The AT Battlefield Bad Company 2 F.A.Q.

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Diamond Member
Feb 27, 2003
My story:
- Installed
- Logged in, EA Online remembered my soldiers, I pick one
- I see my friends from the beta are still there, and 3 new friend requests
- Click on a friend request, CTD
- Cannot connect to EA Online
- Return a couple hours later, manually download BC2 update for PB
- No further connection issues, but.....

I'm really upset that the veteran unlocks aren't all working for me. I entered my veteran status before the beta and had the teamwork items the whole time in the beta. Now, all the teamwork items (and all the veteran guns, including the M1) show as available in the Weapons & Gadgets menu screen (where you can see your stats with each weapon), but in kit selection during a round, I have no gadgets at all (no health box, no defib, no ammo box, no motion sensors) but I can still select the M1A1 & 1911 (but not the M1). I'm not the world's best headshot-in-a-millisecond shooter, so running around as a medic with no health box, and as assault with no ammo box, I feel bloody useless. These are things that make the BF series fun for me, and they're not there. Boooo.

Yes its slow and tedious starting out, but I have a tip if you really just want those boxes.

Join an empty conquest server, cap all the flags, kill yourself, switch teams, cap all the flags back, if its a small map you can do it really fast and get those first few levels easily.


Senior member
Dec 11, 2000
yea, I'm a bit hacked off too...we were told what we were buying as far as game content. And I haven't seen those things since the first couple of hours of the game being live.

I really love the game, but it's annoying as hell when I get to sit down to play and I can't freaking connect to the servers.

I'll still probably buy the nest BF series game too...and go through this same damn thing.



Golden Member
Jun 6, 2004
This game gets really annoying REALLY fast. I keep dying and dying and dying and dying. I can't take screenshots in game either because the stupid thing just makes it white.

Consistently on the AT server I am getting #1 on my team and MVP, but it's just stupidly annoying game. It's fucking Modern Warfare but with shittier guns AND UNLIMITED FUCKING AMMO. OMFG... You just sit next to an ammo pack and a health pack... Unload your noob tube and grenades... Sit and wait... Do it again. You get tons of kills, you get tons of points, and you don't even have to worry if you do it from far.

Snipers are extremely annoying. You can't compete with them because the people who are consistently snipers have ALL the upgrades and when I choose the recon class I have how many upgrades? Oh yeah, none.... so now I can't see them because they have the 12x sight and all this shit that gives them an extreme hand up over me. They're shooting me from like a mile away and are hiding in this tiny spot between rocks and it's just perfect... it requires perfect aim the first time you shoot otherwise they already got you...

It's just stupid pointless and mind numbing combat. Spawn, run and gun, die... repeat.

If this game maybe had a longer respawn time people would actually try to put value on their lives but they just do extreme shit and then die... 3 seconds later, come back and try again.

I've not lived more than a couple minutes in this game I think. You just die to anything and everything and then try to get revenge. It's modern warfare with a new skin. No doubt.

The only part I'll agree with you on is the snipers. Snipers are a problem in any FPS lets face it. I've seen it more and more with BC2 though. Last night when I was playing it seemed like every mofo I killed was a sniper. What they need to is limit the sniper class, I know that would throw the whole community in to a fit but thats really the only option. Either that or make the sniper class harder or limit the places for them to hide. I know its part of warfare but you don't need 15 snipers in a 32 person server.


Diamond Member
Aug 17, 2005
I don't like the snipers much either, but let's face it - they're not winning games for their team. I've seen whole squads of snipers spawning over and over again on each other on a rock or in some hole in the ground, but is their team winning the round? Remember, it's not just about your k/d ratio, it's about how many support points you get and how the game ends. I think the issue will work itself out without a sniper limit. And to be clear, I almost never play sniper unless I really need to clear out a sniper nest.

If you're playing deathmatch, yes, I could see snipers being a problem. But in conquest or rush, it's not a big issue.


Golden Member
Feb 12, 2007
It's not like 'too many snipers' is a new problem to the BF games, because let's face it - people like to snipe. Everyone does, to some degree. BF2, BF2142, BF:BC1, and BF1943 this has been an issue in each game. I didn't play 1942 or Vietnam. If you've ever played Halo 3 on XBox you'll notice every third kid you play against has the word 'sniper' in his gamertag. Sniperboy233, elitesniperX, snipetacular ninja...etc.

People WANT to snipe. Give the people what they want.

At least with the Rush maps a sniper can't get super far away from the battle and just sit there the whole round, snipers can usually be found and killed relatively easily on these maps. In BF2, snipers would run off to these remote locations and climb these insanely tall silo's to camp up there and spend the whole round doing absolutely nothing. Best case scenario was two enemies show up to cap a flag, the sniper gets one but the flag still falls and the dead guy respawns then him and his buddy leave...etc. In that situation the ghey sniper truly is a waste of space. But at least on these Rush maps the sniper is usually still in the middle of the action and frequently has to whip out his side arm to protect himself. That type of sniper DOES help the team in some regards. If nothing else he's drawing the enemy's attention away from his teamates, but in BF2 those idiots were truly worthless.

For what it's worth - I play all the kits and have always played all the kits in all the BF games I've ever played. Or any other shooter for that matter (MW2, TF2, Crysis...etc.). But I do love sniping when I'm in the mood so don't limit me with class restrictions or I will get angry.
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Golden Member
Jun 6, 2004
Squad Death Match is where I see it being the biggest advantage. If you have a good audio setup you can usually hear and then see where the sniper is hiding. Then flank him and stick a knife in his head. Chances are you can wait around and he'll try to come back to the same spot then just gun him down.


Sep 15, 2002
failed to connect to EA online.

So much for playing this morning. /sigh

No. Fucking. Shit.

This game is awesome but fuck I swear to god this is the worst game lunch I've seen since America's Army 3. The Server Browser is slow as fuck, friends works sometimes, once I get in a server I get booted because EA Online is down and I'm constantly getting PB INT Errors despite that I have the latest version - even after manually updating punkbuster. I'm getting kicked because the servers don't have the latest version of punkbuster!

Fuck this game so hard right now.


Diamond Member
Jan 14, 2006
No. Fucking. Shit.

This game is awesome but fuck I swear to god this is the worst game lunch I've seen since America's Army 3. The Server Browser is slow as fuck, friends works sometimes, once I get in a server I get booted because EA Online is down and I'm constantly getting PB INT Errors despite that I have the latest version - even after manually updating punkbuster. I'm getting kicked because the servers don't have the latest version of punkbuster!

Fuck this game so hard right now.

Yea. All this is killing the game for me right now. I love the game (even though I'm terrible at it), but I can only take so much of it. I spent 10 minutes last night trying to finally get into a game after all these EA Online disconnections. I finally did get in a game to only get kicked 30 seconds later by PB.

At that point, I just gave up. Looks like it's doing the same thing right now too.


Nov 3, 2009
What? I'm almost always #1 when I play on ATOT... Consistent objective scorer and a very high KD ratio. Usually 5+... So, son... I is just mad that this game lags like a mofo and sucks.

OK I get it, you are joking right?

join a different server, sure the ping isnt working, but find one with a location listed near you.

I am IL and I can play dallas, denver, virginia, chicago, and play on the ATOT and Penny arcade servers on the west coast with no lag issues

turn your graphic settings down? maybe you are confusing low framerates for lag?


Golden Member
Jun 24, 2005
It seems every time I want to play this game the damn servers are down. I just logged on, looked at some stats, and boom servers go down. WTF!


Diamond Member
Apr 16, 2008
really wish DICE would have scaled the "Win Round Pin" to the number of players on the losing side. I think a number between 25-50 multiplied by the amount of players on the losing team would have been very rewarding.

as it is now, it's only 100 points. getting tired of seeing snipers barely contributing on the attacking side and defenders only using M-COM Stations as bait and never attempting to disarm.


Golden Member
Mar 18, 2007
I've only started playing the single player camp and I did read into it more. It sounds a little disappointing I mean I still love it more then MW2 but the whole Russia has a massive weapon against the united states seems a little played out now. But the MP of the game is absolutely amazing compared to MW2.


Platinum Member
Sep 24, 2000
My first BF game...been more of a run and gun type Quake, CoD, etc type FPS player since the Quake 1 days. Absolutely loving the multiplayer....if I could get a decent game in that is. Still haven't touched MW2 even though BC2 has been flaky ALL weekend. Please EA/Dice....get this shit up and running correct, the weekend is almost over and back to reality on Monday! I even got my lazy butt to overclock my computer this weekend so that BC2 would run better, haven't OC'ed since the Duron 600mhz overclock with your graphite pencil trick days too! Come on EA/Dice, I don't want to fire up Modern Crapfare 2 again.


Golden Member
Feb 12, 2007
A friend and I are both getting PB Init Fail errors, can't play. I'm reinstalling the game now (Steam) but doubt it will help. On the good side, I can download from Steam at 4.0MB/sec so it won't take long to re-download.


Golden Member
Aug 25, 2004
What? I'm almost always #1 when I play on ATOT... Consistent objective scorer and a very high KD ratio. Usually 5+... So, son... I is just mad that this game lags like a mofo and sucks.

You need to play on more than one server to get good at a game, otherwise your going to get matched up against around the same group of skill levels every time you play. All your playing is on the ATOT server, so obviously you aren't as amazing as you think just by playing on one place. Join one of those clan servers and fight against the clan team and then get first place.

A high K/D ratio doesnt make you good at this game. I hate people trying to show off their K/D ratio when they should be doing that in some stupid game like Modern Warfare. This is foremost a game about teamwork. I've gotten first place many times by having a negative K/D ratio and helping out my team with engineer and medic.

Also, I think by "lag" you mean "fps", in which case your system is just not able to handle this game. I get around 35fps with a Core 2 and GTX 275.


Senior member
Feb 28, 2009
A friend and I are both getting PB Init Fail errors, can't play. I'm reinstalling the game now (Steam) but doubt it will help. On the good side, I can download from Steam at 4.0MB/sec so it won't take long to re-download.

"Go to (CProgram files/steam/steamapps/common/battlefield bad company 2/install. There you will find pbsvc_bc2. Run it, and use the Install/Re-install button." <-- that's what fixed my PB-problems on steam.

However, now I can't connect to any of the servers. Let me know if your re-installation effort works.


Sep 4, 2006
You need to play on more than one server to get good at a game, otherwise your going to get matched up against around the same group of skill levels every time you play. All your playing is on the ATOT server, so obviously you aren't as amazing as you think just by playing on one place. Join one of those clan servers and fight against the clan team and then get first place.

A high K/D ratio doesnt make you good at this game. I hate people trying to show off their K/D ratio when they should be doing that in some stupid game like Modern Warfare. This is foremost a game about teamwork. I've gotten first place many times by having a negative K/D ratio and helping out my team with engineer and medic.

Also, I think by "lag" you mean "fps", in which case your system is just not able to handle this game. I get around 35fps with a Core 2 and GTX 275.

No.... I consistently get around 50FPS. I have 2 4850s in crossfire and a E7200 @ 3.6ghz... I run the game on god damn medium so my FPS stay high no matter what.

I know what lag is... I know that when I fire my noob tube and see the explosion go off and then see the keep running like 7 more feet and then die... I know that's lag. This game lags on a whole new level even though my "ping" in the server browser might be 30-60.. It's much much higher in the game.

It's the same for a lot of the servers from what I can tell.
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Diamond Member
Dec 13, 2000
OfficialBFBC2: "We are aware of the connectivity issues that are happening on PC and 360 right now. We are sorry for this and working on solving the problem
about 1 hours ago"


Dec 6, 2004
No.... I consistently get around 50FPS. I have 2 4850s in crossfire and a E7200 @ 3.6ghz... I run the game on god damn medium so my FPS stay high no matter what.

I know what lag is... I know that when I fire my noob tube and see the explosion go off and then see the keep running like 7 more feet and then die... I know that's lag. This game lags on a whole new level even though my "ping" in the server browser might be 30-60.. It's much much higher in the game.

It's the same for a lot of the servers from what I can tell.

If you play with a good squad you can counter almost anything. I know me and my friends do like a double assault, single medic, and single recon.

Medic heals and revives the assaults while recon spots and motars everything else for us. Grenade launchers are no where near annoying as MW2 where people just spam it and if your even within 20 feet and the guy has danger close your dead. I "perks" in BC2 aren't as arcadey as MW2. They dont all of a sudden give a huge advantage. Its a subtle one. Like with the extra explosive power, it still takes an rpg 2-3 hits to kill a tank. In MW2, danger close is like two fold. I never had a problem stopping any class in BC2. Some classes counter others better but everyone has a role to play to win the game. A team of all medics, all recon, or all anything sucks compared to a balanced team. In MW2 doesnt matter what or who you are, you sit back, pop off 7 kills and get a nuke. Theres no team work, everyone is in it for themselves.

gah talking about it makes me want to go back to school to play it already... I've been stuck at level 19 since Thursday! You guys are all probably catching up to me.


Golden Member
Jun 6, 2004
How are you guys checking your FPS? I tried to use Fraps but the overlay didn't work.


Dec 6, 2004
You need to play on more than one server to get good at a game, otherwise your going to get matched up against around the same group of skill levels every time you play. All your playing is on the ATOT server, so obviously you aren't as amazing as you think just by playing on one place. Join one of those clan servers and fight against the clan team and then get first place.

A high K/D ratio doesnt make you good at this game. I hate people trying to show off their K/D ratio when they should be doing that in some stupid game like Modern Warfare. This is foremost a game about teamwork. I've gotten first place many times by having a negative K/D ratio and helping out my team with engineer and medic.

Also, I think by "lag" you mean "fps", in which case your system is just not able to handle this game. I get around 35fps with a Core 2 and GTX 275.

Yup on the ratio. When I play assault, I can get a huge amount of kills. When I play on assault with a medic backing me up, its ridiculous. But when im playing a medic, i dont gun it, I focus on reviving and healing as much as I can. My K/D can be 0/10 for all I care but my points might be 5000.


Dec 6, 2004
My first BF game...been more of a run and gun type Quake, CoD, etc type FPS player since the Quake 1 days. Absolutely loving the multiplayer....if I could get a decent game in that is. Still haven't touched MW2 even though BC2 has been flaky ALL weekend. Please EA/Dice....get this shit up and running correct, the weekend is almost over and back to reality on Monday! I even got my lazy butt to overclock my computer this weekend so that BC2 would run better, haven't OC'ed since the Duron 600mhz overclock with your graphite pencil trick days too! Come on EA/Dice, I don't want to fire up Modern Crapfare 2 again.

I cant even play MW2 anymore. Im so used to running into battles with BC2 that I cant get a nuke anymore in MW2 cause I get so bored sitting around.
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