Pay attention. Nano works. Next!
What makes you think he's qualified to discuss the matter? Think carefully before you answer. You may also want to read up on the Appeal to Authority fallacy, since nobody seems to be paying attention that the guy was wrong straight out of the gate, but people are defending his analysis anyway.
You haven't demonstrated he's wrong, just that you disagree with him.
So far the only thing demonstrated, is that you don't understand what a Zero Sum Game is.
Crypto-Ponzi-Coins are textbook Zero Sum game.
There is no underlying value. 100% of the Value comes from another "player", AKA the next greater fool.
The Coin zealots confuse value of technology, with the value of the coins.
There is some value in block-chain technology but it's vastly overhyped. It's value is just like any software technology like a relational database, or a linked list, but that has ZERO to do with the coins.
Anyone can write their own block-chain software, and they don't pay any usage fees to bitcoin to use blockchain.
It should be obvious that anyone can just freely write their own blockchain based software with zero royalties or anything, just given all the different coins trying to get in on the ponzi scheme game.