The Crushing of Fallujah


Diamond Member
Sep 25, 2003

The Crushing of Fallujah


I am reading William Shirer's Berlin Diary, a journalist's account of Nazi political propaganda during the 1930's, as I watch the US 'news' reports of the violent assault on Fallujah. The US mass media 'reports', the style, content and especially the language echo their Nazi predecessor of 70 years ago to an uncanny degree. Coincidence? Of course! In both instances we have imperialist armies conquering countries, leveling cities and slaughtering civilians--and the mass media, private in form, state appendages in practice, disseminate the most outrageous lies, in defense and praise of the conquering 'storm troopers'--call them SS or Marines. Both in Nazi Germany and contemporary US, we are told by the mass media that the invading armies are "freeing the country" of "foreign fighters", "armed terrorists", who are preventing "the people" from going about their everyday lives. Yet we know that of the 1,000 prisoners there are only 4 foreigners (3 Iranians and 1 Arab); Iraqi hospitals report less than 10% of foreign fighters. In other words over 90% of the fighters are Iraqis--most of who were born, educated, and raised families in the cities in which they are fighting.

Like the Nazi media, the major US radio and TV networks only report what they call "military casualties"--failing to report the civilians killed since the war started and the thousands of women and children killed and wounded since the assault of Fallujah began. Like in Nazi Germany, the US mass media feature unconfirmed reports by the US military of the bloody murders, beheadings and kidnapping "by the foreign terrorists". The unconditional support of Nazi/US mass media of the killing fields is best captured in their reports of the massive bombing of densely populated city districts. For the US network NBC, the dropping of 500-pound bombs in the city of Fallujah is described as targeting an "insurgent tunnel network in the city". And the houses, markets, stores--the mothers and children above those tunnels--vaporized into "pink mist". Their existence never acknowledged by the leading reporters and broadcasters.

Almost the entire population of non-Kurdish Iraq is opposed to the US military and its puppet regime--yet the media refer to the patriots defending their country from the imperial invaders as--'insurgents' minimizing the significance of a nation-wide patriotic liberation movement. One of the most surreal euphemisms is the constant reference to the 'coalition forces'--meaning the US colonial conquerors and the mercenaries and satraps that they direct and control.

The terror bombing of homes, hospitals and religious buildings by hundreds of airplanes and helicopter gunships are described by the media as 'securing the city for free elections'.

'Freeing the city of insurgents' includes the systematic murder of friends, neighbors and relatives of every Iraqi living in the city of Fallujah.

'Surrounding the insurgents' means cutting off water, electricity, medical aid for 200,000 civilians in the city and putting tens of thousands who fled under threat of a typhoid epidemic. 'Pacifying the city' involves turning it to absolute desolate poisoned rubble.

Why do Washington and the mass media resort to gross, systematic lying and euphemisms? Basically to reinforce mass support at home for mass murder in Iraq. The mass media fabricates a web of lies to secure a gloss of legitimacy for totalitarian methods in order that the US armed forces continue to destroy cities with impunity. The technique perfected by Goebbels in Germany and practiced in the US is to repeat lies and euphemism until they become accepted 'truths', and embedded in everyday language. The mass media by effectively routinizing a common language implicates the listeners. The tactical concerns of the Generals, the commanders directing the slaughter (pacification), and the soldiers murdering civilians are explained (and consumed by the millions listening and watching) by the unchallenged authorities to the compliant journalists and famous news anchors. The unity of purpose between the agents of mass murder and everyday US public is established via 'news reports': The soldiers 'paint the names' of their wives and sweethearts on the tanks and armored vehicles which destroy Iraqi families and turn Fallujah into ruins. Returning soldiers from Iraq are 'interviewed' who want to return to 'be with their platoon' and 'wipe out the terrorists'. Not all of US combat forces experienced the joys of shooting civilians. Medical studies report that one out of five returning soldiers are suffering from severe psychological trauma, no doubt from witnessing or participation in the mass killing of civilians. The family of one returned soldier, who recently committed suicide, reported that he constantly referred to his killing an unarmed child in the streets of Iraq--calling himself a 'murderer'. Aside from these notable exceptions, the mass propaganda media practice several techniques, which assuage the 'conscience' of US soldiers and civilians. One technique is 'role reversal' to attribute the crimes of the invading force to the victims: It is not the soldiers who cause destruction of cities and murder, but the Iraqi families who 'protect the terrorists' and "bring upon themselves the savage bombardment". The second technique is to only report US casualties from 'terrorist bombs'--to omit any mention of thousands of Iraqi civilian killed by US bombs and artillery. Both Nazi and US propaganda glorify the 'heroism', 'success' of their elite forces (the SS and the Marines)--in killing 'terrorists' or 'insurgents'--every dead civilian is counted as a 'suspected terrorist sympathizer'.

The US and German military have declared every civilian building a 'storehouse' or 'hiding place' for 'terrorists'--hence the absolutely total disregard of all the Geneva laws of warfare. The US and Nazi practice of 'total war' in which whole communities, neighborhoods and entire cities are collectively guilty of shielding 'wanted terrorists'--is of course the standard operating military procedure of the Israeli government.

The US publicizes the cruel and unusual punishment of Iraqi 'suspects' (any male between 14-60 years) taken prisoner: photos appear in Time and Newsweek of barefoot, blindfolded and bound young men led from their homes and pushed into trucks to be taken to 'exploitation centers' for interrogation. For many in the US public these pictures are part of the success story--they are told these are the 'terrorists' who would blow up American homes. For the majority who voted for Bush, the mass propaganda media has taught them to believe that the extermination of scores of thousands of Iraqi citizens is in their best interests: they can sleep sound, as long as 'our boys' kill them 'over there'.

Above all the mass propaganda media has done everything possible to deny Iraqi national consciousness. Everyday in every way the reference is to religious loyalties, ethnic identities, past political labels, 'tribal' and family clans. The purpose is to divide and conquer, and to present the world with a 'chaotic' Iraq in which the only coherent, stable force is the US colonial regime. The purpose of the savage colonial assaults and the political labeling is to destroy the idea of the Iraqi nation--and in its place to substitute a series of mini-entities run by imperial satraps obedient to Washington.

Sunday morning: November 14 .Today Fallujah is being raped and razed,captured
Wounded prisoners are shot in the mosques .In New York the mega malls are crowded with shoppers .

Sunday afternoon: the Marines have blocked food ,water,and medicine from entering Fallujah..Throughout the US millions of men sit in front of the television watching football.

Shirer reported that while the Nazis invaded and ravaged Belgium and bombed Rotterdam.,in Berlin the cafes were full,the symphony played and people walked their dogs in the park on sunny Sunday afternoons

Sunday night November 14, 2004, I turn on the television to 60 Minutes and watch a replay of Mike Wallace's 'interviews' with Yasser Arafat. Like all US mass media 'stars', he ignores the Israeli invasion of Lebanon and Sharon's murder of thousands of Palestinians, the military occupation of Palestine and the wanton destruction of Jenin and Gaza City. Wallace accuses Arafat of being a liar, a terrorist, of being corrupt and devious. Thirty million US households watch this ugly spectacle of a self-righteous Zionist apologist flaunting the 'Western ideals', which are so useful in razing cities, bombing hospitals and exterminating a nation.

Yes, there are differences between Shirer's account of Nazi propaganda in defense of the conquest of Europe and the US media's apology for the invasion of Iraq and Israel's slaughter of the Palestinians: One is committed in the name of the Fuehrer and the Fatherland, the other in the name of God and Democracy. Go tell that to the bloated corpses gnawed by dogs in the ruins of Fallujah.



No Lifer
Jun 7, 2001
The media's long since been effective at reporting "just the facts" without any bias in reporting or in the selection of what to cover (from a management decision.)

I blame the mergers and the lack of true competition and the move toward infotainment - giving viewers quips and soundbites to catch attention.


Feb 21, 2002
so when do we get a Vietnam style protest in this country?
i for one think that its us Americans who are responsible for this large scale massacre of Iraqis, because we sit by and do nothing.


Apr 25, 2001
As much as I hate to admit it, there are some questions I think the media or government needs to answer. Like why we've been killing "insurgents" for so long, how many foreign insurgents could there be? Are the Iraqis as universally in favor of the US as we've been led to believe?

I'm not willing to say we're like Nazi Germany, and I'm not willing to say that what Bush claims is going on isn't what's going on. But there are unasnwered questions that any halfway competent media needs to be addressing...and they aren't.


Golden Member
Jul 8, 2002
Every war has its insurgency. Where were the naysayers in 1945 when we lost 10,000 after the war in Germany alone, to 'insurgent' Nazi sympathisers. When people have power (such as the Nazi's or Baath Party) and then lose power, you will always have an underground. These people are fighting for everything they lost, money, leadership, personal safety. Now, does that make them right? No, because they are fighting on behalf of their selfish needs, and not those of the people. If there was a real liberation movement afoot, we would see a hell of a lot more than one or two car bombs a day.


Mar 29, 2004
That is apples to oranges Iraq is a guerilla war the trick is to wear the occupiers down with never ending toll on the opressors without having to expose the resistance in a direct confrontation.
how else could you fight a army so much stronger then you in your neighborhood?


Sep 3, 2004
Originally posted by: irwincur
Every war has its insurgency. Where were the naysayers in 1945 when we lost 10,000 after the war in Germany alone, to 'insurgent' Nazi sympathisers. When people have power (such as the Nazi's or Baath Party) and then lose power, you will always have an underground. These people are fighting for everything they lost, money, leadership, personal safety. Now, does that make them right? No, because they are fighting on behalf of their selfish needs, and not those of the people. If there was a real liberation movement afoot, we would see a hell of a lot more than one or two car bombs a day.




Golden Member
Apr 25, 2004
Originally posted by: Steeplerot
That is apples to oranges Iraq is a guerilla war the trick is to wear the occupiers down with never ending toll on the opressors without having to expose the resistance in a direct confrontation.
how else could you fight a army so much stronger then you in your neighborhood?

If Canada was invaded today that's exactly how I would fight given my military training. It would be a war of attrition.


Diamond Member
Oct 3, 2004
Originally posted by: irwincur
Every war has its insurgency. Where were the naysayers in 1945 when we lost 10,000 after the war in Germany alone, to 'insurgent' Nazi sympathisers. When people have power (such as the Nazi's or Baath Party) and then lose power, you will always have an underground. These people are fighting for everything they lost, money, leadership, personal safety. Now, does that make them right? No, because they are fighting on behalf of their selfish needs, and not those of the people. If there was a real liberation movement afoot, we would see a hell of a lot more than one or two car bombs a day.

I'd like to see your proof of 10,000 lost after the war in Germany alone too. I believe your claim is grossly innacurate.



Oct 9, 1999
Originally posted by: BBond
Originally posted by: irwincur
Every war has its insurgency. Where were the naysayers in 1945 when we lost 10,000 after the war in Germany alone, to 'insurgent' Nazi sympathisers. When people have power (such as the Nazi's or Baath Party) and then lose power, you will always have an underground. These people are fighting for everything they lost, money, leadership, personal safety. Now, does that make them right? No, because they are fighting on behalf of their selfish needs, and not those of the people. If there was a real liberation movement afoot, we would see a hell of a lot more than one or two car bombs a day.

I'd like to see your proof of 10,000 lost after the war in Germany alone too. I believe your claim is grossly innacurate.

Just like the entire pile of crap which started this thread. :roll:


Elite Member
Nov 24, 1999
Originally posted by: conjur
The media's long since been effective at reporting "just the facts" without any bias in reporting or in the selection of what to cover (from a management decision.)

I blame the mergers and the lack of true competition and the move toward infotainment - giving viewers quips and soundbites to catch attention.
Research shows that real news is not good for the effectiveness of ads that separate news segments. People get too upset to think about buying. Cheerful light comforting news that says we are good and winning is what sells product.



Diamond Member
Oct 3, 2004
Originally posted by: AndrewR
Originally posted by: BBond
Originally posted by: irwincur
Every war has its insurgency. Where were the naysayers in 1945 when we lost 10,000 after the war in Germany alone, to 'insurgent' Nazi sympathisers. When people have power (such as the Nazi's or Baath Party) and then lose power, you will always have an underground. These people are fighting for everything they lost, money, leadership, personal safety. Now, does that make them right? No, because they are fighting on behalf of their selfish needs, and not those of the people. If there was a real liberation movement afoot, we would see a hell of a lot more than one or two car bombs a day.

I'd like to see your proof of 10,000 lost after the war in Germany alone too. I believe your claim is grossly innacurate.

Just like the entire pile of crap which started this thread. :roll:

Irwincur made a blatantly false statement that can easily be proved so.

If you have any evidence to refute any of the points made in the OP feel free to present it. Otherwise you're just stating a baseless opinion.




Platinum Member
Sep 21, 2001
Don't tell the brainwashed they are hypnotized by the mass media.... Don't you see they are "free" and have "choices"? Can't you understand the media is "liberal"? You are "unpatriotic" for going against the president, support your country! Don't you feel the need to share "freedom" with others that need it? God wants you to obey him and to obey the people that talk to him......

Sorry, I couldn't contain myself. All those who have experienced media outside the USA know how restricted USA news are.........


Elite member
Nov 19, 1999
alexruiz - I've traveled and am now living outside the USA.

My experience is the opposite - the US media is much more free and reports much more "bad news" than just about any other place I've been to.

Can you give examples of countries with a better press than the USA?



No Lifer
Jun 7, 2001
Originally posted by: Moonbeam
Originally posted by: conjur
The media's long since been effective at reporting "just the facts" without any bias in reporting or in the selection of what to cover (from a management decision.)

I blame the mergers and the lack of true competition and the move toward infotainment - giving viewers quips and soundbites to catch attention.
Research shows that real news is not good for the effectiveness of ads that separate news segments. People get too upset to think about buying. Cheerful light comforting news that says we are good and winning is what sells product.
It's All About the Benjamins.


Platinum Member
Sep 21, 2001
Originally posted by: Michael
alexruiz - I've traveled and am now living outside the USA.

My experience is the opposite - the US media is much more free and reports much more "bad news" than just about any other place I've been to.

Can you give examples of countries with a better press than the USA?


Did you mix with the locals, learned the language and saw the information the way locals do? If so, you should already know that Sweden, Switzerland, Norway and Finland to name a few are way ahead. France, Germany and even my Mexico are less restrictive in showing violence, calling things by their name and raising questions. Come on, any media where any "politically incorrect" thing can spark the vultures, I mean the lawyers is never going to be sharp. It will be docile. Why do you thing the TV is the USA is very censored about "nudity"?

Yes, ALL the countries in the world have media that claim "thay are fair", but in reality are just a press outlet of the goverment. If you see news and learn how the locals live then you will learn there are the goverment media and the independent media. You will learn what the independent media is. Heck, you will even learn that even the goverment outlets can provide awesome information on some items (Latinamerican media is very pro-local goverment, but very sharp and inquisitive about world situations..... )

The USA has some half-decent media (PBS, NPR or similar) They are the minority, low profile, low penetration and not even "liberal"..... but it is something.



Senior member
Aug 18, 2001
I like the quote that "we are returning Fallujah to Fallujan's"

After we kill half the population and level the city, it's all yours! Enjoy! You're welcome!

Not to mention probably most of the insurgents probably LIVE in fallujah to begin with.
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