The End of PC Gaming has started

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Diamond Member
Jun 21, 2002
Originally posted by: platinumike
Originally posted by: mwmorph
Originally posted by: JASANITY
Originally posted by: platinumike
Originally posted by: Sniper82
Even with kb/mouse you would need something good to set them on for it to work right. I need a desk to set my kb/mouse on to play games. I've never heard of anyone having their Xbox or whatever on their desk. I couldn't even use a table in front of my couch.

Anyway like some have said give PC's a couple years and they will pass Xbox 360 and PS3 up no problem yet again(gfx wise and hardware). Even now Xbox 360 doesn't look any better(if not worse in some games).

Also reason we ain't seen alot of sports,adventure,ect is because they don't do so well on the PC and probably never did. MMORPG's,FPS'ers,some racing and a couple others will live for a long long time if not forever because theres millions playing and I think will continue to play.

Furniture is a silly thing to bring into this arguement but i do agree. Also, kbs for gaming will soon be obsolete(analog/heat sensing/gyration) controls will soon be on the way and i think will soon replace kbs in the next 5+ years.

Pc will catch up in terms of graphics, but food for thought: the ps2 has been out for 5+ years now and look at the graphics it can produce here and that looks just as good as any pc game that just came out. So it may be another 5-6 years before the pc can catch up with 360/ps3.

Funny thing is that the games that really sell and keep pc gaming alive are the ones that require the least ammount of hardware upgrades(the sims, warcraft/starcraft, mmorpgs, and rts)

I like this me it it all comes down to this: Video card: $300 Console: $399(not to mention the consoles will have the latest in technology, while the video card is just one of the upgrades required)

This guy knows what he's talking about.

no he does not.
Black is a Criterion Games production. It was originally slated to be a pc game. The graphics from the previews a year and a half ago(for pc) are pratically the same as the ones on this xbox360 version. The graphics are moderately good at best.

look at the models. low poly count everywhere. the gun is low poly, the enviroment is low poly, the textures are low resolution(look carefully at the gun and at the the walls and that car, it's very reminiscent of Red Faction, the original one.) The smoke is nice, but call of duty 2 does better smoke. The bump mapping is used to cgreat effect, but every game since 2002 has used bump maps to death. Particle effects are below average in number and detail.

ok well i was wrong...if we disect it like this pc games running on med-high settings will look beter, my point was that a 5 yr old $150 console can produce graphics that good...that is all, and to me and the casual gamer there is not much of a difference between this game and far cry or something.

You must be blind or something. My buddy who never plays games and doesn't really care for them except for Tiger Woods Golf suddenly commented when he saw me playing Far Cry. You are either blind or have never seen Far Cry. You don't have any place to compare anything to Far Cry if you have never seen it and obviously you haven't.


Diamond Member
Jun 21, 2002
Originally posted by: JASANITY
Originally posted by: PsharkJF
If you really think every PC gamer spends Alienware-esque prices on their upgrades, you're delusional.

Edit: By the way, I wouldn't expect you to know a thing about programming, so I'll enlighten you. If you forced everyone to be using the same hardware (like consoles).. then, my friend, you would truly see how much more powerful a pc is then your $400 heating element on the floor next to you.

Haha, I don't think you know anything about programming. By having a standard hardware set, programmers can maximize software for that hardware. That is why there are smoother framerates/higher quality/ and higher res graphics on something like an xbox 360 compared to your PC.

Higher-res graphics on a console? Are you retarded? That is the only explanation for your assertions. Everyone knows about the standard hardware set concept and it has served every console from even before the Atari 2600 and PC gaming is still alive....stupid.


Diamond Member
Jun 21, 2002
Originally posted by: aLeoN
Originally posted by: JASANITY
Haha, I don't think you know anything about programming. By having a standard hardware set, programmers can maximize software for that hardware. That is why there are smoother framerates/higher quality/ and higher res graphics on something like an xbox 360 compared to your PC.

Quake 4?

How I see it man, as 360 + PS3 get more computer-like/esque, it only reinforces the fact that PC gaming is fun and will be around a lot longer than consoles as these two are just hybrids of what a console was and what a PC is. Thank the other company for not taking this road.

Even Nintendo is using PCesque processors and graphics chips but the games and controls are definitely not. Yes, thank Nintendo because they are the only ones (Sega used to also) that actually advance console gaming in a different direction from where PC games are going.


Aug 28, 2001
Originally posted by: sxr7171
Originally posted by: aLeoN
Originally posted by: JASANITY
Haha, I don't think you know anything about programming. By having a standard hardware set, programmers can maximize software for that hardware. That is why there are smoother framerates/higher quality/ and higher res graphics on something like an xbox 360 compared to your PC.

Quake 4?

How I see it man, as 360 + PS3 get more computer-like/esque, it only reinforces the fact that PC gaming is fun and will be around a lot longer than consoles as these two are just hybrids of what a console was and what a PC is. Thank the other company for not taking this road.

Even Nintendo is using PCesque processors and graphics chips but the games and controls are definitely not. Yes, thank Nintendo because they are the only ones (Sega used to also) that actually advance console gaming in a different direction from where PC games are going.

I do give nintendo a lot of credit where its due. They invented the rumble pack, and the mini analog controller, and the "Z" "L" and "R" buttons on controllers. I believe they were also the 1st with anything like the light gun for the NES. And now they have that new physics/inertia controller coming out for the revolution.


Platinum Member
Jul 8, 2004
I wish I can bump this thread it up everytime a new console comes out. :roll:


Senior member
Dec 10, 2000
I just played Xbox, Call of Duty, NBA 2K6, and Perfect Dark Zero on a 50 inch HDTV and surround sound. 19 inch pc monitor is nothing compared to that.


Golden Member
Oct 22, 2004
Originally posted by: drpootums
when I saw the Xbox 360 at a local gamestop in action for the first time yesterday playing CoD 2 I was looking everywhere I could for something to gawk at...but...I couldn't. I know it's just one game, but CoD on my PC looks almost as good as CoD 2 on an Xbox 360. I'll give you my final opinion on Saturday if i get CoD 2 for my PC. I'm guessing that CoD 2 for pc is going to look a lot better than the Xbox 360 version, as the original looks almost as good.

I was not "blown away" by the "super graphics" at all.

Well, I got COD 2 for my pc, and HOLY CRAP!!! By far the best looking PC game i've seen yet. While the "super dee-duper" Xbox 360 version looked like the original COD with a bit better lighting, the "obsolete" PC version looked awsome.

Sometimes i get killed just because i'm looking at the scenery!!!



Senior member
Aug 10, 2000
Originally posted by: JASANITY
I just played Xbox, Call of Duty, NBA 2K6, and Perfect Dark Zero on a 50 inch HDTV and surround sound. 19 inch pc monitor is nothing compared to that.

I think some people are purposefully missing the point.

If you hooked your PC with a $200-250 video card up to a 50" HDTV and surround sound, set the resolution to 1280 x 720, and used medium textures/physics/draw distance/etc..., you would probably get the same experience. But, you would probably have a higher frame rate than 30 fps. Now, if you spent as much money on your video card as you did on the Xbox 360, you could push the settings to high and still have twice the fps of an Xbox 360.


No Lifer
Sep 21, 2002
well cept you'd only get to play call of duty, nba 2k6/perfect dark zero and many others will never be on pc


Senior member
Sep 8, 2000
I know I'm quoting from way back but I can't resist.

Originally posted by: JASANITY
Have you seen Call of Duty?

Yes, and it looks better on my AMD 3200 with 6600gt, not exactly state of the art PC.

Originally posted by: JASANITY
Also, people who play FPS on Xbox or better than PC FPS gamers

I think you mean people on Xbox ARE better but... hAHAHAHAHAAHA. I doubt it. I don't see the Cyberathlete Professional League World Tour Grand Finals being played on an Xbox anytime soon. The analog stick just don't cut the mustard for FPS.


Senior member
Jul 21, 2004
Originally posted by: TheUnk
Originally posted by: KMFJD I will say that each has it's niche, concoles cannot hold a pc's jock strap in MMORPG's, RTS, and of course FPS, now if you could hook up a mouse/keyboard...

Then you would do what? Play with the keyboard on your lap while you sit on the couch and try to use the arm rest for the mouse? Or would you really give up your ##" big screen TV and play at your desk on either your monitor or a dinky TV.

This is why FPS games just aren't a good idea for consoles even with a keyboard/mouse.. The only reason I like consoles at all is cause I can sit my lazy ass on the couch, recline back and play games on a huge screen.

This is all true, at least until someone is smart enough to build a console controller with a trackball. A trackball is just as good as a mouse for FPS and RTS games, and you can build it into a handheld controller. Until then FPS will suck on consoles. They all need auto-aim to be playable at all.


Apr 8, 2002
Originally posted by: JASANITY
Well, as I called several months ago, the end of PC gaming has arrived. With these next generation systems, they have now made the PC obsolete to play games on. The PC game market may have a few MMORPG, but other than that its over. The only thing a PC is useful for now is Office work and maybe some TV. Of course the TV part will be obsolete once HD's come down in price.

Just as soon as I see a console run a 1600X1200+ rez with KY + Mouse.

Until then PC gaming is alive and well.


Apr 8, 2002
Originally posted by: JASANITY
Originally posted by: stinger25
Hasn't this same rhetorical bs been spouted before with the announcments of the previous consoles? And yet, PC games reign supreme...

With every console release, a gaming market segment for the PC has died every time(Sports, original role player, adventure, etc.) Now all gaming segments will be overcome other than MMORPG's, but all Xbox needs is the Keyboard/mouse add-on I've been rooting for for years.

I dont ever remember "sports" being in the realm of the PC. RPG games have been out since the early 90s with Zelda on the original Nintendo. Yet 20 years later here we are, RPGs being made for the PC.



Diamond Member
Jun 16, 2003
new PC games $40-$50

New Xbox 360 games $60

My computer is nearly 3 years old except for the video card a 6600gt which is around $100 now and I play games at 1680x1050 running on a nearly 3 year old P4 2.8 with a 1 gig of ram.

I dont feel like spending another $460 on a console with 1 game.


Golden Member
Jun 24, 2005
Originally posted by: wpeng
Originally posted by: JASANITY
I just played Xbox, Call of Duty, NBA 2K6, and Perfect Dark Zero on a 50 inch HDTV and surround sound. 19 inch pc monitor is nothing compared to that.

I think some people are purposefully missing the point.

If you hooked your PC with a $200-250 video card up to a 50" HDTV and surround sound, set the resolution to 1280 x 720, and used medium textures/physics/draw distance/etc..., you would probably get the same experience. But, you would probably have a higher frame rate than 30 fps. Now, if you spent as much money on your video card as you did on the Xbox 360, you could push the settings to high and still have twice the fps of an Xbox 360.

Too bad 90% of PC games don't support HDTV resolutions, and even when you can hack them to work at that res they are usually stretched or the tops/bottoms cut off.


Diamond Member
Apr 27, 2002
Originally posted by: JASANITY
Originally posted by: mezrah
Originally posted by: Elcs
Time to sit back, have a few cans and watch the carnage commence.

Like pay to view boxing, only cheaper.


haha, excellent point of view.

Thank you but I have to disagree with your Thread Title.


Apr 8, 2002
Originally posted by: TheUnk
Originally posted by: wpeng
Originally posted by: JASANITY
I just played Xbox, Call of Duty, NBA 2K6, and Perfect Dark Zero on a 50 inch HDTV and surround sound. 19 inch pc monitor is nothing compared to that.

I think some people are purposefully missing the point.

If you hooked your PC with a $200-250 video card up to a 50" HDTV and surround sound, set the resolution to 1280 x 720, and used medium textures/physics/draw distance/etc..., you would probably get the same experience. But, you would probably have a higher frame rate than 30 fps. Now, if you spent as much money on your video card as you did on the Xbox 360, you could push the settings to high and still have twice the fps of an Xbox 360.

Too bad 90% of PC games don't support HDTV resolutions, and even when you can hack them to work at that res they are usually stretched or the tops/bottoms cut off.

Most PC games are including widescreen support which is usually a 1050 resolution. They also support 4:3 resolutions much higher than any console can go, including the xBox360 and PS3.



Platinum Member
Nov 26, 2000
Originally posted by: JASANITY
I just played Xbox, Call of Duty, NBA 2K6, and Perfect Dark Zero on a 50 inch HDTV and surround sound. 19 inch pc monitor is nothing compared to that.

Weren't you the one complaining about the price of PCs? Someone like me, who realizes that TV sucks and refuses to own one, could buy multiple gaming PCs for the cost of what you just described.

Anyway, have any numbers yet or are you just back to troll some more?


Golden Member
Jun 24, 2005
Originally posted by: Genx87
Most PC games are including widescreen support which is usually a 1050 resolution. They also support 4:3 resolutions much higher than any console can go, including the xBox360 and PS3.

Change the first word to "Few" and you are correct.


Golden Member
May 3, 2005
Originally posted by: EpsiIon
Originally posted by: JASANITY
I just played Xbox, Call of Duty, NBA 2K6, and Perfect Dark Zero on a 50 inch HDTV and surround sound. 19 inch pc monitor is nothing compared to that.

Weren't you the one complaining about the price of PCs? Someone like me, who realizes that TV sucks and refuses to own one, could buy multiple gaming PCs for the cost of what you just described.

Anyway, have any numbers yet or are you just back to troll some more?

Doesn't that sound strange... You have to purchase an expensive television to go along with your console to get the full experience? Oh wait... you need surround sound too. Are we talking a nice receiver and speakers? Blurry textures, bump mapping on everything, and no decent AA settings... The dawn of consoles indeed. Also the fact most of the consoles are sold at a loss to start.



Feb 28, 2003
Originally posted by: TGS
Originally posted by: EpsiIon
Originally posted by: JASANITY
I just played Xbox, Call of Duty, NBA 2K6, and Perfect Dark Zero on a 50 inch HDTV and surround sound. 19 inch pc monitor is nothing compared to that.

Weren't you the one complaining about the price of PCs? Someone like me, who realizes that TV sucks and refuses to own one, could buy multiple gaming PCs for the cost of what you just described.

Anyway, have any numbers yet or are you just back to troll some more?

Doesn't that sound strange... You have to purchase an expensive television to go along with your console to get the full experience? Oh wait... you need surround sound too. Are we talking a nice receiver and speakers? Blurry textures, bump mapping on everything, and no decent AA settings... The dawn of consoles indeed. Also the fact most of the consoles are sold at a loss to start.

Sold at a loss doesn't matter to the consumer. I only care about what price I pay for the system and couldn't care less if the company is making -40% or 40% profit on that sale. I game on both but I can tell you that there's something a lot more appealing about gaming on my couch with my 50" LCD and booming surround sound system compared to my PC.

The PC is great for certain genres and the console is great for others so I don't really see where the problem is here. Why do the two even need to be compared?

And no, I am not putting a computer in my living room and hooking it up to my tv.
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