in Florida and Oregon, said he believes such school rating systems are changing the culture of education.

"When you have a system where test scores have real impact on teachers' lives, you're more likely to see teachers willing to cheat," he said.



Oct 13, 1999
Originally posted by: dmcowen674
12-19-2004 Texas Schools May Have Cheated

DALLAS - Dozens of Texas schools appear to have cheated on the state's redesigned academic achievement test, casting doubt on whether the accountability system can reliably measure how schools are performing, a newspaper found.

An analysis uncovered strong evidence of organized, educator-led cheating on the Texas Assessment of Knowledge and Skills at schools in Houston and Dallas, along with suspicious scores in hundreds of other schools, The Dallas Morning News reported.

Jim Impara, a former state assessment director in Florida and Oregon, said he believes such school rating systems are changing the culture of education.

"When you have a system where test scores have real impact on teachers' lives, you're more likely to see teachers willing to cheat," he said.

Those caught cheating should be fired. The only one losing here is the students.


Diamond Member
Oct 3, 2004
When you create abstract preformance criteria people will always find a way to meet the criteria. The NCLB act can't work. The basic premise is flawed because it requires teachers to drill students on the performance tests, under fear of reprisals, rather than educating them. Focusing on results ignores the fact that results are reached by focusing on learning.

Moving kids out of poverty, instead of increasing the number of kids living in poverty, would be a better start than threatening educators with reprisals for not meeting abstract criteria.



Oct 13, 1999
Originally posted by: BBond
When you create abstract preformance criteria people will always find a way to meet the criteria. The NCLB act can't work. The basic premise is flawed because it requires teachers to drill students on the performance tests, under fear of reprisals, rather than educating them. Focusing on results ignores the fact that results are reached by focusing on learning.

Moving kids out of poverty, instead of increasing the number of kids living in poverty, would be a better start than threatening educators with reprisals for not meeting abstract criteria.

FYI, the current tests were enacted before NCLB.


Apr 25, 2000
The public school system has been destroyed by the liberals. That's why I send my kids to private (parochial) school.


Diamond Member
Jun 9, 2002
Originally posted by: Riprorin
The public school system has been destroyed by the liberals. That's why I send my kids to private (parochial) school.

Because Texas is just full of liberals!


Apr 25, 2000
Originally posted by: glugglug
Originally posted by: Riprorin
The public school system has been destroyed by the liberals. That's why I send my kids to private (parochial) school.

Because Texas is just full of liberals!

I'll bet the teacher's union is full of them.
May 10, 2001
Originally posted by: charrison
Originally posted by: dmcowen674
12-19-2004 Texas Schools May Have Cheated

DALLAS - Dozens of Texas schools appear to have cheated on the state's redesigned academic achievement test, casting doubt on whether the accountability system can reliably measure how schools are performing, a newspaper found.

An analysis uncovered strong evidence of organized, educator-led cheating on the Texas Assessment of Knowledge and Skills at schools in Houston and Dallas, along with suspicious scores in hundreds of other schools, The Dallas Morning News reported.

Jim Impara, a former state assessment director in Florida and Oregon, said he believes such school rating systems are changing the culture of education.

"When you have a system where test scores have real impact on teachers' lives, you're more likely to see teachers willing to cheat," he said.

Those caught cheating should be fired. The only one losing here is the students.

you're right, the only ones that lose when you have these sorts of tests are the students.


Diamond Member
Oct 3, 2004
Originally posted by: Riprorin
Originally posted by: glugglug
Originally posted by: Riprorin
The public school system has been destroyed by the liberals. That's why I send my kids to private (parochial) school.

Because Texas is just full of liberals!

I'll bet the teacher's union is full of them.

Maybe you should round up all those liberal teachers and put them in a concentration camp.



Apr 25, 2000
Originally posted by: BBond
Originally posted by: Riprorin
Originally posted by: glugglug
Originally posted by: Riprorin
The public school system has been destroyed by the liberals. That's why I send my kids to private (parochial) school.

Because Texas is just full of liberals!

I'll bet the teacher's union is full of them.

Maybe you should round up all those liberal teachers and put them in a concentration camp.

Maybe we should put them out of business by abandoning the failed public school system.
May 10, 2001
Maybe we should put them out of business by abandoning the failed public school system.
that is the point of NCLB hopefully we'll be removing funding from schools that fail and the individual states will see the light of a privatized school system.


Diamond Member
Aug 12, 2001
Originally posted by: Riprorin
Originally posted by: BBond
Originally posted by: Riprorin
Originally posted by: glugglug
Originally posted by: Riprorin
The public school system has been destroyed by the liberals. That's why I send my kids to private (parochial) school.

Because Texas is just full of liberals!

I'll bet the teacher's union is full of them.

Maybe you should round up all those liberal teachers and put them in a concentration camp.

Maybe we should put them out of business by abandoning the failed public school system.

If the public schools are as bad as you liberals say they are, why would anyone want to send their kids there?

Public schools aren't bad. Parents are bad. Public school teachers aren't responsible for little Jimmy to wake up each morning and make sure his homework is done. This wrap in here about public education is laughable. Most teachers at private religious schools make a lot less money and have less credentials than public teachers. Point of the story is if you don't care as a parent, then your kids won't care. I went through public schools all my life (I go to a private college now) and they are a great place for kids to learn about reality. Meeting all kinds of people from different backgrounds and learning to seperate yourself from bad infleunces. Like I said, the kids that are doing poorly are the kids with parents who don't care.


Diamond Member
Oct 3, 2004
Originally posted by: Riprorin
Originally posted by: BBond
Originally posted by: Riprorin
Originally posted by: glugglug
Originally posted by: Riprorin
The public school system has been destroyed by the liberals. That's why I send my kids to private (parochial) school.

Because Texas is just full of liberals!

I'll bet the teacher's union is full of them.

Maybe you should round up all those liberal teachers and put them in a concentration camp.

Maybe we should put them out of business by abandoning the failed public school system.
You extermists would just love to destroy public educaton, I'm sure.

The public education system in the U.S. does a better job of educating more children than any system in the world today. Kids from parochial schools here are years behind public school kids. Maybe we should abandon the failed parochial school system instead.



Apr 25, 2000
Originally posted by: BBond
Originally posted by: Riprorin
Originally posted by: BBond
Originally posted by: Riprorin
Originally posted by: glugglug
Originally posted by: Riprorin
The public school system has been destroyed by the liberals. That's why I send my kids to private (parochial) school.

Because Texas is just full of liberals!

I'll bet the teacher's union is full of them.

Maybe you should round up all those liberal teachers and put them in a concentration camp.

Maybe we should put them out of business by abandoning the failed public school system.
You extermists would just love to destroy public educaton, I'm sure.

The public education system in the U.S. does a better job of educating more children than any system in the world today. Kids from parochial schools here are years behind public school kids. Maybe we should abandon the failed parochial school system instead.

It's destroying itself. I'm an "extremist" because I want the best education for my kids and am willing to pay for it?

The city parochial school my kids go to isn't only better academically than the surburban school in my area, but its's more diverse and it reinfornces the values I teach at home.


Platinum Member
Jul 23, 2003
Originally posted by: Riprorin
The public school system has been destroyed by the liberals. That's why I send my kids to private (parochial) school.

Once a troll, always a troll.


No Lifer
Oct 13, 1999
Originally posted by: Ldir
Originally posted by: Riprorin
The public school system has been destroyed by the liberals. That's why I send my kids to private (parochial) school.

Once a troll, always a troll.

Boy, this one sure proved that. Texas, the very heart of the "Red" movement and W's supposed success story of NCLB and that's the utter drivel he spews. Incredible but not surprised.



Apr 25, 2000
Originally posted by: dmcowen674
Originally posted by: Ldir
Originally posted by: Riprorin
The public school system has been destroyed by the liberals. That's why I send my kids to private (parochial) school.

Once a troll, always a troll.

Boy, this one sure proved that. Texas, the very heart of the "Red" movement and W's supposed success story of NCLB and that's the utter drivel he spews. Incredible but not surprised.

Even if true, which is questionable, 12 schools hardly prove anything.


Oct 11, 1999
Originally posted by: BarneyFife

Public schools aren't bad. Parents are bad. Public school teachers aren't responsible for little Jimmy to wake up each morning and make sure his homework is done. This wrap in here about public education is laughable. Most teachers at private religious schools make a lot less money and have less credentials than public teachers. Point of the story is if you don't care as a parent, then your kids won't care. I went through public schools all my life (I go to a private college now) and they are a great place for kids to learn about reality. Meeting all kinds of people from different backgrounds and learning to seperate yourself from bad infleunces. Like I said, the kids that are doing poorly are the kids with parents who don't care.

The thud you just heard was me just falling out of my chair as I realized I agreed with BarneyFife...

Recent email from one of my kid's teachers:

I apologize for not having posted the November/December calendar. It was an oversite on my part. This is the first I have heard from anyone about the calendar not being posted, or I wouuld have corrected this sooner.

She doesn't post any asignments for 2 months & no-one but me notices?


No Lifer
Oct 13, 1999
Originally posted by: Pliablemoose
Originally posted by: BarneyFife

Public schools aren't bad. Parents are bad. Public school teachers aren't responsible for little Jimmy to wake up each morning and make sure his homework is done. This wrap in here about public education is laughable. Most teachers at private religious schools make a lot less money and have less credentials than public teachers. Point of the story is if you don't care as a parent, then your kids won't care. I went through public schools all my life (I go to a private college now) and they are a great place for kids to learn about reality. Meeting all kinds of people from different backgrounds and learning to seperate yourself from bad infleunces. Like I said, the kids that are doing poorly are the kids with parents who don't care.

The thud you just heard was me just falling out of my chair as I realized I agreed with BarneyFife...

Recent email from one of my kid's teachers:

I apologize for not having posted the November/December calendar. It was an oversite on my part. This is the first I have heard from anyone about the calendar not being posted, or I wouuld have corrected this sooner.

She doesn't post any asignments for 2 months & no-one but me notices?

So what's the answer? To get parents involved close all public schools and have the kids home schooled???



Diamond Member
Mar 30, 2004
Originally posted by: Riprorin
The public school system has been destroyed by the liberals. That's why I send my kids to private (parochial) school.

If the public system is inherently unworkable, then it hasn' been destroyed by liberals (because it was never 'not destroyed). If it's theoretically effective, but in bad shape, then it hasn't been destroyed by anyone, only damaged.

I have to take issue with your claim - you send your kids to a parochial school for your own reasons, and the quality of academic instruction may or may not be the most important criteria; as you said, you like the fact that the school reinforces the values you teach at home.

I don't know anything about the school you send your kids to, and it may be fantastic, but I've met people who 'graduated' from church-run private schools, and couldn't handle grade 6 math and simple reading and writing, having completed grade 12 (these people were NOT 'stupid'). For me this is enough to conclude that, if nothing else, privatized education does not immediately mean 'better' education.


Jul 25, 2002
And while we're at it, why not address the thousands of those who are 'Home-Schooled'
who can handle no concept outside of the 'Bible Study' that they are fed every day.
Functional and social illiterates, unable to grasp math concepts outside those of
counting eggs, and the bunch of this and pinch of that that stays in the kitchen.

When they go out into society what do they bring to the mix ?
Hi, I'm Claude Klump - and I'm gonna be your Brain Surgeon.
Saw one in the barnyard a while back after the cow kicked the milker.
Didn't look too hard to stuff back in. Now we use her as a door stop.

Of course they have to teach the kids to pass the 'Test' - don't need no learnin',
just results to put on a pie chart showing how good we are doing it.

As much credibility as those 'Medals of Freedom' that Bush handed out to his
Yes-Men that perpetuated his fraudulent Administrations adgenda.


Jun 22, 2000
Originally posted by: BBond
The public education system in the U.S. does a better job of educating more children than any system in the world today. Kids from parochial schools here are years behind public school kids. Maybe we should abandon the failed parochial school system instead.
OMFG you have got to be kidding. Are you trying a last ditch effort to beat our Dave for Idiot of the year award? cuz damn, I just might switch my vote.


Golden Member
Dec 1, 2004
Originally posted by: Riprorin
Originally posted by: BBond
Originally posted by: Riprorin
Originally posted by: glugglug
Originally posted by: Riprorin
The public school system has been destroyed by the liberals. That's why I send my kids to private (parochial) school.

Because Texas is just full of liberals!

I'll bet the teacher's union is full of them.

Maybe you should round up all those liberal teachers and put them in a concentration camp.

Maybe we should put them out of business by abandoning the failed public school system.

If that were to happen what are kids with parents who can't afford private schools supposed to do? Your lack of foresight is disturbing. Getting rid of the public school system would only widen the gap between the economic classes.


No Lifer
Oct 13, 1999
Originally posted by: Tommunist
Originally posted by: Riprorin
Originally posted by: BBond
Originally posted by: Riprorin
Originally posted by: glugglug
Originally posted by: Riprorin
The public school system has been destroyed by the liberals. That's why I send my kids to private (parochial) school.

Because Texas is just full of liberals!

I'll bet the teacher's union is full of them.

Maybe you should round up all those liberal teachers and put them in a concentration camp.

Maybe we should put them out of business by abandoning the failed public school system.

If that were to happen what are kids with parents who can't afford private schools supposed to do? Your lack of foresight is disturbing. Getting rid of the public school system would only widen the gap between the economic classes.

and your point would be what??? That is the whole idea and plan of the RRR FLL's.



Golden Member
Dec 1, 2004
I would like to think that creating more inequity and a more uneducated lower class is a universally agreed upon "bad thing."
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