The End of PC Gaming has started

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Jul 12, 2000
...and we're still waiting for something less flacid than your conjecture, JASANITY. By the way, Alienware isn't the pinnacle of PC gaming or anything, you could build the same thing for half the cost, though it would be akin to hunting quail loaded for bear to compare that with Xbox 360 graphics.


No Lifer
Sep 21, 2002
Originally posted by: miri
new PC games $40-$50

New Xbox 360 games $60

My computer is nearly 3 years old except for the video card a 6600gt which is around $100 now and I play games at 1680x1050 running on a nearly 3 year old P4 2.8 with a 1 gig of ram.

I dont feel like spending another $460 on a console with 1 game.

console rental = 3 bucks
pc game rental = doesn't f*cking exist.


Junior Member
Aug 22, 2005
dont forget... mods...
things i found it sweet...
games like Rome Total War, SW:KOTOR(2), morrowind, the old BG2, etc
and for RTS, it also offers custom map...
either you make your own, or someone else
don't forget FPS games also offer nice mods there.

all offer difference experience when you playing it again.
the community help themselves by creating nice mods and add-ons.

in console, you stuck to what you buy at the first time.


Jun 30, 2003
Originally posted by: TheUnk
Originally posted by: wpeng
Originally posted by: JASANITY
I just played Xbox, Call of Duty, NBA 2K6, and Perfect Dark Zero on a 50 inch HDTV and surround sound. 19 inch pc monitor is nothing compared to that.

I think some people are purposefully missing the point.

If you hooked your PC with a $200-250 video card up to a 50" HDTV and surround sound, set the resolution to 1280 x 720, and used medium textures/physics/draw distance/etc..., you would probably get the same experience. But, you would probably have a higher frame rate than 30 fps. Now, if you spent as much money on your video card as you did on the Xbox 360, you could push the settings to high and still have twice the fps of an Xbox 360.

Too bad 90% of PC games don't support HDTV resolutions, and even when you can hack them to work at that res they are usually stretched or the tops/bottoms cut off.

hahahahha you've got to be kidding me.. most times you jsut have to manually edit a config file


Senior member
Nov 10, 2005
Originally posted by: JASANITY
Well, as I called several months ago, the end of PC gaming has arrived. With these next generation systems, they have now made the PC obsolete to play games on. The PC game market may have a few MMORPG, but other than that its over. The only thing a PC is useful for now is Office work and maybe some TV. Of course the TV part will be obsolete once HD's come down in price.

Ummmm, all I can say to that is.... dream on. The "next generation" systems are already behind what a computer can do within a month of release. They look like crap next to a nice gaming rig after less than a year.


Platinum Member
Jan 28, 2002
Originally posted by: BatmanNate
Do you have any objective data to back up your wild estimations of shifting market share? Do you have any objective data to back up your claims that console FPS gamers are somehow innately more skilled? Do you have anything other than a baselessly subjective and not to mention ludicrous opinion that even a mongloid miscreant would be ashamed to vocalize?

hey hey now... never let facts get in the way of a good story...!!

so Jasanity... you were saying ??


Jun 30, 2003
Originally posted by: 0roo0roo
Originally posted by: miri
new PC games $40-$50

New Xbox 360 games $60

My computer is nearly 3 years old except for the video card a 6600gt which is around $100 now and I play games at 1680x1050 running on a nearly 3 year old P4 2.8 with a 1 gig of ram.

I dont feel like spending another $460 on a console with 1 game.

console rental = 3 bucks
pc game rental = doesn't f*cking exist.

PC demo = free


Senior member
Nov 16, 2003

To the OP - did you just copy/paste your post from an identical post from when the xbox came out? Or when the PS2 came out?

Same old debate, same old result. The console is limited in hardware, interface, display and formats. No innovation happens on a console. All innovation happens on the PC. The PC will continue to be the cutting edge platform (6-12 months time PC's will already have overtaken the specs of either new console) and voila consoles are stuck playing catchup again for 4 years.

I am a PC gamer and a console gamer. The console is for the 'dumb' games such as the sports sims and the racing games. The PC is for the deeper games. Seriously when will you ever see a Civ4, Eve Online, WoW, or a Planetside on a console?

Answer: Never and that is why PC gaming will never die just like it never has after the previous gazillion console launches.

On a side note... Is noone gonna start an equally ridiculous argument like Console gaming will die now the PSP is out? :roll:


May 16, 2002
Originally posted by: JASANITY
Well, as I called several mont******* <static> ******* ** *** * ** *** * * * *</end static>

Did someone hear an annoying buzzing sound?


No Lifer
Sep 21, 2002
Originally posted by: Fenixgoon
Originally posted by: 0roo0roo
Originally posted by: miri
new PC games $40-$50

New Xbox 360 games $60

My computer is nearly 3 years old except for the video card a 6600gt which is around $100 now and I play games at 1680x1050 running on a nearly 3 year old P4 2.8 with a 1 gig of ram.

I dont feel like spending another $460 on a console with 1 game.

console rental = 3 bucks
pc game rental = doesn't f*cking exist.

PC demo = free

you comparing a demo to a rental? sorry thats just pretty lame. and now with xbox live and such even consoles have demos.



Diamond Member
Jun 16, 2005
Originally posted by: TheUnk
Too bad 90% of PC games don't support HDTV resolutions, and even when you can hack them to work at that res they are usually stretched or the tops/bottoms cut off.

Are you nuts? EA's laziness aside (BF2), any PC game that a "hardcore" gamer would even be interested in surely supports HDTV resolutions AND HIGHER. I could write a list a mile long if I gave a crap.



Senior member
Jul 21, 2004
Originally posted by: jbourne77
Originally posted by: TheUnk
Too bad 90% of PC games don't support HDTV resolutions, and even when you can hack them to work at that res they are usually stretched or the tops/bottoms cut off.

Are you nuts? EA's laziness aside (BF2), any PC game that a "hardcore" gamer would even be interested in surely supports HDTV resolutions AND HIGHER. I could write a list a mile long if I gave a crap.

Parent post was talking about the 16:9 widescreen aspect ratio. Doesn't matter anyway. Widescreen computer monitors are getting popular enough that future PC games will almost definitely support widescreen. If not, you can always set the TV or monitor to a 4:3 aspect ratio and live with the black bars on the side. On a big screen HDTV, that's still a 30-something inch diagonal 4:3 screen area.


Golden Member
Sep 28, 2005
If you?re going to have a PC anyway why spend an EXTRA $500 on a POS to play $60 games? you forget that the cost is not in the console.. It is in the games.

Say you have a $1000 computer for business use... and you want to be able to play games. All you have to do (today) to get up to the quality of an XBox360 is buy a 6800 or an x850. You don?t need a $500+ card to play CoD at the same resolution as the 360 gives it to you.

So, in the end you are saving money by computer gaming. Also, who buys a $500+ card except a hard core gamer? And what hard core gamer who buys a $500+ card is going to give up his PC for a box that plays cute games? Where is the modding? Where is the tweaking? where is the overclocking? where is the FUN?!

I read an article a couple of months ago on anandtech here or tomshardware, arguing this exact point. The console is for the casual gamer - the person who doesn?t want to deal with tweaking settings or messing around with anything. They just want to turn it on, pop a game in, and viola it plays flawlessly. Now while most people find this to satisfying their gaming needs, others will not. And it is those who are not satisfied with this that will keep the PC gaming market alive. Also note that MS is making Vista more gamer/modder oriented and they are no dummies. They realize there is a market to be taken advantage of in PC gaming and they are not about to let it slip away.

Enough said... Sorry to take over but I had to spew.



Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2004
Originally posted by: JASANITY
Originally posted by: mariok2006
Originally posted by: JASANITY
Well, as I called several months ago, the end of PC gaming has arrived. With these next generation systems, they have now made the PC obsolete to play games on. The PC game market may have a few MMORPG, but other than that its over. The only thing a PC is useful for now is Office work and maybe some TV. Of course the TV part will be obsolete once HD's come down in price.

i doubt any consoles can make a true FPS...

Have you seen Call of Duty? Combine that with the Xbox Live community, I would say the next gen of FPS has come out. Also, people who play FPS on Xbox or better than PC FPS gamers

what in the hell are you smoking... please dont pass it around casue its made you incredibly stupid...
wtf do you or anyone else get off saying xbox FPS players are better than REAL gamers. mouse/keyboard will always be superior to POS Console controllers.


Golden Member
Dec 31, 2004
Originally posted by: JASANITY
Originally posted by: BatmanNate
Originally posted by: JASANITY
Originally posted by: joshsquall
I absolutely hate playing FPS's on consoles. No controller will ever compare to a mouse and keyboard. Add into that the fact that consoles lose a lot of support after 4 or so years and that they can't be upgraded, and PC gaming will never die.

Support after 4 years or so? How many times do you think you will need to upgrade your PC just to hope to get the same performance as the console? PC's cost thousands more just to play games. No upgrades needed if you use it for the reg office work, and have the consoles for games. Someone give a better argument than this, or that "as long as there are PC's..." Give an argument with technical and econimical advantages. You CAN'T!

The difference between a PC capable of playing modern games and any other PC does not exceed the cost of a console, you can buy a 7800GT for $300 which will play anything out more than reasonably at high settings, and if you choose to run at the same resolution as the 360, it offers obscenely fast performance because consoles are limited by the display. It does not take the same amount of processing power to play COD at 540x384 is it does at 1600x1200.

Then how come consoles look just as good(in this case better) than PC's and run at smooth framerates? No one is annoyed when a PC stutters? No one wants a consistent gaming experience? To keep that up in a PC, you need constant hardware upgrades. Not in a console, and a console looks just as good or better, ie Xbox 360.
The difference between a PC capable of playing modern games and any other PC does not exceed the cost of a console, you can buy a 7800GT for $300 which will play anything out more than reasonably at high settings, and if you choose to run at the same resolution as the 360, it offers obscenely fast performance because consoles are limited by the display. It does not take the same amount of processing power to play COD at 540x384 is it does at 1600x1200.

There are some very bad things about the xbox 360's construction, like the venting and need to sit vertical to keep its lifespan, that make it cheap. Ask any Sony Playstation 2 about the fear of them being the next dead console owner. As for your claim of graphics being better? I think you need to stop smoking. Do I agree the PC rat race for the next most expensive card is silly? Absolutely! Do I think consoles will kill gaming? No... lack of ideas will kill gaming... for both platforms. Until games with real ideas, such as EVE Online, are ported and no real keyboard and mouse solution/killer to enable total control of all features you will continue to see both platforms scrapping it out for market share.

I wouldn't mind going Xbox 360 if I knew they would make games for ME. I have no interest in 99% of console games these days and I was a LARGE console gamer as a kid/teen/young adult. FPS games just don't float my boat anymore and I can get that from a good session of DoD:S for free. Now maybe if City of Villians, EVE Online, and World of Warcraft hit Xbox 360 ( in your dreams ) I might switch.


Golden Member
Dec 31, 2004
Originally posted by: tuteja1986
Originally posted by: mariok2006
Originally posted by: JASANITY
Well, as I called several months ago, the end of PC gaming has arrived. With these next generation systems, they have now made the PC obsolete to play games on. The PC game market may have a few MMORPG, but other than that its over. The only thing a PC is useful for now is Office work and maybe some TV. Of course the TV part will be obsolete once HD's come down in price.

i doubt any consoles can make a true FPS...

ahhh... HALO HALO ! idiot ! no i am kidding on idiot bit but my fav fps goes like this :
DOOM 2 > QUAKE > HALF LIFE EX > DEUS > HALO > BF1942 > COD > Riddick escape from butcher bay >>>
Before you start bashing me over why i liked halo ! 1st you need to own 12 different console and played games for atleast 6 years plus and have played old games dating back to 1989ish

Don't really understand what your trying to say. Personally I have owned EVERY mainstream console to date but an NEO GEO, 3DO, Amiga CD32, Xbox and Xbox 360. The only FPS that is true to consoles is Golden Eye on the N64 ( and me and my friends still crank it up in 3/4 player mode. ) Halo was a PC game before they put it to console. And if you want to get technical... the Xbox 1 isn't a console. HALO is also better on the PC in every aspect.


Jun 30, 2003
Originally posted by: 0roo0roo
Originally posted by: Fenixgoon
Originally posted by: 0roo0roo
Originally posted by: miri
new PC games $40-$50

New Xbox 360 games $60

My computer is nearly 3 years old except for the video card a 6600gt which is around $100 now and I play games at 1680x1050 running on a nearly 3 year old P4 2.8 with a 1 gig of ram.

I dont feel like spending another $460 on a console with 1 game.

console rental = 3 bucks
pc game rental = doesn't f*cking exist.

PC demo = free

you comparing a demo to a rental? sorry thats just pretty lame. and now with xbox live and such even consoles have demos.

assuming you have a hard drive and subscribe to XBL, no?
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