The Black Friday Brag & Moan Thread


Jan 2, 2001
Well, I have a feeling there is going to be a lot of bragging and moaning today, so let?s start a thread to consolidate it all.

My personal story. I went to the best buy only hoping to snag the $50 60 gig hard drive and some of the $10 Tayio Yuden spindles.. That did not go according to plan . . .

I arrived there at 6:00 am, and there were already 30 or 40 people in line L I got in line anyways, assuming that I wouldn?t be one of the lucky 15 or so to snag the hard drive. I was listening in on the people behind me, who were there for some of the computer deals, and they were driving me nuts with all the misinformation that both Intel and AMD are feeding the mass public (DDR makes your computer twice as fast! A Pentium 2.0 Ghz is so much Faster then an Athlon 1800! That 64MB SDR GF2MX is MUCH faster then the 32MB DDR Radeon because it has twice as much memory . . .), and spent a little time schooling them (ahem). Anyways, at about 6:45 the line was at LEAST ¾ of a block long, and they started handing out the tickets for the items. LOTS of people were there for stuff that I didn?t really care about ($70 DVD players, the $100 HP Digital Camera, Some really insane TV deal, the $300 e-machines computer), so I thought I had a chance. Meanwhile, I?ve been pondering about getting the GeForce3 Ti for the last 45 minutes or so, but decided against it.

Well, as you know when they start handing out tickets, the line sorta scrunches up, and I was fighting for my place for that Hard Drive. It looks like they really did have only 15 of them, and I was one of the lucky ones J What surprised me though was that they did not pass out tickets for the GeForce 3. I planned on being in the mad rush to the hardware isle to snag one of them.

7:00, the gates finally open, and people are rushing in. The line formed to the right of the door, but there were all these people to the left of the door who were waiting to sneak in. They should really do something about those bastards L Anyways, I run in, run across the store to where the hardware isle USED to be. Looks like they changed the layout of the store since I was last here. I run back across the store to where the hardware isles now are, and the clueless best buy employees direct me to the wrong aisle twice for the GeForce 3, and by the time I get there they were gone.

Now that they?re gone, I realize how much I really wanted one. If they were sitting on the shelves when I got there, I would bet I would have snatched one up, and just put it back 10 minutes later. I?m a bit dejected, head back to the customer service counter to claim my hard drive with my ticket, but on the way I see the pile of Dreamcasts . . . which is MUCH taller then I am. We?re now $50 over budget. . .

I continue up to the customer service counter to claim my hard drive, and notice that there is someone up there giving out the GeForce 3 tickets. WTF? So, I snag a GeForce 3 ticket, dodge the people offering me $20 for my hard drive ticket , and pay for my stuff so far. We?re now $150 over budget.

With my hard drive, dreamcast, and GeForce 3 firmly in hand, I head back into the store to try to snag some of those Tayio Yuden?s. I thought that this would be easy, because CD-R?s would be one of the items I?d think they would actually be trying to get rid of. There is a HUGE stack of the PNY?s that are free after rebate, but the small shelf space where the Fuji?s were is now empty. I cruise around a bit, hoping that they may be somewhere else, and finally give up. I decide it?s about time to go home, and on the way back, I see one spindle of the Fuji?s that someone dumped on a stack of less worthy media. I grab it immediately, and head for the checkout line . . . which is now about a block long winding around the store. One $10 spindle isn?t worth sitting in line for 2 hours, so I just said screw it and left the store.

I?m assuming a lot of people?s experiences this morning went something like that, but there are probably more interesting stories out there to tell, so let?s hear ?em J



Diamond Member
Jul 10, 2001
Just come back and get to work on Friday. Hope all the $490.98 MIR come back. (I went to Staples, Office Max, Circuit City. There are too many people at Best Buy. Do not buy anything in BB)


Jan 28, 2000
Got to staples at 7:03, everything pretty much gone, not worth standing in line for what is left. Went home empty handed


Senior member
Oct 25, 2001
Do not get out of bed, Do not go to Bad Buy, Do not pass Go, Do not spend $200.

STAY IN BED!!!!!!!


Nov 23, 2000
Best Buy @ 5:40. About 40-50 ppl in line.
Walked out with a WD 60gb and a Visiontek Xtasy Ti200. I had originally only planned to get the Xtasy, but I figured I'd grab the HD since they had them while I was at the service desk. I can always return it.


Platinum Member
Apr 26, 2001
Went to staples, didn't get the 17" monitor, was 1/2 hour late for work, then there was a Brag and Moan thread in my Hot deals section


Senior member
Jul 2, 2001
<moan> I'm not even going to bother going out for these black friday "deals". Most of them require MIR's which make me wait for 8-10 weeks to get my money back. No thanks, I'd rather wait until after Christmas when retailers have to make some insane price drops to move out old stock. </moan>


Diamond Member
Aug 19, 2000
<moan> im not going anywhere. after i heard there are people in the stores i hate people ...hehe </moan>

Ohh well.


Mar 31, 2001
Okay, definite brag time. I showed up at Best Buy at 6:45, saw the line around the block and said, "the hell with that."

I went to Staples, on the other side of the parking lot. About 20 people there. Got a 20 gig hard drive, label maker and the 50 cd spindle for $20 after rebates and $30 coupon.

Okay, so I decided to brave Best Buy. It was insane! I had no idea you were supposed to get a ticket for the 5-hour sale stuff, so I just leaned over and grabbed a 16x CD Writer. The 60 gig hard drive was sitting in it's usual place on the shelf. There were still 4 of them! I think the sign wasn't big enough.

So I was standing around with these two items wondering where to get in the massive line, and some guy says, "if you only have those 2 items I can check you out at the cellular desk." Followed him over, checked out faster than I normally get out of Best Buy, and walked past the hundreds of people in line.

Didn't get a Geforce3, but I ordered one for in-store pick-up and got confirmation at 5 am this morning, so I'll go back late in the afternoon for that one.

Total success!!


Mar 23, 2001
got to staples half hour late but still got the scanner and printer and subsatute for burner.envision 17 sold out but they were letting people order it on line through the store same deal shipped to the house.i dont know if i got a bad deal on that burner replacement though hp cd16ri 16x10x40,only 90 day warranty.


Platinum Member
Apr 5, 2000
I went to best buy to get hard drive and burner. I walked in at 7:10 and there was already well over 100 people in line to check out.

Lesson learned:
I will buy hot deals on Wednesday next year.
I will buy hot deals on Wednesday next year.
I will buy hot deals on Wednesday next year.

Oh well congrats to all who succeeded.


Aug 9, 2000
I got to Best Buy at 7AM but the parking lot was totally full and the line to get inside the front doors must have held a few hundred persons. I was disappointed I did not score a GF3.

Drove to OfficeMax to pick up a cordless phone and check out the 39.99 CD-RW. The store manager greeted me as I walked in and showed me the phone. I then asked about the CD-RW. He told me he was out of the featured drive but he could substitute a slightly faster drive. He opened the case and pulled out HP 16x10x40 drive. Needless to say I picked up the drive so the morning was not a total waste.


Senior member
Mar 5, 2001
Went to my local Best Buy, located in Bridgeton, MO, a little before seven. Found out that the doors had opened at six. I only purchased the 100 + 10 pack of PNY cdr discs.

Next stop was at CompUSA down the rock road. Around eight the doors were opened and I did get a 16x HI-Val burner ($40) with a few "free" after rebate items.


Sep 3, 2000
Well I woke up early this morning and headed down to Circuit City. Luckily I am 5 minutes from it. I walked in and picked up the $69 DVD player for myself. They had a nice large pile of them. A lot better than the time I wasted trying to get the same thing at Kmart Yesterday. From what I heard they sold out over at Kmart in just 3 minutes.

Since I was at CC I looked around. The CDR spindle scared me because I never heard of the brand name. Besides they were out of them. The women in back of me on the line was upset about them being out of them but as I told can almost always find free cdr's after mail in rebate all the time! I looked at the Music CD's also...they are $9.99 all day. I really could not find anything I wanted. Besides, I can usually get music CDs for $11.88. Waiting on a 40 minute line at CC to save $1.88 is not worth it.

I also stopped at Bestbuy to check them out. Same story with the CDr's (except that I heard of PNY).

I think it was funny today to see how crazy people got with grabbing the CDR's. It's so common to see them for free or damn close to free after rebate all the time. So why did everyone go crazy today? The DVD players seemed very hot also. Not the best DVD player does not have optical outputs. But it makes for a great VCD/MP3 player for me, especially for the price!


Diamond Member
Jul 5, 2001
got up at 7 am raced to best buy got there at 7:30 went inside and imediately went to the computer section, I check for the ti-200's see 1 in the spot and think I am lucky so I grab it unfortunately someone had pushed one of th ti-500's in its place, so that is no good, someone behind me says they ar out of ti-200's and the rep confirms this, then I head over to the hdd's the same guy says out of 60 gigers too, I check for 10 minutes to no avail, finally feeling beaten I drive over to compusa and pick up some ram. What a bust got up early for nothing.


Senior member
Jun 6, 2000
I got to Office Max at 6:55. Waited 5 minutes. There were about 15 people there in front of me. As the doors opened I went to the area where the CDRw drive for $39.99 was supposed to be. It wasn't there. I walked around to another aisle and overheard a lady at the customer service counter ask for one. The woman who worked there said the were only 3 of them and they were behind the counter. I said I wanted the "Hi-Val" one, and then a guy next to me asked for it to.

The lady was nice enough to remember I asked for it first and told that to the other guy. So, I got the last one.

Got home, installed it, and was very happy to read this inside the box:

" To show our appreciation, we have given yo a FREE UPGRADE to the Hi-Val CD-Rewritable 16x10x40 drive! It has the same features as the 12x10x32 drive with increased speed"!

That was an exact quote from Hi-Val.

Needless to say I'm pretty happy and I feel a bit vindicated after last year I drove 40 miles to a Comp-Usa to get a "free after rebate " memory deal, and waited for almost an hour outside, just to get to the counter and not get squat because they sold out 1 person in front of me.


Golden Member
Nov 9, 2001
MOAN. I've never seen 2000+ people line up to get into a best buy. It felt worse than an XP event. That's what i get for getting to bb at 6:57. Next year, i'm going at 3 in the morning. Congrats to whoever got the WD HD.
oh yea, i was gonna go to staples to snag a printer and scanner and use my 20 off 100, but i left it in my room. no use trying to get them since it was 7:07....


Diamond Member
Oct 10, 1999
Went to Best Buy in Canton,Ohio today got there at 6:30..Must have been 1000 people in line already.litterly across the frt of the building and down the road Probaly 1/4 mile long,The line was unbeliveable
waited until 7 doors open and stampeed time wow I was amazed
Didnt get a dam thing no 60gs were left but they had a ton of the GF3's just sitting on the shelf
didnt need that I just bought a AIW Last week
People were buying the 110 pack of PNYs by the 1/2 dozen..No one even bothered with a cart you would not ave been able to use it anyway too too many people
Alot of Pissed off people wanted the hard drives I think they were the first thing to go
First/Only/Last Black Friday sale for me LOL


Senior member
Aug 22, 2000

was in line, @6:00AM.... 30-50 in front of me.... the guy who had been @ the front of the bus was there @3:45AM amazing... anyway, got a card and HD....

I want to thank AT for one thing:

guys, even if u didn't get on the deal earlier(means before friday) u should have scanned where the stuff was located, or being located on Wednsday night, since a lot of ppl that i saw when i grabbed the card and HDD were asking their friends like 2 continents away where the stuff was located...dumbos!


Platinum Member
Mar 20, 2001
Got the WD hard drive and the geforce3 ti200! I left at 5:30 and returned at 9:30 (went to 2 best buys)


Feb 21, 2001
Just got back from the BB on Route 22 in there around 6:30 and line was about 100. by 6:50 the line was curling around the parking lot. I wanted to tape the whole event but realized that I wasnt going to get stuff with that camera. Went back to the car while my gf and roomate waited in the line. Saw a few ppl waiting across the doors on the lil islands and realized what they were going to do. As the guy in BB was about to open the doors, the islanders inched closer to the about to be opened door. Some black woman was like Ahhhhhhhhhhh-uuhhhh(a loud no) and as that was happening, the door opoened and the rush began. It was nothing short of a zoo. Me being the savvy guy that i am, i jogged in. Grabbed the free DVD, rushed over adn grabbed teh Yamaha(for my roomate), went to the HDs and found 2 60 giggers(for my gf), went to the vids but no Ti's and went and got some PNY's. then i went and got a cart. as i was walkin around some lady tried to grab sumting out my cart. Smacked her hand and kept my items. Went to cust. service to pm my purchases from yesterdfay. Waited in long line to get out of there. Went to staples but i didnt have the coupons to get my chair. Hopefully one of the other 6 staples around me will have one 2morrow. Went back to BB and the guy had brought GF3's out. One left ont he shelf and one guy holding 2

me and my roomate and gf each scored one. Good day for me so far. Gonna call Virgin Mega Stores in a few mins to find out about PS2's, and xbox, and Gamecubes...Hope every1 else had fun



Senior member
Jun 29, 2001
SUCCESS! I already purchased 2 visiontek ti 200 from best buy on Suday. I get there @ 6:45 the line is longer then a football length! (cedar Park, tX). I get in finally grab the 110 PNY cd's. Get my dad to go up to the return center, I returned both visiontek's for credit, then had my dad buy one and i paided cash for the other one. I'm laughing now because their was only a ONE person wait in returns while the other checkline were SO HUGE. I was in the store for a total of 15 minutes .

$450 dollars in goods in the end for $200


Platinum Member
Oct 22, 1999
Drove into the Lakeland BB at 06.55hrs to see a queue right round the building

Waited in line for around 5 mins and then the doors opened and we all filed in - I was expecting to be waiting for an hour, but, it only took around 10mins overall

With pre-purchased HD+110CDr's I walked straight to the customer service for the price match - no problemo

Then wandered around and finally "discovered" some K-Byte 256MB RAM packages - which has supposeldy been sold out already There must have been another 20 packs or so still on the shelf when everybody groaned after the assistant said they were all out..."eagle eyes" here thought different and was correct

Feeling quite funky after getting in on the RAM deal I picked up the copy of Musicmatch Jukebox 6.0 for my MP3 burning needs

However, an hour later, still standing in line to check out from Best Buy was not so cool


Apr 14, 2001
Went to staples, got the CD-RW, CD-R and a couple of software. Used the 30 dollar off 150 coupon ( did not think I can use the coupon, but they never said a thing).


Oct 30, 2001

Big Brag

My first Black Friday in the USA went very well.

Hit Staples in Queens, NY at 7am. Only about 15 people there. Circuit City across the way had about 250 people outside. Didn't care since i'd bought the Apex DVD player online at 12am for the sale price.

Managed to do 3 trips into Staples and got almost everything i needed. Plus a $30 of $150 on each trip. They didn't have the HP PSC 500.

Headed into work in Manhattan. Figured Staples in the Big Apple would have been long sold out of bargain items. Checked anyway. How wrong could i have been. 9am and only 5 people in the store. Everything in stock. Bought the HP PSC 500 plus a couple of other items.

Major Bargain Day...

Anyone in New York city should hit the Manhattan stores. They are empty......
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