That day Elon Musk almost certainly committed a felony... (yesterday)

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Mar 17, 2008
The British diver is no saint. He's the one who first instigated it. Musk just fired back. The exchange basically boiled down to two people calling each other names like a fight at the playground. If you punch someone out of the blue, you have to expect punch back. Maybe that's what the British guy was counting on.
But pedo? Any concrete grounds for that statement? If its taken outof thin air I imagine that is a thing you can take people to court over..
Reactions: darkswordsman17


May 28, 2007
12th dimensional chess player Elon Musk has handed the wheel to Tesla's future over to Saudi Arabia.

Cliffs: To cover his stupid tweets, Musk had to make up a story about having conversations with a director of their sovereign wealth fund. So now, to damage Musk and Tesla, all they have to do is deny that those conversations took place, or even just that Musk is overstating their level of commitment.

From the article:
Saudi Arabia now has the ability, if it wants, to hammer Tesla’s credibility, and stock, with little more than a few well-timed leaks indicating a lack of interest. No question.


May 28, 2007
But pedo? Any concrete grounds for that statement? If its taken outof thin air I imagine that is a thing you can take people to court over..

The guy already said he's considering taking Musk to court. Funny thing is, if his legal team stumbled on this thread, ponyo's posts could be seen as evidence that Elon's ugly accusation has traction with his fans, and support a claim of damages.


Oct 18, 2013
12th dimensional chess player Elon Musk has handed the wheel to Tesla's future over to Saudi Arabia.

Cliffs: To cover his stupid tweets, Musk had to make up a story about having conversations with a director of their sovereign wealth fund. So now, to damage Musk and Tesla, all they have to do is deny that those conversations took place, or even just that Musk is overstating their level of commitment.

From the article:

From what I read, he has been having discussions with them for a while now. It was not just a discussion, but discussions.


Mar 17, 2008
The guy already said he's considering taking Musk to court. Funny thing is, if his legal team stumbled on this thread, ponyo's posts could be seen as evidence that Elon's ugly accusation has traction with his fans, and support a claim of damages.

I dont know why you have it in for Elon, personally Ill give him a pass, he is doing more for mankind that any other current iteration of our DNA. To err is human and Musk is but human. So am I so are you, let it go man.


Mar 17, 2008
12th dimensional chess player Elon Musk has handed the wheel to Tesla's future over to Saudi Arabia.

Cliffs: To cover his stupid tweets, Musk had to make up a story about having conversations with a director of their sovereign wealth fund. So now, to damage Musk and Tesla, all they have to do is deny that those conversations took place, or even just that Musk is overstating their level of commitment.

From the article:

Thats a big 404.. Shorters still trying to short perhaps?


Elite Member
Aug 12, 2001

"In late July, the Saudis purchased almost five percent of Tesla's stock (acquiring more than five percent would have triggered public disclosure requirements). They then met with Musk on July 31 and reiterated their interest in funding a buyout."

So the Saudis were at least interested even if Musk possibly overstated their level of agreement to fund going private.


May 28, 2007
I dont know why you have it in for Elon, personally Ill give him a pass, he is doing more for mankind that any other current iteration of our DNA. To err is human and Musk is but human. So am I so are you, let it go man.

Good lord.


May 28, 2007
I've been scrolling Twitter for updates on this and all the sudden its flooded with Tweets that Azealia Banks was at Elon Musk's house waiting for Grimes to come home. LMAO. Not really germane to the thread but funny as hell.
Mar 11, 2004
I said the exact same thing in the Off Topic Stock Market thread. If you're curious, you can go read that thread.

Sorry, I'm not curious about it at all. Just not into letting people say crazy fucked up shit so they can try to pretend it is established fact. Especially when that involves denigrating someone, trying to dismiss them helping to save children, and even resorting to calling them a pedophile because of it.

The British diver is no saint. He's the one who first instigated it. Musk just fired back. The exchange basically boiled down to two people calling each other names like a fight at the playground. If you punch someone out of the blue, you have to expect punch back. Maybe that's what the British guy was counting on.

Yeah, no saint, he just helped rescue kids trapped in a cave. What a piece of shit, right? That you're acting like him calling Musk's publicity stunt what it clearly was mitigates him doing that or that you think that makes him a bigger asshole than Musk is absurd and straight up bullshit.

Out of the blue...haha. Seriously? Yeah out of the blue Musk stuck himself into that situation, which caused the guy to call his antics what it was. He was counting on Musk calling him a pedophile? So basically he knew that Musk would be a piece of shit with the mind of a 12 year old? Musk is in for a very rough life if he can't handle something like that better than lashing out and calling the guy a pedophile.

So at best you're admitting that you're acting like a grade school kid on the playground? Hell you can't even cop that you're being reactionary to the guy seeing as how that happened weeks ago and he has no idea you exist, so you're just acting like that because you apparently worship Musk so much. Yet even Musk realized the error of his mouthing off and you seemingly don't.

I dont know why you have it in for Elon, personally Ill give him a pass, he is doing more for mankind that any other current iteration of our DNA. To err is human and Musk is but human. So am I so are you, let it go man.

Now, see people like you and ponyo are exactly why people are taking issue with the cult of personality about Musk. Sorry but you trying to act like Musk is above reproach because of the hard work from the many (hundreds, actually thousands even now) people that work at those companies is straight up bullshit (that's explicitly why I have a problem with his behavior, as he could fuck over the companies with his antics). Let alone that you want people to just drop valid criticisms because you're such a big fan. Meanwhile we have another person calling someone a fucking pedophile for no reason other than Musk did and he's mad that the guy called out Musk for his publicity stunt. Personally, I'd much rather he be focused on dealing with the many many many issues his companies face than run around calling people rescuing children pedophiles just because he's mad about not getting to be the hero.

Oh, ok, well shit there's no reason to ever criticize a human being ever again. Hell, by that logic, man, why don't you just let it go, Blackjack200 is human, and to human is to err. Just let go of telling him to let go. Yay pointless circular arguments that accomplish absolutely nothing!
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Mar 11, 2004
Maybe Musk is getting out of USA before Trump puts a 1000% tax on sunshine and a 2000% tax on electron storing devices.

Well they did start recruiting for their Chinese Gigafactory, so they were definitely headed that way (although I think they were working on that before Turmp was even President, I think they've been angling for one in Germany too?). Although I'm not sure what the post or the article in it has to do with that.


Oct 15, 1999
It's not even in the same league. Musk calling the asshole diver pedo is not going to ruin him or Tesla. And the pedo diver provoked Musk and frankly deserved it. But I would've called him asshole instead of pedo even if the diver was pedo.

The shorts have been provoking Musk for a long time. Tesla just reported their latest quarterly earnings couple days before his taking private tweet. Market had reacted very favorably to Tesla earnings and Tesla stock was already doing well and Musk was getting lot of praise for apologizing to the dumb analysts. So to say Musk was cracking under pressure and tweeted his taking private comment because he wanted to temporary lift Tesla stock price is stupid. If you follow Tesla and Musk, you would know Musk has been wanting to take Tesla private and he regrets Tesla being public company. So while the timing of his tweet took everyone by surprise, I'm not surprised at his wanting to take Tesla private. And I've complete faith Musk wasn't bluffing.

For disclosure, I have way over quarter mil in Tesla stock so I obviously back and believe in Musk. And I'm in process of increasing my stake to over half a mil in the coming days to try to profit from all this FUD.
That is one serious man crush you have on Musk.


Diamond Member
Jul 23, 2001
Yeah, we must have stumbled onto the president and vice president of Musks' fan club. @cytg111 - Has what Musk has done for mankind better than say the Gates foundation that has saved many millions of lives so far to date?


Diamond Member
Sep 18, 2011
Tesla and Saudi Arabia? Shouldn't it be the U.A.E.?

Mubadala wants Tesla with AMD and GlobalFoundries.

Tesla is in UAE with plans to spread further in the Middle East. Why would a place that doesn't currently have a storefront even buy Tesla out?

UAE -> Bahrain -> Oman -> Saudi Arabia is last.

As far I can tell the China to United States silkroad definitely concerns UAE. Mubadala gets China capital to support United States-orientated with China-bent via IP sharing. AMD builds Zen, then hands it off to China. GlobalFoundries builds "7LP + EUV" and "22FDX", hands it off to China. So, Tesla is definitely going to Mubadala.
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Mar 17, 2008
Yeah, we must have stumbled onto the president and vice president of Musks' fan club. @cytg111 - Has what Musk has done for mankind better than say the Gates foundation that has saved many millions of lives so far to date?
I cant judge that... Ok two incarnations then.


Mar 17, 2008
Now, see people like you and ponyo are exactly why people are taking issue with the cult of personality about Musk. Sorry but you trying to act like Musk is above reproach because of the hard work from the many (hundreds, actually thousands even now) people that work at those companies is straight up bullshit (that's explicitly why I have a problem with his behavior, as he could fuck over the companies with his antics). Let alone that you want people to just drop valid criticisms because you're such a big fan. Meanwhile we have another person calling someone a fucking pedophile for no reason other than Musk did and he's mad that the guy called out Musk for his publicity stunt. Personally, I'd much rather he be focused on dealing with the many many many issues his companies face than run around calling people rescuing children pedophiles just because he's mad about not getting to be the hero.

Oh, ok, well shit there's no reason to ever criticize a human being ever again. Hell, by that logic, man, why don't you just let it go, Blackjack200 is human, and to human is to err. Just let go of telling him to let go. Yay pointless circular arguments that accomplish absolutely nothing!

I have stated my disdain with the pedo statement, and whatever fallout occurs over that I am fine with. What I am saying is if it was ME, I would give him a pass. Does that make me a fanboy? Ok then.

Spearheading EV penetration on the global market in a oil-paradigm dominated era of malicious climate denial forces.
Revolutionizing space travel, reigniting a space race to the moon and mars, comitting to colonizing mars.
This is what patriotism looks like to me. Who am I to stand in the way of someone actually doing what needs doing?
I still havent heard from blackjack what his real issue is with Musk, from where I am sitting he sounds like the fanboy(inverse) to me. Why the hatred?
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Feb 14, 2002
Sorry, I'm not curious about it at all. Just not into letting people say crazy fucked up shit so they can try to pretend it is established fact. Especially when that involves denigrating someone, trying to dismiss them helping to save children, and even resorting to calling them a pedophile because of it.

Yeah, no saint, he just helped rescue kids trapped in a cave. What a piece of shit, right? That you're acting like him calling Musk's publicity stunt what it clearly was mitigates him doing that or that you think that makes him a bigger asshole than Musk is absurd and straight up bullshit.

Out of the blue...haha. Seriously? Yeah out of the blue Musk stuck himself into that situation, which caused the guy to call his antics what it was. He was counting on Musk calling him a pedophile? So basically he knew that Musk would be a piece of shit with the mind of a 12 year old? Musk is in for a very rough life if he can't handle something like that better than lashing out and calling the guy a pedophile.

So at best you're admitting that you're acting like a grade school kid on the playground? Hell you can't even cop that you're being reactionary to the guy seeing as how that happened weeks ago and he has no idea you exist, so you're just acting like that because you apparently worship Musk so much. Yet even Musk realized the error of his mouthing off and you seemingly don't.
It's obvious you don't know the real story of what happened with the whole Thai kids rescue other than quick media headline you read or heard. That you called Musk's involvement with the whole Thai kids saga a publicity stunt explains everything about your problem and view on the subject matter. It's people like you that will cause Elon and others to say no when asked to help with the next crisis.

You think Musk started helping and building that sub out of the blue? Because Musk had nothing better to do with his time and was looking for cheap publicity stunt? You think that pedo diver is the actual hero when it was all other divers who actually went in and got all the kids out? Yet the pedo grabbed all the hero recognition and headlines with the Musk jab. He's some hero alright.

The likelihood of sixty something aged single white British male living alone in Chiang Mai being a pedo is about the same as Musk's sub working in that cave. And since we didn't get to find out if the sub would've worked or not, I guess we won't find out if the British guy is a pedo.


May 28, 2007
I still havent heard from blackjack what his real issue is with Musk, from where I am sitting he sounds like the fanboy(inverse) to me. Why the hatred?

Briefly, he embodies everything wrong with silicon valley. Narcissism, hubris, baseless faith that technology can save everything, insufferable language about the virtue of their business, etc.. Your comments above are a perfect example. The idea that selling a few toys to rich people is a conscientious effort to address climate change is disgusting.

Dumb, unworkable ideas like hyperloop siphon public money and attention from crumbling public infrastructure.
Reactions: Zorba


Oct 17, 2002
damn this dude hates elon. Did he steal your wife? Or is my claim you're about to be burned on a short actually valid?


Mar 17, 2008
Briefly, he embodies everything wrong with silicon valley. Narcissism, hubris, baseless faith that technology can save everything, insufferable language about the virtue of their business, etc.. Your comments above are a perfect example. The idea that selling a few toys to rich people is a conscientious effort to address climate change is disgusting.

Dumb, unworkable ideas like hyperloop siphon public money and attention from crumbling public infrastructure.
I think you got more skin in the game that you are letting on.. Worked for Musk? Family? Been burned? I understand that working conditions can be a little toxic at times?


Diamond Member
Jun 17, 2010
The idea that selling a few toys to rich people is a conscientious effort to address climate change is disgusting.

I'm no fan of Musk but selling expensive toys that regular people covet is a great way to get EVs into the mainstream consciousness and bring prices down. Technology always makes it into the ultra high-end and race cars first. Tesla has likely pushed widespread EV adoption forward by years.
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