The conservative talk show hosts are sounding nervous


Nov 30, 2005
I have noticed that listening to a few of them. How do they get up there and blindly defend and cheerlead for piss-poor so called Repubs? Furthermore, how can any true conservative stand behind these worthless turds and not give them their due critisism?


Jul 28, 2006
There are signs of worry and hope on both sides.
One day they talk about how the polls are swinging thier direction, the next they talk about not getting their hopes up.

I would not call it acting nervous.

I already posted the DailyKos bit where Kos himself warned about getting to excited before the election. And now I think it is Lanny Davis is talking about how hard it has been for the Dems to raise money from their BIG donors.

It will be an amazingly close race, especially the house. I would not be surprised if we go to bed Tuesday without knowing who the next speaker of the House is.

On the Senate side, it is becoming more and more apparent the Democrats will pick up no more than 4 seats, MAYBE 5 if they are lucky. But clearly it does not look like they will run the table and get the 6 they need.


Oct 27, 2006
Well, to be honest, I've noticed a lot of Republicans start to centrify their stances, and to distance themselves from the NON-conservative Bush administration.

I think it is becoming obvious with the political climate change, that if the Republicans are to retain the white house in '08, they had better start representing the conservatives, and FAST.


Jan 6, 2005
First you need to differentiate conservatives from NeoCons...they are not one in the same, even if they align under the same political banner as Republicans.

Conservative talk show hosts are anything but true conservatives...they pander to the same politically motivated and active demographic that resulted in the current NeoCon control of the Republican Party, Executive & Legislative branches...a demographic fixated on a few hot button topics that, at the end of the day, really don't effect most Americans on a day to day basis.

The Democrats have their fair share of cheerleaders too, similarly aligned to insignificant but nonetheless polarizing political topics.

Most true conservatives do not agree with either the NeoCons or their radio talk show cheerleaders. However, many conservatives also feel estranged from the Democratic Party...sometimes it is easier to vote for the devil you know instead of the devil you don't trust.



Jul 28, 2006
Originally posted by: Starbuck1975
First you need to differentiate conservatives from NeoCons...they are not one in the same, even if they align under the same political banner as Republicans.

Conservative talk show hosts are anything but true conservatives...they pander to the same politically motivated and active demographic that resulted in the current NeoCon control of the Republican Party, Executive & Legislative branches...a demographic fixated on a few hot button topics that, at the end of the day, really don't effect most Americans on a day to day basis.

The Democrats have their fair share of cheerleaders too, similarly aligned to insignificant but nonetheless polarizing political topics.

Most true conservatives do not agree with either the NeoCons or their radio talk show cheerleaders. However, many conservatives also feel estranged from the Democratic Party...sometimes it is easier to vote for the devil you know instead of the devil you don't trust.
Exactly! Bush may suck a few things, but the Democrats are going to suck more. So we are stuck between bad and worse, I?ll settle for bad for now, and hope we can get a true conservative in 08.


Diamond Member
Jan 15, 2000
Originally posted by: ProfJohn
Originally posted by: Starbuck1975
First you need to differentiate conservatives from NeoCons...they are not one in the same, even if they align under the same political banner as Republicans.

Conservative talk show hosts are anything but true conservatives...they pander to the same politically motivated and active demographic that resulted in the current NeoCon control of the Republican Party, Executive & Legislative branches...a demographic fixated on a few hot button topics that, at the end of the day, really don't effect most Americans on a day to day basis.

The Democrats have their fair share of cheerleaders too, similarly aligned to insignificant but nonetheless polarizing political topics.

Most true conservatives do not agree with either the NeoCons or their radio talk show cheerleaders. However, many conservatives also feel estranged from the Democratic Party...sometimes it is easier to vote for the devil you know instead of the devil you don't trust.
Exactly! Bush may suck a few things, but the Democrats are going to suck more. So we are stuck between bad and worse, I?ll settle for bad for now, and hope we can get a true conservative in 08.

HOW SO???!!! There is all this ridiculous talk about how Democrats would do worse, but nobody ever provides anything useful to back up these ridiculous claims.

From what I see making healthcare more accessible to Americans is a good thing.
Lowering tuition and making it easier for students to pay for college is a good thing.
Holding our leaders accountable for bypassing the Constitution is a good thing.
Engaging the leaders of the world in real diplomatic political debates is a good thing.
Fully supporting stem cell research with the backing of the federal gov't is a good thing.

I can go on and on here. What the hell have the Republicans accomplished in the past 6 years with complete control of the government? And you'd rather go with the devil you know?

And to answer the OP's question, yes the conservative talk show hosts are shitting bricks right now. Listening to Hannity on his radio show today, he was literally foaming at the mouth. It was so bad I couldn't even listen for entertainment, in fact it was disgusting and vile what he was saying because it was so unbelievably and factually incorrect.
Aug 1, 2006
Originally posted by: ProfJohn
Originally posted by: Starbuck1975
First you need to differentiate conservatives from NeoCons...they are not one in the same, even if they align under the same political banner as Republicans.

Conservative talk show hosts are anything but true conservatives...they pander to the same politically motivated and active demographic that resulted in the current NeoCon control of the Republican Party, Executive & Legislative branches...a demographic fixated on a few hot button topics that, at the end of the day, really don't effect most Americans on a day to day basis.

The Democrats have their fair share of cheerleaders too, similarly aligned to insignificant but nonetheless polarizing political topics.

Most true conservatives do not agree with either the NeoCons or their radio talk show cheerleaders. However, many conservatives also feel estranged from the Democratic Party...sometimes it is easier to vote for the devil you know instead of the devil you don't trust.
Exactly! Bush may suck a few things, but the Democrats are going to suck more. So we are stuck between bad and worse, I?ll settle for bad for now, and hope we can get a true conservative in 08.

"Bush may suck at a few things"
Right, such as speaking, conducting the affairs of the Presidency, behaving like a Statesman, defending our borders.
One thing he does not suck at: smirking. :thumbsup

Furthermore, I disagree completely. The Democrats will perform better than the Republicans on a range of issues. Bush has reminded the American people what a truly crooked Republican administration can do, and I think they are starting to not like it. I feel the brakes going on Cheney and Wolfowicz' master plan. :laugh:


May 1, 2006
Exactly! Bush may suck a few things, but the Democrats are going to suck more.


This is the statement of a real partisan, blinded, who gives license to the republicans to do virtually anything they want, and stilll get his vote. Sorry, but that's the case IMO.


Apr 15, 2001
Originally posted by: International Machine Consortium
The Democrats will perform better than the Republicans on a range of issues.

And I thought you were 'Independent' ...

EDIT: Well, you said Democrat, Capitalist American Liberal. At least you are towing the party line.


Jul 28, 2006
Originally posted by: Sudheer Anne
HOW SO???!!! There is all this ridiculous talk about how Democrats would do worse, but nobody ever provides anything useful to back up these ridiculous claims.

From what I see making healthcare more accessible to Americans is a good thing.
Lowering tuition and making it easier for students to pay for college is a good thing.
Holding our leaders accountable for bypassing the Constitution is a good thing.
Engaging the leaders of the world in real diplomatic political debates is a good thing.
Fully supporting stem cell research with the backing of the federal gov't is a good thing.

I can go on and on here. What the hell have the Republicans accomplished in the past 6 years with complete control of the government? And you'd rather go with the devil you know?
Ok, Anne... during the 8 years of Clinton did we have any of the things you list?
1. His healthcare plan was a total failure, after that he did nothing else worth talking about.
2. No action on this at all.
3. Lied under oath, breaking his oath to uphold the laws of this country. (Let's not waste time on this since nothing you say or I say will be agreed upon.)
4. We tried that with North Korea, all we got was a deal that Korea broke. Perhaps we should listen to the North Korean defector that said we should not talk to the North and that we should not trust them to ever get rid of nukes on thier own.
5. Was it funded under Clinton? Stem cell research is not illegal, just not government funded. (embryonic stem cell research that is) It is a moral decision.

Look, we can look at the promises made by both sides and what they claim they will do, but most promises are broken. Instead we have to look at their history, that is the only true measure of what they plan to do. I have seen the history of the Democratic party, and I don't like it.

BTW: none of the issues you talk about would have ANY effect on how I or most of the country vote.
Most people are voting on Iraq, war on terror, economy or immigration, after that every other issues drops like a rock.


Diamond Member
Jan 15, 2000
Originally posted by: ProfJohn
Originally posted by: Sudheer Anne
HOW SO???!!! There is all this ridiculous talk about how Democrats would do worse, but nobody ever provides anything useful to back up these ridiculous claims.

From what I see making healthcare more accessible to Americans is a good thing.
Lowering tuition and making it easier for students to pay for college is a good thing.
Holding our leaders accountable for bypassing the Constitution is a good thing.
Engaging the leaders of the world in real diplomatic political debates is a good thing.
Fully supporting stem cell research with the backing of the federal gov't is a good thing.

I can go on and on here. What the hell have the Republicans accomplished in the past 6 years with complete control of the government? And you'd rather go with the devil you know?
Ok, Anne... during the 8 years of Clinton did we have any of the things you list?
1. His healthcare plan was a total failure, after that he did nothing else worth talking about.
2. No action on this at all.
3. Lied under oath, breaking his oath to uphold the laws of this country. (Let's not waste time on this since nothing you say or I say will be agreed upon.)
4. We tried that with North Korea, all we got was a deal that Korea broke. Perhaps we should listen to the North Korean defector that said we should not talk to the North and that we should not trust them to ever get rid of nukes on thier own.
5. Was it funded under Clinton? Stem cell research is not illegal, just not government funded. (embryonic stem cell research that is) It is a moral decision.

Look, we can look at the promises made by both sides and what they claim they will do, but most promises are broken. Instead we have to look at their history, that is the only true measure of what they plan to do. I have seen the history of the Democratic party, and I don't like it.

BTW: none of the issues you talk about would have ANY effect on how I or most of the country vote.
Most people are voting on Iraq, war on terror, economy or immigration, after that every other issues drops like a rock.

Well you pretty much sunk any credibility you might have had with the "Bush sucks ,but Dems suck worse" statement. None of what you say matters after that one.


Jul 28, 2006
Originally posted by: Sudheer Anne
Well you pretty much sunk any credibility you might have had with the "Bush sucks ,but Dems suck worse" statement. None of what you say matters after that one.
So in other words, instead of refute what I say you are just going to essentially call me names?

Will you at least admit that some people will view the Democrats as being even worse than the Republicans? I am guessing that very close to 50% of the people who vote in 2 weeks will vote for a Republican, so obviously there are a lot of other people who agree with me.


Senior member
Jan 4, 2006
Originally posted by: ProfJohn
Ok, Anne... during the 8 years of Clinton did we have any of the things you list?
1. His healthcare plan was a total failure, after that he did nothing else worth talking about. If it was such a total failure, how did Bush end up making it worse?
2. No action on [education] at all. True, yet (Bill) Clinton is a thing of the past. We are talking about 06/08 here. Not that I even really have an issue with this here
3. Lied under oath, breaking his oath to uphold the laws of this country. (Let's not waste time on this since nothing you say or I say will be agreed upon.) And Clinton's lies cost us....what exactly? OTOH, Bush's lies about Iraq have cost us and the Iraqi civilians thousands upon thousands of lies. There is not even a comparison to lieing about getting head and lieing about a WAR. Reminds me of the typical Christian mindset, Make war not love. Seems kind of bass ackwards, no? Not to mention the many other instances Bush ran roughshod over the constitution, and the repub. congress has rubber stamped every one.
4. We tried that with North Korea, all we got was a deal that Korea broke. Perhaps we should listen to the North Korean defector that said we should not talk to the North and that we should not trust them to ever get rid of nukes on thier own. Right...and Bush completely ****** up the middle east more than it already was had absolutely no effect on N. Korea's push for nuclear weapons. Nor did naming N. Korea in his Axis of Evil. It was allll Clinton's fault.
5. Was it funded under Clinton? Stem cell research is not illegal, just not government funded. (embryonic stem cell research that is) It is a moral decision. Agreed, gov't has a responsibility not to actively engage in what its constituents see as immoral. Of course, I don't see it as immoral, but that's another issue.

Look, we can look at the promises made by both sides and what they claim they will do, but most promises are broken. Instead we have to look at their history, that is the only true measure of what they plan to do. I have seen the history of the Democratic party, and I don't like it. You're living right now some of the worst and most ****** up history in the making. Open your eyes to it.

BTW: none of the issues you talk about would have ANY effect on how I or most of the country vote.
Most people are voting on Iraq, war on terror, economy or immigration, after that every other issues drops like a rock. Didn't you just bring up the "war on terror" with N. Korea? Iraq is part of that too. Lets / lowering tuition has quite an effect on the US keeping competitive in a global economy, stem cell research also affects healthcare / economy, and immigration would fall under international diplomatic political debate.

You claim to be a true conservative, one who supports Capitalist American Liberal...libertarian? I don't think you're anywhere close. The current Bush administration is so far removed from this its unbelievable...Kerry or Gore would have been a lot closer, which says a lot.

Jun 27, 2005
Is it just me or are the only people on this forum who listen to conservative talk radio LEFTIES? It's weird. I've seen more threads about right-wing talk radio started by left leaning posters in the last couple of weeks... I'm beginning to think that the only people who listen to Rush anymore are Dems. :laugh:


Feb 18, 2004
Originally posted by: Pabster
At least Conservative Radio is still in black and on the air :laugh:

judging by the content of conservative radio, that might not be something to be proud of

personally, I'll take listening to music over listening to someone shout and rant about the liberal media any day ^^
Aug 1, 2006
Originally posted by: Pabster
Originally posted by: International Machine Consortium
The Democrats will perform better than the Republicans on a range of issues.

And I thought you were 'Independent' ...

EDIT: Well, you said Democrat, Capitalist American Liberal. At least you are towing the party line.

oh yeah, I've embraced my Liberalism. Toeing you mean. But...anyway....


Apr 15, 2001
Originally posted by: Whoozyerdaddy
Is it just me or are the only people on this forum who listen to conservative talk radio LEFTIES? It's weird. I've seen more threads about right-wing talk radio started by left leaning posters in the last couple of weeks... I'm beginning to think that the only people who listen to Rush anymore are Dems. :laugh:

I've noticed that as well. You don't see anyone starting threads here about Rush, Hannity, Savage, et al. except liberals. Yet most of these people claim to 'never' listen to 'those right wing nut jobs' ... odd, isn't it.

Personally I haven't listened to Rush for years. He just isn't passionate enough on the issues for me.


Apr 12, 2004
There really aren't very many conservative radio talk show hosts anymore. People like Rush and Hannity are just Republicans that will defend the party at any cost and don't mind when Bush does something liberal. Then there's people like Savage who are just authoritarians.


Jan 6, 2005
From what I see making healthcare more accessible to Americans is a good thing.
Agreed, but neither party has developed a viable program through which to provide universal health care...perhaps because government run health care is simply incompatible with the dynamics of our society.

Lowering tuition and making it easier for students to pay for college is a good thing.
Once again...who is going to pay for it?

Holding our leaders accountable for bypassing the Constitution is a good thing.
Both parties bypass the Constitution when it suites their needs.

Engaging the leaders of the world in real diplomatic political debates is a good thing.
Leaders of the world...what you mean allies, potential allies or long standing enemies? Engage to what extent, and to achieve what goal...a fairly blanket statement with nothing to substantiate it.

Fully supporting stem cell research with the backing of the federal gov't is a good thing.
Yet come election time, Democrats won't touch with a ten foot pole any issue that gets the Christian right motivated to the polls...I fully support stem cell research...I don't see many Congressional or Presidential candidates making that a cornerstone issue of their agendas.

Some of you really need to get past George Bush and look at the big picture...Bush is not the problem...Bush is the manifestation of a problem deeply entrenched in our political system.

Partisan politics and a two party system are the problem. Those who hold on to the notion that one party is better then the other are similarly part of the problem.

Lemon law

Nov 6, 2005
To some extent I think a case can be made that the conservative talk show hosts are nervous about finally being called the non-factors that they are---first they build up an impressive
base of people who follow their every word---but when you think about it---this fan base would vote GOP anyway---and at the same time these hyper-conservative talk show hosts are just so blatantly dis-respectful of all rules or logic---that they drive more people straddling the fence the other way---especially when their talk does not match the promised results---get really obvious after a few years.


Diamond Member
Jan 15, 2000
I believe that our presidential style of democracy, with its 2-party majority, might not be what is best for this country. At the same time, a system of government like Britain's would most certainly not work in this country. Our politicians have absolutely no restraint, and giving one party complete power to push through their agenda would be disastrous.

I guess we've seen the best results when we had split executive and legislative control between the two parties (during the Clinton years). Whenever one party is in complete control, our system fundamentally breaks down. That is why more than anything we need to get the Democrats back into power of at least the House or the Senate. We need to restore order and balance to the government.


Apr 15, 2001
Originally posted by: Lemon law
To some extent I think a case can be made that the conservative talk show hosts are nervous about finally being called the non-factors that they are---first they build up an impressive
base of people who follow their every word---but when you think about it---this fan base would vote GOP anyway---and at the same time these hyper-conservative talk show hosts are just so blatantly dis-respectful of all rules or logic---that they drive more people straddling the fence the other way---especially when their talk does not match the promised results---get really obvious after a few years.

You've obviously never listened to Conservative Talk Radio. The number of liberals who listen and call in to the various shows is pretty amazing. Perhaps they are taking notes on how to run a successful talk radio network... :laugh:

Your lousy attempts to marginalize the success of Conservative Talk Radio only goes to prove just how successful it really is.
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