The Best way to kill a Hamas militiant is....

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Oct 9, 1999
probably the main difference between the US south vs north war and the palestinian and israel is the probability to integrade eachother society and religion, the difference between the israel and the rest of the arab world is just too great to go as smoothly as the southvsnorth war.

It would probably be more like if China would invade and takeover the US, people wouldnt be happy about pulling their pants down and sticking their asses in the air to please the Chinese just for the sake of peace.


Oct 8, 2001
like everyone in the US is a potential serial killer, would it be ok to kill them all?

How is everyone in the US a potential serial killer? Next time, try making analogies that make sense.

I read that link you posted. It's apples and oranges. One small summer camp in a remote small town that teaches children how to use guns is VERY DIFFERENT from a so-called nation who brainwashes their children to become mindless Jew-hating walking bombs by preaching hate to their ENTIRE population, and where in EVERY school, they teach that KILLING Jews is a good thing, even if it means taking your own life!


Maybe YOU'LL learn something


Oct 9, 1999
Originally posted by: BOK
like everyone in the US is a potential serial killer, would it be ok to kill them all?

How is everyone in the US a potential serial killer? Next time, try making analogies that make sense.

I read that link you posted. It's apples and oranges. One small summer camp in a remote small town that teaches children how to use guns is VERY DIFFERENT from a so-called nation who brainwashes their children to become mindless Jew-hating walking bombs by preaching hate to their ENTIRE population, and where in EVERY school, they teach that KILLING Jews is a good thing, even if it means taking your own life!


Maybe YOU'LL learn something
so you didnt get it, the point of this article is how the information is used, how things are taken out of context.



Oct 8, 2001
so you didnt get it, the point of this article is how the information is used, how things are taken out of context.

OMG. Obviously. But your intent on posting that link was to imply that the information I have on Palestinian children was taken out of context. Ok, so next time I see children being brainwashed into Jew-hating killing machines in their own schools, I'll make sure I'm not taking things out of context. Next time I see 8-year old children being interviewed on TV saying they want to kill as many Jews as they can and become martyrs, I'll think twice, as not to take it out of context. Wake up from your ignorant daydream and smell reality.


Aug 9, 2001
Originally posted by: Slovin8
To fire a US MADE F-16 Missile into an apartment building, killing him, his wife, their 14-year old daughter, EIGHT Children (Yes EIGHT Children) from nearby houses which were LEVELED to the ground and few more civilians got buried.

As an israeli civilian,and as an israeli soldier in the IDF,i agree about this. this attack should have not,(as my personal opinion) have been carried out.
but then again,i do not have all the info which the govrement has regarding this situation...
You have to remember that this person has been responsaible for the creation of the hamas military wing in gaza,and as been responsible for preparing and orginzing dozens of attacks on israeli civilians and soldiers,and may have been in the process of orginzing yet another one...and it that case,as hard has it is to hear,i rhater take the chance of taking him out and preventing the next bombing,then waiting for the next one to happen and knowing that i could have stopped it.
until you are in the postion that you have to make such choise,i dont think you really have any right to criticize.

Now Israel bluntly takes this clear act of TERRORISM and then say OPPPPS, civilian deaths we're sorry for... as always.. as with the thousands upon thousands of Palestinians that have been killed before.

lies and exggerations... thousands of palestienes havent been killed in the current intifada... and the majority of those that have been killed have been armed militants.(not them all,unfourtently,as yes we have made mistakes in the past. but here is the core diffrence which many seem to ignore... the palestines desire to hurt as many civilans as possible,israel however does its best not to.(however this is war ,and unforutently mistakes do happen...,and after blowing up hundreds of israelis,they have absoultly no JUSTIFACTION WHATSOEVER to complain that israel does what it can to protect itself...
I would like to see what exectly woudl the french goverment ,for example, would do in case that people started blowing up in paris.

Are the Israelis nuts? They call it preventive measure!! Bullshit. They expected the Hamas Militiant to stay at his house ALONE at night? They expected the nearby houses to be empty? Why didn't they send in a task force, broke in, and arrested him? They're probably TOO COWARD to do that. An "American" F-16 will do the job.
oh i see you have a briiliant stratigic mind!!!
Send in a task force in the middle of the gaza strip to arrest a militant that is more likely to resist...
so please answer me those questions oh veteran general of old....
how would this strike force get to the middle of one of the world's largest and most densly populated(and hostile) cities in the world,grab an hostile(and well guarded) hamas militant,and then leave?
And how dare you!! how dare you call the young people of this country TOO COWARDS,to do anything,when day by day ,night by night, young people by the ages of 18-21 are defending this country and trying to make sure that some of the most sadistic creatures to live on this plant are not allowed to get into israel proper in order to prevent them from creating mass massacres... and have no doubt that they do try...
And btw... if you would have bothered to look into the facts,you would have seen that the majorty of operations against militants have been capture operations,as interrogating them has far greater piority then simply killing then.

No wonder the US is isolated and the whole world is against us and against Israel.
Yes i have noticed all the ambrgos that the usa has been getting lately...
And are you by any chance in addition of being a bright general are also an expert in forgien affairs?
Do you have any idea why is the USA investing so much money in israel? do you get the same information that the US president and the chief of staff are getting from israel? do you know what level of cooperation exiests between the US and israel and why does it exiest? do you know how much influence and control the US over israel?





Oct 11, 1999
The best way to kill a Hamas militiant is....

1.) Cut off their head & videotape it, distribute tapes.

2.) Hand them a block of C4, a primer & some duct tape?

3.) Encourage them to use public transportation in Israel.

4.) Build time machine & send them to the top floor of the WTC on 9-11-01 @ about 7:30am & handcuff them to a metal stair railing?


Aug 9, 2001
Originally posted by: Slovin8
Now I understand why the world hate us.

Don't you guys see, we're ISOLATED with respect to middle east policy.

We are TARGETED largely because of our middle east policy.

The European Union, Russia, UN.. i.e. the whole world stands at one pole and our government and the Israelis at another.

If we just stay neutral, that would be wonderful.

But no no no, we keep pumping billions of our TAX dollars to Mr. Sharon and his gang, we keep giving them free F-16s and unprecendeted military aid to be used in war crime and terrorism...

and then we scream "Why they hate us?!?!"

Oh yes,everyone hates the US because of israel...
This is why many islamic militant groups call the USA the "big devil" and israel the "small devil",and their goals are the elimination of the israeli state,and then the destruction of the rest of the "infadls" in the world...
And i guess its better to do what the EU is doing and sending money unchecked to araft and then playing stunned a couple of weeks later when they discover that araft personally gave 20K$ to the al-aqsa brigade for "sucssuflly" carrying out an attack that cost the lives of 17 people.

and then we scream "Why they hate us?!?!"
I'll tell you why they "hate us"..:
because you live in a world that is directly opposite to their own,one of freedom and rights,while they live in a world of oppression and lack of rights,and in order for those islamic rulers to prevent an uprising they channel the public hatered and desire for change to an hatred for the westren world ,with all its "sins"...

But go ahead,cotinue to preach for staying "neaturl" in this confilct... and one day,due to massive internationel pressures,israel will give in to terroriests,and give them what they want. and then the westren world will discover that by turning the other eye to the atrocities that are being commited by the paletines they have allowed it to export it globally... some people in the US have understood the truth after the terrible attacks of 9/11... but some continue to try to put the blame on others,and hopeing that by simply growing isolated again,everything will be ok.Bbut it wont be ok. there are millions of millions of arabs that are living under oppressionist and dictatorship regims ,and those people need to channel their anger somewhere,and right now the easiest target is israel and the us.

And lastly,to those of you who think about posting in regarding to those issues,please do some research before posting,and dont post any palestine propagenda you find. i am sick of defending israel before people who never withnessed the horror which is a sucidie bombing ,or have never seen what palesitine children are being taught in school,etc...
If people in this forum are so inclined to be pro palesintes,then suit yourslef,and may you never know the horror of the terror and have to face with the kind of decisions that israel has to face.

Im outta of here.


Jan 2, 2000
Originally posted by: justint
What I don't understand is why did Sharon order this assasination now.

FACT: Hamas has not conducted any attacks recently, and has been making concilliatory gestures this week including a proposal to halt attacks if the Israelis withdraw from the West Bank.

FACT: The Israeli government lifted some restrictions on Palestinians earlier this week, and have also been making moves towards an easing of the situation.

FACT: This guy was at his HOUSE. Everyone knew where he was, he is always there and has been for who knows how long. Why kill him now?? Right now as things were easing up a little bit?? This seems like a move to de-rail any peace efforts.

What do you call recently???? An hour ago? They just sent a suicide bomber LAST WEDNESDAY, and on Sunday, that's right, the DAY BEFORE this attack, they put a bomb on a train track.
So how do you figure that there have been no attacks recently? That is total B.S.
Jan 9, 2002
<SNIFF... SNIFF> ...I smell a liberal.

Can you think of a better way? When I caught the story off The Drudge Report last night, I thrust my fist in the hair and let out a whoop. Are you some kind of neo-Nazi facist or something? What's to be upset about? The strike was the cost of freedom. Welcome to America. We're fighting a war. You hang around near terrorists and you can expect to be done in as well. Even while you're sleeping.

And ohhh yes, the WHOLE WORLD is against the isolated United States and Isreal.
Jan 9, 2002
If we just stay neutral, that would be wonderful.

But no no no, we keep pumping billions of our TAX dollars to Mr. Sharon and his gang, we keep giving them free F-16s and unprecendeted military aid to be used in war crime and terrorism...

and then we scream "Why they hate us?!?!"

Neutral? Oh I see, like the majority of other countries in this world who bend over backwards and let larger, more forceful ones have their way with us? HELL NO!! What planet are you from? Isreal does NOT hate us- the majority of the people love us, and rightly so. Isreal is NOT a terrorist nation!! Do you live in Berkeley? And if you think we're giving Isreal free F-16s, then I've got ocean front property in Arizona I want to sell you. You are one screwed up SOB.



Jan 2, 2000
Originally posted by: Slovin8
To fire a US MADE F-16 Missile into an apartment building, killing him, his wife, their 14-year old daughter, EIGHT Children (Yes EIGHT Children) from nearby houses which were LEVELED to the ground and few more civilians got buried.

Now Israel bluntly takes this clear act of TERRORISM and then say OPPPPS, civilian deaths we're sorry for... as always.. as with the thousands upon thousands of Palestinians that have been killed before.

What were the Israeli TERRORISTS expecting? To fire an F-16 missile into an appartment building at night when everybody is sleeping and and killing the hamas guy only?!!

They KNEW without any doubt that civilians are going to die but then knew Bush and the Americans and going to keep pumping money and give them FREE F-16s and more to aid them in their terrorist campaign.

Are the Israelis nuts? They call it preventive measure!! Bullshit. They expected the Hamas Militiant to stay at his house ALONE at night? They expected the nearby houses to be empty? Why didn't they send in a task force, broke in, and arrested him? They're probably TOO COWARD to do that. An "American" F-16 will do the job.

No wonder the US is isolated and the whole world is against us and against Israel.


Where was your post the last couple of weeks criticizing Hamas for the suicide bombings of civilians in Israel? Or is it only a bad thing when the Israelis do it? At least when the Iraelis kill civilians, they are going for a legitimate target in the process. They don't just go into public places and randomly blow people up. And when civilian casualties happen, Israel usually at least issues a statement that says they didn't mean to kill civilians, but were going for a military target.

I say, tough shlt. It's a war. Civilian casualties, while regrettable, do happen. Obviously, Israel goes to great lengths to NOT harm civilians.....they could easily kill thousands and thousands if they wanted to.

Are the Israelis nuts? They call it preventive measure!! Bullshit. They expected the Hamas Militiant to stay at his house ALONE at night? They expected the nearby houses to be empty? Why didn't they send in a task force, broke in, and arrested him? They're probably TOO COWARD to do that. An "American" F-16 will do the job.

Do you even have a clue what you're talking about? The Israelis and Palestinians had this guy in jail from 1988-1999. The Israelis, under pressure, turned this guy over to the Palestinians, who released him in 1999. Since then, he's been one of the main people directing the suicide attacks.
Cowards? Why should they risk a squad of soldiers? A ground incursion would likely have resulted in more Palestinian deaths, since they would have had to likely fight their way in and out; not to mention they probably wouldn't have gotten Shehadeh that way because he would have known they were coming and hidden.



Aug 26, 2000
Sharon = terrorism.

Thats the bottom line, no matter how many palestinians kill israelis. He always was and always will be. He has no regard for innocent palestinians and assumes they are all guilty by association. Proof is attacks like this and others, as well as their dehumanizing and destructive occupation. He's a disgusting slob that is a disservice to Israelis with integrity.


Diamond Member
Nov 12, 1999
I would like to see what exectly woudl the french goverment ,for example, would do in case that people started blowing up in paris.

Bad example, they would just roll over and surrender. :Q


Diamond Member
Jul 5, 2001
Israel has to send a message, think about it, this guy has no problem using innocent civilians as human shields and you have a problem with Israel combatting terrorism? Think with your head man. Would you change your stance if this guy carried around a baby all day, as a form of protection against Israel aggression? I bet you wouldn't, and here is why: you value life over peace. Peace can only be acheived by killing these terrorist leaders, if a few civilians get killed, it is aweful, I feel for their families, I do, but it is all means to an end. If peace is not acheived there will be more senseless killing therefore, by upholding my value of peace over life, you are actually upholding your own of life over peace.


Diamond Member
Jul 5, 2001
Sharon = terrorism.

Thats the bottom line, no matter how many palestinians kill israelis. He always was and always will be. He has no regard for innocent palestinians and assumes they are all guilty by association. Proof is attacks like this and others, as well as their dehumanizing and destructive occupation. He's a disgusting slob that is a disservice to Israelis with integrity.

Listen to yourself, the members of Hamas are terrorists, they kill unarmed civilians DELIBERATELY, Isreal has SOLDIERS the difference between the two? Soldiers kill armed personell, they do not deliberately kill civilians like terrorists do. What would you have Sharon do? Play dead? Give back the West Bank? Why stop there, if the palestinians (I use the term loosely since even the palestinians don't seem to know or care that the term has been used since its inception to degrade them) see that if they blow up a bus they get another town, why not arm themselves with Weapons of Mass Destruction? The could level Jerusalem, I bet if they wanted to they could erradicate all Israelis under your policy. Is that how you perceive peace? If so you have a very twisted view of reality.


Aug 26, 2000
Originally posted by: DaiShan
Listen to yourself, the members of Hamas are terrorists, they kill unarmed civilians DELIBERATELY, Isreal has SOLDIERS the difference between the two? Soldiers kill armed personell, they do not deliberately kill civilians like terrorists do. What would you have Sharon do? Play dead? Give back the West Bank? Why stop there, if the palestinians (I use the term loosely since even the palestinians don't seem to know or care that the term has been used since its inception to degrade them) see that if they blow up a bus they get another town, why not arm themselves with Weapons of Mass Destruction? The could level Jerusalem, I bet if they wanted to they could erradicate all Israelis under your policy. Is that how you perceive peace? If so you have a very twisted view of reality.
Your not dealing in reality. A soldiers uniform doesn't justify all of the innocent palestinian deaths and oppressive occupation. Targeting 1 hamas leader doesn't justify the ariel bombing of a neighborhood where countless civilian are injured or dead. Sharon has no concern for "collateral damage" because that seems to be all this is. The palestinian bombing of civilians is the same thing, but Sharon is worse because his effort takes many more innocent lives and injures more civilians. They wanted to keep building in the occupied territories and its no surprise this threatens security for israel. Killing more palestinians doesn't address the underlying issues. So please quit whining about the existence of israel.


Nov 26, 2000
Every Palestinian is a potential terrorist! For Christ's sake, that's all they teach their children in "school" - martyrdom (terrorism) and the Quoran. I'm GLAD that 8 or 9 children were killed in that attack.

Well jesus if every palestinian is automatically to be considered a terrorist then lets make every male isreali jew a fair target for suicide bombings as well since serving in the military is mandatory.


Jul 8, 2002
so.. this is one missle? compared to how many suicide bombings?

Oh, and that makes i right in what way?

we're the only one with some guts to go against people supplying our oil. the europeans need oil and fear terrorism even if it means rolling over for fundamentalist idiots. its easier. there was a time when europe and the world would rather appease hitler then fight against him. it doesn't mean much you see.

Hmmm... i thought europe wasn't supporting either side, sooo... it sounds to me that europe weren't the ones who rolled over... and is europe as dependent of the arab oil as the US is? no, we have other sources... before you go ahead spouting off random words, make sure they fit...

oh u mean like how we did b4 ww2? europe got raped, genocide, and crimes against humanity were commited and we sat on our hands for quite a while. and in asia japan went about raping and pillaging and also carrying out biological warfare/genocide against the chinese. we sat on our hands .. until they hit us. being neutral in a small world works only when there are other countries willing to keep the peace for you.

sure, sixty year old wars do have a place in this discussion... duuuhhhh... and the nuking of Japan can NEVER EVER be justified by anyone else than americans... it was a stupid action then, and pretend that the reason was anything else than to try out the new weapon all you like... you are still wrong...

you must ask yourself why all those arab countries with say 99% of the land in the middle east don't just absorb their palestinian refugees instead of making them suffer. they use the palestinians suffering to attack israel, which they want to wipe off the planet anyways then again on the other hand who'd want to absorb palestinians? they'd get mad at something and end up assassinating your own politicians. just as they did in the past in jordan etc.

Uhhhh... well, so if the US was attacked, they should not fight back but rather be absorbed by the surrounding countries? yup... that is the way it should be...

BOK i will not even bother answering, he is clearly influenced by some major drug... like crack and does not have half a brain left...


Jul 8, 2002
maybe terrorists shouldn't hide amoung civilians eh? palestinians get whats coming to them. they use civilians as their shields

So if russia blows up a couple of buildings in the US to get to what they consider a terrorist, that would be okey by you? sure, your wife and kids would die, but in the war against terrorism, that wouldn't bother you, right?


Jul 8, 2002
Every Palestinian is a potential terrorist! For Christ's sake, that's all they teach their children in "school" - martyrdom (terrorism) and the Quoran. I'm GLAD that 8 or 9 children were killed in that attack.

I just had to answer this one... EVERY child is a potential terrorist/murderer/rapist so you should be all for abortions, and you should be happy whenever a child dies...

You are not just stupid, you are INSANE, you carry the trademarks of a psychopath who cannot imagine the pain of others... you should be shot in the balls and hung from a tree, and bleed to death slowly... you are the most disgusting creature of this world, who wishes pain and death upon children...



Dec 6, 1999
The White House has harshly critized this attack.

This line by Ari Fliescher particularly struck me as very harsh from a pro-Israel White House.

the Israeli operation "was a deliberate attack on the site, knowing that innocents would be lost in the consequences of the attack."

July 23, 2002
White House Rebukes Israel for Attack, Calls It 'Heavy-Handed'

ASHINGTON, July 23 ? President Bush issued one of his sharpest rebukes against Israel today, denouncing as "heavy-handed" the attack that killed a Hamas leader and expressing regret over "the loss of innocent life."

"This heavy-handed action does not contribute to peace," the president's chief spokesman, Ari Fleischer, said. "This message will be conveyed to Israeli authorities, and the United States regrets the loss of life."

At least 14 other people, including several children, were killed in the missile attack that killed Salah Shehadeh, a founder and the top commander of Hamas' military wing. Scores of others were wounded.

While he emphasized that Mr. Bush remained a strong supporter of Israel over all, Mr. Fleischer underscored the criticism by rejecting any comparison between the strike against the Hamas leader and those American operations in Afghanistan that have killed civilians.

"It is inaccurate to compare the two, because the United States, because of an errant bomb, a mistake in a mission, has occasionally engaged in military action that very regrettably included losses of innocent lives," Mr. Fleischer said.

By contrast, he said, the Israeli operation "was a deliberate attack on the site, knowing that innocents would be lost in the consequences of the attack."

The Israeli Embassy immediately responded with a defense of the operation. "Like the government of the United states, the government of Israel regrets the loss of innocent civilian lives," an Embassy spokesman, Mark Regev, told The Associated Press. "However, our military action against one of the most dangerous Hamas terrorist leaders was a justified action of self-defense."

The White House reaction was markedly different from the administration's response to other recent Israeli military operations, especially those following attacks on Israeli civilians by Palestinian suicide bombers. In those instances, Mr. Bush has generally urged Israel to show as much restraint as possible but has emphasized that he recognizes the country's right to defend itself.

The Bush administration also rebuked Israel for its recent closing of the Jerusalem office of a leading Palestinian moderate, Sari Nusseibeh.

In his most important statement on the Middle East, Mr. Bush reversed policy on June 24 and declared that the Palestinian leader, Yasir Arafat, had to be replaced before there could be real progress toward peace in the region ? a goal the White House has repeatedly said it embraces and will work to achieve.



Oct 8, 2001
I just had to answer this one... EVERY child is a potential terrorist/murderer/rapist so you should be all for abortions, and you should be happy whenever a child dies...

You are not just stupid, you are INSANE, you carry the trademarks of a psychopath who cannot imagine the pain of others... you should be shot in the balls and hung from a tree, and bleed to death slowly... you are the most disgusting creature of this world, who wishes pain and death upon children...

God you're dumb. Are you a retard? If so, then please excuse me for calling you dumb. I'm not gonna even waste my time trying to explain. To do so would be like reasoning with a monkey. I'll use my time to debate with the intelligent people in this thread.

By the way, I am for all abortions. I believe that's currently being debated in another thread. Care to participate?
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