The Essay Generator.


Senior member
Jun 5, 2005

My Essay

An essay on Pron

In order to understand our selves, we must first understand Pron. The constantly changing fashionable take on Pron demonstrates the depth of the subject. While much has been written on its influence on contemporary living, several of todays most brilliant minds seem incapable of recognising its increasing relevance to understanding future generations. Crossing many cultural barriers it still draws remarks such as 'I wouldn't touch it with a barge pole' and 'i'd rather eat wasps' from the aristocracy, who are yet to grow accustomed to its disombobulating nature. At the heart of the subject are a number of key factors. I plan to examine each of these factors in detail and and asses their importance.

Social Factors

There is cultural and institutional interdependence between members of any community. When J H Darcy said 'fevour will spread' [1] she borrowed much from Pron. More a melody to societies dysfunctions than a parody of the self, Pron bravely illustrates what we are most afraid of, what we all know deep down in our hearts.

When one is faced with people of today a central theme emerges - Pron is either adored or despised, it leaves no one undecided. Just as a dog will return to its own sick, society will return to Pron, again and again.

Economic Factors

Our world is driven by supply and demand. We will begin by looking at the Lead-a-Duck-to-Water model. Taking special care to highlight the role of Pron within the vast framework which this provides.


There is no longer a need to argue the importance of Pron, it is clear to see that the results speak for themselves. The question which surfaces now is, how? My personal view is that housing prices will continue to follow Pron for the foreseeable future. Perhaps to coin a phrase Proneconomics will be the buzz word of the century

Political Factors

Politics was once a game featuring competitors from elite classes. Contrasting the numerous political activists campaigning for the interests of Pron can be like looking at 0

To quote award winning journalist Bonaventure H. Amster 'The success of any political system can only truly be assessed once the fat lady has sung.' [2] He was first introduced to Pron by his mother. If Pron be the food of politics, play on.
Is Pron politically correct, in every sense? Each man, woman and to a lesser extent, child, must make up their own mind.


What can we conclude? Well, Pron plays a large part in the lives of all. It fills a hole, puts out 'fires', and is always fashionably late.

I'll leave you with this quote from Elton Garfunkel: 'I would say without a shadow of a doubt: Pron ROCKS!!! [3]


Diamond Member
May 25, 2004
An essay on condoms

Issues surrounding condoms can never be over analysed. There are many factors which influenced the development of condoms. Remarkably condoms is heralded by shopkeepers and investment bankers alike, leading many to state that condoms is featuring more and more in the ideals of the young and upwardly mobile. Inevitably condoms is often misunderstood by those most reliant on technology, who form the last great hope for our civilzation. Complex though it is I shall now attempt to provide an exaustive report on condoms and its numerous 'industries'.

Social Factors

Society is a simple word with a very complex definition. When J H Darcy said 'fevour will spread' [1] she globalised an issue which had remained buried in the hearts of our ancestors for centuries. While the western world use a knife and fork, the Chinese use chopsticks. Of course condoms demonstrates a coherent approach, something so lacking in our culture, that it is not recognised by all.

Some analysts have been tempted to disregard condoms. I haven?t. Just as a dog will return to its own sick, society will return to condoms, again and again.

Economic Factors

The preceding section may have shed some light on society but to really understand man you must know how he spends his money. Of course, condoms fits perfectly into the Lead-a-Duck-to-Water model, a classic economic system of analysis.


There is no longer a need to argue the importance of condoms, it is clear to see that the results speak for themselves. The question which surfaces now is, how? Seemingly the cost of living will continue to follow condoms for the foreseeable future. Perhaps to coin a phrase condomseconomics will be the buzz word of the century

Political Factors

Politics has in some areas been seen to embrace an increasing ananiathesis of intergovernmentalism leading to neo-functionalism. Comparing the ideals of the young with the reality felt by their elders is like contrasting 0

We cannot talk of condoms and politics without remembering the words of that most brilliant mind Aaron B. Adger 'Taking a walk across hot coals will inevitably hurt your feet.' [2] I argue that his insight into condoms provided the inspiration for these great words. If condoms be the food of politics, play on.
Is condoms politically correct, in every sense? Each man, woman and to a lesser extent, child, must make up their own mind.


In my opinion condoms is both a need and a want. It replenishes the self, applauds greatness and never hides.

One final thought from the talented Mariah Cruise: 'At first I was afraid I was petrified. Thinking I could never live without condoms by my side.' [3]

haha. thats pretty funny.


Senior member
Jun 5, 2005
An essay on ATOT

Are you sitting comfortably? Many an afternoon has been enjoyed by a family, bonding over the discussion of ATOT. Indispensable to homosapians today, it is important to remember that ?what goes up must come down.? Inevitably ATOT is often misunderstood by the upper echelons of progressive service sector organisations, obviously. In the light of this I will break down the issues in order to give each of them the thought that they fully deserve

Social Factors

Comparisons between Roman Society and Medieval Society give a clear picture of the importance of ATOT to developments in social conduct. I will not insult the readers inteligence by explaining this obvious comparison any further. When Sir Bernard Chivilary said 'hounds will feast on society' [1] he, contrary to my learned colleague Sir George Allen?s recent publication ?Into the eye of , could not have been referring to eighteenth century beliefs regarding society. Spanning divides such as class, race and uglyness, ATOT cleary plays a significant role amongst the developing middle classes.

Of paramount importance to any study of ATOT within its context, is understanding the ideals of society. It is intrinsically linked to adolescent inner acclimatisation.

Economic Factors

Derived from 'oikonomikos,' which means skilled in household management, the word economics is synonymous with ATOT. We will primarily be focusing on the Lead-a-Duck-to-Water model, a complex but ultimately rewarding system.


There is no longer a need to argue the importance of ATOT, it is clear to see that the results speak for themselves. The question which surfaces now is, how? Seemingly oil prices cannot sustain this instability for long. The financial press seems unable to make up its mind on these issues which unsettles investors.

Political Factors

No man is an island, but what of politics? Comparing the general view of politics held by the poor of the west with those of the east can be like comparing 0

In the words of award winning journalist Odysseus Skank 'A man must have his cake and eat it in order to justify his actions.' [2] I couldn't have put it better my self. When it comes to ATOT this is clearly true. Both spectacular failure and unequaled political accomplishment may be accredited to ATOT.
I hope, for our sake that ATOT will endure.


In conclusion, ATOT plays a large part in the lives of all. It enlightens our daily lives, it stimulates and is always fashionably late.

Let's finish with a thought from star Denzel Spielberg: 'I love ATOT? Yes! Hurray for ATOT!' [3]

[1] Sir Bernard Chivilary - Interestingly... - 1904 Badger Books

[2] Skank - Politics for Dummies - PV6 Media

[3] My ATOT! - Issue 4 - BFG Publishing


Senior member
Jun 5, 2005
An essay on Anandtech

The issues involving Anandtech has been a popular topic amongst scholars for many years. Advancments in Anandtech can be linked to many areas. Until recently considered taboo amongst polite society, there are just not enough blues songs written about Anandtech. Since it was first compared to antidisestablishmentarianism much has been said concerning Anandtech by the aristocracy, who are likely to form a major stronghold in the inevitable battle for hearts and minds. Though I would rather be in bed I will now examine the primary causes of Anandtech.

Social Factors

As Reflected in classical mythology society is complicated. When blues legend 'Bare Foot D' remarked 'awooooh eeee only my dawg understands me' [1] he failed to understand that if one seriously intends to 'not judge a book by its cover', then one must read a lot of books. No symbol is more potent than Anandtech in society today. It helps to provide some sort of equilibrium in this world of ever changing, always yearning chaos.

Our post-literate society, more than ever before, relies upon Anandtech. Just as a dog will return to its own sick, society will return to Anandtech, again and again.

Economic Factors

The dictionary defines economics as 'the social science concerned with the production, distribution, exchange, and consumption of goods and services'. We shall examine the Watkis-Teeth-Pulling model, making allowances for recent changes in interest rates.


There is no longer a need to argue the importance of Anandtech, it is clear to see that the results speak for themselves. The question which surfaces now is, how? It goes with out saying that the cost of living will continue to follow Anandtech for the foreseeable future. Perhaps to coin a phrase Anandtecheconomics will be the buzz word of the century

Political Factors

Machiavellian politics is rife. Are our leaders justified in pursuing and maintaining political power? Comparing current political thought with that held just ten years ago is like comparing the two, equally popular approaches to Anandtech. If the reader is unaware of these, they need only to turn on the television, or pick up a newspaper or popular magazine.

One quote comes instantly to mind when examining this topic. I mean of course the words of a legend in their own life time, Francis Shandy 'Man's greatest enemy is complacency with regards to personal and political hygiene.' [2] Amazingly, he new nothing of Anandtech until he was well into his thirties. To paraphrase, the quote is saying 'Anandtech wins votes.' Simple as that.
Is Anandtech politically correct, in every sense? Each man, woman and to a lesser extent, child, must make up their own mind.


To reiterate, Anandtech has a special place in the heart of mankind. It sings a new song, brings glamour to an unglamorous time and always chips in.

What a great essay. Finally a word from super-star Britney Clooney: 'I demand Anandtech, nothing more nothing less.' [3]

[1] Bare Foot D - Classic - 1967 Stinton Records

[2] Shandy - Ice Cold - 1994 Pitter Patter Publishing

[3] Everything you always wanted to know about Anandtech, but were afraid to ask. - Issue 287 - QKS Publishing

Epic Fail

Diamond Member
May 10, 2005
An essay on neffing

The issues involving neffing has been a popular topic amongst scholars for many years. Underestimate neffing at your peril. While it has been acknowledged that it has an important part to play in the development of man, neffing is featuring more and more in the ideals of the young and upwardly mobile. Crossing many cultural barriers it still draws remarks such as 'I wouldn't touch it with a barge pole' and 'i'd rather eat wasps' from the over 50, who just don't like that sort of thing. In the light of this I will break down the issues in order to give each of them the thought that they fully deserve

Social Factors

Interweaving social trends form a strong net in which we are all trapped. When Lance Bandaner said 'twelve times I've traversed the ocean of youthful ambition but society still collects my foot prints' [1] he borrowed much from neffing. While deviating from the norm will always cause unrest amongst ones peers, neffing cleary plays a significant role amongst the developing middle classes.

Recent thought on neffing has been a real eye-opener for society from young to old. Clearly it promotes higher individualism and obeyence of instinct. As soon as a child meets neffing they are changed.

Economic Factors

The dictionary defines economics as 'the social science concerned with the production, distribution, exchange, and consumption of goods and services'. We will study the Maiden-Tuesday-Lending model using the median instead of the mean, where possible.


Clearly the graphs demonstrates a strong correlation. Why is this? It goes with out saying that interest world wide are driven entirely by neffing. Assumptions made by traders have caused uncertainty amongst the private sector.

Political Factors

Machiavellian politics is rife. Are our leaders justified in pursuing and maintaining political power? Comparing international relations since the end of the century can be like observing neffing now, and its equivalent in the 1800s.

Take a moment to consider the words of nobel prize winner Elijah Tuigamala 'Man's greatest enemy is complacency with regards to personal and political hygiene.' [2] Amazingly, he new nothing of neffing until he was well into his thirties. Both spectacular failure and unequaled political accomplishment may be accredited to neffing.
I hope, for our sake that neffing will endure.


In summary, neffing has a special place in the heart of mankind. It replenishes the self, applauds greatness and it is human.

As a parting shot here are the words of super-star Macaulay Astaire: 'My Daddy loved neffing and his Daddy loved neffing.' [3]

[1] Lance Bandaner - Adventurous Spirit - 1993 See-Saw Publishing

[2] Tuigamala - Captain Sir - 1844 Inevitable Publishing

[3] Sham Magazine - Issue 124 - Monkey Books

I win


An essay on Body Cheese

To delve deeply into Body Cheese is an exciting adventure. The constantly changing fashionable take on Body Cheese demonstrates the depth of the subject. Though Body Cheese is a favourite topic of discussion amongst monarchs, presidents and dictators, it is important to remember that ?what goes up must come down.? It is estimated that that Body Cheese is thought about eight times every day by global commercial enterprises, who form the last great hope for our civilzation. Relax, sit back and gasp as I display the rich tapestries of Body Cheese.

Social Factors

Comparisons between Roman Society and Medieval Society give a clear picture of the importance of Body Cheese to developments in social conduct. I will not insult the readers inteligence by explaining this obvious comparison any further. When J H Darcy said 'fevour will spread' [1] she saw clearly into the human heart. Difference among people, race, culture and society is essential on the survival of our world, however Body Cheese is crunchy on the outside but soft in the middle.

Primarily Body Cheese builds trust among the people. It grows stonger every day.

Economic Factors

The preceding section may have shed some light on society but to really understand man you must know how he spends his money. We will study the Lead-a-Duck-to-Water model of economics.

Body Cheese

There are a number of reasons which may be attributed to this unquestionable correlation. Seemingly the cost of living plays in increasingly important role in the market economy. Supply Side Economic Tax Cuts Tax deductions could turn out to be a risky tactic.

Political Factors

Modern politics owes much to the animal kingdom. Contrasting the numerous political activists campaigning for the interests of Body Cheese can be like looking at Body Cheese and former Wolves striker Steve Bull.

Consider this, spoken at the tender age of 14 by jazz singer Kuuipo B. Adger 'You can lead a horse to water, big deal.' [2] Considered by many to be one of the 'Founding Fathers' of Body Cheese, his words cannot be over-looked. It would be wise to approach the subject with the thought that 'if you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all'. However this can lead to missing out important facts.
One of the great ironies of this age is Body Cheese. Isn't it ironic, don't you think?


How much responsibility lies with Body Cheese? We can say that Body Cheese has a special place in the heart of mankind. It replenishes the self, ensures financial stability, though Body Cheese brings with it obvious difficulties, it is truly Body Cheese.

The final say goes to the award winning Courteney Poppins: 'Body Cheese is the new rock and roll! And the new opera!' [3]


Sep 10, 2001
An essay on donkey punching

The subject of donkey punching is a controversial issue. In depth analysis of donkey punching can be an enriching experience. While much has been written on its influence on contemporary living, donkey punching is featuring more and more in the ideals of the young and upwardly mobile. It still has the power to shock socialists, whom I can say no more about due to legal restrictions. With the primary aim of demonstrating my considerable intellect I will now demonstrate the complexity of the many faceted issue that is donkey punching.

Social Factors

As Reflected in classical mythology society is complicated. The immortal and indispensable phrase ?honesty is the best policy? [1] shead new light on donkey punching, allowing man to take it by the hand and understand its momentum. Both tyranny and democracy are tried and questioned. Yet donkey punching demonstrates a coherent approach, something so lacking in our culture, that it is not recognised by all.

Recent thought on donkey punching has been a real eye-opener for society from young to old. To put it simply, people like donkey punching.

Economic Factors

Do we critique the markets, or do they in-fact critique us? Of course, donkey punching fits perfectly into the Watkis-Teeth-Pulling model, a lovely model. Transport

donkey punching

There are a number of reasons which may be attributed to this unquestionable correlation. In spite of the best efforts of The World Bank transport costs is in financial terms 'holding hands with donkey punching.' What it all comes down to is money. Capitalists love donkey punching.

Political Factors

Much of the writings of historians display the conquests of the most powerful nations over less powerful ones. Placing theory on the scales of justice and weighing it against practice can produce similar results to contrasting donkey punchingilisation, as it's become known, and one's own sense of morality.

We cannot talk of donkey punching and politics without remembering the words of one of the great political analysts Francis Tuigamala 'Taking a walk across hot coals will inevitably hurt your feet.' [2] One cannot help but agree when faced with donkey punching, that this highlights an important issue. History tells us that donkey punching will always be a vote winner, whether we like it, or not.

The question which we must each ask ourselves is, will we allow donkey punching to win our vote?

To conclude, donkey punching has played a large part in the development of man in the 20th Century and its influence remains strong. It brings peace, provides financial security, though donkey punching brings with it obvious difficulties, it is truly donkey punching.

The final say goes to the award winning Whoopi Zeta-Jones 'At first I was afraid I was petrified. Thinking I could never live without donkey punching by my side.' [3]


[1] Traditional - possibly first said by King Arthor... but probably not.

[2] Tuigamala - Captain Sir - 1844 Inevitable Publishing

[3] Smashing Hits - Issue 224 - Jazz Media


Diamond Member
Oct 15, 2001
An Essay on Lesbians.

'Brilliant', 'Quite Good', 'What?', these are just some of the comments made recently in the press regarding Lesbians. There are many factors which influenced the development of Lesbians. Indispensable to homosapians today, it is yet to receive proper recognition for laying the foundations of democracy. Crossing many cultural barriers it still draws remarks such as 'I wouldn't touch it with a barge pole' and 'i'd rather eat wasps' from those politicaly minded individuals living in the past, who form the last great hope for our civilzation. Though I would rather be in bed I will now examine the primary causes of Lesbians.

Social Factors

While some scholars have claimed that there is no such thing as society, this is rubbish. When Thucictholous said 'people only know one thing' [1] he shead new light on Lesbians, allowing man to take it by the hand and understand its momentum. Both tyranny and democracy are tried and questioned. Yet Lesbians raises the question 'why?'

Nothing represents every day life better than Lesbians, and I mean nothing. It breaks the mould, shattering man's misunderstanding of man.

Economic Factors

Derived from 'oikonomikos,' which means skilled in household management, the word economics is synonymous with Lesbians. We will begin by looking at the JTB-Guide-Dog model, as is standard in this case. Inflation


It is apparent from the graph that the influence of Lesbians is strong. What is the secret to its strength? My personal view is that inflation plays in increasingly important role in the market economy. A sharp down turn in middle class investment may lead to changes in the market.

Political Factors

Politics was once a game featuring competitors from elite classes. Contrasting the numerous political activists campaigning for the interests of Lesbians can be like looking at the two, equally popular approaches to Lesbians. If the reader is unaware of these, they need only to turn on the television, or pick up a newspaper or popular magazine.

It is always enlightening to consider the words of jazz singer Xaviera Bootlegger 'I don't believe in ghosts, but I do believe in democracy.' [2] This quotation leads me to suspect that he was not unaccustomed to Lesbians. It speaks volumes. To paraphrase, the quote is saying 'Lesbians wins votes.' Simple as that.

One thing's certain. The Human species liberally desires Lesbians, and what's more human than politics?

We can say with certainty Lesbians plays a large part in the lives of all. It sings a new song, 'literally' plants seeds for harvest, and is a joy to behold.

I will leave the last word to the famous Keanu Morissette: 'My Daddy loved Lesbians and his Daddy loved Lesbians.' [3]


Platinum Member
Oct 27, 2001

An essay on loneliness

In order to understand our selves, we must first understand loneliness. Underestimate loneliness at your peril. Cited by many as the single most important influence on post modern micro eco compartmentalism, loneliness is not given the credit if deserves for inspiring many of the worlds famous painters. It is estimated that that loneliness is thought about eight times every day by the upper echelons of progressive service sector organisations, who form the last great hope for our civilzation. Complex though it is I shall now attempt to provide an exaustive report on loneliness and its numerous 'industries'.

Social Factors

Comparisons between Roman Society and Medieval Society give a clear picture of the importance of loneliness to developments in social conduct. I will not insult the readers inteligence by explaining this obvious comparison any further. When Lance Bandaner said 'twelve times I've traversed the ocean of youthful ambition but society still collects my foot prints' [1] he created a monster which society has been attempting to tame ever since. While the western world use a knife and fork, the Chinese use chopsticks. Of course loneliness smells of success.

Nothing represents every day life better than loneliness, and I mean nothing. It is intrinsically linked to adolescent inner acclimatisation.

Economic Factors

Our world is driven by supply and demand. We will primarily be focusing on the Inter-Spam model, making allowances for recent changes in interest rates.


Indisputably there is a link. How can this be explained? Of course inflation is in financial terms 'holding hands with loneliness.' Supply Side Economic Tax Cuts Tax deductions could turn out to be a risky tactic.

Political Factors

Politics, we all agree, is a fact of life. Contrasting the numerous political activists campaigning for the interests of loneliness can be like looking at chalk and cheese.

Let us consider the words of that silver tongued orator, award winning journalist Augstin Lionel Forbes Dickinson 'Man's greatest enemy is complacency with regards to personal and political hygiene.' [2] One cannot help but agree when faced with loneliness, that this highlights an important issue. It is a well known 'secret' that what prompted many politicians to first strive for power was loneliness.
While loneliness may be a giant amongst men, is it a dwarf amongst policy? I hope not.


In conclusion, loneliness deserves all of the attention it gets. It enriches, it stimulates and always chips in.

Here with the final word is Hollywood's Wyclef Poppins: 'Oooh yeah loneliness shoo badaby dooo.' [3]


Diamond Member
Oct 15, 2003
An essay on comparing ninjas and pirates

Issues surrounding comparing ninjas and pirates can never be over analysed. At one stage or another, every man woman or child will be faced with the issue of comparing ninjas and pirates. Though comparing ninjas and pirates is a favourite topic of discussion amongst monarchs, presidents and dictators, there are just not enough blues songs written about comparing ninjas and pirates. Often it is seen as both a help and a hinderence to socialists, obviously. Relax, sit back and gasp as I display the rich tapestries of comparing ninjas and pirates.

Social Factors

Comparisons between Roman Society and Medieval Society give a clear picture of the importance of comparing ninjas and pirates to developments in social conduct. I will not insult the readers inteligence by explaining this obvious comparison any further. When The Tygers of Pan Tang sang 'It's lonely at the top. Everybody's trying to do you in' [1] , they globalised an issue which had remained buried in the hearts of our ancestors for centuries. While the western world use a knife and fork, the Chinese use chopsticks. Of course comparing ninjas and pirates smells of success.

Some analysts have been tempted to disregard comparing ninjas and pirates. I haven?t. It breaks the mould, shattering man's misunderstanding of man.

Economic Factors

Economics has been defined as 'I'll scratch your back if you scratch mine.' To my learned ear that sounds like two people with itchy backs. We will study the JTB-Guide-Dog model. Taking special care to highlight the role of comparing ninjas and pirates within the vast framework which this provides.

comparing ninjas and pirates

What a splendid graph. Seemingly the cost of living cannot sustain this instability for long. Assumptions made by traders have caused uncertainty amongst the private sector.

Political Factors

Much of the writings of historians display the conquests of the most powerful nations over less powerful ones. Comparing comparing ninjas and pirates and much of what has been written of it can be like comparing night and day.

It is always enlightening to consider the words of style icon Francis Skank 'consciousness complicates a myriad of progressions.' [2] What a fantastic quote. I feel strongly that if politicians spent less time thinking about comparing ninjas and pirates and put more effort into their family life, that we would have a very different country.
The question which we must each ask ourselves is, will we allow comparing ninjas and pirates to win our vote?


In summary, comparing ninjas and pirates parades along man's streets and man waves back. It replenishes the self, puts out 'fires', and it brings the best out in people.

One final thought from the talented Keanu Spielberg: 'I wouldn't be where I am today without comparing ninjas and pirates.' [3]


Golden Member
Mar 22, 2006
An essay on cheetos

While many learned professors have abandoned hope of ever discovering the truth behind cheetos, I for one feel that it is still a worthy cause for examination. The constantly changing fashionable take on cheetos demonstrates the depth of the subject. Cited by many as the single most important influence on post modern micro eco compartmentalism, several of todays most brilliant minds seem incapable of recognising its increasing relevance to understanding future generations. Since it was first compared to antidisestablishmentarianism much has been said concerning cheetos by the upper echelons of progressive service sector organisations, obviously. At the heart of the subject are a number of key factors. I plan to examine each of these factors in detail and and asses their importance.

Social Factors

While some scholars have claimed that there is no such thing as society, this is rubbish. When Thucictholous said 'people only know one thing' [1] he, contrary to my learned colleague Sir George Allen?s recent publication ?Into the eye of , could not have been referring to eighteenth century beliefs regarding society. Spanning divides such as class, race and uglyness, cheetos demonstrates a coherent approach, something so lacking in our culture, that it is not recognised by all.

Recent thought on cheetos has been a real eye-opener for society from young to old. Society says that every man must find their own truth. While one sees cheetos, another may see monkeys playing tennis.

Economic Factors

The dictionary defines economics as 'the social science concerned with the production, distribution, exchange, and consumption of goods and services'. We will begin by looking at the Inter-Spam model. For those of you unfamiliar with this model it is derived from the Three-Amigos model but with greater emphasis on the outlying gross national product.


Clearly the graphs demonstrates a strong correlation. Why is this? It goes with out saying that the market value of gold is in financial terms 'holding hands with cheetos.' In the light of this free trade must be examined.

Political Factors

Politics - smolitics! Comparing the ideals of the young with the reality felt by their elders is like contrasting night and day.

Consider this, spoken at the tender age of 14 by one of the great political analysts Elijah Lionel Forbes Dickinson 'A man must have his cake and eat it in order to justify his actions.' [2] This clearly illustrates the primary concern of those involved with cheetos. It would be wise to approach the subject with the thought that 'if you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all'. However this can lead to missing out important facts.
One of the great ironies of this age is cheetos. Isn't it ironic, don't you think?


To conclude, cheetos parades along man's streets and man waves back. It questions, influences the influencers, and always chips in.

I'll leave you with this quote from Miles Love Hewitt: 'Oooh yeah cheetos shoo badaby dooo.'

The Green Bean

Diamond Member
Jul 27, 2003
An essay on cream
Are you sitting comfortably? I find my self constantly drawn back to the subject of cream. Remarkably cream is heralded by shopkeepers and investment bankers alike, leading many to state that it is important to remember that ?what goes up must come down.? Crossing many cultural barriers it still draws remarks such as 'I wouldn't touch it with a barge pole' and 'i'd rather eat wasps' from the aristocracy, many of whom fail to comprehend the full scope of cream. Keeping all of this in mind, in this essay I will examine the major issues.

Social Factors

Society is our own everyday reality. When Lance Bandaner said 'twelve times I've traversed the ocean of youthful ambition but society still collects my foot prints' [1] he shead new light on cream, allowing man to take it by the hand and understand its momentum. Difference among people, race, culture and society is essential on the survival of our world, however cream demonstrates a coherent approach, something so lacking in our culture, that it is not recognised by all.

Recent thought on cream has been a real eye-opener for society from young to old. It is intrinsically linked to adolescent inner acclimatisation.

Economic Factors

Our world is driven by supply and demand. We shall examine the Custard-Not-Mustard model. Taking special care to highlight the role of cream within the vast framework which this provides.


There is no longer a need to argue the importance of cream, it is clear to see that the results speak for themselves. The question which surfaces now is, how? Obviously the average wage, ultimately decided by politicians, will always be heavily influenced by cream due to its consistently high profile in the portfolio of investors. Supply Side Economic Tax Cuts Tax deductions could turn out to be a risky tactic.

Political Factors

The media have made politics quite a spectacle. Comparing the electoral politics of most Western and Eastern European countries is like comparing cream and former Wolves striker Steve Bull.

To quote the star of stage and screen Vatusia Skank 'political change changes politics, but where does it go?' [2] Primarily, he is referring to cream. Both spectacular failure and unequaled political accomplishment may be accredited to cream.

While cream may be a giant amongst men, is it a dwarf amongst policy? I hope not.

In summary, cream must not be allowed to get in the way of the bigger question: why are we here? Putting this aside its of great importance. It sings a new song, brought up a generation and is always fashionably late.

I will leave the last word to the famous Denzel J. Fox: 'I wouldn't be where I am today without cream.' [3]


Diamond Member
Dec 15, 2005
An essay on woman

Think back to the first time you ever heard of woman. At first glance woman may seem unenchanting, however its study is a necessity for any one wishing to intellectually advance beyond their childhood. Indispensable to homosapians today, spasmodically it returns to create a new passion amongst those who study its history. It is estimated that that woman is thought about eight times every day by the over 50, who form the last great hope for our civilzation. Hold onto your hats as we begin a journey into woman.

Social Factors

Interweaving social trends form a strong net in which we are all trapped. Upon Peter Pinkleton-PishPosh's return to Britain he remarked 'class will refelect the inner hero' [1], he shead new light on woman, allowing man to take it by the hand and understand its momentum. More a melody to societies dysfunctions than a parody of the self, woman smells of success.

Status, Security, Fame - woman, all revolve around this 'golden fleece'. It breaks the mould, shattering man's misunderstanding of man.

Economic Factors

Economics has been defined as 'I'll scratch your back if you scratch mine.' To my learned ear that sounds like two people with itchy backs. Of course, woman fits perfectly into the Custard-Not-Mustard model. Taking special care to highlight the role of woman within the vast framework which this provides.


The results displayed in the graph are too clear to be ignored. Even a child could work out that housing prices looms over woman this cannot be a coincidence. The economic policy spectrum is seeing a period of unprecedented growth.

Political Factors

Politics has in some areas been seen to embrace an increasing ananiathesis of intergovernmentalism leading to neo-functionalism. Placing theory on the scales of justice and weighing it against practice can produce similar results to contrasting womanilisation, as it's become known, and one's own sense of morality.

Take a moment to consider the words of the uncompromising Xaviera Shandy 'Taking a walk across hot coals will inevitably hurt your feet.' [2] This quotation leads me to suspect that he was not unaccustomed to woman. It speaks volumes. If woman be the food of politics, play on.
While woman may be a giant amongst men, is it a dwarf amongst policy? I hope not.


In my opinion woman is both a need and a want. It inspires, brought up a generation, though woman brings with it obvious difficulties, it is truly woman.

What a great essay. Finally a word from super-star Ozzy Clooney: 'Oooh yeah woman shoo badaby dooo.' [3]


Jan 16, 2001
I couldn't resist, and some of the lines are HILARIOUS. "How do I remove this sore from my genitals?"

An essay on How do I remove this sore from my genitals?
'Brilliant', 'Quite Good', 'What?', these are just some of the comments made recently in the press regarding How do I remove this sore from my genitals?. Advancments in How do I remove this sore from my genitals? can be linked to many areas. While it has been acknowledged that it has an important part to play in the development of man, there are just not enough blues songs written about How do I remove this sore from my genitals?. Inevitably feelings run deep amongst the aristocracy, who form the last great hope for our civilzation. With the primary aim of demonstrating my considerable intellect I will now demonstrate the complexity of the many faceted issue that is How do I remove this sore from my genitals?.

Social Factors

There is cultural and institutional interdependence between members of any community. When Lance Bandaner said 'twelve times I've traversed the ocean of youthful ambition but society still collects my foot prints' [1]he must have been referning to How do I remove this sore from my genitals?. Both tyranny and democracy are tried and questioned. Yet How do I remove this sore from my genitals? bravely illustrates what we are most afraid of, what we all know deep down in our hearts.

Our post-literate society, more than ever before, relies upon How do I remove this sore from my genitals?. If society has a favourite child, it is How do I remove this sore from my genitals?.

Economic Factors

Derived from 'oikonomikos,' which means skilled in household management, the word economics is synonymous with How do I remove this sore from my genitals?. We will study the Greek-Roman model, which I hope will be familiar to most readers. Average

How do I remove this sore from my genitals?

There is no longer a need to argue the importance of How do I remove this sore from my genitals?, it is clear to see that the results speak for themselves. The question which surfaces now is, how? My personal view is that the average wage looms over How do I remove this sore from my genitals? this cannot be a coincidence. Many analysts fear a subsequent depression.

Political Factors

Posturing as concerned patriarchs, many politicians guide the electorate herd to the inevitable cattle shed of 'equal opportunity.' Contrasting the numerous political activists campaigning for the interests of How do I remove this sore from my genitals? can be like looking at chalk and cheese.

In the words of jazz singer Achilles T. Time 'consciousness complicates a myriad of progressions.' [2] Considered by many to be one of the 'Founding Fathers' of How do I remove this sore from my genitals?, his words cannot be over-looked. History tells us that How do I remove this sore from my genitals? will always be a vote winner, whether we like it, or not.

While How do I remove this sore from my genitals? may be a giant amongst men, is it a dwarf amongst policy? I hope not.

We can say with certainty How do I remove this sore from my genitals? must not be allowed to get in the way of the bigger question: why are we here? Putting this aside its of great importance. It establishes order, 'literally' plants seeds for harvest, and is always fashionably late.

I will leave the last word to the famous Keanu Morissette: 'It's been nice educating you.' [3]



Platinum Member
Mar 9, 2005
An essay on hot girls
The subject of hot girls is a controversial issue. At one stage or another, every man woman or child will be faced with the issue of hot girls. Until recently considered taboo amongst polite society, there are just not enough blues songs written about hot girls. Inevitably feelings run deep amongst global commercial enterprises, who are likely to form a major stronghold in the inevitable battle for hearts and minds. Hold onto your hats as we begin a journey into hot girls.

Social Factors

As Reflected in classical mythology society is complicated. When Sir Bernard Chivilary said 'hounds will feast on society' [1] he globalised an issue which had remained buried in the hearts of our ancestors for centuries. While deviating from the norm will always cause unrest amongst ones peers, hot girls cleary plays a significant role amongst the developing middle classes.

Of paramount importance to any study of hot girls within its context, is understanding the ideals of society. Clearly it promotes higher individualism and obeyence of instinct. As soon as a child meets hot girls they are changed.

Economic Factors

We no longer live in a world which barters 'I'll give you three cows for that hat, it?s lovely.' Our existance is a generation which cries 'Hat - $20.' We will primarily be focusing on the Simple-Many-Pies model of economics. Market

hot girls

There are a number of reasons which may be attributed to this unquestionable correlation. Even a child could work out that the market value of gold world wide are driven entirely by hot girls. What it all comes down to is money. Capitalists love hot girls.

Political Factors

Politics, we all agree, is a fact of life. Comparing the ideals of the young with the reality felt by their elders is like contrasting playing with a puppy and singing with a blackbird.

To quote nobel prize winner Esperanza T. Time 'Man's greatest enemy is complacency with regards to personal and political hygiene.' [2] What a fantastic quote. It is a well known 'secret' that what prompted many politicians to first strive for power was hot girls.

I wait anxiously. What will the next few years bring for hot girls?

In conclusion, hot girls may not be the best thing since sliced bread, but it's still important. It collaborates successfully, provides financial security and always chips in.

The final say goes to the award winning MariahSpielberg: 'I demand hot girls, nothing more nothing less.'


[1] Sir Bernard Chivilary - Interestingly... - 1904 Badger Books

[2] Time - Yes Indeed - 1987 Indegro Books

[3] Go mad for hot girls - Issue 132 - Kendeal Books


Diamond Member
May 6, 2004
An essay on anus

In order to understand our selves, we must first understand anus. Advancments in anus can be linked to many areas. While it has been acknowledged that it has an important part to play in the development of man, several of todays most brilliant minds seem incapable of recognising its increasing relevance to understanding future generations. Since it was first compared to antidisestablishmentarianism much has been said concerning anus by so called 'babies', who form the last great hope for our civilzation. Hold onto your hats as we begin a journey into anus.

Social Factors

Society begins and ends with anus. The immortal and indispensable phrase ?honesty is the best policy? [1] saw clearly into the human heart. Spanning divides such as class, race and uglyness, anus cleary plays a significant role amongst the developing middle classes.

Special care must be taken when analysing such a delicate subject. On the other hand anyone that disagrees with me is an idiot. Society says that every man must find their own truth. While one sees anus, another may see monkeys playing tennis.

Economic Factors

There has been a great deal of discussion in the world of economics, centred on the value of anus. We will primarily be focusing on the Simple-Many-Pies model, as is standard in this case.


When displayed this way it becomes very clear that anus is of great importance. Obviously the cost of living looms over anus this cannot be a coincidence. The economic policy spectrum is seeing a period of unprecedented growth.

Political Factors

The media have made politics quite a spectacle. Comparing the ideals of the young with the reality felt by their elders is like contrasting the two, equally popular approaches to anus. If the reader is unaware of these, they need only to turn on the television, or pick up a newspaper or popular magazine.

In the words of one of the great political analysts Kuuipo Shandy 'You can lead a horse to water, big deal.' [2] This quotation leads me to suspect that he was not unaccustomed to anus. It speaks volumes. History tells us that anus will always be a vote winner, whether we like it, or not.
I hope, for our sake that anus will endure.


In my opinion anus has, and will continue to be a major building block for the world in which we live. It fills a hole, brought up a generation and statistically it's great.

One final thought from the talented Christina Jackson: 'You win some, you loose some, but anus wins most often.' [3]


Nov 11, 2004
An essay on Lord of the rings

The subject of Lord of the rings is a controversial issue. The constantly changing fashionable take on Lord of the rings demonstrates the depth of the subject. While it is becoming a hot topic for debate, it is yet to receive proper recognition for laying the foundations of democracy. It is an unfortunate consequence of our civilizations history that Lord of the rings is rarely given rational consideration by those politicaly minded individuals living in the past, obviously. Relax, sit back and gasp as I display the rich tapestries of Lord of the rings.

Social Factors

Interweaving social trends form a strong net in which we are all trapped. When blues legend 'Bare Foot D' remarked 'awooooh eeee only my dawg understands me' [1] he shead new light on Lord of the rings, allowing man to take it by the hand and understand its momentum. Spanning divides such as class, race and uglyness, Lord of the rings is quite good.

Status, Security, Fame - Lord of the rings, all revolve around this 'golden fleece'. Society is powered by peer pressure, one of the most powerful forces in the world. As long as peer pressure uses its power for good, Lord of the rings will have its place in society.

Economic Factors

Our world is driven by supply and demand. We will primarily be focusing on the Custard-Not-Mustard model, which I hope will be familiar to most readers.

Lord of the rings

How do we explain these clear trends? Of course interest cannot sustain this instability for long. A sharp down turn in middle class investment may lead to changes in the market.

Political Factors

No man is an island, but what of politics? Comparing Lord of the rings and much of what has been written of it can be like comparing night and day.

It is always enlightening to consider the words of style icon Maximilian B. Adger 'Political idealists must ideally deal, for I daily list my ideals politically.' [2] He was first introduced to Lord of the rings by his mother. Both spectacular failure and unequaled political accomplishment may be accredited to Lord of the rings.
Why did Lord of the rings cross the road? - To get to the other side! Just my little joke, but lets hope that Lord of the rings doesn't inspire similar hilarity in the next elections.


We can conclude that the Lord of the rings is, to use the language of the streets 'Super Cool.' It fills a hole, provides financial security and it is human.

I will leave you with the words of Hollywood's Elton Travolta: 'My Daddy loved Lord of the rings and his Daddy loved Lord of the rings.' [3]


Apr 19, 2003
An essay on menstruation

Issues surrounding menstruation can never be over analysed. I really, really like menstruation. While it is becoming a hot topic for debate, menstruation is featuring more and more in the ideals of the young and upwardly mobile. The juxtapositioning of menstruation with fundamental economic, social and political strategic conflict draws criticism from the upper echelons of progressive service sector organisations, who are yet to grow accustomed to its disombobulating nature. At the heart of the subject are a number of key factors. I plan to examine each of these factors in detail and and asses their importance.

Social Factors

There is cultural and institutional interdependence between members of any community. Back when Vealinger reamarked ?the power struggle will continue while the great tale of humanity remains untold? [1] he was clearly refering to the impact of menstruation on today's society. Difference among people, race, culture and society is essential on the survival of our world, however menstruation irons out misconceptions from our consciousness.

Of paramount importance to any study of menstruation within its context, is understanding the ideals of society. To put it simply, people like menstruation.

Economic Factors

The dictionary defines economics as 'the social science concerned with the production, distribution, exchange, and consumption of goods and services'. We will primarily be focusing on the Lead-a-Duck-to-Water model, making allowances for recent changes in interest rates.

It is apparent from the graph that the influence of menstruation is strong. What is the secret to its strength? Seemingly the national debt is in financial terms 'holding hands with menstruation.' The economic policy spectrum is seeing a period of unprecedented growth.

Political Factors

Modern politics owes much to the animal kingdom. Looking at the spectrum represented by a single political party can be reminiscent of comparing menstruationism and post-menstruationism.

Let us consider the words of that silver tongued orator, a legend in their own life time, Francis Bootlegger 'Taking a walk across hot coals will inevitably hurt your feet.' [2] This clearly illustrates the primary concern of those involved with menstruation. Perhaps the word which sums up the importance of menstruation to politics is 'participation'.

I wait anxiously. What will the next few years bring for menstruation?

We can conclude that the menstruation has a special place in the heart of mankind. It inspires, applauds greatness and always chips in.

As a parting shot here are the words of super-star Justin Morissette: 'Oooh yeah menstruation shoo badaby dooo.' [3]


Apr 23, 2004
An essay on God

In order to understand our selves, we must first understand God. In depth analysis of God can be an enriching experience. While much has been written on its influence on contemporary living, there are just not enough blues songs written about God. Inevitably God is often misunderstood by global commercial enterprises, who are likely to form a major stronghold in the inevitable battle for hearts and minds. With the primary aim of demonstrating my considerable intellect I will now demonstrate the complexity of the many faceted issue that is God.

Social Factors

There is cultural and institutional interdependence between members of any community. Back when Vealinger reamarked ?the power struggle will continue while the great tale of humanity remains untold? [1] he must have been referning to God. A child?s approach to God is quite good.

Special care must be taken when analysing such a delicate subject. On the other hand anyone that disagrees with me is an idiot. It is intrinsically linked to adolescent inner acclimatisation.

Economic Factors

Increasingly economic growth and innovation are being attributed to God. We will begin by looking at the Spanish-Armada model. For those of you unfamiliar with this model it is derived from the Three-Amigos model but with greater emphasis on the outlying gross national product.


It is apparent from the graph that the influence of God is strong. What is the secret to its strength? In spite of the best efforts of The World Bank the annual military budget has always depended upon God to a certain extent, but now more that ever. What it all comes down to is money. Capitalists love God.

Political Factors

Politics has in some areas been seen to embrace an increasing ananiathesis of intergovernmentalism leading to neo-functionalism. Comparing the ideals of the young with the reality felt by their elders is like contrasting God now, and its equivalent in the 1800s.

In the words of one of the great political analysts Bartholomew B. Adger 'Political idealists must ideally deal, for I daily list my ideals politically.' [2] He was first introduced to God by his mother. It is a well known 'secret' that what prompted many politicians to first strive for power was God.
One thing's certain. The Human species liberally desires God, and what's more human than politics?


To reiterate, God may not be the best thing since sliced bread, but it's still important. It establishes order, 'literally' plants seeds for harvest, and it is human.

As a parting shot here are the words of super-star Elton J. Fox: 'I love God? Yes! Hurray for God!' [3]

Xyo II

Platinum Member
Oct 12, 2005
An essay on balls

In order to understand our selves, we must first understand balls. At first glance balls may seem unenchanting, however its study is a necessity for any one wishing to intellectually advance beyond their childhood. While it is becoming a hot topic for debate, it is impossible to overestimate its impact on modern thought. Since it was first compared to antidisestablishmentarianism much has been said concerning balls by the over 50, who form the last great hope for our civilzation. At the heart of the subject are a number of key factors. I plan to examine each of these factors in detail and and asses their importance.

Social Factors

Comparisons between Roman Society and Medieval Society give a clear picture of the importance of balls to developments in social conduct. I will not insult the readers inteligence by explaining this obvious comparison any further. Back when Vealinger reamarked ?the power struggle will continue while the great tale of humanity remains untold? [1] he, contrary to my learned colleague Sir George Allen?s recent publication ?Into the eye of , could not have been referring to eighteenth century beliefs regarding society. A society without balls is like a society without knowledge, in that it demonstrates a coherent approach, something so lacking in our culture, that it is not recognised by all.

Primarily balls builds trust among the people. Clearly it promotes higher individualism and obeyence of instinct. As soon as a child meets balls they are changed.

Economic Factors

Is unemployment inherently bad for an economy? Yes. We will primarily be focusing on the Maiden-Tuesday-Lending model, a classic economic system of analysis.


It is apparent from the graph that the influence of balls is strong. What is the secret to its strength? Obviously the average wage will continue to follow balls for the foreseeable future. A sharp down turn in middle class investment may lead to changes in the market.

Political Factors

Politics, we all agree, is a fact of life. Comparing international relations since the end of the century can be like observing the vote of the man in the street with that of one more accustomed to balls.

To quote the famous political Elijah Bootlegger 'You can lead a horse to water, big deal.' [2] I couldn't have put it better my self. When it comes to balls this is clearly true. I feel strongly that if politicians spent less time thinking about balls and put more effort into their family life, that we would have a very different country.
I hope, for our sake that balls will endure.


We can say with certainty balls is, to use the language of the streets 'Super Cool.' It enriches, ensures financial stability and always chips in.

What a great essay. Finally a word from super-star MacaulaySpielberg: 'I love balls? Yes! Hurray for balls!' [3]


Feb 11, 2001
An essay on Pissing on Electric Fence

Issues surrounding Pissing on Electric Fence can never be over analysed. At first glance Pissing on Electric Fence may seem unenchanting, however its study is a necessity for any one wishing to intellectually advance beyond their childhood. While it is becoming a hot topic for debate, there are just not enough blues songs written about Pissing on Electric Fence. It is an unfortunate consequence of our civilizations history that Pissing on Electric Fence is rarely given rational consideration by global commercial enterprises, trapped by their infamous history. Hold onto your hats as we begin a journey into Pissing on Electric Fence.

Social Factors

Comparisons between Roman Society and Medieval Society give a clear picture of the importance of Pissing on Electric Fence to developments in social conduct. I will not insult the readers inteligence by explaining this obvious comparison any further. When J H Darcy said 'fevour will spread' [1] she saw clearly into the human heart. More a melody to societies dysfunctions than a parody of the self, Pissing on Electric Fence demonstrates a coherent approach, something so lacking in our culture, that it is not recognised by all.

Recent thought on Pissing on Electric Fence has been a real eye-opener for society from young to old. It breaks the mould, shattering man's misunderstanding of man.

Economic Factors

Derived from 'oikonomikos,' which means skilled in household management, the word economics is synonymous with Pissing on Electric Fence. We will begin by looking at the JTB-Guide-Dog model, as is standard in this case. Oil

Pissing on Electric Fence

Clearly the graphs demonstrates a strong correlation. Why is this? It goes with out saying that oil prices will eventually break free from the powerful influence of Pissing on Electric Fence, but not before we see a standardised commercial policy for all. A sharp down turn in middle class investment may lead to changes in the market.

Political Factors

The media have made politics quite a spectacle. Placing theory on the scales of justice and weighing it against practice can produce similar results to contrasting Pissing on Electric Fence and ones own image of themselves.

We cannot talk of Pissing on Electric Fence and politics without remembering the words of style icon Vatusia T. Time 'I don't believe in ghosts, but I do believe in democracy.' [2] Considered by many to be one of the 'Founding Fathers' of Pissing on Electric Fence, his words cannot be over-looked. History tells us that Pissing on Electric Fence will always be a vote winner, whether we like it, or not.

I wait anxiously. What will the next few years bring for Pissing on Electric Fence?

To conclude, Pissing on Electric Fence is both a need and a want. It collaborates successfully, influences the influencers, and most importantly it perseveres.

I'll leave you with this quote from Keanu Schwarzenegger: 'You win some, you loose some, but Pissing on Electric Fence wins most often.' [3]

[1] J H Darcy - The Spaniard - 1988 - PPT

[2] Time - Yes Indeed - 1987 Indegro Books

[3] Your Pissing on Electric Fence - Issue 43 - Never Ever Publishing



Senior member
Mar 15, 2006
An essay on alternator-sized bulk beef

Man's greatest achievement? Perhaps not, but can you afford not to read on when I am about to tell you about alternator-sized bulk beef? The constantly changing fashionable take on alternator-sized bulk beef demonstrates the depth of the subject. While it has been acknowledged that it has an important part to play in the development of man, several of todays most brilliant minds seem incapable of recognising its increasing relevance to understanding future generations. It is estimated that that alternator-sized bulk beef is thought about eight times every day by the easily lead, who are yet to grow accustomed to its disombobulating nature. In the light of this I will break down the issues in order to give each of them the thought that they fully deserve

Social Factors

Society is a human product. When blues legend 'Bare Foot D' remarked 'awooooh eeee only my dawg understands me' [1] he must have been referning to alternator-sized bulk beef. Much has been said about the influence of the media on alternator-sized bulk beef. Observers claim it is quite good.

Recent thought on alternator-sized bulk beef has been a real eye-opener for society from young to old. It has been said that the one thing in society which could survive a nuclear attack is alternator-sized bulk beef. This is incorrect, actually cockroaches are the only thing which can survive a nuclear attack.

Economic Factors

Is unemployment inherently bad for an economy? Yes. We will primarily be focusing on the Lead-a-Duck-to-Water model using the median instead of the mean, where possible.

alternator-sized bulk beef

How do we explain these clear trends? It goes with out saying that the national debt looms over alternator-sized bulk beef this cannot be a coincidence. In the light of this free trade must be examined.

Political Factors

Much of the writings of historians display the conquests of the most powerful nations over less powerful ones. Comparing international relations since the end of the century can be like observing the two sides of alternator-sized bulk beef.

It is always enlightening to consider the words of that most brilliant mind Vatusia Shandy 'The success of any political system can only truly be assessed once the fat lady has sung.' [2] I argue that his insight into alternator-sized bulk beef provided the inspiration for these great words. It is a well known 'secret' that what prompted many politicians to first strive for power was alternator-sized bulk beef.
Why did alternator-sized bulk beef cross the road? - To get to the other side! Just my little joke, but lets hope that alternator-sized bulk beef doesn't inspire similar hilarity in the next elections.


To conclude alternator-sized bulk beef is both a need and a want. It sings a new song, it stimulates and always chips in.

I will leave you with the words of Hollywood's Keanu Paltrow: 'I love alternator-sized bulk beef? Yes! Hurray for alternator-sized bulk beef!' [3]


Diamond Member
Apr 24, 2001
An essay on Photography

The issues involving Photography has been a popular topic amongst scholars for many years. In depth analysis of Photography can be an enriching experience. Until recently considered taboo amongst polite society, it is impossible to overestimate its impact on modern thought. Often it is seen as both a help and a hinderence to socialists, obviously. Here begins my indepth analysis of the glourious subject of Photography.

Social Factors

Interweaving social trends form a strong net in which we are all trapped. When blues legend 'Bare Foot D' remarked 'awooooh eeee only my dawg understands me' [1] he must have been referning to Photography. Much has been said about the influence of the media on Photography. Observers claim it is quite good.

Primarily Photography builds trust among the people. Society says that every man must find their own truth. While one sees Photography, another may see monkeys playing tennis.

Economic Factors

The preceding section may have shed some light on society but to really understand man you must know how he spends his money. We will begin by looking at the Greek-Roman model, which I hope will be familiar to most readers.


There is no longer a need to argue the importance of Photography, it is clear to see that the results speak for themselves. The question which surfaces now is, how? My personal view is that inflation has always depended upon Photography to a certain extent, but now more that ever. The financial press seems unable to make up its mind on these issues which unsettles investors.

Political Factors

Modern politics owes much to the animal kingdom. Placing theory on the scales of justice and weighing it against practice can produce similar results to contrasting the two, equally popular approaches to Photography. If the reader is unaware of these, they need only to turn on the television, or pick up a newspaper or popular magazine.

We cannot talk of Photography and politics without remembering the words of style icon Vatusia Woodpecker 'I don't believe in ghosts, but I do believe in democracy.' [2] He was first introduced to Photography by his mother. If our political system can be seen as a cake, then Photography makes a good case for being the icing.
One of the great ironies of this age is Photography. Isn't it ironic, don't you think?


We can say with certainty Photography has, and will continue to be a major building block for the world in which we live. It brings peace, it stimulates, though Photography brings with it obvious difficulties, it is truly Photography.

I will leave you with the words of Hollywood's Macaulay Beckham: 'I would say without a shadow of a doubt: Photography ROCKS!!! [3]

[1] Bare Foot D - Classic - 1967 Stinton Records

[2] Woodpecker - Serving The Greats - 1990 Palmerston House Publishing

[3] Weekly Photography - Issue 54 - Rhino Media
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