The AT Battlefield 4 F.A.Q., News, and Discussion thread

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Diamond Member
Jun 27, 2005
After buying BF4 and making sure it runs well, i'll be all set for gaming as well for quite some time. Its all I'll play just about.

There isn't much else coming out on the horizon anyway. The only other thing coming out this year that I am aware of is the XCOM expansion, which will be a nice compliment for battlefield when it comes out in November (i.e. a single player TBS to give me a break from BF4). Aside from that, nothing else good coming out till maybe late 2014 with the wave of AAA-kickstarters (project eternity, torment, star citizen).


Diamond Member
Dec 13, 2000
The BF4 road show contiues at the Tokyo Games show

In less than one week’s time, the doors of the Makurai Messe convention centre will be opened and Tokyo Game Show 2013 will begin. RocketNews24 will of course be heading along to play a few games on your behalf and bring you some of the most original and quirky news we can lay our eyes and ears on (we were warned about touching last year), and during a little research session this afternoon we stumbled upon none other than the official exhibitor map for Tokyo Game Show 2013, which was released earlier today.

Needless to say, the exhibitor list is positively enormous, with hundreds of booths filling eight halls (plus a separate area dedicated to indies and cosplay) with gaming goodness to be drooled over. Not only that, but Electronics Arts Japan has confirmed that forthcoming first-person shooter Battlefield 4 will also be playable on PlayStation 4 at the event.

Earlier today, the Tokyo Game Show exhibitor map was released via the event’s official website (click here to open as a PDF), listing every exhibitor and their exact location so that fans and camera-lugging journalists know exactly in which direct to stampede.

For your convenience, we’ve cut the giant map up into three sections, covering the entire convention centre. Behold, the grotto of gaming!

▼ Starting with Halls 1-3, visitors will first come face to face with EA’s latest offerings.

▼ Heading east towards Halls 4-6, Sony and Namco Bandai will be flaunting their wares, followed by Capcom and mobile gaming specialists GREEScreen Shot 2013-09-13 at 15.36.12

▼ Finally, Halls 7 and 8 will play host to an e-sports area as well as merchandise booths and the food court.Screen Shot 2013-09-13 at 15.37.12

These maps are a little on the busy side so here’s a list of this year’s main exhibitors, working from Hall 1 to Hall 8:

- Electronic Arts

- Bushi Road

- Gungho Online Entertainment

- Sega

- Game Device Area (MadCatz, AVerMedia Technologies, Answer)

- Rocket Company

- Arc System Works

- Bethesda Softworks

- AMD Japan

- Square Enix

- Microsoft Japan

- Namco Bandai Games

- Sony Computer Entertainment

- GREE/Pokelabo

- Wargaming Japan

- Capcom

- Cyber Games Asia

as well as a ton of indies, small businesses, game schools and merchandise booths. Nintendo, as per its own traditions and quirks, will not be attending the show, just in case you were searching the list and wondering where they were.

Finally, Electronic Arts Japan also revealed today via its official official website that it will be giving Tokyo Game Show attendees the chance to play Battlefield 4 on PlayStation 4. The PS4 may not be making its way to these shores for some months yet, but the chance to play one of the first next-gen titles to be released for the platform has us very excited, not to mention the chance (as slim as it may be) that Sony will lift the lid on its rumoured virtual reality headset.

Six days to go, boys and girls. Six days to go!
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Diamond Member
Dec 13, 2000
New Battlefielfd blog post - The Road to Battlefield 4: The Ultimate Guide to the BF4 Vehicles

[DICE] SlyOkapi | 09.13.13
In this new entry in our “Road to Battlefield 4” blog series we roll out the vehicles! Read on and learn how to master the land, air and sea units as our vehicle expert dev tells you about new vehicle types, weaponry customization, and the focus on naval warfare. And of course: how to pimp your ride!

Ever since Wake Island and Battlefield 1942, taking advantage of a wide selection of vehicles has been essential for the all-out war experience in Battlefield. With Battlefield 4, the vehicle gameplay options and customization possibilities are greater than ever, especially with the new emphasis on the hectic Naval Warfare. We now hand over the word to Senior Vehicles Designer Patrick “Posh” O’Shaughnessy for an in-depth look at the development of all the land, air and sea vehicles in Battlefield 4.

BF4 Vehicle Design: A Matter of Personal Choice
There was one basic design philosophy behind vehicles in Battlefield 4, an approach that is found throughout Battlefield’s history: to give players opportunities to make interesting choices and affect the game in a more personalized way. With vehicles, these choices happen when customizing your vehicle’s loadout, or even selecting which vehicle you spawn into.

From an aesthetic point of view we try to make the experience of using the vehicles feel authentic and visceral, while at the same time avoiding unnecessary complexity. In other words: “easy to learn, hard to master”. Our goal is to make them look and feel authentic to their real-world counterparts, but not complex and overbearing.

With all the tweaks, new features and the convenient Test Range, we want to encourage players to try out the land, air, and sea vehicles in Battlefield 4, and of course the customizations that come with them. No matter what type of hardware you prefer, our goal is to turn our vehicles into thrilling tools for you to dominate the Battlefield – in your own way.

Battlefield 4: Official "Paracel Storm" Multiplayer Trailer
Angry Seas: Dynamic Water-based Combat
With Battlefield 4, we’ve put a lot of effort into giving Naval Combat the magnitude it deserves – and with the dynamic weather changes, fighting at sea becomes a constantly changing experience. At sea you get to control both attack craft like the Patrol Boats, and water transport vehicles like the Personal Water Craft, each with their own benefits. The bigger naval units are now basically “tanks on water”, suitable for both attacking targets defending themselves with powerful guns and countermeasures.

There were many challenges with designing the naval units in Battlefield 4. A big one was finding the right loadout for weapons, unlocks and other features for the attack boats. Naval units are unique on the Battlefield due to limited mobility, and that you are physically separated by the shoreline from both teammates and enemies. This is also true for the RHIB and Personal Water Craft, but transport vehicles are sort of disposable as you don’t spend as much time in them. We wanted the attack boats to hold value and have the same gameplay depth as a tank or a helicopter.

Let’s say you’re battling it out for bomb possession in Obliteration Mode and you want to take your team to victory by mastering the sea. One idea is to enter a fast attack craft like the RCB-90 and patrol the coasts of the most intense islands. Heavily armed, these things allow you to deal with light vehicles, infantry and other boats, but also give armored vehicles, jets and helicopters a fight. Now you have the choice of maneuvering the craft, trying to find the most strategic places based on what’s happening in the round, or man the fast 30mm cannon and take out enemy infantry as they rush with the bomb on the mainland. In Conquest, you can also use these mobile gun platforms to support the capturing of bases near the water.

If you want to speed things up at sea, the PWC (Personal Water Craft) is back for Battlefield 4. You might recognize this rapid ride from Battlefield 2: Special Forces and Battlefield: Bad Company 2, and those familiar with the Siege of Shanghai and Paracel Storm maps know the strength of it – swift movements from A to B in naval environments. Also: if you find yourself aboard an RCB patrol boat that’s close to exploding, two PWCs can come to the rescue by acting as escape vehicles. In other words, there’s no need to swim all the way to shore, which makes for non-stop action on the Battlefield.

Battlefield 4 - Paracel Storm 3
Cooperation with your teammates was a high priority when designing the naval units in Battlefield 4. Man the guns on a RHIB Boat and let your teammate steer the vehicle to the heat of the battle.
The Challenges of the Sea
One challenge with developing Battlefield 4’s naval combat was the difficulty to get other players in the vehicle with you. Unlike a tank or jeep, where you are likely close to friendly infantry, players don’t tend to hang out in the open water. And similarly, if you were a passenger in the boat and you wanted to go do something else, you’re pretty much screwed when the captain has taken you 300 meters from shore. Even as a passenger in a transport helicopter you can parachute down safely almost anywhere on a map.

Ultimately it was the transport helicopter that we looked at when solving these problems. The gunner seats of the transport helicopters are one of the most fun places to be in the entire game. So we added those types of weapons for the passengers of the attack boat, and made the vehicle a team spawn point, like the transport helis, to make it easier and more attractive for people to get in the vehicle.

Because the attack boat has more limited options when it comes to what types of enemies to engage, in a large part because of its necessity to be in water, we decided to give it a more varied set of customization options than other vehicles, so that you really can be versatile and engage many different types of targets depending on your choices when building your loadout.

No matter how powerful the vehicle of your choice is, you will always have a natural enemy equipped with the right gear for taking you down.
We still had the problem of feeling stranded out in the water as a passenger, though. We solved this after thinking back to the Patrol Boats featured in the Battlefield 1942 map Invasion of the Philippines, which could deploy LCRS Rafts when it was sunk. We added a similar feature to the attack boats, allowing any passenger the ability to deploy a Personal Water Carrier from the rear of the boat which you could see in our Siege of Shanghai multiplayer trailer at E3 earlier this year.

Rock-Paper-Scissors Evolved
Letting every type of unit have its natural prey and enemy, the signature rock-paper-scissors gameplay has always been core to our gameplay design. In Battlefield 4, it’s been greatly tweaked and enhanced. We looked over all of the vehicle classes and what their primary role on the Battlefield should be, and also what secondary role would be appropriate. For example, the Mobile Anti-Air Vehicle’s job is pretty obvious. However when you look at its customization options in Battlefield 3, there wasn’t a lot of choice when it came to how you could actually engage airborne enemies.

So in this case we added more ammo options for the primary weapon slot and more types of AA missiles in the secondary weapon slot, each with their own strengths and weaknesses. Now we can fine-tune our loadout to gain an edge in different situations. Is it helicopters we’ll encounter more often, or jets? Long range or short? Is there more cover for aircraft on this map or are they out in the open more often? So the biggest tweaks in the rock-paper-scissors gameplay come from what kinds of customization options are now available to each class.

Pimping Your Ride
Before going into battle with your vehicles of war, you’re going to want to make sure that they’re equipped just the way you like them. Battlefield 4 brings several vehicle customization options for you to experiment with, and this is done in a menu accessible before each round. Let’s say you want to customize the features of your main battle tanks. When picking your primary weapon you’re faced with the choice of a 120MM Armor Piercing Shell or a High Explosive Shell. The former is reasonably fast and deals a good amount of direct damage, but the latter spells heavy damage against armored targets, at the cost of a slower flight speed of the shells. As always, it’s a matter of personal taste and what kind of resistance you expect on the Battlefield.

But vehicle customization is also about camos and looking good on the Battlefield – and choosing the right camouflage for the right map environment can even be a life-saver. There are many different color sets and patterns of camo, any combination of which are available to vehicles, weapons and soldiers. The Adaptive Camo is a color pattern that is picked on a level-by-level basis, which is tweaked to match the environment of whatever level you are playing on.

Customization of the vehicles ties in to your expectations and experiences of the Battlefield. It’s up to you to decide what countermeasures and optics your tanks will be better off with.
The Freedom of Customization
In Battlefield 3 there were three vehicle customization slots; Secondary Weapons, Gadgets and Upgrades. In Battlefield 4 we’ve added customization options for the primary weapon slot, and split gadgets up into two new slots, Optics and Countermeasures. Unlocks for Optics and Countermeasures shared the same customization slot in Battlefield 3, which wasn’t optimal when it came to tanks. When you had to choose between optics modes and a protective countermeasure, the countermeasure is sort of a no-brainer, which takes player’s control out of that choice. So adding dedicated countermeasure and optic slots removes that problem and adds more customization options. Now tanks have more countermeasure options and they can be used at the same time as any optics unlock.

Alongside Battlefield 3’s secondary weapon slot unlocks, we now have customization for the primary slot as well, including different ammo types and in some cases different weapon mechanics. Additionally, like helicopter gunners in Battlefield 3, tank remote gun stations now have their own optics slot and an upgrade slot as well, including functions like a laser designator and short-range incendiary grenades.

Having all these customization options available will not only add longevity to the game, it will make your time on the Battlefield personal and deep. We truly hope and suspect you will enjoy figuring out what setup is right for you, for all the specific scenarios.

Critical Hit! (and How to Recover from It)
We’ve also applied some changes to the way that vehicles become disabled and how they recover. In Battlefield 3 your vehicle became disabled when its total health was depleted by a certain amount, rendering you basically immobile and in need of an Engineer to get it back up and running, otherwise the vehicle would burn away and explode. This changed a lot about vehicle combat in Battlefield for the better, but there were still some things about the system we didn’t like, based on how players reacted. Primarily, it always felt like you had to abandon the vehicle when becoming disabled, even though there’s always the possibility of still winning the fight. And if there’s no Engineer nearby, the vehicle is most likely going to explode anyway, so there’s not a lot of reason to stay in the vehicle.

So in Battlefield 4 we’ve added a new mechanic we call the Critical Hit. Anytime a vehicle takes a hit, we check the amount of final damage that was dealt, after the angle and zone checks. If the damage was high enough, it’s a Critical Hit, and the vehicle acts much like they did in Battlefield 3, losing power in tanks or having loss of control in aircraft – but this effect is temporary, and the vehicle recovers automatically after a few seconds.

The critical hit damage threshold is carefully tweaked alongside the damage zones and glancing-hit scaling on each vehicle, in a way that promotes playing smart as both a vehicle operator, and in an anti-vehicle role. This new concept of temporary critical hits means that we keep the sense of impending danger that a damaged vehicle brings – while still allowing for brave drivers to regain control and keep fighting.

Piloting water-based vehicles will challenge you to adapt to stronger waves as the weather changes take effect on certain levels.
Hit’em Where it Hurts: Mastering Vehicle Damage
Key to taking down enemy vehicles in Battlefield 4 is of course to know the most effective ways to damage them. The vehicle damage systems are similar to those in Battlefield 3 but we’ve balanced and fine-tuned it and fixed some problems. Take MBTs (Main Battle Tanks) for instance. Just like in Battlefield 3, they have the strongest armor of any combat vehicle in the game, but only in the front of the vehicle, while the back of the MBT has the weakest armor of any combat vehicle. Then on the sides they have standard armor, the same as the other tanks have all around.

Even though the MBT is the only tank with strong and weak spots like this, it still matters how you approach any tank with anti-tank weapons. A straight shot, perpendicular to the face of the vehicle where the impact occurs, will deal the most damage. A shot at a more “glancing” angle will deal less damage. So steady aim, ambushing and flanking heavy vehicles is the key to taking them down.

In Battlefield 4 we’ve also added a new “top” zone to all of the combat-oriented tanks, which also takes into account at what angle the impact has occurred. The FGM-148 (Javelin) missile, and the vehicle-based laser guided missiles will all naturally achieve a devastating top-attack hit when responding to teammates laser-designated targets. You can also achieve this with an RPG if you are firing from the right position, like a strategic hiding place on a rooftop or by paradropping from above.

Air units now have more clearly defined roles on the Battlefield, to emphasize their respective strenghts.
Take to the Skies: Unique Air Combat Roles
It wouldn’t be Battlefield without the ability to get into a jet or helicopter and help out your team from above. One challenge we faced when tweaking the airborne vehicles in Battlefield 4 was to clearly define their roles.

For instance: in Battlefield 3, Fighter Jets and Attack Jets were fairly homogenous and shared the same unlocks. They were both practically the same class, with few differences. In Battlefield 4, we’ve updated the Fighter Jet class to Stealth Jets with two new vehicles not present in Battlefield before (including the Chinese J-20), and their customization options now focus on air-to-air fighting. Attack Jets now have their own set of unlocks which focus on air-to-ground capabilities.

As for helicopters, the scout, transport and attack helicopters return and their unique roles are also defined in different ways. The scout helicopter is faster and more agile in Battlefield 4 and works well against infantry and light vehicles, and the attack helicopter can easily take out armored vehicles with the co-operation of a skilled co-pilot. The transport helicopter is, as always, the ultimate squad team play vehicle. Piloting the helicopters can perhaps be somewhat of a challenge, but is also very rewarding for those who dare take to the sky. And of course, you’ll always have the new Test Range to perfect your flying skills in, before taking on the all-out war.

Get Behind the Wheel
Come early October, when the exclusive and open Battlefield 4 beta kicks off, you’ll be able to try out the wide range of vehicles and all their customizations yourself. We hope you will find the Battlefield 4 vehicles better than ever, and that you enjoy that chaotic feeling of all-out war that comes with them.

Until then, why not give us your comments and thoughts on this blog post. Let us also know what you think about the upcoming vehicles in our poll below and stay tuned for more The Road to Battlefield 4!


What aspect of the Battlefield 4 vehicles are you looking forward to the most?
  • Ground vehicles
  • Air vehicles
  • Naval vehicles
  • Vehicle weapons
  • Vechicle camos
  • All of the above!
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Platinum Member
Jun 4, 2011
My orders were cancelled. I'm wondering if it has to do with method of payment. I went with paypal. Not sure what other people are using...
I used a credit card and got the same email others received.

Dear *******

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Unfortunately our system was unable to process your order. This has resulted in the order's cancellation. We apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused.

As a possible solution, we would recommend these steps:

1. Contact your financial institution and confirm that the information they have on file matches with all the information you included when you placed your order.

2. Place another order on using a different form of payment.

If you require any further assistance, please feel free to reply to this email and we will be more than happy to assist you further.

Best Regards,

GameStop PC Downloads Customer Service
Power To The Players
Power to the players......


Diamond Member
Dec 13, 2000
Battlefieldo - BF4: All the Launchers...

Hi everyone! So today daskro posted a video that showed all of the launchers in the new game, including a new Battle Pickup. There are some additions to what we used in BF3 as well as some interesting changes!

The new Pickup is called the HVM, or the Starstreak. Hmmm...looks pretty cool in real life:

Here is daskro's video, check it out!

SLU Aequitas

Golden Member
Jul 13, 2007
RPG7 does more damage than the Javelin.......I know its just a game, but come on!

I'm loving it from a game design standpoint. Skill required for effective use scales with damage. Realistic or not, it works from a gaming standpoint.

I do think it's funny how all missiles can now lock onto laser tags though.


Oct 27, 2006
RPG7 does more damage than the Javelin.......I know its just a game, but come on!

True, but if they made the Jav realistic, you're talking a two man crew, the Jav package with a single round is 50lbs, you have to sit down and take a bunch of prep time to fire it, and you also have to wait for the somewhat flaky targeting system to run coolant in order for the thermal targeting to work at all. In very hot conditions this can be several minutes, in absolutely ideal conditions it's about 30 seconds. The excess rockets take about 4 minutes to install and weigh about 35lbs each before unpacking for install, along with considerable bulk. So a two man crew running the Jav typically don't carry anything but a pistol, move slowly, and at best have a couple of extra missiles to work with.

Does that sound like fun? Haha, nobody would use the Javelin in the game if it were truly realistic.


Diamond Member
Feb 7, 2010
So they have failed to go with the better wire guided system of AT weapons like BF2 had? That still requires some skill and no lock on.


Platinum Member
Jun 4, 2011
I heard they were putting the wire guided sraw in, butter in haven't watched the video
Yes, its there.

True, but if they made the Jav realistic, you're talking a two man crew, the Jav package with a single round is 50lbs, you have to sit down and take a bunch of prep time to fire it, and you also have to wait for the somewhat flaky targeting system to run coolant in order for the thermal targeting to work at all. In very hot conditions this can be several minutes, in absolutely ideal conditions it's about 30 seconds. The excess rockets take about 4 minutes to install and weigh about 35lbs each before unpacking for install, along with considerable bulk. So a two man crew running the Jav typically don't carry anything but a pistol, move slowly, and at best have a couple of extra missiles to work with.

Does that sound like fun? Haha, nobody would use the Javelin in the game if it were truly realistic.
All true, but Id rather them not include a Jav if its gonna be that weaksauce.

Oh, and just think how many times we would toast ourselves and team mates with rocket back blasts if the game were truly realistic.


Oct 27, 2006
Yes, its there.

All true, but Id rather them not include a Jav if its gonna be that weaksauce.

Oh, and just think how many times we would toast ourselves and team mates with rocket back blasts if the game were truly realistic.

LOL that would be hilarious though.

"No, don't fire that RPG man! I'm right .. FFFOOOOOOOM"

Dude turns around to see his buddy turned into a pillar of ashes.


Golden Member
Mar 2, 2013
Exclusive is pretty much the same as open, because everyone and their mothers preordered that deluxe edition.


Diamond Member
May 21, 2011
Will still preorder BF4 but honestly can't now till i get paid again,$496 for a new psu and a gtx770 sucked the hobby budget right up this time around.

Betting i am the only one here who hasn't preordered,but for good reason as stated above lol.


Diamond Member
May 9, 2005
The game seems a lot smoother than when I saw BF3 videos out. Remember all the videos of the animations messed up and people complaining about lag the first beta of bf3? Just from these videos it seems a lot better. I wonder if any of those was 64 players posted?


Diamond Member
May 21, 2011
When beta finishs,there will be less then 2 weeks left till it is released,curious if the beta is the finished product,i know BF3 beta was no where near finished,so many issues so hope that isn't the case with this beta.
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