Discussion The impeachment inquiry into Joe Biden

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May 11, 2002
I have been riding the subway daily for nearly 15 years and have never seen something like this yet you claim to see this constantly.

I think you’re full of shit.

Like, I’ve never seen it once.

Come to think of it, neither have I.
7Train, the reds, the blues, the oranges,
this includes the obnoxious trek up the 100s

I don't doubt fights happen but in 23 years I can't recall any incidents.

Maybe I have a calming effect?

To say it doesn't happen at all is ridiculous.

3 weeks ago on Sep 11 night my wife wanted a night out when she saw the WTC lights.

We rode out the subway late at night and went into the City to a bar. We took the subway back when it was deserted at 3:30 AM.

Probably risky and shoulda taken a cab but nothing bad happened.

Even ran into a few guys on the train.. no problems what so ever. Everyone minded their own business!

So crazy stuff doesn't happen often, but it would be a complete lie to say it doesn't happen at all.

And when I say it actually did happen.. I'm made out to be a pariah or brainwashed by fox which I haven't watched since 2004.

If anything it undermines their credibility and not mine.
Reactions: Pohemi


Diamond Member
Sep 26, 2011
To say it doesn't happen at all is ridiculous.

3 weeks ago on Sep 11 night my wife wanted a night out when she saw the WTC lights.

We rode out the subway late at night and went into the City to a bar. We took the subway back when it was deserted at 3:30 AM.

Probably risky and shoulda taken a cab but nothing bad happened.

Even ran into a few guys on the train.. no problems what so ever. Everyone minded their own business!

So crazy stuff doesn't happen often, but it would be a complete lie to say it doesn't happen at all.

And when I say it actually did happen.. I'm made out to be a pariah or brainwashed by fox which I haven't watched since 2004.

If anything it undermines their credibility and not mine.
Maybe you have an enraging effect on people.
Reactions: Pohemi


Aug 5, 2000
This impeachment follies is a joke of course, especially whenever Jimmy the Hypocrite Jordan starts chewing on a mic, but while that comedy skit is going on Gaetz is stirring the shit in the House Freedom outhouse by trying to set fire to Kevin's throne and mounting his head on a pike. All this while the House Kookie Kaukus is trying their best to either shut down the gov't or punish the working class folks of America another way by drastically cutting every essential social service they can lay their tainted soiled hands on.

Meanwhile, the more Trump proves he is unqualified and incapable of being even .0000001% of a leader that Biden is and the deeper in legal quicksand he sinks the more his poll numbers go up.

Yet the folks who pledge allegiance to the MAGA Party of America still believe they are the ones who should be leading the nation into its future. That the racists, supremacists, nationalists, bigots and religious extremists of the nation should be calling the shots.

From what I understand about crazy people, that right there would land them all in the Funny Farm, straight jackets the formal daily wear. Yet they they are, millions of them Putin loving conservatives thinking everything's normal, well except that the liberal commie socialists are burning the nation to the ground. How's that for irony.
Reactions: iRONic and Pohemi


Diamond Member
Apr 2, 2002
I was reading John Kelly comments on Trump yesterday and I realize the problem is that most of Trump's supporter simply don't understand the words Kelly used to describe by Trump. You see Trump uses baby talk when describing people so his supporter can understand him.

As for this impeachment - what can we say it is a hit job on popularity. If you say it is true 1000's time a day eventaully it becomes true even if it isn't. Sort of like the election fraud of 2020.
Reactions: Pohemi


Elite Member
Mar 10, 2006
To say it doesn't happen at all is ridiculous.

3 weeks ago on Sep 11 night my wife wanted a night out when she saw the WTC lights.

We rode out the subway late at night and went into the City to a bar. We took the subway back when it was deserted at 3:30 AM.

Probably risky and shoulda taken a cab but nothing bad happened.

Even ran into a few guys on the train.. no problems what so ever. Everyone minded their own business!

So crazy stuff doesn't happen often, but it would be a complete lie to say it doesn't happen at all.

And when I say it actually did happen.. I'm made out to be a pariah or brainwashed by fox which I haven't watched since 2004.

If anything it undermines their credibility and not mine.
I’m not saying it never happens, because of course it does, I’m saying you seem to be claiming you see these sorts of incidents on a regular basis, which is wildly different than my lived experience.

Also, why would taking the subway then be risky?
Reactions: Pohemi


Platinum Member
Jun 18, 2001
How do I know he was an immigrant? He had an eastern European accent!

Good luck with your intuition but go search my posts.

Details are still the exact same as they were that day.

I will not change or add or subtract one detail from it.

Actually here's the post itself:

Coulda been Russian, Bulgarian, Polish, Romanian, or anything.. but definitely not an American accent.
So, your claim is and assumption , based off of an accent. Obviously you are not aware that we have many US born citizens who have non American accents, in this country. When you have bilingual families, and the primary language at home is not English, that happens. I have worked with many people like that over the years, Ukrainians, Russians, Vietnamese, Asians, Mexican, Columbian, the list goes on, all US born citizens who sound like they are not from the USA. (We are talking middle age people).

All you are is an ignorant bigot.
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Reactions: Meghan54 and Pohemi


May 11, 2002
Maybe you have an enraging effect on people.

Oh yes!

Quit a few jobs when big bosses were trying to abuse verbally.

Just quit on the spot, no notice. I'm sure the bosses were pretty enraged.

All you are is an ignorant bigot.

Oh yes, proudly so.

I don't like conservaterrorists, Trump, Trumpanzees, Russia, Russians, Anti-LGBT people and platforms and criminals who commit violent assaults, sexual assault or murder.

I feel zero empathy towards them or anyone who defends them.


Feb 6, 2002
People need to keep in mind 2 things can be true at the same time.

Someone can be a crime victim.
NYC is one of the safest big cities in the world.

Let's not make the leap

#1 Is necessarily lying
#2 Is not true because of right wing brain washing.

Someone being a crime victim isn't necessarily indicative of the overall health of a city. We are all victims of the incessant propaganda of Fox News and other right wing media that roll crime on a 24x7 loop and poison the well of rational thought.


Dec 15, 2015
People need to keep in mind 2 things can be true at the same time.

Someone can be a crime victim.
NYC is one of the safest big cities in the world.

Let's not make the leap

Someone being a crime victim is indicative of the overall health of a city. We are all victims of the incessant propaganda of Fox News and other right wing media that roll crime on a 24x7 loop and poison the well of rational thought.
In other words, the plural of anecdote is not data.


May 11, 2002
Quit being such a whiney ass.

Funny, I was just thinking the same about some on here that are so caught up in not becoming right wing, they start ignoring all else.

There's a lot of room inbetween full leftys and going full righty retard trumpanzee. Just because I disagree with you on some points doesn't mean I'm a full fox brainwashed right wing trumper!

People need to keep in mind 2 things can be true at the same time.

Someone can be a crime victim.
NYC is one of the safest big cities in the world.

I'd like to amend that a little.

There are always 4 sides to the truth.

1. What one person said
2. What the opposing person said
3. What you seem to be think happened
4. What actually happened!


Feb 6, 2002
Funny, I was just thinking the same about some on here that are so caught up in not becoming right wing, they start ignoring all else.

There's a lot of room inbetween full leftys and going full righty retard trumpanzee. Just because I disagree with you on some points doesn't mean I'm a full fox brainwashed right wing trumper!

I'd like to amend that a little.

There are always 4 sides to the truth.

1. What one person said
2. What the opposing person said
3. What you seem to be think happened
4. What actually happened!
This country is so poisoned that despite a large portion of the populus witnessing the Jan 6 attack on the country #1-4 in some minds are debatable.

Remember Charlottesville? Those weren't Nazis

Remember when Trump said, "don't believe your eyes and ears believe me"?
Reactions: Pohemi and Indus


Diamond Member
Oct 2, 2004
The Bidens took in millions from foreign countries / governments. That's an indisputable fact, correct?
Only against Trump and his own grifting / bribery could the Biden's not be "damaged goods".
But for Democrats to lower the bar to Trump....

If it was an internal party matter, the Bidens should be thrown out on their asses.

You must get pretty full, swallowing all that bullshit. Just....wow. Please stop intermittently jumping off the end of that pier.

Give evidence of these vague, Faux-ish claims or stop being an imbecilic mark.
Reactions: Meghan54


Platinum Member
Jun 18, 2001
Oh yes, proudly so.

I don't like conservaterrorists, Trump, Trumpanzees, Russia, Russians, Anti-LGBT people and platforms and criminals who commit violent assaults, sexual assault or murder.

I feel zero empathy towards them or anyone who defends them.
I notice you completed avoided what we are discussing here. (you know, your claim they where immigrants) Anyhow, being a bigot is not anything to be proud of. Bigotry is purely based on racism, hatred (normally unfounded hatred), and ignorance. But, I guess I can give you some credit, you admitted to being a bigot.
Reactions: Pohemi


Platinum Member
Aug 17, 2004
I’m just waiting for some house member to bring this up at the hearing. Was this ever investigated? Clear quid pro quo—much clearer than anything between Joe and Hunter Biden:

Nah, that's just whataboutism, Hunter is the real deal here, along with his crooked father. It makes people feel better thinking Joe Biden is a crook then they can say "see! everyone does it!".
Reactions: Pohemi


May 11, 2002
I notice you completed avoided what we are discussing here. (you know, your claim they where immigrants) Anyhow, being a bigot is not anything to be proud of. Bigotry is purely based on racism, hatred (normally unfounded hatred), and ignorance. But, I guess I can give you some credit, you admitted to being a bigot.

I don't have anything against immigrants. Go ahead search all my posts.

And yeah I'm definitely bigoted towards one eastern european accented white guy trumper!

Why would I lie about that? I live with the repurcussions of what that motherfucker did to my wife everyday.
Reactions: Pohemi


Platinum Member
Jun 18, 2001
I don't have anything against immigrants. Go ahead search all my posts.

And yeah I'm definitely bigoted towards one eastern european accented white guy trumper!

Why would I lie about that? I live with the repurcussions of what that motherfucker did to my wife everyday.
What a fucking liar. You have been complaining and arguing about immigrants in New York for how many weeks now? Or am I confusing you with someone else?

edit: Nope, not confusing you with anyone else.. just looked at your post history..


May 11, 2002
What a fucking liar. You have been complaining and arguing about immigrants in New York for how many weeks now? Or am I confusing you with someone else?

edit: Nope, not confusing you with anyone else.. just looked at your post history..

The only one lying is you.

I said it's losing dem votes and could turn elections around.

We've already lost 4 congressional districts due to concerns about crime and don't need to lose more.

GET IT FUCKING STRAIGHT rather than come up with lies out of your mother fucking ass.

Oh here's the proof:

Hate losing elections: YES

Hate towards immigrants: NOT FOUND

Fucking idiot

Actually WELCOME to FUCKING IGNORE for calling me a liar without any proof what so ever.

Have no patience for dingbats who make shit up like Fox does.
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Diamond Member
Oct 2, 2004
Why don't you just move out of NYC if the immigrants and crime is such a huge problem? JFC, go live in Jersey or something. You have been an alarmist for a while now over isolated, anecdotal incidents.
Reactions: Meghan54


May 11, 2002
Why don't you just move out of NYC if the immigrants and crime is such a huge problem? JFC, go live in Jersey or something. You have been an alarmist for a while now over isolated, anecdotal evidence.
I've lived here over 40 years. I like NYC.

The problem is you call the police.. they'll come in 45 mins or an hour later because they're overworked.

The problem is the politicians who ignore crimes and fill up their own pockets rather than put more police on the streets.

The problem is what NIMBY New Yorkers think.. they sympathize with migrants but don't like they're paying taxes to have them stay in expensive hotels when the taxes could be used for more police on the streets.

That creates the anti migrant sentiment.

I don't agree with it but it seems to be sticking locally and if I bring it to attention gets me attention from dingbats as I'm supposedly anti - immigrant now.

Fucking idiots.

But you do have to see what's a hot topic in elections.. not everything sells like healthcare and pre-existing conditions. Some stances aren't quite as popular and can be exploited by our opponents..

Edit: @Pohemi I gave what you said more thought.. yeah I think it's accurate to call me an alarmist since I was trying to raise the alarm on what I thought are bad issues for dems.
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Feb 6, 2002
The Bidens took in millions from foreign countries / governments. That's an indisputable fact, correct?
Only against Trump and his own grifting / bribery could the Biden's not be "damaged goods".
But for Democrats to lower the bar to Trump....

If it was an internal party matter, the Bidens should be thrown out on their asses.
Class A example of right wing poisoning.

Republicans repeat on a loop Biden Crime family. Now when people reference Hunter Bidens foreign income it becomes "The Bidens". I guess we also include the dog. There is ZERO evidence Joe Biden was taking any kind of kickbacks from foreign countries or companies.

The minute you ask for details in a follow-up, crickets. Did Hunter work for the government? No. Did Hunter get the Burisma gig because of his proximity to Joe? Possibly to likely. Did Hunter invent trading on his family name to get lucrative gigs? No. I give you the Bush's the Clintons, the Powells.

Is it illegal? No. Is it ethical? That is debatable depending on the circumstances IMO.

In the case of @Jaskalas is he misrepresenting intentionally or is he a victim of the right wing poison permeating the country?


Elite Member
Mar 10, 2006
I've lived here over 40 years. I like NYC.

The problem is you call the police.. they'll come in 45 mins or an hour later because they're overworked.

The problem is the politicians who ignore crimes and fill up their own pockets rather than put more police on the streets.

The problem is what NIMBY New Yorkers think.. they sympathize with migrants but don't like they're paying taxes to have them stay in expensive hotels when the taxes could be used for more police on the streets.

That creates the anti migrant sentiment.

I don't agree with it but it seems to be sticking locally and if I bring it to attention gets me attention from dingbats as I'm supposedly anti - immigrant now.

Fucking idiots.

But you do have to see what's a hot topic in elections.. not everything sells like healthcare and pre-existing conditions. Some stances aren't quite as popular and can be exploited by our opponents..

Edit: @Pohemi I gave what you said more thought.. yeah I think it's accurate to call me an alarmist since I was trying to raise the alarm on what I thought are bad issues for dems.
The police in NYC are not overworked - lol. NYC has roughly 50,000 employees for a population of 8.5 million. As a point of comparison the city of LA has ~12,000 officers for a population of 3.4 million. The ratio of cops to citizens is over 60% higher for New York!

The NYPD doesn't respond quickly because it is a rogue, unaccountable organization that deliberately chooses to threaten the safety and wellbeing of the residents of NYC whenever someone tries to rein them in.
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