The Christian Threat


Jan 8, 2004
The Christian Threat
The non-Associated non-Press ©2005

They call themselves ?Evangelicals?, ?Fundamentals?, ?Missionaries?, ?Christians?, and other names that imply ?help?, ?salvation?, or ?mercy?. But do you know who they really are? What they really are? What their plans for YOU really are?

Mark 16: 15-16
He said to them, "Go into the whole world and proclaim the gospel to every creature. Whoever believes and is baptized will be saved; whoever does not believe will be condemned.

A beautiful message of saving everybody? from who? From themselves, that?s whom! Of course, if you do accept their salvation, you will not be condemned, by themselves. Repent!

Christianity is an absolute. You either believe in it or not. If you don?t believe the words of the bible, you are not a Christian. If you believe some and not other of the words in that book, you are not a Christian (albeit you might have some Christian beliefs). Why I call this religion an absolute? Because EVERYTHING that is related to Jesus (the Christ, and hence Christianity) is found in ONLY? let me rephrase that, emanates from ONLY one (1) book. Yes there being prophecies of a Messiah before constitute ?some? talking about it, but he is still an unknown Saviour waiting to appear to those to whom he was promised for. If you believe in the existence of a god in heaven, or something along those lines, who created heaven and earth, and then let it run by itself, ect? you are a deist. You believe in a god, but not in ?the? God of Abraham (who is two other Gods out of the need to be more powerful), therefore you are not a Christian. The god of Abraham is very strict, and likes his followers to be a particular way. If you are not that way, then you are either not his follower, or not following his guidelines.

The Christian Threat
I have met them before. I have personally shaken hands with Bob Jones III, and I have friends that I grew up that went to his college, at the time in Tennesee. I have gone to their church services and ministries and they preach Mark 16:15 like it?s their duty (which really is under the premise stated above). Essentially, I know what I am talking about; I was one of them. Now, I know Mr. Jones is not ?every Christian?, but he symbolizes MANY of them. He is one of their leaders. He was chosen/accepted to guide them. God CHOSE him. Or has a marvelous plan for him. He is an Evangelical Fundamentalist Baptist. He is your typical, god-loving, red, American. Same with Falwell and Benny Hinn (who had a ?show? called ?Benny Hinn Miracle Service?). No need to keep naming them. But they are part of the Christian Threat I am referring to. There are prophecies that are still waiting to be fulfilled, and if they think God has chosen them to be the cataclysm for those Times, they will push for it no matter what. And their followers will agree.

A phone conversation I had with my father 1 month or so ago led me to think of this. In this conversation, we turned political, discussing Bush, Iraq, you know, the usual. I talked to him about how our leaders seem to think that fulfilling the Bible prophecies is their thing. They keep pushing towards helping the Israel State. They like to create the instability that will develop into the war of Armageddon. They want Jerusalem for the Jews because they want them to re-erect their old Temple. Things which the bible says will come to pass. And once the Temple is up, people, this is what the book of Revelations talks about: End of Times.

His answer to my worry? ?Hallelujah! Praise the Lord?. Coming this from my father I was surprised. He hasn?t been going to Church as much as he used to, though he stills remain faithful and fearful of the Lord. ?It is written, and nobody can stop this?? he continued. By now I?m angry, and a bit scared of thinking how many more people like this are in this country. Oh? my? God? [sic] 52% of this country seems to think along those lines (okay, maybe not 52%, BUT who was President Bush?s core base? Who is he trying to please? What is his mandate?). No matter my point of view, which as you can see dissents from that of my father and of other Christians, his answer was the same: ?It is written, His Will will be carried out. It says so in his Book?. The way the President talks, it seems he thinks is his duty to not let these people down. Seems like god tells him what to do, and how to do it, and is his duty to not let god down. That is why he sticks to his plan, and wants to succeed at it.

I used to think (back in Bush?s first term) that Bush was too much of a moron to be President. Eventually that changed to too much of a cowboy. Then he was too much of a liar. Then a egoistical megalomaniac. Now, only a Megalomaniac who control the most advanced army in the world and has all the authorities (probably bypassing congress if he presses hard enough) to use it.. This is not for oil? oil is the nice perk. This is about carrying out prophecies in the name of the Lord, no matter how deep in debt we are.

Christianity, if practiced at home and at church, is a safe thing. But the moment we allow this religion (and in practice any religion) to dictate our ways of life and foreign policy, we cross into dangerous, uncharted waters that we are just beginning to test to see how far we can go. Are our leaders seeing this? This is a hard thing to stop in our ?free? country due to our rightfully granted right: freedom of religion. The problem is, this religion calls for action; to go outside and convert people. Otherwise, they will be condemned.

I find too many (I?m sure many of them coincidental) incidents and situations in which I can compare current times to those in that are spoken of by the Apostle John in the book of Revelations to just be coincidence. I do not believe is the end of times as ?coming? on its own, but as being pushed on by those who seek His glory in their fanatical ways (or you could say ?his glory? and not be god?s but the leaders?).

Red Dawn

Elite Member
Jun 4, 2001
Christianity, if practiced at home and at church, is a safe thing. But the moment we allow this religion (and in practice any religion) to dictate our ways of life and foreign policy, we cross into dangerous, uncharted waters that we are just beginning to test to see how far we can go. Are our leaders seeing this? This is a hard thing to stop in our ?free? country due to our rightfully granted right: freedom of religion. The problem is, this religion calls for action; to go outside and convert people. Otherwise, they will be condemned.

That goes for any Religion or Mythical belief.

Gen Stonewall

Senior member
Aug 8, 2001
I don't see evidence that Christians are out to create instability in the world. To be absolutely as light as possible, I have to say that this is...conjecture or speculation.


Jan 8, 2004
Yeah.... is an speculative work of sorts... nothing to be taken too serious, but something that I seriously fear (when someone says "God told me to do...." Is prudent to shake and see what the hell is that person up to, thoroughly.


Jan 12, 2002
The biggest dangers so-called Christians pose is their unwaivering support for Israel. Together with the Jewish lobbies they make it so that the US is not an honest broker in the mideast and that we constantly have unessecary enemies. If it were not for our support of Israel, terrorism would not be what it is today against the US.

The second biggest danger, if you want to call it one, from Christians is that they are holding America back. Their absurd policies (both foreign and domestic) lead to inefficiency and backwardsness that puts us at a disadvantage with rising powers.



Diamond Member
Mar 22, 2004
Originally posted by: Gen Stonewall
I don't see evidence that Christians are out to create instability in the world. To be absolutely as light as possible, I have to say that this is...conjecture or speculation.

Here is the proof you seek.

Originally posted by: Infohawk
The biggest dangers so-called Christians pose is their unwaivering support for Israel. Together with the Jewish lobbies they make it so that the US is not an honest broker in the mideast and that we constantly have unessecary enemies. If it were not for our support of Israel, terrorism would not be what it is today against the US.

The second biggest danger, if you want to call it one, from Christians is that they are holding America back. Their absurd policies (both foreign and domestic) lead to inefficiency and backwardsness that puts us at a disadvantage with rising powers.


Elite Member
Jul 29, 2001
I've meet very few born-agains I'd consider JC followers. Seems they find religion to deal with thier internal deamons, selectivly interpret, and as a social club.


Golden Member
Mar 1, 2004
The US has always supported Isreal, pretty much since day one, long before the current administration. The fact that Isreal is a democracy in an exremely important part of the world, surrounded by countries where basic freedoms are not allowed( woman's rights, homesexual's rights, freedom of religon) is reason enough to continue that support. Especially when that country is friendly to the US.



Jan 12, 2002
Originally posted by: shrumpage
The US has always supported Isreal, pretty much since day one, long before the current administration. The fact that Isreal is a democracy in an exremely important part of the world, surrounded by countries basic freedoms are not allowed( woman's rights, homesexual's rights, freedom of religon) is reason enough to continue that support. Especially when that country is friendly to the US.

No. The US doesn't make allies based on a country's democratic status and scary neighbors. See India.


Golden Member
Mar 1, 2004
Originally posted by: Infohawk
Originally posted by: shrumpage
The US has always supported Isreal, pretty much since day one, long before the current administration. The fact that Isreal is a democracy in an exremely important part of the world, surrounded by countries basic freedoms are not allowed( woman's rights, homesexual's rights, freedom of religon) is reason enough to continue that support. Especially when that country is friendly to the US.

No. The US doesn't make allies based on a country's democratic status and scary neighbors. See India.

It isn't he sole criteria.

But it is easier to ally with countries that hold the same basic ideals; considering the location, and the lack of US friendly countries also plays a factor.


Diamond Member
Mar 12, 2000
He said to them, "Go into the whole world and proclaim the gospel to every creature. Whoever believes and is baptized will be saved; whoever does not believe will be condemned.

As long as it's their God who's doing the comdemning, I don't really have a problem. Who cares if Christians think I'm going to hell? As long as they don't personally try to bring this condemnation to reality -- like beheading me -- I am okay with it.


Jan 12, 2002
Originally posted by: shrumpage
Originally posted by: Infohawk
Originally posted by: shrumpage
The US has always supported Isreal, pretty much since day one, long before the current administration. The fact that Isreal is a democracy in an exremely important part of the world, surrounded by countries basic freedoms are not allowed( woman's rights, homesexual's rights, freedom of religon) is reason enough to continue that support. Especially when that country is friendly to the US.

No. The US doesn't make allies based on a country's democratic status and scary neighbors. See India.

It isn't he sole criteria.

But it is easier to ally with countries that hold the same basic ideals; considering the location, and the lack of US friendly countries also plays a factor.

And the factor isn't at all determinative for Israel. What is determinative is Christian and Jewish lobbying.


Golden Member
Mar 1, 2004
Originally posted by: Infohawk
Originally posted by: shrumpage
Originally posted by: Infohawk
Originally posted by: shrumpage
The US has always supported Isreal, pretty much since day one, long before the current administration. The fact that Isreal is a democracy in an exremely important part of the world, surrounded by countries basic freedoms are not allowed( woman's rights, homesexual's rights, freedom of religon) is reason enough to continue that support. Especially when that country is friendly to the US.

No. The US doesn't make allies based on a country's democratic status and scary neighbors. See India.

It isn't he sole criteria.

But it is easier to ally with countries that hold the same basic ideals; considering the location, and the lack of US friendly countries also plays a factor.

And the factor isn't at all determinative for Israel. What is determinative is Christian and Jewish lobbying.

Okay - that fact that Isreal is the one pro-US country in a part of the world that is extremely crucial to the US economy - has absoluetly nothing to do with our support of Isreal?

and that fact the US tends to favor (when the choice alllows) countries that are demcracies over tyranntical governments has absolutely nothing to do with us support Isreal?



Jan 12, 2002
Originally posted by: shrumpage
Okay - that fact that Isreal is the one pro-US country in a part of the world that is extremely crucial to the US economy - has absoluetly nothing to do with us support Isreal?
Of course not. Israel supports the US BECAUSE we support them. If we had chosen a different side, we'd have other allies. It's a circular argument deep down.

and that fact the US tends to favor (when the choice alllows) countries that are demcracies over tyranntical governments has absolutely nothing to do with us support Isreal?
Not really. Not if you look at past American foreign policy.

Gen Stonewall

Senior member
Aug 8, 2001
Originally posted by: StormRider
He said to them, "Go into the whole world and proclaim the gospel to every creature. Whoever believes and is baptized will be saved; whoever does not believe will be condemned.

As long as it's their God who's doing the comdemning, I don't really have a problem. Who cares if Christians think I'm going to hell? As long as they don't personally try to bring this condemnation to reality -- like beheading me -- I am okay with it.

Paul says that it's not our business to judge people outside the church. It's our job to present the Gospel and your decision to follow it or not. Probably the church's slogan should be, "We report, you decide."


Golden Member
Mar 1, 2004
Originally posted by: Infohawk
Originally posted by: shrumpage
Okay - that fact that Isreal is the one pro-US country in a part of the world that is extremely crucial to the US economy - has absoluetly nothing to do with us support Isreal?
Of course not. Israel supports the US BECAUSE we support them. If we had chosen a different side, we'd have other allies. It's a circular argument deep down.

We have already chosen are side, it was chosen 60 years ago when we sided with Britian, and the League of Nations.

and that fact the US tends to favor (when the choice alllows) countries that are demcracies over tyranntical governments has absolutely nothing to do with us support Isreal?
Not really. Not if you look at past American foreign policy.

I did, and that is why said "when the choice allows."


Jan 8, 2004
As long as it's their God who's doing the comdemning, I don't really have a problem. Who cares if Christians think I'm going to hell? As long as they don't personally try to bring this condemnation to reality -- like beheading me -- I am okay with it.

I have no problem at all with what you said. But I dont believe in God. I believe people act in the name of God though. Since I dont think God is gonna come from the sky and strike me, I fear, someone, who should be watched is going to in his name. Besides, with them pushing for more "rights" (when in reality is more rules).... anything goes. I went to a fundamentalist school, Some of these Christians are very wacko (ie... many believe in corporal punishment, its a "with me or against me" attitude, and they just simply condemn the "wicked".... In a church service, the preacher went on talking about the punishment for the wicked... except that whenever the word wicked came up, he would shriek "weeekeeed.... weeeeked..... shall go to heeell"... and then the crowd goes (all 300-400 of them) "AMEN!"). Landover Baptists anyone? God hate fags? (these two are extremes, but these two are some of the most known) What about churches with 1000-4000 people? do they go AMEN! as well? of course...


Jan 12, 2002
Originally posted by: shrumpage
We have already chosen are side, it was chosen 60 years ago when we sided with Britian, and the League of Nations.
League of Nations? 60 years ago?


Golden Member
Mar 1, 2004
Originally posted by: Infohawk
Originally posted by: shrumpage
We have already chosen are side, it was chosen 60 years ago when we sided with Britian, and the League of Nations.
League of Nations? 60 years ago?

Sorry should have put 80 years - my bad. 60 for the UN.


Golden Member
Aug 20, 2003
Originally posted by: Zebo
I've meet very few born-agains I'd consider JC followers. Seems they find religion to deal with thier internal deamons, selectivly interpret, and as a social club.

ditto bro!


No Lifer
Oct 10, 1999
Every Christian, Jew, Muslim, or Other who is trying to fulfill Prophecy should beware of one thing: According to the Bible, "God" doesn't come back because It Wants to, It comes back because it Has to. The Prophecies speak of a chain of events that threaten the very existence of Life on Earth itself, not some bizarre ritual that needs to be performed which makes the Earth ready(or some such nonsense) for the Return. The Bible makes it quite clear that those who fulfill the Prophecies will be destroyed in order to save the planet from total destruction.

IOW, those who fulfill the Prophecies have failed and "God" returns to prevent the total destuction of "Creation". Those responsible are destroyed and those who survive lose the Traditional Right of Free Will/Determination in order for "God" to restore the Earth from its' near Ttoal destruction.

Choose wisely.
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