The Dub lied

Red Dawn

Elite Member
Jun 4, 2001
1) "We will not get in the business of nation building" Oops!

2) "We will not be the Worlr's Policeman" Oopsss!!!

Add to the list is you have more.


Aug 2, 2001
Originally posted by: Siddhartha
Originally posted by: maddogchen
how many more threads are we gonna have of this?

As many as it takes!

So many lies and "mistakes and errors" to track down it takes a considerable amount of space and effort.


Aug 4, 2000
Originally posted by: Red Dawn
1) "We will not get in the business of nation building" Oops!

2) "We will not be the Wolrd's Policeman" Oopsss!!!

Add to the list is you have more.

Reagan and Clinton said the same things. Im old enough to remember.

AND, btw, its "world's" not "Wolrd's"

Red Dawn

Elite Member
Jun 4, 2001
Originally posted by: FelixDeKat
Originally posted by: Red Dawn
1) "We will not get in the business of nation building" Oops!

2) "We will not be the Wolrd's Policeman" Oopsss!!!

Add to the list is you have more.

Reagan and Clinton said the same things. Im old enough to remember.
They did?

AND, btw, its "world's" not "Wolrd's"
Thanks for pointing out my typo, I will fix it.


Diamond Member
Feb 5, 2001
Originally posted by: Red Dawn

AND, btw, its "world's" not "Wolrd's"
Thanks for pointing out my typo, I will fix it.

now you've intentionally misspelled it as 'worlr's'. you lied about
correcting your typo. you clearly stated you would 'fix it'. but no.
you intentionally made the error worse to fool those gullible enough
to believe you. you clearly cannot be trusted to correct your typos
when you explicitly say you will do so. instead, you make these
statements as means of building a vast campaign of mendacity
with the ulterior intent of squeezing as much dark profit as you
can from these proceedings. shame on you, mister red dawn !


Red Dawn

Elite Member
Jun 4, 2001
Originally posted by: syzygy
Originally posted by: Red Dawn

AND, btw, its "world's" not "Wolrd's"
Thanks for pointing out my typo, I will fix it.

now you've intentionally misspelled it as 'worlr's'. you lied about
correcting your typo. you clearly stated you would 'fix it'. but no.
you intentionally made the error worse to fool those gullible enough
to believe you. you clearly cannot be trusted to correct your typos
when you explicitly say you will do so. instead, you make these
statements as means of building a vast campaign of mendacity
with the ulterior intent of squeezing as much dark profit as you
can from these proceedings. shame on you, mister red dawn !

How many lives of American Soldiers did my typos cost?


Platinum Member
Aug 10, 2000
Originally posted by: Hafen
Originally posted by: Siddhartha
Originally posted by: maddogchen
how many more threads are we gonna have of this?

As many as it takes!

So many lies and "mistakes and errors" to track down it takes a considerable amount of space and effort.

Could the servers here handle it all?


Diamond Member
Feb 5, 2001
Originally posted by: Red Dawn

How many lives of American Soldiers did my typos cost?

i dunno, you tell us . .. in what position in gov't are you or your typos placed
to decide and implement official policy ? and then tell us just how much wiser
you and your typos are to the people who do decide.

Red Dawn

Elite Member
Jun 4, 2001
Originally posted by: syzygy
Originally posted by: Red Dawn

How many lives of American Soldiers did my typos cost?

i dunno, you tell us . .. in what position in gov't are you or your typos placed
to decide and implement official policy ? and then tell us just how much wiser
you and your typos are to the people who do decide.
Nice try to derail the thread. Stick to the original topic.


Jun 9, 2004
Originally posted by: Red Dawn
Originally posted by: syzygy
Originally posted by: Red Dawn

How many lives of American Soldiers did my typos cost?

i dunno, you tell us . .. in what position in gov't are you or your typos placed
to decide and implement official policy ? and then tell us just how much wiser
you and your typos are to the people who do decide.
Nice try to derail the thread. Stick to the original topic.

circumstances change

that was easy.

Red Dawn

Elite Member
Jun 4, 2001
Originally posted by: cash1220
Originally posted by: Red Dawn
Originally posted by: syzygy
Originally posted by: Red Dawn

How many lives of American Soldiers did my typos cost?

i dunno, you tell us . .. in what position in gov't are you or your typos placed
to decide and implement official policy ? and then tell us just how much wiser
you and your typos are to the people who do decide.
Nice try to derail the thread. Stick to the original topic.

circumstances change

that was easy.
Yeah circumstances change, he was elected and could carry on with the NeoCons Preordained invasion and occupation of Iraq.


Senior member
Apr 1, 2003
Originally posted by: cash1220
Originally posted by: Red Dawn
Originally posted by: syzygy
Originally posted by: Red Dawn

How many lives of American Soldiers did my typos cost?

i dunno, you tell us . .. in what position in gov't are you or your typos placed
to decide and implement official policy ? and then tell us just how much wiser
you and your typos are to the people who do decide.
Nice try to derail the thread. Stick to the original topic.

circumstances change

that was easy.

Actually, it's remarkable how much they remain the same... In the months leading up to the first Gulf war, the elder Bush's administration used the "we will not play the World's policeman" line and said that the Iraq-Kuwait issue was a regional conflict. Then he assured everyone that Iraq should be dealt with diplomatically. And then shortly afterwards, of course, we were there as "defenders of democracy" who had to attack Iraq to protect Kuwait, an emirate...



Elite Member
Nov 24, 1999
Lying for the greater good is OK. The means justify the ends. Bush couldn't say, My Fellow Americans, I am going to send, what, a thousand of our children to die in Iraq and thousands more to be wounded. We will be dropping 40 thousand bombs and killing, we are going to treat them to Shock and Awe, we will not count how many, INNOCENT MEN WOMEN AND CHILDREN, but simply refer to them as collateral damage. We are going to do all this in order to bring democracy to Iraq and to free them from a vicious dictator. Are you with me! Are you with me! Are you with me?

Bush is a great humanitarian. He couldn't sleep at night thinking about all the evil the evil axis people were doing to the people in Iraq and he knew in his heart and from talking with God that the rest of us are too worthless and self centered to want to kill a thousand American soldiers who are there actually to defend the nation, not preemptively attack other small and to us innocuous, brown-people, nations. So he and God cooked up this ruse about WMD cause They knew how easily we sh!t in our pants when we get scared the power might go out for TV and TV dinners, and he zapped our asses with that fear to get us marching nice. In that way him and God were able to democratize Iraq. All's well that ends well, you see, and big business will soon be bringing TV and TV dinners to Iraq and the oil will begin to flow, but not to China just yet. And, of course, the Israelis will not be now have the proper secure feeling to be able to deal with the Palistinians confident like and with peace in their hearts.


Diamond Member
Aug 10, 2001
Originally posted by: Moonbeam
Lying for the greater good is OK. The means justify the ends. Bush couldn't say, My Fellow Americans, I am going to send, what, a thousand of our children to die in Iraq and thousands more to be wounded. We will be dropping 40 thousand bombs and killing, we are going to treat them to Shock and Awe, we will not count how many, INNOCENT MEN WOMEN AND CHILDREN, but simply refer to them as collateral damage. We are going to do all this in order to bring democracy to Iraq and to free them from a vicious dictator. Are you with me! Are you with me! Are you with me?

Bush is a great humanitarian. He couldn't sleep at night thinking about all the evil the evil axis people were doing to the people in Iraq and he knew in his heart and from talking with God that the rest of us are too worthless and self centered to want to kill a thousand American soldiers who are there actually to defend the nation, not preemptively attack other small and to us innocuous, brown-people, nations. So he and God cooked up this ruse about WMD cause They knew how easily we sh!t in our pants when we get scared the power might go out for TV and TV dinners, and he zapped our asses with that fear to get us marching nice. In that way him and God were able to democratize Iraq. All's well that ends well, you see, and big business will soon be bringing TV and TV dinners to Iraq and the oil will begin to flow, but not to China just yet. And, of course, the Israelis will not be now have the proper secure feeling to be able to deal with the Palistinians confident like and with peace in their hearts.

i see no end.


Golden Member
Aug 15, 2001
Originally posted by: FelixDeKat
Originally posted by: Red Dawn
1) "We will not get in the business of nation building" Oops!

2) "We will not be the Wolrd's Policeman" Oopsss!!!

Add to the list is you have more.

Reagan and Clinton said the same things. Im old enough to remember.

Yes they did. And I didn't like them for it.
And I really don't like the fvck in power now since his lies have caused so many death and so much suffering.
Also because it is happening NOW. That is the present, the time in which we live. Not the past, from which we should have learned if we had half a brain and not elected (oops didn't) someone like the current a$$hole.
Got it?


No Lifer
Jun 7, 2001
From another thread:

1. Department of Homeland Security

BUSH OPPOSES THE DEPARTMENT OF HOMELAND SECURITY..."So, creating a Cabinet office doesn't solve the problem. You still will have agencies within the federal government that have to be coordinated. So the answer is that creating a Cabinet post doesn't solve anything." [White House spokesman Ari Fleischer, 3/19/02]

...BUSH SUPPORTS THE DEPARTMENT OF HOMELAND SECURITY "So tonight, I ask the Congress to join me in creating a single, permanent department with an overriding and urgent mission: securing the homeland of America and protecting the American people." [President Bush, Address to the Nation, 6/6/02]

2. Weapons of Mass Destruction

BUSH SAYS WE FOUND THE WEAPONS OF MASS DESTRUCTION..."We found the weapons of mass destruction. We found biological laboratories?for those who say we haven't found the banned manufacturing devices or banned weapons, they're wrong, we found them." [President Bush, Interview in Poland, 5/29/03]

...BUSH SAYS WE HAVEN'T FOUND WEAPONS OF MASS DESTRUCTION "David Kay has found the capacity to produce weapons. And when David Kay goes in and says we haven't found stockpiles yet, and there's theories as to where the weapons went. They could have been destroyed during the war. Saddam and his henchmen could have destroyed them as we entered into Iraq. They could be hidden. They could have been transported to another country, and we'll find out." [President Bush, Meet the Press, 2/7/04]

3. Free Trade

BUSH SUPPORTS FREE TRADE... "I believe strongly that if we promote trade, and when we promote trade, it will help workers on both sides of this issue." [President Bush in Peru, 3/23/02]

...BUSH SUPPORTS RESTRICTIONS ON TRADE "In a decision largely driven by his political advisers, President Bush set aside his free-trade principles last year and imposed heavy tariffs on imported steel to help out struggling mills in Pennsylvania and West Virginia, two states crucial for his reelection." [Washington Post, 9/19/03]

4. Osama Bin Laden

BUSH WANTS OSAMA DEAD OR ALIVE... "I want justice. And there's an old poster out West, I recall, that says, 'Wanted: Dead or Alive.'" [President Bush, on Osama Bin Laden, 09/17/01]

...BUSH DOESN'T CARE ABOUT OSAMA "I don't know where he is. I have no idea and I really don't care. It's not that important." [President Bush, Press Conference, 3/13/02]

5. The Environment

BUSH SUPPORTS MANDATORY CAPS ON CARBON DIOXIDE... "[If elected], Governor Bush will work to?establish mandatory reduction targets for emissions of four main pollutants: sulfur dioxide, nitrogen oxide, mercury and carbon dioxide." [Bush Environmental Plan, 9/29/00]

...BUSH OPPOSES MANDATORY CAPS ON CARBON DIOXIDE "I do not believe, however, that the government should impose on power plants mandatory emissions reductions for carbon dioxide, which is not a 'pollutant' under the Clean Air Act." [President Bush, Letter to Sen. Chuck Hagel (R-NE), 3/13/03]

6. WMD Commission

BUSH RESISTS AN OUTSIDE INVESTIGATION ON WMD INTELLIGENCE FAILURE... "The White House immediately turned aside the calls from Kay and many Democrats for an immediate outside investigation, seeking to head off any new wide-ranging election-year inquiry that might go beyond reports already being assembled by congressional committees and the Central Intelligence Agency." [NY Times, 1/29/04]

...BUSH SUPPORTS AN OUTSIDE INVESTIGATION ON WMD INTELLIGENCE FAILURE "Today, by executive order, I am creating an independent commission, chaired by Governor and former Senator Chuck Robb, Judge Laurence Silberman, to look at American intelligence capabilities, especially our intelligence about weapons of mass destruction." [President Bush, 2/6/04]

7. Creation of the 9/11 Commission

BUSH OPPOSES CREATION OF INDEPENDENT 9/11 COMMISSION... "President Bush took a few minutes during his trip to Europe Thursday to voice his opposition to establishing a special commission to probe how the government dealt with terror warnings before Sept. 11." [CBS News, 5/23/02]

...BUSH SUPPORTS CREATION OF INDEPENDENT 9/11 COMMISSION "President Bush said today he now supports establishing an independent commission to investigate the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks." [ABC News, 09/20/02]

8. Time Extension for 9/11 Commission

BUSH OPPOSES TIME EXTENSION FOR 9/11 COMMISSION... "President Bush and House Speaker J. Dennis Hastert (R-Ill.) have decided to oppose granting more time to an independent commission investigating the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks." [Washington Post, 1/19/04]

...BUSH SUPPORTS TIME EXTENSION FOR 9/11 COMMISSION "The White House announced Wednesday its support for a request from the commission investigating the September 11, 2001 attacks for more time to complete its work." [CNN, 2/4/04]

9. One Hour Limit for 9/11 Commission Testimony

BUSH LIMITS TESTIMONY IN FRONT OF 9/11 COMMISSION TO ONE HOUR... "President Bush and Vice President Dick Cheney have placed strict limits on the private interviews they will grant to the federal commission investigating the Sept. 11 attacks, saying that they will meet only with the panel's top two officials and that Mr. Bush will submit to only a single hour of questioning, commission members said Wednesday." [NY Times, 2/26/04]

...BUSH SETS NO TIMELIMIT FOR TESTIMONY "The president's going to answer all of the questions they want to raise. Nobody's watching the clock." [White House spokesman Scott McClellan, 3/10/04]

10. Gay Marriage

BUSH SAYS GAY MARRIAGE IS A STATE ISSUE... "The state can do what they want to do. Don't try to trap me in this state's issue like you're trying to get me into." [Gov. George W. Bush on Gay Marriage, Larry King Live, 2/15/00]

...BUSH SUPPORTS CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENT BANNING GAY MARRIAGE "Today I call upon the Congress to promptly pass, and to send to the states for ratification, an amendment to our Constitution defining and protecting marriage as a union of man and woman as husband and wife." [President Bush, 2/24/04]

11. Nation Building

BUSH OPPOSES NATION BUILDING... "If we don't stop extending our troops all around the world in nation-building missions, then we're going to have a serious problem coming down the road." [Gov. George W. Bush, 10/3/00]

...BUSH SUPPORTS NATION BUILDING "We will be changing the regime of Iraq, for the good of the Iraqi people." [President Bush, 3/6/03]

12. Saddam/al Qaeda Link

BUSH SAYS IT IS IMPOSSIBLE TO DISTINGUISH BETWEEEN AL QAEDA AND SADDAM... "You can't distinguish between al Qaeda and Saddam when you talk about the war on terror." [President Bush, 9/25/02]

...BUSH SAYS SADDAM HAD NO ROLE IN AL QAEDA PLOT "We've had no evidence that Saddam Hussein was involved in Sept. 11." [President Bush, 9/17/03]

13. U.N. Resolution

BUSH VOWS TO HAVE A UN VOTE NO MATTER WHAT... "No matter what the whip count is, we're calling for the vote. We want to see people stand up and say what their opinion is about Saddam Hussein and the utility of the United Nations Security Council. And so, you bet. It's time for people to show their cards, to let the world know where they stand when it comes to Saddam." [President Bush 3/6/03]

...BUSH WITHDRAWS REQUEST FOR VOTE "At a National Security Council meeting convened at the White House at 8:55 a.m., Bush finalized the decision to withdraw the resolution from consideration and prepared to deliver an address to the nation that had already been written." [Washington Post, 3/18/03]

14. Involvement in the Palestinian Conflict

BUSH OPPOSES SUMMITS... "Well, we've tried summits in the past, as you may remember. It wasn't all that long ago where a summit was called and nothing happened, and as a result we had significant intifada in the area." [President Bush, 04/05/02]

...BUSH SUPPORTS SUMMITS "If a meeting advances progress toward two states living side by side in peace, I will strongly consider such a meeting. I'm committed to working toward peace in the Middle East." [President Bush, 5/23/03]

15. Campaign Finance

BUSH OPPOSES MCCAIN-FEINGOLD... "George W. Bush opposes an infringement on free expression." [Washington Post, 3/28/2000]

...BUSH SIGNS MCCAIN-FEINGOLD INTO LAW "[T]his bill improves the current system of financing for Federal campaigns, and therefore I have signed it into law." [President Bush, at the McCain-Feingold singing ceremony, 03/27/02]

16. OPEC

Candidate Bush Said Clinton Should ?Jawbone OPEC? to ?Open [the] Spigots? ? But the Bush Administration Now Refuses to ?Beg OPEC for Oil.?

During a Republican primary debate in Manchester, New Hampshire in January 2000, Bush said, ?What I think the president ought to do is he ought to get on the phone with the OPEC cartel and say we expect you to open your spigots. One reason why the price is so high is because the price of crude oil has been driven up. OPEC has gotten its supply act together, and it's driving the price, like it did in the past. And the President of the United States must jawbone OPEC members to lower the price.?

But this year, Energy Secretary Spencer Abraham said the United States has made it ?very clear we are not going to beg OPEC for oil,? in response to the current run-up in crude oil, gasoline and other energy prices.
[Sources: The New York Times, 9/29/00; George Bush, Republican Primary Debate, Manchester, NH, 1/26/00; Reuters, 2/27/04 and 3/23/04]


We need to add this one, too:


Bush Said He Would Listen to Local and State Officials When Deciding on Yucca Mountain. In late May 2000, Bush released the following statement in regard to storing nuclear waste in Yucca Mountain: "I believe sound science, and not politics, must prevail in the designation of any high-level nuclear waste repository. As president, I would not sign legislation that would send nuclear waste to any proposed site unless it's been deemed scientifically safe. I also believe the federal government must work with the local and state governments that will be affected to address safety and transportation issues." [Associated Press, 5/23/00]


Bush Recommended Burying Nuclear Waste in Yucca Mountain Despite Opposition From Nevada Officials. On February 15, 2002, Energy Secretary Spencer Abraham recommended that Bush designate Yucca Mountain as the main burial spot for the nation's radioactive nuclear waste. The following day Bush accepted Abraham's recommendation. Upon Bush's announcement, Nevada Governor Kenny Guinn (R) immediately filed suit in the United States District Court in Washington, DC to block the proposal. The following Nevada officials also oppose Bush's plan to store nuclear waste in Yucca Mountain: Senator Harry Reid (D), Senator John Ensign (R), Rep. Shelley Berkley (D), Rep. Jim Gibbons (R) and Las Vegas Mayor Oscar Goodman (D). [New York Times, 2/15/02; 2/16/02; Harry Reid "Issues, Energy: Yucca Mountain"; Associated Press, 1/10/02; Shelley Berkley Press Release 1/10/02; Mayor Oscar Goodman Press Release, 1/10/02; Greenwire, 1/25/02]

GAO Urged Bush Administration to Indefinitely Postpone Decision on Yucca, Final Health and Safety Standards Not Assured. In November 2001, the General Accounting Office (GAO) urged the Bush administration to indefinitely postpone its decision to store nuclear waste in Yucca Mountain. The Bush administration said it could open the site in 2010, but the report said that the Energy Department would be "unlikely to achieve its goal of opening a repository at Yucca Mountain by 2010 and has no reliable estimate of when, and at what cost, such a repository could be opened." The GAO also said that the current plans "may not describe the facilities that DOE would actually develop." In June 2001, the administration released the final health and safety standards for Yucca, but the GAO report said the Energy Department was still gathering and analyzing technical information on nearly 300 separate issues, which included: the expected lifetime of engineered barriers and waste containers, the physical properties of the site and the mathematical models used to evaluate the performance of the planned project. [Washington Post, 11/30/01]


Forum Director & Omnipotent Overlord
Forum Director
Oct 9, 1999
Originally posted by: Siddhartha and CADkindaGUY
Originally posted by: maddogchen
how many more threads are we gonna have of this?
Exactly As many as it takes!
Exactly! :beer:


Oct 25, 2002
If Bush lied then so has every other President. Also, as someone else mentioned, circumstances changed. You do remember September 11, 2001, don't you?


Forum Director & Omnipotent Overlord
Forum Director
Oct 9, 1999
Originally posted by: CADkindaGUY
Originally posted by: Perknose
Originally posted by: Siddhartha and CADkindaGUY
Originally posted by: maddogchen
how many more threads are we gonna have of this?
Exactly As many as it takes!
Exactly! :beer:

OK. keep trying then. So far your attempts have failed.

Failed to what, CAD? Convince you and other Bush fanbois of the obvious? We already knew that.

But George Bush's lies and half truths and quarter truths and one-eights truths and many other obvious deceptions are so numerous and so blatant, you boyz must have to continually poke yourselves in the eyes not to see them.

:shocked: OUCH! :shocked:
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