The Benghazi Story goes critical

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Elite Member
Jul 10, 2006
So what was the hoax? The facility was attacked. The CIA was using the complex to facilitate running weapons to Syrian rebels (who are believed now to have sold Steven Sotloff to ISIS groups) who now make up part of ISIS.

I haven't read much of this whole thread but my guess is it leftwing nuts whining about a republican conspiracy to make obama look bad.... but my God to deny that Benghazi was a significant incident in the continuing turmoil that is the middle east.... well it is just plain Liberal Brain Defectiveness.
Certainly this was a significant incident - first time we've lost an ambassador since Carter. Also, attacks on ambassadors are usually effective only when they are moving; this was an exception.

As for scandal, there are a few tacts. One was that Obama or Hillary ordered the lack of security. We have no way of knowing that, but it's reasonable to assume that IF this is so, there must have been a reason they considered worth the risk. We haven't heard one, so either it's some classified CIA thing or the lack of security was probably set at a much lower level. Clearly there would be no reason for Obama or Hillary to be concerned with one ambassador's security unless there is something peculiar about it.

Another is the story told after the event. The CIA talking points started out accurate, but evolved into blaming a non-existent riot based on an obscure video by (wait for it) an American. Susan Rice and Obama blamed the video for weeks even though the CIA had intercepts from Libyan terrorist groups calling for attacks against the consulate on 9-1-1 and intercepts right after indicating that they had been responsible for them. Whether you believe that the CIA talking points honestly evolved from right to wrong or guided for political benefit depends totally on the letter after your name, but either way this is politics. It's unseemly and un-American, but no different from my guy Romney blaming the deaths on Obama. And it is completely after the fact, so it has no bearing on the deaths themselves.

A third tact is the lack of response and whether or not a stand down order was issued from Obama. The lack of response is certainly a valid criticism, but common sense would indicate that neither Obama nor Hilary would have established policy at that level. Somebody fucked up bad, but it happens, sadly, especially when you have three US entities (Defense, State, and White House) jealously guarding their own turf. My own guess is that State miscalculated, assuming that if and when the Libyans folded the CIA could and would pick up the slack. In reality the CIA had moved most of their shooters (a fact State probably didn't know) and had little capacity available. The stand down order was locally generated and made sense as there were only three operators available to respond. They did finally go on their own, ignoring the stand down order, but too late to save the ambassador. But it's not at all clear if they could have saved the ambassador by responding immediately. It was a well-planned attack by forces intimately familiar with the facility and its relative strengths and weaknesses, so an immediate response might simply have been three more deaths. In any case, clearly there was no reason for Obama to order a stand down, and Hilary wasn't in the response chain of command. We just got caught half-stepping. Happens to the best of forces and nations, and almost certainly there are several small fuck-ups rather than one big glaring fuck-up to blame.

Bottom line, I see no particular conspiracy here except the normal attempt to bend reality to one's political advantage - something common to both parties - and I'm certainly no fan of Obama or Hilary.


Nov 17, 2002
[ ... ]
Another is the story told after the event. The CIA talking points started out accurate, but evolved into blaming a non-existent riot based on an obscure video by (wait for it) an American. Susan Rice and Obama blamed the video for weeks even though the CIA had intercepts from Libyan terrorist groups calling for attacks against the consulate on 9-1-1 and intercepts right after indicating that they had been responsible for them. Whether you believe that the CIA talking points honestly evolved from right to wrong or guided for political benefit depends totally on the letter after your name, but either way this is politics. ...
Contrary to some of your talking points, the video was hardly obscure. It was well known throughout the Middle East and had even been reported as a leading story in major American media. The video had already prompted numerous protests throughout the Middle East, making it easy to assume it was a factor in the Benghazi attack. A New York Times investigation confirmed that the video was, in fact, one of the factors that prompted the attack. Finally, contrary to your insinuation, the very first draft of the CIA talking points reported the video as a likely cause. It was not something added later, as the points evolved.
Nov 30, 2006
The talking points were pure political spin by the White House and State Department. The Obama administration blatantly lied when they said that references to terrorist involvement in Benghazi were not deleted at their request. We find out the truth later from Nuland that the State Department wanted those references deleted regarding the attacks being linked to al-Qaeda and the CIA warnings about terrorist threats in Benghazi in the months preceding the attack. Nuland said those talking points "could be abused by members (of Congress) to beat up on the State Department for not paying attention to warnings." Liars lie.


Nov 17, 2002
The talking points were pure political spin by the White House and State Department. The Obama administration blatantly lied when they said that references to terrorist involvement in Benghazi were not deleted at their request. We find out the truth later from Nuland that the State Department wanted those references deleted regarding the attacks being linked to al-Qaeda and the CIA warnings about terrorist threats in Benghazi in the months preceding the attack. Nuland said those talking points "could be abused by members (of Congress) to beat up on the State Department for not paying attention to warnings." Liars lie.
Yes, but that has nothing to do with what I said now, does it?

I said from the beginning that I felt it was wrong to downplay the terrorist connection from the original talking points. I've repeated that criticism in this very thread, while noting that Rice was always careful to hedge her comments by making some reference to still investigating possible terrorist connections. She, and the administration in general should have been more forthcoming about this.

But that has nothing to do with my reply, correcting factual errors in Werepossum's comment. The video was not obscure, the video did trigger protests across the Middle East, and the very first version of the CIA talking points did, in fact, cite the video as a likely cause. Those are facts.


Nov 11, 1999
The talking points were pure political spin by the White House and State Department. The Obama administration blatantly lied when they said that references to terrorist involvement in Benghazi were not deleted at their request. We find out the truth later from Nuland that the State Department wanted those references deleted regarding the attacks being linked to al-Qaeda and the CIA warnings about terrorist threats in Benghazi in the months preceding the attack. Nuland said those talking points "could be abused by members (of Congress) to beat up on the State Department for not paying attention to warnings." Liars lie.

Yawn. So we shift from blaming Obama for the incident itself to blaming Obama for not playing up the Terrarist Threat! angle in the early commentary.

OK, I'll go with that. So what? I mean, so fucking what?

Anybody with a lick of sense knew there was a lot of room for error in the early commentary. Rice hedged the shit out of her remarks, as well, but that doesn't matter when bits can be pulled out of context.
Nov 30, 2006
Yes, but that has nothing to do with what I said now, does it?

I said from the beginning that I felt it was wrong to downplay the terrorist connection from the original talking points. I've repeated that criticism in this very thread, while noting that Rice was always careful to hedge her comments by making some reference to still investigating possible terrorist connections. She, and the administration in general should have been more forthcoming about this.

But that has nothing to do with my reply, correcting factual errors in Werepossum's comment. The video was not obscure, the video did trigger protests across the Middle East, and the very first version of the CIA talking points did, in fact, cite the video as a likely cause. Those are facts.
I did not quote you as was not speaking directly to you or in regard to your post directed at Werepossum. Perhaps that may help explain your confusion about "that has nothing to do with what I said now", does it?

The video point is moot in my opinion. We have clear evidence of the White House and State Department initially lying through their teeth as it is. I personally have difficulty trusting much of anything they say anymore.


Elite Member
Mar 10, 2006
I did not quote you as was not speaking directly to you or in regard to your post directed at Werepossum. Perhaps that may help explain your confusion about "that has nothing to do with what I said now", does it?

The video point is moot in my opinion. We have clear evidence of the White House and State Department initially lying through their teeth as it is. I personally have difficulty trusting much of anything they say anymore.

What is this clear evidence?


Jun 19, 2000
Bottom line, I see no particular conspiracy here except the normal attempt to bend reality to one's political advantage - something common to both parties - and I'm certainly no fan of Obama or Hilary.
We will never know exactly what transpired because the blame crosses party lines and branches out through various agencies. The investigation will go nowhere for that reason. But what has the left so riled up is the political implications. It will affect filling the top slot in November of 2016 because Republicans will not complete the investigation until it is politically convenient to do so.

We armed people who turned out to be our enemies. It's not the first time. This should have been an easy cover up but too many mistakes were made.

I believe that our people in Benghazi were sacrificed in an attempt to keep out of the public eye what our government was doing. Too many people have come forward saying they were in a position to help and were thwarted. There's a reason for that and over thinking it is not necessary. Face value tells us all we need to know.

The cover up couldn't have been much more poorly conceived and implemented. I believe its failure enraged the people that consider themselves to be the brightest of the bright. Their egos would not allow them to even put a spin on their spin. They had their story and they stuck to it. Once those few in the press that actually still do investigative work proved it be be bunk, the brightest went dark. Nothing to say.

People in the know were threatened by their own government to keep quiet. Only recently did some of the braver ones go public. To understand why they were threatened does not require a lot of thought.

Nothing will come of any of it.

But Republicans smell blood in the water and they're not going to quit until it suits them and that's how politics is done in the good ol' U.S. of A. The lefties can whine and howl all they wish but the politician's on the left will stay mum and avoid the fray to the greatest degree possible because if the tables are turned someday they want to be able to leverage that situation to their advantage. Both sides know how the game is played. There is nothing to be gained by "draining the swamp". The swamp has become very comfortable to navigate.

There is no conspiracy because the word conspiracy has no meaning anymore in the context of government. Publicly they're battling and privately they're circling the wagons to cover each others backs. They're fully in charge but it's important for the electorate to think that they still have some say. It's all just politics.


Nov 17, 2002
I did not quote you as was not speaking directly to you or in regard to your post directed at Werepossum. Perhaps that may help explain your confusion about "that has nothing to do with what I said now", does it?.
Fair enough. I thought you were responding to my post.


Elite Member
Jul 10, 2006
Contrary to some of your talking points, the video was hardly obscure. It was well known throughout the Middle East and had even been reported as a leading story in major American media. The video had already prompted numerous protests throughout the Middle East, making it easy to assume it was a factor in the Benghazi attack. A New York Times investigation confirmed that the video was, in fact, one of the factors that prompted the attack. Finally, contrary to your insinuation, the very first draft of the CIA talking points reported the video as a likely cause. It was not something added later, as the points evolved.
Fair enough, but we knew at the time that the attack was a pure terrorist attack on the anniversary of 9-11. It had nothing to do with the video, which admittedly was part of the propaganda used to whip up anti-American furor. Bottom line, we knew when the administration put it out that there was no spontaneous riot, period. There were survivors who knew exactly what happened; the administration merely picked the least politically damaging, most politically advantageous story and evolved the talking points to reflect that narrative.

We will never know exactly what transpired because the blame crosses party lines and branches out through various agencies. The investigation will go nowhere for that reason. But what has the left so riled up is the political implications. It will affect filling the top slot in November of 2016 because Republicans will not complete the investigation until it is politically convenient to do so.

We armed people who turned out to be our enemies. It's not the first time. This should have been an easy cover up but too many mistakes were made.

I believe that our people in Benghazi were sacrificed in an attempt to keep out of the public eye what our government was doing. Too many people have come forward saying they were in a position to help and were thwarted. There's a reason for that and over thinking it is not necessary. Face value tells us all we need to know.

The cover up couldn't have been much more poorly conceived and implemented. I believe its failure enraged the people that consider themselves to be the brightest of the bright. Their egos would not allow them to even put a spin on their spin. They had their story and they stuck to it. Once those few in the press that actually still do investigative work proved it be be bunk, the brightest went dark. Nothing to say.

People in the know were threatened by their own government to keep quiet. Only recently did some of the braver ones go public. To understand why they were threatened does not require a lot of thought.

Nothing will come of any of it.

But Republicans smell blood in the water and they're not going to quit until it suits them and that's how politics is done in the good ol' U.S. of A. The lefties can whine and howl all they wish but the politician's on the left will stay mum and avoid the fray to the greatest degree possible because if the tables are turned someday they want to be able to leverage that situation to their advantage. Both sides know how the game is played. There is nothing to be gained by "draining the swamp". The swamp has become very comfortable to navigate.

There is no conspiracy because the word conspiracy has no meaning anymore in the context of government. Publicly they're battling and privately they're circling the wagons to cover each others backs. They're fully in charge but it's important for the electorate to think that they still have some say. It's all just politics.
I largely agree, except that I don't think our people were intentionally sacrificed. The lack of security MIGHT have been intentional, to help obscure some CIA operation. I think it's more likely that State simply overestimated the ability of the nearby CIA station to effectively react and Defense to effectively reinforce. After that, sending in three CIA shooters might well have been suicidal or developed into a blue-on-green incident at a time when we were trying to balance on a knife's edge to pull the victorious Libyan factions into a pro-US coalition. Defense's failure to have a QRF available and able to deploy is inexcusable, but not inexplicable as we're always trying to walk a fine line between having sufficient force available and not insulting Islamic sensibilities.

The stand-down order was probably a bad idea in hindsight - probably - but at the time, in the fog of war, it might well have been the best decision possible with the resources at hand. You never want to leave your people to die without making an attempt to save them, but concentration of force is what keeps casualties down and wins battles. Had those three shooters gone as soon as they were prepared they might have been able to save the ambassador, but we might also be talking about seven dead Americans.


May 15, 2000
The talking points were pure political spin by the White House and State Department. The Obama administration blatantly lied when they said that references to terrorist involvement in Benghazi were not deleted at their request. We find out the truth later from Nuland that the State Department wanted those references deleted regarding the attacks being linked to al-Qaeda and the CIA warnings about terrorist threats in Benghazi in the months preceding the attack. Nuland said those talking points "could be abused by members (of Congress) to beat up on the State Department for not paying attention to warnings." Liars lie.

Liars indeed lie!


Elite Member
Jul 10, 2006
I'd say the spin started well before these emails. To believe otherwise requires believing that the CIA is somehow unable to speak to its own employees, who were there and survived the attack, for two full days afterward, then purely coincidentally sent those employees elsewhere so that they could not be contacted. Assuming the CIA could speak with its employees, then the CIA had to know that they had reported being surveiled earlier in the day and had reported a deliberate attack, NOT a spontaneous attack by a crowd of protesters. This is fine-tuning of the spin, not evidence of no spin.


Elite Member
Mar 10, 2006
I'd say the spin started well before these emails. To believe otherwise requires believing that the CIA is somehow unable to speak to its own employees, who were there and survived the attack, for two full days afterward, then purely coincidentally sent those employees elsewhere so that they could not be contacted. Assuming the CIA could speak with its employees, then the CIA had to know that they had reported being surveiled earlier in the day and had reported a deliberate attack, NOT a spontaneous attack by a crowd of protesters. This is fine-tuning of the spin, not evidence of no spin.

You realize that even well documented events with large numbers of witnesses frequently have facts that later turn out to be massively wrong, right? The CIA forms assessments based on a lot more than just asking a few guys.

Just like in the IRS thread you guys have all decided to spin conspiracy theories based on functionally zero knowledge.


Nov 9, 2000
Bottom line, I see no particular conspiracy here except the normal attempt to bend reality to one's political advantage - something common to both parties - and I'm certainly no fan of Obama or Hilary.

No conspiracy. Just bad timing to find out 2 months before a presidential election that an ambassador was off-site at a non-diplomatic complex and ended up dead. Then to find out the U.S. Was arming the same people who are now committing genocide in two countries. And to find out that the U.S. Had supplied advanced weaponry to the same people who are keeping Libya in a state of civil war. And to find out that some of the advanced weaponry that the CIA was trying to get back from those Libyan rebels and send to those Syrian rebels who are now committing genocide in two countries.... Ended up in the wrong hands after the Benghazi complex was attacked and overran. So yes, no conspiracy....just a horribly inept government.

And to think that we will now be bombing the same groups in Syria that want Assad dead.

I am sure Putin has a big chuckle every night before he goes to bed.


Nov 11, 1999
I'd say the spin started well before these emails. To believe otherwise requires believing that the CIA is somehow unable to speak to its own employees, who were there and survived the attack, for two full days afterward, then purely coincidentally sent those employees elsewhere so that they could not be contacted.


Assuming the CIA could speak with its employees, then the CIA had to know that they had reported being surveiled earlier in the day and had reported a deliberate attack, NOT a spontaneous attack by a crowd of protesters. This is fine-tuning of the spin, not evidence of no spin.

Source of the claim of surveillance earlier in the day?


Nov 11, 1999
You realize that even well documented events with large numbers of witnesses frequently have facts that later turn out to be massively wrong, right? The CIA forms assessments based on a lot more than just asking a few guys.

Just like in the IRS thread you guys have all decided to spin conspiracy theories based on functionally zero knowledge.

Too true. Benghazi is the lamest trumped up scandal of them all. Well, maybe birtherism tops it. Hard to tell.

They've already taken a couple of leaps of faith to spout whatever talking point they have & can't back out of it. Belief in "A" leads to belief in "B" and then to "C" but they're already talking about "D" as if A, B & C are true when they haven't been shown to be at all.


Jun 19, 2000

Well, well, well. It appears that Cheryl Mills, Clinton’s chief of staff and Deputy Chief of Staff Jake Sullivan were seen sorting out documents that would be damaging to Hillary prior to the submission of documents to the ARB.

As the House Select Committee on Benghazi prepares for its first hearing this week, a former State Department diplomat is coming forward with a startling allegation: Hillary Clinton confidants were part of an operation to “separate” damaging documents before they were turned over to the Accountability Review Board investigating security lapses surrounding the Sept. 11, 2012, terrorist attacks on the U.S. mission in Benghazi, Libya.
The State Department diplomat referenced is former Deputy Assistant Secretary Raymond Maxwell.

When the ARB issued its call for documents in early October 2012, just weeks after the Benghazi attacks, the executive directorate of the State Department’s Bureau of Near Eastern Affairs was put in charge of collecting all emails and relevant material. It was gathered, boxed and—Maxwell says—ended up in the basement room prior to being turned over.

In May 2013, when critics questioned the ARB’s investigation as not thorough enough, co-chairmen Ambassador Thomas Pickering and Adm. Mike Mullen responded that “we had unfettered access to everyone and everything including all the documentation we needed.”
It looks as though the House Select Committee has some new information to sink their teeth into.

Maxwell spent a year on paid administrative leave with no official charge ever levied against him. Ultimately, the State Department cleared Maxwell of wrongdoing and reinstated him. He retired a short time later, in November 2013.
Several weeks after he was placed on leave with no formal accusations, Maxwell made an appointment to address his status with a State Department ombudsman.

“She told me, ‘You are taking this all too personally, Raymond. It is not about you,’ ” Maxwell recalls.

“I told her that ‘My name is on TV and I’m on administrative leave, it seems like it’s about me.’ Then she said, ‘You’re not harmed, you’re still getting paid. Don’t watch TV. Take your wife on a cruise. It’s not about you; it’s about Hillary and 2016.’ ”
Why yes, yes it is...


Golden Member
Aug 24, 2012
Nobody gives two shits about Benghazi with the exception of right wing wackers. At this point, it's just a hopeless attempt defeat Hillary in 2016 because the GOP has no viable candidates.


Elite Member
Sep 30, 2003
Nobody gives two shits about Benghazi with the exception of right wing wackers.

I suspect if that was actually the case we wouldn't have about 800 posts with a lot of them being Libs/Dems trying desperately to convince others that nobody cares.

Also, the polls say otherwise too.

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