The Donald J Trump BS thread version 31.4 updated (in memorium)


Feb 6, 2002
Everything the President says carries tremendous weight. Trump on at least a weekly basis says of tweets something that is complete utter bullshit. The President outright lying on a regular basis has consequences. I think we need to keep a running tally. During the election Politifact published he lies 75% of the time so the list will be quite long.

Be definition lying is stating claiming something that has no basis in fact or is known to be untrue.

First entry.

Trump states he lost the popular vote due to over 2 million cases of voter fraud.

I will update thread title as the list grows.

Proof of first entry. Trumps lawyers tell opposite story in court
But in legal filings to block Green Party leader Jill Stein's recount efforts, Trump's lawyers said that the election was fair. "On what basis does Stein seek to disenfranchise Michigan citizens? None really, save for speculation," they wrote in the Michigan filing, parts of which were published by the Post. "All available evidence suggests that the 2016 general election was not tainted by fraud or mistake."

2nd entry 7-Dec
Trump claims he saved over 1100 jobs when the real number is 800. I guess he thought 1000 is a magic number and Trump had to lie about it.

3.0 11-Dec. I figure he is good for 1/week in the DJT bullsh!t thread
Democrats are behind the Russia hacking story. No evidence whatsoever.

4.0 11-Dec You can't tell who hacked unless they are caught in the act. Excuse me stupid but people have been sent to jail based on post hack investigation.

5.0 15-Dec. DJT claims Obama administration waited until after the election to complain about Russian hacking when actually
Both the Department of Homeland Security and the Director of National Intelligence formally accused Russia of using hacking to influence the election on Oct. 7, a month before Election Day

6.0 23-Dec This covers bullshit he continues to spew to this day, his election was an historical landslide. In fact his electoral total was 46th out of 58 elections. In the popular vote he was 47 out of 49.

7.0 29-Dec and the bullshit continues. Trump taking credit for Sprint bringing back 5000 jobs when this decision predated the election. This guy just can't help himself. Lying will become the new norm.
Although Mr. Trump claimed credit for SoftBank’s $50 billion investment in the United States, those plans predated the election

8.0 08-Jan-2017 Trump makes claim from FBI Russian hacking report that are not true.
A declassified version of a US intelligence report on Russian hacking did not state whether the Kremlin's campaign to discredit Hillary Clinton affected the outcome of the election.

Yet President-elect Donald Trump said in a statement Friday after his meeting with intelligence officials that "there was absolutely no effect on the outcome of the election."

9.0 12-jan-2017 Trump denied he was briefed on the dossier that included tapes with him and Russian hookers. Comey said he briefed Trump in person. Another fvcking lie.
Trump's meeting with Comey was reportedly on Friday. The 35-page report was declassified afterward. The reports contradict claims by Trump’s transition officials that intelligence officials never briefed Trump on the addendum to the classified report. The dossier was reportedly prepared by a former British intelligence officer. Trump has slammed the unsubstantiated findings as "fake news"

10.0 and 11.0 entries 21-Jan-2017
Feud with CIA was media invention

When actually

Sean Spicer in press conference claimed Inaugural crowd was biggest of all time. There are enough sources I don't have to link. Day 1 starts out lying

12.0 23-Jan-2017. Trump makes another bullshit claim that illegals voting are responsible for the popular vote difference without a shred of evidence.

12.1 25-Jan-2017 Trump doubles up on existing bullshit Thanks to jackstar7
Related to the last entry, they'd all have been for Clinton. All of them.

13.1 29-Jan-2017 No need to explain this bullshit by Trump. "Biggest ovation since Payton Manning won the Super Bowl"

14.1 7-Feb-2017

Continuing on, Trump lies about crime statistics, claiming that the murder rate is at its highest point in 45-47 years.

Dozens of sources available online. Here's just one:

15.1 7-Feb-2017
You missed yesterday where he lied about the lying media not covering terror attacks in Europe because . . . . reasons.
Such bullshit no link required

16.1 10-Feb-2017
Sen. Blumenthal told story SCOTUS nom Neil Gorsuch said he was disheartened at Trump's attempt to de-legitimize the judiciary. Trunmp claimed he didn't say it even though Gorsuch's spokesperson confirmed.

17.1 12-Feb-2017
Steven Miller goes on Sunday shows and claims busloads of voters shipped into New Hampshire to cast illegal votes. Even the NH Republicans called this bullshit
Lots of prominent Republicans in New Hampshire say it is absurd, one even offering cash to anyone who can produce evidence of a single out-of-state voter.

18.1 14-Feb-2017
Spicy in presser said Trump has been tough on Russia. Everyone know this is just complete bullshit including Trump comparing Putin's murderous regime to the United States

19.1 16-Feb-2017
Trump at that epic disaster of a press conference claimed he won the biggest electoral victory since Reagan. That was complete bullshit. The only election he surpassed was GW Bush. All the others beat his totals. Again this guy can't help but lie

20.1 16-Feb-2017
Trump claimed he tried to schedule a meeting with the CBC but Rep. Cummings would not show. In reality the CBC send a letter to Trump requesting a meeting back in Jan that got no response.
Hi, @realDonaldTrump. We’re the CBC. We sent you a letter on January 19, but you never wrote us back. Sad! Letter:

21.1 19-Feb-2017
While of his self proclaimed victory tour while not one month in office Trump tells a terrorism committed by refugee story in Sweden. “Sweden? Terror attack? What has he been smoking? Questions abound,” Carl Bildt, a former prime minister and foreign minister, wrote on Twitter...

22.1 23-Feb-2017
So Trump made a claim during his kiss my own ass victory tour this past weekend that he saved $1B on the upcoming purchase of a new Air Force One. Well the Air Force has contradictory information
The Air Force can’t account for $1 billion in savings that President Donald Trump said he’s negotiated for the program to develop, purchase and operate two new Boeing Co. jets to serve as Air Force One.

“To my knowledge I have not been told that we have that information,” Colonel Pat Ryder, an Air Force spokesman, told reporters Wednesday when asked how Trump had managed to reduce the price for the new presidential plane. “I refer you to the White House,” Ryder said. A White House spokesman didn’t respond to repeated inquiries about Trump’s comments.

23.1 27-Feb-2017
Trump claimed there were lines 6 blocks waiting to see himn at CPAC. Another lie. Dude couldn't get 6 on his best day.

24.1 28-Feb-2017
Trump blames Obama for protests. No evidence Obama is responsible for protests. BS. The woman's protest march was started by a woman in Hawaii on Facebook.

25.1 4-Mar-2017
Trump claimed Obama had him "wiretapped". Multiple officials in the administration said it is not possible for the President to order a wiretap on a citizen. FISA courts would have to approve a "wiretap" but it would have to be with probable cause. In a Sunday interview former Intel director James Clapper said such a FISA warrant does not exist.

The bullshit just keeps-a-comin'

25.2 6-Mar-2017
Sean Spicer continues to defend V25 bullshit of wiretap.

26.2 8-Mar-2017
So Trump get's on the air and tweets a bald face lie
122 vicious prisoners, released by the Obama Administration from Gitmo, have returned to the battlefield. Just another terrible decision!

Except one pesky little fact...
At 7:04 a.m., Trump tweeted the same statistic — and blamed all 122 releases on former President Barack Obama. Notably, Trump parroted Fox News’ “prisoners” language, though the standard government term is “detainees.”

He said that all the “vicious prisoners” were released by Obama, when in fact, Obama only released nine of the prisoners. The other 113 were all released under former President George W. Bush.

27.2 9-Mar-2016
For International Women's Day Trump tweeted the following...
“I have tremendous respect for women and the many roles they serve that are vital to the fabric of our society and our economy.”
Good news for this entry no explanation necessary

28.2 10-Mar-2017
Remember Trump claiming the jobs numbers under Obama were fake, phony, fixed? Well this month the jobs numbers were good(235,000) and of course Trump wants to take total credit. But...
During his White House press briefing later in the day, Spicer was asked about Trump’s previous claims that positive job reports under the Obama administration were “phony or totally fiction.” “I talked to the president prior to this, and he said to quote them very clearly. They may have been phony in the past, but it’s very real now"
So take your bullshit pick. Either todays number is bullshit or his claims during the entire Obama administration was bullshit.

29.2 17-Mar-2017
Trump lies about Obama wiretapping him[/quote][/quote]

29.3 20-Mar-2017
White House doubles down even after Comey says nothing there

30.3 22-Mar-2017
Trump claims Dems made up Russian interference in our election. Our intel agencies have already said otherwise

30.4 2-Apr-2017
Trump claims again Russia is fake story

31.4 25-Apr-2017
Well Orange asshole is still claiming he won the popular vote in Nov.
Last edited:


Sep 6, 2000
Everything the President says carries tremendous weight. Trump on at least a weekly basis says of tweets something that is complete utter bullshit. The President outright lying on a regular basis has consequences. I think we need to keep a running tally. During the election Politifact published he lies 75% of the time so the list will be quite long.

Be definition lying is stating claiming something that has no basis in fact or is known to be untrue.

First entry.

Trump states he lost the popular vote due to over 2 million cases of voter fraud.

I will update thread title as the list grows.

Good idea for a post but you should be somewhat careful to distinguish BS from what seems to be a common decision making tool he uses, namely musing out loud with some batshit crazy ideas and then adjusting based on people's reactions. So long as he doesn't surround himself with "yes men" that applaud his every crazy utterance that's a plausible way of making decisions although probably not the ideal one for a President. Sure it gets people's attention (see how the tactic of saying outrageous stuff is used by reality shows to great effect to drive viewership) but will make people nervous as hell also.
Reactions: trenchfoot


Jan 6, 2005
Everything the President says carries tremendous weight. Trump on at least a weekly basis says of tweets something that is complete utter bullshit. The President outright lying on a regular basis has consequences. I think we need to keep a running tally. During the election Politifact published he lies 75% of the time so the list will be quite long.

Be definition lying is stating claiming something that has no basis in fact or is known to be untrue.

First entry.

Trump states he lost the popular vote due to over 2 million cases of voter fraud.

I will update thread title as the list grows.
If you havent figured it out yet, Trump counter punches BS with even louder BS.

And it works.

A narrative starts to build around mandate and flaws in the electoral college due to Clinton's popular vote lead, which is completely irrelevant to the discussion of THIS election given that both candidates new the rules going into the game.


Counter punch with a ridiculous claim to distract and deflect

I am not sure why this is so hard for people to understand. The pattern is blatantly obvious


Jun 19, 2000
I can see where Trump could be very upsetting to people that were so dependent on the clear and transparent truth told to us by Obama during his eight years.

Democrats = mass psychosis.

Oh, and all hail Pelosi! Now put Ellison as head of the DNC and you'll never win another election again. Here's to the dumbest people in any room!


Senior member
Mar 5, 2008
Are you including most of his campaign promises as BS or is this going forward?

Democrats = mass psychosis? LOL... you do realize that Trump has backed out of most of his campaign promises, ie drain the swamp, wall, muslims, etc etc. These were what he promised to the people who voted for him and he lied, about all of them. Please don't make me feel worse about humanity by telling me this is either OK or say that is not what is happening.


May 15, 2000

Threads like this and how the media covers such ridiculous things is simply a distraction. Sorry OP, you've been bamboozled.


Jul 11, 2001
I was thinking about this. It sends a terrible message to the young, really to everyone on the planet. The soon to be president of what they have called the Free World is a liar, just says anything he can think of to combat ideas in people's minds that he doesn't want them to continue to believe. I don't think he has an idea of truth, of personal responsibility to determine reality. Somehow over time he's instead developed a commitment to furthering his brand in any way he can, he'll say anything, truth has no bearing... to him nothing else matters. He has no principles. It's an awful fact that we've elected this guy. Now we're stuck with him until we aren't.
Dec 10, 2005
Threads like this and how the media covers such ridiculous things is simply a distraction. Sorry OP, you've been bamboozled.
With online newspapers having nearly infinite pixels, they can easily run his twitter diarrhea alongside articles highlighting his insane conflicts of interests and other important issues. Cable news could cover it too quite easily - "Donald Trump says another totally false thing on Twitter, now here's a story about how Trump is going to actually do X with the GOP Congress". Even if his twitter stuff is nonsense, he is the president-elect - his musings are going to be newsworthy.

We probably don't need a new thread on every seemingly trivial thing he says. But that won't improve the quality of discourse here, as there are still plenty of bootlickers ready to lap up Trump's verbal diarrhea and defend him till the bitter end, no matter the issue.


Nov 9, 2000
Trump states he lost the popular vote due to over 2 million cases of voter fraud.

Well it would be interesting to see how Californias new voter motor law may have affected election results. Especially with the potus advocating that people who are not supposed to vote could vote without fear of being hunted down by ICE.

I know nothing will ever come of it but I would still like to see numbers. I guess Jill Stein has no interest in the California numbers.


May 15, 2000
Well it would be interesting to see how Californias new voter motor law may have affected election results. Especially with the potus advocating that people who are not supposed to vote could vote without fear of being hunted down by ICE.

I know nothing will ever come of it but I would still like to see numbers. I guess Jill Stein has no interest in the California numbers.



Diamond Member
Aug 16, 2012
Say a lie once and some will call it a lie. Speak it with authority and it is something we all hear. If we hear it enough it becomes common knowledge. Hear it again, it becomes common sense. When those who oppose your team deny it, it becomes common ground to defend. When it is common ground to defend, it becomes something you believe in. When it becomes something you believe in, you form an ideology to support it. When you have an ideology, it becomes the truth you base your decisions on. The lie becomes truth.

Get used to it, Bannon & Trump are good at this.


Diamond Member
Aug 16, 2012
I was thinking about this. It sends a terrible message to the young, really to everyone on the planet. The soon to be president of what they have called the Free World is a liar, just says anything he can think of to combat ideas in people's minds that he doesn't want them to continue to believe. I don't think he has an idea of truth, of personal responsibility to determine reality. Somehow over time he's instead developed a commitment to furthering his brand in any way he can, he'll say anything, truth has no bearing... to him nothing else matters. He has no principles. It's an awful fact that we've elected this guy. Now we're stuck with him until we aren't.

Americans can be easily swayed by their emotions, but I'm not inclined to give Trump any credit for discovering how to manipulate this. He's now developed a Pavlovian response to "make off-the-cuff remark / get positive reinforcement from cheering adulation". If he isolates himself from most criticism, he can keep that going a very long time, emerging occasionally to lash out at someone for whom the spell didn't work, insult them, get adulation cheers, rinse, repeat.


Senior member
Mar 5, 2008
It is pretty sad that Trump supporters have decided that these lies he uses are just a media tool to do x, y, z. Rather than understand and realize they are lies they are telling themselves he is smart for 'beating the system'. They can't be that dense to not realize they are lies, since they are lies, big lies, little lies, all around lies.

Not sure, if I say lies enough will people actually start understanding what he says are lies, that he is infact lying to the country?

On a side note, I do applaud him for handing his company over to his kids to try to remove any conflicts of interest.... of course only if he isn't lying about that.

... lies


Elite Member
Nov 24, 1999
Welcome to the United LetsFuckOurselves of America, Are we there yet..... Oh yes we are!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! But we do have some slow asses among us who haven't yet informed their brains how bad it hurts. We have honed our abilities to bleed to death without knowing a thing.


Aug 24, 2004
In this society, people like Trump can get elected.

That tells you more about the society than Trump.

He is the person America deserves.


Aug 5, 2000
I've already lost count on the number of lies and false promises that Trump has either reneged on, dismissed as "campaign talk", walked back on, outright denied or had his fixers spin and turn what "he actually meant".

And the folks who enabled this fapping lip flapping overly-coifed shithead aren't going to take an ounce of responsibility toward giving this guy the keys to the treasury and our nuclear stockpile of world ending weapons. It seems to me some of them have already taken a stance where they've given up defending Trump's ridiculous proclamations and have turned to simply mocking those that are pointing out the absurdity of Trump's inane ramblings and head shaking, jaw dropping nonsensical edicts.

And he hasn't even been sworn in yet.

He's going to make the Bush-Cheney cabal look like angels from heaven at the rate he's going. Nixon got absolutely nothing on this guy. Yeah, I think he's that bad.....for now.
Reactions: Thebobo
Jan 25, 2011
Well it would be interesting to see how Californias new voter motor law may have affected election results. Especially with the potus advocating that people who are not supposed to vote could vote without fear of being hunted down by ICE.

I know nothing will ever come of it but I would still like to see numbers. I guess Jill Stein has no interest in the California numbers.
It would be really boring if you honestly looked into it. It is set up in a way to ensure it would have absolutely no impact.

See if you can spot the problem with the conservative argument on this topic.


Jul 11, 2001
In this society, people like Trump can get elected.

That tells you more about the society than Trump.

He is the person America deserves.
Makes me want to declare my independence, get it? I know that I deserve better. Dylan said "society is just out to fuck you up." Not exact quote, but it is the exact meaning.


Platinum Member
Apr 11, 2004
It would be really boring if you honestly looked into it. It is set up in a way to ensure it would have absolutely no impact.

See if you can spot the problem with the conservative argument on this topic.

You do realize that illegals drive, with a DL, in CA all the time right?

In program's first year, nearly half of California's driver's licenses went to undocumented

"California issued some 605,000 new driver’s licenses last year to immigrants residing in the country illegally, surpassing expectations for the program’s first year and granting more freedom for those who obtained the permit.
In all, undocumented drivers accounted for slightly less than half of all the new non-commercial licenses – about 1.4 million – issued by the DMV in 2015."
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