The Future - my guess


May 31, 2002
Note that this is just a hypothesis / guess....I am just putting it in here for public record. I am not trying to start a debate. I wonder how many of these things, if any at all, will actually come true?

Short of a miracle, it is unlikely that a Republican will win the race for President in the coming 2008 elections. I also believe that the Democrats will take back the house and the senate at the same time. I've heard rumors that Condi Rice and Mrs. Clinton will run against each other, Republican vs. Democrat, but it doesn't matter...IMO, the Dem's will win, and "win big" this time around, and here is my hypothesis on what will happen during 2008-2012 and possibly until 2016 from our next "Democrat" (likely female) president:

1) The "War on Terror" will not end, but the US will remove itself from Iraq and also possibly Aphganistan (if it isn't out by then already).

2) The War on Terror will continue, but with the Democrat controlled government, the definition of a "terrorist" will be changed, and become more and more vague.

3) Different kinds of people will be appointed into office to run govt programs like Homeland Security, and will do so with an athiest-Democrat bias, instead of the current Christian, Anti-Arab and Anti-Muslim bias...this will be the backlash to the Christians for passing the Patriot Act, and supporting it to stop supposed terrorists...of which, 90% are now Arabs and/or Muslims. The Patiot act will be implemented in full force, with the FBI searching library records regularly, the govt putting cameras into the sky to watch your every move, and urban-area cameras will be widely placed in most large US cities (just like San Francisco started doing to a bunch of its highest crime intersections a few weeks ago).

4) The USA will begin to be more cooperative with the UN. No more wars w/out UN approval, no more propaganda w/out UN approval. UN troops will start to slowly enter the USA in order to "keep things under control."

5) POW's from Iraq, Aphganistan and other Arab countries will be freed, and there will be a huge Press Parade about it......the Republican/Christian run govt of the past will be frowned upon, and from then on, Christians will be seen as terrorists. Even young Christians who grew up in Christian families will no longer support Christian ideals, once this information is made public. The young Christians will begin to see what is really going on, or at least part of it, and it will cause them to turn away from their faith. This will cause inter-family conflicts on a larger scale. Father against son, and son against father.

6) Christians will start to plan and commit terrorist attacks against abortion clinics, stem-cell research labs, and Arab/Muslim mosques. This will give the atheist/Democrat controlled government further reason to label Christians as terrorists, just as Muslims are now labeled as terrorists.

7) The prisons that housed these "terrorists" of the past will remain open...this time only housing the neo-terrorists, AKA Christians, who started this whole death-WMD-terrorist propaganda in the first place.

8) Religous freedoms will be out the window by the end of the next president's 2nd term.

9) The USA will have a cashless, all-digital economic system before the end of the president's term (if it will be (2) 8-year terms)....I just don't think 4 years is enough. Smart cards will be used, and the multi-card system will be done with. Everyone will have one card that is their ID card w/ photo, all bank cards on it and all credit cards on it. It will be linked to each individual's SSN, and have all information about them on it. Embedded in these smart cards will be a RAM chip consisting of 10GB or more of data, which will hold all kinds of financial, medical and other personal data about each person.

10) The supposed "mark of the beast" system will NOT be passed due to lack of public support, but only the SMART card system will be used.

11) RFID chips will be used to track prisoners, parollees, every car/moving vehicle in the country, cell phones, GPS's, computers/laptops, cameras, luggage, and also people who use these devices occassionally. Even mail will eventually tracked with RFID...forget about tracking numbers from UPS or FedEx...RFID is the way to go.

12) Marijuana for any use (but first only for medical use) will become legal during the early to mid part of the president's first 4-year term. Hemp will also become legal to grow (not just use) in the USA.

13) Before the president's term ends (if it will be (2) 8-year terms), America will adopt a public health care system, so that every American will have healthcare. Because of this, America will start it's path towards socialism. It will start with health care, but will also lead towards the govt running energy companies and even manufacturing (cars, homes, etc.).

14) Since America has sent its manufacturing overseas, it will no longer be able to go to war w/out public, international approval....their ammo and weapons simply won't be shipped to them from the country in which they are manufactured.

15) The "eminent domain" law will be used more and more often....Poor people living in ghettos that are close to the beach or close to high-income urban/suburban areas will be forced to leave, and will often be forced to take the equity received from their "forcibly sold" house to buy a house in a different area at a higher price and a larger mortgage. This will force those people to work longer than before...thus upping US production/output per labor-hour, and also lowering unemployment (many of the people living in these poor areas are retired/elderly).

16) Inlation will be allowed at a higher pace, which will bring US incomes higher. The US housing market will slow down, and as incomes rise and real estate prices stablize, the democrats will do an overhaul of the US tax, which will include (obviously since it will be a Democrat tax overhaul) more government programs, higher tax rates, and a fewer number of deductions (including lower the amount that a home mortgage can be deducted).

17) Despite higher taxes, nothing will "crash," the economy will do fine...what people will notice is that they are earning maybe 10% more money, but doing 25% more work (longer hours, working on weekends, fewer breaks, and employers will demand more output per hour from workers).

18) Rural property owners will be bothered by corporations, rich people and elitists who want their land for natural resources (natural gas, oil, copper, etc.). These people will do anything within their power (legal or not) to get that land and its resources. The TV / public media will provide no media coverage of this at all.

19) By the end of the president's 2nd term, you will be able to buy a 19" LCD monitor for your computer for $100 at your local retail store. Computers will cost less than $500 for a loaded system w/ 2GB RAM, 1 terabyte of hard disk space and 4-5Ghz processing power. You will be able to buy 100GB of Flash memory (compact flash or SD card, or similar) for under $100. Flash memory will become widely used, including in ID cards, video recording systems, personal computers, .. and flash memory at less than $1 per GB, with ever high compression standards, will allow cameras to be placed just about EVERYWHERE, at an extremely low cost compared to now.

20) FEMA will be provided with a huge surge in funding, partially the result of higher taxes. FEMA will be asked to respond to ALL disasters, both natural and unnatural. FEMA will become the Nazi SS of the American government and military, and will conduct forced in-home searches for terrorists and terror cells. All religous people will be persecuted, especially Christians.

21) The Democrat-controlled USA govt and military will plan attacks on US soil, and blame Christians for it. Just like Bush did w/ 9-11 and the Towers against the Arabs, and just like Hitler did with the Reichstag against the Communists.

22) Stem cell research (AKA embryo-baby killing) will continue at a faster pace.

23) Genetically altered animals/livestock will be the norm. Forget anything organic unless you grow it in your backyard...and growing food/livestock in your yard will become illegal for one reason or another...the administration will figure out a way to deem it as "unsafe" for you. Next will be genetically engineered human body parts, and eventually genetically engineered humans...then genetically engineered half-humans / half-machines.

24) American moral values will go bye-bye. Abortion will be legal for kids 13 or older, just like Toys-R-Us stuff. Condoms will be available for free from your local middle-school science teacher, and free love / safe sex will be promoted as the solution for the fight against AIDS worldwide.

25) The feminism movement will move forward will full momentum during the president's term. Whether it's Condi Rice or Mrs. Clinton, or even a man as president, women will be given more rights over men, women will earn more money and spend more money than men, and a higher % of children in the US than ever will be left in single-family households.

26) Due to the Democrats' public consensus about the death penalty (most of them are against it IMO), the death penalty may be outlawed in the USA. It will be replaced with special programs that are meant to "heal" the afflicted convict of their sins. These special programs will be used throughout prisons for all kinds of prisoners, not just convicts facing the death penalty, and these programs will result in a larger % of American prisoners going insane. Insanity will be rampant in US prisons. The USA will have a higher # of prisoners than ever before. Despite the legalization of Marijuana, it is unlikely that prisoners who are in jail for marijuana "abuse" will be released. They will need to be put through the special programs before they are let go, so that they can't be let out unless they are insane first. This will result in bedlam and anarchy by ex-cons.

27) A higher # of people will be imprisonned in the USA than ever before, and a higher % of the population than ever before. Reasons will range from child abduction (when a person refuses to give their child up to the government), terrorism, Religious-abuse, or any other stupid thing the government can think of. Instead of executing prisoners, they will be "programmed" to stop commiting crimes. This will drive many prisoners (some of whom were wrongfully accused and wrongfully convicted) to become insane, and then be placed back into socieity as a guilty convict, with felony(ies) on record, and insanity as a new condition of life. These unfortunately insane people will have trouble finding jobs and living a normal life.

28)More children will be abducted from their parents by the government and their "family planning" organizations.

29)The national debt will stop to increase, and might even go down. Inflation is the key to allowing the national debt to be paid off slowly. (Inflation is good for entities with loans...the US government and the US public has loans: "National debt"). Allowing inflation to happen is the only way to start to allow the USA national debt to be paid back, or at least reduced.

30) Inflation will lower the value of the US dollar, which will also lower America's supremacy over financial markets. The main goal of the current Federal Researve chairman is to keep inflation in tact...the main goal of the next Federal Research chairman will be to pay of the debt and keep deficits low. I'm not sure how they'll figure out to keep deficits low, but a cheap US dollar and high inflation will certainly help much, if not entirely provide the solution for paying off national debt.

31) The average, young American student will become ever more stupid. With the push now for preschool for everyone, the government will have your kid starting at the age of 4. Here, your child will be taught communist style equality instead of American style equal-opportunity, and other socialist ideals like "support our leaders" and "be moral - support stem cell research and embryo-killing!"

32) Your rights will be violated and taken away from you, and your life will be further controlled than ever before, but everyone will be happy because they are "safe."

33) Just like today's young Democrats have forgotten about Watergate, tommorow's young Republicans will forget about George W. Bush and his wild war tactics / global domination plans.

34) No one will remember what the last president did, what any politicians did, what you said or wrote or what I said or wrote, unless it is repeated over and over again, loudly, on your TV, newspaper or Internet blog. Whatever is repeated loudly will be the truth to the public eye and ear. Whether it really happened or not will not make any difference.

35) We will forever continue to sink into an Orwellian abyss, never able to come back to the utopia we thought we once had.

What I do no know will happen or not, but am curious?:

1) The fact that the US government planned the 9-11 attacks will become public knowledge.

2) The USA will go to war with China due to competition for oil fields worldwide. If this DID happen, the US couldn't win, because we have lost our manufacturing base. China has been buying oil fields worldwide, and adopting treaties with countries around the world.

3) Mexico and the USA will become a merged-state.

4) Genetic alteration / engineering of humans will result in "mutants."

5) Govt-provided national health-care coverage will bankrupt the US.

6) The Fox News Channel will compete with Comedy Central for an entertainment base.



Sep 28, 2002
you wrote too much...I can also come with with 35 points without a basis or fact and call it a stab at the future...I'm not saying yours isn't correct, but the chacne it will be correct especially when you define so many points is very slim

Red Dawn

Elite Member
Jun 4, 2001
Originally posted by: PennyTibz
Note that this is just a hypothesis / guess....I am just putting it in here for public record. I am not trying to start a debate. I wonder how many of these things, if any at all, will actually come true?

Short of a miracle, it is unlikely that a Republican will win the race for President in the coming 2008 elections. I also believe that the Democrats will take back the house and the senate at the same time. I've heard rumors that Condi Rice and Mrs. Clinton will run against each other, Republican vs. Democrat, but it doesn't matter...IMO, the Dem's will win, and "win big" this time around, and here is my hypothesis on what will happen during 2008-2012 and possibly until 2016 from our next "Democrat" (likely female) president:

1) The "War on Terror" will not end, but the US will remove itself from Iraq and also possibly Aphganistan (if it isn't out by then already).

2) The War on Terror will continue, but with the Democrat controlled government, the definition of a "terrorist" will be changed, and become more and more vague.

3) Different kinds of people will be appointed into office to run govt programs like Homeland Security, and will do so with an athiest-Democrat bias, instead of the current Christian, Anti-Arab and Anti-Muslim bias...this will be the backlash to the Christians for passing the Patriot Act, and supporting it to stop supposed terrorists...of which, 90% are now Arabs and/or Muslims. The Patiot act will be implemented in full force, with the FBI searching library records regularly, the govt putting cameras into the sky to watch your every move, and urban-area cameras will be widely placed in most large US cities (just like San Francisco started doing to a bunch of its highest crime intersections a few weeks ago).

4) The USA will begin to be more cooperative with the UN. No more wars w/out UN approval, no more propaganda w/out UN approval. UN troops will start to slowly enter the USA in order to "keep things under control."

5) POW's from Iraq, Aphganistan and other Arab countries will be freed, and there will be a huge Press Parade about it......the Republican/Christian run govt of the past will be frowned upon, and from then on, Christians will be seen as terrorists. Even young Christians who grew up in Christian families will no longer support Christian ideals, once this information is made public. The young Christians will begin to see what is really going on, or at least part of it, and it will cause them to turn away from their faith. This will cause inter-family conflicts on a larger scale. Father against son, and son against father.

6) Christians will start to plan and commit terrorist attacks against abortion clinics, stem-cell research labs, and Arab/Muslim mosques. This will give the atheist/Democrat controlled government further reason to label Christians as terrorists, just as Muslims are now labeled as terrorists.

7) The prisons that housed these "terrorists" of the past will remain open...this time only housing the neo-terrorists, AKA Christians, who started this whole death-WMD-terrorist propaganda in the first place.

8) Religous freedoms will be out the window by the end of the next president's 2nd term.

9) The USA will have a cashless, all-digital economic system before the end of the president's term (if it will be (2) 8-year terms)....I just don't think 4 years is enough. Smart cards will be used, and the multi-card system will be done with. Everyone will have one card that is their ID card w/ photo, all bank cards on it and all credit cards on it. It will be linked to each individual's SSN, and have all information about them on it. Embedded in these smart cards will be a RAM chip consisting of 10GB or more of data, which will hold all kinds of financial, medical and other personal data about each person.

10) The supposed "mark of the beast" system will NOT be passed due to lack of public support, but only the SMART card system will be used.

11) RFID chips will be used to track prisoners, parollees, every car/moving vehicle in the country, cell phones, GPS's, computers/laptops, cameras, luggage, and also people who use these devices occassionally. Even mail will eventually tracked with RFID...forget about tracking numbers from UPS or FedEx...RFID is the way to go.

12) Marijuana for any use (but first only for medical use) will become legal during the early to mid part of the president's first 4-year term. Hemp will also become legal to grow (not just use) in the USA.

13) Before the president's term ends (if it will be (2) 8-year terms), America will adopt a public health care system, so that every American will have healthcare. Because of this, America will start it's path towards socialism. It will start with health care, but will also lead towards the govt running energy companies and even manufacturing (cars, homes, etc.).

14) Since America has sent its manufacturing overseas, it will no longer be able to go to war w/out public, international approval....their ammo and weapons simply won't be shipped to them from the country in which they are manufactured.

15) The "eminent domain" law will be used more and more often....Poor people living in ghettos that are close to the beach or close to high-income urban/suburban areas will be forced to leave, and will often be forced to take the equity received from their "forcibly sold" house to buy a house in a different area at a higher price and a larger mortgage. This will force those people to work longer than before...thus upping US production/output per labor-hour, and also lowering unemployment (many of the people living in these poor areas are retired/elderly).

16) Inlation will be allowed at a higher pace, which will bring US incomes higher. The US housing market will slow down, and as incomes rise and real estate prices stablize, the democrats will do an overhaul of the US tax, which will include (obviously since it will be a Democrat tax overhaul) more government programs, higher tax rates, and a fewer number of deductions (including lower the amount that a home mortgage can be deducted).

17) Despite higher taxes, nothing will "crash," the economy will do fine...what people will notice is that they are earning maybe 10% more money, but doing 25% more work (longer hours, working on weekends, fewer breaks, and employers will demand more output per hour from workers).

18) Rural property owners will be bothered by corporations, rich people and elitists who want their land for natural resources (natural gas, oil, copper, etc.). These people will do anything within their power (legal or not) to get that land and its resources. The TV / public media will provide no media coverage of this at all.

19) By the end of the president's 2nd term, you will be able to buy a 19" LCD monitor for your computer for $100 at your local retail store. Computers will cost less than $500 for a loaded system w/ 2GB RAM, 1 terabyte of hard disk space and 4-5Ghz processing power. You will be able to buy 100GB of Flash memory (compact flash or SD card, or similar) for under $100. Flash memory will become widely used, including in ID cards, video recording systems, personal computers, .. and flash memory at less than $1 per GB, with ever high compression standards, will allow cameras to be placed just about EVERYWHERE, at an extremely low cost compared to now.

20) FEMA will be provided with a huge surge in funding, partially the result of higher taxes. FEMA will be asked to respond to ALL disasters, both natural and unnatural. FEMA will become the Nazi SS of the American government and military, and will conduct forced in-home searches for terrorists and terror cells. All religous people will be persecuted, especially Christians.

21) The Democrat-controlled USA govt and military will plan attacks on US soil, and blame Christians for it. Just like Bush did w/ 9-11 and the Towers against the Arabs, and just like Hitler did with the Reichstag against the Communists.

22) Stem cell research (AKA embryo-baby killing) will continue at a faster pace.

23) Genetically altered animals/livestock will be the norm. Forget anything organic unless you grow it in your backyard...and growing food/livestock in your yard will become illegal for one reason or another...the administration will figure out a way to deem it as "unsafe" for you. Next will be genetically engineered human body parts, and eventually genetically engineered humans...then genetically engineered half-humans / half-machines.

24) American moral values will go bye-bye. Abortion will be legal for kids 13 or older, just like Toys-R-Us stuff. Condoms will be available for free from your local middle-school science teacher, and free love / safe sex will be promoted as the solution for the fight against AIDS worldwide.

25) The feminism movement will move forward will full momentum during the president's term. Whether it's Condi Rice or Mrs. Clinton, or even a man as president, women will be given more rights over men, women will earn more money and spend more money than men, and a higher % of children in the US than ever will be left in single-family households.

26) Due to the Democrats' public consensus about the death penalty (most of them are against it IMO), the death penalty may be outlawed in the USA. It will be replaced with special programs that are meant to "heal" the afflicted convict of their sins. These special programs will be used throughout prisons for all kinds of prisoners, not just convicts facing the death penalty, and these programs will result in a larger % of American prisoners going insane. Insanity will be rampant in US prisons. The USA will have a higher # of prisoners than ever before. Despite the legalization of Marijuana, it is unlikely that prisoners who are in jail for marijuana "abuse" will be released. They will need to be put through the special programs before they are let go, so that they can't be let out unless they are insane first. This will result in bedlam and anarchy by ex-cons.

27) A higher # of people will be imprisonned in the USA than ever before, and a higher % of the population than ever before. Reasons will range from child abduction (when a person refuses to give their child up to the government), terrorism, Religious-abuse, or any other stupid thing the government can think of. Instead of executing prisoners, they will be "programmed" to stop commiting crimes. This will drive many prisoners (some of whom were wrongfully accused and wrongfully convicted) to become insane, and then be placed back into socieity as a guilty convict, with felony(ies) on record, and insanity as a new condition of life. These unfortunately insane people will have trouble finding jobs and living a normal life.

28)More children will be abducted from their parents by the government and their "family planning" organizations.

29)The national debt will stop to increase, and might even go down. Inflation is the key to allowing the national debt to be paid off slowly. (Inflation is good for entities with loans...the US government and the US public has loans: "National debt"). Allowing inflation to happen is the only way to start to allow the USA national debt to be paid back, or at least reduced.

30) Inflation will lower the value of the US dollar, which will also lower America's supremacy over financial markets. The main goal of the current Federal Researve chairman is to keep inflation in tact...the main goal of the next Federal Research chairman will be to pay of the debt and keep deficits low. I'm not sure how they'll figure out to keep deficits low, but a cheap US dollar and high inflation will certainly help much, if not entirely provide the solution for paying off national debt.

31) The average, young American student will become ever more stupid. With the push now for preschool for everyone, the government will have your kid starting at the age of 4. Here, your child will be taught communist style equality instead of American style equal-opportunity, and other socialist ideals like "support our leaders" and "be moral - support stem cell research and embryo-killing!"

32) Your rights will be violated and taken away from you, and your life will be further controlled than ever before, but everyone will be happy because they are "safe."

33) Just like today's young Democrats have forgotten about Watergate, tommorow's young Republicans will forget about George W. Bush and his wild war tactics / global domination plans.

34) No one will remember what the last president did, what any politicians did, what you said or wrote or what I said or wrote, unless it is repeated over and over again, loudly, on your TV, newspaper or Internet blog. Whatever is repeated loudly will be the truth to the public eye and ear. Whether it really happened or not will not make any difference.

35) We will forever continue to sink into an Orwellian abyss, never able to come back to the utopia we thought we once had.

What I do no know will happen or not, but am curious?:

1) The fact that the US government planned the 9-11 attacks will become public knowledge.

2) The USA will go to war with China due to competition for oil fields worldwide. If this DID happen, the US couldn't win, because we have lost our manufacturing base. China has been buying oil fields worldwide, and adopting treaties with countries around the world.

3) Mexico and the USA will become a merged-state.

4) Genetic alteration / engineering of humans will result in "mutants."

5) Govt-provided national health-care coverage will bankrupt the US.

6) The Fox News Channel will compete with Comedy Central for an entertainment base.
Let me guess, you found your older brothers stash!


Sep 15, 2002
Here is a short list of what will happen next....

1 - I don't know what will happen.

Medicine Bear

Feb 28, 2005
I was reading it until I got the the point about UN troops being deployed in the states. Yeah right, only if they want to get their silly blue helmets shot off their heads.


Platinum Member
Aug 13, 2004
Originally posted by: Strk
Originally posted by: Red Dawn
Let me guess, you found your older brothers stash!



Democrats will win big in 2008? Keep dreaming.

This party at the current state will continue to fail because when they take two steps forward they always seem to take 3 steps back.



Diamond Member
Jan 5, 2004
Democrats will win when they stop voting against Republicans and start voting for Democrats.


Diamond Member
Oct 16, 2003
33) Just like today's young Democrats have forgotten about Watergate, tommorow's young Republicans will forget about George W. Bush and his wild war tactics / global domination plans.

Watergate was Nixon, thus Republicans not Democrats have forgotten.


May 27, 2005
Democrats were supposed to win big in 2000.....errrr........20002........errrr.......2004.........errrr......2006....


Senior member
Nov 10, 2005
Okay, to start with... what are you smoking and where can I get some?

Come on man, I read the beginning up through points 1&2 and thought maybe this was a serious post with a little thought behind it. I managed to read 3-14 and simply had to give up. I won't even attempt to address all the misconceptions you have about both parties in this country, because with a post like this, it is clear that it won't work. Just go put on your tinfoil hat and leave us alone.


Nov 27, 2005
Originally posted by: PennyTibz

Short of a miracle, it is unlikely that a Republican will win the race for President in the coming 2008 elections.

Sorry, but I stopped reading after this.

If one considers any product manufactured by Diebold a miracle....


Diamond Member
Sep 15, 2002
i think #35 is inevitable, but i tend to think it's going to take a bit longer than you predicted. there will also be more resistance than you might think. big brother as orwell protrayed it is something the middle and lower classes can unite over.


Senior member
Nov 10, 2005
I decided to read through the rest of your post just to see how insane it got, and I actually found some sense in it. Here is the one thing that is very true in your post...

Originally posted by: PennyTibz
34) No one will remember what the last president did, what any politicians did, what you said or wrote or what I said or wrote, unless it is repeated over and over again, loudly, on your TV, newspaper or Internet blog. Whatever is repeated loudly will be the truth to the public eye and ear. Whether it really happened or not will not make any difference.

This is exactly what already happens. This is how the Republican political machine operates, and it works very well. The mainstream media is stupid enough, that if Fox breaks a ridiculous story, they repeat it without looking into it just because it will grab ratings. That is where we get things like "I invented the internet", "I started the Superfund", etc. And because it is repeated an infinite number of times, it becomes viewed as the truth, when in fact it is a very clever twisting of the truth to make stating a simple fact look like being a braggart or liar.


Diamond Member
May 1, 2005
Originally posted by: Medicine Bear
I was reading it until I got the the point about UN troops being deployed in the states. Yeah right, only if they want to get their silly blue helmets shot off their heads.

Yeah, same here. When you hear about UN troops being deployed in the United States, its usually a piece written by a paranoid, rapture obsessed, right-wing Christian nutjob.


Jan 4, 2006
wtf?!!! i am spechless, dude how long did it take you to think and write all that umm well very informative information. even tho i think its complete insanity by another crazy right wing republican, im sure at least 2-3 things on that list will come ture. Diffently not the dems winning big tho. The republican party gots it on lock now, they know exactly how to win(or steal however you believe) a race.

tho if bush keeps actin like he's the only one who lives in america well then who knows, but yeah can i borrow some of your bro's weed man????


Jun 2, 2000
Originally posted by: PennyTibz
Note that this is just a hypothesis / guess....

Short of a miracle, it is unlikely that a Republican will win the race for President in the coming 2008 elections....

That's about as far as I got. Frankly, I think the next President will be John McCain. If so, hopefully he will clean house completely and abandon some of his more right-wing philosophies.



Platinum Member
Aug 13, 2004
Originally posted by: Thump553
Originally posted by: PennyTibz
Note that this is just a hypothesis / guess....

Short of a miracle, it is unlikely that a Republican will win the race for President in the coming 2008 elections....

That's about as far as I got. Frankly, I think the next President will be John McCain. If so, hopefully he will clean house completely and abandon some of his more right-wing philosophies.

While I believe McCain may be a good choice for President I do not believe he has the votes to when the GOP ticket.


Golden Member
Nov 2, 2005
I'm stocking up guns now in prep for the UN invasion. I'll get me a few of those suckers. Bush is wayyyyyy stupid.


Golden Member
Nov 1, 2004
A more reasonable prediction

1. Democrats wn big in 2006. Facing the pressure of impending impeachment, Bush resigns.

And that's about as far as I can see.


Senior member
Mar 8, 2005
good one. I support ommm what I read... I didn't read it all.. But, I don't support the christains of blowing up anything. We don't need that BS ... But the rest sounded good to me... Esp the leagelization part...


Senior member
Jan 12, 2001
the dems have a good chance to win the white house in 08. but not with hilliary. if the dems do win in 08 you wont notice much difference. both parties are big spenders now and their agenda is the win the next election
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