The flu shot hysteria makes me laugh.

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No Lifer
Dec 14, 2000
Average american:


Goes to lunch:

I'll have a large coke with a double bacon cheezeburger and fries.


not true.

it's not the Average American just a small (but vocal) group of fucking idiots.


Jun 24, 2004
Still not getting the shot. Haven't been sick in 5 years with the flu and I take public city transit a good amount. Just wash your fcking hands like a religious freak and you'll be fine.


If you're taking public transit and don't get a flu shot, you're a jerk. You probably go into work when you're sick too, don't you?


Jun 22, 2001

If you're taking public transit and don't get a flu shot, you're a jerk. You probably go into work when you're sick too, don't you?

I don't get sick, dick-for-brains. I haven't missed a day due to sickness in 5 years, can you read? I wear a scarf over my mouth when on city transit and wash my hands about 8X a day. This shit isn't rocket science, and I laugh at you morons who are too lazy to do the same and have to get flu shots out of fear. And no, Purell doesn't do shit for virii so stop wasting your time with hand sanitizer.


Diamond Member
Feb 24, 2006
I don't get sick, dick-for-brains. I haven't missed a day due to sickness in 5 years, can you read? I wear a scarf over my mouth when on city transit and wash my hands about 8X a day. This shit isn't rocket science, and I laugh at you morons who are too lazy to do the same and have to get flu shots out of fear. And no, Purell doesn't do shit for virii so stop wasting your time with hand sanitizer.

You talk of getting the vaccine as if it's a stupid thing to do. I suggest if you got the vaccine, you would not have to be so anal about everything you do about not getting the flu. And of course your claim that sanitizers don't work are blatantly false. Have you ever notice that in any hospital, sanitizers are virtualy EVERYWHERE? Why do you think that is?????

If you're going to call other people idiots, you should be careful in your own posts not to write idiotic and uninformed lies.


Nov 18, 2005
Does Flu Vaccine contain Mercury?

Do a search for flu vaccine and mercury?

According to the CDC, vaccines labeled “thimerosal-free” often have a little asterisk next to those words which lead you to something like: “This vaccine has ‘trace’ amounts of thimerosal, which the FDA says is equivalent to thimerosal-free products.” If we look closer into “thimerosal-free” vaccines, we will actually find that there is still a toxic amount of mercury contained in them.

There are two kinds of flu shots given. One contains 25 mcg of mercury (in the form of thimerosal with is 50% mercury. There is 50mcg of thimerosal in this flu shot) and is often given as the “regular” flu shot to those with no special circumstances. The other kind of flu shot is labeled “thimerasol-free” (containing less than 3mcg of mercury) and is given to young children and pregnant women.

If we look at “safe” and “un-safe” levels of mercury, per the FDA, we find this:
2 ppb is the maximum amount of mercury that deems water “safe” for drinking
Anything over 200 ppb mercury is considered TOXIC [source - EPA]

After doing some math [you can check my math in the article: Vaccine Ingredients – A Comprehensive Guide], we find this:
There is up to 300 ppb mercury is in the “thimerosal-free” flu vaccine.
There is 25,000 ppb mercury given in the flu shot containing 25 mcg of thimerosal as a preservative.
No matter how you cut it, flu vaccines contain toxic amounts of mercury. So yes, the flu vaccines still DOES contain thimerosal. The claim that there is “no thimerasol” in the flu vaccine is a complete fallacy.

Personally, I would rather take my chances with the flu than be exposed to chemicals, such as mercury.

It's like people are sticking their fingers in their ears (or eyes in this case).

Different forms of chemicals are toxic and others can be nearly inert. Mercury vapor is very toxic and bioaccumulates while ethylmercury (the metabolitic bioproduct from thiomerosal) has far lower toxicity and its half life in the body is fairly short.

Your ppb argument is also nonsense. ppb is concentration, not total amount. You need to look at the total amount of bioaccumulateable mercury in drinking water and in a flu shot. If your drinking water was 2 ppb mercury and you drink 1L per day, you're already consuming 2 ug of mercury(and usually in a toxic form when it is found in drinking water) per day. Are you getting the flu shot daily and does yours come in the super-mega dose size of 500 ml?

To add to this:

Let's, for the moment, assume any version of mercury is the same as every other version of mercury.

You drink 2L of water daily (a little more than half a gallon, which is the typical amount most humans should consume daily). Let's go with the idea that there may be 2ppb of mercury in that. A liter of water is roughly 1kg. 2ppb, when measured against a kilogram of water, is going to mean 2µg Hg. (2 micrograms of Mercury, just to be clear).
Thus, every day, if at that concentration, you will consume roughly 4µg. Every. Day.
Maybe you get water that only has 1ppb Hg, so you get roughly 2µg Hg daily. Maybe some days you get that tasty water that is truly Hg-free. Well lucky you. But many times in your life, you will drink mercury.

In that there vaccine, if it truly contains 25µg Hg, would be the equivalent of taking in 2L of water with 12.5ppb. Maybe you only had to drink 1L with that concentration that day - that's a shocking 25ppb.
Notice how that's still well below the 200ppb threshold you even quoted?

And you only get that at one particular moment on one day (maybe annually).
So, it's not like you are even consuming 25ppb daily, let alone an astronomical 200ppb.

And as stated, that 25µg of mercury is actually ethylmercury, which does not accumulate in the body. Thiomersal breaks down quickly into the organomercury and other compounds (the others not bearing mercury at all, obviously).

Outside of the influenza vaccine for adults, it's exceptionally rare to find it in use for any vaccines as a preservative. In most developed countries, no childhood vaccines contain it.

Yet, for the fans of the anti-vaccine, OMG IT CAUSES AUTISM movement, this fact has no effect on their vocal objections. Autism diagnoses still trend upward, yet children aren't being exposed to any version of mercury in their routine vaccinations.
It couldn't be that our doctors are simply better at diagnosis autism, that more diseases are actually grouped into the autism-spectrum disorder family, and that they are more accurate with their diagnostics. No, not that at all - them lying politicians and vaccine manufacturers are simply finding ways to slip in more mercury into our children, even when they tell us they stopped using mercury completely!
Oh, and never mind the fact that even then, no study has ever linked autism to any version of mercury ever used, in the concentrations ever used.


Jun 22, 2001
You talk of getting the vaccine as if it's a stupid thing to do. I suggest if you got the vaccine, you would not have to be so anal about everything you do about not getting the flu. And of course your claim that sanitizers don't work are blatantly false. Have you ever notice that in any hospital, sanitizers are virtualy EVERYWHERE? Why do you think that is?????

If you're going to call other people idiots, you should be careful in your own posts not to write idiotic and uninformed lies.

1) Because hospitals are an environment with an abnormally high level of bacteria, are you really comparing an environment with patients to a workplace? Patients in hospitals cannot get up to go to the bathroom and wash their hands in many cases which results in the spread of it, so of course it's everywhere. I've volunteered in more than a few; it's not uncommon to suit up in protective gear for certain patients (immobile).

2) FYI, some hospitals now have hand sanitizer that allegedly kill virii as well, but this hasn't been released to the public yet. You don't need a flu shot if you're a healthy adult, washing hands a lot is fine. Masks are optional, but I would recommend putting something over your mouth like a scarf when in close spaces with a lot of people.

3) Keep using your hand sanitizer and wonder why you're still getting sick. Or better yet, stop being a lazy moron and wash your hands and stay healthy.


Nov 18, 2005
Uhhh, mercury isn't in flu vaccines. And, the compound with mercury in it isn't particularly toxic & passes through the body.

Getting the flu shot does NOT increase your risks of getting it. In fact, that sounds so retarded that I'm going to assume you're trolling - no one is that stupid. Further, as I pointed out either in this thread or the other vaccine thread, part of the problem with the "I got the flu shot, then got sick" is that the vaccine isn't effective within minutes. It takes a week or longer before the body's immunity builds up responding to the vaccine. If the people on that ship truly had the flu, then what likely happened is that they decided to vaccinate for the flu AFTER a couple of cases started showing up. On a ship, people are in exceptionally close proximity to each other & the rate of transmission is much higher. Also, as incorrectly pointed out earlier in this thread, and a probable contributor in that ship example, people are contagious before they start showing symptoms.

Or, to put it another way:
Observation: people living in very close proximity to one another get the flu shot. 50% end up with the flu anyway.
Your Hypothesis: the flu shot causes the flu in 50% of people.

Further evidence: how the vaccine works is fairly well understood - and it is impossible for it to cause someone to get the flue. In the general population, no one who hasn't been exposed to the flu prior to or shortly after getting the shot has gotten the flu.

Yeah - I've gotten the flu shot TWICE from the Army now (while at drill), didn't get sick.

I have gotten sick from being surrounded by Army-types, but it was the cold, and, thankfully, at completely different times... so I never had to deal with anyone saying "the flu shot got me sick!."

This year, we did the shots in early October, which helped I think because influenza wasn't really getting around much in Ohio at that point in the year. So nobody was actively harboring the virus or likely to get exposed in the week or so afterward (if anyone got it at home, I probably wouldn't know, however).

Plus, sometimes I think the "sick" reaction may be a strange immunological response, regardless if it's dead or not the unconscious mind can get weird about foreign invaders.

I mean hell, when I got my flu shot this year, I also was required to give up a vial of blood for blood-typing (apparently the government never officially did it) and also get my second round of the HepB (or was it HepA?) vaccine series. So I had three needles poking me back to back, which isn't bad - I've had that before, hell the year before when they gave me the influenza vaccine, the first round of said HepA/HepB, and the Tdap booster. But this year, my body got all weird on me - immediately after the second vaccine (third needle), I got crazy dizzy and probably came close to fainting. I've never had a problem with needles - I dislike the actual feeling, but sometimes I watch, sometimes I don't.
My body was just like: "woah man, WTF are these people doing to me? I think I might die! HELP!"


Jun 5, 2000
ANYONE that works with the public should get the shot.
Especially my friend at Walmart that is a checkout clerk.
He has the flu.
Slept on the bathroom floor for 3 nights just because he got tired running back and forth between the bed and the bathroom.
As he told me, "its coming out of both ends".
So why didn't you get the shot, I asked?
Answer, "Oh... I heard someone got it and died afterwards".

He did recover. But now has come down with the flu AGAIN. Twice now in a month.

that was not influenza


Oct 9, 2002
Saw a kid at Burger King sneeze upward into the spigots on the soda dispensers without even trying to stifle it or turn his head. I already had my drink.

While I was eating, I heard constant coughing and sniffling and noticed it was the same kid.

Then my brain stopped working and I got a refill of soda D:

I hope the virus doesn't survive very long on a cold surface.


Oct 9, 2002
It's not RNA vs. DNA that makes flu change so rapidly. It's segmented vs. non-segmented and the vast animal host pool (chickens, pigs and more) available to flu. Plus a few other things.

Yet another reason is probably the most FUCKING OBVIOUS one:

Flu mutates faster because it spreads faster as a respiratory infection. Polio and Hep C can't do that.

So that's 4 major reasons.

- RNA versus DNA means far more mutations and adaptations
- DNA sharing between different strains
- Infects multiple species
- Infects respiratory system


Aug 14, 2001
Saw a kid at Burger King sneeze upward into the spigots on the soda dispensers without even trying to stifle it or turn his head. I already had my drink.

While I was eating, I heard constant coughing and sniffling and noticed it was the same kid.

Then my brain stopped working and I got a refill of soda D:

I hope the virus doesn't survive very long on a cold surface.

Probably not so long if it gets hit with a carbonated beverage. Good luck though.


Oct 9, 2002
another thread in which TH rants about vaccines

He believes scientists should only work on cures instead of vaccines, but there's really nothing we have that satisfies his definition of a "cure."

Also, he wastes his computer's resources trying to "cure" a disease that's extinct in nature, but criticizes scientists for working on any vaccine that's not Hep C or HIV.


May 16, 2002

No I'm not trolling, and no I'm not retarded. Come on, no need for personal attacks dude.

I guess I should have just stated my opinion and left it at that since some people here can't even be civil over a fairly trivial thing such as a flu shot. Geez

Pray To Jesus

Diamond Member
Mar 14, 2011
I was reading this thread on my tablet which isn't logged in.

I saw a lot of stupid borderline retarded idiots in this thread talking about stuff like they are smart.

It's the same people that are already ignored on my account.

Makes me feel very good about my ignore list.


Diamond Member
Mar 28, 2003
I was reading this thread on my tablet which isn't logged in.

I saw a lot of stupid borderline retarded idiots in this thread talking about stuff like they are smart.

It's the same people that are already ignored on my account.

Makes me feel very good about my ignore list.

Jesus never put anyone on Ignore.

Shouldn't you be more like Jesus? Shouldn't you?


Oct 9, 2002
No I'm not trolling, and no I'm not retarded. Come on, no need for personal attacks dude.

I guess I should have just stated my opinion and left it at that since some people here can't even be civil over a fairly trivial thing such as a flu shot. Geez

It's not "trivial." It affects us all.


Administrator Elite Member Goat Whisperer
Mar 5, 2001
No I'm not trolling, and no I'm not retarded. Come on, no need for personal attacks dude.

I guess I should have just stated my opinion and left it at that since some people here can't even be civil over a fairly trivial thing such as a flu shot. Geez
I tried to be civil about it - I gave you two choices.
You said that the flu shot INCREASES the chances of you getting the flu.

What the flu shot does, as far as your chances of getting the flu, is a statement of fact, not opinion. Likewise, you could be of the opinion that 1=1=3. Do you know what we're going to think if you stick by a statement like that??

It was multiple choice - there are only two choices following that statement:
A) ignorant
B) trolling

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