The AT Battlefield Bad Company 2 F.A.Q.

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Diamond Member
Aug 17, 2005
I had 11.2 installed with my 5850 and gaming was fine, but the desktop cursor lag and 99% gpu activity on idle were deal breakers. Had to revert to 10.4.

Are you using Firefox 4? That's what caused 99% idle GPU use for me. I thought it might be Catalyst's fault, but I've been using IE9 for a few days, and I haven't seen the problem again.


Diamond Member
Jul 10, 2007
I've been playing hardcore lately, never played it before. I think I like it better, except there seems to be a LOT more snipers and now they can kill you easier.

Funny thing happened the other day. I was sitting in the passenger seat in a tank on Arica harbor, and there was a recon in the street so I killed him, but there was a medic on the other team that kept running out and reviving him. I just kept killing the recon every time he was revived. I got something like an 8 kill streak off this one guy before I accidentally killed the medic.


Sep 3, 2001
of course there are more snipers, hardcore turns the bolt action rifles into insta-gib machines no matter where you hit your target: in BC2 you need magnum for longer range torso one-shot kills, but in Vietnam the M40 will kill anything with one-shot at any range unless the target has body armor, of course use magnum with the M40 in Vietnam on HC mode and it will kill anyone in one shot anywhere on the body, no matter what.

on top of that there's no 3D spotting or kill cam so snipers can basically just camp in good hiding spots and hardly ever have to worry about moving

to top it all off snipers also suffer less than the other classes when it comes to keeping track of their ammo situation

and of course the icing on the cake is that snipers never have had the luxury of hip-sights so the transition to hardcore is even easier
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Homer Simpson

Senior member
Oct 10, 1999
Funny thing happened the other day. I was sitting in the passenger seat in a tank on Arica harbor, and there was a recon in the street so I killed him, but there was a medic on the other team that kept running out and reviving him. I just kept killing the recon every time he was revived. I got something like an 8 kill streak off this one guy before I accidentally killed the medic.
LOL. there is nothing i hate more than some tool reviving me over and over in front of an enemy. the worst ive had i think is 5 revives and instadeaths in a row. kill the dude shooting me, THEN revive me. sigh. some ppl just play for individual points rather than winning as a team.


Senior member
Sep 16, 2004
LOL. there is nothing i hate more than some tool reviving me over and over in front of an enemy. the worst ive had i think is 5 revives and instadeaths in a row. kill the dude shooting me, THEN revive me. sigh. some ppl just play for individual points rather than winning as a team.

Hopefully, BF3 addresses that and rewards the winning team with more than a measly 200 points.


Diamond Member
Jul 10, 2007
Wow I just got the blow up 4 mcom stations in 1 round pin. I thought I would never get that. I'm not usually the first guy to the mcom, but this time I equipped the smoke launcher and it made it kinda easy.


Platinum Member
Apr 16, 2005
I got to play my first round in months, last night. It was awesome as always. I actually bought Vietnam right before I started by internship here in SC, and I haven't really gotten a chance to play it yet, so I'm looking forward to that.


Golden Member
Aug 28, 2004
So I got this game a little over a week ago and have been playing it quite a bit over the weekend. I haven't played a multiplayer 'realistic-military-shooter' since counterstrike source, so I guess I'm a bit out of the loop on these types of games. Here are my thoughts, and some questions:

I can't seem to spot enemies at all. Most of the fights I get into, I get spotted first, and im desperately running to the closest cover while trying to figure out where I'm getting shot from. OK, i'll admit, it's probably because I still don't know the maps, and am pretty much following the minimap/roads to the objectives, but it still feels like everyone knows exactly where I am.

I've been mainly playing with the assault class, and while I'm getting the hang of it, the weapons feel extremely weak. At medium ranges i can unload an entire mag to their lower body without dropping them. aiming for the head, it still takes around 5 shots to kill someone.

several things are driving me up the wall though: 1) Q is not fast switch to pistol 2) there is no alt-fire for the grenade launcher; its considered a separate weapon 3) There are health indicators for everyone except yourself

The other classes I played with briefly:
The medic feels retarded because it doesn't start out with any healing abilities -_-

The engineer is actually pretty fun, the SMG actually feels as strong as the assault rifles, and its loads of fun blowing up tanks. I can't seem to, for the life of me, hit helicopters, so I have no idea how to deal with those besides go hide in a corner.

Sniping is pretty challenging in this game. Body shots seem to be survivable (at least with the starting sniper rifle, don't know about the rest), and headshots are much more challenging to get considering the aim drifts, and the shot isn't instant. The best I got so far was a +73 score on a stationary enemy sniper not looking in my direction. and that shot took me a good 5 seconds to set up.

All in all, the game is definitely fun. I will probably not be playing CS:S anymore with this game.


Senior member
Apr 3, 2008
So I got this game a little over a week ago and have been playing it quite a bit over the weekend. I haven't played a multiplayer 'realistic-military-shooter' since counterstrike source, so I guess I'm a bit out of the loop on these types of games. Here are my thoughts, and some questions:

I can't seem to spot enemies at all. Most of the fights I get into, I get spotted first, and im desperately running to the closest cover while trying to figure out where I'm getting shot from. OK, i'll admit, it's probably because I still don't know the maps, and am pretty much following the minimap/roads to the objectives, but it still feels like everyone knows exactly where I am.

I've been mainly playing with the assault class, and while I'm getting the hang of it, the weapons feel extremely weak. At medium ranges i can unload an entire mag to their lower body without dropping them. aiming for the head, it still takes around 5 shots to kill someone.

several things are driving me up the wall though: 1) Q is not fast switch to pistol 2) there is no alt-fire for the grenade launcher; its considered a separate weapon 3) There are health indicators for everyone except yourself

The other classes I played with briefly:
The medic feels retarded because it doesn't start out with any healing abilities -_-

The engineer is actually pretty fun, the SMG actually feels as strong as the assault rifles, and its loads of fun blowing up tanks. I can't seem to, for the life of me, hit helicopters, so I have no idea how to deal with those besides go hide in a corner.

Sniping is pretty challenging in this game. Body shots seem to be survivable (at least with the starting sniper rifle, don't know about the rest), and headshots are much more challenging to get considering the aim drifts, and the shot isn't instant. The best I got so far was a +73 score on a stationary enemy sniper not looking in my direction. and that shot took me a good 5 seconds to set up.

All in all, the game is definitely fun. I will probably not be playing CS:S anymore with this game.

-Just because this game has big open outdoor maps doesn't mean you shouldn't still play corners like counter-strike. Just because you have a sprint key doesn't mean you should go sprinting around everywhere. Sprint from cover to cover, get near the fight, pot shot and wait for backup before moving in on an MCOM in Rush or a base in Conquest.

-I assume you know, but you can hit Q to spot the enemy, which is basically a legal temporary wall-hack for everyone on your team. Notice everyone seems to be shooting at you even through concealment? You're probably spotted.

-I felt the weapons were weak when I first started playing in the beta. They actually are very powerful, but you need to understand that this game is all about short bursts. Different assault rifles have different bursting patterns. For example, I find with the AEK that clicking in such a way that you're basically firing in semi-auto mode as fast as you can is the best. The M16, on the other hand, requires a pause in between each burst in order to stay on target. I don't like ACOGs, but on a lot of weapons, it's like training wheels to learn the weapon's burst pattern as the recoil will make the scope unusable until the gun is back on target, forcing you to fire in the optimal pattern.

-It would be crazy if the 203 was an alt-fire, would be so much tubing going on.

-Your health meter is how bloody and dark your screen gets. It's directly proportional to your health bar.

-SMGs you have to baby a lot more relative to assault rifles in terms of bursting when engaging distant targets.

-If you want to learn how to hit choppers as engineer, try watching some videos from my squad-mate ravic:

-Sniping: get to the GOL, almost no drop compared to the other rifles.

-Shameless plug of my own pathetic youtube channel


Diamond Member
Jul 10, 2007
-Your health meter is how bloody and dark your screen gets. It's directly proportional to your health bar.

Even if your screen clears up, you're still not necessarily fully healed. It's not until you hear the zipping sound that you are. At least that's what I think.


Senior member
Apr 3, 2008
Even if your screen clears up, you're still not necessarily fully healed. It's not until you hear the zipping sound that you are. At least that's what I think.

True about the zipping sound, but I'm pretty sure that's when your screen finally clears up that last little dimness? So we're both right?


Senior member
Aug 25, 2008
Wow I just got the blow up 4 mcom stations in 1 round pin. I thought I would never get that. I'm not usually the first guy to the mcom, but this time I equipped the smoke launcher and it made it kinda easy.

I just went on an empty server and got the pin.. didn't think it would work but voila.. was my last pin I needed too.


Sep 3, 2001
-SMGs you have to baby a lot more relative to assault rifles in terms of bursting when engaging distant targets.
I'd like to elaborate on this just a bit. The extra babying required for SMGs for long distance targets isn't necessarily because they're inherently less acurate, its because their damage drops way off with distance relative to the other weapons. It might take twice as many rounds to bring a target down compared to an AR, so naturally you'll need more bursts regardless.

However the advantage of the SMGs are twofold.

1. is that they are all noise suppressed. Find some cover away from where noisier teammates are operating and have confidence that you won't need to bring down your target immediately because they'll likely be looking away from where you are and won't figure out where you are firing from until it is too late.

2. outside of pistols, SMGs are the most accurate weapons when fired from the hip or on the move. SMGs make some of the best CQC or run-and-gun weapons in the game.

-Sniping: get to the GOL, almost no drop compared to the other rifles.

I never noticed it having appreciably less bullet drop. What I did notice was that the GOL has absolutely zero cross-hair drift while scoped in which makes it rather ideal for longer range engagements.

That being said, I would suggest the biggest upgrade for sniping is magnum ammo as it effectively doubles the 1-shot-body-shot kill radius of bolt action rifles from 10 to 20 meters which opens up a whole new play-style for close quarters recon play. Of course that's definitely not your average players cup of tea when it comes to "sniping"

Although outside of close quarters efficiency magnum is almost useless on bolt action snipers as it will still require two shots to bring down a target if you do not hit the head, and a headshot will always kill a target with one shot regardless of magnum ammo.
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Platinum Member
Oct 22, 2006
yea SMGs have the hipfire accuracy advantage over ARs. it comes in huge when you're close quarters.


Golden Member
Aug 28, 2004
K, so I got the entire assault kit unlocked and have been playing with it for a while now. What specs do you guys usually use?

I currently have red dot, 40mm grenade launcher, the assault rifle aim one, and vehicle armor. Seems to work pretty well, but wondering what you guys use.

Having had a chance to play with all of the rifles now, I'm torn between the M16 and the AN94. the M16 has crazy good accuracy and recoil behavior, but seems to have zero stopping power. I've unloaded half a mag into enemies at med to long range before and they just shrug it off.

the AN94 feels much better in power, but I'm no where near as accurate with it as the M16.

The M4 I really wanted to like, but I just can't get a feel for the recoil of that gun. Of all the rifles, it takes me the longest to reaim after a burst with the M4 than anything else.

I also can't seem to track perpendicular moving targets at medium to long ranges for the life of me. Maybe I don't have a feel for the hitboxes or bullet travel time yet, but trying to hit a guy sprinting perpendicular to me, even with the M16 is just... i can't do it.

I get the whole screen dimmer as your health drops thing, but I would still perfer a number or a bar or some other indication. While I can easily tell when I'm critically hurt, the difference between 100% and 50% just isn't clear cut to me.

I'm going to start working on engineers next, see how all the SMGs feel.


Diamond Member
Jun 2, 2009
K, so I got the entire assault kit unlocked and have been playing with it for a while now. What specs do you guys usually use?

I currently have red dot, 40mm grenade launcher, the assault rifle aim one, and vehicle armor. Seems to work pretty well, but wondering what you guys use.

Having had a chance to play with all of the rifles now, I'm torn between the M16 and the AN94. the M16 has crazy good accuracy and recoil behavior, but seems to have zero stopping power. I've unloaded half a mag into enemies at med to long range before and they just shrug it off.

the AN94 feels much better in power, but I'm no where near as accurate with it as the M16.

The M4 I really wanted to like, but I just can't get a feel for the recoil of that gun. Of all the rifles, it takes me the longest to reaim after a burst with the M4 than anything else.

I also can't seem to track perpendicular moving targets at medium to long ranges for the life of me. Maybe I don't have a feel for the hitboxes or bullet travel time yet, but trying to hit a guy sprinting perpendicular to me, even with the M16 is just... i can't do it.

I get the whole screen dimmer as your health drops thing, but I would still perfer a number or a bar or some other indication. While I can easily tell when I'm critically hurt, the difference between 100% and 50% just isn't clear cut to me.

I'm going to start working on engineers next, see how all the SMGs feel.

It depends on the Map. I also like the M16. Prefer it over the AN since both are rather made for large distance kills, the M16 is way better at that IMHO. If you don't stand still you can "own" most snipers at pretty large distances.

M16 = large or open Maps
M416 = small or closed Maps with a lot of buildings
I always use magnum ammo as assault

I usually pair the M16 with 40mm shotgun. Gives you all the close range stopping power you need. I actually get double kills now and then.
Also 4x scope

M416 with grenade launcher -> for killing campers in houses. + red dot.
Sometimes I also use grenade upgrade and upgrade for explosives if too many people annoy me with grenade and rocket spam i just do it too.

I really don't like engineer class and I'm also not a fan of medics weapons (LMGs).

As Recon I sometimes play "sniper" for fun especially if my team is ahead anyway. GOL = weapon of choice.
But what i like much more is Recon + shotgun. With motion mines you can sneak up to your opponents. I really like USAS with shotgun upgrade. Good for killing camping groups of opponents.


Diamond Member
Jul 10, 2007
M16 with the grenade launcher and red dot is my favorite weapon right now. I try to keep myself from spamming the launcher, but it's really handy for taking out walls of building so that the enemies can't hide behind them. A lot of the time I will destroy one side of a house but leave the other intact, so we can use it but they can't.

I'm starting to like the M416 though, I never really used it before because I got the M16 at pretty much the same time.


Senior member
Apr 3, 2008
Love the M416. As Zargon said, is nice at full quarters due to full auto, but for me at long range I do this extremely short burst pattern that kills as quickly as any other assault gun out there.

I also hated it at first and was disappointed, but when I went back to it in order to get a platinum medal on it (just for something stupid to do), I found myself using it in competition as well and never went back.


Diamond Member
Feb 4, 2003
K, so I got the entire assault kit unlocked and have been playing with it for a while now. What specs do you guys usually use?

I currently have red dot, 40mm grenade launcher, the assault rifle aim one, and vehicle armor. Seems to work pretty well, but wondering what you guys use.

Having had a chance to play with all of the rifles now, I'm torn between the M16 and the AN94. the M16 has crazy good accuracy and recoil behavior, but seems to have zero stopping power. I've unloaded half a mag into enemies at med to long range before and they just shrug it off.

the AN94 feels much better in power, but I'm no where near as accurate with it as the M16.

The M4 I really wanted to like, but I just can't get a feel for the recoil of that gun. Of all the rifles, it takes me the longest to reaim after a burst with the M4 than anything else.

I also can't seem to track perpendicular moving targets at medium to long ranges for the life of me. Maybe I don't have a feel for the hitboxes or bullet travel time yet, but trying to hit a guy sprinting perpendicular to me, even with the M16 is just... i can't do it.

I get the whole screen dimmer as your health drops thing, but I would still perfer a number or a bar or some other indication. While I can easily tell when I'm critically hurt, the difference between 100% and 50% just isn't clear cut to me.

I'm going to start working on engineers next, see how all the SMGs feel.

I use the AN94 for long range maps and M416 for close quarters. I generally find the long range ability of guns is more important though, because any gun is lethal at close range, but some guns are pretty bad at long range.

I just started playing again after not playing for months and damn the nade launcher got nerfed. It used to be so powerful that a lot of people would run around using it as their primary. Now I mainly use it to finish people off if they make it to cover right before I kill them.
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