The Anti-Semitism Card


Diamond Member
Feb 6, 2002

Even if he said what he did, I hear much worse things said about Muslims on the radio daily. Why is it such a crime to have a negative opinion about Jews and have your career in jeopardy but its ok to say anything you want about Muslims and others? I bet if he said, "Muslims are all terrorists. Are you a Muslim?" to the cop Hollywood and the ADL would be patting Mel Gibson on the back.


Diamond Member
May 18, 2001
Originally posted by: 5150Joker

Even if he said what he did, I hear much worse things said about Muslims on the radio daily. Why is it such a crime to have a negative opinion about Jews and have your career in jeopardy but its ok to say anything you want about Muslims and others? I bet if he said, "Muslims are all terrorists. Are you a Muslim?" to the cop Hollywood and the ADL would be patting Mel Gibson on the back.

Are you fcking kidding me?


Apr 8, 2002
I have only been half paying attention to this. Is there a video of the arrest yet?
I also dont think Mel cares much about the Hollywood types anyways. They snubbed their noses at his "Passion of the Christ" movie, so he did it with his own cash and made a mockery of them. The feelings are probably mutual at this point.

And we also know Hollywood isnt exactly the most moral arena. If the whiff of money is sniffed they wont care about this.



Diamond Member
Feb 6, 2002
Originally posted by: Doboji
Originally posted by: 5150Joker

Even if he said what he did, I hear much worse things said about Muslims on the radio daily. Why is it such a crime to have a negative opinion about Jews and have your career in jeopardy but its ok to say anything you want about Muslims and others? I bet if he said, "Muslims are all terrorists. Are you a Muslim?" to the cop Hollywood and the ADL would be patting Mel Gibson on the back.

Are you fcking kidding me?

Look how the ADL has already decided he's a bigot without any proof at all; they've been after Mel Gibson ever since he made Passion and the fact that he won't speak against his father's opinions.


Administrator<br>Elite Member
Oct 9, 1999
Originally posted by: 5150Joker

Even if he said what he did, I hear much worse things said about Muslims on the radio daily. Why is it such a crime to have a negative opinion about Jews and have your career in jeopardy but its ok to say anything you want about Muslims and others? I bet if he said, "Muslims are all terrorists. Are you a Muslim?" to the cop Hollywood and the ADL would be patting Mel Gibson on the back.
I lost count of how many really stupid things you said in one moronic post. :thumbsdown: :frown: :thumbsdown:


Diamond Member
May 18, 2001
Originally posted by: 5150Joker
Originally posted by: Doboji
Originally posted by: 5150Joker

Even if he said what he did, I hear much worse things said about Muslims on the radio daily. Why is it such a crime to have a negative opinion about Jews and have your career in jeopardy but its ok to say anything you want about Muslims and others? I bet if he said, "Muslims are all terrorists. Are you a Muslim?" to the cop Hollywood and the ADL would be patting Mel Gibson on the back.

Are you fcking kidding me?

Look how the ADL has already decided he's a bigot without any proof at all; they've been after Mel Gibson ever since he made Passion and the fact that he won't speak against his father's opinions.

Do you even know what his father's opinions are?

Have you read the police report about Mel's arrest?

The man is an anti-semite... there is no way around this, why don't you take off the tinfoil hat and join the rest of us here on planet earth.

What would you say if he had said "blacks" or "mexicans" or "gays" or anyone else instead of "jews"?

my god man... your indifference is borderline bigotry itself..



Administrator<br>Elite Member
Oct 9, 1999
Originally posted by: Doboji
my god man... your indifference is borderline bigotry itself..

No borders about it. It's straight up bigotry.


Diamond Member
Feb 6, 2002
Originally posted by: Doboji
Originally posted by: 5150Joker
Originally posted by: Doboji
Originally posted by: 5150Joker

Even if he said what he did, I hear much worse things said about Muslims on the radio daily. Why is it such a crime to have a negative opinion about Jews and have your career in jeopardy but its ok to say anything you want about Muslims and others? I bet if he said, "Muslims are all terrorists. Are you a Muslim?" to the cop Hollywood and the ADL would be patting Mel Gibson on the back.

Are you fcking kidding me?

Look how the ADL has already decided he's a bigot without any proof at all; they've been after Mel Gibson ever since he made Passion and the fact that he won't speak against his father's opinions.

Do you even know what his father's opinions are?

Have you read the police report about Mel's arrest?

The man is an anti-semite... there is no way around this, why don't you take off the tinfoil hat and join the rest of us here on planet earth.

What would you say if he had said "blacks" or "mexicans" or "gays" or anyone else instead of "jews"?

my god man... your indifference is borderline bigotry itself..


Who cares what his fathers opinions are? So now all the anti-semite card apologists are going after Mel Gibson because he won't betray his father? You're making him guilty through association. Of course there would be an uproar if he said it about gays or blacks but there would be congratulatory posts here if he said the same about Muslims and you can bet the ADL's opinion of him would do a 180 and he'd be their new hero.

Baca told the Los Angeles Times. "Our job is not to (focus) on what he said. It's to establish his blood-alcohol level when he was driving and proceed with the case. Trying someone on rumor and innuendo is no way to run an investigation, at least one with integrity."

Mel Gibson's statements:

n a 2004 interview with ABC's Diane Sawyer, Gibson said he was not anti-Semitic.

"To be anti-Semitic is a sin," he said. "It's been condemned by one Papal Council after another. To be anti-Semitic is to be un-Christian, and I'm not."

Apparently those that take up the anti-semitism card even if you you sneeze in their direction would like nothing more than to go after Mel Gibson even if they have no proof of him being a bigot. Integrity? They don't know the meaning of the word.


Senior member
Mar 30, 2006
he was made guilty by himself, by what he said, did oyu see the police report? did you hear him on tape? I like Mel as an actor, i dont know him or really care to, i dont care if he is an anti-s or not, but open your eyes, its tough to go through the world blind


Diamond Member
Feb 6, 2002
Originally posted by: GDaddy
he was made guilty by himself, by what he said, did oyu see the police report? did you hear him on tape? I like Mel as an actor, i dont know him or really care to, i dont care if he is an anti-s or not, but open your eyes, its tough to go through the world blind

Like I said, even if he had said those things or worse while drunk, the fact that he was intoxicated and later apologized for his behavior should exonerate him. People are only making a big deal of this because it's about Jews; if he said similar things about Muslims you'd see a much more dismissive attitude from people in this thread as well as Hollywood/ADL.


Senior member
Mar 30, 2006
so if i rob a store but i was drunk does that make it ok, your reasoning is very flawed. Also his blood level was only .12 that is not drunk, other then to drunk to drive. but a .12 for a average man is only a couple of drinks in 1 hour, that is not drunk. And being drunk does not change you it just cuts down on your inhibitions, what you would not say when sober, comes out with a couple of drinks, he said what was in his heart. It does not matter what he said, that is what he believes.
Feb 10, 2000
Originally posted by: 5150Joker
Originally posted by: GDaddy
he was made guilty by himself, by what he said, did oyu see the police report? did you hear him on tape? I like Mel as an actor, i dont know him or really care to, i dont care if he is an anti-s or not, but open your eyes, its tough to go through the world blind

Like I said, even if he had said those things or worse while drunk, the fact that he was intoxicated and later apologized for his behavior should exonerate him. People are only making a big deal of this because it's about Jews; if he said similar things about Muslims you'd see a much more dismissive attitude from people in this thread as well as Hollywood/ADL.

It's very difficult for me to see any legitimate reason for creating this thread. If we assume for the moment that Mel Gibson said these things, he deserves to be villified IMO. I fail to see how drunkenness excuses making racist comments in any way, shape, or form. If he didn't say them, I regret he's having these comments attributed to him. That being said, I can't see rationalizing his racism (again, assuming he really said this).


May 27, 2005
Look at the Democrats/liberals talk about Joe Lieberman nowadays. I guess Mel wanted to be part of the crowd.


Diamond Member
Feb 6, 2002
Originally posted by: DonVito
Originally posted by: 5150Joker
Originally posted by: GDaddy
he was made guilty by himself, by what he said, did oyu see the police report? did you hear him on tape? I like Mel as an actor, i dont know him or really care to, i dont care if he is an anti-s or not, but open your eyes, its tough to go through the world blind

Like I said, even if he had said those things or worse while drunk, the fact that he was intoxicated and later apologized for his behavior should exonerate him. People are only making a big deal of this because it's about Jews; if he said similar things about Muslims you'd see a much more dismissive attitude from people in this thread as well as Hollywood/ADL.

It's very difficult for me to understand why you'd feel compelled to create this thread for any legitimate reason. If we assume for the moment that Mel Gibson said these things, he deserves to be villified IMO. I fail to see how drunkenness excuses making racist comments in any way, shape, or form. If he didn't say them, I regret he's having these comments attributed to him. That being said, I can't see rationalizing his racism (again, assuming he really said this).

People do and say a lot of things while intoxicated. Even if he said those things, he shouldn't be villified because he apologized afterwards. I just got done reading the report and he supposedly said a lot more than just those remarks to the arresting officers such as, "I own Malibu" and saying he was going to get even with the officer and some lewd remarks towards a female officer. Obviously he wasn't in control of all his faculties yet people like you want to villify him for comments he has already said he doesn't believe in. I'll keep reiterating my point, if he denigrated Muslims, I doubt it would've gotten the headlines this incident did. The fact is the ADL and those that play the anti-semite card have been after him ever since he refused to speak against his father (what kind of son would?) and because of his movie.


Diamond Member
Feb 6, 2002
Originally posted by: GDaddy
so if i rob a store but i was drunk does that make it ok, your reasoning is very flawed. Also his blood level was only .12 that is not drunk, other then to drunk to drive. but a .12 for a average man is only a couple of drinks in 1 hour, that is not drunk. And being drunk does not change you it just cuts down on your inhibitions, what you would not say when sober, comes out with a couple of drinks, he said what was in his heart. It does not matter what he said, that is what he believes.

Robbing a store is commiting a crime and possibly causing harm to others. Are you saying that an intoxicated person making lewd and offensive remarks is the same as robbing a store and/or commiting a crime? :roll:


Senior member
Mar 30, 2006
you keep wanting to make this a Jew/muslim thing, who cares who he spoke bad about, its not ok, no matter who you are, how rich you are, or if you own Malibu or not. Did you also read how supposedly the sgt on duty wanted to edit all the racist remarks out of the report? And if you read his press release apology you will know he apologized for some things and not others.

And being drunk, even at .12, (cheap date) does not excuse Anyone from Any action.


Jun 3, 2003
Originally posted by: zendari
Look at the Democrats/liberals talk about Joe Lieberman nowadays. I guess Mel wanted to be part of the crowd.

Really ? Provide a link please.


Diamond Member
Feb 6, 2002
Originally posted by: GDaddy
you keep wanting to make this a Jew/muslim thing, who cares who he spoke bad about, its not ok, no matter who you are, how rich you are, or if you own Malibu or not. Did you also read how supposedly the sgt on duty wanted to edit all the racist remarks out of the report? And if you read his press release apology you will know he apologized for some things and not others.

And being drunk, even at .12, (cheap date) does not excuse Anyone from Any action.

So Mel Gibson should be persecuted for remarks he made while drunk? So are you saying anyone that makes abrasive/offensive comments while not in control of their actions should be held accountable for them later on even after apologizing? What is that, gestapo justice?


Senior member
Mar 10, 2006
Originally posted by: zendari
Look at the Democrats/liberals talk about Joe Lieberman nowadays. I guess Mel wanted to be part of the crowd.

Yeah because criticizing a Jewish politician's political views is antisemitic. :disgust: :disgust: :disgust: :disgust:


Senior member
Mar 30, 2006
i think he should be persecuted for driving drunk, maybe resisting arrest. for the rest that is freedom of speach, he can say whatever he wants, i dont care, he is not my neighbor or friend and i dont have to associate with him. but dont excuse him because he is drunk, he said what is on his mind and in his heart, if you agree with him, great, good for you, if not yippee, you wont be invited to his next party. But dont excuse someone because he was drunk. You sound like a high school kid trying to justify something to your parents.


Platinum Member
Dec 30, 2003
Last I knew, simply being drunk won't make someone say (and presumably believe) things that they may not already believe. Being drunk is not excuse.


Diamond Member
Jun 23, 2004
Well, I won't pretend to know how this will turn out legally.

Do I think he should get off more easily than anybody else?? No. If he did the crime, he should do the time......(or pay the fee or whatever might happen).

I think this was just a royal screwup on Mel's part. He was obviously not in a good frame of mind for him to make so many foolish comments like that. Whether those were directly from his true conscience???.......I don't know Mel, personally, so I can't say & won't pretend to know either.

Screw up..........YES!! Big Time!!!

I dunno how he'll bail himself outta this one, but I'm doubting that he cares!


Platinum Member
Oct 11, 2001
Originally posted by: 5150Joker

Even if he said what he did, I hear much worse things said about Muslims on the radio daily. Why is it such a crime to have a negative opinion about Jews and have your career in jeopardy but its ok to say anything you want about Muslims and others? I bet if he said, "Muslims are all terrorists. Are you a Muslim?" to the cop Hollywood and the ADL would be patting Mel Gibson on the back.

You are anti-semitic! :shocked:


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