The AT Battlefield Bad Company 2 F.A.Q.

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Diamond Member
Dec 13, 2000
[size=+2]The AT Battlefield Bad Company 2 F.A.Q.[/size]

== Join the AT Battlefield Bad Company 2 Steam Group ==

** Please post questions you would like answered and we'll do our best to answer it. **

Publisher: Electronic Arts
Developer: EA Digital Illusions CE AB
Street Date: 2010-03-02 North America, 2010-03-05 Europe
Category: First Person Shooter
Platforms: XboxTM 360, PlayStation® 3, PC
Source (fan kit)

[size=+1]Official EA/DICE Video[/size]
All in one place (Awesome!):

Or if you prefer YouTube:
[size=+1]Video Boot Camp[/size]
[size=+1]Multi-player Game Modes[/size]
  • Battlefield's classic Conquest
  • Rush (Same as Gold Rush mode from BFBC1, but it's not for gold now) More Info
  • Squad Deathmatch Source, Video.
    • Each squad versus all squads with a max of four squads (16 players total)
    • First squad to 50 kill tickets wins
    • One vehicle: serves as center point as a magnet for action
    • Custom versions of maps used, i.e., Arica Harbor's town section will be used
    • Ranked!
  • Squad Rush Source, Video.
    • Four vs four, eight players total
    • Set on a smaller Rush game mode map
    • One crate per base and there will only be two bases that attackers need to take and the defenders obviously have to defend
    • No vehicles
    • Ranked
  • Onslaught - Console DLC, A squad of up to 4 human players against an army of bots, race to capture a series of control points, in order, in the lowest amount of time. Global leaderboards track the lowest times at several different difficulty levels.

[size=+1]Single-Player Game[/size]
[size=+1]Soldier Classes & Weapons[/size]
‘Play It Your Way’ experiment and refine your ideal combat style with 4 character classes (medic, assault, recon and engineer), 15000+ kit variations, 46 weapons (200 different customization opportunities), 15 gadgets and 13 character specializations. Awards and Achievements, combat efficiency and performance is rewarded with special awards such as pins, stars and insignias which contribute to unlocking 50 ranks. Source (fan kit)

Each player gets a Knife and 1 grenade (before specs), a class-specific primary weapon, a non-class specific secondary weapon, two class-specific "gadgets", and up to three specializations (AKA "specs"), some of which are class specific.

  • Medic - Uses high-powered machine guns such as a SAW. Gadgets include health packs and defibrillators. If a teammate is killed, there's a ten-second window in which a medic can revive a fallen player. And yes, you can also kill people with the defibrillator. More Info (blog)
  • Assault - Uses automatics that have a secondary fire such as a grenade launcher. The Assault class can also deploy an ammo hub that supplies soldiers in its vicinity.
  • Recon - The sniper class; Gadgets include C4, sensor balls that increase your radar strength or a handheld unit that can call in mortar strikes.
  • Engineer - Uses automatics, most of which have suppressors. Gadgets include rocket launchers and a power drill that can be used to repair vehicles or kill others.

Below is a chart of all the Infantry weapons, gadgets, and specs found in the PS3 Beta. Source #1 (video), Source #2 (video), Picture.

  • With so many kit variations, will the game let you save configurations? "Not only does BC2 remember your last gun, it remembers all your selections for every single different gun per kit." Source (* Currently not working on PC)
  • How long between Recon Mortar strikes? 35 seconds Source-Source
  • How do I unlock the better weapons and specializations? There is a seperate unlock tree for each of the four classes, plus vehicles. You unlock items in a pre-determined order for each class, by playing that class, thus, you have to play each class to some extent if you want to unlock all the goodies. A single unlock can appear under multiple classes, ie, you can unlock a red-dot site for Assault, but have to unlock it seperately for Engineer.**
  • What are the unlock order and requirements? EvilGrin's BC2 Kit Unlock Spreadsheet.
  • What are the stats for each weapon? Picture (source unknown), Denkirson stats site

15 land, sea and air vehicles, each with a tactical advantage during play Source (fan kit).

  • CAVJ - open top Jeep. Source (video)
  • COBR - Otokar Cobra Armored Jeep. Source (video). More Info.
  • QUAD - Quad Bike: The Quad Bike carries 2 teammates with quickness and agility across the battlefield in record time. Its small size allows it to slip through gaps and between trees in the forest to escape pursuers or reach that next objective. While this vehicle sports no arms of it's own, the passenger has full access to all of his kit weapons.
  • VODN - Vodnik "truck". Source (video)
  • HUMV - HMMVW aka "HummVee". Source (video)
  • M3A3 - Bradley APC. Source (video)
  • BMD3 -AA Mobile Anti-Aircraft vehicle: The BMD-AA is a Light Tank absolutely blistering with weaponry. The turret mounted dual 23mm AA cannons tears helicopters to pieces with rapid fire bursts. However the AA gunner must sit exposed to enemy fire in order to operate the weapon. The driver packs the explosive power of a 30mm Grenade Machinegun, and two additional passengers are each fully protected inside, with rapid fire machine guns to suppress nearby infantry.
  • M1A2 - Abrahms Tank. Source (video). "We moved the gunner inside the tank because he would often get killed by explosions with no warning. No fun that." Source (twitter).
  • T90R - T-90 Tank. Source (video). "We moved the gunner inside the tank because he would often get killed by explosions with no warning. No fun that." Source (twitter).
  • UAV1 RC Scout chopper - In addition to the usual assortment of armored vehicles and jeeps, players can also control a UAV. All players have to do is step inside a turret like station and control a mini helicopter armed with rockets. It can wreak some havoc on the field and automatically spot enemies. Source 1, Source 2, More Info.
  • AH60 Blackhawk transport helicopter: In Bad Company 2 a whole 4 man squad, plus a pilot, can take to the sky via the new UH-60 transport helicopter. This 5 seat vehicle can suppress any hot LZ with dual miniguns, each controlled by a gunner on either side of the helicopter. The additional 2 passengers can contribute their own kit’s fire power through the chopper’s open doors.
  • MI28 - Mi-28 "Havok" Attack Chopper. Source (video)
  • AH64 - Apache Attack Helicopter Source (video). More info: "Gunner gets a tracer dart and pilot gets a hellfire that locks on tracer dart vehicles" Source-Source.
  • MI24 - Hind Chopper Added in PC beta.
  • JETS - Two man Personal Water Craft: gives a quicker, stealthier option for crossing open water. While this vehicle sports no arms of it's own, the passenger has full access to all of his kit weapons.
  • PBLB - Small transport boat. Source (video)

  • KORD - Stationary Gun emplacement. Source (video)
  • X312 - Stationary Gun emplacement. Source (video)
  • TOW2 - TOW Missle, stationary emplacement. Source (video)
  • KORN - Rocket Launcher, stationary emplacement. Source (video)

Info on Vehicle Customization (via "specs"): Source #1 (blog) or Source #2 (video). Below is a list of all the vehicle specs found in the PS3 Beta. Source #1 (video), Source #2 (video). In this video, it was first mentioned that in multi-person vehicles, that vehicle customizations are additive. Each person's specs will be added to the vehicle, but duplicate specs will not will be doubled (more info). Even more info from DenKirson.

Available Vehicle Specializations:
  • VMTN-00 Like having the Recon's Motion Sensor ball in the vehicle, except, it never times out. Detects soldiers, C4, and mines within 20 meters around the vehicle, and shows them on the mini-map, and map. Driver or Passenger can have the specialization to add it to the vehicle.
  • VARM-00 Armor Upgrade for the vehicle, damage taken is reduced by 25% of normal. Driver or passenger can have the specialization to add it to the vehicle.
  • VALT-00 Vehicle Alternate Weapon. Adds alt-fire machine gun to tank or UAV if driver has it. Adds alt-fire Rocket to an APC if driver has it. Adds alt-fire Hellfire to the attack chopper if the driver has it. Adds alt-fire tracer dart for an attack chopper passenger, if they have it.
  • VSMK-00 Smoke Screen. If the Driver has the specialization, can they use it. Alt-fire to trigger it. Reload time is 20 seconds.
  • VZMM-00 Adds zoom. If the Driver has the specialization, can they use it. Especially useful for UAV.
  • VDMG-00 Increase main gun damage by 25%. Only works if the driver has the specialization.
  • VRLD-00 Decrease main gun reload time by 25%. Only works if the driver has the specialization.

[size=+1]Multiplayer Maps[/size]
Huge Multiplayer Maps. Each with a different tactical and gameplay focus and set across a variety of environments
  • How many multiplayer maps? 10 (at release w/day-1 DLC).
  • Map: Arica Harbour - "This new map displays a superb balance of vehicle and infantry combat, as the American assault unit attacks the Russian army base with full force, advancing further through a beautiful desert town and towards the industrial area in a desperate attempt to overtake the Arica Harbour. Heavy vehicle warfare on the first bases gradually turns into an intense infantry fight as the level progresses, showcasing this best-in-class online war experience."
    • Pictures: Here.
    • Video: Here.
    • Game Modes: Conquest (VIP), Rush, Squad Deathmatch, Squad Rush.
  • Map: Atacama Desert - A Russian Naval Group is preparing a massive amphibious assault. Defending the shore are 3 U.S fortifications and a string of artillery defenses. Should the Russians establish a beachhead and overrun U.S. positions, they will be free to advance further inland. With weather deteriorating and sandstorms approaching, U.S. Command has consolidated all available forces to meet the Russian threat. As a result of the open ground, a large-scale armor battle supported by attack helicopters seems likely.
    • Pictures: Here.
    • Video: Here, Here, Here
    • Game Modes: Conquest, Rush (VIP), Squad Rush.
  • Map: Cold War - From Single Player game
    • Pictures:
    • Video:
    • Game Modes: Rush (VIP), Squad Deathmatch (VIP), Squad Rush (VIP).
  • Map: Harvest Day - From Bad Company
    • Pictures:
    • Video:
    • Game Modes: Conquest (VIP), Rush (VIP), Squad Deathmatch (VIP), Squad Rush (VIP).
  • Map: Heavy Metal - From Single Player game
    • Pictures:
    • Video:
    • Game Modes: Conquest (VIP), Squad Deathmatch (VIP), Squad Rush (VIP).
  • Map: Isla Inocentes - U.S. Forces are desperate to open a supply route for an Armored Battle Group engaged in fighting further inland. A Russian Artillery base controls the area and counters any breakout actions launched. The base is well defended and has been successful in repelling previous attacks. Destruction of the base and control of the woodlands will allow U.S Amphibious Forces to land and open a second front, which is critical in their plan to liberate South America.
    • Pictures: Here.
    • Video:
    • Game Modes: Rush, Squad Deathmatch.
  • Map: Laguna Alta - Several days ago a large Russian counter attack overran U.S. Camp "Christopher" and destroyed a supply train carrying vital equipment. U.S Forces are mustering to recapture the area. They are trying to establish a buffer zone near the woodlands so their Battle Group can move unimpeded across the bridge connecting the opposing high ground. Intelligence reports and Recon patrols have exposed a large number of Russian troops and IFV's that have reinforced the camp since the attack occurred.
    • Pictures: Here.
    • Video:
    • Game Modes: Conquest(VIP), Squad Rush(VIP).
  • Map: Laguna Presa - Laguna Presa is home to gobs of lush greenery that seemed to pop off the screen a bit more than any of the colors in the first Bad Company. There are large shipping crates situated around the level that act as protective cover from the marauding tank (in SQDM mode) that chops down soldiers. Laguna Presa also changes elevations quite often -- with both high ground and low ground -- and includes plenty of shrubbery which makes for an easy hiding place for snipers.
    • Pictures: Here.
    • Video: Here.
    • Game Modes: Conquest, Rush (VIP), Squad Deathmatch, Squad Rush.
  • Map: Nelson Bay - Winter has hit hard. The river has frozen allowing heavy equipment and personnel to operate throughout the sector. However, the extreme weather and surrounding woods make it unlikely that any assault will consist of heavy armor. Satellite reconnaissance indicates Russian Special Forces and airborne units have been pulled away from South America and are gathering on mass. A nighttime assault is eminent. Nelson Bay harbors an underground U.S submarine base that will be defended at all cost.
    • Pictures: Here.
    • Video:
    • Game Modes: Conquest(VIP), Rush, Squad Deathmatch(VIP).
  • Map: Oasis - From Bad Company
    • Pictures:
    • Video:
    • Game Modes: Conquest (VIP), Rush (VIP), Squad Deathmatch (VIP), Squad Rush (VIP).
  • Map: Panama Canal - Panama Canal features a tight battle with abandoned industrial buildings, vehicles, large ships, and piles of debris everywhere with billowing smoke off in the distance as the surrounding forest rages of fire while the surrounding city is bombarded by enemy ballistics. The map has a four flag setup, with two flags being more focused on vehicle warfare with IFVs and MBTs. The center flags are infantry focused and the team in control of either centre flag will get access to an attack helicopter or an AA vehicle respectively. Source.
    • Pictures: Here.
    • Video: Video.
    • Game Modes: Conquest, Squad Rush.
  • Map: Port Valdez - "The battle for Port Valdez is fought alongside the waterline towards a great oil industrial landscape in the Alaskan mountains. Using basically everything they've got the Russian forces are launching an airborne assault to knock out the oil industries in the area. In their arsenal there are Main Battle Tanks as well as fast-moving Quad Bikes and mobile armored AA. It's a vehicle focused battle, but with plenty of infantry combat."
    • Pictures: Here.
    • Video: Here.
    • Game Modes: Conquest (VIP), Rush, Squad Rush.
  • Map: Valparaiso - The American capture of Valparaiso is the next phase in their strategic plan to repel Russian Forces from Chile. Any U.S. invasion will inevitably consist of a land assault through the outlying jungle areas and an amphibious landing of infantry and armored forces along the coast. The U.S objective is the Power Station on the outskirts of the city. If the installation can be captured and services cut off, the liberation of the city will inevitably follow suit.
    • Pictures: Here.
    • Video: Here.
    • Game Modes: Rush (VIP).
  • Map: White Pass - As the weather has cleared and snowfall relented, Russian Forces are massing for an assault on White Pass and the satellite relay station located there. The local town has not been attacked, but Russian units have probed defenses in the surrounding woods. The sector has strategic value to U.S Forces as it allows control of inland routes. Should the area fall into Russian hands, a line of advance will present itself directly to Nelson Bay.
    • Pictures: Here.
    • Video:
    • Game Modes: Conquest, Rush (VIP), Squad Deathmatch.
  • Single Player on the same Maps? "The multiplayer uses both custom versions of campaign mode maps and original maps"**. Source.

[size=+1]Game Features[/size]
  • Destruction 2.0: The DICE signature Frostbite™ engine delivers Destruction 2.0, adding a new layer of strategy to the all-out warfare. New to Battlefield: Bad Company 2 is the micro-destruction mechanic that allows players to be more strategic on the battlefield by chipping cover away bit by bit or taking down an entire building and watching it collapse with enemies inside.
  • How much does it cost? Retail price: $49.99 USD (PC), $59.99 USD (XBox360 & Playstation 3)
  • Spotting: Yes. Works basically the same as in BF2. Whether the player is spotted on the minimap and/or the first person view is optional, controlled by server settings.Source (video), or Source (video)
  • Is there a Commo Rose in the game? No. It has been replaced by the "Socialize" button. Default is the Q key on the PC. The same button used for spotting does different things depending what you are aiming at when you hit it:
    • On an enemy calls out their position and class (if spotting is enabled on the server}
    • On a friendly medic requests health
    • On a friendly assault class player requests ammo
    • On a friendly vehicle requests a ride
    • On a friendly engineer requests repairs (if in vehicle).
    • On a team owned base requests "Defend this Position"
    • On a enemy owned base requests "Attack this Position"
    • There is no "thank you" function in the game.
  • Parachutes: Yes Source (video)
  • Kill Cam: Yes Source (video). It can be disabled by server settings. Source (video), Source
  • Will there be squad leaders? Yes Source. Unlike BF2, you will be able to create, join, or quit a squad BEFORE entering the game. Source (blog)
  • Spawn on squadleader? You can spawn on any one in your squad! Source (interview). "PC is still 4 man squads with full squad spawn. But with BF2/2142 style joining and leading and locking." Source
  • Will there be a commander? No Source
  • Prone? No Source (twitter), Source (twitter)
  • Maximum number of players: PC: 32, Console: 24. Source (blog)
  • Will it be Moddable? Not initially, maybe never. Source (pod cast)
  • Will there be an editor? Not initially, probably never. Source (pod cast), Source
  • Will there be dedicated servers? Yes, for all platforms, PC and Console. Source (blog)
  • Will there be non-ranked servers? Yes Source (blog)
  • Will you be able to host a game on your own machine? No, the game was written for dedicated servers only, and the dedicated server files will not be distributed to the public (at least at this time).
  • Will you be able to play multi-player over a LAN? No, for the same reason you can't host a game on your own machine.
  • Will there be bullet drop? Yes Source (video)
  • Is there a Hard Core mode? Yes. Source
    • No Kill Cam
    • Friendly Fire is on
    • More realistic damage to soldiers from weapons
    • No gameplay HUD elements of any kind, i.e., cross hair, mini-map, enemy icons.
    • Can be played on all four gamemodes
    • Ranked!
  • Will there be an Infantry Only option? Yes, in Squad Rush game mode.
  • Will there be integrated VOIP? Yes. Source (blog)
  • If there is integrated VOIP, will there be the options to address 1) All players, 2) Your Team, 3) Just your squad? The game only supports talking to your squad mates. Or, if you are not in a squad, all those not in a squad.
  • The videos show players yelling out the F-bomb in game. Is there an option to "drop that motherf**ker" (disable it)? No. There is no option to disable the language.
  • Can you fly Jets or Planes in the game? No. But I saw them in a video? Sometimes planes do a fly-over of the battlefield. It is merely a scripted event, for atmosphere, and does not affect gameplay.**
  • Is there spawn protection? Yes, 1.6 seconds. It goes away if you shoot.**
  • Do the healing effect of medpacks stack up with each consecutive medpack? Yes Source-Source
  • Will BC2 support options for the colorblind (the green squad tags and red enemy tags are a problem to some people)? "We've got colorblind people at DICE, they're constantly giving feedback. We've made some adjustments." Source-Source
  • When buildings collapse will there be sound effects for them cause I notice in (the PS3) beta they didn't have any sounds attached to them? "Yep, there's a warning rumble, the screen shakes, debris start to fall, then the building collapses and kills any left inside." Source-Source
  • What version of the Frostbite game engine does Battlefield Bad Company 2 run on? Version 1.x Source Frostbite 2 will likely debut in Battlefield 3.**
  • Does Frostbite use Physx? No. It uses Havok for physics.
  • Is there be a screenshot function for consoles like BFBC1 has? Yes Source-Source.
  • Does BFBC2 support the xbox 360 gamepad for the PC version? "No, our PC version will be a true PC version. If you play on a PC you play with your Keyboard & Mouse." Source-Source.
  • Does BFBC2 have split sceen/ 2 player? No, it doesn't. Source-Source
  • Is there a vote to kick option? Yes. Source. How to use?
  • On the scoreboard in BFBC2, sometimes I see little white boxes with numbers next to players names. What does this mean? That number is the players Battlefield Veteran rank. It denotes the total number of Battlefield games the player has owned and played, and registered on the Battlefield Veterans web site. You can access it from the BFBC2 main site, via the My Soldier | Veterans Link in the menu bar (you have to log in to see the Veterans lnk).
  • What benefits do Battlefield Veterans get when purchasing BFBC2? The class gadgets Ammo Box (Assault), Medkit (Support), Defibrillator (Support), Repair Tool (Engineer), and Motion Sensor (Recon), normally need to be unlocked as you play. But these will be unlocked from the start for Battlefield veterans. DICE's reasoning for making them unlocks for rookies is that it gives them a chance to educate the rookie on the purpose and usefullness of these class unlocks. Veterans should already be aware of this. Source. Also, everyone with a Veteran rank of 1 or more will have access to the M1 Garand Rifle in Battlefield Bad Company 2. Source.

[size=+1]PC Scoring[/size]

Combat Points
  • +50 Killing an Enemy
  • +10 Headshot
  • +30 Marksman Headshot (Long distance. This is a minimum, you get more the longer the distance!)
  • +30 Defensive Kill
  • +10 Kill Assist
  • +20 Squad Kill Assist
  • +30 M-COM Station Defend Kill
  • +30 Double Kill
  • +50 Triple Kill
  • +100 Multiple Kill (>3 kills at once)
  • +50 Avenger Kill
  • +40 Squad Critical Kill Assist
  • +50 Savior Kill
  • +20 Spot Assist
  • -10 Suicide
  • -10 Team Kill
  • +100 Destroy Vehicle
  • +30 Vehicle Assist
  • +30 Vehicle Damage (bringing it down in health by increments of 1/3)
  • +30 Tracer Dart plant
  • +100 Objective Destroyed
  • +50 Objective Damage
  • +30 Objective Arm
  • +30 Objective Disarm
  • -10 Friendly Objective Damage
  • +10 Heal (per tick)
  • +20 Squad Heal (per tick)
  • +50 Revive
  • +80 Squad Revive
  • +10 Resupply
  • +20 Squad Resupply
  • +10 Repair (per tick)
  • +20 Squad repair (per tick)
  • +10 Squad Defend Order
  • +10 Squad Attack Order

Pins are rewards for completing certain pre-set objectives during a round of multiplayer. Insignia’s are much like pins, except they are milestone rewards. You accumulate stats and complete objectives over time, in hopes of unlocking the badge. It’s important to note that “Pins” are round based and “Insignia’s” are career based.
Bad Company 2 features 40 different Pins for players to earn during each round. Points can be earned each time you are awarded a pin. In the Beta, Pins are either worth 100, or 200 points. The same pin can be earned multiple times during a round (Stacked). When you complete one of the “Pin” objectives that DICE has set forth during a round, a small animation will play at the top of your screen in-game. Players can review all of the Pins they have earned at the “End of Round” screen or “Personal Stats” screen.
Source and more info at

Insignia’s are rewards for completing certain goals over your Bad Company 2 Career. Each Insignia has a nice “Badge” type Illustration made by DICE. Insignia’s are worth 5000, to 10,000 points a each and they are all objective based. Pins are very similar, except pins are round based, and Insignia’s are career based. Source and more info at

The Rank structure has been changed slightly. Each rank title has 3 different variants, Gold, Silver and Bronze. Below is a list of the rank title structure:
  • Ranks 1-3: Private
  • Ranks 4-6: Specialist
  • Ranks 7-9: Corporal
  • Ranks 10-12: Sergeant
  • Ranks 13-15: Staff Sergeant
  • Ranks 16-18: Master Sergeant
  • Ranks 19-21: First Sergeant
  • Ranks 22-24: Warrant Officer
  • Ranks 25-27: 1st Lieutenant
  • Ranks 28-30: Captain
  • Ranks 31-33: Colonel
  • Ranks 34-36: Brigadier General
  • Ranks 37-39: Major General
  • Ranks 40-42: Lieutenant General
  • Ranks 43-45: General
  • Ranks 46-48: 5 Star General
  • Rank 49: Unknown
  • Rank 50: General of the Army
Source and more info at

[size=+1]Trouble Shooting / How Do I?[/size]
  • My multiplayer server list just shows "-" for Ping. How do I make it shows the Ping values? Run the game as Administrator. If running the game from Steam, you need to run both Steam and the game as Administrator.
  • Push-to-Talk is not working when I run Teamspeak or Ventrilo with BFBC2? For some people, running the game as admin means you have to run these utilities as Admin also.
  • When I run the game as Admin, my extra mouse buttons don't work. How do I fix that? If you own a Logitech mouse, run Setpoint as Admin.
  • How do I add a server as a favorite? On the server list, there is a drop down menu icon to the immediate right of the server name. Add Favorite is an option there. Often, if you try to add a favorite from the full server list, it just sits there clocking and doesn't add the favorite. If you use the server name filter to shorten the number of servers on the list, it should work very quickly.
  • How do I switch teams in the middle of a game? Switch Teams is available on the spawn menu. You see it when you die, or hit Enter while alive to bring it up.
  • Where is the Health display? There is none.
  • When does the Magnum Ammo specialization get unlocked? The in-game stats for Magnum ammo say it gets unocked at rank 13, but it doesn't really get unlocked until rank 15.
  • When does the ceramic body armor specialization get unlocked? The in-game stats for Magnum ammo say it gets unocked at rank 13, but it doesn't really get unlocked until rank 14.
  • Where do I get one of those banners with my stats?
  • What's the difference between the bronze, silver, and gold dog tags? The color of the dogtags reflects the rank of the player you knifed. Rank 1-21 = Bronze, rank 22-40 = Silver, 41-52 = Gold.
  • What happens with your dog tags when the player levels up, does the tag change accordingly? No, it stays the same colour. You can have bronze and silver tags from the same person, if you knife them at different times.

[size=+1]Misc Info[/size]
  • Limited Edition: Available at launch, for no extra cash, includes the following in-game unlocks: Four vehicle warfare unlocks (Improved Vehicle Armor, Supreme Vehicle Firepower, Vehicle Motion Sensor, Tracer Dart Pistol), plus two classic Battlefield 1943 weapons: (M1A1 Submachine Gun, M1911 Pistol). Source (blog)
  • Available through Steam? Yes. Source.
  • Box Art on the Battlefield Blog
  • SoundTrack at Amazon
  • Minimum and recommended PC specs? Supports Windows XP, Vista, or 7. Direct X 9 or 10, or 11. Source (blog), More info on DX11 Support.
  • Minimum Frostbite PC Specifications for BFBC2: Source (blog)
    • Processor: Core 2 Duo @ 2.0GHz
    • Main memory: 2GB
    • Graphics card: GeForce 7800 GT / ATI X1900
    • Graphics memory: 256MB
    • OS: Windows XP
    • Free HDD space: 15GB for Digital Version, 10GB for Disc Version
  • Recommended Frostbite PC Specifications for BFBC2: Source (blog)
    • Processor: Quadcore
    • Main memory: 2GB
    • Graphics card: GeForce GTX 260
    • Graphics memory: 512MB
    • OS: Windows Vista or Windows 7
    • Free HDD space: 15GB for Digital Version, 10GB for Disc Version
  • What is the game rated? ESRB M (Mature) rating in North America Source, PEGI 16 Rating in Europe Source
  • What anti-cheat system is used on the PC? Punkbuster. Source
  • What DRM will be used on the retail PC version (SecuROM, etc.)? SecuROM. Source. How about Steam/digital versions? Digital versions get SecuROM too. Source.
  • Will there be any DLC after release? Yes Source-Source.
  • What Game Server Providers (GSP's) can I rent a server from?
  • Will unranked servers support no unlocks, all unlocks, or earned (on ranked servers) unlocks?
  • The Logitech G-Series keyboards have a display that is often used by games to display useful info while in game. What can I expect to see displayed while playing BFBC2? There are three screens of info. Source. Picture.
    Screen 1:
    • Total Score (Points from all of your games)
    • Squad Score (above)
    • World Rank
    • Time Elapsed playing
    • Kills (of match)
    • Deaths (above)
    • Ratio (above)
    Screen 2:
    • Server
    • Map
    • Ping
    • Number of Players
    Screen 3:
    • Next Unlocks for each class, including vehicles
    • Points until your next unlock

** non-authoritative source. Subject to change. (ie, I read it somewhere...). I'll try to firm these up.

Do you want the most up-to-the-minute news? Click on over to these sites.
Last edited:


Diamond Member
Dec 13, 2000
[size=+2]The AT Battlefield Bad Company 2 F.A.Q. (pre-release version)[/size]

== Join the AT Battlefield Bad Company 2 Steam Group ==

All info (even confirmed from DICE) is subject to change up until release! Often, difficult decisions are made at the last moments of development. The best laid plans....
** Please post questions you would like answered and we'll do our best to answer it. **

Publisher: Electronic Arts
Developer: EA Digital Illusions CE AB
Street Date: 2010-03-02 North America, 2010-03-05 Europe
Category: First Person Shooter
Platforms: XboxTM 360, PlayStation® 3, PC
Source (fan kit)

[size=+1]Official EA/DICE Video[/size]
All in one place (Awesome!):

Or if you prefer YouTube:
[size=+1]In-Game Footage Video[/size]
[size=+1]Tons more PS3 Beta Video[/size]
[size=+1]Interview Video[/size]
[size=+1]Multi-player Game Modes[/size]
  • Battlefield's classic Conquest
  • Rush (Same as Gold Rush mode from BFBC1, but it's not for gold now) More Info
  • Squad Deathmatch Source, Video.
    • Each squad versus all squads with a max of four squads (16 players total)
    • First squad to 50 kill tickets wins
    • One vehicle: serves as center point as a magnet for action
    • Custom versions of maps used, i.e., Arica Harbor's town section will be used
    • Ranked!
  • Squad Rush Source, Video.
    • Four vs four, eight players total
    • Set on a smaller Rush game mode map
    • One crate per base and there will only be two bases that attackers need to take and the defenders obviously have to defend
    • No vehicles
    • Ranked

[size=+1]Single-Player Game[/size]
[size=+1]Soldier Classes & Weapons[/size]
‘Play It Your Way’ experiment and refine your ideal combat style with 4 character classes (medic, assault, recon and engineer), 15000+ kit variations, 46 weapons (200 different customization opportunities), 15 gadgets and 13 character specializations. Awards and Achievements, combat efficiency and performance is rewarded with special awards such as pins, stars and insignias which contribute to unlocking 50 ranks. Source (fan kit)

Each player gets a Knife and 1 grenade (before specs), a class-specific primary weapon, a non-class specific secondary weapon, two class-specific "gadgets", and up to three specializations (AKA "specs"), some of which are class specific.

  • Medic - Uses high-powered machine guns such as a SAW. Gadgets include health packs and defibrillators. If a teammate is killed, there's a ten-second window in which a medic can revive a fallen player. And yes, you can also kill people with the defibrillator. More Info (blog)
  • Assault - Uses automatics that have a secondary fire such as a grenade launcher. The Assault class can also deploy an ammo hub that supplies soldiers in its vicinity.
  • Recon - The sniper class; Gadgets include C4, sensor balls that increase your radar strength or a handheld unit that can call in mortar strikes.
  • Engineer - Uses automatics, most of which have suppressors. Gadgets include rocket launchers and a power drill that can be used to repair vehicles or kill others.

Below is a chart of all the Infantry weapons, gadgets, and specs found in the PS3 Beta. Source #1 (video), Source #2 (video), Picture.

  • With so many kit variations, will the game let you save configurations? "Not only does BC2 remember your last gun, it remembers all your selections for every single different gun per kit." Source (* Currently not working on PC)
  • How long between Recon Mortar strikes? 35 seconds Source-Source
  • How do I unlock the better weapons and specializations? There is a seperate unlock tree for each of the four classes, plus vehicles. You unlock items in a pre-determined order for each class, by playing that class, thus, you have to play each class to some extent if you want to unlock all the goodies. A single unlock can appear under multiple classes, ie, you can unlock a red-dot site for Assault, but have to unlock it seperately for Engineer.**
  • What are the unlock order and requirements? EvilGrin's BC2 Kit Unlock Spreadsheet.
  • What are the stats for each weapon? Picture (source unknown), Denkirson stats site

15 land, sea and air vehicles, each with a tactical advantage during play Source (fan kit).

  • CAVJ - open top Jeep. Source (video) (not in PC Beta)
  • COBR - Otokar Cobra Armored Jeep. Source (video). More Info.
  • QUAD - Quad Bike: The Quad Bike carries 2 teammates with quickness and agility across the battlefield in record time. Its small size allows it to slip through gaps and between trees in the forest to escape pursuers or reach that next objective. While this vehicle sports no arms of it's own, the passenger has full access to all of his kit weapons.
  • VODN - Vodnik "truck". Source (video)
  • HUMV - HMMVW aka "HummVee". Source (video)
  • M3A3 - Bradley APC. Source (video)
  • BMD3 -AA Mobile Anti-Aircraft vehicle: The BMD-AA is a Light Tank absolutely blistering with weaponry. The turret mounted dual 23mm AA cannons tears helicopters to pieces with rapid fire bursts. However the AA gunner must sit exposed to enemy fire in order to operate the weapon. The driver packs the explosive power of a 30mm Grenade Machinegun, and two additional passengers are each fully protected inside, with rapid fire machine guns to suppress nearby infantry.
  • M1A2 - Abrahms Tank. Source (video). "We moved the gunner inside the tank because he would often get killed by explosions with no warning. No fun that." Source (twitter).
  • T90R - T-90 Tank. Source (video). "We moved the gunner inside the tank because he would often get killed by explosions with no warning. No fun that." Source (twitter).
  • UAV1 RC Scout chopper - In addition to the usual assortment of armored vehicles and jeeps, players can also control a UAV. All players have to do is step inside a turret like station and control a mini helicopter armed with rockets. It can wreak some havoc on the field and automatically spot enemies. Source 1, Source 2, More Info.
  • AH60 Blackhawk transport helicopter: In Bad Company 2 a whole 4 man squad, plus a pilot, can take to the sky via the new UH-60 transport helicopter. This 5 seat vehicle can suppress any hot LZ with dual miniguns, each controlled by a gunner on either side of the helicopter. The additional 2 passengers can contribute their own kit’s fire power through the chopper’s open doors.
  • MI28 - Mi-28 "Havok" Attack Chopper. Source (video)
  • AH64 - Apache Attack Helicopter Source (video). More info: "Gunner gets a tracer dart and pilot gets a hellfire that locks on tracer dart vehicles" Source-Source.
  • MI24 - Hind Chopper Added in PC beta.
  • JETS - Two man Personal Water Craft: gives a quicker, stealthier option for crossing open water. While this vehicle sports no arms of it's own, the passenger has full access to all of his kit weapons.
  • PBLB - Small transport boat. Source (video)

  • KORD - Stationary Gun emplacement. Source (video)
  • X312 - Stationary Gun emplacement. Source (video)
  • TOW2 - TOW Missle, stationary emplacement. Source (video)
  • KORN - Rocket Launcher, stationary emplacement. Source (video)

Info on Vehicle Customization (via "specs"): Source #1 (blog) or Source #2 (video). Interestingly, in this video, it is mentioned that in multi-person vehicles, that vehicle customizations are additive. Each person's specs will be added to the vehicle, but duplicate specs will not will be doubled (more info). Below is a list of all the vehicle specs found in the PS3 Beta. Source #1 (video), Source #2 (video).

Available Vehicle Specializations:
  • VMTN-00 Sensor -> minimap
  • VARM-00 Armor Upgrade
  • VALT-00 Adds MG/secondary fire to tank/helo
  • VSMK-00 Smoke Screen
  • VZMM-00 Adds zoom
  • VDMG-00 Main Gun Damage+
  • VRLD-00 Faster reload

[size=+1]Multiplayer Maps[/size]
Huge Multiplayer Maps. Each with a different tactical and gameplay focus and set across a variety of environments
  • How many multiplayer maps? 10 (at release w/day-1 DLC).
  • Map: Arica Harbour - "This new map displays a superb balance of vehicle and infantry combat, as the American assault unit attacks the Russian army base with full force, advancing further through a beautiful desert town and towards the industrial area in a desperate attempt to overtake the Arica Harbour. Heavy vehicle warfare on the first bases gradually turns into an intense infantry fight as the level progresses, showcasing this best-in-class online war experience."
    • Pictures: Here.
    • Video: Here.
    • Game Modes: Conquest (VIP Map, March 30), Rush, Squad Deathmatch, Squad Rush.
  • Map: Atacoma Desert - A Russian Naval Group is preparing a massive amphibious assault. Defending the shore are 3 U.S fortifications and a string of artillery defenses. Should the Russians establish a beachhead and overrun U.S. positions, they will be free to advance further inland. With weather deteriorating and sandstorms approaching, U.S. Command has consolidated all available forces to meet the Russian threat. As a result of the open ground, a large-scale armor battle supported by attack helicopters seems likely.
  • Map: Isla Inocentes - U.S. Forces are desperate to open a supply route for an Armored Battle Group engaged in fighting further inland. A Russian Artillery base controls the area and counters any breakout actions launched. The base is well defended and has been successful in repelling previous attacks. Destruction of the base and control of the woodlands will allow U.S Amphibious Forces to land and open a second front, which is critical in their plan to liberate South America.
    • Pictures: Here.
    • Video:
    • Game Modes: Rush, Squad Deathmatch.
  • Map: Laguna Alta - Several days ago a large Russian counter attack overran U.S. Camp "Christopher" and destroyed a supply train carrying vital equipment. U.S Forces are mustering to recapture the area. They are trying to establish a buffer zone near the woodlands so their Battle Group can move unimpeded across the bridge connecting the opposing high ground. Intelligence reports and Recon patrols have exposed a large number of Russian troops and IFV's that have reinforced the camp since the attack occurred.
    • Pictures: Here.
    • Video:
    • Game Modes: Conquest (VIP map).
  • Map: Laguna Presa - Laguna Presa is home to gobs of lush greenery that seemed to pop off the screen a bit more than any of the colors in the first Bad Company. There are large shipping crates situated around the level that act as protective cover from the marauding tank (in SQDM mode) that chops down soldiers. Laguna Presa also changes elevations quite often -- with both high ground and low ground -- and includes plenty of shrubbery which makes for an easy hiding place for snipers.
    • Pictures: Here.
    • Video: Here.
    • Game Modes: Conquest, Rush (VIP map, March 30), Squad Deathmatch, Squad Rush.
  • Map: Nelson Bay - Winter has hit hard. The river has frozen allowing heavy equipment and personnel to operate throughout the sector. However, the extreme weather and surrounding woods make it unlikely that any assault will consist of heavy armor. Satellite reconnaissance indicates Russian Special Forces and airborne units have been pulled away from South America and are gathering on mass. A nighttime assault is eminent. Nelson Bay harbors an underground U.S submarine base that will be defended at all cost.
    • Pictures: Here.
    • Video:
    • Game Modes: Rush.
  • Map: Panama Canal - Panama Canal features a tight battle with abandoned industrial buildings, vehicles, large ships, and piles of debris everywhere with billowing smoke off in the distance as the surrounding forest rages of fire while the surrounding city is bombarded by enemy ballistics. The map has a four flag setup, with two flags being more focused on vehicle warfare with IFVs and MBTs. The center flags are infantry focused and the team in control of either centre flag will get access to an attack helicopter or an AA vehicle respectively. Source.
    • Pictures: Here.
    • Video: Video.
    • Game Modes: Conquest, Squad Rush.
  • Map: Port Valdez - "The battle for Port Valdez is fought alongside the waterline towards a great oil industrial landscape in the Alaskan mountains. Using basically everything they've got the Russian forces are launching an airborne assault to knock out the oil industries in the area. In their arsenal there are Main Battle Tanks as well as fast-moving Quad Bikes and mobile armored AA. It's a vehicle focused battle, but with plenty of infantry combat."
    • Pictures: Here.
    • Video: Here.
    • Game Modes: Rush. Conquest map on UltimatePrestige, but not in game yet?
  • Map: Valparaiso - The American capture of Valparaiso is the next phase in their strategic plan to repel Russian Forces from Chile. Any U.S. invasion will inevitably consist of a land assault through the outlying jungle areas and an amphibious landing of infantry and armored forces along the coast. The U.S objective is the Power Station on the outskirts of the city. If the installation can be captured and services cut off, the liberation of the city will inevitably follow suit.
    • Pictures: Here.
    • Video: Here.
    • Game Modes: Rush (VIP map).
  • Map: White Pass - As the weather has cleared and snowfall relented, Russian Forces are massing for an assault on White Pass and the satellite relay station located there. The local town has not been attacked, but Russian units have probed defenses in the surrounding woods. The sector has strategic value to U.S Forces as it allows control of inland routes. Should the area fall into Russian hands, a line of advance will present itself directly to Nelson Bay.
    • Pictures: Here.
    • Video:
    • Game Modes: Conquest, Squad Deathmatch.
  • Single Player on the same Maps? "The multiplayer uses both custom versions of campaign mode maps and original maps"**. Source.

[size=+1]Game Features[/size]
  • Destruction 2.0: The DICE signature Frostbite™ engine delivers Destruction 2.0, adding a new layer of strategy to the all-out warfare. New to Battlefield: Bad Company 2 is the micro-destruction mechanic that allows players to be more strategic on the battlefield by chipping cover away bit by bit or taking down an entire building and watching it collapse with enemies inside.
  • How much will it cost? Retail price: $49.99 USD (PC), $59.99 USD (XBox360 & Playstation 3)
  • Spotting: Yes. Works basically the same as in BF2. Whether the player is spotted on the minimap and/or the first person view is optional, controlled by server settings.Source (video), or Source (video)
  • Is there a Commo Rose in the game? No. It has been replaced by the "Socialize" button. Default is the Q key on the PC. The same button used for spotting does different things depending what you are aiming at when you hit it:
    • On an enemy calls out their position and class (if spotting is enabled on the server}
    • On a friendly medic requests health
    • On a friendly assault class player requests ammo
    • On a friendly vehicle requests a ride
    • On a friendly engineer requests repairs (if in vehicle).
    • On a team owned base requests "Defend this Position"
    • On a enemy owned base requests "Attack this Position"
    • There is no "thank you" function in the game.
  • Parachutes: Yes Source (video)
  • Kill Cam: Yes Source (video). It can be disabled by server settings. Source (video), Source
  • Will there be squad leaders? Yes Source. Unlike BF2, you will be able to create, join, or quit a squad BEFORE entering the game. Source (blog)
  • Spawn on squadleader? You can spawn on any one in your squad! Source (interview). "PC is still 4 man squads with full squad spawn. But with BF2/2142 style joining and leading and locking." Source
  • Will there be a commander? No Source
  • Prone? No Source (twitter), Source (twitter)
  • Maximum number of players: PC: 32, Console: 24. Source (blog)
  • Will it be Moddable? Not initially, maybe never. Source (pod cast)
  • Will there be an editor? Not initially, probably never. Source (pod cast), Source
  • Will there be dedicated servers? Yes, for all platforms, PC and Console. Source (blog)
  • Will there be non-ranked servers? Yes Source (blog)
  • Will you be able to host a game on your own machine? No, the game was written for dedicated servers only, and the dedicated server files will not be distributed to the public (at least at this time).
  • Will you be able to play multi-player over a LAN? No, for the same reason you can't host a game on your own machine.
  • Will there be bullet drop? Yes Source (video)
  • Will there be a Hard Core mode? Yes. Source
    • No Kill Cam
    • Friendly Fire is on
    • More realistic damage to soldiers from weapons
    • No gameplay HUD elements of any kind, i.e., cross hair, mini-map, enemy icons.
    • Can be played on all four gamemodes
    • Ranked!
  • Will there be an Infantry Only option? Yes, in Squad Rush game mode.
  • Will there be integrated VOIP? Yes. Source (blog)
  • If there is integrated VOIP, will there be the options to address 1) All players, 2) Your Team, 3) Just your squad? The PS3 Beta only supports talking to your squad mates.
  • The videos show players yelling out the F-bomb in game. Will there be an option to "drop that motherf**ker" (disable it)?At this point, I'm going to assume "No. There will be no option to disable the language". There is nothing in the beta.**
  • Can you fly Jets or Planes in the game? No. But I saw them in a video? Sometimes planes do a fly-over of the battlefield. It is merely a scripted event, for atmosphere, and does not affect gameplay.**
  • Is there spawn protection? Yes, 1.6 seconds. It goes away if you shoot.**
  • Do the healing effect of medpacks stack up with each consecutive medpack? Yes Source-Source
  • Will BC2 support options for the colorblind (the green squad tags and red enemy tags are a problem to some people)? "We've got colorblind people at DICE, they're constantly giving feedback. We've made some adjustments." Source-Source
  • When buildings collapse will there be sound effects for them cause I notice in (the PS3) beta they didn't have any sounds attached to them? "Yep, there's a warning rumble, the screen shakes, debris start to fall, then the building collapses and kills any left inside." Source-Source
  • What version of the Frostbite game engine does Battlefield Bad Company 2 run on? Version 1.x Source Frostbite 2 will likely debut in Battlefield 3.**
  • Does Frostbite use Physx? No. It uses Havok for physics.
  • Will there be a screenshot function for consoles like BFBC1 has? Yes Source-Source.
  • Will BFBC2 support the xbox 360 gamepad for the PC version? "No, our PC version will be a true PC version. If you play on a PC you play with your Keyboard & Mouse." Source-Source.
  • Will BFBC2 have split sceen/ 2 player? No, it won't. Source-Source
  • Will there be a vote to kick option? Yes. Source
  • On the scoreboard in BFBC2, sometimes I see little white boxes with numbers next to players names. What does this mean? That number is the players Battlefield Veteran rank. It denotes the total number of Battlefield games the player has owned and played, and registered on the Battlefield Veterans web site.**
  • What benefits will Battlefield Veterans get when purchasing BFBC2? Certain class gadgets, such as the defibrilator (for Support), ammo crate (for Assault) normally need to be unlocked as you play. These will be unlocked from the start for Battlefield veterans. DICE's reasoning for making them unlocks for rookies is that it gives them a chance to educate the rookie on the purpose and usefullness of these class unlocks. Veterans should already be aware of this. Source. Also, everyone with a Veteran rank of 1 or more will have access to the M1 Garand Rifle in Battlefield Bad Company 2. Source.

[size=+1]PC Beta Scoring[/size]

Combat Points
  • +50 Killing an Enemy
  • +10 Headshot
  • +30 Marksman Headshot (long distance)
  • +30 Defensive Kill
  • +10 Kill Assist
  • +20 Squad Kill Assist
  • +30 M-COM Station Defend Kill
  • +30 Double Kill
  • +50 Triple Kill
  • +100 Multiple Kill (>3 kills at once)
  • +50 Avenger Kill
  • +40 Squad Critical Kill Assist
  • +50 Savior Kill
  • +20 Spot Assist
  • -10 Suicide
  • -10 Team Kill
  • +100 Destroy Vehicle
  • +30 Vehicle Assist
  • +30 Vehicle Damage (bringing it down in health by increments of 1/3)
  • +30 Tracer Dart plant
  • +100 Objective Destroyed
  • +50 Objective Damage
  • +30 Objective Arm
  • +30 Objective Disarm
  • -10 Friendly Objective Damage
  • +10 Heal (per tick)
  • +20 Squad Heal (per tick)
  • +50 Revive
  • +80 Squad Revive
  • +10 Resupply
  • +20 Squad Resupply
  • +10 Repair (per tick)
  • +20 Squad repair (per tick)
  • +10 Squad Defend Order
  • +10 Squad Attack Order

Pins are rewards for completing certain pre-set objectives during a round of multiplayer. Insignia’s are much like pins, except they are milestone rewards. You accumulate stats and complete objectives over time, in hopes of unlocking the badge. It’s important to note that “Pins” are round based and “Insignia’s” are career based.
Bad Company 2 features 40 different Pins for players to earn during each round. Points can be earned each time you are awarded a pin. In the Beta, Pins are either worth 100, or 200 points. The same pin can be earned multiple times during a round (Stacked). When you complete one of the “Pin” objectives that DICE has set forth during a round, a small animation will play at the top of your screen in-game. Players can review all of the Pins they have earned at the “End of Round” screen or “Personal Stats” screen.
Source and more info at

Insignia’s are rewards for completing certain goals over your Bad Company 2 Career. Each Insignia has a nice “Badge” type Illustration made by DICE. Insignia’s are worth 5000, to 10,000 points a each and they are all objective based. Pins are very similar, except pins are round based, and Insignia’s are career based. Source and more info at

The Rank structure has been changed slightly. Each rank title has 3 different variants, Gold, Silver and Bronze. Below is a list of the rank title structure:
  • Ranks 1-3: Private
  • Ranks 4-6: Specialist
  • Ranks 7-9: Corporal
  • Ranks 10-12: Sergeant
  • Ranks 13-15: Staff Sergeant
  • Ranks 16-18: Master Sergeant
  • Ranks 19-21: First Sergeant
  • Ranks 22-24: Warrant Officer
  • Ranks 25-27: 1st Lieutenant
  • Ranks 28-30: Captain
  • Ranks 31-33: Colonel
  • Ranks 34-36: Brigadier General
  • Ranks 37-39: Major General
  • Ranks 40-42: Lieutenant General
  • Ranks 43-45: General
  • Ranks 46-48: 5 Star General
  • Rank 49: Unknown
  • Rank 50: General of the Army
Source and more info at

[size=+1]Misc Info[/size]
  • Limited Edition: Available at launch, for no extra cash, includes the following in-game unlocks: Four vehicle warfare unlocks (Improved Vehicle Armor, Supreme Vehicle Firepower, Vehicle Motion Sensor, Tracer Dart Pistol), plus two classic Battlefield 1943 weapons: (M1A1 Submachine Gun, M1911 Pistol). Source (blog)
  • Available Pre-Order bonus':
    • AKS-74 unlock: GameStop, EBGames
    • Exclusive 30 days early access to Squad Rush mode: Gamestop (Consoles in North America only).
    • Access to the PC Beta (for pre-ordering PC edition): GameStop, Steam, EA Store, Direct2Drive, More.
  • On Steam? Yes. Source. "Yeah, pre-loading rocks, will see if we can do this." Source (twitter).
  • Box Art on the Battlefield Blog
  • SoundTrack at Amazon
  • Minimum and recommended PC specs? Supports Windows XP, Vista, or 7. Direct X 9 or 10, or 11. Source (blog), More info on DX11 Support.
  • Minimum Frostbite PC Specifications for BFBC2: Source (blog)
    • Processor: Core 2 Duo @ 2.0GHz
    • Main memory: 2GB
    • Graphics card: GeForce 7800 GT / ATI X1900
    • Graphics memory: 256MB
    • OS: Windows XP
    • Free HDD space: 15GB for Digital Version, 10GB for Disc Version
  • Recommended Frostbite PC Specifications for BFBC2: Source (blog)
    • Processor: Quadcore
    • Main memory: 2GB
    • Graphics card: GeForce GTX 260
    • Graphics memory: 512MB
    • OS: Windows Vista or Windows 7
    • Free HDD space: 15GB for Digital Version, 10GB for Disc Version
  • PS3 Beta: Keys given out starting Nov 10, for pre-orders. Beta starts on 19-Nov-2009. Ends: 21-Dec-2009 Source
  • PC Beta: Yes Source (blog)
    • Beta Begins/Ends...Jan 28th/Feb 25th
    • Map Name...........Port Valdez
    • Players............32
    • Game Mode..........Rush
    • Environment........Snow
    • Theme..............Vehicle and Infantry
    • Server Locations...Region free w/ servers in US, Western & Eastern Europe, South Africa, Brazil, Middle East, Oz, New Zealand, & Japan. Source
    • Where to download..See here
  • Will the rank and unlocks I earn in the beta(s) carry over to the final game? No Source-Source
  • Xbox beta? Nope.
  • How do I get in to the PC Beta? "How To Get Access: Reserve Battlefield Bad Company 2 is the most sure fire way and right now we are still finalizing which Retailers & e-Tailers will participate (it's up to them). If you're eager to ensure you get in confirmed distributors to Pre-Order consumers are the EA Store and at We'll have another Blog to update new retailers & e-Tailers that have teamed up with us as well as alternate channels to obtain a Closed Beta Key." Source (blog)
  • Game Demo? Yes: In "Early 2010" all systems will get a multiplayer Demo. Source (blog). The Xbox 360 & PS3 demo should arrive on 04-Feb-2010. Source. This demo will be multiplayer only (Source), on the Port Valdez map (Source-Source).
  • What will it be rated? ESRB M (Mature) rating in North America Source, PEGI 16 Rating in Europe Source
  • What anti-cheat system will be used on the PC? Punkbuster. Source
  • What DRM will be used on the retail PC version (SecuROM, etc.)? SecuROM. Source. How about Steam/digital versions? Digital versions get SecuROM too. Source.
  • Will there be any DLC after release? Yes Source-Source.
  • Can I rent a server for the PC Beta? No, EA will supply all servers for the Beta. Source.
  • What Game Server Providers (GSP's) can I rent a server from?
  • Will unranked servers support no unlocks, all unlocks, or earned (on ranked servers) unlocks?
  • The Logitech G-Series keyboards have a display that is often used by games to display useful info while in game. What can I expect to see displayed while playing BFBC2? There are three screens of info. Source. Picture.
    Screen 1:
    • Total Score (Points from all of your games)
    • Squad Score (above)
    • World Rank
    • Time Elapsed playing
    • Kills (of match)
    • Deaths (above)
    • Ratio (above)
    Screen 2:
    • Server
    • Map
    • Ping
    • Number of Players
    Screen 3:
    • Next Unlocks for each class, including vehicles
    • Points until your next unlock

** non-authoritative source. Subject to change. (ie, I read it somewhere...). I'll try to firm these up.

Do you want the most up-to-the-minute news? Click on over to these sites.
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Diamond Member
Dec 13, 2000

Beta News:

PS3: Beta keys given out Nov 10, for pre-orders. Beta starts on the 19th, though.
PC: December, "Open beta" Source (blog). Now being characterized as closed. Source (twitter)
All systems: "Early 2010", Multiplayer Demo

Full Story, with new Video


Check out this new video of Gordon VanDyke showing of the features of the PS3 Beta:
Gordon VanDyke on G4TV Presenting PS3 Beta (part 1)
Gordon VanDyke on G4TV Presenting PS3 Beta (part 2)

I think this is not going to air on G4 until next Wednesday, but you can see it here first...
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Diamond Member
Dec 13, 2000

It seems likely that any co-op modes would fall under "Single Player", since that's where they have bots and scripted sh$t. Unfortunately, DICE has been keeping single player under wraps so far. We might not get more info on this until February. I'll keep my ears open.


Diamond Member
Mar 23, 2009
remind me again why dejected CoD players are suckling at DICE's teat?

what happens next year when DICE does something to piss everyone off? back to IW?


Diamond Member
Dec 13, 2000
remind me again why dejected CoD players are suckling at DICE's teat?

what happens next year when DICE does something to piss everyone off? back to IW?

There are plenty of other threads for that.
Personally, I've been playing BF2 regularly since November 6th, 2005. (EA kindly maintains my stats for me. Ranked dedicated servers FTW!)
I'm ready for the next iteration. I think there are many out there that feel the same way.


Platinum Member
Oct 22, 2006
meh BF3 is the game you should be on the look out for. BC2 is more or less a console game coming to PC and seems like DICE's version of COD :MW (with the health regen, air support call-in, kill-cams, perks, hardcore mode, etc).

here's some more info:
details on hardcore mode: (man it's gonna be tough playing a BF game with no mini-map)
self damaging even with FF off:
oh and there's 1.6 second invincibility on spawn to prevent spawnkilling.
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Diamond Member
Aug 2, 2007
I appreciate both COD and BF, although I'm pretty much a BF guy. If BF:BC2 is DICE's version of COD, I'll gladly jump in...vehicles are something I enjoy a lot, and I'd rather have someone actually pilot a helo than have some omnipotent bot helo shoot me in the fucking head while it's facing the other way.

BC 2 looks from the videos like everything MW2 should have been, and I can't wait to play it. My only concern is that DICE doesn't usually polish its games as well as IW, although from all the complaints about the PC version, as long as I can install it I should be golden.


Diamond Member
Dec 13, 2000
meh BF3 is the game you should be on the look out for. BC2 is more or less a console game coming to PC and seems like DICE's version of COD:MW (with the health regen, air support call-in, kill-cams, perks, hardcore mode, etc).

here's some more info:
details on hardcore mode: (man it's gonna be tough playing a BF game with no mini-map)
self damaging even with FF off:
oh and there's 1.6 second invincibility on spawn to prevent spawnkilling.

I have seen you posting over on the EA UK forums.
I saw the hardcore thread started yesterday. It didn't seem "solid" yet, just something being thrown out as a possibility.

I almost responded to tell them I don't think they should eliminate the mini-map and spotting from any hard-core mode. That is just removing part of the teamwork that makes a Battlefield game so special. Something that they highly tout.
If you check out the new G4TV video's I posted today (the very beginning of part2), GvD explains that to keep a "spot" active, you even have to keep them on screen. When you look away, the spot disappears....
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Diamond Member
Aug 2, 2007
Thanks for putting all this together, was fun playing with you last week on the ATF server.


Diamond Member
Dec 13, 2000
Great new video:

Gordon VanDyke Tactics Walkthrough Part I: Offense HD

Gordon VanDyke Tactics Walkthrough Part I: Defense HD

Some people have downloaded and installed the beta. New information is starting to come out. Check out the EA UK Forums link in the OP for details.

One of the new squad modes may be...

ok 1st iv noticed aim assist in the options menu!
then i looked through the badges and acheivments
and i found a badge for rush! and conquest and then squad team deathmatch!! anybody new about this? is this the new game mode?

EA UK BFBC2 Forum Post

Not impressed by Deathmatch, it's so 90's. Stay tuned...


Diamond Member
Dec 13, 2000
good work you're doing, GF. are you gonna also do this for BF3?


I added the information about all the available weapons, gadgets and specializations shown in the PS3 beta, to the OP. Let me know if the embedded image is a problem.


Diamond Member
Dec 13, 2000
The PC Beta Sky is Falling.... Not!

* BY: GordonVanDyke
* POSTED- Nov 25, 2009, 12:21PM

Hey all,

We wanted to update you, and slow the flood of tweets, on questions surrounding the BFBC2 PC Beta being cancelled. I'll get right to it and say "the BFBC2 PC Beta is not cancelled". Now this all started due to changes made to an earlier blog that removed the PC Beta from the details and the reason for this was the plan changed. With the huge success of the PS3 Beta we decided to drastically increase the PC Beta's capacity to insure as many people as possible could participate. Unfortunately this meant we had to delay the Beta to very early next year giving us more planning time to make it happen and implement more optimizations.

Here is a recap of the current PC features, and we can now confirm DX11 support with more details to come later!

PC Enhanced Features

  • Up to 32 Players on PC (24 on consoles) - Play with up to 32 players online in the biggest multiplayer Maps in Battlefield. Each with a different tactical and gameplay focus set across a variety of environments.
  • Full DirectX 9, 10 & 11 Support - Immerse yourself in the Battlefield world as Frostbite engine brings tanks, helicopters and explosions to vivid life on your PC. The game will fully support Windows XP, Vista, and 7 with new tech that further improves things like lighting and shadows.
  • Enhanced Gameplay - The PC version also includes wide peripheral support like Joysticks for flying, NVIDIA 3D Vision, Logitech LCD Keyboards and VoIP Support plus a variety of specific features tailored for PC play.
  • Friend Support - Find your friends online with the new buddy list to see if and who is online so you can quickly join their game.
  • Dedicated Ranked Server - Everyone gets non-stop action with no connection penalties based on some other player's internet. Ranked Server Provider program will give players opportunity to rent their own server(s) located in professional grade datacenters, ability to modify settings like map rotation, create reserved slots for friends or clan members, kick & Ban players, and custom name your ranked server.
  • Clan Support & Private Servers - Independent Clan Tag, and ability to rent servers for hosting and controlling private password protected competitive servers with expanded control over the settings from public ranked servers.
  • PC Squad Play System - Updated from previous Battlefield PC titles now gives control of your squad before heading into combat.

Battlefield Blog
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Diamond Member
Aug 18, 2006
That's pretty kewl, although I was hoping for something to play this December, lol.


Sep 15, 2002
GullyFolly, do you work with DICE? Ask them why the originally were going to have bad company pc beta, but then cancelled it for the pc. 1943 for the pc, then cancelled that too. Bad Company 2 beta but then cancelled that...

What the fuck? Why?


Diamond Member
Dec 13, 2000
I do not work with DICE. I don't recall there ever being any plans for Battlefield Bad Company on the PC, but maybe I just never paid attention at the time.
BF1943 is still planned for the PC. Battlefield Bad Company 2 is also still planned for the PC, the beta is just delayed until 2010.

The consolation for me is that it now sounds like I will actually be able to be involved in the BFBC2 beta, as they are expanding the scope of it to be similar to the PS3 one, where just about anyone that wanted to get in, could. Before, it sounded pretty exclusive.

Overall, I think the answer to your question is, it is harder to develop for the PC, because of the hardware variations.


Sep 15, 2002
Well, a 360 is basically the same thing as a pc - hardware variations be damned. Yes, they is stuff to do but I don't think it's that hard. I just would wish DICE would stay true to their promises.


Diamond Member
Dec 13, 2000
There will be no commander. Snipers with a chosen Spec can call in a mortar strike, and anyone can use a UAV station.

The spotting system will be basically like BF2. You look at the enemy, and hit a certain key to have them show up on your teams mini-map. They stay on the minimap for your team for a few seconds. My understanding is, in the original BFBC, you didn't even have to hit a key, just see them for this to happen.
Also, the UAV is an exception, it spots enemys without hitting a key.
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