The 6770's on newegg are nothing more than exspensive 5770's

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happy medium

Jun 8, 2003
Oh believe me, I think AMD has been more shady with naming schemes recently.

Between this, the 5870 v 6870 debacle, and trying to confuse customers by naming their CPUs the 920 and 940 after i7 was already out....

But nV does the same thing on the low end.

I guess I am just fascinated by the emotional attachments people get to corporations. I used the think brand loyalty was just BS marketing speak, but after seeing all of the Apple v Android, AMD v nV, and Xbox v PS3 wars, I believe in it 100%.

The best thing to do is what Anandtech did: Get the information out there, and let people digest it.

Glad to have you on board. I agree with you.:thumbsup:


Senior member
Apr 15, 2010
Even if there were only a hundered, I would be happy to help at least one.

That is just the kind of character I have in me.:thumbsup:

How about you?

Missing my point again: Making up a number, whether it be "tens of thousands" or "227 plus a Dachshund" is dishonest and one of the reasons why I do not support you.

My answer to the altruism question has already been posted:

That said, I get lots of requests for advice on computer components from friends and family and if the 5770 vs 6770 issue came up, I would obviously explain it.

It is not at all clear to me that I have obligations to actively do the same for other people, unless they solicit my advice in an appropriate place (e.g. these forums, facebook).

happy medium

Jun 8, 2003
one of the reasons why I do not support you.

Its not ME i want you to support its the reason I made this thread I want you to support.

I can't make it anymore simple than that.

Here are the reasons I made this thread like I posted earlier.

"I would hope this thread accomplishes a few things.

First and formost, to warn potential less tech savy video card upgraders of this shady business practice.

Second, to have AMD and Nvidia fans rally together and show both Nvidia and AMD that this practice does not make its faithfulll customers happy.

Third, to try to stop this from happening again."


Diamond Member
Aug 17, 2009
This thread just became a joke. Should of left it where it was. Tell people the 6770 is a rebadged 5770. You can't tell them its a bad purchase cause it isn't.

Here something for you. You tell someone the $119 6770 is a crap card. So he goes and buys a $130 GTS450. Did you just help that guy or send him down the river?

The 6770 is a rebadge, it shouldn't have been rebadged, but its still a great card. Just like the 9800gt, it was a rebadge, but was still better value than the other cards in its class. If you tell someone that's a crap card they might go out and buy a 8800gts 640mb cause it hasn't been rebadged. You aren't helping anyone, you are doing the opposite.

The is a thread here of a guy choosing between a 6770 and a gts450. are you going to go there and tell him not to buy the 6770 cause it doesn't have the right name?


Senior member
Apr 15, 2010
Its not ME i want you to support its the reason I made this thread I want you to support.

I have already spoken to the various points in a number of posts. I also linked back to one of the most relevant of those post where I spoke to those points, in case you missed it.

Support for a position is often contingent upon the manner in which the main figure advocating that position behaves. I support the idea of "freedom for the oppressed" but I would not support someone who thought "let's get freedom for the oppressed by punching nuns in the face" (assuming for the moment that punching nuns in the face was even remotely effective at ending oppression).

To put that in the form of a weather-worn axiom: The end does not justify the means.

Everything that you are trying to "accomplish" has already been accomplished by the various mainline tech sites posting news stories about this on their front pages.


Diamond Member
Aug 3, 2008
I condemned nVidia when they did it and I am condemning AMD now for it. I just looked at the Saphire 5770 vs the Saphire 6770 on Newegg and the 6770 was $10 more but was missing the X-Fire bridge. Others may disagree with me but to me that is a rip off. I don't think HDMI 1.4a support is worth the price difference.

This must blow your mind:
Biostar HD 5770 - $130, no Displayport, no CF bridge, not a single adapter, "no HDMI 1.4"
VisionTek HD 5770 - $130, one DVI, no CF bridge, "no HDMI 1.4"
Asus HD 5770 - $140, $20 rebate, no DisplayPort, "no HDMI 1.4"

Wow, these cards are more expensive than the 6770 and offer less features. In fact if you compare the cheapest same-featured 5770, this Powercolor 5770, to the Powercolor 6770, they pretty much share the same features with a minor price difference. But look at the 5770 page, NEWEGG has dropped the 5770 from $120 to $110. Seriously: "Was: $119.99 Now: $109.99 Save: $10.00" And are we really making a big deal about $10, especially when that price is set by NEWEGG themselves? The price range for any modeled card is way higher than $10. So is this newly released card is really any more expensive? Not on the average.

And notice how I said newly. That is very important to the context at hand here. In two weeks, maybe a bit longer, you'll probably see 6770s with rebates or on sale. But the fact is they are launching at the same MSRP as current 5770s. It is extremely rare, if it has ever happened, for a card to launch with rebates. Using rebates as a consideration for the final price of a 5770 to be compared with the 6770 is pretty much ignoring a big chunk of facts. In doing so we might as well start saying, "The 5750 ICEQ is nothing more than an expensive rebadge of the Vapor-X 5750. It only has three outputses and comes at slower clocks so it's slower but it's mroe exsssspensive."

Now back to the comparison at hand. I've listed all of the 5770s from newegg with no DisplayPort, and all but 1 are more expensive than the single current DP-6770 on the market. They may come with a CF bridge or offer other things, but you can't add a Displayport and you can't change the HDMI from 1.3 to 1.4. Then most other 5770s, regardless of what features they have, are more expensive up front, with some end up cheaper or the same price after rebate. Oh and all of those rebates are currently set to end on 4/30/2011.

So why is it we should only compare the Sapphire models to each other? Purely for cherry picking your argument, as happy is doing? He hasn't given one good reason why we should only look at the Sapphire models and why we should ignore the rest of the market. And the reason why he hasn't give that reason is because there isn't a good reason. Let's see what the market looks like when more manufacturers bring out more SKUs. My bold prediction: They'll be in the same price range as current 5770s.

Ah, I'm just having trouble distinguishing whether CUlincoln is having a problem with the data, or the way it's being presented? Or is one bleeding over into the other. Because frankly, if the data is accurate, then CUlincoln should not care less about how "sensationalistic" the data is presented. Do you agree or not?
That's awesome. I'm so glad you've found closure in this matter. Not so cut and dry to me. Maybe you're just smarter than I.

Well thankfully you can admit your inabilities. I spelled out the representation of these "facts" clearly enough in my first... 5 posts? You can get a reminder by simply reading what I just wrote, which doesn't even cover everything that has transpired but is attempting to cover the current topic of debate.

And I've said this several times already, but I guess I'll say it a slightly different way so that you can understand it: Happy may be saying some facts, but he's leaving out a lot more facts.

AND if you haven't picked up on it yet, I simply find it ridiculous nature how the OP was sensationalizing. "WARNING" was not suited for the context at hand. It barely makes any kind of sense, if any at all - it probably only makes sense in his own head. Warning? lol.

Now why do you have a "problem" with the motive of my posts? If you question my content, then man up. In the entirety of this thread you have not made any kind of attempt to stay on topic or address the content of my posts. And you didn't address me directly after I had already addressed you? OMG WHY DON'T YOU TAKE IT TO PM?

Why indeed.

Unless it really is as simple as you not understanding what I've plainly said. I don't really believe that, but if you keep playing that card I guess I'll have to accept it.
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Nov 3, 2009
Who, what, how, derail, bait, spin, up, down, left, right, no matter how you see it, the fact is this rebage from a 5770 to a more expensive 6770 is FAIL.

Why defend it?

Im explaining to you what is different, and posting links to th information that proves it.

you ignore the facts and continue to make false statements.

it is not SPIN that they seemingly added the mai features offered in the 6 series cards, to the 5770, and incrimented its version #.

I would rather see a minor performance update from newer memory ETC as well, but the features they added do matter to some. its huge value for a nn serious gamer, who maybe programs or does data manipulatio to not have to drop an exra 50-100 bucks for a GPU to do 4 or 5 monitors

because like I said, the plain 5770 CANNOT do that. Neither can the Vapor X . the eyefinity card cost over 200 bucks.

so i guess you can say they took the 220 dollar 5770, renamed it 6770 and cut 100 bucks off the price, since it is in fact not the same as the pain 770.

now all of a sudden it looks like a huge win over its previous car.

in reality, the market is oversaturated. I dont see a need for a card between the 6750 and 6790, as a 40 bck price ap isnt a huge deal. but atlekst they did add soethng to the card instead of a straight rebadge, and technically, since hey added he 6 series features to it, it does make some sense product line wise.

Id rather see them spend that time n new r&d and river support, but what can ya do


Jul 21, 2000
Whoever is in charge of AMD's marketing department has been messing up royally for some time now. This is a dirty move similar to what OCZ recently did with their Vertex 2 25nm SSDs. They have also released way too many GPUs with similar performance IMO. Their model numbers have been stupid. The 5870 and 5850 being faster than their 6870/6850 counterparts is one example of this.


Diamond Member
Aug 17, 2009
Whoever is in charge of AMD's marketing department has been messing up royally for some time now. This is a dirty move similar to what OCZ recently did with their Vertex 2 25nm SSDs. They have also released way too many GPUs with similar performance IMO. Their model numbers have been stupid. The 5870 and 5850 being faster than their 6870/6850 counterparts is one example of this.

If you ask them they would tell you its ATI naming vs AMD naming. Im not defending it, just telling you how they justify it.


Nov 3, 2009
yea, you just remove the 5770 sticker and replace it with 6770 sticker. :thumbsup: Make sure you don't brick it.

again, not true.

for numerous reasons, so please stop posting FUD.

good question, i would assume it could given the identical guts they share

would be interesting to find out if those features(the ability to enerate clocks for the extra dislays, and whatever stereoscopic 3d could need, I dont know that much about the hardware needs behind it) were already on chip

Whoever is in charge of AMD's marketing department has been messing up royally for some time now. This is a dirty move similar to what OCZ recently did with their Vertex 2 25nm SSDs. They have also released way too many GPUs with similar performance IMO. Their model numbers have been stupid. The 5870 and 5850 being faster than their 6870/6850 counterparts is one example of this.

yeah that was super annoying. but nvidia has a slew of cards under 200 bucks, alot with pretty similar performance. both have to many. $10-$20 pricing tiers are kinda silly.

If you ask them they would tell you its ATI naming vs AMD naming. Im not defending it, just telling you how they justify it.

the naming for the 5 verse 6 series? yeah that would be a stupid excuse, I agree they were likely trying to hoodwink less than informed buyers
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Diamond Member
Oct 18, 2005
So right now:

HD6450 $50 VLIW5 160 Stream processors
HD6570 $80 VLIW5 480 Stream processors
HD6670 $100 VLIW5 480 Stream processors
HD6750 $110 VLIW5 720 Stream processors
HD6770 $130 VLIW5 800 Stream processors
HD6790 $150 VLIW5 800 Stream processors
HD6850 $160 VLIW5 960 Stream processors
HD6870 $200 VLIW5 1120 Stream processors
HD6950 $260 VLIW4 1408 Stream processors
HD6970 $350 VLIW4 1536 Stream processors
HD6990 $700 VLIW4 3072 Stream processors

Apart from HD6790, looks like a really good line-up. Two cards per "core". Just the history of HD6750/HD6770 puts a small black spot on it.


Diamond Member
Aug 17, 2009
LOL! Ya, Ok. I bet that they also secretly broke into your house and stole your first born while they were at it. Please, stop being silly.

Seeing as that's he's 1st post. I wouldn't take him seriously.

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Senior member
Sep 15, 2010
AMD ripping off the end user again, not surprising.

LOL, nice first post. You're on the fast lane to happy's board :sneaky:

In all seriousness, looking at QBah's post I can't see AMD avoiding this move.
There was a hole in the current 6XXX line up and the re-badged Barts filled it up perfectly. Filling that hole with a weaker 6850 would probably yield the same power as a 6770, so why waste more resources when they can use their best seller again and fit it perfectly in the 6XXX line up?
While I hate re-badges, this move is somewhat comprehensible.


Jul 21, 2000
Seeing as that's he's 1st post. I wouldn't take him seriously.
My guess is that it's Rollo incarnate. D:

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Personal attacks and insults are not acceptable, they are a violation of the AnandTech Forum Guidelines:
1) No trolling, flaming or personally attacking members. Deftly attacking ideas and backing up arguments with facts is acceptable and encouraged. Attacking other members personally and purposefully causing trouble with no motive other than to upset the crowd is not allowed.
We want to give all our members as much freedom as possible while maintaining an environment that encourages productive discussion. It is our desire to encourage our members to share their knowledge and experiences in order to benefit the rest of the community, while also providing a place for people to come and just hang out.

We also intend to encourage respect and responsibility among members in order to maintain order and civility. Our social forums will have a relaxed atmosphere, but other forums will be expected to remain on-topic and posts should be helpful, relevant and professional.

We ask for respect and common decency towards your fellow forum members.
Super Mod
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Mar 15, 2007
I didnt know they where 5770's with a vga instead of dvi/ hdmi.. id say pretty sad as well and a rip off.. if they where smaller fab then would overclock better save power or something but if not why bother.


Diamond Member
Aug 17, 2009
LOL, nice first post. You're on the fast lane to happy's board :sneaky:

In all seriousness, looking at QBah's post I can't see AMD avoiding this move.
There was a hole in the current 6XXX line up and the re-badged Barts filled it up perfectly. Filling that hole with a weaker 6850 would probably yield the same power as a 6770, so why waste more resources when they can use their best seller again and fit it perfectly in the 6XXX line up?
While I hate re-badges, this move is somewhat comprehensible.

They couldve name the 6790 a 6770 instead and just kept the 5770 and added the new features. Listing them on the box would have been fine to inform customers. There wasnt a need to rename it IMO.


Golden Member
Jan 1, 2001
I didnt know they where 5770's with a vga instead of dvi/ hdmi.. id say pretty sad as well and a rip off.. if they where smaller fab then would overclock better save power or something but if not why bother.

The specific outputs on a card are up to the AIB vendor, so the distinction of vga over dvi/hdmi is independent of the 5770/6770 badge.

By the way does anyone know if you can CF a 5770 + 6770?

happy medium

Jun 8, 2003
By the way does anyone know if you can CF a 5770 + 6770?

Yes, thats the way AMD does crossfire, just take the first 2 numbers of any card and if they are the same they can crossfire.

6970 and 6950 and 6990
5850 and 5870
6850 and 6870
6770 and 6750 and 5770 and 5750
ect. ect. ect.
They will all work.

edit: never mind that theory is shot, , well that the way it used to be. I don't see why not, they are the same card.
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