From wikipedia...
Metallic gallium is not toxic. However, several gallium compounds are toxic.
Gallium halide complexes can be toxic.
[111] The Ga3+ ion of soluble gallium salts tends to form the insoluble hydroxide when injected in large doses; precipitation of this hydroxide resulted in
nephrotoxicity in animals. In lower doses, soluble gallium is tolerated well and does not accumulate as a poison, instead being excreted mostly through urine. Excretion of gallium occurs in two phases: the first phase has a
biological half-life of 1 hour, while the second has a biological half-life of 25 hours.
Inhaled Ga2O3 particles are probably toxic.
Pro tip: wikipedia is a good first step for random knowledge. It may not be perfect, but they have a good record for accuracy and editorial standards. A random web search is like using a magic 8ball. May be right, maybe not. Outlook not so good.