The elite liberals and racism

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Diamond Member
Aug 16, 2012
Of course there are elite in every group. The elite liberals are the kinds symbolized by the two leaders of the Dem party, Schummer and Pelosi, who would be the typical examples of what have been described in this thread as the assholes.

Here is something that is getting murmured in liberal circles too - albeit at a low level from where they won't allow it to go up. For all its talk of championing the rights of minorities, the Dem party is lead by two white people. The white woman soon to be a replaced by a white man.

So..the Dem party and the leadership are the "elite liberals" who are responsible for all this racism...None of the "elite conservatives"?..who knew..

Noah Abrams

Golden Member
Feb 15, 2018
So..the Dem party and the leadership are the "elite liberals" who are responsible for all this racism...None of the "elite conservatives"?..who knew..

(Sighs) too are replying to something that wasn't even said.

The elite conservatives aren't the ones lecturing the country about racism.


No Lifer
Jul 12, 2006
(Sighs) too are replying to something that wasn't even said.

The elite conservatives aren't the ones lecturing the country about racism.

Go figure, right? It's a shame they are the ones that need to be lectured.

Hey, keeping those "elite liberals" employed is exactly why we have elite conservatives, amirite?
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Diamond Member
Aug 16, 2012
(Sighs) too are replying to something that wasn't even said.

The elite conservatives aren't the ones lecturing the country about racism.

Meh..everyone will most likely be called a racist if they're on the internet for long enough. Normally when someone starts "lecturing" you about something, you ignore them.

You don't think the election of Trump had anything to do with the racists coming out in the open and thinking they have a place at the table of ideas has anything to do with your problem?


Elite Member
Nov 24, 1999
All good questions. I am sure at the root of it is the ego / mind's need to feel better about itself. That deep insecurity that lies at the root of all of us. What is the point of this lament? Again, good question for which I do not have a fully honest answer. I ask then, what is the point of *anything* in the world? At least all the things we see and hear all around us - which is almost always ego in action.

The cesspool that gets created here on this forum again and again....the mutual backslapping...what is the *actual* point of it, realistically speaking? I doubt if it is anything other than the ego.
But do you not fully have an honest answer? 'Cesspool, mutual backslapping, elitist racist liberals', it seems pretty clear that your concerns are of a moral nature and that the violation of your notions of them produce rage. Perhaps you don't like to see yourself as an emotional person and have simply learned not to recognize when you're angry. and feel an urge to make somebody pay and that even greater anger or and the possibility of depression follows when you run into denial and are thwarted. You went into a thread pointing fingers and found others pointing them back at you. Self righteousness and moral outrage are handmaidens that depend on sanctimoniousness, the certainty one is right. I suggest that sense comes from conditioning by fear, a sense of foreboding and ill ease, when moral rules are violated. I suggest further that is happens because we do not remember the pain by which we were bent to conformity, the degree to which we were suborned by our helpless dependence and our thirst to be loved and to please. And beneath all that anger for violation of our being is grief we are ashamed to feel. They made us terrified to be evil but they had no idea what evil is. Now, we are them, imprisoned in a cage of assumptions we do not see.

Noah Abrams

Golden Member
Feb 15, 2018
But do you not fully have an honest answer? 'Cesspool, mutual backslapping, elitist racist liberals', it seems pretty clear that your concerns are of a moral nature and that the violation of your notions of them produce rage. Perhaps you don't like to see yourself as an emotional person and have simply learned not to recognize when you're angry. and feel an urge to make somebody pay and that even greater anger or and the possibility of depression follows when you run into denial and are thwarted. You went into a thread pointing fingers and found others pointing them back at you. Self righteousness and moral outrage are handmaidens that depend on sanctimoniousness, the certainty one is right. I suggest that sense comes from conditioning by fear, a sense of foreboding and ill ease, when moral rules are violated. I suggest further that is happens because we do not remember the pain by which we were bent to conformity, the degree to which we were suborned by our helpless dependence and our thirst to be loved and to please. And beneath all that anger for violation of our being is grief we are ashamed to feel. They made us terrified to be evil but they had no idea what evil is. Now, we are them, imprisoned in a cage of assumptions we do not see.

Yes, but even if I understand this intellectually, what is the way out? Intellect as you know only gets you so far. A lot of what you say if not most of it happens at the unconscious level. So how does one get out of this prison as you put it?


Jul 17, 2003
I think it's pretty funny to be so sensitive about "liberal elite" in a time where KKK and nazis have crawled back out of the woodwork and are joining in with main stream politics again.

Sounds like whataboutnastics from snowflakes really.


Feb 6, 2002
I guess black people have nothing to be concerned about that a white supremacist supporter working out of the White House was orchestrating a campaign to suppress the black vote.
Nov 25, 2013
Remember this is a guy who bragged that he knew a Muslim and confidently declared that most of us didn't. From the way he writes my guess is he's in college or his early 20's. (or just trolling)

He's trolling and he's pretty much following the Russian/alt useful idiot template. Negative, negative, negative and then throw in some negative for a change.


Elite Member
Nov 24, 1999
Yes, but even if I understand this intellectually, what is the way out? Intellect as you know only gets you so far. A lot of what you say if not most of it happens at the unconscious level. So how does one get out of this prison as you put it?
We can look at the implications of what it means to understand the problem intellectually. We can see that we are subject to motivations the roots of which we can't see, that we are unconscious but we are not conscious of the fact that is what is happening. This means that once we were completely accepting of whatever motivations might be driving us but now, while still subject to the fact we are driven, we can stand removed by one step. We know we feel something but we don't know what the feelings are and we now can consider the possibility they are not factually real, that in fact it or they are a prison we created. This can open the door to self introspection and self doubt some humility, if you will.

A second intellectual realization is that our search for answers is done by the ego to protect and continue it's existence, that the truth is 180 degrees from where we look. Thus there is a second fire we don't have to feed, the notion that the I we believe ourselves to be is our friend. It is the enemy and our real condition due to that fact is utterly hopeless. There is no way our that the self that we believe ourselves to be will ever get us free. That means there is nothing to do but surrender and accept we can never be free. In that place of utter ego surrender a magical door called Grace by many can open. I call this standing out in the highway if you want to be run down by Grace. That highway is the end of the line. the place where thought, understanding it is the enemy admits to the danger of going on and surrenders. I think of this as ego death. That is because the true self has never been lost, it was just buried by ego identification with the unreal. This is the strawberry growing on the cliff that reveals itself in hopelessness.

I believe that the more you become aware of the absurdity of being human, the more human you become and the more human you become the less gas you throw on fires, the less pressure there is behind moral outrage, and the less moral outrage the greater the capacity to forgive others for our own sins we project on them.


Jan 6, 2005
You probably see what you believe.
I believe what is true. Once the alt-right crawls back into the holes from which they came, the underlying socioeconomic conditions that fuel racism will inevitably remain. The alt-right is a useful distraction from a far more difficult pill to swallow.

I believe you recently lectured the OP on finger pointing and sanctimony.


May 30, 2008
Still can't get over this conflation of 'liberals' and 'the left'.

An elite liberal would be someone like Nick Clegg, Tony Blair or David Cameron. Hardly leftists. All privately educated and all liberals (both social- and neo-).

Actually I'd argue Thatcher herself was an elite liberal, albiet with a few remaining socially-conservative traits (which she mostly didn't emphasise). But then she wasn't as elite as the Bullingdon boys. She was of that generation of 'strivers' who pulled up the drawbridge and lifted the ladders behind them.

Now we have those who are socio-economically more like the pre-Thatcher Tories, the old-money Edwardians, but ideologically have adopted all the attitudes of the slightly-less-privilged 'strivers', sans any of the noblesse-oblige 'one nation', slightly paternalistic, but less Darwinian, attitudes of the older right. We have the ideology of the ruthless sharp-elbowed-meritocrats but without the experience of social-mobility that's supposed to go with it. People pushing an attitude of 'anyone can get to the top' who themselves were born very close to the summit.

It's interesting the US seems to have followed a slightly similar trajectory, in that Reagan arrived at his politics though personal experience, and through actually working in a real job, unlike either Dubya or Trump. I haven't followed his entire biography, but I don't think he was the same kind of spoiled rich kid as those two, just as Thatcher's background was less privilaged than Cameron's (OK we have May,but she's more a hostage than a ruler).

And I'd struggle to call the Clintons leftists, though Hillary may have been pushed leftwards by her party.

I think there's plenty wrong with the liberals who pass for the left these days, but the actual left has been pretty comprehensively defeated. And try as I might, I can't see the conservatives like those in this thread as anything other than delusional. The kind of super-wealthy liberal who actually tries to keep ethnic minorities out of their neighbourhood or private school or country club or whatever it is they have, is a tiny group, a group who are of course, in reality, the right.

In reality most liberals are genuinely fine with ethnic diversity, as long as they can keep all their money. What's depressing to me is how acceptance of ethnic diversity seems to be becoming a marker of class status. Sometimes it seems to me non-elite white people get more racist just to distinguish themselves from those rich liberals. Which is a bit like beating up your wife to get back at your boss. The relating depressing question is how far this is to do with global changes, with inequality decreasing globally but increasing locally..
Reactions: Cerb


May 30, 2008
The elite liberal throws a hissy fit if his kids school allow policies that put in minority kids there. The elite liberal doesn't know any minorities personally and neither does he want to. A lower middle class guy would generally have no problems sharing meals with minorities. Who is the actual racist?

You really haven't had much experience of the world, have you? Get out more, meet a wider range of people, and stop thinking entirely in terms of straw-figures.

The 'elite liberal' of your fantasy _does_ exist, but it's a tiny group, and I'd regard them as part of the right. Also 'the lower middle class' is not a homogenous category either. The lower middle classes, did, after all, provide much of the support for the Nazis. Many of them _do_ have problems with ethnic minorities. It's a lot more complicated than your cartoon world view suggests.


Elite Member
Nov 24, 1999
I believe what is true. Once the alt-right crawls back into the holes from which they came, the underlying socioeconomic conditions that fuel racism will inevitably remain. The alt-right is a useful distraction from a far more difficult pill to swallow.

I believe you recently lectured the OP on finger pointing and sanctimony.
This isn’t seeing what you believe? How do you see yourself if not as believing you believe what is true? Isn’t that exactly how you see it? How do you maintain that when the overt racists are back in their holes, whatever it is that you see those to be, that underlying socioeconomic conditions you believe you see will persist to impede the swallowing of a more bitter pill, is a fact for you because that’s how you see it? Where is the bitterness for you in that pill, by the way?

What I have expressed in this thread so far is that the beliefs that we hold are moral in nature and because they are unconsciously held are not amenable to rational analysis, and thus they operate as bigotry in all of those cases where the root cause of such belief was the result of fear induced conditioning and a need to please. This I have also described as creating a motive to believe and a motive to deny this so called reality I am here saying I see.

I have further stated that if this is true, then, that what we believe is there to protect us from the fear that comes with doubt in our moral certainty, that we actually know nothing and everything we believe in is a smokescreen, a protection from a much more bitter bill than the one you believe you see so you don’t have to tee this one.

And this is why I would add your word ‘lecturing’ to the list of things you believe because you see but is not really there. I told you that you PROBABLY see what you believe and you took words that I used to someone else to explain what I see about seeing what we believe as lecturing and sanctimonious. Why? Isn’t it because I see the ‘enemy’ as seeing what you believe and the way out of that is to not believe what you believe.

So I believe that belief creates our reality, a prison of our own making and as soon as the socioeconomic causes of racism are fixed racism will take a new form, because at root all false moral values are imposed to give acompetitive superior value to the believer and superiority can’t exist if it dose not have something to which to compare itself. Racism is belief and we see what we believe. We always have the very best beliefs. All this becomes apparent if you lose your beliefs.

Noah Abrams

Golden Member
Feb 15, 2018
A second intellectual realization is that our search for answers is done by the ego to protect and continue it's existence, that the truth is 180 degrees from where we look. Thus there is a second fire we don't have to feed, the notion that the I we believe ourselves to be is our friend. It is the enemy and our real condition due to that fact is utterly hopeless. There is no way our that the self that we believe ourselves to be will ever get us free. That means there is nothing to do but surrender and accept we can never be free. In that place of utter ego surrender a magical door called Grace by many can open. I call this standing out in the highway if you want to be run down by Grace. That highway is the end of the line. the place where thought, understanding it is the enemy admits to the danger of going on and surrenders. I think of this as ego death. That is because the true self has never been lost, it was just buried by ego identification with the unreal.

So in real terms, how does one stand in the middle of the highway and surrender? Yes I understand that it would be the death of ego, but how does one go about surrendering moment to moment? You see what I am trying to get at?

Noah Abrams

Golden Member
Feb 15, 2018
So I believe that belief creates our reality, a prison of our own making and as soon as the socioeconomic causes of racism are fixed racism will take a new form, because at root all false moral values are imposed to give acompetitive superior value to the believer and superiority can’t exist if it dose not have something to which to compare itself. Racism is belief and we see what we believe. We always have the very best beliefs. All this becomes apparent if you lose your beliefs.

I think there is a lot of truth in the one paragraph above. Racism does exist in those people too who do not have the socioeconomic grievances (and the accompanying feelings of inferiority). So among the rich it is perhaps the same feelings of inferiority - or I should say they too have something to compare themselves against to. We all do, at the unconscious level

Noah Abrams

Golden Member
Feb 15, 2018
Moon, a little anecdote if you will. The other day I was sitting in a parking lot. This guy came out of a hair salon and before getting into this vehicle, stood next to it and started brushing hair off his body with his hands. The head, shoulders, arms, back...and then repeat. It went on and on. I was thinking...what a weird guy. He is so attached to his car, looks like he identifies himself with it. Something along those lines. But then I caught myself - am *I* not identifying myself with the ego as well? That I am not weird like him. You see what I am trying to get at? It is so very hard *not* to identify with your ego. To just accept the moment, surrender to it as you say. How?
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