The great AT Linux/BSD/*NIX FAQ project!

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Platinum Member
Mar 27, 2001
I will appreciate this when you're done...thanks guys!

I'm now adding what I can: Questions!

Q. How do I share files/folders/pron/mp3s (across the network) with my Windows machine?

Q. How do I connect (across the network) to files/folders/pron/mp3s shared on my Windows machine?

Q. How can I check to see if my hardware component(s) are supported by Linux?

Q. What's the best WebServer for Linux? and how do I set it up?

Q. What's the best ftp server for Linux? and how do I set it up?

Q. What's the best mail server for Linux? and how do I set it up?



Sep 19, 2001
I don't know if you all will get into this, but my biggest problems with Linux are when things don't work according to the instructions, specifically when compiling software from sources. Notable past examples (which may be fixed by now) have been trying to put ALSA or Evolution on a Red Hat set up. I would get errors like "file doesn't exist" or "evolution requires ....." when in fact whatever package was indeed installed already. It may be a Red hat specific thing. I have installed software freom sources successfully on Red Hat and Suse, so it isn't like I have never done this, but more often than not, I get errors that aren't covered by the instructions, and I have no clue how to deal with them. Incidentally, the easiest software I have ever installed was the Mwave modem driver for my thinkpad 600...It was literally:
tar xzvf mwavem-yyyymmdd.tar
cd mwavem-yyyymmdd
make install

I have never had an easier software installation before or since. Why isn't installing from sources always this easy?

And by the way, thanks for the FAQ, it is really looking very useful.


Diamond Member
May 4, 2001
Here's something I recently figure out, might be useful info:

Question: How do I get TV-Out on an NVidia card working in Linux?

First off, this assumes you have properly installed the NVidia GLX drivers, and are using them. That shall be covered in another FAQ.

1. Hook your TV up to your card somehow. I do it by attaching the SVideo-to-RCA adapter to the card, and putting an RCA cable between the adapter and my VCR.
2. Open up your /etc/X11/XF86Config file in whatever text editor you like. You will need root priviledges to save the file, so make sure you launch the editor from a root shell, or use some other method to suid root the editor.
3. Add this entry below your monitor section in the file:
Section "Monitor"
Identifier "TV1"
HorizSync 30-50
VertRefresh 60
Option "TVStandard" "tv type"
Option "TVOutFormat" "COMPOSITE"
Replace tv type with the type of TV you're hooking it up to. If it's a TV from North America (US and Canada) you'd put NTSC-M here. I think TV's from most European countries are PAL-I. There's a big list of countries and their TV standards in the readme file. This can be found at /usr/share/doc/NVIDIA_GLX-1.0/README

4. Add this line at the end of your Device section.
Option "ConnectedMonitor" "TV"

5. Save the file.
6. Restart X, and the display will come up on your TV instead of your monitor.
7. Watch some DivX movies, or fire up a console emulator, or do any number of things that you'd rather do with a TV than with a monitor.
8. When you are ready to go back to your monitor, open up the /etc/X11/XF86Config file and delete the ConnectedMonitor line you added in step 4, then save and restart X.


Elite Member
Jun 10, 2001
Originally posted by: Woodie
I will appreciate this when you're done...thanks guys!

I'm now adding what I can: Questions!

Q. How do I share files/folders/pron/mp3s (across the network) with my Windows machine?

Q. How do I connect (across the network) to files/folders/pron/mp3s shared on my Windows machine?

If someone that knows SAMBA wants to field this one feel free.

Q. How can I check to see if my hardware component(s) are supported by Linux?

Are you serious on this one? I gotta write a FAQ on going to RedHat's site?

Q. What's the best WebServer for Linux? and how do I set it up?

Q. What's the best ftp server for Linux? and how do I set it up?

Q. What's the best mail server for Linux? and how do I set it up?

We can help out with the second part of each of those questions, but there are no answers for the first parts.



Diamond Member
Oct 10, 1999
Lots of good FAQs here! My stumbling area for a desktop FreeBSD machine was the whole deal with X Windows! Heck I still don't get it . something that describes an X-Server,X-Client, and how a Windows Manager works over top of X. I've never found any articles that explain all of it well, I had to take bits and pieces out of each article.


Golden Member
Nov 2, 2000
Mucman: Have you looked the explanation at X homepage? It's pretty primitive, but should give the picture how things work anyway. I may try to write article about X myself if you found that explanation in not good enough, though


Golden Member
Aug 14, 2001
Why not just a complete bash FAQ. Or even a "How to setup after install" ( That really seems to be a big one for a lot of peeps. ) last, maybe even a Samba FAQ? Seems that mojority of Linux users having this problem are still atached to their Windows systems.

Maybe I'm just going overboard. Just thought I'd add my $0.02.


Elite Member
Jul 26, 2000
Q. How do I set environment variables?
A. If you use bash:
$ export VALUE
If you use tcsh:

Q. How do I see a list of environment variables?
A. Type "env" and press Enter.

Q. What are environment variables?
A. I understand them but I cant answer this

Q. Why does bash use a nonintuitive system requiring exporting?
A. bash sucks


Elite Member
Jun 10, 2001
Originally posted by: AkumaBao
Why not just a complete bash FAQ. Or even a "How to setup after install" ( That really seems to be a big one for a lot of peeps. ) last, maybe even a Samba FAQ? Seems that mojority of Linux users having this problem are still atached to their Windows systems.

Maybe I'm just going overboard. Just thought I'd add my $0.02.

You realize how long those FAQs would be right? Might as well write yet another linux book


Elite Member
Jun 10, 2001
Originally posted by: Dreadogg
OMG all this linux knowledge and your giving away for free! I would expect, how to install software under Linux= Learn it yourself!. But I guess times are changing!

Some of us are tired of putting up with twits. Help out, or get out


Golden Member
Mar 1, 2001
Some of us are tired of putting up with twits. Help out, or get out
Man I can't, I really do not know that much when it comes to the linux thing. I know you all know I was joking when I said this especially the evil monkey, because I have seen you post that search response many of times! I really think its great that this is going to happen because I personally learned tons of stuff about windows on this forum hope all can be the same with Linux!


Elite Member
Jun 10, 2001
Originally posted by: Dreadogg
Some of us are tired of putting up with twits. Help out, or get out
Man I can't, I really do not know that much when it comes to the linux thing. I know you all know I was joking when I said this especially the evil monkey, because I have seen you post that search response many of times! I really think its great that this is going to happen because I personally learned tons of stuff about windows on this forum hope all can be the same with Linux!

I know you were joking, I included the to let you know I wasnt 100% serious. And, and all of the other Linux resources are great, and I wish everyone would check them first before posting a thread. I know that wont happen though, and Ive been trying to shy away from helping people. Im trying to just give answers now instead of teaching. But if an AT sanctioned FAQ helps, Im all for it. The OpenBSD Ports FAQ thing that I posted above focused on the basics of the OpenBSD ports system and a few tricks I havent seen documented anywhere (although Im sure they are, I have yet to find the source, or look that hard really).


Elite Member
Jul 26, 2000
... as I look through the first two pages wondering where exactly this thread went... and realize it is stickied to the top

I think this is a good idea, but learning from google is really better when you can.


Elite Member
Jun 10, 2001
"Help me" Thread Posting FAQ

We will start at the top

Search: Please search for previous threads on the topic you will be posting on. Many of the questions you may ask have already been asked. Do a search to find out.

FAQ: Check the FAQs to see if the question you are about to ask has been anwered there. Its a quick search, and the FAQs are extremely helpful.

Thread Titles: Please use an informative title. Thread titles such as "Help!!!!!!!!!," "I need help!," and "Serious problem!!!" are not very descriptive. I am less likely to look at a thread that has a bad title. If I see a title that interrests me or that I could possibly know the answer to, I will definitely stop by.

Post: Please use decent grammar in your posts! It does not have to be textbook perfect, but if no one can easily understand what you are trying to ask there is not much we can do for you.

Also, include as much information as possible. Without knowing any errors that may be popping up troubleshooting will involve several posts asking you to post more information. If you are having trouble installing linux atleast give us a rundown of your hardware and any errors that may pop up during the install.

Signature: Signatures over 4 lines long can be annoying. Scrolling through a half page sig wastes my time and patience.

Bump: Wait around 4 hours between bumps. On busier forums you may be able to bump sooner, but excessive bumping is annoying.


Senior member
Feb 27, 2000
Hey guys I think this is a great idea, but if you look around you will see linux sites with "How To's" and "Mini How-To's". Like this site



Golden Member
Jun 22, 2001
How to install applications under Gentoo:

1. Check to make sure the application that you want is in ebuild format by going here.

2. Now, type the command emerge rsync to update your portage tree which stores a list of all of the latest ebuilds so your computer knows what it can download and install.
3. Type in emerge --pretend app replacing app with the apps name on the package list. This will tell you all of the dependencies (other applications required in order for the application that you want to work), and will also give you an idea of how long it will take to install, the longer the list of dependencies the longer it will take usually.

4. Take out the pretend flag (--pretend) in the command that you typed in step 3.

5. Sit back and wait for the application to download and install.

Another useful command is -s. Use this command to search for applications. For example emerge -s nvidia will will return the results nvidia-glx and nvidia-kernel which are the packages used to install the nVida graphics drivers.

For more information on installing ebuilds in Gentoo Linux, you can go to their portage user guide or for more details on the portage system go to the portage manual.


Diamond Member
Sep 16, 2001
Nice thread, I'll try to help it. How about listing some good books and sites to read for a linux newbie (like me)
I'm reading "Running Linux" by O'Reily and it seems pretty good. It helps explain most of the things I've been doing in Linux. Here is a site that has helped me.

I can't think of more because I'm not on my main computer.


Administrator Emeritus<br>Elite Member<br>AT FAQ M
Oct 9, 1999
OK....front page article posted, with Electrode in the spotlight this week.

I've got plenty of FAQs here, so I can post a few every week. Don't worry...everyone will get their turn.


Diamond Member
May 4, 2001
right now, I'm working on a samba (accessing windows shares, etc) FAQ. It will be done in about 30 minutes.


Diamond Member
May 4, 2001
Sharing files between Windows and Linux
Question: How do I access shared files and folders from Windows computers, and how do I share files and folders on Linux?
Answer: Samba

All versions of Windows, and even MS-DOS, use the SMB protocol to share files and printers, and also to handle authentication. Samba implements almost all of SMB's functionality on *NIX systems, allowing them to take the role of a Windows NT domain controller. But most of us just use it to access Windows shares on Linux. This FAQ will tell you how to do just that.

This FAQ assumes you have Samba installed and properly configured, and that your kernel supports smbfs. If you're running a distro made in the last 2 years, it's safe to assume you're all set.

To access shared folders in Linux:
1. Open a shell.
2. Become root. su and enter your root password when asked for it.
3. Create a mount point for the shared folder. mkdir /mnt/share
4. Mount the shared folder. mount -t smbfs -o username=username,password=password //compname/sharename /mnt/share

Replace username with your username on the other box and password with the associated password. Replace compname with the name of the computer, and sharename with the name of the share.
If you didn't get any errors, you're all set. The folder is "mapped" to /mnt/share.

If you DID get an error, this part might help:

If the error said "can't open /etc/smb.conf: no such file" or something like that, ignore it. You don't need a config file just to mount shares.

If the error said "wrong fs type or bad superblock on //compname/sharename", it means samba isn't installed. Install it and try again.

If it said "unknown filesystem smbfs" or "kernel doesn't support smbfs" or something like that, it means you don't have smbfs support in your kernel. Run modprobe smbfs and try again. If it still doesn't work, you will have to build a new kernel with SMB support enabled.

If it says "couldn't connect to compname", open your /etc/hosts file and add an entry for the computer you're trying to connect to.

I think I've covered everything that could possibly go wrong with mounting, so let's move on to sharing.

To share directories on Linux:
1. Open a shell and become root, as described before.
2. Open your /etc/smb.conf file. kedit /etc/smb.conf (replace kedit with your favorite editor if you want)
3. Alter it like so:
1. Change the WORKGROUP setting to the name of the workgroup you want to be in.
2. The HOSTS ALLOW line should contain the list of IP ranges that are on your home network. For example, if your computers were all 192.168.0.* your line would look like this:
hosts allow = 192.168.0. 127.
4. Set SMB PASSWORD FILE to "/etc/smbpasswd"
5. On the INTERFACES line, list all of your computer's IP addresses, except the internet address if it has one. For example, if you computer had a loopback IP, an internal IP, and an internet IP, your line would be:
interfaces =
6. Save it and exit the editor.
4. Add an account for your Windows box. smbpasswd -a user password
Replace user with the username you want. and password with a password. The username should be a valid user on the Linux box.
5. Open up /etc/smb.conf again.
1. Scroll down to the Share Definitions part.
2. The first chunk would be the homes section. Edit it as neccissary to make it match this:
comment = Home Directories
browseable = no
writable = yes

3. Now add any other shares you want like this:
comment = Comment
path = /path/to/share
read only = no
public = yes

4. Save and exit.
6. Now start the samba server. nmbd -D and then smbd -D

While it's not very elaborite, or even very secure, what you have created is suitible for the home MP3 server. The hosts allow and interfaces lines are there to make the server inaccessible to anything other than the computers on your LAN, which is a pretty good security measure if you ask me.
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