The Death of free internet

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Feb 15, 2000
I hate the ad driven interface NZ uses. I dropped them a while ago. I would rather pay my 10-20 bucks a month and not be deluged with ads and popup windows. Not even worth it. I don't mind either because I don't think their should be free internet. I mean 10 bucks is nothing when you consider what you can do with it.


Feb 8, 2001

<< Mwilding,
You must still be in jr school. If it makes you feel better, you can make a donation to Fox, NBC, ABC, and CBS every time you watch their channel.

In order to watch &quot;Movies For Guys Who Like Movies&quot; or whatever else I want to watch, I have to watch commercials. These commercials pay for the programming. I occasionally buy products I see on TV.

Nothing is free.

Am I in junior high? I am in my 30's and am speaking from experience rather than theory. You know why people call guys your age young man? because they are too pusst to call them boy.


Feb 8, 2001

<< MWilding-

From this post and many others-

We are SO on the same wavelength.

except you had classic corvettes and I have a classic mustang


Platinum Member
Mar 4, 2001

judging from his post, with nothing to say but insult, he sure as heck hasn't won my respect. You like him, are a snob. Have you bother to read the previous post before jumping to that conclusion?

<< You're calling him a snob when you're the cheapass that won't pay what amounts to $.10/hr. >>

WTF are you talking about moron? I guess Diamond members can also be dumb members. This post is I made simply states that it sucks that Netzero destroyed a good thing. Read your quote carefully. You truely are an idiot. You just called everyone who uses free internet a cheapass. Get it through your head you arrogant little snob. You want to talk about cheap? You don't know jack. Brats like you insult people with little reason.

-I make $60,000 a year. I'm paid alot for my time, and I'm not some spoil brat who can't appreciate the value of a dollar.

-I sit aside 10 hours a week recording for the blind. I don't get paid doing this and I lose about $400/week of my time doing this.

-I have never ever, not donate anything when walking out of a store when there is a charaity up front. If have never, ever thrown in a coins, only bills.

-I have never ever, try to get a tax write off from donating stuff. I feel that is fundamentally wrong.

-I pay my parents $1,000 month, and I still pay my tax like a man. I do not write off anyone as a dependent.

Can you say the same?



Platinum Member
Mar 4, 2001

<< In order to watch &quot;Movies For Guys Who Like Movies&quot; or whatever else I want to watch, I have to watch commercials. These commercials pay for the programming. I occasionally buy products I see on TV. >>

NO F*CKING SH*T. And what exactly do you think Netzero and bluelight are? there are banners, and occasionally I lick on the banner and buy something. So what the hell have free internet users done to p*ss you off and justify people like you calling us cheapass?


Jun 27, 2000
No, I can't, because I'm still 17, on a much less income, and still pay $40/mo for DSL.

<< This post is I made simply states that it sucks that Netzero destroyed a good thing. Read your quote carefully. You truely are an idiot. You just called everyone who uses free internet a cheapass. >>

Alright let's have Business 101 here. Let's say there is a business - this business provides services to consumers, and to provide these services requires infrastructure. MONEY HAS TO BE SPENT HERE. If they give things away for FREE, yet still have expenses, they lose money. This is not a good thing.

Free Internet was never a good thing. It hurt a lot of investors and caused many legitimate businesses to fail as wlel.

Netzero didn't destroy a good thing. Free Internet never was a good thing because we are all part of the same economy and when first these free business put legitimate businesses out, then they fail themselves, that is bad for the economy as a whole.

Think about it.

BTW - if you make so much money and are so generous, then how come you won't pay what amounts to 30 minutes of your work time to have a month of Internet service, that is much more convenient and no banner ads?


Feb 8, 2001

<< You are putting a whole cr@pload of words into people's mouth. Are you automatically labeling everyone who use free isps as cheap little cheaters who goes around removing banners? So if people like me use free isps, then we're automatically cheaters and not nice? Thank you for your brilliant deduction. Like I said, people like you act like snobs who think they're better than everyone else. >>

HaHaHaHa - If the shoe fits pal, the shoe fits.

Are all people who use free ISPs cheaters and not nice? of course not. However, it is a different story if they moan and whine about how their service is not as good as a pay service is or try and circumvent the system.

Your second post in this thread was all about how you have tried different ways to get around the system. Therefore you incurred the wrath of me and others.

p.s. not taking a tax write-off for charitable donations is just silly.


Jun 27, 2000


<< In order to watch &quot;Movies For Guys Who Like Movies&quot; or whatever else I want to watch, I have to watch commercials. These commercials pay for the programming. I occasionally buy products I see on TV. >>

NO F*CKING SH*T. And what exactly do you think Netzero and bluelight are? there are banners, and occasionally I lick on the banner and buy something. So what the hell have free internet users done to p*ss you off and justify people like you calling us cheapass?

Who's the namecalling, explitive blurting inmature twerp now?

Do you know what the going rate for banners is now? Here's a hint: it's less than 10% of what it was in 1999. I know this because I at one time part of the Gamestats Network, and had an affiliate site. I remember the ad money that was thrown around.

However, their infrastructre (T3s and other POP things as well as support and development costs) did not go down. When the source of revenue falls by 90%, and you still have equivilent expenses, you lose money.

That is why they failed.


Jul 12, 2001

<< NO F*CKING SH*T. And what exactly do you think Netzero and bluelight are? there are banners, and occasionally I lick on the banner and buy something. So what the hell have free internet users done to p*ss you off and justify people like you calling us cheapass? >>

That's why all the free internet companies went under. People wouldn't click on the banners and buy things; that's what supported the free internet companies. Businesses aren't around to give things away, they're supposed to make money and if they don't they go bye bye.


Diamond Member
Sep 14, 2000

Cool cars (and motorcycles) are always cool no matter the manufacturer.


The words you used (Moron, Idiot, Snob, Brat) describes you to a tee. IF you DO make 60K and I doubt it due to your gross (mis)use of the English language, it doesnt mean you are worth it. (Peter Principle)

Quit blowing your own horn. You may have something to contribute here.


Jun 27, 2000


-I make $60,000 a year. I'm paid alot for my time, and I'm not some spoil brat who can't appreciate the value of a dollar.

-I sit aside 10 hours a week recording for the blind. I don't get paid doing this and I lose about $400/week of my time doing this.

-I have never ever, not donate anything when walking out of a store when there is a charaity up front. If have never, ever thrown in a coins, only bills.

-I have never ever, try to get a tax write off from donating stuff. I feel that is fundamentally wrong.

-I pay my parents $1,000 month, and I still pay my tax like a man. I do not write off anyone as a dependent.

Can you say the same?

The more I read this, compared with the aspects of your post (both your complaints and composure), the more I feel like laughing out loud.

I'm calling you're bluff, you're full of sh!t and I don't think you can offer me evidence to the contrary, so let's leave it at that.


Diamond Member
Sep 14, 2000
Guess we are talking to ourselves again.

Isnt that always the way when a BS artist is challenged?


Senior member
Jul 21, 2000
will my father buy PCs for me for free ...............
my mother loves me for free
i love my lil bro for free i think thats all the monay in the world i dont give a damm if netzero isnt for free


Golden Member
Dec 18, 1999
Just turned 18, don't have a &quot;real&quot; job...just run a little hobby business out of my room (yup still live at home!)

Guess what....Pay for my own car, pay my own insurance, taxes come out of my pocket, and I pay $75 a month for dsl so that my family can have fast internet(hey alaska is expensive) out of my pocket....if i can afford to pay for internet anyone can, i think, so kwitcherbitchin'

then again, i know a LOT of people down in the seattle area that cancelled their ISP accounts so that they could get on with netzero and freei..i have NO DOUBT that a lot of ma and pop companies went under because of them...

>>I have never ever, try to get a tax write off from donating stuff. I feel >>that is fundamentally wrong.

why? not disagreeing with you or anything, i'm just curious as why? i mean if the law is there to encourage donations, why not take advantage of it?


Feb 8, 2001

<< >>I have never ever, try to get a tax write off from donating stuff. I feel >>that is fundamentally wrong.

why? not disagreeing with you or anything, i'm just curious as why? i mean if the law is there to encourage donations, why not take advantage of it?

Exactly - giving to charity is like deciding where the government will spend your money. If you feel all twisted about the deduction, give the extra money to charity.


Platinum Member
Mar 4, 2001
However, it is a different story if they moan and whine about how their service is not as good as a pay service is or try and circumvent the system.

When the hell did I moan and whine about how their service is not as good as a pay service? For somebody who is 30, you lack reading skillz.


Platinum Member
Mar 4, 2001

<< Who's the namecalling, explitive blurting inmature twerp now? >>

guess who started the name calling. Snobs like you who waltz into this thread. Why are you guys here anywayz? To backup your geezer buddy Mwilding? Are you guys here to insult people who use free internet or are you here to defend the business practice of NetZero(I doubt). Looks like to me most of you are here to insult free isp users. Guess what? Thats call trolling. Now get the hell out of my thread.


Platinum Member
Mar 4, 2001

<< why? not disagreeing with you or anything, i'm just curious as why? i mean if the law is there to encourage donations, why not take advantage of >>

I donate to help others, not me. What I do is between me and God and not the federal government.


Platinum Member
Mar 4, 2001

<< Netzero didn't destroy a good thing. Free Internet never was a good thing because we are all part of the same economy and when first these free >>

I have a friend in Pasadena who operated a small ISP few years back. It wasn't that profitable, but it wasn't bad either. Subscribers dropped most likely due to Netzero's media exposure. He quit the business a few years back and went back to Taiwan. You know what he told me? He wasn't bitter at Netzero because &quot;internet was meant to be free like television.&quot; Now netzero is starting to yank out the free internet. Oh guru of business, what does that remind you of?
What do you call it when a business sale for below cost to drive out competition?

&quot;Netzero didn't destroy a good thing,&quot; I wish he can hear you now.


Platinum Member
Mar 4, 2001

<< That's why all the free internet companies went under. People wouldn't click on the banners and buy things; that's what supported the free >>

There weren't that many free isps to start with. What really tick me off is that people like me can't go back to the way things were thanks to netzero. I was happy paying $5/month for good service and unlimited access with no form of advertisement whatsoever. But who can resist free internet?

Alot of companies(Moms and Pops)that offered great service went under because Netzero drove them out of business with their free internet access. Remember the huge NBA 1/2 time commercials about their unlimited free internet access? That would be almost fine if the internet was meant to be free like television and radio programs. But for Netzero to go back and change the perimeters, then those other ISPs went down in vain.


Feb 8, 2001

<< However, it is a different story if they moan and whine about how their service is not as good as a pay service is or try and circumvent the system.

When the hell did I moan and whine about how their service is not as good as a pay service? For somebody who is 30, you lack reading skillz.

&quot;...or try and circumvent the system&quot;

Check your own reading skills, junior

<< I have a friend in Pasadena who operated a small ISP few years back. It wasn't that profitable, but it wasn't bad either. Subscribers dropped most likely due to Netzero's media exposure. He quit the business a few years back and went back to Taiwan. You know what he told me? He wasn't bitter at Netzero because &quot;internet was meant to be free like television.&quot; Now netzero is starting to yank out the free internet. Oh guru of business, what does that remind you of?
What do you call it when a business sale for below cost to drive out competition?

&quot;Netzero didn't destroy a good thing,&quot; I wish he can hear you now.

Why should the internet be free? Should the companies who supply the infrastructure not get paid? We don't live in a socialist society, and even if we did, nothing is free. Netzero and all free ISPs are founded on a flawed business plan. Ad revenue will never cover the costs of bandwidth, especially when cheesedicks like you try and get more than their share.

Thank you for playing...


Platinum Member
Mar 4, 2001
Let me make absolutely sure that I didn't insult anyone here until I was insulted. For you diamond members, let me remind you.

Mwilding - the diamond member who started the name calling. Did you come in this thread to land a few sucker punches? It's call trolling.

<< you must all be still living at home with mommy and daddy >>

DealDatabase - blindly accuse people or just jumping on the diamond member bandwagon.

<< Those who do pay get good service and help future development. Those who don't and go around trying to remove banners, and save a penny on free internet, let's put it this way &quot;not nice&quot;. >>

Elemental007 - I didn't say a thing about you until you call me a cheapass

<< cheapass that won't pay what amounts to $.10/hr. >>

Now let me ask, did I call any of you names until you started to insult me? Let me ask again, why are you here at all? To start a flame war because your diamond member status allows you to do whatever you want?
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