The Best way to kill a Hamas militiant is....


Sep 11, 2000
To fire a US MADE F-16 Missile into an apartment building, killing him, his wife, their 14-year old daughter, EIGHT Children (Yes EIGHT Children) from nearby houses which were LEVELED to the ground and few more civilians got buried.

Now Israel bluntly takes this clear act of TERRORISM and then say OPPPPS, civilian deaths we're sorry for... as always.. as with the thousands upon thousands of Palestinians that have been killed before.

What were the Israeli TERRORISTS expecting? To fire an F-16 missile into an appartment building at night when everybody is sleeping and and killing the hamas guy only?!!

They KNEW without any doubt that civilians are going to die but then knew Bush and the Americans and going to keep pumping money and give them FREE F-16s and more to aid them in their terrorist campaign.

Are the Israelis nuts? They call it preventive measure!! Bullshit. They expected the Hamas Militiant to stay at his house ALONE at night? They expected the nearby houses to be empty? Why didn't they send in a task force, broke in, and arrested him? They're probably TOO COWARD to do that. An "American" F-16 will do the job.

No wonder the US is isolated and the whole world is against us and against Israel.



Diamond Member
Dec 28, 2001
there'll never be peace in the middle east ... that is until ... but i dont want to open up another can of worms


Golden Member
Apr 20, 2002
0 can't say that. You know full well Israel would never intentionally kill civilians, it was all a big accident. Sorry about that....

Oh..and please send us more money too.


Sep 11, 2000
Now I understand why the world hate us.

Don't you guys see, we're ISOLATED with respect to middle east policy.

We are TARGETED largely because of our middle east policy.

The European Union, Russia, UN.. i.e. the whole world stands at one pole and our government and the Israelis at another.

If we just stay neutral, that would be wonderful.

But no no no, we keep pumping billions of our TAX dollars to Mr. Sharon and his gang, we keep giving them free F-16s and unprecendeted military aid to be used in war crime and terrorism...

and then we scream "Why they hate us?!?!"


Feb 15, 2001
so.. this is one missle? compared to how many suicide bombings? atleast israel targeted the head terrorist instead of just random palestinians i'd rather they had not done it that way though. but what we don't know is how many casualities there would have been if they sent forces in to get him by land he was a terrorist leader, he and his group probably would have not gone down without a bloodbath.

i'm sure your jumping at glee now that you have one potentially distasteful act compared to the dozens and dozens of suicide bombers and all the completely innocent civs they kill. i'm sure israel laced their missle with rat poison like the palestinians do


Sep 11, 2000
atleast israel targeted the head terrorist instead of just random palestinians i'd rather they had not done it that way though. but what we don't know is how many casualities there would have been if they sent forces in to get him by land

So the terroist IDF shouldn't bother and then use OUT PLANES to fire a missile on a civiliaion area?

Yeah, it's mid night, everyone sleeping... DOZENS will die .. but we get our guy, let's go for it boys.

NEVER, and I mean NEVER try to justify a murder or a massacre by COMMITING one.

The Hamas guy is a bad guy? Sure, get HIM. But No, they killed everyone AROUND HIM. The toll is rising and this will get many Israelis killed.


Dec 6, 1999
I think that the general consensus amongst all parties is that last nights attack will only guarantee a wave of revenge attacks against Israelis. Assasinating terrorist leaders is a really really bad way to fight this war. Commando raids to capture them alive are much preferrable. Sharon and Ben Eliazer are really grasping at straws if they think it will work. They should concentrate on developing thier network of informers and other intelligence sources to head of terrorist attacks and snatch terrorists when possible. Killing them only makes them stronger, thier will always be another to take up the struggle.

As to the civillian casualties, it is terrible no matter what side they are on when children are killed.


Feb 15, 2001
Now I understand why the world hate us.

Don't you guys see, we're ISOLATED with respect to middle east policy.

we're the only one with some guts to go against people supplying our oil. the europeans need oil and fear terrorism even if it means rolling over for fundamentalist idiots. its easier. there was a time when europe and the world would rather appease hitler then fight against him. it doesn't mean much you see.

We are TARGETED largely because of our middle east policy.

really? we pay off egypt too. we keep egypt from going to full out war again with israel. that must be bad

The European Union, Russia, UN.. i.e. the whole world stands at one pole and
our government and the Israelis at another.

If we just stay neutral, that would be wonderful.

oh u mean like how we did b4 ww2? europe got raped, genocide, and crimes against humanity were commited and we sat on our hands for quite a while. and in asia japan went about raping and pillaging and also carrying out biological warfare/genocide against the chinese. we sat on our hands .. until they hit us. being neutral in a small world works only when there are other countries willing to keep the peace for you.

But no no no, we keep pumping billions of our TAX dollars to Mr. Sharon and his gang, we keep giving them free F-16s and unprecendeted military aid to be used in war crime and terrorism...

and then we scream "Why they hate us?!?!"

we pump billions to egypt. buying oil from the region pumps billions and billions into the entire region regardless. and what does it buy? religious schools and weapons. egyptian newspapers writing stories about how jews eat arabs on holidays. one side publishes horrific nazi like propaganda... lessi, i think its the arabs the arabs have spent their time attacking israel from the start.. they've spent their time losing. of course they are bitter.

don't forget that the US wasn't even involved in the 6 day war. we were too scared of the USSR steppping in and escalating it into ww3. so the russians equiped the arabs with weapons to fight as they saw israel as a democracy. israel used weapons from the french. if the russians had not equiped the arabs, the place might have been a lot more peaceful. ofcourse the arab governments had to create conspiracies to placate their populations after they kept losing. they spread the lie that israel won because the US helped them. whcih was not true at the time. so yes.. now arabs hate us. why they hate us doesn't matter because they aren't very rational

you must ask yourself why all those arab countries with say 99% of the land in the middle east don't just absorb their palestinian refugees instead of making them suffer. they use the palestinians suffering to attack israel, which they want to wipe off the planet anyways then again on the other hand who'd want to absorb palestinians? they'd get mad at something and end up assassinating your own politicians. just as they did in the past in jordan etc.


Jan 16, 2001
Have you ever heard the expressions:

"To make an omlet, you must break a few eggs"
"Sometimes a few must die so that many may live"
etc, etc.

I have grown SO tired of seeing ATOT turn into a soapbox for every political-ethnocentric-militant yahoo. :| Stop whining, get off your soapbox and go get a beer. You'll feel better.


Feb 15, 2001
Originally posted by: Slovin8
atleast israel targeted the head terrorist instead of just random palestinians i'd rather they had not done it that way though. but what we don't know is how many casualities there would have been if they sent forces in to get him by land

So the terroist IDF shouldn't bother and then use OUT PLANES to fire a missile on a civiliaion area?

Yeah, it's mid night, everyone sleeping... DOZENS will die .. but we get our guy, let's go for it boys.

NEVER, and I mean NEVER try to justify a murder or a massacre by COMMITING one.

The Hamas guy is a bad guy? Sure, get HIM. But No, they killed everyone AROUND HIM. The toll is rising and this will get many Israelis killed.

maybe terrorists shouldn't hide amoung civilians eh? palestinians get whats coming to them. they use civilians as their shields, well before the rash of ruthless suicide bombings they got away with it. now perhaps they've crossed the line, and too bad. you hide behind civilian guise you put your fellow countrymen at danger. its your responsibility. you disregard the rules of war and think you can sleep at home with your family and brood of children and put them at danger?

why have so many children? oh yea, so they can be your human shields during a israeli raid. a soldier hesitates when he sees a kid and u get to take down an israeli. you have many children so as a fanatic you can spread your hate to them and well.. palestinian life is cheap, more children, more suicide bombers in the end, thats all it is, the scum bag hides behind his children as shields.


Dec 6, 1999
What I don't understand is why did Sharon order this assasination now.

FACT: Hamas has not conducted any attacks recently, and has been making concilliatory gestures this week including a proposal to halt attacks if the Israelis withdraw from the West Bank.

FACT: The Israeli government lifted some restrictions on Palestinians earlier this week, and have also been making moves towards an easing of the situation.

FACT: This guy was at his HOUSE. Everyone knew where he was, he is always there and has been for who knows how long. Why kill him now?? Right now as things were easing up a little bit?? This seems like a move to de-rail any peace efforts.


Dec 6, 1999
Originally posted by: Nefrodite
Originally posted by: Slovin8
atleast israel targeted the head terrorist instead of just random palestinians i'd rather they had not done it that way though. but what we don't know is how many casualities there would have been if they sent forces in to get him by land

So the terroist IDF shouldn't bother and then use OUT PLANES to fire a missile on a civiliaion area?

Yeah, it's mid night, everyone sleeping... DOZENS will die .. but we get our guy, let's go for it boys.

NEVER, and I mean NEVER try to justify a murder or a massacre by COMMITING one.

The Hamas guy is a bad guy? Sure, get HIM. But No, they killed everyone AROUND HIM. The toll is rising and this will get many Israelis killed.

maybe terrorists shouldn't hide amoung civilians eh? palestinians get whats coming to them. they use civilians as their shields, well before the rash of ruthless suicide bombings they got away with it. now perhaps they've crossed the line, and too bad. you hide behind civilian guise you put your fellow countrymen at danger. its your responsibility. you disregard the rules of war and think you can sleep at home with your family and brood of children and put them at danger?

why have so many children? oh yea, so they can be your human shields during a israeli raid. a soldier hesitates when he sees a kid and u get to take down an israeli. you have many children so as a fanatic you can spread your hate to them and well.. palestinian life is cheap, more children, more suicide bombers in the end, thats all it is, the scum bag hides behind his children as shields.

That whole thing about the children is kind of a stretch don't you think?? People in the 3rd world tend to have many children. More than the 2.5 American average. In fact Orthodox Jews also have tons of children, and Israeli settlers also have tons of children generally. Aren't they all just more soldiers for the cause?


Jan 16, 2001
The following has been known for many, many years:

There will NEVER be peace b/t the Israelies and the Arabs/Palestinians. Never. If they killed each other until the only people left were two small boys, one Palestinian and one Israel, the two boys would beat each other bloody with sticks until one of them was dead.

The two races will wipe themselves out.


Feb 15, 2001
not really. generally the isrealis don't have as many children as the palestinians do on average plus, many of the really religious jews don't fight, they are exempt from the draft, which pisses off everyone else.

not to mention that israel doesn't hide its weapons/explosives and well... troops inside civilian areas


Feb 15, 2001
lets see who else is responsible for the palestinians suffering? oh yes, the countries around there are supplying them with weapons!! no weapons, no violence what kind of explosives do suicide bombers use? no, not homebrew, but military grade made somewhere else. so if you want to blame the US, so suck and egg. but you'd rather not blame the arab countries eh? they fund and arm the terrorists to keep the blood bath going. its fun for them. its like watching gladiators for their people, keeps em nice and distracted from their governments/lives.

does europe and the world stop the arab countries from doing this? oh.. no.


Oct 9, 1999
Originally posted by: Nefrodite
not really. generally the isrealis don't have as many children as the palestinians do on average plus, many of the really religious jews don't fight, they are exempt from the draft, which pisses off everyone else.

not to mention that israel doesn't hide its weapons/explosives and well... terrorist groups inside civilian areas

probably because Israel has the means to guard them against the palestinians while the palestians have nothing to guard their own unless by hiding them.


Oct 8, 2001
Now Israel bluntly takes this clear act of TERRORISM and then say OPPPPS, civilian deaths we're sorry for... as always.. as with the thousands upon thousands of Palestinians that have been killed before.

Every Palestinian is a potential terrorist! For Christ's sake, that's all they teach their children in "school" - martyrdom (terrorism) and the Quoran. I'm GLAD that 8 or 9 children were killed in that attack.

Every Arab nation wishes for the extinction of Israel. But the "civilized" (and I use that term loosely) Arab nations cannot blatantly attack Israel because of big brother (ie. USA), so they use their Palestinian brothers as pawns to take pokes at Israel in the form of suicide attacks. And then they cry foul when some of their precious pawns get killed once in a while.

The reason why the US cannot simply stop supporting Israel is because they are an ally. Think of the precedent that will be set if the US turns its back on its ally. Not to mention, it may tempt all the Arab nations to attack Israel again (and fail, again).



Feb 15, 2001
so what? should israel spend its time building bunkers for palestinian terrorist troops because they are too pathetic a fighting force? i don't think so. instead of surrendering totally and going for total peace the palestinians have chosen violence. since they are too weak they have two choices. stop fighting and surrender. or blow up women and children. they could have retreated into an arab country long ago and then attacked again. wait.. they tried that b4 and lost they just can't accept reality. the arab countries like the situation just fine, they just keep sending the guns and explosives/money.



Oct 9, 1999
Originally posted by: BOK
Now Israel bluntly takes this clear act of TERRORISM and then say OPPPPS, civilian deaths we're sorry for... as always.. as with the thousands upon thousands of Palestinians that have been killed before.

Every Palestinian is a potential terrorist! For Christ's sake, that's all they teach their children in "school" - martyrdom (terrorism) and the Quoran. I'm GLAD that 8 or 9 children were killed in that attack.

Every Arab nation wishes for the extinction of Israel. But the "civilized" (and I use that term loosely) Arab nations cannot blatantly attack Israel because of big brother (ie. USA), so they use their Palestinian brothers as pawns to take pokes at Israel in the form of suicide attacks. And then they cry foul when some of their precious pawns get killed once in a while.

The reason why the US cannot simply stop supporting Israel is because they are an ally. Think of the precedent that will be set if the US turns its back on its ally. Not to mention, it may tempt all the Arab nations to attack Israel again (and fail, again).

so because everyone there is a potiential terrorist that makes it ok to kill them all? like everyone in the US is a potential serial killer, would it be ok to kill them all?
for all means, read this
hope you learn something


Oct 9, 1999
Originally posted by: Nefrodite
so what? should israel spend its time building bunkers for palestinian terrorist troops because they are too pathetic a fighting force? i don't think so. instead of surrendering totally and going for total peace the palestinians have chosen violence. since they are too weak they have two choices. stop fighting and surrender. or blow up women and children. they could have retreated into an arab country long ago and then attacked again. wait.. they tried that b4 and lost they just can't accept reality. the arab countries like the situation just fine, they just keep sending the guns and explosives/money.
everyone does what they can, the israelis can build bunkers and whatnot to guard their weapons, and the palestinians cant.

surrendiring totally? would the US surrender totally if it was taken over by.. dare say it.. canada? wouldnt there be quite alot of normal "civilians" ready to take up arms to fight the occupying force?


Feb 15, 2001
just look at the US. in the civil war the south could have easily said screw you! we're going to continue as terrorists you damn yankees! and they could have kept the entire populous in turmoil for a long long time. but instead they did the honorable thing and lay down their arms. go figure eh? the palestinians are in the wrong. deal with it. they sell off the futures of their children because of excessive pride amoung other things.

there are rules of warfare. you can build bunkers yes. but if all you can do is hide amoung your children and sneak out and kill your enemies women and children, do you keep fighting? is that warfare or just senseless violence of a pathetic senseless people.

as for everyone doing what they can... the israelis could also drop a nuke on the palestinians and end it all
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