The Clintons Killed The Democratic Party


Golden Member
Nov 27, 2016
How much damage do the Clintons have to do to the Democratic Party before Democrats finally realize that the Clintons are and have only ever been severe liabilities to the party? And will it be too late, as many of us suspect and fear is already the case?

Democrats are still loyal to the Clintons, a loyalty enforced largely by fear of reprisal from the Clintons' vast and deep political network for going off the reservation. Democrats, fearing the Clintons' wrath more than the wrath of their own constituents, vehemently and reflexively defend the Clintons and they desperately need an intervention.

Viewed objectively, the Clintons and their legacy have severely damaged the party and unmoored it from its traditional roots as the party of the people. And despite what the Clinton enforcers will tell you, it is not only OKAY to say the truth out loud, it is now mandatory.

The Clintons are neoliberals, they adhere ideologically to the economic doctrine of neoliberalism, and let's be clear about what neoliberalism is because the name is entirely misleading; neoliberalism is a corrupt and failed conservative ideology of right-wing, supply-side, "trickle down" (AKA "voodoo") economics with only the veneer of "liberalism" because of stances taken on social issues. Neoliberalism is what allowed Democrats to take big donations from corporate America that they could then use to "compete" electorally with the Republican Party's longstanding corruption (fighting the fire of GOP corruption with the fire of Democrats' corruption) while giving their base platitudes, empty rhetoric and substance-free claptrap about social issues to keep them on board. But this isn't sustainable because at some point, the base starts to figure out that despite all of the promises and pretty words, they are and have been getting nothing from the Democratic Party but lip service, which is where we are now.

Bill Clinton steered the party sharply to the right with his "triangulating" ways during his presidency: Welfare reform, a bill that criminalized the poor and for which then First Lady Hillary Clinton whipped votes, the 1994 crime bill, Democrats then got in bed with Wall Street with the Clinton-led repeal of Depression-era Glass-Steagall regulations that were put in place to prevent just the kind of economic meltdown we had that led to the Great Depression in the 1930's, which worked until it was repealed by one Bill Clinton in 1999 inevitably leading to the Great Recession in 2008, his secret deal with Newt Ginrich to do what Republicans have long salivated over and that Republican presidential successor George Bush would be unable to do: privatize Social Security and Medicare, a plan that was only derailed by the Lewinski scandal, mass incarceration, DOMA, NAFTA, expanding the war on drugs, fighting on the wrong side of the culture wars vis-a-vis Joycelyn Elders, Sister Souljah,, Rwanda, etc. ad nauseum.

This is what triangulating neoliberalism looks like.

After Bill Clinton left the Oval Office, he cashed in on the speech circuit. Hillary Clinton rode her husband's name recognition and all of the privilege that it engenders all the way to eventually propel the Arkansas girl into a Senate seat in New York. This was a case of naked political ambition; someone with the name, the resources and all of the opportunities, privileges and advantages those thing afford, shopping around for a safe Senate district to move to and run in. And it worked, Hillary Clinton expanded her political network as senator and developed the bona fides necessary to run for president.

Obama was smart to give her the SoS job after she lost the primary to him in 2008 insuring that she wouldn't try to primary him in 2012. She used that position, as corrupt politicians do, to further build her political network and shake down foreigners for donations to her and her husband's foundation.

After leaving the SoS position, Hillary Clinton - who EVERYONE knew would be running for president in 2016 - seriously cashed in giving way-over-compensated speeches to big banks and other Wall Street-connected firms, a clear "quid" for the "pro quo" of serving those company's interests should she be elected president. Clear evidence of corruption and blatant conflicts of interest but because of the normalization of corruption that has taken place over the last several decades, Clinton was corrupt and we all knew it - her supporters included - but no one cared ("that's just the way politics is done") except for the few of us on the fringes who still maintained our integrity.

Neoliberal Hillary Clinton then secretly took over the DNC (I won't even get into her email server or the fact that she was under active investigation by the FBI during her run) corrupting it and tilting the playing field to insure she became the party's nominee. It was her turn after all. What's more, she is the first nominee in American history that didn't actually campaign for votes believing ostensibly that she was simply entitled to a majority of vote simply by dint of being the Democratic nominee.

The Clintons and the infestation of their corrupt, insidious neoliberal ideology deep into the Democratic Party sold out the party and transformed it from being a party of the people to being another corrupt party on the payroll of corporate America such that we now have two of them and they're the only two political parties that we have. They are two sides of the same coin.

Democrats went from being the party of labor to the party of Wall Street, whose interests are DIAMETRICALLY opposed to labor. Democrats naturally became anti-labor as a result thus enabling the rapid decline of labor's influence politically thanks to the Democrats' paid-for, purposeful weak opposition to the GOP's efforts to kill unions.

This corruption of both of our only two political parties and hence the corruption of our entire political system means that there is now no longer any political party to represent the people, the people have been completely disenfranchised from our system of government. It is no wonder that our election turnouts are so low.

The Clintons in their naked political ambition have corrupted and destroyed the Democratic Party and the DNC. They gave us President Donald Fucking Trump.

Unless and until the Democratic Party emphatically rejects neoliberal Clintonism, ceremoniously casts the Clintons aside and embraces their roots again as the party of the people, their downward spiral will continue unabated.

The American people can see it clearly. They came together and voted for change in 2008, 2010, 2012, and 2014 but all that promised change never came. So in 2016, they voted to throw a goddamned wrench into the political establishment vis-a-vis the candidacy of Donald Trump.

The writing is on the wall, Democrats and Democratic partisans, yet you still purposefully avert your gaze. You are in denial. You've been led right to the water's edge but it is now up to you to drink before you die of thirst, taking the rest of us down with you.

FDR put it much more succinctly, and is a lesson that the Clintons, other neoliberal Democrats and Democratic partisans apparently never learned even after it was empirically proven in 2016:

"The Democratic Party has received the support of the electorate only when the party, with absolute clarity, has been the champion of progressive and liberal policies and principles of government."


Feb 24, 2009
How much damage do the Clintons have to do to the Democratic Party before Democrats finally realize that the Clintons are and have only ever been severe liabilities to the party? And will it be too late, as many of us suspect and fear is already the case?

Democrats are still loyal to the Clintons, a loyalty enforced largely by fear of reprisal from the Clintons' vast and deep political network for going off the reservation. Democrats, fearing the Clintons' wrath more than the wrath of their own constituents, vehemently and reflexively defend the Clintons and they desperately need an intervention.

Viewed objectively, the Clintons and their legacy have severely damaged the party and unmoored it from its traditional roots as the party of the people. And despite what the Clinton enforcers will tell you, it is not only OKAY to say the truth out loud, it is now mandatory.

The Clintons are neoliberals, they adhere ideologically to the economic doctrine of neoliberalism, and let's be clear about what neoliberalism is because the name is entirely misleading; neoliberalism is a corrupt and failed conservative ideology of right-wing, supply-side, "trickle down" (AKA "voodoo") economics with only the veneer of "liberalism" because of stances taken on social issues. Neoliberalism is what allowed Democrats to take big donations from corporate America that they could then use to "compete" electorally with the Republican Party's longstanding corruption (fighting the fire of GOP corruption with the fire of Democrats' corruption) while giving their base platitudes, empty rhetoric and substance-free claptrap about social issues to keep them on board. But this isn't sustainable because at some point, the base starts to figure out that despite all of the promises and pretty words, they are and have been getting nothing from the Democratic Party but lip service, which is where we are now.

Bill Clinton steered the party sharply to the right with his "triangulating" ways during his presidency: Welfare reform, a bill that criminalized the poor and for which then First Lady Hillary Clinton whipped votes, the 1994 crime bill, Democrats then got in bed with Wall Street with the Clinton-led repeal of Depression-era Glass-Steagall regulations that were put in place to prevent just the kind of economic meltdown we had that led to the Great Depression in the 1930's, which worked until it was repealed by one Bill Clinton in 1999 inevitably leading to the Great Recession in 2008, his secret deal with Newt Ginrich to do what Republicans have long salivated over and that Republican presidential successor George Bush would be unable to do: privatize Social Security and Medicare, a plan that was only derailed by the Lewinski scandal, mass incarceration, DOMA, NAFTA, expanding the war on drugs, fighting on the wrong side of the culture wars vis-a-vis Joycelyn Elders, Sister Souljah,, Rwanda, etc. ad nauseum.

This is what triangulating neoliberalism looks like.

After Bill Clinton left the Oval Office, he cashed in on the speech circuit. Hillary Clinton rode her husband's name recognition and all of the privilege that it engenders all the way to eventually propel the Arkansas girl into a Senate seat in New York. This was a case of naked political ambition; someone with the name, the resources and all of the opportunities, privileges and advantages those thing afford, shopping around for a safe Senate district to move to and run in. And it worked, Hillary Clinton expanded her political network as senator and developed the bona fides necessary to run for president.

Obama was smart to give her the SoS job after she lost the primary to him in 2008 insuring that she wouldn't try to primary him in 2012. She used that position, as corrupt politicians do, to further build her political network and shake down foreigners for donations to her and her husband's foundation.

After leaving the SoS position, Hillary Clinton - who EVERYONE knew would be running for president in 2016 - seriously cashed in giving way-over-compensated speeches to big banks and other Wall Street-connected firms, a clear "quid" for the "pro quo" of serving those company's interests should she be elected president. Clear evidence of corruption and blatant conflicts of interest but because of the normalization of corruption that has taken place over the last several decades, Clinton was corrupt and we all knew it - her supporters included - but no one cared ("that's just the way politics is done") except for the few of us on the fringes who still maintained our integrity.

Neoliberal Hillary Clinton then secretly took over the DNC (I won't even get into her email server or the fact that she was under active investigation by the FBI during her run) corrupting it and tilting the playing field to insure she became the party's nominee. It was her turn after all. What's more, she is the first nominee in American history that didn't actually campaign for votes believing ostensibly that she was simply entitled to a majority of vote simply by dint of being the Democratic nominee.

The Clintons and the infestation of their corrupt, insidious neoliberal ideology deep into the Democratic Party sold out the party and transformed it from being a party of the people to being another corrupt party on the payroll of corporate America such that we now have two of them and they're the only two political parties that we have. They are two sides of the same coin.

Democrats went from being the party of labor to the party of Wall Street, whose interests are DIAMETRICALLY opposed to labor. Democrats naturally became anti-labor as a result thus enabling the rapid decline of labor's influence politically thanks to the Democrats' paid-for, purposeful weak opposition to the GOP's efforts to kill unions.

This corruption of both of our only two political parties and hence the corruption of our entire political system means that there is now no longer any political party to represent the people, the people have been completely disenfranchised from our system of government. It is no wonder that our election turnouts are so low.

The Clintons in their naked political ambition have corrupted and destroyed the Democratic Party and the DNC. They gave us President Donald Fucking Trump.

Unless and until the Democratic Party emphatically rejects neoliberal Clintonism, ceremoniously casts the Clintons aside and embraces their roots again as the party of the people, their downward spiral will continue unabated.

The American people can see it clearly. They came together and voted for change in 2008, 2010, 2012, and 2014 but all that promised change never came. So in 2016, they voted to throw a goddamned wrench into the political establishment vis-a-vis the candidacy of Donald Trump.

The writing is on the wall, Democrats and Democratic partisans, yet you still purposefully avert your gaze. You are in denial. You've been led right to the water's edge but it is now up to you to drink before you die of thirst, taking the rest of us down with you.

FDR put it much more succinctly, and is a lesson that the Clintons, other neoliberal Democrats and Democratic partisans apparently never learned even after it was empirically proven in 2016:

"The Democratic Party has received the support of the electorate only when the party, with absolute clarity, has been the champion of progressive and liberal policies and principles of government."
Thanks for your Concerns.


No Lifer
Jul 20, 2001
Hmm... Aren't you one of those nutters that thinks Russians are under every rock?! I don't think I would be casting stones from inside your glass house. Your sanity is far more in question than my own.
Russians need sleep too. It's good for your mental health. Give it a try.


Golden Member
Nov 27, 2016
Meanwhile Clinton nearly matched Barack in votes and Trump beat Mitt by millions. Clintons didn't give us Trump. The dumbest Americans in history did.
Can you people go 2 minutes without calling someone else dumb?
Last edited:


Jan 12, 2005
The more that comes out about Hillary, the more corrupt and inept the DNC appears. I'm confident they will rebound, but they have to divorce themselves from the entrenched politicians like the Clintons as well as separate themselves from the over the top butt hurt liberals. The ideals of the Dems aren't bad, but they've warped into a caricature of what they were supposed to be about.


Golden Member
Sep 17, 2002
Can you people go 2 minutes without calling someone else dumb?

When you put someone in power like Trump, and the entire country/world suffers because of it, I think me calling you stupid / reminding you of it is my duty as someone who actually gives a **** about the country. Don't want anyone to forget how bigly of a mistake it was. Remind you every day until next election if that is what it takes.


Jan 12, 2005
Meanwhile Clinton nearly matched Barack in votes and Trump beat Mitt by millions. Clintons didn't give us Trump. The dumbest Americans in history did.

That speaks to how popular Trump really is. This is part of the problem with the left, smugness. People had a different perception and outlook than you? They must be dumb! Everything that is wrong with politics today, and the smug left in a short few sentences.
Reactions: DarthKyrie


No Lifer
Jul 12, 2006
While I do think that the Clintons moved the democratic party away from the blue collar and working class, left wing/liberal brand of populism that had been the party's bread and butter, I certainly don't think they wrecked the party. I do think believing that they are the devils to which all ire should be directed is a view that reflects tortured acquiescence to decades or rightwing neocon agitprop. To ignore the severe and unapologetic damage that the GOP under the Reagan/Bush and now ultra rightwing fasicm of Trumpism as somehow normal is the greatest trick played on the american public, because Clintons!

I believe that where the Democratic party failed with bowing to the Clinton doctrine of politics is the same sort of thing as the GOP's disastrous marriage to supply-side economics: the big data-driven theoretical solutions don't always work when it comes to real-world applications. The problem solving through upwards-mobility (better education and more incentives for such, affordable housing, high tech economy) designed to "fix" the oncoming rural blight more or less ignored the reality on the ground that the rural parts of this country really didn't want that fix. Much like the GOP with their trickledown nonsense, the proper response to this failure wasn't to just do more of it, but to think of a different solution. Obama was supposed to be that revolution, and he was voted in exactly to be that, but after the election he more or less started leaning towards those same interests because he fundamentally needed the Clinton Network to keep his administration in power.

I don't think any of this gets fixed until we fundamentally remove corporate influence ($$$$$) over federal and state elections.
Reactions: thraashman


No Lifer
Jul 12, 2006
That speaks to how popular Trump really is. This is part of the problem with the left, smugness. People had a different perception and outlook than you? They must be dumb! Everything that is wrong with politics today, and the smug left in a short few sentences.

except that Trump is demonstrably, objectively, unpopular. I know data isn't your thing, but he remains the most hated president ever.



Feb 15, 2002
Dear the OP,

Clinton lost, thanks for your concern.
Please clean your own house, before concerning yourself with ours.


Golden Member
Nov 27, 2016
When you put someone in power like Trump, and the entire country/world suffers because of it, I think me calling you stupid / reminding you of it is my duty as someone who actually gives a **** about the country. Don't want anyone to forget how bigly of a mistake it was. Remind you every day until next election if that is what it takes.
I heard that if you take California out of the mix, then Trump and HRC actually came very close in the popular vote. I haven't actually looked at the numbers, because I don't give a shit, but it's an interesting thought.

EDIT: Looked it up.

D H. Clinton 61.6% 7,362,490
R D. Trump 32.8% 3,916,209

Difference = 3,446,281

2016 General

Clinton received 65,844,610 votes, or 48.2% of the total vote.
Trump received 62,979,636 votes, or 46.1% of the total vote.

Difference = 2,864,974

Without Ca, Trump actually wins the popular vote.


Golden Member
Sep 17, 2002
That speaks to how popular Trump really is. This is part of the problem with the left, smugness. People had a different perception and outlook than you? They must be dumb! Everything that is wrong with politics today, and the smug left in a short few sentences.

Not my fault that you didn't do any research into the man. There were documentaries out there concerning the man. And he in no way has changed since he took office.

So again, if I look at you and tell you that you were a fool for electing a guy who is exactly what everyone else told you he was... well call me an asshole, but it still makes you the fool.


Elite Member
Aug 21, 2003
I heard that if you take California out of the mix, then Trump and HRC actually came very close in the popular vote. I haven't actually looked at the numbers, because I don't give a shit, but it's an interesting thought.

EDIT: Looked it up.

D H. Clinton 61.6% 7,362,490
R D. Trump 32.8% 3,916,209

Difference = 3,446,281

2016 General

Clinton received 65,844,610 votes, or 48.2% of the total vote.
Trump received 62,979,636 votes, or 46.1% of the total vote.

Difference = 2,864,974

Without Ca, Trump actually wins the popular vote.

Is California not a state populated by American citizens?
Reactions: Capt Caveman


Golden Member
Nov 27, 2016
Dear the OP,

Clinton lost, thanks for your concern.
Please clean your own house, before concerning yourself with ours.

This is my house...

Is California not a state populated by American citizens?

It's a state, but it's also kind of an outlier state. You could argue that this was an instance of the electoral college working. Idk if I agree with that though.

Just something I found interesting really.
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