The Christian Threat

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Aug 24, 2004
Nice thread. Should have called it "Official Thread to bash Christians all you want (even throw some mud at Jews for the hell of it)"


Diamond Member
Jun 2, 2001
Originally posted by: crooked22
As long as it's their God who's doing the comdemning, I don't really have a problem. Who cares if Christians think I'm going to hell? As long as they don't personally try to bring this condemnation to reality -- like beheading me -- I am okay with it.

I have no problem at all with what you said. But I dont believe in God. I believe people act in the name of God though. Since I dont think God is gonna come from the sky and strike me, I fear, someone, who should be watched is going to in his name. Besides, with them pushing for more "rights" (when in reality is more rules).... anything goes. I went to a fundamentalist school, Some of these Christians are very wacko (ie... many believe in corporal punishment, its a "with me or against me" attitude, and they just simply condemn the "wicked".... In a church service, the preacher went on talking about the punishment for the wicked... except that whenever the word wicked came up, he would shriek "weeekeeed.... weeeeked..... shall go to heeell"... and then the crowd goes (all 300-400 of them) "AMEN!"). Landover Baptists anyone? God hate fags? (these two are extremes, but these two are some of the most known) What about churches with 1000-4000 people? do they go AMEN! as well? of course...

Geez, the paranoia just oozes from your post. Why are you so afraid of Christians? Has one Christian personally and specifically threatened you? If so, did you call the police? If you are afraid, don't go back to their church. I'd also suggest you don't discuss religion with your father either.
Also, the "pushing for more rights" (or rules, as you say) is nothing more than reactions to the systematic removal of all things God/Religious from every public/private/government location; because of just such paranoia. Crap, a simple copy of the Ten Commandments on the wall of a courthouse scares the daylights out of you but yet you see kids killing kids and do nothing about it but try to "understand" what went wrong (not you specifically, this was a general statement). Let's see, we kick God out of school but religion teaches morality, forgivness, thoughtfulness, kindness to your fellow man, charity, etc. So, what are the kids left with..........?!?! Good move! And no, I'm not a Bible thumper either.
I think that raildogg said it best though:

Nice thread. Should have called it "Official Thread to bash Christians all you want (even throw some mud Jews for the hell of it)"


Golden Member
Mar 1, 2004
Originally posted by: sandorski
Every Christian, Jew, Muslim, or Other who is trying to fulfill Prophecy should beware of one thing: According to the Bible, "God" doesn't come back because It Wants to, It comes back because it Has to. The Prophecies speak of a chain of events that threaten the very existence of Life on Earth itself, not some bizarre ritual that needs to be performed which makes the Earth ready(or some such nonsense) for the Return. The Bible makes it quite clear that those who fulfill the Prophecies will be destroyed in order to save the planet from total destruction.

IOW, those who fulfill the Prophecies have failed and "God" returns to prevent the total destuction of "Creation". Those responsible are destroyed and those who survive lose the Traditional Right of Free Will/Determination in order for "God" to restore the Earth from its' near Ttoal destruction.

Choose wisely.

I think you missed the point. People are trying to start that chain of events, a.k.a. rebuilding the Temple.

Of course people thought the fullfilling of the prophecy of Isreal returning would start the chain.

Ezekiel 20:34, Jeremiah 32:37-41, 30:2-7

60 years later and stilll no armagedon.


Golden Member
Jan 17, 2002
Originally posted by: kage69
That goes for any Religion or Mythical belief.


I agree that there is not a lot to be "Concluded" per se, but a lot of wht he says IS true and speaks for itself without any "Conclusion" on the part of the author. This is a problem in our society, and unfortunately, people don't understand a distiction between a healthy religion, and one which is forced on others. I am religious too (Jewish) and yet I still admit to problems when religion enters our type of society like it has. The old stereotype was that Jews controlled everything. While they do have a lot of power (per capita), it has been through hard work, and not by forcing things on others. Today, I see a shift in American politics towards a more Christian-based society (weren't the Pilgrims trying to get away from religious persecution???...and yet, here we are, pushing it on others..."we" referse to government and Evangelicals pointed out above). Today, "Christians" (and I use the term loosely because many Christians would not consider others Christian and vice versa. Our society is in a sad state of affaris, and will continue for some time I believe...I hope people wake up in my lifetime!



No Lifer
Oct 10, 1999
Originally posted by: shrumpage
Originally posted by: sandorski
Every Christian, Jew, Muslim, or Other who is trying to fulfill Prophecy should beware of one thing: According to the Bible, "God" doesn't come back because It Wants to, It comes back because it Has to. The Prophecies speak of a chain of events that threaten the very existence of Life on Earth itself, not some bizarre ritual that needs to be performed which makes the Earth ready(or some such nonsense) for the Return. The Bible makes it quite clear that those who fulfill the Prophecies will be destroyed in order to save the planet from total destruction.

IOW, those who fulfill the Prophecies have failed and "God" returns to prevent the total destuction of "Creation". Those responsible are destroyed and those who survive lose the Traditional Right of Free Will/Determination in order for "God" to restore the Earth from its' near Ttoal destruction.

Choose wisely.

I think you missed the point. People are trying to start that chain of events, a.k.a. rebuilding the Temple.

Of course people thought the fullfilling of the prophecy of Isreal returning would start the chain.

Ezekiel 20:34, Jeremiah 32:37-41, 30:2-7

60 years later and stilll no armagedon.

We are talking about 2 different choices. aka, my "choice" had nothing to do with your post on a "choice".


Aug 24, 2004
What you must realize is that America has always been a religious nation. Half of Americans attend church every weekend, believe it not and most others are religous and pray regularly. If you read through this thread, you wouldn't believe it. Like it or not, people who attend church are likely to be married and be more happy in their marriage. I think religion gives a person stability.

Even Einstein, one of the greatest scientists of all time deeply believed in god. He said science without religion is lame and vice versa. George Washington was a very religious man, read up on some of his speeches. Our nation founded upon Judeo-Christian traditions.


Jan 12, 2002
Originally posted by: raildogg
What you must realize is that America has always been a religious nation. Half of Americans attend church every weekend, believe it not and most others are religous and pray regularly. If you read through this thread, you wouldn't believe it. Like it or not, people who attend church are likely to be married and be more happy in their marriage. I think religion gives a person stability.

Even Einstein, one of the greatest scientists of all time deeply believed in god. He said science without religion is lame and vice versa. George Washington was a very religious man, read up on some of his speeches. Our nation founded upon Judeo-Christian traditions.

George Washington also had slaves. He wasn't right about everything.


Aug 24, 2004
Originally posted by: Infohawk
Originally posted by: raildogg
What you must realize is that America has always been a religious nation. Half of Americans attend church every weekend, believe it not and most others are religous and pray regularly. If you read through this thread, you wouldn't believe it. Like it or not, people who attend church are likely to be married and be more happy in their marriage. I think religion gives a person stability.

Even Einstein, one of the greatest scientists of all time deeply believed in god. He said science without religion is lame and vice versa. George Washington was a very religious man, read up on some of his speeches. Our nation founded upon Judeo-Christian traditions.

George Washington also had slaves. He wasn't right about everything.

George Washington was a pioneer to end slavery, along with Thomas Jefferson. Yes they owned slaves, but later on they became opposed to slavery. Did you conveniently decide to leave that part out? These great men realized that they were slaves of Great Britain, that was one of the reasons why they became opposed to slavery.

George Washington was a abolitionist.


Jan 12, 2002
Originally posted by: raildogg
George Washington was a pioneer to end slavery, along with Thomas Jefferson. Yes they owned slaves, but later on they became opposed to slavery. Did you conveniently decide to leave that part out? These great men realized that they were slaves of Great Britain, that was one of the reasons why they became opposed to slavery.

George Washington was a abolitionist.

George Washington was wrong to end slaves. PERIOD. He wasn't right about everything.


Aug 24, 2004
Originally posted by: Infohawk
Originally posted by: raildogg
George Washington was a pioneer to end slavery, along with Thomas Jefferson. Yes they owned slaves, but later on they became opposed to slavery. Did you conveniently decide to leave that part out? These great men realized that they were slaves of Great Britain, that was one of the reasons why they became opposed to slavery.

George Washington was a abolitionist.

George Washington was wrong to end slaves. PERIOD. He wasn't right about everything.

Stay on topic. Who said he was right about everything? You brought up slavery and I responded to that. Yes he was wrong on owning slaves, so were very many people around the world at that time. But he correct his mistakes and became a abolitionist.


Administrator<br>Elite Member
Oct 9, 1999
Originally posted by: StormRider
As long as it's their God who's doing the comdemning, I don't really have a problem.
Unfortunately, dipwad fundies like Bush-Lite and his backers are intent on using government and the legal system to make themselves the ones doing the condemning. :|

Christians like that are the reason I always root for the Lions.



Jan 12, 2002
Originally posted by: raildogg
Stay on topic. Who said he was right about everything? You brought up slavery and I responded to that. Yes he was wrong on owning slaves, so were very many people around the world at that time. But he correct his mistakes and became a abolitionist.

You tried to say religion was good because George Washington believed in it. I'm saying just because he doesn't believe it doesn't mean it's a good idea. Capiche.


Aug 24, 2004
Originally posted by: Infohawk
Originally posted by: raildogg
Stay on topic. Who said he was right about everything? You brought up slavery and I responded to that. Yes he was wrong on owning slaves, so were very many people around the world at that time. But he correct his mistakes and became a abolitionist.

You tried to say religion was good because George Washington believed in it. I'm saying just because he doesn't believe it doesn't mean it's a good idea. Capiche.

Do you even think before you post? I just used George Washington as a example, since he was one of our founding fathers.

I'm saying just because he doesn't believe it doesn't mean it's a good idea


Jan 12, 2002
And what was the purpose of your example if it wasn't to show that "cool" people like religion?


Nov 11, 1999
I wouldn't laugh it off, guys, these folks are for real, at least in the sense that religious extremists are real, at all...

There's the Constitutional Reconstruction Act of 2004, for example. What is it they're trying to "reconstruct"?

Read, and learn-

That's not to say that all Christians feel this way, at all, but Pat Robertson, for example? Oh, yeh, baby...

Odd that a man whose recent inauguration speech repeated "free", "freedom", and "liberty" almost hypnotically would be so ardently supported by folks who don't believe in Democracy, not in the slightest...

It's a tremendously long and informative series of articles, but it does cover just how some of the most radical concepts have infiltrated the modern Christian headset...


Diamond Member
Sep 30, 2004
One thing I have noticed with many people like the OP author and others is an overriding Paranioa of religion... especially those seething right wing fundamentalists. I'm talking an all-consuming highly developed Paranioa with a capital P.

I guess people have always needed something to fear, something to fight against, a big threat. Kinda weird, funny, and sad.


Oct 8, 2002
Originally posted by: cwjerome
One thing I have noticed with many people like the OP author and others is an overriding Paranioa of religion... especially those seething right wing fundamentalists. I'm talking an all-consuming highly developed Paranioa with a capital P.

I guess people have always needed something to fear, something to fight against, a big threat. Kinda weird, funny, and sad.

Then there are those people who have an overwhelming desire to see religion take over the government. I kid you not, I know one too many Christians who (after Bush was reelected), were jumping for joy saying that the country will be finally brought out of the 'cesspool' with the new Christian government.

Hayabusa Rider

Admin Emeritus & Elite Member
Jan 26, 2000
I'm more threatened by people who say they are Christians in order to secure their political goals than genuine ones, who seem to be far and few between. Killers for Christ is an oxymoron.


Dec 26, 2001
Originally posted by: Infohawk
The biggest dangers so-called Christians pose is their unwaivering support for Israel. Together with the Jewish lobbies they make it so that the US is not an honest broker in the mideast and that we constantly have unessecary enemies. If it were not for our support of Israel, terrorism would not be what it is today against the US.

The second biggest danger, if you want to call it one, from Christians is that they are holding America back. Their absurd policies (both foreign and domestic) lead to inefficiency and backwardsness that puts us at a disadvantage with rising powers.



Senior member
Apr 11, 2001
You're right, it's not a coincidence...the question for you though, is. Who made sure the Jews were not destroyed by their numerous enemies pre-Christ (and of course post-Christ), remainded an identifiable people while they were dispersed throughout the world during the last 2 thousand years, so that you have the opportunity to fear the false prophets and misguided Christians of todays world?


Red Dawn

Elite Member
Jun 4, 2001
Originally posted by: raildogg
Nice thread. Should have called it "Official Thread to bash Christians all you want (even throw some mud at Jews for the hell of it)"

You disagree with this statement?

Christianity, if practiced at home and at church, is a safe thing. But the moment we allow this religion (and in practice any religion) to dictate our ways of life and foreign policy, we cross into dangerous, uncharted waters that we are just beginning to test to see how far we can go. Are our leaders seeing this? This is a hard thing to stop in our ?free? country due to our rightfully granted right: freedom of religion. The problem is, this religion calls for action; to go outside and convert people. Otherwise, they will be condemned


Diamond Member
Sep 22, 2004
There is no threat except in the retarded minds of the liberals that couldn't find anything else on Bush except steady church attendance.


Diamond Member
Sep 22, 2004
Originally posted by: Infohawk
The biggest dangers so-called Christians pose is their unwaivering support for Israel. Together with the Jewish lobbies they make it so that the US is not an honest broker in the mideast and that we constantly have unessecary enemies. If it were not for our support of Israel, terrorism would not be what it is today against the US.

The second biggest danger, if you want to call it one, from Christians is that they are holding America back. Their absurd policies (both foreign and domestic) lead to inefficiency and backwardsness that puts us at a disadvantage with rising powers.

And what did you do to advance the country this week? Another week goofing off in college?


Red Dawn

Elite Member
Jun 4, 2001
Originally posted by: Condor
There is no threat except in the retarded minds of the liberals that couldn't find anything else on Bush except steady church attendance.
Now that the Dub has won his re-election there is no reason for him to kow tow to the Religious extremists. They may think they have a powerful voice now but I bet they'll find out soon enough that they don't.
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