The Jussie Smollett Affair

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Mar 25, 2001
See, here's the problem. You can't get around this by saying you agree there's racism in the abstract because you never seem to acknowledge it in any particular case unless it's racism against white people. If you ever have, it's been few enough times to escape my attention.

Suppose we had a poster here who, every time there was a thread about a cop shooting a black guy, always took the side that the shoot was bad and the cop was a racist. When pressed as to how he could believe that every case of a cop shooting a black guy was unjustified and because of racism, he says, "I never said that was the case every time!" Except every single individual case he had an opportunity to comment on he drew the exact same conclusion.

See the problem?

I would argue most instances of actual racism don’t make the news. I’d also argue the instances that make the news tend to be the over the top variety that lend themselves to hoaxes. Yeah there’s the lady that calls the cops because people are bbq'ing and shit like that but I’ve never said that lady wasn’t racist either. So no your assumption of "every single comment…" I don’t think actually fits me. So yes actual racism definitely exists. And yes nooses tend to draw skepticism from me.
Reactions: HurleyBird


Oct 18, 2013
It's the people who would choose to believe Jussie's story at the outset that you don't understand.

I used the word correctly in regards to what you post and how.

What a dumb thing to say. I understand the person, but, I don't understand the logic.

Do you know what a sociopath is? Can you explain how it relates here? I would bet you don't understand what it means to share the feelings of others. You should read up on antisocial disorders if you don't want to appear stupid.
Nov 8, 2012
See, here's the problem. You can't get around this by saying you agree there's racism in the abstract because you never seem to acknowledge it in any particular case unless it's racism against white people. If you ever have, it's been few enough times to escape my attention.

Suppose we had a poster here who, every time there was a thread about a cop shooting a black guy, always took the side that the shoot was bad and the cop was a racist. When pressed as to how he could believe that every case of a cop shooting a black guy was unjustified and because of racism, he says, "I never said that was the case every time!" Except every single individual case he had an opportunity to comment on he drew the exact same conclusion.

See the problem?

Racism isn't always easy to prove though - and you can't just keep claiming it over and over. It's not as black and white as you make it out to be - especially when there is a hostile situation. The brain can make us do stupid shit and it isn't always as simple as narrowing it down to "It was because of his skin color".

See this study: used by the article:

"White officers do not kill black suspects at a higher rate compared with nonwhite officers," concludes a research team led by Charles Menifield, dean of the School of Public Affairs and Administration at Rutgers University–Newark. "The killing of black suspects is a police problem, not a white police problem."

The main gist of it? Shooting is a problem in of itself. Regardless of race. The disproportions in racial make-up of deaths by cops is mostly attributed to the fact that they come into contact with those races more often... Which makes sense to a degree, cops are more likely to patrol/monitor places that have historically had the most crime... Because that's what they are supposed to do... deter crime.

I'm not saying there isn't a problem. I think the gist of the problem is trigger happiness altogether. Is there some ounces of racism seeped in there as well in some places? You betcha.
Reactions: UglyCasanova
Nov 8, 2012

No precise link - just a combination of how they have been performing the "investigation" to a perfect T. They were just doing everything they could to keep having Jussie talk talk and more talk. Because when you're making up a ridiculous story like this with so many minor details - you will fuck up what you previously said when you tell the story so many times on so many media outlets, to the cops, to others, to investigators, etc...

Also see allisolm's post below - perfect examples of him pointing out his own flaws.

TMZ (the world's most trusted news source, doncha know) says the whole thing is going to the grand jury next week. Not sure what all they're working on charging him/them? with. I guess we'll see.

Some interesting things from the article:

Love this one: "We're told investigators didn't believe the 2 alleged attackers screamed, 'This is MAGA country,'because, 'Not a single Trump supporter watches 'Empire.'"

"Our sources say early on they asked Jussie if he'd sign complaints against the 2 men who attacked him and he was clear that he would. But, when he found out the 2 brothers were the ones in custody we're told he said he knew them, felt bad for them and declined to sign the complaints.

We're told the way they tracked the 2 brothers down was by their movements in arriving and leaving the scene around Jussie's apartment building. As we reported, they left in either a cab or an Uber, but we're told cops tracked the vehicle and the 2 brothers got out on their way home and into another vehicle. As one source put it, "It was almost like a bad spy movie."

Cops were extremely suspicious when Jussie took them out to the area where he said he was attacked and pointed to an obscure camera saying how happy he was that the attack was on video. Turns out the camera was pointing in the wrong direction. Cops thought it was weird he knew the location of that camera."
Nov 8, 2012
You could say that but you can't deny it takes more effort to come up with an obscure Tawana Brawley reference over something that happened in 1987 (had to look up) vs the "B" girl which happened in 2008 (I remembered that one)

I'm going to be honest here - I have zero clue about Tawana Brawley - and I have no idea who mentioned that name other than you?

I certainly never did in any of my posts. Just clarifying here.
Nov 8, 2012
But you did enjoy my double-dildo comment re: you and UC, no? I thought you appreciated it as an "astute observation," no?

I can't deny it, I did get a good chuckle out of it.

I just hope the far lefties cleaned it off first from their rampant orgies


Dec 12, 2000
Sounds like he’s being written out of the final 2 episodes of Empire this season. Good riddance.

Also...felony charges incoming. I predict that his defense will try to paint this whole episode as “a performance art project gone horribly awry.”
Reactions: DarthKyrie


No Lifer
Sep 13, 2001
No precise link
So you claim that "They knew it was bullshit from the start, but they acted as if they bought it and were just doing their job to help him as a victim" yet you don't have anything to back this claim.

Alrighty then...
Nov 8, 2012
So you claim that "They knew it was bullshit from the start, but they acted as if they bought it and were just doing their job to help him as a victim" yet you don't have anything to back this claim.

Alrighty then...

If you're having trouble understanding what I mean (since you're obviously a bit slow here)... The investigation is still ongoing. It isn't solved. It hasn't gone to court. They are STILL actively not incriminating Jussie in hopes that he continues to spill more evidence to make their case even more rock solid than it already is.

They are STILL clearly running with that narrative because they didn't put Jussie up for arrest, they just wanted to do another sit-down interview with him to go over some more details.

You expect me to find a CNN article where they interviewed police and they say "Yeah, lol, we were trolling him the whole time".
Nov 8, 2012
@HomerJS Here is your laundry list of evidence, by timescale of the incident. Why it took you so long to snap back to reality I'll never know.

Evidence from the beginning
  • No one carries or buys a noose anymore. More importantly, not in a mega liberal city like Chicago - and they certainly wouldn't do it as a 'figure of speech' if someone was dumb enough to commit a crime with it... They would actually fucking attempt to strangle someone.
  • Not going to the hospital immediately. Going 45 minutes later is a red flag.
  • No real damage. No broken bones. No major bruises. No rope burn. Remember this is 2 people jumping one.
  • Bleach freezes. This was during the polar vortex.
  • No evidence of the bleach, just hearsay - I can't find anything on this.
  • No video surveillance of the incident itself is a red flag. Conflicts are pretty hard to fully conceal in public unless you are walking down secluded alley-ways. Cameras are everywhere now.
  • No witness' - when someone is yelling racial slurs across the street and charging someone and beating them. I understand it's 2AM, but it's also Chicago and people are yelling in public
  • By all accounts of the stereotyping done by lefties here - Redneck MAGA folks don't watch Empire - A show that is about a black homosexual. Hell, I bet most nerds here haven't even heard of it. Prior to this I had no idea who this douche was.
  • The story in of itself is just laughable. Criminals - especially stupid ones, don't have this elaborate plan to wait until 2:00 AM with noose, bleach, and a perfect non-camera place to commit a crime as if they knew he was going to get Subway that night. That just doesn't happen. Stop watching Crime Scene Investigation episodes and snap back to reality.
  • His stupid story of being a valiant hero that faught back against the evil MAGA people was laughably stupid as well.
  • Somehow his sandwich survives and after getting jumped is totally still thinking eating is a priority over seeking help.
  • Somehow his phone call with his manager survives during the whole ordeal.
  • Walks home with the noose around his neck for 45+ minutes. Again, should have gone directly to hospital or called 911.
  • Immediately wants media attention, interviews, posting to social media, etc...
Evidence during
  • Many different conflicts in his story.
    • Cops were extremely suspicious when Jussie took them out to the area where he said he was attacked and pointed to an obscure camera saying how happy he was that the attack was on video.

    • Changing of the story - Said attackers approached him individually - first one from his ABC News Interview "he said 'this MAGA country N*****' and punched me in the face and then I punched his ass back. So we were fighting fighting fighting and tussling by the stairs. Then there was a second person that was involved and was kicking me in the back". In the police report it conflicts, he told the cops that the "Two unknown males approached him and gained his attention by saying ver batim 'EMPIRE F***** N******"

  • Said "Without a doubt those are the attackers" referring to those grainy shitty surveillance photos that no one can identify anything from. You can't see a single thing in those - you would have just as much evidence with the human figures of a bathroom sign.

  • Not cooperating with police - Refused to hand over the phone itself for them to investigate. Somewhat understandable - BUT, you should at least be willing to give them anything related to the case that may be helpful.

  • Continue to Not Cooperate - Since he wouldn't hand over his phone or anything on it, they requested phone records (numbers dialed/received, times, length of call, typically on your monthly bill or statements online). Wouldn't cooperate here either, and only submitted "Refracted phone records" where he deletes OBVIOUS related ones that would incriminate him. Phone records were obviously vital evidence to this case.

  • Shames everyone as an attempt to try and silence and condemn the criticism of his "evidence" he says: "It feels like if I had said it's a Muslim or a Mexican or someone Black I feel like that the doubters would have supported me a lot much more - a lot more - and that says a lot about the place that we are at within this country right now. The fact that we have these fear-mongers"

Final Evidence
  • Jussie gets a lawyer
  • Initial lawyer drops his case because he is so stupid with his public speaking of sewing his own fate
  • Re-hires another lawyer
  • 2 Nigerians
  • Raided Nigerian household, find shit tons of evidence that they were the perps. Bleach, face masks, Red hats, magazines (cutouts to make letter), stamps (to send letter)
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No Lifer
Jul 12, 2006
My argument is that I think you are seeing the support and thus the problem of Trump smaller than what it is.

What do you think my argument is?

damn, I meant to say "comment"--not argument. And by comment, the general statement in your post--not what you were arguing. lol


Oct 18, 2013
damn, I meant to say "comment"--not argument. And by comment, the general statement in your post--not what you were arguing. lol

Either way, why would you respond by saying "I thought it was impossible that "Russians saying things" could never sway votes for other people?". That was never a comment I made. Its not a position I hold. My comment was that support for Trump is larger than just the people that voted for him, and thus, the problem of Trump is larger than you might think.

I'm confused as to why you brought up Russian misinformation and or propaganda given the context of our comments to each other as well as my position on that topic.


Jan 12, 2005
Wait, wait, wait.....are you telling me this is whole thing was a lie? Jussie lied?!

Looking a lot like it was fake news. Things are soooo terrible here, the fascist right is so much on the rise that a minority has to hire other minorities to stage Trump-inspired bigotry.

#jussiestrong #magacountry
Reactions: Atreus21


Diamond Member
Jun 12, 2008
(cutouts to make letter), stamps (to send letter)
Maybe it's been addressed, but as for timeline, the whole letter thing was a separate incident. That arrived at Fox Studios on Jan 22nd.

Apparently the reaction wasn't enough, so the attack happened on the 28th.

Amazes me that someone who was going to stage something like this would break it up into two "mind blowing coincidence" events just days apart from each other, using the same people, and think no one would think anything of it.

Especially a guy who's probably WAY more famous in his own ego than in reality.


Apr 8, 2013
Someone recently asked me about the post he made about the 90% thing. I said he was wrong for that. I do spend a lot of time on this forum, but, I don't follow people on the forum. The discussion about the 90% thing I totally missed. When it was shown the post I criticized it.

So ask again and I will address it. Just don't accuse me off something that did not happen.

Hey Brad, there's another thread now with a video of a man being asked if he's gay, and when he responds by saying yes, the man punches him in the face.

Guess who is now over there being skeptical of it? Someone and Slow. Now emboldened by getting lucky with Smollett, they'll question every incident no matter how obvious.

Don't tell me they aren't biased.
Nov 8, 2012
Hey Brad, there's another thread now with a video of a man being asked if he's gay, and when he responds by saying yes, the man punches him in the face.

Guess who is now over there being skeptical of it? Someone and Slow. Now emboldened by getting lucky with Smollett, they'll question every incident no matter how obvious.

Don't tell me they aren't biased.

Don't for one fucking second mis-represent my post - At no point did I say that I was skeptical of what occurred in that 8 second clip

In my second post quoted below, I literally said "burn him at the stake for battery or whatever presuming that this 8-second clip gives the overall story in full." Anyone with half a brain knows there is more context to an altercation than 8 seconds. Don't be stupid, and don't misrepresent what I said.

No - Not at all.

My main emphasis is that shoving a camera in someones face to the point where it is within punch-able distance is a little on you. It isn't difficult to pull out your camera, start recording, and still be at a reasonable distance. We have zero clue what the context of the situation here is. You have no clue what happened prior, nor after this TINY MICROSCOPIC 8-second clip - and neither do I.

Not saying that his actions are acceptable. Burn him at the stake for battery or whatever presuming that this 8-second clip gives the overall story in full.


Jan 12, 2005
Hey Brad, there's another thread now with a video of a man being asked if he's gay, and when he responds by saying yes, the man punches him in the face.

Guess who is now over there being skeptical of it? Someone and Slow. Now emboldened by getting lucky with Smollett, they'll question every incident no matter how obvious.

Don't tell me they aren't biased.

How was I skeptical, it is technically assault. All I said is that to me it was more of a douchebag asshole being a douchebag asshole than committing any sort of bigotry cased crime.
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