The deafening silence. Voters into S&M?


Feb 1, 2008
Just a simple thought here. No rocket science involved. Don't panic.

So Obama is blamed for job loss?
Blamed for high gas prices?
Blamed for economy woes?
Blamed for the recovery after 2008 financial disaster?

But, but... gas prices are low and still dropping. WHA U SAY???
The stock market i.e. 401K plans are growing and growing. Really? No way.
Unemployment rates has been steadily dropping. Got to be witchcraft.
And certainly our future outlook in general is on the uptick. Damn the facts....!!!

Despite all this, all the good, all indicators point to voters having some sadistic desire for returning to the bad old days, come next Tuesday.

Are voters into pain and suffering? S&M?
That sure appears to be the case.

Guess we prefer $4+ a gal gas. And no relief in sight.
Prefer crashing 401K plans. Eating cat food in our old age.
Prefer more people unemployed. Higher crime. More "takers", fewer givers.
And prefer just a shitty outlook for the country.
This makes absolutely no sense. Or does it ????

No one asks why a president who is constantly blamed for the bad times, is never given credit for the good times?
No credit from the politicians. None from the media. None from the voters.
The media took note of the lowering gas prices. But giving the credit? Deafening silence.
Nothing was held back for blaming the president for high gas prices. And everything else.
During the bad times, the media has no issues with making that connection. Bad = Obama.
During the good? Deafening silence.

So what exactly is the problem here?
Might it be, oh let me guess, a skin color thing?
No you say? No No NO!!!
Then... justify how the good times are somehow a negative drain on the country?
Like with dropping gas prices suddenly the negative, according to fox news.
Why should voters want to pull the rug out from under the positive, returning to the proven negative? That GW pre-2008 era?
And prefer to advance the programs of the party of negative?
Correction. Their LACK of programs.
Other than their constant promotion with programs to harm the poor, the minorities, the women, our veterans, the sick, the seniors, the fixed incomed.

I'm totally 100% convinced. Voters are indeed into S&M.
If the voting public are not in pain, or inflecting pain, they cannot be happy.
If the bread winner is not unemployed hopelessly looking for work, they are not happy.
IF they are not paying $5 a gallon for gas at the pump, they are not happy.
If they are not watching their 401K shrink into pocket change, they are not happy.
If the teenager is not living in the basement instead of attending college, not happy.
If their health insurance was not canceled due to some pre-existing, not happy.
And should a black man dare sit int he whitehouse? FUCKING NOT HAPPY!!!! And PISSED!

So here comes next Tuesday.
Load up on the whips and chains. You'll need them in the coming year. And Enjoy!
Damn the religion of sadomasochism....
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Elite Member
Jul 27, 2002
I had no idea what you meant by S&M until the last sentence. Lots of people enjoy S&M within their boundary of tolerance in sexual relationship, btw.

On topic - I have a feeling that by 2016 even the outcry against the ACA will have subsided.

Is Affordable Care Act Working?


May 24, 2004
Throw the partisan bickering of the past aside for a moment

But, but... gas prices are low and still dropping. WHA U SAY???
Dropping gas prices are often a sign of a bad economy. Demand for gasoline is higher when the economy is healthy (more goods are being transported), demand is low when the economy is suffering (less goods are being transported).

Unemployment rates has been steadily dropping. Got to be witchcraft.
Good, solid, reliable jobs are being replaced with uncertain, lower pay jobs. Not exactly a win.

And certainly our future outlook in general is on the uptick. Damn the facts....!!!
I've luckily kept myself connected with enough people that is pushing me through the change in my career. I had a very strong spring this year, best half-year I've ever had. But it was a unique situation, I knew everything would slow down after, and I'd be out hunting for a new job.

Got the reality check when at my skill level, all the work that was done by Americans 10 years ago, are just about all outsourced to Asia and even Africa. Searching through all the job postings out there, there are a ton of high-level positions, many even at $100+ per hour. But there is no path that takes me from my current skill level to being able to obtain those jobs.

As much as we all hate outsourcing, it is very real and will never go away. The future is not good for the working class, it is as uncertain as it has been in a very, very long time. Taking the dmcowen approach to fighting outsourcing (1) makes insignificant progress if it can even be measured, & (2) turns you into a very miserable person throughout.

Sorry, but there isn't a whole lot to celebrate. I'm not sure what you're smoking tonight.

But what I especially do not like is the perception from Democrats that we have to vote them into full control of government then middle-class jobs will come pouring back into the country with enough left over for all the social services we can dream of.

It's a lie.

So what exactly is the problem here?
Might it be, oh let me guess, a skin color thing?
And should a black man dare sit int he whitehouse? FUCKING NOT HAPPY!!!! And PISSED!
That just sealed the deal that you deserve no credibility in your arguments. That argument went out of style by the time 2010 rolled in. Get over it.


Elite Member
Jul 27, 2002
Throw the partisan bickering of the past aside for a moment
Dropping gas prices are often a sign of a bad economy. Demand for gasoline is higher when the economy is healthy (more goods are being transported), demand is low when the economy is suffering (less goods are being transported).
Get over it.

Really, so when gas price was over $5.00 a gallon the economy was booming?


May 24, 2004
Really, so when gas price was over $5.00 a gallon the economy was booming?

Are you being purposefully stupid?

Economy was doing GREAT! when that line took a nose-dive, don't you think? Sharp declines in the price of gasoline is frequently paired with bad economic data. That is what I said. I am making no such argument for the cause of steady or rising gasoline prices. They can be for a multitude of reasons both good or bad. But sharp drops are often a bad sign for the future.
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Elite Member
Jul 27, 2002
@cubby1223: Even taking your thesis as granted that dropping gas prices are a sign of bad economy (which even non-economist may see as an inadequately simplistic forecast), economy was not doing great while gas price was rising fast (2003~2008) after a relatively long, stable period (~2000) according to the graph you provided. My non-economist guess is that the nosedive is not a sign of what is to come, but rather a result of what previously happened.

I am always open to persuasion and information-gathering. There is no need to pound the table.


May 24, 2004
Gad prices often inflate on good forecasts, and have their bubble burst and prices drop on bad forecasts. Quick searching google suggests it's the economies in Europe & China taking a hit causing the prices to fall. So, does weakening European & Chinese economies signal a "win" for the U.S.?

But, Fox News is stupid to lay the blame on Obama, just like progressives were stupid to lay the blame prior on Bush. Outside of taxes levied on gas purchases, the government doesn't have that much direct control on prices, certainly have very little control on international demand. And those partisans who want to credit Obama & the Democrats for the fall in prices are equally stupid.


May 15, 2000
No, gas prices are falling because the Saudis are tired of losing market share every time they go along with the rest of OPEC and artificially raising prices. Gas prices usually fluctuate as a result of an economy not because of it and those drops and gains are usually within a small range, large drops or gains are usually due to gas specific market issues like what I mentioned above.

Dems are horrible at running midterm elections, they always let the republicans create the narrative. I also think dems are being stupid running away from the ACA, there are a ton of good things that have come out of it.


May 15, 2000
Uh, you also have the futures market sitting between the producers and the consumers of oil who's not going to lower prices just because Saudi Arabia oil can be purchased cheaper.

An article from June, but good in an overview of various factors in the oil market:

While all of those are factors none of them have the immediate affect on prices as does the decision of OPEC (reason #6). OPEC is an oligarchy that only works if all players are on the same page, ie colluding to maintain/inflate prices.

We've been increasing our output for years as well as decreasing our dependency but prices still rose. Other trends the author talks about have also been happening for at least several months and yet it's only recently that prices have fallen. Why? As the author alluded to under reason #1:

While extreme aggregate trading positions can persist for quite a while, as is the case in the crude oil market for the past few years, they are still a reliable indication that a powerful market reversal is likely to occur when the proper catalyst eventually appears and sends speculators heading for the exits. So far, no bearish catalyst has presented itself in the crude oil market, but the other points that I’ve listed in this piece may combine to form a perfect storm that finally causes the oil market to crack.

Guess what that catalyst was?


Aug 31, 2002
Well it helps if you have a 401k that stocks are going up. The younger you are the less it matters.

High paying jobs replaced with low paying jobs. 100% fact. Not really seeing the recovery. Its only a recovery for those who survived 2008 unscathed, which isn't many. Anybody who was caught in 2008 without a career yet or was transitioning careers was probably permanently screwed.

Me personally as a younger dude all I care about is opportunity and wages which are both down. I could care less if gramps paid off house rose $20k whoopee we're all saved gramps' consumer spending will prop up the whole economy. Time to open a Bingo/Flea market combo store across from every Starbucks.
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May 19, 2011
This thread isn't really about S&M at all, is it.

The only connection I can see is a potential masochistic tendency of wanting to read/write political rants.


Diamond Member
Jun 28, 2001
Well thanks to gas under $3 we went out to dinner last night.

Instead of putting $60+ in the tank it was $43 so the economy got some money instead of the Oil Thugs for a change.

If momentary fluctuations in gas prices affect your ability to go out to dinner, then you need to spend less time complaining about your situation and more time fixing your situation.


Diamond Member
Jun 28, 2001
@cubby1223: Even taking your thesis as granted that dropping gas prices are a sign of bad economy (which even non-economist may see as an inadequately simplistic forecast), economy was not doing great while gas price was rising fast (2003~2008) after a relatively long, stable period (~2000) according to the graph you provided. My non-economist guess is that the nosedive is not a sign of what is to come, but rather a result of what previously happened.

I am always open to persuasion and information-gathering. There is no need to pound the table.

gas prices (like all other prices) are reactive, not proactive. by definition they respond to changing demand curves, which lag behind real changes in the economy.


No Lifer
Oct 13, 1999
Originally Posted by dmcowen674
Well thanks to gas under $3 we went out to dinner last night.

Instead of putting $60+ in the tank it was $43 so the economy got some money instead of the Oil Thugs for a change.

If momentary fluctuations in gas prices affect your ability to go out to dinner, then you need to spend less time complaining about your situation and more time fixing your situation.

We did. We moved from Chicago to Indianapolis for the lower cost of living.

It was completely impossible to ever go to dinner there except once or twice when tax refund arrives.


Dec 18, 2010
So Obama is blamed for job loss?
Blamed for high gas prices?
Blamed for economy woes?
Blamed for the recovery after 2008 financial disaster?

What I blame obama for:

His failed promise to make healthcare affordable.
His failed promise to make higher education affordable.
His failed promise to close gitmo.
His failure of a foreign policy.
His failure to end free trade.
His failure to enforce immigration laws.
He signed the NDAA.
Has continued and justified domestic spying.
Brought no bankers to justice for the crash of 2008.

just to name a few


Feb 18, 2004
it's true, everyone who dares to think differently than you is just too stupid to know better.


Oct 15, 1999
Just a simple thought here. No rocket science involved. Don't panic.

So Obama is blamed for job loss?
Blamed for high gas prices?
Blamed for economy woes?
Blamed for the recovery after 2008 financial disaster?

But, but... gas prices are low and still dropping. WHA U SAY???
The stock market i.e. 401K plans are growing and growing. Really? No way.
Unemployment rates has been steadily dropping. Got to be witchcraft.
And certainly our future outlook in general is on the uptick. Damn the facts....!!!

Despite all this, all the good, all indicators point to voters having some sadistic desire for returning to the bad old days, come next Tuesday.

Are voters into pain and suffering? S&M?
That sure appears to be the case.

Guess we prefer $4+ a gal gas. And no relief in sight.
Prefer crashing 401K plans. Eating cat food in our old age.
Prefer more people unemployed. Higher crime. More "takers", fewer givers.
And prefer just a shitty outlook for the country.
This makes absolutely no sense. Or does it ????

No one asks why a president who is constantly blamed for the bad times, is never given credit for the good times?
No credit from the politicians. None from the media. None from the voters.
The media took note of the lowering gas prices. But giving the credit? Deafening silence.
Nothing was held back for blaming the president for high gas prices. And everything else.
During the bad times, the media has no issues with making that connection. Bad = Obama.
During the good? Deafening silence.

So what exactly is the problem here?
Might it be, oh let me guess, a skin color thing?
No you say? No No NO!!!
Then... justify how the good times are somehow a negative drain on the country?
Like with dropping gas prices suddenly the negative, according to fox news.
Why should voters want to pull the rug out from under the positive, returning to the proven negative? That GW pre-2008 era?
And prefer to advance the programs of the party of negative?
Correction. Their LACK of programs.
Other than their constant promotion with programs to harm the poor, the minorities, the women, our veterans, the sick, the seniors, the fixed incomed.

I'm totally 100% convinced. Voters are indeed into S&M.
If the voting public are not in pain, or inflecting pain, they cannot be happy.
If the bread winner is not unemployed hopelessly looking for work, they are not happy.
IF they are not paying $5 a gallon for gas at the pump, they are not happy.
If they are not watching their 401K shrink into pocket change, they are not happy.
If the teenager is not living in the basement instead of attending college, not happy.
If their health insurance was not canceled due to some pre-existing, not happy.
And should a black man dare sit int he whitehouse? FUCKING NOT HAPPY!!!! And PISSED!

So here comes next Tuesday.
Load up on the whips and chains. You'll need them in the coming year. And Enjoy!
Damn the religion of sadomasochism....

You're posts are getting pretty difficult to read. This one reads like an infomercial, or a cheerleaders script.


Diamond Member
Jan 16, 2014
While I want to see the Democrats hold the Senate to keep the insane clown posse in the House in check, I'm beginning to think that what we really need is for the Republicans to win it all and drive this country off of the economic cliff just to get it over with already. If that were to be the case, having the Republicans sweep the House, Senate and Presidency in 2016 would get us faster results. Democratic politicians are a mess and they lack any real kind of message with too many of them being Republican-lite while the Republicans are promising a booming economy and jobs for everyone if they gain control. As it is now, Democrats are only slowing the descent into economic madness, making it easy for the Republicans to blame them for foiling Republican plans for our economic recovery. Bit by bit, Republicans are winning the 'battle' and Democrats are taking the blame for it. Enough already.

Too many Americans believe that the Republican ideas are worthy of consideration and they need to learn the truth the hard way. True, lots of people will suffer but that is what many voters who vote Republican want. They want public assistance cut. They want Social Security sliced and diced. They want housing assistance cut. They want anything that they perceive as helping the poor to be cut and/or eliminated. They are against unions and raising the minimum wage. What they don't understand is that if these things were to come to pass that they too would be affected by the economic devastation that would result. They don't realize that the decrease in economic activity would result in businesses laying off people or outright failing. They seem to think that we can slash and burn everything and it will turn out peachy-keen for them because they are living well right now and things will only get better once we stop government from helping the poor.

Maybe we need that to happen, to hit rock bottom so everyone can see how real Republican policies will affect them. Maybe we need long lines at food banks and churches, people living outdoors in new-age Hoovervilles and the increased crime that will occur since people are going to do whatever they can to stay alive. I really would hate to see all of this happen but I think we need to hit rock bottom bottom and get this shit over with for another couple of generations.

We need what Brownback is doing in Kansas to be taken nationwide and cranked to 11.
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