"Thank you, Israel"

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Diamond Member
Feb 13, 2003
Originally posted by: alejandroAT
Originally posted by: SLCentral
Originally posted by: alejandroAT
I know how to type in 3 different languages so spare me the accusations! Excuse my spelling mistakes but i was awake for a good 24 hours and the brain started shutting down the "extra language grammar rules".

I am indeed from Greece as Eaglekeeper calculated

As for Anti-semitic, i am not, whatever you may want to think about me...I dont see sides as Jews against Muslims or Christians. I see a powerful nation with military support from the most powerfull nation in the world against barefoot guerillas that pretty much do whatever they can to defend their land. They haven't got the resources so what do you want them to do? just sit back and swallow it? They have exactly the same rights to live in Israel as the Jews. Historically, the Jews were only a part of the general population of the area.

The part where i mentioned jews trying to take over the economy, well that comes from seeing things like the "jewish" lobby having control over a country's economic and military decisions. If it was a "greek lobby" that was forcing the US to take decisions that were outright unfair agaist Turkey i would react the same way against that lobby.

As for what constitutes an attack you may find that truelly civilised countries do not declare war even if a certain "attack" on their soil takes place. I will try and demonstrate this by analysing a couple of recent events that took place in my country against our "eternal" enemy.

1. During the 90s, Turkey decided to land a special forces group on a small rock-island inside Greek national waters. They backed this group up with fregates and other war ships to allow the group to raise the Turkish flag on that land. Of course Greece reacted by sending troops and helicopters to deal with a situation. We even had a helicopter "lost" in the madness. Did the situation elevate to war? no it didnt. Did we attack the Turks? we did not. We resolved the issue diplomatically.

2. Just a month ago, and during one of the usual air violations of Greek air space by Turkey, a Turkish jet pilot tried to force the Greek jets to withdraw. His actions caused a Greek jet to crash (as well as the turkish) and the Greek pilot to die (the turk survived just fine). Did this elevate to war? no it didn't. We resolved the issue diplomatically.

Even after all the differences we have with Turkey over the past 500 years we are still the only EU country that supports the Turkish integration in the EU. Because we know that Turkey is not controled by its politicians but by their army generals and the muslim fanatics. The only way out of this circle of violence is if we help our neighbours rid themselves of the military control and democratise once and for all.

If only Israel did the same.....all they will manage to do with this war is create more "beef" against them. Because all the people that never wanted to take part in terrorist actions will now do so to avenge their fathers and mothers and sisters that died in the attacks. We would all do the same!

As for the case were the israely land was purchased by the Ottomans well thats just silly. The ottomans appeared only half a millenium ago. Greeks, Palestinians, Jews, they all lived in that land since the ancient times. Whatever the Ottomans sold to third parties it wasn't theirs to sell in the first place!

I have to go soon so I'm only going to address one of your points. Whether the Palestinians "deserve" to live there or not is irrelevent. 60 years ago, the UN decided with majority vote that Israel got the land. Israel, over the past 60 years, has offered the Palestinians land for their own, and yet the Palestinians are still not happy. The land for Israel was purely political, and was 60 years ago. It's time to start living in the present, and not the past.

Since "deserving" is irrelevant to you then why do you keep saying that the Israelis "deserve" to fight for their land?

If the UN decides tomorrow that the native americans should get New Jersey to establish their Indian Nation would you quietly move? maybe you will because you might not care for the land you live on. But in other cultures, the land of their grandfathers is sacred.

I really cannot stand and watch israel supporters bring up morality issues only when they suit them. If you want to support the idea that whoever has the power has the right to use it towards their own benefits because "everyone else would do the same in their place" then please come out and say so and dont hide behind the wall of moral values that is entirely relative and subjective.

Clearly you don't know history, so it's hard to discuss such an important topic with you, because you even admitted that you're ignorant.

You use the example that if NJ became a Native American State, would I be willing to get up and move. There's two things that are majorly wrong with this argument:

1). NJ is a established state, part of an established government. In 1948, and even today, the Palestinians do not have an established country. They're just living on the land, as people did hundreds of years ago.

2). In 1948, when Israel was created, Palestinians were NOT told to move. They were allowed to live in Israel, and even today, ~9% of the population is Arab. They were not forced to leave their homes.


Discussion Club Moderator<br>Elite Member
Staff member
Oct 30, 2000
Originally posted by: alejandroAT
Originally posted by EagleKeeper

With your example, you have actual Governments in place that will usually act responsible and care about their people.

What goverment would that be? the one that has to ask the army generals for every move they make? the one that practises genocide against the Kurds? The Turkish goverment has no more control over its extremist elements than the Lebanese have and thats why no european country wants them to join the club.

It is true that hezbollah does not care about civilian casualties. Just like "charlie" didnt care about them when fighting againts invaders in vietnam. Just like Che guevara didnt care about them when fighting against US control of his country. But why? what brings these people to such extreme thinking? When palestinians started hijacking planes in the 70s they didnt do it in an extreme way. They were not prepared to die and kill everyone along the way. They wanted to be heard and that was that. But they didnt get heard and the situation only got worse for them and so the extremists took over because they saw that their more civilised peers did not achieve anything. A lot of people here believe that extremists are born that way.
I believe that Turkey chose to not go into a high stakes conflict with Greece over a island becuase they felt that the political and military cost would not be worth the objectives. It may have been more of a matter of testing Greece to see what type of rebuttal would be put up. Once they saw what they were up against, they wisely backed off. The cost benefit was not considered to be there.

With Hezbollah, there is no cost benefit analysis.
Lebanon was deliberately kept weak by Syria and the rest of the Arab world; they saw Hezbollah as another Palestinian type thorn that could be used against Israel.

The PLO was heard; however, when they pulled the stunt in Munich, they condemmed themselves in the eyes of the non-Arab Western world. At that time, they were left with the Arab/Muslim and the Soviet backers. By using the "terrorist" operations and killing hostages, they ruined what ever image they were trying to poitray vs Israel.

The extremists hijacked the message and by the leadership not condemming (and or supporting) them, they became SOL.

This seems to be a repeat 20 years later of the Muslim situation. Extremists are hijacking the religion and without condemnation, the rest of the world takes it to be tact approval.

Now Hezbollah and Hamas are hijacking their hosts to attack/antagonize Israel without caring about the political impact to the population that they profess to represent. They are looking for sympathy after sticking their hand into the lion cage with a chunk of meat and poking the lion when it investigates.



Senior member
Apr 27, 2006
You know what happened in the six day war? I'll tell you. Syria, Jordan, Iraq and Egypt attacked Israel had Um Yippur, the holiest day in Israel. Everybody is celebrating in their homes, including military

what i know is that israel didnt like loosing control of the suez canal.

You put a Catholic, Jew, Christian and Budist in the same room...they most likely won't kill each other. You add some muslims in the room and not only will they attack the jews and christians, they will attack their own.

now it is my turn to call somebody an anti-islamist...but w8 ...there isnt such a word is there? only antisemitism.
I happen to have a lot of muslim friends ( i m chrsitian my self - at least on paper - i dont have the slightest interest in religion)
and i can safely tell you that you are full of rear-end-excrement. Just ask any muslim what he thinks of Christian Yunan (greeks) and you'll know what i mean. They love greeks and they see past religion because we have never hurt them!!!!!

Iraqi citizens don't consider themselves as Iraqi, they think of themselves as Sunni, Shiite or Kurd. Each have there own way of living, there own culture and own political sways.

where are you getting this information? FOX network? i happen to know for a fact that the whole siite/sunit conflict you so know about is utter nonsense. May i remind you of the MI6 agents caught dressed as arabs trying to plant a bomb to inflame tension between the two septs? but you probably have no idea what i m talking about....

"Same goes for most Islamic Theocratic countries. The government supress's the people, and the people supress themselves. "

Stuffing people in Guandanamo for years on end torturing them and never pressing charges i guess is NOT a form of opression by Christians against Muslims......mate...just swallow the propaganda and live in denial and you ll have your concience pure as snow.

and i have a question for you...why is it that all the propaganda against islam comes from americans on this forum? seriously now....everytime someone says some idiotic comment on islam way of life, i check their details, and guess what!!! they come from the US.....

Christians are far more aggressive (throughout history) that muslims have ever been. But in christian states, this violence is nver discussed. As far as the christians are concerned, the crusades happened in order to liberate the holy lands from the infidels. Not because some hillbilly long haired non-bathing power freaks wanted to get rich.

If you know history you will know that all sciences that have fueled the western world originated from the middle east and southern Asia. Even the Greeks got the basis of mathematics from the middle east.

SLCentral...you are unable to put yourself in a cultural state other than your own. You are talking "established" states as if the whole world is as organised as your own country.

The Raven

Senior member
Oct 11, 2005
Originally posted by: alejandroAT
I know how to type in 3 different languages so spare me the accusations! Excuse my spelling mistakes but i was awake for a good 24 hours and the brain started shutting down the "extra language grammar rules".

lol I know what you mean. But... typing like... this... is distracting...
Your new posts look great! Cheers.

The part where i mentioned jews trying to take over the economy, well that comes from seeing things like the "jewish" lobby having control over a country's economic and military decisions. If it was a "greek lobby" that was forcing the US to take decisions that were outright unfair agaist Turkey i would react the same way against that lobby.

Now I don't understand this. And not that you are saying this Al, but people keep saying this about the Jewish lobby and that the US is controlling Israel. These people can't claim that the US is controlling Israel and that Israel is controlling the US at the same time. That just doesn't make sense. Does it? I could be wrong. (no sarcasm included)

As for what constitutes an attack you may find that truelly civilised countries do not declare war even if a certain "attack" on their soil takes place. I will try and demonstrate this by analysing a couple of recent events that took place in my country against our "eternal" enemy.

1. During the 90s, Turkey decided to land a special forces group on a small rock-island inside Greek national waters. They backed this group up with fregates and other war ships to allow the group to raise the Turkish flag on that land. Of course Greece reacted by sending troops and helicopters to deal with a situation. We even had a helicopter "lost" in the madness. Did the situation elevate to war? no it didnt. Did we attack the Turks? we did not. We resolved the issue diplomatically.

Oh wow! The "enemy" lands on a rock! That is a real threat! Watch out! That was real big of Greece to back down from that one. lol (Of course I'm not talkin' trash about Greece. Greece is rad, really! I eat at Daphne's all the time Try the falafel, deelish!) But no this is in response to the comment. And by the way, it is still admirable. But we are talking about rockets being fired among other things.

And speaking of backing down, how is sending a force to deal with the situation diplomatic. That's either threatening or bullying (depending on who has the larger force). I guess you could say that the whole cold war was a bunch of diplomacy then.

2. Just a month ago, and during one of the usual air violations of Greek air space by Turkey, a Turkish jet pilot tried to force the Greek jets to withdraw. His actions caused a Greek jet to crash (as well as the turkish) and the Greek pilot to die (the turk survived just fine). Did this elevate to war? no it didn't. We resolved the issue diplomatically.

Now this of course wasn't an attack. There was no threat of imminent harm and as we see it would have been resolved very easily, except that there was an accident as it appears. Now if the guy was dropping bombs as the Turk peacefully tried to get him to leave then this would be a good example.

This next part I have no beef with of course, I just want to say that that is cool.

Even after all the differences we have with Turkey over the past 500 years we are still the only EU country that supports the Turkish integration in the EU. Because we know that Turkey is not controled by its politicians but by their army generals and the muslim fanatics. The only way out of this circle of violence is if we help our neighbours rid themselves of the military control and democratise once and for all.

But if you had this policy and then the Turks flat out attacked Greece then you would be pissed, right? That is a betrayal. It would be tough to trust them again, right? That is what happened to Israel. They were at peace. One of these accidents (either by the Israelis hands or by the Hez) happened on the beach, and the Hez attacked Israel. If only the gov't of Greece had control of Lebanon then they wouldn't be in the sitch they are now.

Eho tria orchidea!

The Raven

Senior member
Oct 11, 2005
Originally posted by: alejandroAT
I dont see sides as Jews against Muslims or Christians. I see a powerful nation with military support from the most powerfull nation in the world against barefoot guerillas that pretty much do whatever they can to defend their land. They haven't got the resources so what do you want them to do? just sit back and swallow it? They have exactly the same rights to live in Israel as the Jews. Historically, the Jews were only a part of the general population of the area.

Are you saying that since the whole world was against the Axis countries during WWII, they being the underdog, were doing the right thing? This was a little confusing. And by saying this you mean that it's ok if the Israelies have to just sit back and swallow it just because they have better military resources?


Senior member
Apr 27, 2006
ok , time for summarising cause its getting out of hand....

I repeat here that i am not pro -Hezbollah, rather i condemn them. What i am saying is that Israel has of course the right to defend itself but under no circumstances does it have the right to ask for moral permission to kill innocents. As far as i am concerned, Israel right now is becoming just like its enemy. If we are prepared to condemn Hez for all the bad stuff (which i do) then you bet your sweet tush i am condemning Israel for all the innocent victims. Dropping phosphorus bombs on children in order to intimidate your enemy is TERRORISM.....if you dont like the word it doesnt mean it will go away dude.

Raven....falaffels are not greek mate....

And you surely would speak of an attack if your neighbours' jets were flying over your house breaking all the windows with the noise.


Senior member
Apr 27, 2006
Originally posted by: The Raven
Originally posted by: alejandroAT
I dont see sides as Jews against Muslims or Christians. I see a powerful nation with military support from the most powerfull nation in the world against barefoot guerillas that pretty much do whatever they can to defend their land. They haven't got the resources so what do you want them to do? just sit back and swallow it? They have exactly the same rights to live in Israel as the Jews. Historically, the Jews were only a part of the general population of the area.

Are you saying that since the whole world was against the Axis countries during WWII, they being the underdog, were doing the right thing? This was a little confusing. And by saying this you mean that it's ok if the Israelies have to just sit back and swallow it just because they have better military resources?

Of course germany did the right thing to claim its liberation from the unbearable rules imposed on it after WW1. Its just that along with claiming their rights, they claimed the whole world and killed all the jews residing inside their borders. Thats when they lost all rights and moral stand!

In the same way, Israel is losing its moral stand to defend itself.


The Raven

Senior member
Oct 11, 2005
Originally posted by: alejandroAT
ok , time for summarising cause its getting out of hand....
Hey man it's ok. You don't have to respond right away. It's not like this is the UN security council.

I repeat here that i am not pro -Hezbollah, rather i condemn them. What i am saying is that Israel has of course the right to defend itself but under no circumstances does it have the right to ask for moral permission to kill innocents. As far as i am concerned, Israel right now is becoming just like its enemy. If we are prepared to condemn Hez for all the bad stuff (which i do) then you bet your sweet tush i am condemning Israel for all the innocent victims. Dropping phosphorus bombs on children in order to intimidate your enemy is TERRORISM.....if you dont like the word it doesnt mean it will go away dude.

Raven....falaffels are not greek mate....
ahh man! and I held greek cuisine in such high regard. j/k Please say that gyros are Greek!

And you surely would speak of an attack if your neighbours' jets were flying over your house breaking all the windows with the noise.
[/quote] No, I wouldn't. But I would seek damages to repair the windows and try to pass legislature so that it wouldn't happen again. We Americans aren't all as crazy as the rest of the world thinks. Yes we are crazy. But not as much as everyone thinks.

Oh yes and phosphorous bombs are a real bad thing. Israel can't defend that. So let's just hope that Lebanon will go the way of Japan and overcome differences and everything. I've said this before, but I don't think Israel is perfect and that they're doing all the right things, but I have a big problem with those people who demonize people. Especially those who are attacked. I really don't even like it when terror organizations are demonized, although they make it very difficult not to.


Senior member
Apr 27, 2006
I am not THAT ignorant....of course i know that prety much half of the US citizens are really embarassed with all that is going on....I am lucky enough to live in a country that receives millions of tourists from around the world. I am yet to meet an American who is proud for the support that regimes throughout the world receive from his goverment.

As for the jets, I am sure that if Cuban jets (if they had any) flew over California, the whole US army would mobilise against them.

Falaffels actually come from the land of Judaia (israel+lebanon).

And i wouldnt say americans are crazy. But they are paranoid to the extend that the world fears them like they would fear a crazy person. It is probably because of the fear tactics that US citizens are exposed to. You carry guns cause you fear the black mugger. You bomb countries because you fear they might attack you. its fear fear fear...I have seen soooo many american films that i can safely say i am not surprised in the slightest. You lot are exposed to fear like Greeks are exposed to the sun. And it never ends...once one reason for fear has been dealt with, you move to the next . Its almost like you are addicted to fear.

I think that the US should split. Just allow the sun belt fanatic states to form their own state so you can find your piece and quiet.


Elite Member
Jul 29, 2001
Originally posted by: Doboji

Wow you're about as stupid as they come...[/quote]

How in the hell did you become Lieutenant of The Amused Fsck Off and Die Club when you're that clueless and give a vapid answer like that? I suggest an article 15 disciplinary hearing with your leader, he'll tell you the same thing because he knows history and what Noobtastic just told you is true.



Senior member
Apr 27, 2006
am i as clueless as to what Zebo is reffering to as everyone else? Or did you lot get it? please explain Zebo


Senior member
Apr 27, 2006
Originally posted by: Jaskalas

This is a war, they can surrender or be defeated, their bloodletting must end.

Same can be said about the US, when will your bloodletting end???? I mean, why do you HAVE to be waging war all the bloody time? is that reasonable? but america is so big and isolated that its inhabitants are never really aware of it. There is even a genration of youngsters now growing up in the US that have never seen their country in a state of piece.

I even have a book called "Why do People hate Americans?" that is trying to tackle the issue. Its crazy.

The Raven

Senior member
Oct 11, 2005
Originally posted by: alejandroAT
I am not THAT ignorant....of course i know that prety much half of the US citizens are really embarassed with all that is going on....I am lucky enough to live in a country that receives millions of tourists from around the world. I am yet to meet an American who is proud for the support that regimes throughout the world receive from his goverment.

As for the jets, I am sure that if Cuban jets (if they had any) flew over California, the whole US army would mobilise against them.

Falaffels actually come from the land of Judaia (israel+lebanon).

And i wouldnt say americans are crazy. But they are paranoid to the extend that the world fears them like they would fear a crazy person. It is probably because of the fear tactics that US citizens are exposed to. You carry guns cause you fear the black mugger. You bomb countries because you fear they might attack you. its fear fear fear...I have seen soooo many american films that i can safely say i am not surprised in the slightest. You lot are exposed to fear like Greeks are exposed to the sun. And it never ends...once one reason for fear has been dealt with, you move to the next . Its almost like you are addicted to fear.

I think that the US should split. Just allow the sun belt fanatic states to form their own state so you can find your piece and quiet.


No just kidding! But seriously.

No you don't understand, we are crazy!

People don't fear the black mugger. They fear the poor mugger. And not everyone does. Michael Moore and Oprah popularized that fallacy. But it is not true. Yes there is racism in America and we're activly working on it. Like there is everywhere. In fact were probably better that most places. (I mean it wasn't us who took a headbutt from Zidane )But trust me on this, people don't exclusively fear the black mugger, just the poor ones because they don't want to be poor. Imagine that! Just because the black population is poorer on average, that is what it looks like. I have plenty of black friends that "fear black people" and myself being latino "fear latinos," and I've even been in a situation where I have been scared by white people, so don't believe that.

Oh and don't believe the movies. Sure there is truth in them but they are always skewed heavily and you really can't trust them. You can't even trust the one's regarding pop culture let alone any poltical themes.

As for us being paranoid. It is true. I'm not really paranoid at all but I know there are tons of people that are. But after 911 who could blame us? We are living in peace and BAM! We all felt so violated. No one saw it coming. I thought we were paranoid before. But now it is worse.

But, immigrants aren't excluded from this either. If you were to come live here. Your views about our fear would change. It happens all the time.

I don't know if I'd oppose a split in the states. I really don't want to think about splitting. That would be sad. But I tell you this. If you think we shoot from the hip as it is, that would only make it worse. We really need to get together. People like Bond that just drive people away instead of trying to find common ground are distancing the factions away from each other. That's why it seems the Dems have no influence now. Not just because they have no power. (Speaking of the balance of power in the gov't of course.)

The Raven

Senior member
Oct 11, 2005
Originally posted by: alejandroAT
am i as clueless as to what Zebo is reffering to as everyone else? Or did you lot get it? please explain Zebo

I just got the part about the comment being lame. Which I agree. The rest I disregarded.

The Raven

Senior member
Oct 11, 2005
Oh I forgot! As for the jets...

Originally posted by: alejandroAT
As for the jets, I am sure that if Cuban jets (if they had any) flew over California, the whole US army would mobilise against them.

No I can pretty much guarantee that we wouldn't. Especially not now. Well they might mobilize like the Greeks did to the Turks in your rock example. But we would do anything to keep from attacking. Even give Elian Hernandez back lol.


Senior member
Apr 27, 2006
Originally posted by: The Raven

People don't fear the black mugger. They fear the poor mugger. And not everyone does. Michael Moore and Oprah popularized that fallacy. But it is not true. Yes there is racism in America and we're activly working on it. Like there is everywhere. In fact were probably better that most places. (I mean it wasn't us who took a headbutt from Zidane )But trust me on this, people don't exclusively fear the black mugger, just the poor ones because they don't want to be poor. Imagine that! Just because the black population is poorer on average, that is what it looks like. I have plenty of black friends that "fear black people" and myself being latino "fear latinos," and I've even been in a situation where I have been scared by white people, so don't believe that.

Oh and don't believe the movies. Sure there is truth in them but they are always skewed heavily and you really can't trust them. You can't even trust the one's regarding pop culture let alone any poltical themes.

You misunderstood me...I am not reffering to whether the content of films is true or not...I am saying that most american films have violence for their main subject...Always some sort of law enforcemnt agency fighting russians, chinese, arabs, mafiozo italians, prison-breaking latinos and so on. No wonder everyone is so scared. Violence was even the stuff of comedy back when your parents were growing up....just look at the three stoodjes and Laurel and Hardy. They got the most laughs out of hitting each other.

You seem to think that if you all arm yourselves then you can make the criminals fear you (by "you" i mean "you lot"). Just take the example of the UK where even police officers are not allowed to carry guns. The english are quiet violent (especially because they drink so much) but they dont have even a fraction of the deathtoll that occurs in the US.

As for us being paranoid. It is true. I'm not really paranoid at all but I know there are tons of people that are. But after 911 who could blame us? We are living in peace and BAM! We all felt so violated. No one saw it coming. I thought we were paranoid before. But now it is worse.

the paranoia started waaay before 9/11. The UK had serious problems with terrorism from the IRA back in the 80s and 90s but they didnt become so paranoid. Not paranoid at all actually. Same with all countries that suffered terrorist attacks.

But, immigrants aren't excluded from this either. If you were to come live here. Your views about our fear would change. It happens all the time.

I don't know if I'd oppose a split in the states. I really don't want to think about splitting. That would be sad. But I tell you this. If you think we shoot from the hip as it is, that would only make it worse. We really need to get together. People like Bond that just drive people away instead of trying to find common ground are distancing the factions away from each other. That's why it seems the Dems have no influence now. Not just because they have no power. (Speaking of the balance of power in the gov't of course.)

hey i was only joking about the splitiing, just trying to make the point that all americans have to suffer the shame caused by ignorant religious fanatics that have absolutely no idea what happens outside their town.

And the Democrats are not better when it comes to war making.

I cant help thinking that we are straying from the subject though. I was only talking about US warmaking to show over-zealous american israel supporters that they should think twice before bringing morality into this discussion. Please excuse me i have nothing against 50% of the american population or whatever the percentage is that does not support america's worldwide manipulation.

The Raven

Senior member
Oct 11, 2005
Originally posted by: alejandroAT
Violence was even the stuff of comedy back when your parents were growing up....just look at the three stoodjes and Laurel and Hardy. They got the most laughs out of hitting each other.

Back when my parents were growing up?! Sir, you are talking to a stooge! I take it you are not a fan. That is the real tragedy here. j/k

But you can't really think that I'm afraid of someone poking me in the eyes? If there was more entertainment like that the world would be a better place. But no I get what you're saying.

You seem to think that if you all arm yourselves then you can make the criminals fear you (by "you" i mean "you lot"). Just take the example of the UK where even police officers are not allowed to carry guns. The english are quiet violent (especially because they drink so much) but they dont have even a fraction of the deathtoll that occurs in the US.

Hey bro, you don't have to give me this, "by 'you' i mean 'you lot'" stuff. We're cool. I know you aren't out to attack me. And I hope you know that you don't fear that I am out to attack you either.

As for us being paranoid. It is true. I'm not really paranoid at all but I know there are tons of people that are. But after 911 who could blame us? We are living in peace and BAM! We all felt so violated. No one saw it coming. I thought we were paranoid before. But now it is worse.

the paranoia started waaay before 9/11. The UK had serious problems with terrorism from the IRA back in the 80s and 90s but they didnt become so paranoid. Not paranoid at all actually. Same with all countries that suffered terrorist attacks.

Amen brother. You're preachin to the choir. That's why I said, "I thought we were paranoid before. But now it is worse."

The UK probably didn't get the paranoia because of the alcohol j/k

But yes you are right we are way off topic. Please drop me a PM. You're ok in my book. Well that's really not sayin' much. There are a lot of people that are ok in my book. But it's still a compliment.


Senior member
Apr 27, 2006
Originally posted by: CHOPPER GOD

If by terrorist you mean someone who practices mass murder with home made devices then yes you are absolutely right.

But if one practices mass murder with organised armies and bomber planes and chemicals, one is called a piecekeeper and a liberator.

I hope you can see my sarcasm cause it is surely there

UPDATE: Israel is now targetting ambulances....The Red Cross declared that it cannot help if it is going to be targetted by Israel!!!!!


Diamond Member
Oct 3, 2004
Originally posted by: alejandroAT
Originally posted by: CHOPPER GOD

If by terrorist you mean someone who practices mass murder with home made devices then yes you are absolutely right.

But if one practices mass murder with organised armies and bomber planes and chemicals, one is called a piecekeeper and a liberator.

I hope you can see my sarcasm cause it is surely there

UPDATE: Israel is now targetting ambulances....The Red Cross declared that it cannot help if it is going to be targetted by Israel!!!!!

If world opinion means anything, that is if six billion people voicing their opinion means more than three hundred million voicing theirs (that would only be "democratic" wouldn't it?) then currently the worst terrorist state on Earth, thanks to cowboy george, is the USA.

On Israel's aggression against Lebanon, it looks like the Israelis might have bit off a bit more than they can chew.

Problems with Israeli Military Performance

If you read Reuven Pedatzur's article in Haaretz attentively, you will see that he is indicting the Israeli armed forces as incompetent and also will detect that he is extremely alarmed. Despite his confidence, expressed at the outset, that Israeli military mistakes (primarily grossly underestimating Hizbullah) will not affect the course of the war, he admits that it will cast a shadow over its public reception. I don't think we can rule out an impact on the course of the war yet.

Wire services report

' Israeli Armed Forces effectives returning from the Lebanon?s front, say they are facing an intelligent, well prepared and ruthless guerrilla. The soldiers describe Hezbollah guerrillas hide between civilians and in underground bunkers that are two or three stories deep, evidence that this has been prepared for years. They are hard to beat and show no fear of dying, expressed an Israeli soldier. '

The Israelis are finding that the Hizbullah guerrillas have excellent intelligence on Israeli weaponry, and that they are capable of fighting orderly tactical battles from buildings with machine guns and rocket-propelled grenades. In other words, they are not facing the militia of tobacco share croppers. They are facing a highly professional military force, perhaps the most professional in the region aside from Israel's own.

The Israeli military is rapidly scaling back its military goals, since the ones initially announced with such confidence (pushing Hizbullah back 35 miles and completely destroying its missile arsenal) are obviously pie in the sky. The Israelis are stumbling around so badly that yesterday they lost a helicopter and killed 6 of their own men (it could have been much worse).

The Raven

Senior member
Oct 11, 2005
Originally posted by: BBond
Originally posted by: alejandroAT
Originally posted by: CHOPPER GOD

You guys should not have dignified that trashy comment with a response.

Nor should I have responded to this one...
"the worst terrorist state on Earth, thanks to cowboy george, is the USA."

If you really think that he is the one to blame then you are naive. He's just a pawn in the whole game that we are playing. It's just that he's the one that has to take the flak. No, I am sorry that he's in the white house too. But I won't be so naive to think that he is the one responsible. It really does come down to the people. This IS a democracy. It's just not decided entirely at the polls.

If you think I am a terrorist then you surely must think that the Lebanese civilians are too.

But if you do think this is because this one guy is in office, then you should've helped to get Kerry elected by not driving people away with your hostility filled rants. Don't oversimplify things and think that you can throw a bunch of "facts" at people and that it will change their minds. You've put a lot of energy into this thread and accomplished nothing. Oh! And look! Apparently, so have I. I try to have a conversation with you, and you act like an idiot.

Well I'm tired of writing negative things about you, and I found a friend out of this so ... peace in the middle east.

P.S. as for the article: it is nice that someone can see that they are not perfect. Unlike the Lebanese who seem to think everything is peechy keen and that they do everything right. If you have people declaring war for you, I'm sorry, but you need to change. That goes for America too.
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